Beyond the Cusp

December 26, 2016

President Obama’s Surprise No Surprise at All


Be honest, was President Obama pressing for a Security Council vote condemning Israel activity beyond the Green Line really all that much of a surprise? Did you still doubt the vindictiveness and hatred of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu? Did you really believe he would leave office without setting in stone his idea of a fair border for the Palestinian State? None of this was a surprise as the only thing which was left unknown was how close would he allow it to be before he left office? The pressing matter was the upcoming French conference as President Obama needed this to be his idea and not some reaction to the French initiative. That is what placed any deal of haste behind his actions. As for what good this did, that is what we can discuss here in this article rather than react and try to belittle the pettiness of the departing American President. That discussion we will leave for those stuck in condemnation of the past and probably holding great amounts of trepidation of the future as Trump was not their Presidential choice.


Israel must use this as their last and final opportunity to learn the reality of the world. Israel is hated by the world powers. The peoples of the Earth may not all hate Israel but it is far too probable that much if not the vast majority of the peoples of the world hate Israel. The people of Israel need to grasp the full implications of the findings that close to two-thirds of those who admitted to hating Jews had never met a single Jew. This reveals that hating Israel is a visceral reality resultant of anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism both of which have no necessary requirement for having met a Jew or a Zionist respectively. It is also necessary for Israelis, especially Israeli Jewish Zionists to realize that some Zionists are not Jewish but do believe that Hashem did indeed promise the people known today as the Jews the lands of Israel. But the numbers of our friends are also mostly the ‘silent majority’ whose lives are filled with family, work and day-to-day living and not of the sort to be available for demonstrations at a moment’s notice. Thus the support for Israel is more relaxed and less visible than the opposition. But the governments are very visible in their deferential positions for supporting Israel’s enemies. The unanimous vote, the abstention by the United States is equivalent to a yes vote, is telling especially when one considers the list of nations currently in the Security Council; China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Angola, Egypt, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Spain, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The notables are Japan, New Zealand and Spain as all are neither Islamic nations nor subjects of recent Islamic terrorist attacks nor do they have histories of anti-Israel actions. What they do share is leftist governments which are willing to blow with the wind and are incapable of resisting the Arab funded anti-Israel tsunami which has been greatly aided by Western government’s craven refusal to stand for freedom and human rights when it comes to the contemptable records of the Arab world. Instead they prefer to pretend that Israel is the center of all that is wrong with the world and if only Israel can be subsumed and destroyed then all will be right with the world. Such acts will all lead to but one conclusion, the directing of the full forces of Islamic terrorism and subversion against the entirety of the West and then their turning to Asia, South America and the remainder of Africa in their Grand Jihad to fulfill their perceived promise from Allah that they will be the sole force on all of the Earth. If this is the desired result the world desires, could they please simply enact Sharia and leave Israel to be Israel alone if necessary.


Israel need recognize that even should we remove every last community now under attack and redivided, Hashem forbid, Jerusalem, surrendering all rights to visit virtually all of our holiest sites, it will not satiate the Islamic beast but further its hunger for the remainder of Israel. They have set the terms even if the West and United Nations act blindly disregarding their demands for Tel Aviv, Haifa, Netanya, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Eilat, Beersheba, Dimona, and the west of Jerusalem and every inch between the River and the Sea. The anti-Israel NGOs on the college campuses across Europe, Canada, the United States and the world all know the chant and proudly declare, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.” Where is the differentiation between the “settlements” and the remainder of Israel, the Western invention of the good Israel which will be permitted to live in peace? Nowhere, because there is no such entity and the Arab world knows this. The Palestinian Authority, PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezballah and the Arab League with the world it represents all claim the same thing, not just the end to Israel but a war against every Jew everywhere they can be found. They follow their holy writings from al-Bukhari 3593 Sahih al-Bukhari Volume 4, Book 56, Hadith 791, where it plainly states,

Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar: I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “The Jews will fight with you, and you will be given victory over them so that a stone will say, ‘O Muslim! There is a Jew behind me; kill him!’ ”
حَدَّثَنَا الْحَكَمُ بْنُ نَافِعٍ، أَخْبَرَنَا شُعَيْبٌ، عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ، قَالَ أَخْبَرَنِي سَالِمُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، أَنَّ عَبْدَ اللَّهِ بْنَ عُمَرَ ـ رضى الله عنهما ـ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ ‏ “‏ تُقَاتِلُكُمُ الْيَهُودُ فَتُسَلَّطُونَ عَلَيْهِمْ ثُمَّ يَقُولُ الْحَجَرُ يَا مُسْلِمُ، هَذَا يَهُودِيٌّ وَرَائِي فَاقْتُلْهُ ‏”‏‏.‏

Another instance using a variant of this quote appeared in publications of this Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad in Egyptian publications in the 1930s and 1940s:

The resurrection of the dead will not come until the Muslims will war with the Jews and the Muslims will kill them; … the trees and rocks will say, “O Muslim, O Abdullah, here is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”

For more on the writings of the Quran we wrote a short piece as an introduction titled Which Quran, Mecca or Medina? and friends of BTC have added numerous informative and accurate links to a varied assortment of commentaries and actual copies of the Quran from both its normal appearance to chronological listings of the writings of Muhammad’s scribe, Muhammad could neither read not write.


There are numerous other Hadiths which denounce both Jews and Christians and many were adapted for use against Buddhists and Hindus during the Islamic Jihad in India. The Quran is a wonderful book written in such a manner as to confound any who study seeking useable arguments leading to a conclusion. As the Quran is assembled shortest verse to the longest verse one must first rearrange the writings putting them in chronological order as they were revealed. The arrangement was made in order to allow students to start from their youth learning, memorizing the shortest verses and as they matured to commit to memory the longest verses. They were also taught not to be concerned that the verses they memorized made little sense in the order they are taught as these things are of no consequence. The true meaning of the Quran will be granted only to the learned ones, the Imams, and the followers are to take the words of their Imam as the true and pertinent meaning of the Quran. This allows for a community religious leader to mold the word which their followers are able to teach to others. In this was the writings of the words spoken by Muhammad in Mecca, the earliest verses, to their followers thus present an Islam of love, peace, coexistence and multi-culturalism much like Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and other major religions. Then, as their numbers in a society reach a tipping point the Imam will start to alter their teaching and inject the teachings from the Medina period where Islam was turned into a conquering force which spread across the Middle East and Northern Africa spreading as if it were wildfire (see map below). The expansion was halted in two main battles, the battle of Tours on October 10, 732, where the French forces were led by Charles ‘the Hammer’ Martel and the Sieges of Vienna in 1529 and 1683 where on September 12, 1683, the King of Poland John III Sobieski led the forces relieving the city.


Islamic Expansion

Islamic Expansion


Back to what Israel need learn, and with her the world need learn, from the recent vote of the Security Council. It is necessary to remember the unending attacks against Israeli citizens from terrorists before June of 1967 and the Six Day War. These terror attacks had nothing to do with the ‘settlements’ as there was no occupied territory. The PLO was founded on May 28, 1964, more than three years before there were any occupied territories. The PLO Charter demanded the liberation of Palestine which was defined then as all of Israel within the Green Line and all other borders. They made no claim to the ‘West Bank’, which are more accurately called Judea and Samaria, as the area was then actual occupied territory with Jordan as the occupying power. Jordan was granted the areas of Judea and Samaria after Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, Iraqi and Arab League forces wrested the lands from Israel as part of what was envisioned to be a genocidal conquest of the nascent Israel launched on May 15, 1948, the first day of Israel’s existence as a nation. These forces were joined by Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Pakistan, Arab Liberation Army, Muslim Brotherhood, Holy War Army and various other irregular forces. During this conflict the Egyptians were granted the Gaza Strip which was the other piece of land lost by Israel in what many refer to as the Israel War of Independence, which is strange as Israeli independence was established on May 15, 1948 and not during a period in 1949 as several different armistices were signed establishing Armistice Lines with the most recognized being the Blue Line, border between Israel and Lebanon, and the Green Line which is the border established then with Jordan. The Arab League insisted that these Armistice Lines never be construed or utilized to establish a border with Israel for as long as Israel has no defined borders the Arab nations can continue to claim it does not exist and a state of war continues. Israel signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan establishing borders of the Negev-Sinai border with Egypt and the Jordan River as the Israeli-Jordanian border. There was never an entity called Palestine, only a region defined originally by the Romans which included what today makes up Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, a region the Arab League insisted was Greater Syria even through the Mandate period. All of this the United Nations had nothing to say as the Arab armies stole Israeli lands after refusing a plan for two states because the Arab world refused to permit absolutely any Jewish nation and had their own planned invasion in the ready. Nothing was going to prevent the genocidal slaughter of the interloping Jews who insulted all Islam by returning to their ancestral homelands. The reality is the Arab world refuses to permit any land which once has been trodden by an Arab to be ruled by anything other than an Arab. This is behind their claims to all of Europe and the United States, Canada and anywhere in the world where any Arab has resided within any national borders, as that fact makes the entirety of those lands reserved to be part of an Arab Caliphate. Israel has to understand that peace is not possible, only victory or defeat and defeat will be complete and total with not a Jew left alive. Israeli victory would look like (the map below) the borders negotiated with Egypt and Jordan and the Armistice line with Lebanon and the Golan Heights demarcation line with what once was Syria and is now something completely different.


Definitive Map of Israel


Israel exists today for one reason and only one reason, force of arms. Despite facing overwhelming numbers in each of the wars with her Arab neighbors beginning in 1948 and on through the 1967 Six Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israel through determination and having little choice but to win or face complete annihilation, has persisted through miracle after miracle, Baruch Hashem. The numbers would determine only one conceivable result in each of these conflicts, the annihilation of the Jews of Israel yet Israel survived. Today we face an even greater threat, a world seemingly united against Israel. Understand what the United Nations Security Council voted to enforce. They determined that all former promises of defensible borders and compromises et al are now cancelled and Israel must return to what Abba Eban referred to as the Auschwitz Borders as they all but guaranteed an Israel which cannot be prevented from constant and overwhelming attack leaving Israel facing assaults from the high ground of the Judean Hills overlooking the heart of Israel where three quarters of Israelis reside and eighty percent of her industrial infrastructure exists. By the Security Council all but demanding and delineating that the Green Line must be the resulting border for any Arab state cut out of lands promised by the world repeatedly through the San Remo conference, Treaty of Sèvres, 1924 Anglo-American Convention, League of Nations Mandate unanimous vote, United Nations Charter Article 80 and various other documents, treaties and agreements, any possibility of reaching a peace agreement has been made impossible. The reality was no peace was ever possible before due to Arab intransigence as stated precisely and in easy to understand terminology in the Khartoum Conference with the stated purpose of The Three No’s; No Peace with Israel, No Negotiations with Israel, No Recognition of Israel. The Palestinian Authority has set their demands just as stridently with their demand for the “Right of Return” for over five million Arabs into Israel with none to be absorbed by their presumed Arab state with the result of voting Israel out of existence with the next election or their other demand to be given their rightful 22% of the lands. The lands to which they refer are the lands of the British Mandate of which 78% of the lands were used for the Arab Palestinian state of Jordan (the real Arab Palestinian state with any other being another such state, the second Palestinian Arab state and with return of refugees to Israel soon a third Palestinian Arab state) leaving by promise of the Churchill White Papers the remaining 22% for the Jewish State, that is the 22% Abbas demands, not Judea and Gaza as pretended by Western politicians who know their lies are but a screen for their consciences as they agree to dissolve Israel if they can have an empty promise that the terrorism will end and there will be no further assault by Islam. Even if they were to receive said promise, it would be a hudna, a ten year agreement which can be broken at any point if the powers of Islam believe they have the tactical advantage. The hudna is based on the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah between Muhammad and the Quraysh tribe, a Jewish tribe in the Arabian Peninsula during Muhammad’s times, which was to last ten years but Muhammad broke it well before the ten years when he was strong enough to eradicate these Jews enslaving the young women and male children young enough to be retrained as Islamic fighters while all the men were slaughtered with those surviving the battle beheaded in a mass fury. Israel desires no hudna as history is a good teacher if one bothers to remember events from the past, especially defining events as the precedent defining hudna.


The Security Council vote leaves Israel little if any real choice. The lands of Judea and Samaria must now remain in their totality as part of Israel as this decision makes anything less no longer possible. With the world voting and filling the chamber with diplomats from who knows how many other nations erupting in applause and approval of this calamity delineating the Green Line as if it were set in stone as the gold standard of solutions for granting the Arabs their twenty-second state, leaving Israel staring at an unacceptable vulnerability which cannot be permitted. This also set a precedent for the Arab Palestinian that instead of negotiations with Israel they can simply wait for the right opportunity and petition the United Nations and continue to petition the United Nations until they finally get exactly their latest demands granted by the Security Council setting the world behind their demands. The route has been established. Petition the General Assembly constantly year in and year out as often as feasible knowing that a favorable vote is guaranteed. Just continue this with once a year threatening to take their latest set of demands to the Security Council and should any permanent member nation threaten a veto then take it to the General Assembly for the umpteenth time. When finally the stars and galaxies are in the wrong alignment and there is a guarantee of no veto, even better if the usual vetoing nation is pushing the motion, then present to the Security Council and allow the world to press your evil as then it becomes acceptable and proper. Is there such a thing as the world being wrong and Israel right? In a word, yes, and we are now living in such times.


President elect Donald Trump has stated things are about to change. Sorry President elect Trump, nothing can alter or change this because even should you present the Security Council with a motion overturning this decision you can bet one of the following, Russia, China, France or Britain will utilize their veto even should you manage to force a majority of the Security Council members to approve your motion. Israel will never be received as proper or deserving of respect or even the granting of promises given because Israel is the one nation where promises given are lies and threats are the reality of things to come. Yes, while you are President of the United States, during that time Israel will have the protection of the American veto. The problem is you can be President no longer than eight years if, and hopefully when as far as Israel is concerned, you are reelected but then what? Pence would potentially, at best, grant another eight years of protection for Israel but then what? The winds of change are and have been blowing for a very long time in the United States. I have personally observed them and predicted the very events of this past week from back in the late 1980s that the days were coming when the United States would turn against Israel. I meant the politics and the people and the people are turning against Israel just as they are rejecting religion and Judeo-Christian ethics. Your election may give such voice to a dying force which has had its extinction in the cards for many years now and there is little that can alter the degradations which are on the wind. Society in the West is coming apart and much of this collapse is written in the ethics of me and me first and last and only. This philosophy is evident in the depopulation of Europe to the point that Europe is committing suicide in the hopes of rejuvenating its workforce to be able to support its aging populations.


America is fortunate, though you do not realize the reality. The United States has infiltrators who at least share your Judeo-Christian ethos and backgrounds. They will continue the work ethic largely and many desire to come to America for opportunity. When I lived in the United States one of two hardest working people, families I knew were immigrants, one legal under Reagan’s amnesty and the other legal outright, the first walked to Pennsylvania from Guatemala to work with a relative and the later from the Philippines. They both were proud and dedicated, hardworking Americans with love for the nation which gave them a life they could only have dreamed about, and had in both cases, in their native countries. Both took chances, the Guatemalan walking and hitchhiking with wife and baby, entire family in tow; the other came and worked six years before being able to bring his wife and three children to America. One I knew in Pittsburgh, the other in Philadelphia, must be something about Pennsylvania, or America. These are the kind of people who will help make America great again, you can only provide them an easier road, but they will do it with you or despite the regulators.


Israel is a similar story to the United States, only far older. Israel is the promise to a people who never forgot their dream of returning home when the time was determined. What made it more difficult was that they were not to be the determining factor; the world had to make it so. This was not due to the lack of desire on the part of Jews but because we were instructed to await a sign from Hashem. That sign took a very long time but the time was foretold in prophesy. We knew of the exiles from our lands, the Promised Lands given in a promise from Hashem to Abraham and again reiterated to Isaac and again to Jacob. A promise retold to Moses and to the multitude at Mount Sinai. You will probably never read this writing, but if you do and we meet, remind me to tell you of our story behind the giving of the law and the first two unsuccessful attempts before Moses went up the mountain. We knew the exile in Egypt would be followed by another shorter in length in Babylon and one interminably long exile lasting seemingly eons, which just happens to translate to around a thousand years give or take a few centuries. This final exile lasted almost two of those eons and we will not endure another. Imagine a world without there having been the Chosen People, without the Ten Commandments, without the Bible (Old Testament and thus New Testament as well) and imagine a world where the name of Hashem was never revealed and we still worshipped stone edifices and lived as peoples without an immortal soul. That is the world without Israel if she should fall and that is why it must not be. Israel is the past and the future and it always was and will be ever since Abraham settled amongst the Canaanites and Moses gave us Torah and we gave the world civilization. That civilization lies panting on the floor in need of emergency treatment and perhaps you are to administer that aid. Israel is right there beside her friends to help, but your son-in-law has probably already told you that. You cannot undo the damage done by President Obama but that is how it is supposed to be. What President Obama did, he did to send Israel a message, though not the message he believed he was sending. We received that message, many of us. He told us that Judea and Samaria are a vital part of Israel which she will not survive without and that we need cut the cancer from amongst us and return to Torah. We must keep the promises which we were determined to keep and this includes Judea and Samaria which are a central heartland of ancient Israel and must be a vital part of modern Israel. Hashem desires this and we need to realize the truth and President Obama just presented the only message we might understand. Too bad the world will need to learn the truth in a more difficult lesson which is already on its way.


Beyond the Cusp 


September 24, 2016

On What is Donald Trump’s Appeal Being Based?


Read the newspapers or listen to the network news and you would believe that Donald Trump’s appeal is restricted to reprobates and morons, racists and xenophobes, uneducated and unclassed, rejects and retards, unsavory degenerates and that is being kinder than PBS talks about Trump supporters. They will tell their liberal audiences that the Trump supporters do not read or listen to the news and have little or no understanding of the realities of the world and Trump supporters are simply supporting Trump because they hated President Obama because he is black and well educated and the Trump fools are jealous of those who are their betters and want to put one of their own in the White House. It’s the same old story in the media, if there exists support for anybody not leftist, socialist, one worlder then they are not worthy of standing on the stage in the debate, let alone be elected to the most important job in the world. Coverage like that is simply more of the every day in and day out coverage of Democrats good, Republicans evil; our side educated and wonderful, that other side ignorant and disgusting. So, what is driving the support for Trump? That is the question which is seldom answered by the mainstream media because they do not recognize what Trump is selling or what his supporters desire and see as him capable of delivering.


Trump’s slogan of make America great again resonates and his plain language strikes them as honesty and his level of excitement is contagious and he works the crowd well. What they want is the country they believe America should be and what they feel they have had stolen from them. They want an economy which provides decent jobs with better pay which comes with a healthy economy. They do not understand the jobs overseas as much as they understand the jobs simply drying up. They understand that a near doubling of the minimum wage will only drive away jobs and prices up because many have seen what rising minimum wages has done. They remember days when things were better and the unions protected them and that the Democrats promised they would protect the unions but that did not work out as well as promised. Many of Trump’s supporters have voted for the Democrats out of loyalty, out of belief they really were for them, that the Democrats loved the same America they did and that the Democrats were delivering on their promises. The news media have one thing correct, many of these voters really have problems with President Obama but not because he is black but because he really meant that he would fundamentally change America and found what President Obama did not like and wanted to bury about America was the America they loved. It was the policies and broken dreams that lie shattered in the wake of President Obama and his policies and his hatred of their America. Now they believe that in Trump they can have their America back again. They just want what they had, what was before Obamacare, before President Obama bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia and apologized for their country all over the world and deferred to the Iranians and basically acted in what they always thought to be un-American. Now they just want to set things back right and believe the Donald will do that. Whether their faith is misplaced or whether Donald Trump is exactly what they believe him to be, well, unless he becomes President Trump we will never know. This is the one type of Trump supporter that the media elites really do not like as most are not Ivy League educated or even anything beyond possibly Community College or Trade School educated or even simply high school or drop out and are what they think of as the great unwashed.


There is another group of Trump supporters which the media dislikes even more because they cannot scare or cajole these voters into ever supporting Hillary Clinton. These are unlike the Never Trump voters because there is a good chance the Never Trump voters will go third party or stay home, they will never likely vote for Hillary Clinton and be able to look themselves in the mirror should she win. It will not matter if they live in a redder than red or bluer than blue state such that their vote never really mattered because they have consciences which would always prevent their sleeping well the entire four or eight years Hillary Clinton spent as President. The voters who are either tired of Hillary Clinton’s corruption or Hillary Clinton’s lies or simply tired of Hillary Clinton period will vote for Donald Trump by a large percentage because they are not really voting for Trump but will do what it takes to prevent a President Hillary Clinton. These same people will also vote for Donald Trump again if he delivers on what he has bragged he will do. This is close to what the United States and the American voters faced in the 1980 elections with many crossover voters electing President Reagan because they did not want any more of President Carter. President Reagan delivered and I know this because my lifetime Democrat father who voted for the reelection of Jimmy Carter against Ronald Reagan voted four years later for the first time since President Eisenhower for a Republican candidate and was quite overjoyed and proud for voting for President Reagan and supporting his second term. Oh, and about President Eisenhower, didn’t almost every World War II veteran vote for the Commander of the Allied forces in the European Theater, even if they served in Burma in the British Army against the Japanese and the vultures, snakes and other dangers of the Burmese jungles. He will be voting for Hillary though this time around as Trump never did serve, let alone command forces in any war as doing so might have destroyed his manicure.


Who will win the election is not an easy one to discern as there are way too many variables. First off, if it is raining, nay, pouring down rain in the battleground states that will aid Hillary as too many of the potential Trump voters who are voting against Hillary are likely not as driven as those voters voting for a candidate and might decide to stay warm and dry, especially if it is freezing rain. Fair weather favors Trump as all the many varied levels of committed supporters will vote. But predicting an election based on the weather is really iffy as just predicting the weather is just so iffy. There is one thing which may very well be true about one ominous prediction that should Hillary Clinton win the election and serve eight full years, two terms, then there will probably not be another Republican President for at least forty to fifty-two years. Should Trump win and be reelected then the Republican Party will have been reborn quite a bit faster than having to react to the changes in the public perceptions and the voter make-up as Trump has introduced a whole new dimension to the Republican brand even if the stalwarts hate what he is doing to their party. The only guarantee we here at BTC are willing to get one-hundred percent behind is that the Democratic Party will not win because while there is a Democrat Party, there is no Democratic Party any more than there is a Republic Party instead of a Republican Party. With that off our chests and our dig at the misinformed media elitists who constantly get that wrong, we believe because they are trying to make the Democrats the representatives of the Democratic form of government and are using it as subliminal propaganda. Well, since this is a shorter than usual article, why not go out on a limb. If the election is as close as advertised, then Hillary Clinton will squeak out her victory by any means necessary and we can expect some late reporting urban centers claiming reporting problems from their voting machines as they wait to see what is required to win while if it is a knockout landslide then Donald Trump will have sufficient states that the amount of cheating required will place the election beyond the reach of Hillary Clinton. We are not claiming that Hillary cannot win without cheating nor are we claiming that there will not be any shenanigans from the Republicans as there are the competing machines in northern and southern Illinois who will fight it out as per usual and central Pennsylvania will be shooting to upset Philadelphia and Pittsburgh which will come down to places like East McKeesport, Ben Salem, North Versailles, and Montgomery County in Pennsylvania and other suburbs around the nation. It often comes down to the areas which are neither urban nor rural but those areas which span both communities and where the line between the voting trends has been known to slide between Democrat and Republican and probably always will.


Hillary Voters Challenging Nature to Reach Polls and Vote for Hillary

Hillary Voters Challenging Nature to Reach Polls and Vote for Hillary


There has been much written and said about the United States being at a junction and this election being the last stop for changing direction otherwise the decision is done and the United States will have been radically transformed. Rules for Radicals wrote the game plan long ago and eventually that plan will change the United States into another European nation but there is even more at stake with this election. Western society and way of life may very well be on the line and should the United States simply be transformed into another European style socialist state then Western civilization will be dead and buried. Europe is falling rapidly into a dark place with their surrender to the threat of Islam, as Islam means surrender, and should the United States not hold the line, then the world will have only Israel to which to turn and little Israel can only promise to at her best to save herself and not let the spark of freedoms, especially intellectual freedom, die. The leftist have no love for the old Europe and are willing to settle for anything which will destroy the old Western Judeo-Christian ethic because they are tired of what many have referred to throughout history as the moralistic ritualism and restrictive ethics of those Jews and are willing to lie down with the Islamists to rid themselves of the Judeo-Christian ethics not realizing that what they are allowing into their bed is something far less understanding and something which will strangle every freedom and liberalism which has ever developed thanks to that Judeo-Christian ethics. Islam will not tolerate women having rights equal to that of a man, will not tolerate same sex marriage and has a way of ending them and it is not gently, nor will it permit freedom of or freedom from religion but will only accept strict enforcement of Islam and the strict five times a day prayers, modest clothing and particular hair styling and facial hair is required of men and so many other restriction that the liberated Europe is heading for a darkness with which they will be ill prepared to cope. When the war in Europe between those conservative Christians and the few liberated people who see the writing on the wall and freak out screaming, “What have we wrought?” When that war erupts, and it is coming, Europeans will need far more than Israel as an ally, they will be needing a strong and still Christian America to once again, pardon the phraseology, save their bacon; literally. There is a long night falling over Europe and it brings to mind a poem, which often happens, our friends, so allow us to quote and enjoy and ponder.


Do not go gentle into that good night

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Thanks to Dylan Thomas, 1914 – 1953

Beyond the Cusp


July 5, 2016

An End Must be Forthcoming


Recent events are setting in motion a slowly roiling undercurrent for a solution which will be a permanent end to the troubles between the Arabs and the Israelis. Actually there are a number of such solutions each with its own support base and it is only a matter of time before one proves triumphant setting the others to the dustbin of history as having been futile attempts resulting in their failures. One solution has been especially evident as Ramadan nears an end. There was the horrendous slaughtering of a thirteen year old sweet girl, a dancer who had recently had a recital and was murdered while sleeping in her bed in her home stabbed in the back well over a dozen times by her cowardly assailant who had gained entrance to the Kiryat Arba by seriously injuring one of the security guards who attempted to stop him. Hallel-Yaffa Ariel was the young girls name and she was far from the first of the Ramadan victims of Arab terror. The Arabs cry and plead for open travel so they can visit friends and family during their month of Ramadan and every year the Israel government removes almost all the checkpoints, opens the barricaded roadways and grants passes for Gazans to enter Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem and all is sweet and wonderful until some Jewish child or children are murdered. Last year it was three young men and this year a young girl stabbed in the back more than a dozen times in her bed while she slept. But let us define some of the varied rising expectations for the future as all but the last of these groups feels quite sure that their solution is close at hand.


The first is the European Union from the three presidents; President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, President of the European Council Donald Tusk, and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker; their High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini to all the numerous other ministers and national representatives who not only sat through the recent speech given by Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas where he read off a litany of false accusations and degrading slurs against the Israelis with the most disgusting of them was his using the old blood libel which had often swept across regions of Europe itself, that the Jews’ Rabbis were demanding the government and Israelis poison the Palestinian Wells. This was after Abbas and his minions who lead the terrorocracy with claims that the Israelis, the Jews were attempting to use the al-Aqsa Mosque for Devil Worship and other degrading offering and were planning on destroying the Mosque to erect the Third Temple which would not be built at the location of the al-Aqsa Mosque which sits on an added portion of the Temple Mount added by Herod (see video below). Abbas finished his litany of blood libels and demands for the death of all Israel because when he demands all of occupied Palestine he does not mean two states side by side, he means Palestine founded on the Grave of Israel whether that comes from a slaughter of the current state of Israel outright or the flooding it with five to ten thousand Arab refugees and then slaughtering the non-Muslim population starting with any Jews unfortunate enough not to have fled; either path leads to the same end, Palestine instead of all Israel and the potential for a second Holocaust. Then the Ministers of the European Union gave Abbas a rousing standing ovation lavishing upon the man who had just slandered the Jews with blood libels and then called for Europe to assist in their annihilation their most hearty and warm approval possible. We are not talking mild and polite applause for a few seconds but rather rapturous and enthusiastic applause rising to their feet and all but throwing confetti into the air celebratory applause. We can only describe this with a single word, disgusting.



That is the picture of the European Union and what is even more frightening is that it is fast becoming the position of the majority of college and university students and their professors across Europe and North America. This is an indicator of the future in Europe, the United States and Canada just as it was the indication of the future of Germany in the early 1930s. There has been some shove back lately but whether this is a temporary reflex reaction or a final reaction of a societal reflex reaction of conscience, time will tell. If history is any judge the pushback is but a hiccup which will pass with a brief collective holding of the campus’s collective breath. The tide of anti-Semitism has been climbing slowly but ever so surely for decades, just the levels remained lowest where the main concentrations of Jews resided which included many college and university campuses, the northeast down through the Nation’s Capital and along the retirement communities into Florida, in and arc from Pittsburgh through Cleveland on to Chicago and along the West Coast from San Francisco to San Diego. There are pockets of Jews in most major and secondary cities where they reside in neighborhoods mostly sticking to their friends in a fairly closed group usually politically liberal. In the vast majority of these communities they know of almost no anti-Semitism and many believe that the news stories reporting cases of anti-Semitism are aberrations and that those Jews who get worked up over it are making mountains out of molehills. This is quite true providing your entire life is centered on your groups of close friends and the few people with whom you work who would never think to utter even the slightest slur of an anti-Semitic nature anywhere near work, they enjoy receiving a paycheck and work in a field where Jews are respected and well-represented.


But what do these nice people know about the world outside their circle, the world of bricklayers, cement pourers, meter maids, sanitation engineers, high tension linemen, snow plough drivers, or a million other more physical position or factory workers and service jobs, the jobs either low paying or considered unskilled and not requiring eight years of college and a higher degree even a doctorate? The answer is little or nothing unless they own such a company employing such people and even then their interactions are limited. Some of us have worked in such positions while gathering an education and can tell that the level of anti-Semitism over the past half-century has steadily risen and at an ever increasing rate. Those friends they know who they discount as alarmists are actually the grounded ones whose feet are firmly planted on the ground and often mired in mud where they either meet those we refer to as the less fortunate or have solid data they know to be valid and do not simply discount the uncomfortable as an anomaly easily dismissed. The honest truth is that as the United States was a couple of decades trailing behind Europe in anti-Semitism and Europe was miles behind the Arab Muslim world the differences between these groups is narrowing at an alarming and very disturbing rate no matter what many Jews wish to believe. French Jews had some alarming wake-up calls this past year and have started their own exodus with many heading either to the United States or Israel. Their realizations will become more and more frequent as time passes and more widely dispersed and encompassing. Mathematically one could compute a date by which every Jew still practicing their religion or considering themselves to be Jews even though non-practicing or those who are feeling persecuted as those around them believe them Jews and treat them as some form of outcast monster rather than a fellow human being and will end up forced to flee to Israel. There was a time when Jews would claim there was no manner of turns the world could take as they had reached acceptance and even the Almighty would be unable to gather them back to Eretz Yisroel, to Israel. Now many will tell you that day is coming, perhaps in our lifetime or perhaps somewhat later, we would bet on sooner than most believe. What does this mean for Israel?


What this means for Israel is there is no alternative but for Israel to be the homeland and safety zone for the Jewish People. This time as the world turns against the Jews they will have a place to go and this will mean there will be close to twelve to fifteen million Jews residing in Israel, possibly even more. This will also mean that Israel will need land enough to support such numbers and that will require all of the lands promised by the San Remo Conference and the League of Nations, the United Nations and numerous other treaties stemming from World War I and the aftermath. The Arab Palestinian will need to choose one of two alternatives, reside in a state controlled by the Jews on all of the lands or move east of the Jordan River or to another Arab country, one of the over twenty already in existence and many very lightly populated. There has never been a nation named Palestine, no Arab or Muslim nation has ever chosen Jerusalem as their capital city, and the entire reason there are even people claiming to be from Palestine which was an ancient land with Jerusalem as their capital city is in order to steal the Jewish homeland. While you may feel that believing these lies told by the Arab Palestinians who are almost all recent arrivals who only arrived after the Jews set up the infrastructure and economic promise of jobs and a better future that it really does not matter, perhaps some of their other lies might make you less comfortable. The Arab Palestinians claim that Jesus was an Arab Palestinians and will be Muhammad’s assistant in the end times. They claim that Moses was an Arab Palestinian, Noah was an Arab Palestinian, Adam was an Arab Palestinian, Eve was an Arab Palestinian and the Bible, both the Jewish Old Testament and the Christian New Testament are inferior and inaccurate copies of the real word of Allah and as poor and corrupted copies of the Quran must be destroyed and totally replaced with the Quran. They believe that Allah is the true and only G0d and that Hashem and the Christian G0d, who are one and the same, are false gods insignificant and inferior to Allah. Just for the record, Allah is the god of Abraham, Ishmael and Muhammad while the Judeo-Christian G0d is the G0d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That is right; they are really not the same deity and only one can be the true and lasting deity and if the Arab Muslims win over the Jews in Israel it will be but a matter of time before they will replace the Judeo-Christian G0d with Allah and that will also spell the end of the bible, both New and Old Testaments and the world as is known in the Western world.


Arab and Muslim World After the Islamization of Europe except for Switzerland and Israel in Red Both Standing Against any Islamic Assault or Tide


The reality is the current within large areas of the Israeli Jewish population there is beginning to be a growing irritation and animosity over the murderous ways of the Palestinian Arabs. Let me assure you that the Jews have nothing against Arabs who wish to share our economic wellbeing and live amongst us peaceably and accept that Israel is the home for the Jewish People now and from this day forward, actually from May 15, 1948 forward. The Arab supremacists Palestinians who desire to rid the world of Israel, many of all the Jews as the Hamas charter calls, are willing and empowered by the murdering of Jews like thirteen year old young woman and dancer Hallel-Yaffa Ariel stabbed over a dozen times in her back while sleeping in her bed this past week. There may end up some commentator eventually who will list the three or four times an Israeli Jew murdered Arabs in cold blood and these events have happened and are aberrations and anything but the norm and those perpetrators are in prison and not celebrated but scorned by the Jewish population no matter their reasons. The murderer of Hallel-Yaffa Ariel was shot dead as he resisted arrest and his family will be paid and paid handsomely because of his act of cold-blooded murder and this past week since his brutal act the Arabs have been having great parties in the West Bank celebrating this wondrous event with well-wishers congratulating his mother and sweets, candies and sugary pastries being handed out. For hours after this murder there were horns honked in Ramallah in celebratory revelry. Hamas and Islamic Jihad members and many Gazans also celebrated in similar manner. We can expect streets to be named and soccer contests to be held in his honor. Teachers will give lessons over the coming weeks praising and lauding his brave and heroic acts of assaulting a sleeping girl and stabbing her in the back repeatedly. How is a grown teen man stabbing a thirteen year old girl in the back a brave and heroic act? How is a grown teen man stabbing a thirteen year old girl asleep in her bed a brave and heroic act? It is anything but a brave and heroic act. It is an act of supreme and unparalleled cowardice. But the Arab Palestinians are celebrating is a grown teen man stabbing a thirteen year old girl asleep in her bed repeatedly in the back not even risking her awakening as she might fight back as the ultimate in bravery and laudable action and will teach their children that this is a level of act they should aspire towards. The mother and sister of this cowardly murderer, this assassin of a sleeping girl attacking from behind like the weasel he was are praising their relative and urging others to emulate his great patriotic act.


The world has quietly condemned this act in respectful tomes while demanding that Israel take great care not to allow things to grow out of control and to assure that there are no Jewish acts of revenge. There have been almost zero acts of revenge after near countless such acts from the Arab Palestinians. We mourn and pray for this to be the final senseless murder of one of our children and pray that our Arab neighbors choose to live with us in mutual respect and in mutual benefit each assisting the other. We unfortunately realize this is unlikely but it is what our prayers will ask Hashem to allow filling our Arab neighbors’ hearts with the milk of kindness and filling their minds with understanding and their souls with love for their fellow human beings and for our peoples to live together in peace. There will be a few who will speak in anger and voice their frustrations but there will be no acts of retribution and no acts of revenge. There will be mourning and we as a people will pick up the pieces and try to carry on despite the sadness in our hearts. A family will sit Shiva and mourn as prescribed by our laws and traditions. Friends, relatives and even strangers will visit the family’s home bringing food and sitting and saying nothing, not a word until spoken to by the mourners so as not to intrude rudely when they choose to be alone with their thoughts and their mournfulness. They will be polite when time has permitted a level of sanity to return to their minds and some warmth returns to their stunned hearts. They will actually try and greet all and ask of how they knew their daughter and thank those who tell them they know not their wonderful daughter though they feel close to her from all they have read. Those who say they came so as to assist with anything that needs tending and they will be thanked and invited to stay and share of the food and perhaps they will be privileged to hear parents or relatives stories of the young girl and what a fascinating joy she was to all she met. There will be sobbing, wailing and quiet sucking of breath between periods where we forget to breath, but the body reminds as its needs continue despite all else. Things will fall back to normal with the gaping exceptions when one expects their loved one and remember that joy has been stolen from them and for a moment their world will try and collapse in on itself but they will steel themselves because we must always go on. Every year parents will do what no parent should ever need to do, light a Yahrzeit Candle for a child and remember her each year it getting that little bit more difficult but she will never completely be gone as there will always be those stories of the joys she gave others and that is the greatest gift of memory one could ever pray to have for their own memory amongst others. Hallel-Yaffa Ariel, may your memory bring a smile as the one you were always giving to others to their lips so your joy added to the world can continue.


Beyond the Cusp


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