Beyond the Cusp

October 11, 2016

One Editorial Nailed Solution for Many Nations’ Problems

Filed under: 2016 Elections,Act of War,Alawite,Allah,Amalekites,Angela Merkal,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab World,Arabist,Bible,Blood Libel,Calaphate,Civil War,Civilization,Commandments,Complete stupidity,Covenant,Coverup,Ditherer in Chief,End of Days,Europe,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Government,Green Line,Halacha,Hashem,Hate,Holy Temple,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Iran,Iranian Pressure,Iraq,IRGC,Isaiah,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Jerusalem,Jihad,Leftist Pressures,Light unto the Nations,Media,MENA,Middle East and North Africa,Muslim World,New Testament,Noahic Covenant,Old Testament,P5+1,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Politics,President Obama,Promised Land,Promised Land,Religion,Religious Pressures,Russia,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Settlements,Syria,Ten Commandments,Terminal War,Terror,Threat of War,Threat to Israel,Torah,Tradition,Two Millennia of Exile,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States State Department,War,Western World,World Opinion,World Pressures,World War IV,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:31 AM
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A Great Awakening or a Rude Awakening: What Will It Be? written by Michael Brown Michael Brown Small Pic echoed our feelings on numerous levels and nailed much of the problem we have mentioned for the United States, European countries, Russia and with some adjusting would serve well here in Israel as well. The article pointed out that seeking the solution to national problems through the political front alone was simple folly. The candidates for President in the United States was sufficient proof that politics alone was a futile direction as a choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was simply a choice between two massively flawed individuals whose ideas of truth, honesty and dignified stature in leadership leave so much to be desired and make the fact that any political solution will never be inspirational to correct the path of the public as a whole. Michael Brown noted this dilemma and his solution was for the United States to, for lack of a better phrase, to have a collective ‘come to Jesus’ moment. When we have talked of such, we have noted a return to the basic Judeo-Christian ethics upon which Europe and the United States and the rest of the Eurocentric world was based on and served it so well against previous attempts to invade and destroy and take over their areas by Islam in the past twelve-hundred years, that’s around a millennia and one quarter, also known as a very long time. The Judeo-Christian ethos solidified around 1500 through 1700 with the protestant reformation, the turning point in the wars with Islam and leading to the more open society able to embrace science and the progress and political revolutions all this envisioned and eventually produced based on the remnants of the Roman and Byzantine Empires and their adoption of the Greek representative governance which eventually led to the rule by the will of the people. This works for as long as the people are of a religious and forward looking public ready to sacrifice for the good of the community and the future of the nation and its people. That was where the Judeo-Christian ethics paid the societies great dividends. One could predict the health of a community simply by attending the churches on Sunday, and the Synagogues in the Jewish neighborhoods every morning and evening, and if they were being attended by healthy crowds then the society was healthy and if there were a sparse and paltry attendance with empty pews or seats, then the community was on a descent into oblivion. Europe has been followed by the United States by a mere ten to twenty years but inexorably the Americans have been catching up and both societies are showing the signs of ill health and decay.


Protestant Reformation Timeline

Protestant Reformation Timeline


Nobody wants to admit the problem and it can now be measured in the lack of babies in the nurseries of the hospitals, the closing of neighborhood schools due to lack of students and the dwindling reproductive rates where childbearing has dropped below, in some cases precipitously and perilously below, replacement levels demanding that immigrants be found to replace the lack of workers such that the society can afford to support their elderly and aging populations. The problem with this situation is that with time the new immigrants will become the majority of the work force and will resent their being taxed to support an aging population which is unlike them and to which they have no affinity or care. This will lead to a dangerous situation where simply ridding themselves of these old fossils will become an enticing idea and euthanizing these useless relics of the former glory will be the only solution that seems logical and these fossils will be too old, weak and few in number to prevent their slaughter. It may come quickly in a single night starting in one town and spreading across the continent with the blazing speed of an inferno and within a few weeks the problem of those who had become the other will be solved and the new majority will be rid of this burdensome and expensive problem and ready to enjoy their new found financial freedom. Imagine their joy having everything their way and the old once proud people vanquished more by their own hand and selfish “me thinking and lifestyle” than the actions of their final executioners.


Where in Europe and Russia things are approaching drastic and may become irreversible and the disastrous end will have become inevitable. Maybe the new peoples will be kind and simply place the “old ones” on reservations and treat them much as they had treated the civilization they replaced when conquering the New World. Perhaps the Native Americans will become an important part of the New America and that will be the perfect role reversal and payback almost in all of history. The United States would be more capable of turning everything around and their salvation would come from the most ignored and considered inconsequential of places politically, fly-over country. The middle of the nation where people, according to President Obama, “… they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” This quote is the perfect example of the problem with society which the political class represents and is indicative of the societies on the two coasts. It is the clinging to their religion and the Bible that just might start the revival necessary for the return to the next golden age in the United States and perhaps bring a reverse tide which might bring the restoration of Europe if it is already not too late for Europe. Britain might have saved themselves and might perhaps allow other nations to also find the path back to their roots and return to religion which is not anti-science as even Albert Einstein believed that there had to be a G0d because the universe was simply too complex but mathematically perfect to have come into existence purely through an accident. His was the G0d which was the harmony and reflection of the order of the universe as he explained once on April 24, 1929, Einstein cabled Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein in German: “I believe in Spinoza’s God, who reveals himself in the harmony of all that exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind.” The entity in such beliefs is often referred to as the “Spinoza’s God” named after the philosopher Baruch Spinoza. Einstein is not the only science personage who believes strongly in God as many of the earliest theories of our Universe were first proposed by scientists who were also men of the cloth, some even worked from the observatory located within the complexes of Vatican City (see photo below). The Church has come a long way and no longer fights science as they did in the times of Galileo Galilei.


Vatican City Observatory

Vatican City Observatory


The truth which even science will not dispute is that as Europeans and, after them, Americans left their religions and began to live for the day and let tomorrow take care of itself are in many cases childless and their predominance in the populations of the Western World is leading to the death of these nations and their civilization. Islam is ready to take up any slack and turn Europe into a reflection of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and are already arriving with an advanced guard. The vast majority of the “Syrian refugees” are males between the ages of thirteen to eighteen up through forty or fifty. These could easily be classified as the age one could expect of a military expedition including privates, sergeants, captains all the way to generals. The strata of ages are even in close approximation to a military force and their actions depict a group intent on conquest over assimilation. The United States has a somewhat brighter picture as the most readily available immigrants are Mexicans and other Hispanics from Central and South America who are largely Christians. As long as the numbers of MENA refugees and illegal immigrants from MENA nations and keep the immigrants restrained to largely Christians, then the future may not be as drastic a change to the American societal influences while Europe has no real similar alternative unless they choose to import Christian immigrants from central and southern Africa and parts of Asia. This would require a definitive change from their current system where they are importing Muslims with little if any background checks of virtually any depth. Such is a recipe for disaster which has already been starting to crest and appear throughout Western Europe. Even Islamic strategic Imams have already claimed that this is a part of their plan for civilizational jihad and the destruction of the Western World through their own rules of freedoms using them to destroy the entire civil constructs and replacing Christianity as the main religion with Islam and then persecuting the remaining Christians and the secularists giving them the choice of adopt Islam or death. The plan is to gain sufficient numbers and then use the sword to conquer the West just as they have MENA and had conquered Spain and large swaths of Eastern Europe and the Balkans before being pushed back during World War I. That is correct, it was just about one hundred years ago when Islam was pushed from Eastern Europe and their Caliphate Empire, the Ottoman Empire, finally came crashing down at the same time the Austria-Hungarian Empire also collapsed and both were restructured and divided into individual countries by the Sykes–Picot Agreement. That is another clarification which needs correction; the Sykes–Picot Agreement altered the maps of Eastern Europe as well as areas of MENA as it forced the end of two empires, the Ottoman Empire and the Austria-Hungarian Empire.


What might be a good idea for the Western World would be to only accept as many Syrian and other MENA refugees in equal numbers as do Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. The claim that Saudi Arabia does not have any accommodations for the refugees is the biggest lie. They have a set of air-conditioned tents with stoves and bathrooms and kitchens and bedding and living space for four to six people which are used to house adherents joining the Haj. As the Haj just ended these tents are still up and empty and could easily hold tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of refugees (see image below). The Saudis are refusing to take the refugees because these are not refugees but the first wave of an invasion and what good would it be to have Muslims invade Saudi Arabia as they are already Islamic. If there is to be an invasion then Europe must be the target, not Saudi Arabia. Western nations importing people who are neither secular nor Christian is opening their world to invasion and steady erosion leading eventually to the complete death of Western civilization.


one hundred thousand airconditioned tents Saudi Arabia to accommodate pilgrims on Hajj each has kitchen bathroom fireproof and never intended for refugees


There is one nation which has a civilization similar in many ways to the past Western World and their religious Judeo-Christian civilization and that is Israel. Israel has an open democratic parliamentary governance with freedom of religion, freedom of the media, freedom of speech (largely), as well as equality of women and men, no persecution of sexual deviants, freedom of sexual orientations, and most of the other freedoms and equalities as well as an independent judiciary and equality before the law. The difference is instead of a complete Judeo-Christian civilization it has a Judean civilization based on Torah as well as modern free democratic society. The main difference is that Israel is more Judeo than Christian and is moving further in that direction. Israeli population is currently heading in a number of desirable directions. The first and potentially most important is that the nation is becoming more religious. Another is the population is intermarrying which can only improve relations. There have been moves to change from having two separate Chief Rabbis to having a single Chief Rabbi for all Jews. Personally with an Ashkenazi father and a Sephardic mother I am all in favor of the merging of the two main bodies of Judaism. This will also have another effect as the secular members of Israeli society marry more religious members they will more often become more religious themselves rather than tear the other from their faith. As Israel is a young nation it still had an old soul and many are simply giddy with having returned to our homeland after almost a two thousand year exile. Some will claim that we have not been exiled anywhere near that long as we do not look old enough to have been exiled for almost two thousand years. Perhaps it will help if we also inform that every Jew is to believe they were slaves in Egypt, were part of the Exodus from Egypt, received the Law, Torah, at Mount Sinai, witnessed the presence of Hashem on the mountain, and were with the Israelites on their entry into the Promised Lands and experienced every calamity and exhilaration the Jews the world over throughout history have experienced whether that be suffered or celebrated. We have said “Next year in Jerusalem,” at the end of every Seder and after numerous prayers and it has been a dream of generation after generation of Jews. We have been instructed to have lived with every exiled Jewish family as we are a family and all related in some way, some distant, others very much closer. This has steeled us and made the Jew one of more resilient of peoples of the world and this has made the return to Eretz Yisroel all the sweeter. With our religious strength growing, we are going in the opposite direction than the growing secular Western world, and this is to our credit and will serve us well with larger families and greater closeness to Hashem who in return provides miracles large and small for each and all of us at the same time. These miracles only strengthen our faith and begin a growth in faith for some who had none at first. We can tell you that if you wish to see the difference between those who are a part of a growing religious community and those who are forfeiting their faith. One can simply make a study of the religious Jews of Israel and compare their faith with that of the least religious, leftist, progressive, liberal Jews in the United States. One group is growing and the other is heading towards extinction. The loss of our brothers and sisters and the coming of more in the coming months saddens us here in Israel as they were so close to coming home where being Jewish is something so much easier to pursue than it is in the United States which leads to more observance and a closer society which assist one another instead of compete against one another. Israel will grow in strength and religious power as time proceeds and we need not fear as faith increases and Hashem becomes more with us. We will fear no evil even in the shadow of death for Thou art with me.


Beyond the Cusp


July 16, 2016

Short Primer on the Turkish Constitution

The Coup in Turkey must be seen in light of the Constitution of Turkey of which there can be more than one at any given time. The one the government runs on can be different than the Founding Principles of the Republic of Turkey (an approximate translation) while the leaders in Turkey often make small changes kind of personalizing the constitution to their tastes. The Founding Documents (as we will refer to them) task the Turkish Military with keeping Turkey a secular democratic nation and to guard against any Islamist takeover of the government or a dictator cancelling elections and ruling by fiat (not just a small car). The military was prepared to remove Erdogan once before and had told NATO command as Turkey is a member of NATO. Turkey has also been attempting to join the EU, perhaps they can replace Britain now, and back then really thought they were close. The EU backed strongly by George W. Bush demanded the Turkish military back down because civilized nations do not do things this way. Erdogan having gotten wind of this replaced most of the Generals with his puppets. Still, the Turkish military, even with Erdongan’s puppets, take their Constitutional duty very seriously plus a number of these puppets have retired and younger officers promoted and we believe it is these commanders pulling to change the government and undo the Islamization done by Erdogan.


George W. Bush followed by Barack Obama produced Recep Tayyip Erdogan

George W. Bush followed by Barack Obama produced Recep Tayyip Erdogan


So the military acting on their Constitutional duty to keep Turkey secular are attempting a coup, something which would have been easy back in 2005 but will be more difficult as Erdogan controls a very militarized set of police forces and has his own military he keeps as a personal guard. The free world will be fed this blah blah blah coup evil blah bad coup, blah blah no true democratic nation operates blah blah and so forth. Know that when Kamil Ataturk ruled Turkey at the end of World War I and the end of the Ottoman Empire which was ruled from Turkey, he made a Constitution as a Muslim man who understood the Islamic directives for Islamist Sharia to be the law of the land but had seen how democratic nations with their individual freedoms and market driven economies had made mincemeat of the Ottoman forces with modern weapons and individual soldiers who were independent and could operate without being told every little order and he wanted Turkey to emulate this model and set up a secular state. He knew there would be leaders who would, either on their own or bending to popular will, would try to in stages enshrine Sharia.


Turkey has had a number of coups to remove leaders attempting to take dictatorial power or enact Sharia or other Islamizations. Erdogan was getting away with his Islamization and march towards Sharia but probably crossed the line for even his own generals in the last elections. What occurred was the Kurdish Party won far more votes than ever before feeling empowered by the Kurds stand against Islamic State and in Iraq against everybody else both Shia and Sunni. The Kurds, for the record, are predominantly Sunni but as Kurds are spurned by the Arabs as lesser human beings at best. This why the Kurds always need stand alone and why they took the lead and were largely responsible for rescuing the Yazidiz from the mountain siege which saw girls and women throw themselves off the cliffs rather than fall to then ISIS forces. This meant that Erdongan’s “Freedom and Justice Party” (which is neither freedom nor justice but Islamic Sharia oriented) did not have a clear majority of the seats in the Parliament and would need a coalition. Erdogan does not share power so he made sure that the coalition he could easily have made refused to allow any majority coalition forcing a redo on the elections. In the weeks between the elections his enforcers killed any number of Kurdish candidates who were elected and terrorized other parties’ supporters and other niceties. Needless to say, his Party won an overwhelming majority and he restarted his Islamization at a quickened pace as he saw that he might not continue to have such support in the future and he desired to become Caliph of the new Ottoman Empire starting with conquest of Syria, or what is left of Syria. With a modern military and NATO weaponry he could carry this out and as long as he left the Alawite coastal area where the Russians are located alone he would easily crush the Kurds and the other less able factions. But Erdogan saw he had a time limit to operate, until the American elections.


Erdogan had President Obama in his pocket and can do anything and his BFF in the White House would bless it as really needed. Should Clinton lose and Trump become President he would not be able to do as he pleased and get away with it. Even Hillary might pose difficulties as she would not desire such a conflagration on the front end of her Presidency and won knows after that. As things are Erdogan saw he needed to strike while the iron was hot, so to speak. His military seeing his ambition and his probability to engage in a war, which would eventually pace them fighting Saudi Arabia, Egypt and potentially Israel, were probably not the happiest Generals in the world, because they realize, as Erdogan does not, that they would lose badly in the end. Erdogan only sees him as world ruler as the Caliph of the great and final Caliphate which conquered the world for Allah. He believes that is his destiny and reality be damned. The military is very reality oriented and do not desire damning reality as reality will smack you back and hard. This may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back.


Now we will just wait and see who wins and pray that Turkey has a restored Constitution and election sometime in the coming year as that would be a huge step in the right direction. What is almost comical is the threat of a new American President, Clinton or Trump, but definitely Trump, has already started paying dividends. It is sad that the vast majority, say 85%, will not see this as anything but some war somewhere they cannot find on a world map and know not that it was what ruled the Ottoman Empire (if they know there ever was an Ottoman Empire) and may will never even know that there is a war in Turkey. I kind of had forgotten how little attention the average person takes in world affairs as long as they are not bothered in some way. I guess as long as it is over there and not here what do I care is a theme everywhere, it is sad.


Beyond the Cusp


December 20, 2015

Why Iranian Nuclear Program Matters


President Obama would like the world to believe that there was a nuclear deal reached, signed, sealed and delivered to the Security Council and set into stone. There are a few problems with that story line, namely the Iran part of the deal. The part of the nuclear deal which is valid is that the sanctions have been lifted, Iran is back in the oil and pistachio business while European companies are tripping over each other in a race to sign deals with Iran and get their share of the billions which are going to be flowing when Iran receives the monies the United States is obligated to release from banks and investment accounts. The deal passed by the Security Council made the European and United States parts of the deal sealed and delivered and sent the Iranian part of the deal to Iran where it was graciously received and filed in the nearest wastebasket. Think back and try to remember the conflicting news reports from those final days of the Iran nuclear negotiations with the P5+1 consisting of Russia, China, Britain, France, the United States plus Germany and think back to the celebratory language and you might remember that the Obama White House and State Department were claiming one set of conditions, the Europeans had their version, Russia and China made very few statements with some in interviews with Western news interviews revealing that they were uncertain on a number of issues in Moscow and Beijing remaining mute and Iran claiming an entirely different interpretation and having doubts that the remaining difficulties would ever be bridged. I’m not sure those differences were ever ironed out nor does it appear that Iran has ever considered themselves to have made any promises to the Western World or the United Nations or anybody else. For the record, the Iranian parliament has never approved any deal that the United States or anybody else can honestly report and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has never signed any paperwork for a deal and thus Iran is not legally bound to anything just as the State Department freely admitted in a letter to Representative Mike (R-Kan.) of the House Intelligence Committee.


This admission simply echoes the actions by Tehran which has now made two test launches of ballistic missiles which would have definitively been forbidden by any deal admitted to exist by any of the Western Nations as well as the United Nations interpretations of the agreement, but nobody appears to be rearing up in reaction to these tests. There has been no ‘snapback’ of sanctions and the releasing of funds as theoretically agreed upon by western Nations in any version of a deal is proceeding along on schedule. Are we the only ones who seem concerned that there appears to be an agreement to free the dogs of nuclear ambitions in Iran while obliging the West to release the funds and remove all sanctions which might have proven to be an impediment and chaining the United States and European nations to back the Russian, Chinese and Iranian desires for business as usual as if there is not a care in the world? A quick check of news stories and it seems the most recent testing of another nuclear delivery capable continental ballistic missile, the most powerful yet and a decent sign that Iran is aiming for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capabilities and is going at such capabilities with some vigor does concern any number of responsible adults. Unfortunately the closest the White House has come to a responsible adult has been United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power who stated at a Congressional hearing last week, “discussions are a form of U.N. action.” So, apparently the White House left Congress and themselves no actual control over sanctions and thus the possible ‘snapback’ is solely in the hands of the United Nations where such is an impossibility and even if the United States acted, theirs would necessarily be a whole new set of sanctions which are presumably forbidden by the presumed deal which is no deal and the White House would necessarily, as they have stated, veto any such sanctions. So as it currently sits, Iran will receive their $150 billion in unfrozen assets within the next six months, can test missiles to their hearts’ delight and all are to proceed as if there are sanctions on Iran when in reality the sanctions are on the Western Powers making sanctions near to impossible and now even the IAEA has officially surrendered before the Iranian games of guile as we reported recently in What the IAEA Closure of Their Iran Investigations Really Meant.


What has been successfully pulled off by deceptiveness, chicanery and outright lies is the freeing of Europe to return to their preferred business as usual and ignore the consequences, a similar aspect to their recent receipt of the first wave of ‘Syrian refugees’ and intent to make them legal citizens almost automatically which will grant them new visas from their new home nation and also grant them instant acceptance on the visa waiver program the United States shares with the European Union. What could be better as it has been made obvious that the vast majority of these ‘Syrian refugees’ are not Syrian, are not refugees, are not dirt poor losing everything in the civil war and Bashir al-Assad’s butchery and are intent on infiltrating the United States as they see Europe rightfully as all but conquered already. What we do have as the vast majority of these ‘Syrian refugees’ are military age single males with plenty of money and a penchant for rioting and causing disturbances and will very likely prove to be the tip of the spear with the only question being are they Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Taliban, or Iranian IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) trained infiltrators who have received some of the best training in sabotage and other disruptive acts and also master coordinators (community organizers on steroids). Whatever and whomever they are operating under, this sizeable sector of the ‘Syrian refugees’ who have poured into Europe, largely centered on Germany and the Scandinavian nations all of which have some of the best social services with the highest welfare payment structures in all of Europe, and with a fair share of the ‘Syrian refugees’ now headed to the final target on the list, the United Kingdom; their aims are becoming ever more clear, to bring Europe to its knees and then simply take charge of its remnants and turn it all over to whichever group manages to wrench control from the rest of the other groups. This simply means that the next front of the Syrian civil war turned Sunni-Shiite war will be being fought across Europe just as soon as the Christian and Atheist Secular Humanists have been murdered in large part or converted to Islam or converted to being good little worker Dhimmis producing for their new taskmasters. The alternative is a revolution by the Europeans themselves which will end very poorly for both sides as this will become very quickly a war of extermination and who will prove the strongest force and last group standing is in doubt though we would place our money on the home team as they know the landscape and will be fighting for their own survival and the survival of their way of life and the Europeans have proven their ability for warfare and the heritage to match. The question which needs answering is when, or should it be, will the European Union and the individual governments such as Angela Merkel’s Germany and François Hollande’s France wake from their utopian dream, which is proving to be a hellish nightmare for their people, before their nations are so overrun with ‘Syrian refugees’ that recovery has been made impossible? If not, does the average European have it within them to force their leaders to heed and save the lands before it is too late? The greatest of fears is that for Western Europe it may already be too late.


The other ramification of the ‘Syrian refugees’ problem is that with much of Eastern European nations, former Warsaw Pact nations plus Greece, have closed their borders allowing those who wish to take trains through to Germany and other points west with the train stations along the tracks well-guarded to force the ‘Syrian refugees’ through to all points west. What way will these nations be turning once NATO ceases to offer them any real protection? We see their returning to the Russian sphere of influence as Vladimir Putin (aka Vlad the Invader), offering a stronger arm in protecting them from the invading ‘Syrian refugees’ and all that encompasses, then turning to the seemingly feckless United States which has proven itself to be weak and unsupportive at best and traitorous at worst. Poland and the Czech Republic, despite being the victims of President Obama’s cancellation of the radar and anti-missile system which had been approved for delivery and operation on their bases, might hold out and wait to see who wins the 2016 United States elections though if pressed would likely seriously consider placing their bets on a sure thing, meaning Putin. And now we can probably name the three things which will be the Obama legacy; first, a nuclear armed Middle East tinderbox; second, a neutered United States military degraded to a point of near impotence; and third, removing any trust in the United States as her promises have been proven to be simply worthless if any change of administration can so abruptly and totally alter the realities and break any and all promises with allies apparently is just as easily done as it is with revolutions in third world nations. The last one which renders the United States as untrustworthy will prove to be the straw which breaks the camel’s back as if the word of the President of the United States is only good for as long as he or his party holds the Office of the President, then what worth does any Presidential promise hold? Even worse was that President Obama also went back on promises made by President Willian Jefferson Clinton which infers that even same party Presidencies may prove untrustworthy of keeping promises made by previous Presidents of their own party. One thing which has been made evidently obvious is that any nation relying on the United States to have their back had best also have their own Plan B just in case they find their back suddenly rendered vulnerable as their strongest protection of their back having quit and gone home prematurely. Further, depending on the United States to actually produce and make good on promises of weapons systems being completely dependent on any new President continuing with the production or delivery of promised systems should put the fear of heaven in them as the anti-missile systems and radar cancelled and the premature stoppage of production of the F-22 Raptor proved as that was the fighter the United States was counting on for granting her air superiority over any other nation, something the F-35 joint strike fighter does not and may even prove to be less of a fifth generation fighter when compared to the Eurofighter Typhoon or the Russian Sukhoi Su-27.



Picture of F22 Raptor, F35 Joint Strike Fighter, Eurofighter Typhoon or the Russian Sukhoi Su-27



These are the lasting legacies of President Obama and they will all but destroy the faith in the world of any United States President for some time into the future until trust can be proven or given a legal basis. The only item which may be seen as trustworthy might be actual treaties which have the full backing of the congress and the Courts, including especially the Supreme Court and as such may be proven to be beyond the reach of any American President to negate by his or her own power without running afoul of the Courts and Congress. Even this will need to be seen by those who have been burnt the most by this administration and its complete disregard for precedent, Presidential respect for and by other administrations and potentially the rule of law which would make even treaties only as good as the President and congress who made them and otherwise potentially worthless. The United States is going to have to face these issues and either find some manner of placing the nation behind the promises of their Presidents going forward when a new President takes the office and has a different view of the world and sees the promises of the predecessor as unbinding upon them, that must be changed if the United States ever desires to be respected and trusted ever again. Perhaps it is time for a previously unthought of and seemingly unnecessary Amendment to the United States Constitution which will state that once the President and the Congress have declared use of the United States military to undertake a task that from that point forward or until a supermajority of two-thirds of both houses of congress and the President together call the mission complete, the military will remain on stations until the military Joint Chiefs of Staff declare the mission completed. Such an amendment would restore faith that once the United States military was deployed that they would not simply pull out leaving whatever governance they left in place completely vulnerable and it will cause the Congress and President to carefully spell out the necessary accomplishments of every mission long before troops would be deployed. Both of these required changes in the way troops are deployed and returned from deployment would make for stricter definitions of any mission and a clear promise that once the United States troops are deployed and tasked with supporting any government until said time that it has been stabilized and completely functioning with domain over all of its nation that the United States will not just pull out leaving a huge sucking sound of a vacuum which will almost always be filled by other than savory forces. Such would give real meaning to any military promise given by the Congress and President when forces are deployed to a long term mission which will necessarily be passed to the next President and his administration which would be powerless to end the mission unless the military top level commanders determined the mission completed.


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