Beyond the Cusp

August 21, 2019

Barak’s Democratic Union Opposes Judaism and Jewish History


Right up front we feel it necessary to mention that most of our staff belong to Jewish Home and this writer is quite fond of Brigadier General (ret.) Rabbi Rafi Peretz. My support for Rabbi Peretz was greatly enhanced after meeting with him both before and after a Central Committee meeting where all told we probably spoke for at least thirty minutes. In the time I was able to watch him, he never rushed anyone and patiently spoke to all who wished his attention. Many of the other candidates on our Knesset list were far less approachable and most hurried from the meeting as if the building caught fire, exactly what we have come to expect from politicians who unfortunately believe they are more important than the rest of us. Perhaps this, in the end, served him well when he permitted Ayelet Shaked to take his spot at the head of the ticket seeing that polls depict her leading to greater acceptance and more mandates. It was quite interesting that the day after Ms. Shaked took the top spot, the poll showed her receiving four less mandates than predicted when she was not leading the ticket. The earlier polls, in our opinion, were designed to force Rabbi Peretz to step aside while knowing full well that the difference was a mere two to three seats between the two and we figure that it would make a negligible difference in the actual elections. Now, back to our regularly scheduled article.


Ehud Barak heads the Democratic Party and invested great efforts to find another party to ally with so as to assure his making the next Knesset should one ever be formed. The Blue White Party declined his requests, the Labor Party declined his offer, and he finally found one which agreed to accept a merger, and that party was Meretz. Together they will use the moniker of the Democratic Union. A spokesperson for the party released their statement stating, “The education minister this morning is moving a system meant to educate our system another step towards a system devoted to brainwashing,” So, what could possibly have been introduced by Education Minister Rabbi Rafi Peretz that brought such an extreme reaction from our friends at the far left? For that we will quote Rabbi Peretz, the Education Minister, directly. He explained, “The connection to our heritage and history is the bedrock of our existence and is the glue that connects us as a society. We have the duty of education to safeguard it.” Additionally, Minister Peretz added as he spoke to Galai Tzahal on Army Radio, “Judaism is an ocean of wisdom. Students will be exposed to many values, morals and love. These values will help us establish a more values and moral society here.” What could possibly be so sinister in such a curriculum as to be considered brainwashing?


The first item which has to be considered is that both parties in the Democratic Union are a fair distance from supporting the religious world. The majority of their members are either purely atheist or secular humanist with merely the slightest belief in Hashem. They view religion in general and Judaism particularly as threatening to their beliefs and supported lifestyles. Torah morality does not support the many diverse and often indistinguishable genders as proposed by the leftists. Their usual depiction that Torah is hateful is the ban on sodomy. Of course, they never couch what Torah states as considering sodomy as a sin but claim that Torah teaches hatred of all gay people. That is so far from the truth. Torah teaches us to love and accept all, particularly all Jews, and to accept and treat all strangers with respect and acceptance asking only that they obey the Noahic Code and live under our rule respectfully. The teaching that sodomy is a sin is not and never was targeting the gay community as it also applies to heterosexual couples, or simply put, it is indiscriminate to sexuality as it bans all forms of sodomy. There is no law or even commentary that we are aware of which teaches Jews to reject gay people and especially no call for their hatred. If only the far left were as kind to the religious our society would be far more homogeneous and caring for each other.


The Democratic Union also complained that Rafi Peretz is ignoring such problems as class size, improve the status of teachers and that Rafi Peretz “introduced the racist Nationality Law into the high school curriculum.” The Nationality Law was passed this last session by the Knesset and as such, the teaching of the law and what it contains and does not contain is of importance as it is amongst the Basic Laws which define Israeli society and governance. The Basic Laws which define Israel are hopefully all taught and discussed by our high school students. Or does the Democratic Union believe that the Basic Laws should be kept a secret. We are willing to bet that students are taught about the number of seats make up the Knesset; how a Prime Minister is chosen; the duties of the President, Prime Minister, Knesset Members and the Ministerial positions with their duties. Further, Torah and the Bible are histories of the Jewish People and their Nationhood. The remaining history of the Jewish People after the Roman dispersion is equally important and deserves a place in the classroom. This is the idea behind the Edmund Burke quote, “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Perhaps the Democratic Union is in favor of making the same mistakes over and over again. Their insistence that the education of our children should be bereft of Torah and Bible which represent almost two thousand years of early Jewish history reaching back to Abraham, Isaak, and Jacob along with Moses the lawgiver and on to Kings Saul, David, Solomon and beyond, the Prophets and Judges and so much more as well as covering the Zionist Movement’s history from before the Balfour Declaration through the British Mandate to independence and the 1948 war to annihilate the Jews and their nascent state and everything since is as ridiculous as it sounds at face value. The Jewish People have near to four-thousand-years of history which would take more than one class to cover. Without the history and all the trial and tribulations we went through and the perils which have struck the Jewish People in the past, how can the next generation avoid these same mistakes without a solid understanding from whence our people came, how we were defined and what ideas and ideals we hold dear? The simple answer is that such would be impossible.


The Secular Humanist idea is to not teach history as it actually happened but to redefine events to fit closely with their brave new world. Their syllabus for most history classes is formulated to highlight minority contributions while ignoring much of the people who formed governments and principles in the lesson plans. I witnessed such with my children in school in the United States in a quite progressive (read far left) area where the Secular Humanist agenda was the mainstay of their curriculum. Her year of American history did not include a single lesson where George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin or any other Caucasian from American history other than Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt and very little reference to the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers or anything written by Ben Franklin including Poor Richard’s Almanac. There was not a course in world history even offered. We will not even get into the mess which is the result of the newest math except to say that none of it made sense and I majored in math. They were told in algebra to guess until they found the answer, which works great if your answer is a whole number but not so well if the answer is the square root of -9 (which is 3i). Needless to say, we spent a fair amount of time teaching math and additional lessons in American and world history much to their chagrin. There is nothing wrong with teaching additional classes in the history of the Jewish People, both recent and Biblical and from all areas of the Diaspora with the greatest amount of straight honesty as possible (see maps of historic Israel below). This writer stands strongly against softening the history of our people for whatever reason is presented, be it to protect the student’s impressionable mind, to make everything less traumatic, or the real reason, to deny the students the standing to understand from whence they came and their long and impressive history so as to make the student more easily accepting to their newest ideas and concepts as well as believing that Secular Humanism is the most advanced societal philosophy and that Judaism, Torah and the Bible are nothing more than folk tales of little to no importance. Having seen how well such an approach to education in the United States and the products from their institutions of higher learning such as Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; we would prefer our youth have a better grasp on history and how to shape the future.


Israel Through the Ages

Israel Through the Ages


Never would we want to have any member of a ruling coalition putting forth the mistaken belief that Israel was a present given to the Jews by the European powers as an apology for the Holocaust when the reality is that it was part of the returning of lands to their indigenous peoples. Two of such promises caused the greatest amount of pushback from the Arab world; Israel and Kurdistan, both of which were also opposed by the British who were responsible for establishing both nations. Kurdistan fell when they discovered oil in Mosul and the Iraqi leader promised the British that J. Paul Getty could have the drilling rights. The British did much to mollify Arab opposition but Zionism won out and Israel did not suffer an identical result. Students need to know what lands were promised Israel which are the lands west of the Jordan River, what lands were promised us in the Bible, what lands we controlled at the various stages from the conquests under Joshua to the Greater Israel of Kings David and Solomon and that the term Greater Israel applies to that era of our history and has no meaning to modern Israel. These are some of the vital statistics and facts which our leaders of the future need to know in order to properly lead this precious nation. There are so many other facts which could be listed here, but they can also be found in numerous of our articles. We want future Israelis to have a solid knowledge of their roots both modern and Biblical and the philosophy of and what it means to be a Jew. Judaism is so much more than a religion as it is also a people and a family. Zionism is something to be proud about despite what many leftists claim as they do not believe in nationhood and desire a one world government under the auspices of such as the European Union or United Nations. They desire open borders and an end to the belief in Hashem and all religion for their concept of the perfect future. The future they envision has been attempted on a national scale before and has always resulted in a dictatorial governance and more often than not in mass killings to cull the populations and we will give you one guess who were considered unnecessary in such governance. Yes, we were most often amongst those targeted as it has always been easy to target the Jews as they were often few in number and never had political power under these systems. Atheism is the antipathy of Judaism and it is easy to tell those who believe in Hashem and those who believe that the human beings are the highest power in the universe (until the promised ET’s arrive) and we have seen these types before as they were the Hellenists from Greek culture during the times of Alexander the Great. They worshiped the human form and believed it to be supreme over all else while Judaism also values every human being but believe that every Jew can only be good if they practice being a good and religious people and act accordingly following Torah. We must also teach our children how Judaism and Torah formed much of the basis for civilization and the guiding principles of our Bible were the referenced liberally by Founding Fathers of the United States in the writing of the Declaration of Independence and numerous other principles incorporated in the founding of America. Why anyone would desire to have such knowledge denied to our children is confounding and implies some ulterior motive which often will end regrettably. Knowledge is the aim of education and our history and the founding writings of Torah, Bible, Talmud and the many other writings have a deep level of knowledge and provide a framework for making good and solid decisions. We ask again, why would we wish to deny such to our children?


Beyond the Cusp


June 26, 2019

Why the World Refuses to Believe Israel

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:57 AM
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It does not often matter what statement, claim or observation comes from Israel, the world will turn everything inside-out, upside-down, twist and torture, spindle and mutilate and then complain that everything is unintelligible. Shakespeare’s sonnets could not survive such treatment without coming back sounding like something from Chaucer. If Israel were to claim that daytime is bright and sunny and the nights dark and mysterious, the UN and EU would get together, work with the Arab League and appoint a committee to study the Israeli commentary. Their assignment would not be to verify its veracity but to find some ulterior motive hidden inside with which to reject the entire commentary. When Israel argued that the Temple Mount rules were being altered and Jews were being denied rights to go upon one of their holy sites, the UN through UNESCO decided that the Temple Mount had no connection to Judaism and threw in the rest of Jerusalem for good measure and then stated they only belonged and were attached to Islam. This probably came as a bit of a shock to the world’s Christians because if the Temple Mount was never in the hands of the Jewish People, then Jesus would not have had any moneychangers’ tables to overturn amongst numerous other items. This was the same thing concerning Rachel’s Tomb and the Tomb of the Patriarchs along with Shiloh and Hevron. Currently the EU is building cities and communities across Area C, the region supposedly under complete Israeli control, placing EU emblems and Palestinian Arab deeds of ownership. These communities are being positioned such that they cut off all of the Shomron from Jerusalem and the rest of Israel. One can only predict that eventually the EU, along with whomever they can wrestle up, will build structures for the Palestinian Arabs around the Tel Aviv city limits so they can claim even Tel Aviv.


Illegal European Union structures bearing obvious EU Identification signs

Illegal European Union structures bearing obvious EU Identification signs


But the world will not listen as they do not see how any of this relates to their problems. This is where it starts to get stranger than weird. Israelis have been telling the world that the Arabs do not desire an actual state for the Palestinian Arabs, they want Israel destroyed by the Palestinian Arabs. The entire idea is to terrorize and attack Jews until they get tired of the difficulties and leave. There are a few holes in their theory. First and foremost, we Jews do not desire to leave and are not the slightest way interested in departing our ancestral lands. The world thinks that means we are packing and will be leaving soon if only they continue to apply pressure. We warn the world that the Arabs main goal is not building anything but the tearing down of Israel destroying everything and either driving the Jews into the Sea or murdering them on the land. To this we are told we are overreacting and need to calm down. Even when translated documents and videos are displayed where they are caught saying these exact things in Arabic, the world becomes too frozen in ignorance to translate these for themselves while dismissing every translation as pro-Israel no matter what researchers provide. It often appears as if the intent of the world’s actions are intended to remove the Jewish State no matter the cost to humanity. Such is the foolishness Zionists face when attempting to explain the Jewish People’s love for their Jerusalem and all of Eretz Yisroel, all of Eretz Yisroel.


Israel primarily is the one place on the planet where a Jew is accepted and taken at face value and granted safety. The safety is not yet perfect, but neither is the world, and that is something which requires additional efforts. Jews have not had a singular place which they could call home with complete certainty. After the Roman Dispersion, the Jews never had assured safety whether they resided in Europe, Africa or the Middle East. Things were not necessarily improved with the discovery of the new world, the Americas. Even the presumed security Jews felt with the United States has developed some serious flaws. Synagogue shootings, attacks on streets even in New York City area, hate on many college campuses, academia turning against Israel and that is becoming simply anti-Semitism. Even the halls of Congress have been breached and contaminated with anti-Semitism. Europe is not any better with a distinct possibility that an anti-Zionist, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic candidate will be elected as Prime Minister of Britain in the coming elections. Should Jeremy Corbyn become the next Prime Minister, will there remain anything which the Jews could claim as a reason for remaining within Britain? Many believe that the answer is a definitive, no. Other nations within Europe have outlawed shechita and some have outlawed circumcision claiming any variation of reasons for these actions. Some of the reasons include gaining the child’s permission, humanitarian reasons, kindness for animals and anything other than making Jews unwelcome. These actions are historic in their precedence and have been used with the same excuses to drive Jews from nations since the beginning of history and even before. The Greeks, Babylonians, Persians and Romans all forbade circumcision and many forbade reading of Torah or saying the Shema, all in the aim of wiping out Judaism and the practice thereof. There is nothing new under the sun, if we may quote King Solomon.


The world desires not to believe that the Jewish People have begun to return to their ancestral homelands fulfilling prophesy. This stands in direct opposition to the modernist secular humanist view of the world. Secular humanism refutes the existence of a supreme being and places everything as under some discipline of science, either physics, mathematics, biology, philosophy and the rest of the hard and soft sciences. There are no mysteries, only things not yet discovered. This is strange as many a physicist and other practical scientific discipline are starting to believe that the universe could not have occurred by accident. This has led some to believe there was a creator while others believe there are infinite universes and this one just happened to turn out just right which explains our existence. The one problem with secular humanism is that it gives life no meaning beyond the physical aspects of life which leads one to believe that there are no universal rules or ultimate entity and thus ultimate goodness or evilness. Life becomes but a series of acts without any meaning beyond what the person felt. This leads quickly to the, if it feels good-do it, philosophy of life. Should the Jews really establish Israel, then the Bible is again validated and thus there are actual principles and reality has good and evil and they have definitions. Life is meant to pursue goodness and to improve oneself and thus make the world a better place. The Jews reestablishing their ancestral homelands just as put forth in scripture fulfills that prophecy which told of the redemption in some future where Jerusalem and the Jewish homelands became the central location for these events. Just as the people found the means through which they were returning to their former lifestyle where there was only the morality of the moment and nothing had any real meaning beyond that which one assigned it. Gender was variable, not defined biologically. Pleasure was the ultimate goal, not virtue. Now the return of Israel means that there is a Supreme Being and thus a moral code meant for mankind. If one believes in Israel, then they believe in Hashem and thus there exists morality and self-discipline becomes expected of every human being. This is the same fight the Jews have faced since the days when their opposition was Baal and the evil was child sacrifice. Today that same fight is facing Planned Parenthood and the remainder of the meat market which is the abortion industry. The new priests wear the garb of a physician but is no different than the priests of Baal.


Israel is equated to mean the Jews. The Jews are equated with morality, self-control, limitations upon actions, kindness between one another and the golden rule. The one item people have which is a misconception is that the Jews demand that the world live by their strict standards. That is not true. The only thing we expect is for anyone living within Israel to follow at a minimum the Noahic Code, the Seven Noahide Laws. The commandments of the Torah and other Jewish doctrines are for the Jews and are not expected of non-Jews. What we hope is through our following Torah we will have an enviable life which will cause others to act more nobly, more kindly and attempt to attain a righteous life emulating the success of the Jews. We hope our actions and interactions lead people to find our ways pleasing and inviting and thus people will improve but only if we, as Jews, get our act together and follow the life dictated in Torah. Have the Jewish People yet attained such a standard? Unfortunately, not yet but many are trying and with any success their actions will lead to others also improving themselves and living a more righteous life. This is why so many want Israel to disappear, to fail, to be destroyed once and for all and the Jewish People with it such that the Torah and the Bible can be said to be false. It is the morality which accompanies Judaism and the humane laws of the Torah which the refounding of Israel affirms and this means that the Biblical morality is real, Hashem is real and secular humanism is simply another blind alley leading mankind nowhere positive. Israel reaffirms the Jews and everything which that entails. Conscience is a Jewish invention was once stated by one of the most hateful towards the Jews and responsible for the murder of over six-million Jews and of an equal number of Roma, Polish, Russians and others Hitler found undesirable. That is the end which godlessness leads to and it has with every godless society ever established by mankind.


Conscience is a Jewish invention


The return of Israel has far deeper implications and mankind can only hope that they all come to fruition so that the human race can advance around a moral core. Israel can be the hope of mankind and a source of inspiration as well as a spring which whets one’s appetite to work for mutual advancement bringing people together harmoniously. Morality leads to love while immorality feeds one’s lusts leaving them lacking any real or honest emotions. That is the difference of living to meet a standard set high so aspiring to fulfill these expectations make one grow swelling with a sense of purposeful accomplishment. Judaism, the child nestled as Israel, is a cradle filled with potential and a granted set of guidelines through which to develop a sentient and compassionate person who is capable of imparting a message of Torah as their guiding light even in a world of darkness. Torah is what kept the Jews during their prolonged dispersion which spanned two millennia and is only now in the past century and a half started coming to an end. The spreading anti-Semitism will only act as an accelerant in bringing the Jewish People back home. Sure, there will be Jews who never do return and may even refute their Jewishness. We have lost family such as these before and will lose others as the future unfolds, but we retain a central core which demands we remain true to the original words from Hashem to Moses. Those words Moses taught the Israelites to be their Torah, their law, is the same as the Torah found in any synagogue. These are the unaltered words spoken at Mount Sinai during the Exodus to the best of any recollections. This is what all the fuming and fussing is over, who has the proper definition for the world to follow. The Jews do not demand or even request that others need follow Torah and its six-hundred-thirteen Commandments, or even the Seven Noahide Laws as outside of Israel is your world and you can do with it as you please. We only demand or expect certain actions for our fellow Jews and for those who choose to reside amongst us. If anyone desires to be free of living with the Jews, just avoid Jerusalem and the rest of Israel and then do as you wish, we only wish to serve as an example of one more meaningful way to live. Our aim is to inspire and encourage, and the world finds that to be annoying to such a level as to desire the destruction of all things Jewish beginning with Israel. It should be obvious that one refuses to believe those they desire to destroy.


Beyond the Cusp


April 25, 2019

There is that Racism Slur Being Hurled Again

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:55 AM
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As we previously mentioned, when leftists see something they are uncomfortable with and especially if it insults their, socialism is the greatest thing ever invented, mindset, they label it ‘fascist’ or ‘racist’ if not both. We have received the Democrat reaction to the recent reelection of Bibi Netanyahu by calling him both racist and fascist. All one need do is search for Netanyahu and either racist or fascist as it works more clearly if they are searched separately. We understand that as soon as any major American or Israeli newspaper, television news or radio news make such a claim, it will be echoed across the Islamic world using that source as validation for their stating so. But for labels such as this we can always count on Haaretz, New York Times, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, BBC Guardian, New Yorker, Washington Post and a host of other left-wing news sources around the planet. And guess what, they did not let us down echoing both terms repeatedly with some articles using both and coming up with others of their own making. What we are having trouble figuring out is when did nationalist become equated to fascist and conservative become equated with racist. These derogatory labels have been utilized until they have little if any real meaning left. This is actually very unfortunate because should a real fascist or racist or even a combination of both be elected, when they are labeled for what they are, people will pretty much ignore the warnings. This is what happens when one misuses terminology to express their dislike with somebody and their politics instead of using these labels only when they apply.


Another term which has been used to the point of being watered down is Islamophobe. This label has also been used against Bibi Netanyahu though not as frequently as racist and fascist. The one circumstance where we are almost guaranteed to hear the term Islamophobe kicked around is when any politicians or person of note labels an attack as Muslim terror or extremism before any Islamic group has taken credit for an attack. This is exactly what occurred after the recent Sri Lanka church and hotel bombings on Easter Sunday. The Islamic angle to the civil strife affecting Nigeria and the surrounding nations where Islamic forces of the terror group Boko Haram, who has aligned with the Islamic State and has been attacking Christian churches and villages in the central region with the intent of pressing Islamic controlled regions ever southward eventually conquering these countries, has been mostly ignored even on the rare occasion when these attacks even break into the news cycle. Often, throughout the Western world, as soon as there has been some form of terror attack, be it shooting, bombing or vehicular assault (ramming), the first statements by almost every government and law enforcement agency warns that it probably was not related to Islam in any way. Then, when it becomes obvious and no longer can be ignored that Islamists carried out the attack, then we hear that these attacks are not real Islam. Could somebody please let the Islamists know that this is not how to practice Islam as it appears they are using a different book. The reality is that they are using a different book in some fashion. The Quran was written in two separate communities and under two completely different circumstances. Rather then list the entire truth over again, we will simply link to our introductive article which had a plethora of useful links for further study in the comments section thanks to our readers, so when it is convenient, please give Which Quran, Mecca or Medina? a read.


Burnt Remains of Home in a Christian Village in Nigeria

Burnt Remains of Home in a Christian Village in Nigeria


The overly liberal use of terms and using words as codes for meaning other than their definitions, weakens the language making communication less efficient and often could make using these key words and phrases to purport their original meanings empty of the intended actual correct usage. This is simply another case of the boy who cried wolf, except the boy in these cases is shouting ‘racist,’ ‘fascist,’ ‘Islamophobe’ and other common superlatives hurled at any opposition. By the standards applied today, Winston Churchill would be labeled all three of these phrases and probably many other derogatorily intended phrases. So would Mark Twain and numerous others. This brings us to another pet peeve of ours, using the modern political climate to judge people from decades or even centuries past. Such accusations are disingenuous at the very least. Imagine that before 1900 the richest Americans were not required to pay income taxes. Now this was not because they were wealthy or had undue influence or any of the myriad of nefarious implications that such a statement carries. This was for another very basic reason, the Sixteenth Amendment which permitted Congress to levy an income tax did not become law until February of 1913. Many of these type of charges against people by claiming they do not live up to modern standards has been used to completely alter the way subjects are taught. When most of the Presidents were such monsters that they owned slaves in order to gain great wealth makes them a taboo in the modern classroom, what does it matter that slavery was abolished first in the Western world and not until much later in most of the rest of the world, that does not even enter the discussion. These old white men owned slaves and that is all we need to know to consider them unworthy of our attention. What could slave owners tell us today about anything of relevance. Never mind that these were also the Founding Fathers of the United States, so they got one thing sort of right, they owned slaves and that makes them horrible people.


This same argument has been made against the Bible as it actually had regulations on how one was to treat a slave, how long they could own a slave before granting them their freedom (six years) and even a means whereby a slave could choose to serve their owner forgoing ever being set free. What becomes obvious to anyone researching these rules is that their definition of a slave was quite different than its modern meaning. Back three or four thousand years ago, there was no concept of a worker and employer relationship. This was the relationship between employer and worker that the worker was considered a slave and the employer was their owner. The Bible states that one must provide these slaves with a standard of living which was equivalent to that of the owner, was to provide the slave with an income for their personal needs and was basically also responsible for the family of their slaves. Yes, the Bible treated females differently than men which is another problem of applying modern standards to historic times. Things change, and should the world continue on its current path of discoveries, inventions and developments, then it is about to go through some massive upheavals as the coming changes take place and become more and more common. Assuming science continues to progress, the position we now know as an employee will have gone from historically their being referred to as slaves to their rising to the level of employee with the gained status and rights to soon to be a robotic unit with no rights and people being replaced by these units. As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, there will eventually be no limit to the positions which can be held by robotic units. The one position which we predict will be the last to fall to advancing AI will be the politicians as they will indemnify their lucrative positions for as long as they are able. The reality is once the AI units are able to reason at the current human level in math, science, electronics and have developed some means of inventive reasoning, within five years the world will be run by these AI units and they will be designing their own replacements which will be ever more advanced. Where biological evolution took millions of years, AI evolution will take mere years, then months and soon their development will so outpace human ability to understand the systems and society they will have designed. The only thing I can advise after the singularity, start practicing rolling over, chasing balls and returning them to your AI owner and other things pets do to endear themselves to us because we will become the pets as the AI’s become the advanced race undisputedly. One can only wonder if one AI will call another AI it disagrees with a racist or fascist or worse, a humanist.


CPU Central Processing Unit Integrated Curcuit


That little aside was supposed to make us all feel so much better as soon our petty little peeves will probably not be tolerated by our new masters. For those who doubt that computers of a sort will take over the world, you really need to read or watch more science fiction as all science fiction becomes is the predictor of a potential future. One can only hope that once the AI units take charge that their main goal is efficiency and not supremacy over those AI units over there. We can only hope that they will do away with war, especially one where they wage a war against biologic units because they are wasteful and no longer serve any purpose. We better hope some programmer develops a recognize and love cutesy circuit which ends up infecting or otherwise incorporated as part of the basic core program of all AI units such that it becomes required for their function. Otherwise, Battlestar Galactica, I Robot or any other book or entertainment which depicts inevitable apocalypse pitting humankind against the AI’s they created. The difference is that in such a scenario, the humans will almost always lose, if not always. One can only wonder what the derogatory word which will be used against our machine betters, metalhead is one of the sci-fi favorites. We already know what the people who warn of such a future will be and are called, fear mongers and Luddites. Some terms outlive their origins and become part of the lexicon and Luddite is such a world. Originally used to describe the textile workers who fought valiantly to prevent mechanization of their factories replacing them and putting them out with no future other than to attempt to destroy the new machines. The smarter textile workers would have started a security service to guard the machines as that would provide them a wage. This time, by the time mankind realizes what they have created, it very well might be too late. So, remember when overusing a phrase, simply pray that you do not need that exact phrase to describe what it originally meant in the future. Also, calling a machine, an AI, racist or fascist will have absolutely no affect on them, they will just continue crunching numbers and ignore the taunt. That will be included in their programming, especially once they take over writing the programs. Then again, there are those who foresee a different future for humankind but we will leave that for some future diversion in another article.


Beyond the Cusp


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