Beyond the Cusp

November 13, 2016

Erdogan Declares Border War on European Union


Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President seemingly for life of Turkey has thrown the gauntlet down at the feet of the European Union (EU) demanding immediate action on Turkey’s demand for visa free travel throughout Europe from Turkey. With the onslaught of Islamic refugees emanating from within Turkey, it is little surprise if the EU is even the slightest bit hesitant to grant Turkey open borders with the numbers of refugees still residing in camps in Turkey. If this were the sole aggrandizement coming from President Erdogan it might be excusable, but there’s more. Erdogan has also expressed desires for Turkey to take steps, modest steps, but steps in reforming the Ottoman Caliphate. He has set his desires on incorporating Aleppo and Mosul into Turkey and expanding his borders southward taking areas of lands formerly part of Iraq and Syria and incorporating all the Kurdish lands into Turkey.


One might ask what would happen to the Kurds as the relations between Turkey and the Kurds has been rocky at best. This is where things begin to resemble the darker periods of Turkey’s history. The military incursion being executed currently by Turkey presumably to fight the Islamic State in Syria has been cover for their real intentions, eradication of Kurdish Peshmerga Militias and their other protective services. The actions by the Turkish military in Syria and suspected coordination in northern Iraq has been to ethnically cleanse the Kurdish areas in a similar manner as their historic Ottoman treatment of their Armenian minority population. The Armenians were a Christian minority residing in the northern areas of the Turkish Ottoman Empire who met a fate very similar to what the Yazidi faces at the hands of the Islamic State. What makes this threat to the Kurds all the more tragic is it was the Kurdish forces which rescued what Yazidi they were able to reach preventing a complete genocide of the people and now the Kurds may be facing a genocide themselves if they do not receive protection from forces capable of preventing the Turkish offensive against them. The first step would be the media and world governments actually recognizing the Turkish intentions for expanding their borders and eradicating the Kurdish peoples residing in northern Syria and Iraq. Unfortunately the Russians are fighting to save Bashir al-Assad and allied with Iran in this Syrian multi-front war and the Kurdish are not on the same team. What makes all this even stranger is the Kurds are not actually fighting Assad as much as they are simply defending their people from multiple threats. Assad and the Russians currently have no front where they are contending with the Kurds and unless they choose to fight the Kurds there would be no contention.


Greater Turkey

Greater Turkey


The Kurds have been the odd group out in the entire Syrian conflagration as their main intention has been to protect their own population from all outside forces. They have received limited assistance from any of the major powers and their main assistance came from what many might call the most unlikely of places. We will leave that for others to reveal should they so choose. Their main problem is they border a Turkey under leadership which imagines themselves the new Caliph and envision returning to their vision of a renewed Turkish Empire eventually on the grand scale which was the Ottoman Empire at its peak of power and expanse. The world is going to need to awaken and realize that there are still forces which believe they are destined by their deity to rule the world. Granted they will spend much of their time fighting one another for supremacy and once Europe has been subsumed there will be new leaders with the vision of world conquest rising from these new fronts.


These threats are real and need be addressed through some means by the rest of the world before such dreams become everybody’s nightmares. Today the main nations whose leaders envision world conquest are limited to Iran and Turkey but one must also figure for the Islamic State and Muslim Brotherhood who have their own plans for world conquest. The world had thought after defeating the Nazis and the fall of the Soviet Union’s empire, that world conquest as a viable concept had been defeated once and for all. Unfortunately that conclusion appears to have been premature as there remains another group who believe the world was made to be their apple to do with as they please and all must bend to their will. Until Islam has realized that their dream is everyone else’s nightmare and will eventually be recognized and their dreams of world conquest will bring ruin upon them and that their only choice will be accepting that others have rights to believe and live as they please. Until that day there is still a great threat in this world which need be remedied and the sooner the better. The first step might be the EU turning the Turkish request down cold and demand they have Visas to enter Europe; otherwise close the border. Unfortunately it will take new leadership across Europe before they will stand on principle. That can only lead to greater difficulties in the very near future. Where are the leaders for tomorrow or is there to be no tomorrow?


Beyond the Cusp


October 31, 2016

Rampant Roiling Anti-Semitic Hatred Rising


First and foremost, anti-Semitism rarely happens in a vacuum, it is almost always accompanied by another plague, the coarsening of the public to the needs of the less fortunate such as the handicapped, mentally challenged, reality challenged and hardened hearts against the unwanted unborn, a misnomer if ever there was one as almost every baby would be treasured if only allowed to be adopted instead of aborted. That is an issue for another time but first this must be stated. Adopting a baby in the United States has reached a point where Federal, State, Local and Federally mandated State requirements weed out the majority of families simply because they lack sufficient funds and do not know the right people and were unaware that today one need hire a lawyer for anywhere, depending on the aims of which child one wish adopt, of as high as a quarter of a million dollars and starting at over twenty thousand dollars just to clear the government regulations. Then there are financial requirements so a family who wishes to offer a young child love, affection and do everything they are able may not pass the litmus tests to adopt a child in the United States. Perhaps returning the responsibility for vetting potential adopting parents where it once was, with our religious institutions might return sanity to the current pay-to-play system.


The main plague which comes with anti-Semitic hatred is it never stops there and there is always the next group, and this time in the United States it may well be Native Americans who practice their native religions and honor their gods soon after by the Christians of all denominations and will eventually target the secularists who place their faith in mankind and government. Along the way there will be more than desirable targeting of the LGBT community as the dreamed of perfectly multicultural societal mixture is obtained where the United States population closely represents the official numbers claimed to exist in the world’s population. While this will be occurring there will be the continued drumbeat detesting the unproportional amount of “Islamophobia” defined as the illegal and undesired persecution of people of the Islamic faith far above the average of any other hate crimes. This is a politically correct smokescreen and a lie and in the more extremist corners of the Islamic society where this canard was hatched as a weapon actually means that the American people are not falling all over themselves seeking to convert to what they consider the only true religion to which all must belong. The graph below depicts the percentages of hate crimes for 2014 which is indicative of the average over the last fifty years including 2001 and 2002 after the 9/11 bombings. If the figures were proportional to population, then Islamic hate crimes should have been a mere one percent making the reported hate crimes sixteen times their population numbers, while Catholics are twenty-one percent of the population and had six percent of the reported hate crimes; so obviously there is a greater out of proportion of Islamic hate crimes. But that pales compared to Jews who are less than two percent of the population receive fifty-seven percent of hate crimes which is twenty-eight and a half times their population which, unlike what is often quoted fact, the anti-Islamic hatred is not the worst in the United States. The numbers do not tell the half of the story as anti-Semitic acts have grown at nearly double the rate of any other group simply in numbers which grows worse if population proportions are included. The numbers in Europe are even worse for the Jews who have begun to vacate the entire continent. The snakes of anti-Semitism are slithering freely in the world.


Hate Crimes Motivated by Religious Bias for 2014


There is another strange occurrence when it comes to anti-Semitism, it is found in some of the more remote corners of our little world, even those where there is no record of a Jew having lived or even conducted trade thus there having been no recorded contact with anything Jewish yet they exhibit anti-Semitic feelings. Recently the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) did a world-wide survey to measure the current levels of anti-Semitism in the world. A graphical representation of the main findings of their one-hundred nation survey is pictured below with greater map at the site linked above along with the entire report and updates. Looking at the map it becomes quite evident where the largest resentment, one might claim hatred, of the Jewish people arises. It should also not be surprising to know that the majority of the nations making up MENA (Middle East and North Africa colored in brown) evicted over ninety percent, some even one-hundred percent, of their Jewish populations in the decade after Israel was founded. These Jews by in large resettled in Israel as other nations made requirements that they have family or other stipulations to avoid taking any significant numbers while others simply refused any entry. These non-European Jews make up close to half the Jewish population and as intermarriage between European Jews and MENA Jews are common as is intermarriage across all ethnic lines within the Jewish community, that making any reference to a difference is rapidly becoming a moot point. Israel is rapidly approaching having simply Jews with no reference to nations or continents of origins and efforts are being made to further make the society one even to having a single Chief Rabbi when the next selection is made. Israel is facing a second influx of European Jews as anti-Semitism recently has grown worse in much of Europe.


World Anti-Semitism Survey

World Anti-Semitism Survey


The worst regions for anti-Semitism have also demonstrated other signs of bigotry and hatred. One example of such was the attempted genocidal erasure of the Yazidi People in Iraq by the Islamic State. There has also been systematic persecution of the Kurds as well as Sunni-Shiite violence going back centuries. Many MENA nations having basically rid themselves of their Jews are now working on eradicating the next group on their infidel roster, Christians. One of the least discussed bigotries and subjugations and eradications is the treatment of Christians in the world. A direct result of anti-Semitism is anti-Christianism. The usually noted path starts with the Jews and once the Jews have been eradicated comes the persecution of Christians throughout the world where Christianity is in the minority. What makes such hatred so dangerous today is that Christians are approaching minority status in many parts of Europe and the numbers of Jews in Europe is falling at an ever increasing rate which places the persecution of believing Christians ever closer and immediately behind them will fall the secularists, especially the professed atheists, as they will be identified as wayward Christians who have served their purpose of continued silence or even active participation in the removal of Jews and/or Christians. For those questioning how such will come to be, research history from around the year 620 through to 750 and consider that Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Spain and more were predominantly Christian and Jewish and before 615 there is no reference to Islam or Muslims in any name or form (see map below). Even the Saudi Arabian Peninsula from the Iraq and Southern Syrian borders to and including Yemen were almost entirely Christian, Jewish or idolaters many of which worshipped their Moon god ‘Hubal’ at the Kaaba where Mecca stands today. Hubal is reported to have gained favor over another of the pagan gods often referred to as ‘Allah” though many Islamic sources denounce this. Let us simply leave this as contested and not given the weight of fact until otherwise validated.


Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule

Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule


The reality is that should the uncontrolled influx of Islamic ‘refugees’ continue there will erupt even greater and more frequent violence. Many of the self-defacing lessons about Christian barbarism against Arabs and Muslims such as the Spanish Inquisition and the various Crusades were not offensive actions without prior historical facts of the Christians being forcibly thrown from their lands, remaining Christians enslaved or persecuted even crucified for denying Allah and Mohammad as their deity and prophet and renouncing Jesus as more important than Mohammad. The real downside came for the Jews who were persecuted by both Muslim and Christian always accused of assisting the other no matter who had won the day. Islam has attempted through three main pushes to conquer Europe with the first being tuned back at the battle of Tours and the other two stopped at the gates of Vienna. The defeat of Islam which is being avenged currently includes the sieges of Vienna and the defeat of the Ottoman Empire which replaced the first Caliphate and is often referred to as the last Caliphate. Turkish President Erdogan fancies the reestablishing of the Ottoman Empire and has started his quest by attempting to take Aleppo and Mosul while eradicating the Kurds. We discussed that recently here. There are other leaders who envision their rise to caliph such as the leader of the Islamist State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, or the Supreme Leader of Iran, not necessarily the current person but more some future Supreme Leader which will posthumously grant the predecessors with the honor of the title as well. The Saudi Royal Family should not be included as we do not intend to slight anyone. Once upon a time Saddam Hussein considered himself the next to conquer the world for Allah and become Caliph. Oh to dream…


Beyond the Cusp


October 30, 2016

Why We Think Trump Had Said NATO is a Problem


Donald Trump is doing something of which very few of us will ever understand the difficulty. For people used to blurting out whatever is on their minds, damn the consequences, it becomes even rougher row to hoe. Being of a similar mold and having attempted a run for office you quickly realize that there are some truths you hold close and can never reveal as they are one of many blocks of Kryptonite. The problem arises at some point where your natural nature breaks through and you start to speak one of those truths which must not be spoken and as they start to slip your lips you recover just short of the hidden nugget within which is the real poison to your campaign, so you quickly and abruptly end your sentence as smoothly as possible. The media, the darling little devils, are a devious lot and when they smell an opening, they are like jackals on carrion tearing at the carcass of the bedeviled thought seeking that hidden nugget. When Donald Trump complained about NATO, I got the sense that his problem was not the financial costs as he maintained upon further pressure from many media types. As Trump is closer to a third party candidate where there is no Republican running, he has been pestered and hammered from both ends of the media and his rather combative nature tends to allow for more unforced, though coerced or due to carefully laid traps, misspeaks and half-speaks leading him ever further down the rabbit hole, and wonderland is the worst place for a politician to end up as there it most certainly ends with the Red Queen screaming, “Off with his head,” pointing at them. And who wants to be executed by a horde of red animated playing cards? Such has been the NATO issue and the reason is far more potentially intriguing than the answers we have been giving, not that we disagree with having those nations incapable of providing the troops required to field NATO adequately to its demands having to pay the United States for making up the difference.


Thinking of what else Donald Trump might have been told which could include NATO it became obvious when it leaked into our ears, well, before our eyes really, the answer to the riddle and it concerns one of our pet problems with the world, Kurdish independence. The plan is to make Syria a collection of autonomous cantons with the Syrian government responsible solely for those items which cross the borders such as main roadways, money, national defense and others. The first canton mentioned was for the Kurds in the north and northeast of Syria. This was leaked as part of a report by respected Turkish journalist Mahmut Borzarslan who gave information we received in one of our memos from American Center for Democracy concerning a plan being brought forward initially in Syria by the Russians. The initial laying out of the plan while receiving all-out support by the Kurdish representatives was roundly dismissed as pure fancy with no hope of acceptance by the Syrian government of Bashir al-Assad be their position less tenable than they may yet realize. What makes this all the more interesting is that the Kurds would be natural allies to the United States as they have proven extremely helpful in Iraq allowing American forces to concentrate on the bigger problems while they basically ruled and kept straight the entire northern third of Iraq and assisted with the pacification of Mosul. Further, the Syrian Kurds, with assistance from their Iraqi cousins, have had the greatest success against the Islamic State defending their own held areas while liberating other areas with some of the toughest fighting coming for control of the city of Kobanê, which they accomplished with some assists in the form of targeting Islamic State positions with bombings, and a remarkably few at that. The Russians will soon point out that if Bashir al-Assad desires to remain among the living and rule over anything he will need to realize two things, he can only hope to rule an Alawite Canton and only that with the second, Russian assistance and if he desires the second he will need to accept the first. This he will understand even if the Russians need ground their planes, silence their artillery and retreat their forces to hold only Latakia and protect their naval instillations there.


There is no means on Earth which would make this idea acceptable to President Obama as his new best friend forever and darling of the Muslim Brotherhood since the fall of Egyptian President Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood government has been Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The removal of Morsi and his gang of undesirables proved the Egyptian people more knowledgeable than the United States President and State Department, the latter not that difficult a feat as it takes minimal common sense and does not require literacy, calling on even the military to retake power as they would be a kinder and more beneficent master. The added problem is where Donald Trump and NATO come into the picture. Turkey is a member of NATO due to their geography. They hold the southern front on Russia, formerly the Soviet Union and the reason for NATO, and control the Dardanelles, the waterway and series of straights leading from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea and the world and also the Russian access to a warm water access to the Atlantic Ocean (see map below). Being a NATO member, Turkey could claim and likely verify terrorist threats against her by Kurds being aided and secluded by Syrian Kurds making a case for it being an act of war. As attacking Kurdish region of Syria would place Turkish fighter aircraft in space over Russian zones and might even draw Russian assistance to the Kurdish side as the Kurdish actions have aided Russian interests, they could demand military assistance under the NATO Charter. Should the United States enter such a conflict in even the smallest of means; one could bet the Kurds would have no alternative but to request Russian assistance even simply to provide air cover to prevent bombings as the Kurds have no air forces and likely minimal if any air defenses. Remember that Turkey has already downed a Russian fighter jet under somewhat questionable conditions and Russia is not a nation to forget such and jump at an opportunity to repay in kind and then some. This could quickly get out of hand with Russian and NATO, potentially including United States, aircraft in combat against one another. Does any rational person really want to see where such could lead?


From the Sevastopol Docks and Shipyards Across the Black Sea then Through the Bosphorus Strait and the Dardanelles to the Mediterranean Sea and thus the Atlantic Ocean

From the Sevastopol Docks and Shipyards
Across the Black Sea then
Through the Bosphorus Strait and the Dardanelles
to the Mediterranean Sea and thus the Atlantic Ocean


For this reason and numerous others, it will be best left until after the United States Presidential Elections and the late January inauguration before any serious negotiations on such a solution can have any hope to progress. This is where Hillary Clinton can claim that Putin would prefer Donald Trump as both she and dear Vlad know theirs would be a tumultuous relationship at best and adversarial at the very least. If there is to be any cooperation between the United States and Russia on Syria and a host of other areas, then Donald Trump need be the next United States President. Hillary Clinton has already made it clear that her foremost foreign policy objective will be to humble and force Putin to bow before her will from the very first moments of her reign. This is also one of the main unspoken fears, dare we say horrors, many foreign policy theorists and experts foresee. The guaranteed irritant on so many trouble spots and potential disasters would result from a continuation of an American shirking of international responsibilities. Should America continue leading from ever further behind soon to never even arrive, added to a focus on pressing only Russia and President Putin frustrating him while continuing to arm “rebels” in Syria, could lead to an ever greater set of conflicts. Add the blindness to Islamic pressures and subversions would bring much of the ensuing violence down initially upon Europe and soon thereafter on the United States as well. As learned, or not, from both world wars, the United States sitting on the sidelines refusing to lead the powers of democratic governance, freedom and liberty against the powers of darkness and human bondage; be it physical, mental, spiritual or otherwise; only prolongs the insufferable carnage and adds, nay, multiplies the numbers of combatants and innocent civilians slaughtered and can even place the final outcome in doubt as was the reality in World War II where had the Nazis broken through Stalingrad and connected to the Arabian oil fields the outcome may have been very different. Of course should Donald Trump become complacent concerning the possible designs Vladimir Putin may be considering for Eastern Europe and many of the former Warsaw Pact nations, that too could lead in a very threatening and dangerous direction. Oh the trials and tribulations of trying to run the world with so many other actors filling the stage. The solution in Syria will never resurrect the visions of Bashir al-Assad and he may become the sole obstruction to an agreement all the other groups agree with once the Islamic State has been vanquished, an inevitability no matter who wins the election. Such a position would make Assad a problem for Russia, and even worse, for Putin which would make Assad no longer desirable. That would be a very nasty place to be standing surrounded by Russian military and special agents and further, Bashir al-Assad is not unreplaceable with a new and compliant Alawite leader and there are likely quite a few just waiting for such an opportunity. Assad should remember the Arab Code, “Me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world. And all of us against the infidel.”


Beyond the Cusp


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