Beyond the Cusp

December 26, 2016

President Obama’s Surprise No Surprise at All


Be honest, was President Obama pressing for a Security Council vote condemning Israel activity beyond the Green Line really all that much of a surprise? Did you still doubt the vindictiveness and hatred of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu? Did you really believe he would leave office without setting in stone his idea of a fair border for the Palestinian State? None of this was a surprise as the only thing which was left unknown was how close would he allow it to be before he left office? The pressing matter was the upcoming French conference as President Obama needed this to be his idea and not some reaction to the French initiative. That is what placed any deal of haste behind his actions. As for what good this did, that is what we can discuss here in this article rather than react and try to belittle the pettiness of the departing American President. That discussion we will leave for those stuck in condemnation of the past and probably holding great amounts of trepidation of the future as Trump was not their Presidential choice.


Israel must use this as their last and final opportunity to learn the reality of the world. Israel is hated by the world powers. The peoples of the Earth may not all hate Israel but it is far too probable that much if not the vast majority of the peoples of the world hate Israel. The people of Israel need to grasp the full implications of the findings that close to two-thirds of those who admitted to hating Jews had never met a single Jew. This reveals that hating Israel is a visceral reality resultant of anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism both of which have no necessary requirement for having met a Jew or a Zionist respectively. It is also necessary for Israelis, especially Israeli Jewish Zionists to realize that some Zionists are not Jewish but do believe that Hashem did indeed promise the people known today as the Jews the lands of Israel. But the numbers of our friends are also mostly the ‘silent majority’ whose lives are filled with family, work and day-to-day living and not of the sort to be available for demonstrations at a moment’s notice. Thus the support for Israel is more relaxed and less visible than the opposition. But the governments are very visible in their deferential positions for supporting Israel’s enemies. The unanimous vote, the abstention by the United States is equivalent to a yes vote, is telling especially when one considers the list of nations currently in the Security Council; China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Angola, Egypt, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Spain, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The notables are Japan, New Zealand and Spain as all are neither Islamic nations nor subjects of recent Islamic terrorist attacks nor do they have histories of anti-Israel actions. What they do share is leftist governments which are willing to blow with the wind and are incapable of resisting the Arab funded anti-Israel tsunami which has been greatly aided by Western government’s craven refusal to stand for freedom and human rights when it comes to the contemptable records of the Arab world. Instead they prefer to pretend that Israel is the center of all that is wrong with the world and if only Israel can be subsumed and destroyed then all will be right with the world. Such acts will all lead to but one conclusion, the directing of the full forces of Islamic terrorism and subversion against the entirety of the West and then their turning to Asia, South America and the remainder of Africa in their Grand Jihad to fulfill their perceived promise from Allah that they will be the sole force on all of the Earth. If this is the desired result the world desires, could they please simply enact Sharia and leave Israel to be Israel alone if necessary.


Israel need recognize that even should we remove every last community now under attack and redivided, Hashem forbid, Jerusalem, surrendering all rights to visit virtually all of our holiest sites, it will not satiate the Islamic beast but further its hunger for the remainder of Israel. They have set the terms even if the West and United Nations act blindly disregarding their demands for Tel Aviv, Haifa, Netanya, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Eilat, Beersheba, Dimona, and the west of Jerusalem and every inch between the River and the Sea. The anti-Israel NGOs on the college campuses across Europe, Canada, the United States and the world all know the chant and proudly declare, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.” Where is the differentiation between the “settlements” and the remainder of Israel, the Western invention of the good Israel which will be permitted to live in peace? Nowhere, because there is no such entity and the Arab world knows this. The Palestinian Authority, PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezballah and the Arab League with the world it represents all claim the same thing, not just the end to Israel but a war against every Jew everywhere they can be found. They follow their holy writings from al-Bukhari 3593 Sahih al-Bukhari Volume 4, Book 56, Hadith 791, where it plainly states,

Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar: I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “The Jews will fight with you, and you will be given victory over them so that a stone will say, ‘O Muslim! There is a Jew behind me; kill him!’ ”
حَدَّثَنَا الْحَكَمُ بْنُ نَافِعٍ، أَخْبَرَنَا شُعَيْبٌ، عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ، قَالَ أَخْبَرَنِي سَالِمُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، أَنَّ عَبْدَ اللَّهِ بْنَ عُمَرَ ـ رضى الله عنهما ـ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ ‏ “‏ تُقَاتِلُكُمُ الْيَهُودُ فَتُسَلَّطُونَ عَلَيْهِمْ ثُمَّ يَقُولُ الْحَجَرُ يَا مُسْلِمُ، هَذَا يَهُودِيٌّ وَرَائِي فَاقْتُلْهُ ‏”‏‏.‏

Another instance using a variant of this quote appeared in publications of this Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad in Egyptian publications in the 1930s and 1940s:

The resurrection of the dead will not come until the Muslims will war with the Jews and the Muslims will kill them; … the trees and rocks will say, “O Muslim, O Abdullah, here is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”

For more on the writings of the Quran we wrote a short piece as an introduction titled Which Quran, Mecca or Medina? and friends of BTC have added numerous informative and accurate links to a varied assortment of commentaries and actual copies of the Quran from both its normal appearance to chronological listings of the writings of Muhammad’s scribe, Muhammad could neither read not write.


There are numerous other Hadiths which denounce both Jews and Christians and many were adapted for use against Buddhists and Hindus during the Islamic Jihad in India. The Quran is a wonderful book written in such a manner as to confound any who study seeking useable arguments leading to a conclusion. As the Quran is assembled shortest verse to the longest verse one must first rearrange the writings putting them in chronological order as they were revealed. The arrangement was made in order to allow students to start from their youth learning, memorizing the shortest verses and as they matured to commit to memory the longest verses. They were also taught not to be concerned that the verses they memorized made little sense in the order they are taught as these things are of no consequence. The true meaning of the Quran will be granted only to the learned ones, the Imams, and the followers are to take the words of their Imam as the true and pertinent meaning of the Quran. This allows for a community religious leader to mold the word which their followers are able to teach to others. In this was the writings of the words spoken by Muhammad in Mecca, the earliest verses, to their followers thus present an Islam of love, peace, coexistence and multi-culturalism much like Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and other major religions. Then, as their numbers in a society reach a tipping point the Imam will start to alter their teaching and inject the teachings from the Medina period where Islam was turned into a conquering force which spread across the Middle East and Northern Africa spreading as if it were wildfire (see map below). The expansion was halted in two main battles, the battle of Tours on October 10, 732, where the French forces were led by Charles ‘the Hammer’ Martel and the Sieges of Vienna in 1529 and 1683 where on September 12, 1683, the King of Poland John III Sobieski led the forces relieving the city.


Islamic Expansion

Islamic Expansion


Back to what Israel need learn, and with her the world need learn, from the recent vote of the Security Council. It is necessary to remember the unending attacks against Israeli citizens from terrorists before June of 1967 and the Six Day War. These terror attacks had nothing to do with the ‘settlements’ as there was no occupied territory. The PLO was founded on May 28, 1964, more than three years before there were any occupied territories. The PLO Charter demanded the liberation of Palestine which was defined then as all of Israel within the Green Line and all other borders. They made no claim to the ‘West Bank’, which are more accurately called Judea and Samaria, as the area was then actual occupied territory with Jordan as the occupying power. Jordan was granted the areas of Judea and Samaria after Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, Iraqi and Arab League forces wrested the lands from Israel as part of what was envisioned to be a genocidal conquest of the nascent Israel launched on May 15, 1948, the first day of Israel’s existence as a nation. These forces were joined by Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Pakistan, Arab Liberation Army, Muslim Brotherhood, Holy War Army and various other irregular forces. During this conflict the Egyptians were granted the Gaza Strip which was the other piece of land lost by Israel in what many refer to as the Israel War of Independence, which is strange as Israeli independence was established on May 15, 1948 and not during a period in 1949 as several different armistices were signed establishing Armistice Lines with the most recognized being the Blue Line, border between Israel and Lebanon, and the Green Line which is the border established then with Jordan. The Arab League insisted that these Armistice Lines never be construed or utilized to establish a border with Israel for as long as Israel has no defined borders the Arab nations can continue to claim it does not exist and a state of war continues. Israel signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan establishing borders of the Negev-Sinai border with Egypt and the Jordan River as the Israeli-Jordanian border. There was never an entity called Palestine, only a region defined originally by the Romans which included what today makes up Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, a region the Arab League insisted was Greater Syria even through the Mandate period. All of this the United Nations had nothing to say as the Arab armies stole Israeli lands after refusing a plan for two states because the Arab world refused to permit absolutely any Jewish nation and had their own planned invasion in the ready. Nothing was going to prevent the genocidal slaughter of the interloping Jews who insulted all Islam by returning to their ancestral homelands. The reality is the Arab world refuses to permit any land which once has been trodden by an Arab to be ruled by anything other than an Arab. This is behind their claims to all of Europe and the United States, Canada and anywhere in the world where any Arab has resided within any national borders, as that fact makes the entirety of those lands reserved to be part of an Arab Caliphate. Israel has to understand that peace is not possible, only victory or defeat and defeat will be complete and total with not a Jew left alive. Israeli victory would look like (the map below) the borders negotiated with Egypt and Jordan and the Armistice line with Lebanon and the Golan Heights demarcation line with what once was Syria and is now something completely different.


Definitive Map of Israel


Israel exists today for one reason and only one reason, force of arms. Despite facing overwhelming numbers in each of the wars with her Arab neighbors beginning in 1948 and on through the 1967 Six Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israel through determination and having little choice but to win or face complete annihilation, has persisted through miracle after miracle, Baruch Hashem. The numbers would determine only one conceivable result in each of these conflicts, the annihilation of the Jews of Israel yet Israel survived. Today we face an even greater threat, a world seemingly united against Israel. Understand what the United Nations Security Council voted to enforce. They determined that all former promises of defensible borders and compromises et al are now cancelled and Israel must return to what Abba Eban referred to as the Auschwitz Borders as they all but guaranteed an Israel which cannot be prevented from constant and overwhelming attack leaving Israel facing assaults from the high ground of the Judean Hills overlooking the heart of Israel where three quarters of Israelis reside and eighty percent of her industrial infrastructure exists. By the Security Council all but demanding and delineating that the Green Line must be the resulting border for any Arab state cut out of lands promised by the world repeatedly through the San Remo conference, Treaty of Sèvres, 1924 Anglo-American Convention, League of Nations Mandate unanimous vote, United Nations Charter Article 80 and various other documents, treaties and agreements, any possibility of reaching a peace agreement has been made impossible. The reality was no peace was ever possible before due to Arab intransigence as stated precisely and in easy to understand terminology in the Khartoum Conference with the stated purpose of The Three No’s; No Peace with Israel, No Negotiations with Israel, No Recognition of Israel. The Palestinian Authority has set their demands just as stridently with their demand for the “Right of Return” for over five million Arabs into Israel with none to be absorbed by their presumed Arab state with the result of voting Israel out of existence with the next election or their other demand to be given their rightful 22% of the lands. The lands to which they refer are the lands of the British Mandate of which 78% of the lands were used for the Arab Palestinian state of Jordan (the real Arab Palestinian state with any other being another such state, the second Palestinian Arab state and with return of refugees to Israel soon a third Palestinian Arab state) leaving by promise of the Churchill White Papers the remaining 22% for the Jewish State, that is the 22% Abbas demands, not Judea and Gaza as pretended by Western politicians who know their lies are but a screen for their consciences as they agree to dissolve Israel if they can have an empty promise that the terrorism will end and there will be no further assault by Islam. Even if they were to receive said promise, it would be a hudna, a ten year agreement which can be broken at any point if the powers of Islam believe they have the tactical advantage. The hudna is based on the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah between Muhammad and the Quraysh tribe, a Jewish tribe in the Arabian Peninsula during Muhammad’s times, which was to last ten years but Muhammad broke it well before the ten years when he was strong enough to eradicate these Jews enslaving the young women and male children young enough to be retrained as Islamic fighters while all the men were slaughtered with those surviving the battle beheaded in a mass fury. Israel desires no hudna as history is a good teacher if one bothers to remember events from the past, especially defining events as the precedent defining hudna.


The Security Council vote leaves Israel little if any real choice. The lands of Judea and Samaria must now remain in their totality as part of Israel as this decision makes anything less no longer possible. With the world voting and filling the chamber with diplomats from who knows how many other nations erupting in applause and approval of this calamity delineating the Green Line as if it were set in stone as the gold standard of solutions for granting the Arabs their twenty-second state, leaving Israel staring at an unacceptable vulnerability which cannot be permitted. This also set a precedent for the Arab Palestinian that instead of negotiations with Israel they can simply wait for the right opportunity and petition the United Nations and continue to petition the United Nations until they finally get exactly their latest demands granted by the Security Council setting the world behind their demands. The route has been established. Petition the General Assembly constantly year in and year out as often as feasible knowing that a favorable vote is guaranteed. Just continue this with once a year threatening to take their latest set of demands to the Security Council and should any permanent member nation threaten a veto then take it to the General Assembly for the umpteenth time. When finally the stars and galaxies are in the wrong alignment and there is a guarantee of no veto, even better if the usual vetoing nation is pushing the motion, then present to the Security Council and allow the world to press your evil as then it becomes acceptable and proper. Is there such a thing as the world being wrong and Israel right? In a word, yes, and we are now living in such times.


President elect Donald Trump has stated things are about to change. Sorry President elect Trump, nothing can alter or change this because even should you present the Security Council with a motion overturning this decision you can bet one of the following, Russia, China, France or Britain will utilize their veto even should you manage to force a majority of the Security Council members to approve your motion. Israel will never be received as proper or deserving of respect or even the granting of promises given because Israel is the one nation where promises given are lies and threats are the reality of things to come. Yes, while you are President of the United States, during that time Israel will have the protection of the American veto. The problem is you can be President no longer than eight years if, and hopefully when as far as Israel is concerned, you are reelected but then what? Pence would potentially, at best, grant another eight years of protection for Israel but then what? The winds of change are and have been blowing for a very long time in the United States. I have personally observed them and predicted the very events of this past week from back in the late 1980s that the days were coming when the United States would turn against Israel. I meant the politics and the people and the people are turning against Israel just as they are rejecting religion and Judeo-Christian ethics. Your election may give such voice to a dying force which has had its extinction in the cards for many years now and there is little that can alter the degradations which are on the wind. Society in the West is coming apart and much of this collapse is written in the ethics of me and me first and last and only. This philosophy is evident in the depopulation of Europe to the point that Europe is committing suicide in the hopes of rejuvenating its workforce to be able to support its aging populations.


America is fortunate, though you do not realize the reality. The United States has infiltrators who at least share your Judeo-Christian ethos and backgrounds. They will continue the work ethic largely and many desire to come to America for opportunity. When I lived in the United States one of two hardest working people, families I knew were immigrants, one legal under Reagan’s amnesty and the other legal outright, the first walked to Pennsylvania from Guatemala to work with a relative and the later from the Philippines. They both were proud and dedicated, hardworking Americans with love for the nation which gave them a life they could only have dreamed about, and had in both cases, in their native countries. Both took chances, the Guatemalan walking and hitchhiking with wife and baby, entire family in tow; the other came and worked six years before being able to bring his wife and three children to America. One I knew in Pittsburgh, the other in Philadelphia, must be something about Pennsylvania, or America. These are the kind of people who will help make America great again, you can only provide them an easier road, but they will do it with you or despite the regulators.


Israel is a similar story to the United States, only far older. Israel is the promise to a people who never forgot their dream of returning home when the time was determined. What made it more difficult was that they were not to be the determining factor; the world had to make it so. This was not due to the lack of desire on the part of Jews but because we were instructed to await a sign from Hashem. That sign took a very long time but the time was foretold in prophesy. We knew of the exiles from our lands, the Promised Lands given in a promise from Hashem to Abraham and again reiterated to Isaac and again to Jacob. A promise retold to Moses and to the multitude at Mount Sinai. You will probably never read this writing, but if you do and we meet, remind me to tell you of our story behind the giving of the law and the first two unsuccessful attempts before Moses went up the mountain. We knew the exile in Egypt would be followed by another shorter in length in Babylon and one interminably long exile lasting seemingly eons, which just happens to translate to around a thousand years give or take a few centuries. This final exile lasted almost two of those eons and we will not endure another. Imagine a world without there having been the Chosen People, without the Ten Commandments, without the Bible (Old Testament and thus New Testament as well) and imagine a world where the name of Hashem was never revealed and we still worshipped stone edifices and lived as peoples without an immortal soul. That is the world without Israel if she should fall and that is why it must not be. Israel is the past and the future and it always was and will be ever since Abraham settled amongst the Canaanites and Moses gave us Torah and we gave the world civilization. That civilization lies panting on the floor in need of emergency treatment and perhaps you are to administer that aid. Israel is right there beside her friends to help, but your son-in-law has probably already told you that. You cannot undo the damage done by President Obama but that is how it is supposed to be. What President Obama did, he did to send Israel a message, though not the message he believed he was sending. We received that message, many of us. He told us that Judea and Samaria are a vital part of Israel which she will not survive without and that we need cut the cancer from amongst us and return to Torah. We must keep the promises which we were determined to keep and this includes Judea and Samaria which are a central heartland of ancient Israel and must be a vital part of modern Israel. Hashem desires this and we need to realize the truth and President Obama just presented the only message we might understand. Too bad the world will need to learn the truth in a more difficult lesson which is already on its way.


Beyond the Cusp 


December 24, 2016

Listen to the Left and Ignore Reality


The recent horrific terror attack driving a massive truck into the crowds shopping for the holiday at Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz Christmas Market murdered at least twelve people and at least fifty people were injured. There have been accusations that the German authorities were too lax and did not respond to terror warnings that just such an attack was potentially imminent. The critics claim that all that was necessary to protect the shoppers at the Breitscheidplatz Christmas Market was a dozen or so Jersey barriers, heavy concrete barriers with curved sloping sides designed to stop even the largest of trucks including the kind used in the attack. In defense of German authorities, one also need consider exactly how many outdoor Christmas malls such as the Breitscheidplatz Christmas Market exist in all of Germany and then figure the number of Jersey barriers would have been required. That would bring the total of Jersey barriers from around a mere dozen to a number somewhere in the tens of thousands. Were there lapses in Germany? What would be a better question would be are there lapses throughout Western nations from Germany to Britain to Italy and Poland, from Greece to Spain to Finland and Sweden, even across the pond to the United States and Canada? The answer is, of course, yes. Even in Israel where such attacks have occurred for a longer period the placement of large posts anchored into the pavement at bus stops, light train stations and other places where people might congregate is still an ongoing, though urgent, series of installations. This is understandable as first these places must be identified, as bus and light rail stops are simply the initial places requiring these instillations while taxi spots and even busy crosswalks in places in downtown Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as well as other cities take further research to identify and will hopefully eventually be discovered and protected. Of course the rule in terror attacks is whatever preventions are taken will simply change the threat making complete terror-proofing quite impossible; all one can do is alter the targeting.


Truck Driven into Christmas Shoppers at Berlins Breitscheidplatz Christmas Market

Truck Driven into Christmas Shoppers at
Berlins Breitscheidplatz Christmas Market


But just to prove that even the most rudimentary of efforts of prevention will be met with scoffing and ridicule, came care of Britain where there was a credible deterrent which some left wingers were rather critical. One of them wrote: “Safety is the last message this presence is sending out. It’s sad, and an extreme over reaction to a very slim chance of a terrorist attack. More likely to be hit by a drunk driver.” Such noble words of appreciation over even a modicum of effort to protect the public make one shake their heads in amused ridicule and disbelief. Can these people ever be pleased? Imagine the screams and protestations should there have been an attack even with the efforts which drew complaints over the effort. The leftists would be demanding heads of government officials responsible for the lack of sufficient efforts to prevent such an attack. It is understandable that not all terror can be prevented though it can be mitigated to minimal effect which while minimizing the deadly results of mass attacks such as in Germany, as has occurred in Israel, stabbing attacks still have the potential to inflict fatalities and injuries no matter anything short of a complete security provided by an actual police state. Every state need to decide what level of damage would be tolerated by the general public and then assure that their security levels are sufficient to surpass the level of expectation and assure that the people will feel secure. Failing to plan sufficiently will result in your facing the same level of disaster that is being faced by Chancellor Merkel and her government. But leftist trouble with reality is on even greater display when it comes to Israel.


France’s leftist government is once again planning to hold a conference to address a new solution to the Arab Israeli conflict. Their plan is to have representatives from approximately seventy countries gathering on January 15, 2017 for a conference to throw the weight of the international community behind the two-state solution. Thursday’s announcement included the news that neither Israel nor the Palestinians will be present at the meeting. But France intends to invite Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Paris some time afterward to brief them on the outcome of the talks, according to the foreign ministry. Meanwhile, the new French Envoy to Israel said two weeks ago that the conference would not contain any novel ideas on how to solve the Middle East conflict, but is mainly intended to prevent the issue from disappearing amid other global crises. “What we propose is nothing new but [we are] trying to keep the subject on the agenda and not letting it down because there are other crises in the world,” Ambassador Hélène Le Gal said. “We continue to propose things and it’s always in a very good spirit toward Israel.” Keep the Arab Israeli or Israel Palestinian conflict in the new? Have they ever read any newspaper, the New York Times, Washington Post, Haaretz, Paris Guardian, Berlin Morgenpost or Pravda recently? I guarantee that not more than two or three days go by without at least two-thirds, that would be four of the six, would have at least one front page reference to the West Bank, Jerusalem, Temple Mount, Kotel, Settlement, Gaza, Palestinian or Israeli acts against Arabs almost all of which will be negative against Israel. You will likely see more front page news on the Arab Israeli conflict than on the violence in Iraq and even with if not more than Aleppo on an average week in the news, especially if you include television and radio news where time is more limited than is space on the front page of a newspaper. But the brilliant minds in Paris are afraid that the Arab Israeli conflict, particularly the plight of the poor and oppressed Palestinians, might be slipping from the public consciousness. Perhaps the reality is something different, but that can wait for now.


The next item is the latest concern of the Security Council which was scheduled to vote on a resolution condemning Israeli building in Judea, Samaria (West Bank) and (East) Jerusalem and considering including in the resolution banning any further Israeli construction beyond the Green Line. The presentation of the resolution was postponed after Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu appears to have spoken with President-elect Donald Trump who probably was the person who influenced Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi who responded positively to discussions and pressures which desired that the proposal, at the very least, wait until after the Paris conference. Netanyahu likely is also hoping that any proposal will not be considered until after January 20, 2017 at 12:00 noon such that President elect Donald Trump will officially be sworn in as President and Nikki Haley will be representing the United States in the Security Council and a new sheriff will be in charge, this apparently was not the case. Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon has stated, “The delay of the vote is an important step; however we realize that this issue is not yet resolved. We are continuing our diplomatic efforts on all fronts to ensure that this disgraceful resolution will not pass the Security Council.” All efforts came to naught except likely those from the White House from President Barack Hussein Obama who, sticking to his anti-Zionist and anti-Israel positions and vindictiveness toward Prime Minister Netanyahu and all Jews who are not 100% supporting the destruction of Eretz Yisroel and standing by President Barack Hussein Obama’s side, pressed to have this resolution voted upon immediately such that he and he alone would be recorded by history to have finally ended any Israeli compromises and granting the Arab Palestinian terror masters a blank check towards their desired goal of the destruction of Israel and the genocidal elimination of over six-million Jews residing in Israel, who had a strong arm in pushing New Zealand, Malaysia, Senegal and Venezuela (a nation which has no toilet paper, food, prescription drugs or any other vital items) brought the motion back to the floor after Shabbat had started in Israel. The motion passed unanimously with fourteen nations supporting and the United States, in their idea under Obama of a grand gesture, abstaining as if that makes them almost righteous. More on this in a subsequent article early next week as certain particulars become clear.


The French are not the only people on the left who believe that the Israeli Palestinian conflict has not been addressed or given the necessary effort in order to solve it. President Obama was almost constantly complaining that this situation was not getting the amount of attention it deserves. Hillary Clinton had mentioned her intent to give this conflict the attention required to solve the problem. The French are also all-in on the situation and the new Canadian Prime Minister has supported the French efforts claiming that such an international conference is necessary because the world has not put forth the effort and solved the problem. This is despite the near constant addressing and passing of General Assembly Resolutions every year like clockwork at the opening ceremonies, the November 29th annual International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Durban Conferences and any other opportunity the Arab League or individual Arab leaders decide they need to renew their investment in their own standing at the cost of the Zionist entity, Israel, and present their own resolution condemning Israeli something or another as the what is irrelevant as the target of Israel is all that matters. Yet we have the French with atta-boys coming from every leftist leader on the planet backslapping them for their bravery in calling this conference and their claims that this effort will finally be the effort which brings forth a solution if only Israel can be pressed to make the needed sacrifice for peace.


In closing, let us discuss the concept of “bring forth a solution if only Israel can be pressed to make the needed sacrifice for peace.” Israel was required by the world through United Nations resolutions, and the wording was made specific after much debate and every word was carefully checked and rechecked, and Israel was required to “return lands” and not return all lands or any set percentage or even a majority of the lands, just return lands and this return was to be governed by providing Israel with safe and secure defendable borders. These were the requirements and not in any way shape or form demanding a return to the pre Six Day War borders of the Green Line. Repetition of the lie that Israel must retreat completely has been given validity solely through sheer repetition but has no backing in truth. Once the Israelis returned the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula when making peace with Egypt they had more than met all the demands of the United Nations resolutions. They had more than exceeded most expectations as there were many who felt that Israel would demand to retain the western half of the Sinai Peninsula making the central spine of mountains the new Israel-Egyptian border. Whether returning all of the Sinai Peninsula was a wise move will remain undetermined but will appear as a good deal as long as there is no attack from Egypt in the future. Add the granting of Gaza to the Palestinian Authority, who almost immediately lost it to Hamas causing the constant terror threat of rockets, mortars and other attacks from Gaza onto and into Israel, simply added more to the lands returned by Israel. Israel would be completely within their rights to retain all of the remaining lands gained in their defensive wars of 1967 and 1973 which were the six Day War and the Yom Kippur War. Despite this truth the French and much of the world believe that Israel has not given enough and would probably accept that Israel had not given enough even if they did return within the Green Line. The Arabs believe that as long as Israel exists, then Israel has not given enough. If the French would like to have a hint as to what would be acceptable to the Arab League and the Arab world, here it is in a simple concept, the end of Israel and the disposing of the Jews residing there by whatever means necessary with their annihilation being the preferred method by much of the Arab world. That will never happen and Israel will be retaining much of Judea and Samaria and if the Palestinians cannot handle that then Israel will gladly just retain all the land, period. That will make the leftists squirm as they really have a problem with assertive Jews; even the leftist Jews have a problem with assertive Jews. We know as we have witnessed such discomfort simply by walking into a Synagogue in much of the United States, and that is a shame, the real shame.


Beyond the Cusp 


December 6, 2016

Pro-Palestinian Pressure Pushing President Obama


The hounding of hate is hammering President Obama to act unilaterally to recognize the Palestinian State and declare the borders as the Green Line before it is too late. The claim is by taking on such a bold endeavor he will forever place his name into the history of the Middle East as the man who achieved the impossible. The two leaders have already launched their opening salvos with President Jimmy Carter sounding off in the New York Times with two days later Dennis Ross following up in the Washington Post with both sounding their same sirens song of doom. President Jimmy Carter never misses an opportunity to display his visceral hatred for the Jewish State while Dennis Ross is simply a misguided soul forever attempting to make right his deep and enduring trust that Yasser Arafat and, by inference, his understudy Mahmoud Abbas are statesmen who have forgone their terrorist pasts and become men in the mold of Gandhi. Needless to point out that both we here at BTC and history have proven both men horrifically misguided. In the case of President Carter it is a true hatred while Dennis Ross took a wrong turn back around 1990 and has never recovered and found the highway to the future and continues down one dead end after another. The real problem is that President Obama shares both men’s shortcomings when it comes to Israel and particularly Prime Minister Netanyahu. The question is does this situation portend some imminent disaster or will Israel survive these last six weeks unscathed by the wrath of the White House.


Dennis Ross (center), with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1998

Dennis Ross (center), with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1998


Truth be told, it does not bode well for President Obama to actually make good on his indications that there is no last minute surprise in store for United States policy in the Middle East, particularly for Israel and the Palestinian situation. The problem comes to a head the day after Christmas and was set in motion by the Israeli Supreme Court. According to a ruling by the Supreme Court of Israel, in response to a leftist petition claiming Arab ownership of lands which the community of Amona is using, with an absentee deed issued by Jordan during their illegal occupation of Judea and Samaria as the proof of Arab ownership, the community has been ordered destroyed. The owners of these lands never built any structure there, likely never tread their feet on said soil, probably could not locate their land on a blank map of the area and were given honorary title largely to make claim to prevent Jews from ever owning the land. Jordan gave out such deeds in name only covering the majority of the lands of Judea and Samaria as a reward and as a stop against squatters while they possessed the lands and now this ploy is being used against honest development of the area by post-Zionist leftists. The sickening part of all this is these are Israeli Jews whose NGO’s are largely European supported and have next to no Israeli funding but register as Israel due to lack of legal requirement for NGO’s to have predominately domestic funding, a law found in the United States and virtually every European nation but denied Israel by Western, mostly European, demands and protests every time the Knesset considers such a law plus the Israeli Supreme Court, ever the backer of all idea European, threatens to negate any such law which is made into law. This is an example of another problem brought on by an out of control judiciary where the Supreme Court has taken on the position of final arbiter of all things legal to such an extent as to have negated laws they disagree with politically and writing new laws they believe are necessary to extend and further empower themselves. When additionally, the Supreme Court itself has veto power over any proposed sitting of Judges replacing any jurist who dies in office or steps down, plus also appointing their Chief Justice; this has produced a Supreme Court which rules as if the year is still somewhere around 1970, standing immeasurably to the left of the Israeli public and governance who are all but powerless against this abuse of power. The runaway Supreme Court relishes handing out destruction orders for any Israeli development, even to include legally built communities which were granted government approval and have every piece of paper required for ownership, simply by any NGO claiming they know of previous Arab ownership of the land in question and ruling without any process to determine whether such deed exists or right of ownership. According to Justices sitting on the Supreme Court it is not their place to determine ownership and they need not question such claims as who would make such a claim falsely. Well, as it turns out, these NGO’s would and have done so with actual cases where they found an Arab who would claim ownership, nobody along the way required proof and when the suit of ownership finally reached a lower court the claimant usually is nowhere to be found fearing filing false claims charges. This has occurred more than once and more often than not no claim for ownership is ever filed by the supposed Arab claimant in most instances.


With the Supreme Court demanding the destruction of this community on December 25th, the day after Christmas and the second day of Chanukah, the pressure has come upon the Knesset to reign in the Supreme Court and their presumed power using this case as the weapon of choice. The Prime Minister has attempted to mollify the situation claiming that the community will simply be moved a few hundred meters away from the lands behind the order and the community of Amona will be saved as if a community can be moved by waving his magic wand. The promise of moving homes and communities to new locations close to their former location have been proffered by Israeli politicians before and then the feasibility study renders such impossible or far too expensive and the community gets destroyed and remains destroyed. This ploy will not be accepted as the viable magic solution once again. The sole solution which should be implemented by the Knesset is the issuing of a Basic Law which empowers the Knesset alone in the determination of legality of any Israeli community and its structures and that once the community has been properly filed and plans set then the Supreme Court will be prohibited from making any destruction orders without first a settlement of proper claim has been made and verified settled by lower courts. This would make a great first step in solving a serious problem within Israel and allow people residing in these challenged locations who possess righteous claims under the law to rest easy at night that the next day bulldozers are not going to come and destroy their lives.


Subsequent to such an enactment of a Basic Law, sort of a constitutional set of laws which can be enacted and amended by simple majority, another problem for another time, there need be a resetting of the selection process for judgeships, especially for the Supreme Court. The legal community could and should have input as to who is eligible to be placed on the bench and who can be elevated to the Supreme Court. Their input need be as part of the selection committee but not the validations process or even the majority decider in said committee. Further, the Prime Minister should be the originator of a list of acceptable names worked out between him and the leaders of the ruling coalition and with input from the leader of the opposition. This list should then be passed to a committee made up of perhaps nine electors; three from the judiciary, three from the Knesset ruling coalition, two from the opposition and one representing the Prime Minister. Once these committee members have decided on the judge, then the Knesset should decide needing an approval of seventy-two Knesset Ministers (60%) with Supreme Court nominees required to have eighty Knesset Members agree to their appointment (2/3). Such a procedure would provide for adequate Judicial input while leaving the final appointment up to the representatives of the people of the State of Israel and not permit the tyranny of the robes continue unabated. This ruling need also be included in the Basic Laws and should serve as the template if and when a Constitution is finally permitted to be written.


Still, should the community of Amona become another battleground between the Supreme Court and the elected governance, especially if it becomes a battle between the Supreme Court and the Prime Minister, then it could explode initially in the Israeli media with Haaretz leading the cheer for destruction and supporting the Supreme Court, it would soon be picked up by the European media and them the United States mainstream media and the howling worldwide would begin. The European media would be demanding the Supreme Court order to destroy Jewish homes be upheld immediately as they always have and in the United States the left leaning media would likely follow suit while right leaning media would support the residents of the community and the Prime Minister and/or the Knesset as they represent the will of the people. Such a brouhaha exploding in the media might be the impetus supporting the demands of Dennis Ross and President Jimmy Carter and demanding the destruction of what will most certainly be labeled a “settlement” might prompt the White House to take action to settle the entire controversy.


Former President Jimmy Carter with Yasser Arafat (left) and Mahmoud Abbas (right)

Former President Jimmy Carter
with Yasser Arafat (left)
and Mahmoud Abbas (right)


As President Obama has consistently implied that the border for any Arab Palestine should be the 1949 Armistice Lines, the Green Line, and the division of Jerusalem to be the shared Capital of each nation; the immediate problem is Jerusalem which Israelis feel militantly strongly must remain in Israeli control such that the Holy Sites in the Old City, including the Temple Mount, are open to all people of all faiths and not once again become a closed area where only Muslims are permitted to tread as it was under Jordanian Rule and would return to under Arab Palestinian rule. This would present a breaking-point which would have no means of breaching to reach a settlement. This would bring down any government prepared to give away half of our Holy City and Capital City for three-thousand years and never having been the capital city of any other nation. Jerusalem is the beating heart of Judaism and the Arabs are aware of this which is why they are demanding it be broken in two as should such come to pass the wound to Judaism and religious Jews would be insufferable and could not be permitted to stand. That is the plain and simple truth and no Israeli government could stand after suffering such a proposal even for consideration. This strong and unyielding attachment was best described by the Song of Babylon written as a response to the demand of the Babylonians that their Jewish Israelite captives who were being sold into slavery in many a case sing for them a song as the Jews, especially the Priests, were renowned for their love of song and singing abilities. One must remember that the young King David played the lyre and was sweet in song such that he would be called to sing to King Saul to soothe the King in times of distress. There is one of the most famous lines within this song of distress which read “If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill (lose its strength). May my tongue cling to my palate, if I do not remember you, if I do not bring up Jerusalem at the beginning of my joy.” That is the importance of Jerusalem, that and so much more. As might be said in less formal a situation, dividing Yerushalayim be fighting words.


Of course there would be no dividing of Jerusalem nor would there be the acceptance of the 1949 Armistice Lines, the Green Line, and no acceptance of an Arab State by any name unless that state replaced all of Israel either through the return of over five million Arabs into Israel all steeped in the same indoctrination by UNRWA as the Hamas and PLO terrorists the Palestinian Arab schools churn out year after year with their textbooks filled with hatred of Israel and Jews, all Jews everywhere and anywhere. Mahmoud Abbas has already declared all the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea as an Islamic Sacred Waqf. By his own declarations he is religiously tied to refuse anything short of the complete destruction of Israel. If Abbas were to accept the 1949 Armistice Lines as borders, even temporary borders, he would be hung from a crane by noon on that day and the entirety of Judea and Samaria, and we’re afraid parts inside Israel, would briefly turn into a redux of Syria with all the violence and a heated war waged between the PLO against Hamas with Islamic State trying to take control as well. Granted such lawlessness inside Israel would be rapidly quelled and the areas within Judea and Samaria where Israel is responsible for keeping the peace under the Oslo Accords would also be pacified but until the world demanded, the area presumably controlled by the Palestinian Authority (PA) would remain a lawless land of strife, struggle and death.


Press Abbas to accept such a declaration and one is lighting the fuse on a dangerous situation which would explode as the people within the areas ruled by the PA and Hamas in Gaza have been indoctrinated such that few under the age of thirty or forty would stand for such and would immediately replace whoever from the PA agreed and this would decapitate the PA, PLO, Fatah and the entirety of PA run lands where these groups as well as Hamas and Islamic State would immediately vie for superiority and you would have instant Syria, just add a forced peace settlement. Very quickly allowing Israel to do whatever was required and to declare all the land as Israel would become acceptable even in the United Nations as such added violence in an area already steeped in violence and failed states, one more which could be handed off to Israel to handle, would almost immediately be handed to Israel with European and American blessings. Where this would result in all of Israel as promised by San Remo conference, Treaty of Serves and even after the White Papers and the United Nations failed partitioning which the Arab League flatly refused and invaded Israel immediately the first morning of her statehood and a series of failed peace plans including the disastrous Oslo Accords and Israel total unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, finally being established on all of the lands actually remaining as Israeli under existing international law. The reality of the River to the Sea is that it all actually belongs legally to Israel and only Israel can allow any other entity to establish any otherwise ordered autonomy. The PA exists by the good graces and permission of Israel and should that fail the lands resort to Israeli rule.


So, if the prodding of President Jimmy Carter and Dennis (I never met a peace plan I didn’t back that didn’t fail) Ross along with the internal Israeli coming dust-up over the legality and existence of Amona all presses President Obama to actually make a declaration recognizing anything more permanent and fixed concerning an Arab State within Israel, this will soon devolve, especially if borders are set or implied heavily enough, into a violent struggle to determine who gets to demand the annihilation of all the Jews in Israel leading to IDF intervention and very likely Europe demanding Israel take control of the situation before it spreads into Jordan and beyond. Even President Obama might be pressed but President Trump will definitively decide that the easiest solution is for Israel to annex Judea and Samaria and settle everything down restoring peace and replacing the indoctrination centers with actual schools teaching skills other than bomb making and stabbing 101. President Obama is fully aware of the reality which is why he will most likely let sleeping dogs lie rather than start a war on his way out, especially an unnecessary war.


Eventually somebody will have to realize that the actors on the Arab side of this equation have yet to keep a single promise, yet to meet a single requirement, yet to apply actual rule of law, yet to hold another election since electing Abbas dictator, yet to fulfill even the most rudimentary requirements for statehood, but have fully gone to great extremes to demand that they be credited with having completed every requirement to establish a state. The Arabs in Judea and Samaria have indoor plumbing throughout most of their communities installed and supplied by Israel, get the majority of their water, gas and electricity, if not all, from Israel and have yet to pay for any of it since the year 2000 and before, rely on Israel for security to keep the PA in power and prevent Hamas or Islamic State amongst others from conducting a coup (Israel has prevented at least half a dozen coup attempts by Hamas which the public has been made aware), rely on the cash in the millions per month to run their area the size of a midsized city as the majority of the international funding goes for two main products; bombs and weapons along with graft taking a large share right off the top, have never actually prevented any terror activities carried out by the PLO (they have prevented a few Hamas operations which have been classified as terror but could have been coup attempts and not attacks on Israel), when forced to incarcerate a terrorist they go in the front door to serve a multi-year sentence and are released through the back door in a couple of weeks if not days or even hours, and had one of the most disturbing displays of animal hatred and bloodletting when an Italian photojournalist caught the picture below with the story here, here, and finally here, plus they have seldom missed an opportunity to have invented and exaggerated stories of Israeli malfeasance such as Jenin, and we could go on and on.


Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands

Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd
Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists
Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands


Beyond the Cusp


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