Beyond the Cusp

November 27, 2016

The World is What We Make It!


Our world is at a threshold and a divergence and at this time nobody appears to be driving. Islam desires to tame the developed world and slam it forward to the seventh century which will result in starvation for the majority of the world. Meanwhile the developed world is humming along ignoring every warning sign concentrating on more glitter, better slogans, merchandising, and every distraction they can find to avoid addressing anything real. The world now has a good idea of what the future holds if the United States withdraws within the hard shell of her borders and decides isolationism is preferable to dealing with the problems in Europe and especially in the quicksand of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). President Obama claimed the world was messed up because of the meddling of the United States. He saw the United States as the source of the problems as the United States was everywhere where there were problems. Perhaps that was because the United States was attempting to deliver the solutions, not causing them. If what President elect Trump stated during the campaign, we can expect him to keep things close to the vest, which means, unless it becomes unbearable, we can expect the United States to expend all their resources to repair and jumpstart their economy. One hope is that a President Trump Administration chooses as their economic advisors people who are intelligent enough and of the correct preference so as to not start a trade war with tariffs as threatened in speeches and they keep the promise to avoid at all cost anything resembling in the slightest of means Keynesian economics, which was developed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes during the 1930s in an attempt to understand the Great Depression. President Obama used it with his repeated stimulus programs as had President Bush before him and further was behind their Quantitative Easing (QE) where they electronically invented funds they pumped into the economy to prop-up the stock markets. The thing that makes for hope is that President elect Donald Trump promised change and drastic change at that and with that there is hope that the United States will redirect itself in a more hopeful direction.


The problem is the world may not want to wait until January 20, 2017 to start and seek a new direction and move forward on that path. There are leaders in Europe who have made humane decisions without considering the consequences of those actions. They took in refugees in numbers without any vetting or other considerations and then attempted to cover-up the resulting waves of violence and sexual assaults including a massive wave across German cities at train and other transportation and assembly points on New Year’s Eve. France, England, Sweden and other European countries have had similar problems and similarly covered them up even when it was general knowledge that native girls were all subject to being abused regularly by the new immigrants. This is the divergence and unless it is spoken of and identified it cannot be opposed and steps taken to ameliorate the situation. There need be alternatives to the leadership who when presented with their mistakes decided to double down. They were looking at a demographic challenge of an aging population and negative population growth and rather than alarm the public and challenge the people and alter their habits through tax incentives to have children, something lacking in most European nations as they practice take all the funds and then dole it back to the public sparingly for little items such as housing, transportations, food etc. The Europeans have spent a long history attempting to perfect socialist engineering and government programmed social engineering. They have failed but refuse to admit their errors because their lives, the elites, have it pretty good deciding how the little people live and they keep the little people diverted, fat and happy, as the saying goes. The problem is their social engineering forgot to plan for a future which had been guaranteed by that other controlling factor of European history, religion.




The governments refused to share the people and insisted on total control without sharing and they targeted religion for extinction. They succeeded and religion died, and with it the future of Christian Europe. Now Europe will face a different future, the one it had fought for fourteen-hundred years and now are handing their continent over on a pewter platter, they cannot afford silver. Their leaders have surrendered and hardly appear to care as long as they get to age without a care and remaining fat and comfortable. One can only imagine what guarantee of a retirement resort and other guarantees from the coming masters of the new Europe, the Mullahs’ Europe. The people of Europe have been conditioned to being a kept people and they can only hope that they are not challenged to convert or die as the Quran demands the Islamic conquering armies to demand soon after conquest, and that is what is coming under the current European leadership with a few choice exceptions. The lucky nations know who they are and have choice leaders they should treasure and support as they may have saved some of European culture. The best way to support these leaders is take in any fleeing European Christians and start having children. If Europe is to survive, it needs to reverse the population decline when it is all said and done. Perhaps there is a core of Europe which can survive and even a chance that the whole of Europe can revive its culture but first the people, particularly the youth, need to choose life, particularly new life, children, many children and the first step to reaching this new utopia is revamping governance and returning the means to choose the life they desire to the people and allow them to keep their hard earned money and not dole it out as government chooses.


The next decade will show what direction the world is heading towards. The choices are stark as they are troubling with only a slightly better than even chance that Western civilization, as we currently know it, will survive. Currently the world is hurtling towards another great conflagration and the possibility that it will result in nuclear attacks is far too high for comfort. The genie might be put back in the bottle but recent events simply make that a difficult path which is strewn with obstacles. Still, principles and a strong base of belief in the freedoms and core beliefs upon which western civilization was and need be based must become a central part of life and return as the basis. This does not mean that everybody must return to being church or synagogue goers but the moral basis and the need for a future which must include children is and must be a necessity. The choice belongs to the youth more than the elitist leaders who have had their time and now need support families even if such takes from them their control of society, the control they may have misused with great danger for their peoples. There is always hope, always.


Beyond the Cusp


July 23, 2016

If Only Americans Would Remember


It is a sad fact that the public schools and too many private schools place little if any importance on teaching history, both American and World Histories. The students do not learn about the start of democracy in Athens, one of the numerous Grecian city states before their unification by Alexander the Great. Plato lived amongst the denizens of the Athenian democracy and he saw the tyranny of the majority which he equated with mob rule and thus placed democracy just above tyranny as the worst forms of governance. The deficiencies he saw in the Athenian democratic government led to probably his greatest work on governance, “The Republic” where he devised representative government which would safeguard the minorities protecting their interests from being trampled by the majority while still empowering the majority to hold their proper place of importance in governing. It was partly this work from Plato written before the birth of Jesus that was part and parcel of the governing bodies the United States was fashioned by. There were other political philosophers who were mostly English and some French and the minds of some of the best educated persons in the United States in their day and even then they initially got the balance slightly skewed towards the states in a excessively loose federation and the Constitution was their second attempt and the solution which was decided though imperfect, as anything fashioned by man will be, they felt it was as close as they could get and the amendment process would provide the needful, and only the needful, adjustments to their work.


The impetus for the American Revolution is another point which would be very poignant and prescient for students entering the age for voting as the colonists demanded no taxation without representation and were revolting over a tax on tea of 3%, yes, 3% and only on tea. This would seem crazy with the total tax on the average American household reaching from a low end average of 12% to an upper end average of 35%, both many multiples of a 3% tax on one product, even if it was the one product every household purchased as they were still British. That tea tax was the straw that broke the camel’s back and brought on a revolutionary war and the shot heard round the world. It really was as soon after came the French Revolution and other British colonies protesting their taxes but they did so without leaving the realm, at least not at this period of time. Still, free people in elected governments everywhere owe a great deal of thanks to the British aristocracy as they started the entire idea that people had rights. Of course their claim was barons and land owners had rights which they would wrest from the crown with the drafting and signing by the king, after a hard fought war in which he realized he could not prevail as much of his army belonged to the nobles suing for rights, of the Magna Carta. From that document was derived that a King’s power was not absolute but dependent on the advisories and consents of the principled landowners which with the centuries became citizens in good standing and are resting on a precipice teetering towards the consent of all who can claim to be affected by said governance, as an example is the position of certain universalist leftists that everyone on planet earth (for starters we can only guess) be permitted a vote in elections held in the United States as all are affected by American hegemony from which they believe evil begins and a world influence would perfect the nation and its governance. The truth be told, the barons and landowners of 1215 England were prompted by the Bible, in particular the Old Testament limitations placed on kings should the nation of the Israelites ever decide to be as other nations and choose a monarch which they eventually did. These limitations were first set in Torah, the laws given at Mount Sinai in the book of Deuteronomy 17:14-17 which placed the very first laws limiting the powers and impositions of Kings where it read:


14When you have come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, and have taken possession of it and settled in it, and you say, “I will set a king over me, like all the nations that are around me,”
15you may indeed set over you a king whom the Lord your God will choose. One of your own community you may set as king over you; you are not permitted to put a foreigner over you, who is not of your own community.
16Even so, he must not acquire many horses for himself, or return the people to Egypt in order to acquire more horses, since the Lord has said to you, “You must never return that way again.”
17And he must not acquire many wives for himself, or else his heart will turn away; also silver and gold he must not acquire in great quantity for himself.


The Prophets went further throughout the Old Testament adding other limitations and requirements for Kings with probably the most humbling and for providing lessons in humility, not that it always had that effect, each King was required to write his own Torah in his own hand and then read the applicable verses for each day at his morning prayers. Of course enforcing this was somewhat problematic as the Prophets power was in his wisdom and the desire of a King to receive wise council but should a King be all full of themselves then they would brook no advice or limitations and would inevitably stray from Torah and the people would suffer under their rule. Should you read the Magna Carta you will see much of it places moral as well as power limitations and demands of the King in exchange for the support of the barons and landowners who also provided the knights for defense of the realm.


What is most interesting in the limitations of the Magna Carta was that it was not very much different than the Brexit vote in Britain and the anti-establishment movements in both of the major parties, Republican and Democrat, in the United States. Donald Trump first is not a true right wing conservative which is often the presumed candidate despite their choices since Ronald Reagan have been centrists with the occasional right wing leanings, while the Democrat race was fixed from the start as the party establishment controls close to 40% of the electors so Hillary only needed to garner ten to twelve percent of the remaining electors to win which left Bernie Sanders out of contention almost from the start needing to garner 100% of the remaining electors going into the initial super primary day of March 1, 2016. Truth was nobody was going to disturb the coronation of Hillary Clinton as this was arranged after the 2008 loss to Barack Obama in order to pacify the Clintons and not have them pull their followers and big money donors from backing President Obama in both elections. Still, Bernie made a mess of the centrist game Hillary had hoped to run on and now she is stuck so far into the left wing bleachers that it is doubtful she can find center field by election day and even if she should she will find one Donald Trump already there and not out of breath from the long run from the bleachers.


Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton


With taxes at record levels since the Carter Administration it is little wonder that the people are seething against the party elites. They have watched their taxes rise to support programs they did not desire and with record numbers of illegal immigrants and the back alley importation of tens if not hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern “refugees” being hidden in small communities so as to attempt to secretly skirt the main cities and thus not upset the ignorant masses as they would never figure this out with the internet and all the other means for news to reach the people, even the most insulated voters. Their secreting the “refugees” into small communities and largely in states which vote traditionally Republican and that Hillary would not need in order to win in the Electoral College, they hope that nobody will know their little dirty secret until it is too late. Remember that Hillary is promising that the United States has not done enough and she plans on increasing the importation of “Syria refugees” by one-hundred-fold. That would mean she plans on bringing tens of millions of these so-called refugees and believe me she means to do exactly that. The Democrats want to make America failed through and through with no possibility of ever making a recovery. That is not to claim that The Donald would be any form of savior, but we are sure there are many who after researching the third party candidates who are seriously voting Donald Duck or Porky Pig, but may we suggest for amusement sake we all write in Daffy Duck as long as some of us are choosing a duck and avoiding a Donald?


Kidding aside, the coming elections for President of the United States and for the makeup of the Congress have never been as serious as they are this election. After eight years of “leading from behind,” the time is ripe for a resurgent America to return roaring onto the scene. Allowing Europe and the United Nations to lead the way on the world stage is tantamount to treason for endangerment of the nation and, with that, the world. Never has a nation left as large a vacuum at the top with the closest comparison being the fall of the Roman Empire which is what allowed the first Islamic Expansion and another is obviously imminent with Europe ripe for the taking if their collective trees can be shaken at their core. Eastern Europe is still emerging as they recover from their Communist Dark Ages while Western Europe teeters on the edge of liberal poised suicide as they stand frozen with fear as their nations prove as vulnerable as their flags pictured below. Their churches deserted and Mosques sprouting in every town, village and neighborhood and where the call to prayer five times each day have replaced the tolling of the church bells echoing in the countryside. Still, there is time for Europe to pull themselves together and defeat this rising hatred seething within their bellies and extinguish the fires currently spreading across Old Europe and soon to threaten New Europe.


Draw the Prophet Mohammad Cartoon Demonstrations and Rioting Across Europe, the World of Islam and Beyond and the World Appears to Have Forgotten the Lessons Gained II


If ever there was an election making the “None of the Above” vote we have previously suggested be adopted by Constitutional Amendment, this election is it. The way the system would work is to win the election or electors a candidate would be required to surpass 50% to gain those votes or gain office. People would have all the candidates listed plus a slot in each elected office for “None of the Above” which would count in the total to find the 50% figure. If “None of the Above” got 20% of the vote then a candidate would be required to garner at least 72% of the remaining votes to surpass the 50% threshold. Should “None of the Above” receive one-third of the vote then the needed would be a full 75% of the remaining votes. Obviously this would force the parties to come up with candidates the people truly would want to vote for as they would have an out should neither party and third party candidates really appeal and this would also make third party candidates more likely to get a second look if the main parties gave the public choices such as they have in the mind of many Americans with the Presidential race.


So, voter discontent ran overboard in both of the main parties. The party which valued the choice of their public ended up with a novice real estate developer and investment underwriter who often goes off the rails when unscripted and has an ego larger than Alaska and is an anathema to many of the elite in the party itself while the other party had absolutely no confidence in their public so they ensconced a near majority of their delegates under the tight-fisted control of the party elite requiring whomever the elite chose to get such a small number of delegates that Daffy Duck could have won with such support. Still, even with the elite support, their candidate came out bruised and damaged heading into their convention while the other party had few well known names support them and speak at the convention as they were likely still trying to figure out where they ran off the tracks. So we have two third party candidates either of which would be a comfortable fit with one or the other of the Democrat Party contestants for their spot on the ticket, one with Hillary and the other Bernie in our humble opinion, a Democrat who was promised her turn to try and be the first woman President, also her strongest running point, and the Republican a left of center ego whose id is probably just as attractive as that ego and perhaps if he promises to listen to his subconscious, he would appear a safer bet. That’s your choice America, have at it.


Beyond the Cusp


July 21, 2016

Requiem for Turkey, the Final Chapter


There have already been six-thousand arrests made since the abortive coup. Three-thousand Judges and prosecutors as well as three-thousand officers of varying ranks and soldiers all from lists supposedly gathered as a result of the coup. There will be mention of how these individuals were all cooperating and coordinated by Fethullah Gulen from Pennsylvania, USA. Sure, an aging Imam in Pennsylvania organized and commanded step-by-step including telling the pilots of F-16 fighters who had missile lock on President Erdogan’s jet while he was known to be onboard and never fired a single shot, some coup. This coup smells, plain and simple, smells. You do not produce a list of a complete list of judiciary and military personnel within twenty-four hours, if even that long as the list was obviously already prepared. The threat of such a purging may have triggered the coup attempt before the planning was complete if the coup was actually a subversive group. Had the coup been an attempt to return to actual free and open elections and a return to secular rule and bringing an end to the Muslim brotherhood agenda being enacted by Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Freedom and Justice Party, then it would have been well worth supporting. Had that been the case, then constitutionally the entire military should have supported the coup. The fact that this was not the case is another accusation against Erdogan as he has flushed much of the military hierarchy in his last purge and with the current purge all will be loyal to Erdogan who will now wield absolute power.


The purge being executed in Turkey would have made Stalin proud. Erdogan will have little if any opposition left in all of Turkey once he completes gathering names from those already arrested and the completion of his purge has removed every vestige of secularism and of all Islamic opposition securing Erdogan President for life status. He and his Freedom and Justice Party, a political party that neither supports freedoms or justice, will rule Turkey with an unopposable outright majority for the foreseeable future. This was Erdogan’s intended desires even when he made his agreement with Fethullah Gulen in order to come to power in his initial election. In each election after this agreement Erdogan has done all in his power in order to attain an unopposable majority even if it, like the last elections, took a second election and the elimination of opposition to attain that majority. Erdogan has been anything but an angel in office often playing power politics and taking any and all steps as required, including intimidations, executions, assassinations and outright military pressures suppressing certain sectors of the society from participating in elections in order to reach absolute power. Absolute power without the need of any compromises has been the desired end which Erdogan has pursued ever since his first election and now that he has attained such he is not about to permit any challenge to his powers. This cements Erdogan as the singular choice for those who desire Sharia and spurn the ideals of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and his dream of a secular Turkey. It has been Erdogan’s desire from day one to impose Islamic law, Sharia, and he is closer than ever to accomplishing exactly that by ridding himself of all opposition, both secular and Islamic. Such a turn of events has been a long time coming and expected eventually by all who know Turkish politics and Erdogan’s desires from the beginning. He has succeeded where Egyptian President Morsi failed by being cautious and taking things one slow step at a time. That time has now passed and he will enact Sharia in rapid succession as he no longer need fear a challenge from any direction and should anybody be fool enough to oppose Erdogan and his Islamization of Turkey will find themselves either in a cell permanently or hanging from a rope. President Erdogan has attained what he always desired, absolute power which will in time corrupt him absolutely and thus be his failing as Sharia will be the instrument of his downfall.


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Accused Coup Leader Imam Muhammd Fethullah Gulen


Turkey had an opportunity to survive Erdogan and his Islamist desires but such a move by the military as required in the Turkish Constitution was repudiated and prevented by President George W. Bush and the European Union allowing for Erdogan to purge the General Staff of opposition while the current lists go deep within the officer ranks and lists many middle level officers and senior NCOs which will lead to more names under torture and other forms of distress leading to a witch hunt the likes of Turkey has never seen. In the coming weeks every and anybody who even the slightest might ever stand in opposition of Erdogan will be purged from Government, the military and anyplace else where influence might rise against him. This is the second purging executed by Erdogan and he is hoping the final time. The bad news for Erdogan is that the purges never reach an end once they have started as there will always arise those who will oppose his rule and some might even rise to the position of posing an actual threat. At this moment in time Fethullah Gulen holds this honor and anybody affiliated with him is in dire threat as Erdogan is intensifying his aim to remove any of those who are aligned with the man who was originally responsible for placing Erdogan in power. As the original person with whom Erdogan shared the reins of power, Fethullah Gulen has now become a threat which Erdogan is no longer willing to permit to exist as Fethullah Gulen could potentially stand in opposition to Recep Tayyip Erdogan any point in the future and actually pose a real risk to take power and end Erdogan’s efforts to subvert all of Turkey under Sharia. Gulen is an Imam who also supports democracy and universal rights, a kind of idiosyncratic personality who supports a reformed Islam which subverts itself to universal freedoms and equal rights. This purge is designed to put down any vestige of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and the secular ambitions subverting them permanently placing all of society under the crushing oppression of Sharia where all independent thought and acts are punishable by severe and often life threatening punishments. Erdogan is shutting down all opposition securing Turkey in much the same manner as Stalin shut out all opposition in Russia within months of taking the reins of power in Soviet Russia. Ataturk is done and all who dreamed that the secular Turkey was protected by the military and would continue forever is done, dead and over. It actually was mortally wounded the last purge which was facilitated by President George W. Bush and the European Union which insisted that should the military ever move to remove a government, a responsibility placed with them by the Turkish Constitution, then Turkey could forget ever being permitted to join the European Union because no normal democracy relies upon the military to protect the realm. Well, Turkey was not a normal democracy and did rely on the military to protect Turkey from Islamic power grabs as Erdogan has slowly enacted since he first took power. Now even that avenue to correct the Islamization of Turkey has been decimated by Erdogan and is now an enforcement of Sharia and Islamic sovereignty over secular governance.


This should pose a threat to NATO, a threat which has long existed dating from the initial election of Erdogan. He started his slow but inexorable march towards Sharia from the very outset of his Presidency. His final aim was to alter the Constitution such that it would not only allow for Islamic Sharia governance but welcome such as the desired end all of any government. Soon it will be forgotten that Turkey had dreams of joining the free world and enjoying the advancements of science and technology as the sheath of Sharia falls over the land. Soon simply memorizing the entire Quran will be the ultimate conclusion of a successful education. The Quran will become viewed as the ultimate source for all knowledge as Sharia is incompatible with modernity. What is frightening is the fact that Turkey is a member of NATO which worked as a check on Russia during the Cold War. Such is no longer the situation with Russia standing their Mediterranean fleet docked along the Syrian coast in the Alawite areas which remain loyal to Bashir al-Assad and thus far not under direct threat by the Islamic State or other Islamist forces and are provided with support both from Iran and if needed Russia. Turkey has lost its importance to NATO and with its current threat to become another Sharia ruled Islamic nation should, as we have pointed to before, be dropped from the NATO rolls. The European Union (EU) has thus far refused entry to Turkey and should be glad they had such luck. We refuse to give the EU credit of foresight in not permitting Turkey entrance. We are not even assured that Turkey will not be permitted entrance into the EU as they start their expansion into the Middle East. Once Turkey has been permitted EU membership the ‘refugee’ problem will explode as Turkey allows free access to any and every Arab and Muslim desiring entrance to Europe, Germany in particular. Allow Turkey into the EU and they would become the welcome mat for all peoples desirous of leaving the poverty and backwardness of their Middle East and North African hellholes. From an EU affiliated Turkey these ‘refugees’ would be permitted free travel throughout the EU nations and be permitted settling wherever and whenever they desire and collecting the guaranteed wage proffered by most EU members.


The EU already desires entering the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) as explained in their releases to the media and academia. We have discussed these plans in an article titled The European Union Actually Planning Empire and figure the EU plans on surrendering to Middle Eastern pressures. With Turkey on the fast track to Sharia and an end to freedom as the member states of the EU likely remember, the addition of Turkey as a first step to incorporating the Middle East and later Africa into EU membership, then the EU population had best prepare for having Sharia as the basis of their laws. As a member of the EU or just a member of NATO, Turkey holds a prestigious spot; especially when one considers that Turkey has the second largest military in NATO after that of the United States. As such Turkey demands a certain amount of respect but only as long as Turkey maintained a respect for individual rights and freedoms. No matter how the media and others wish to spin the new direction which Turkey has planted itself, those found to favor Erdogan should be watched with additional scrutiny. It is highly doubtful that there would be any changes in how the United States views Turkey as Erdogan has been best of friends with Obama as they are with Hillary through the Clinton Foundation and contributions made to influence Hillary when she was Secretary of State. These influences will likely spend a large amount in campaign contributions, both legal and otherwise as Hillary believes herself above the law; something made abundantly clear at her Senate hearings where she prevaricated, dancing around any truth until the lies became the facts in many a media report. Unfortunately for most Americans, this has become what they expect from the media and the editorializing of the news stories to fit their political leaning tainting many a news story until it is unrecognizable by the truth. Both ends of the political spectrum suffer this affliction.


Such twisting, messaging and reworking of facts will inevitably be the only permitted truth out of the media in Turkey. This, once it is not necessarily their fault as the Erdogan controlled government, courts and military; will own the truth and decide what the truth is for the people of Turkey and for the world for good measure. Erdogan knows that his citizens, at least the urban citizens, have access to the world media and thus his spin on reality must therefore become the only story permitted. He, even with the Muslim Brotherhood’s assistance, will find that accomplishing this task will be far more difficult than preventing the poorly executed coup from success. The obvious fact that Erdogan was at the cusp of executing a purge may have pushed those supporters of a truly democratic Turkey or possibly the supporters of Erdogan’s chief rival, Fethullah Gulen, who may have struck a deal with the democracy forces interested in reestablishing Ataturk’s secular Turkey dreams and aspirations for progress, into acting earlier than they had planned facing Erdogan’s imminent purging of their ranks. Whether this was a well played trap or a rushed into execution actual coup will make absolutely no difference down the road a piece. The only item which will matter is, who will survive the sweeping broom of Erdogan and the Islamists as they clean house in the judiciary and the military and likely soon the population at large. The next step is to take those they have rounded up and get public confessions from the most recognized names amongst them. This will definitely be followed by the extracting of names of others who may be of a similar mindset as the coup participants and the others on the prepared lists. This housecleaning was very obviously already planned and just as the coup may have been rushed into execution, so have the cleansing of the Turkish government, military and eventually the public itself.


We are witnessing the end of Turkey as it had been known and the birth of Turkey as the hoped rising leader to assume its rightful place as the leaders of the Islamic world. Turkey’s military is both large and well equipped with top of the line NATO equipment, arms and hardware. They have a modern Air Force equipped with F-16s, F-15s as well as other supporting aircraft. Their ground forces have top of the line main battle tanks and armored support. The infantry have modern weapons systems and are supported by highly accurate artillery. The size of the Turkish military is such that they will hardly miss the three-thousand officers arrested in relation to the coup and could lose an equal number before there may be some residual effects. The real question is what will Erdogan do once he attains ultimate and absolute power? Will he use his military against the Kurds, the forces supportive of Bashir al-Assad, attempt a breaching of the Israeli blockade of Gaza to help his Hamas allies, or is Erdogan really planning on a second Ottoman Empire as he has stated in the Past? These questions have ramifications within Turkey, as well as throughout NATO, to Israel, Egypt, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Erdogan has oft spoken of how he would be the right man to reestablish the Ottoman Empire as well as he has claimed the right to being the Caliph of the next real Caliphate which will be perched to spread Islam throughout the world vanquishing all other religions bringing every man, woman and child to bend and surrender to Allah. Sure that sounds crazy but one must bear in mind that it is solely Western Culture which has given up on world conquest, others still believe they were destined from birth to rule the world. Some such people holding to such insanities include but are not limited to North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, Russia’s President Putin, European Union and Germany’s Angela Markel, United States President Obama and presumed President Hillary Clinton, numerous institutions and financial giants, and of course the Grand Ayatollah of Iran and Erdogan of Turkey. This may sound absurd to you and me but it is real for these crazies who walk amongst us.


Beyond the Cusp


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