Beyond the Cusp

December 29, 2016

Lunacy of the Progressive Leftist Frenzied Hatefest


The mainstream leftist and progressive media continue kicking up the dust in attempts to mask the violence they are stirring up underneath the clouds of confusion. They talk of President Elect Donald Trump as if he were the greatest monster to ever reach office. They avoid recognizing the facts that he was duly elected President of the United States (POTUS) and continue to harp on Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote. Truth be known, take away California and New York and for fairness sake also remove Texas and the Deep South and Trump wins the popular vote. Hillary basically won New York and California by huge, and we mean YUGE, margins making the votes in the rest of the nation merely marginal in the contest for popular vote. Problem is this was not a popularity contest or a high school Class President race where the person gaining the votes of the jocks and the blondes wins the day. This was a regulated and carefully crafted contest as defined by the United States Constitution which established the Electoral College, the second best manner for choosing a leader coming from the second best set of laws by which to govern (having Hashem pick your leader and Torah are the best ways to find leaders and by which to govern a nation if only one existed today). The problem is rules do not matter when you are running a revolution, and that is what the progressive leftists are running, a fascistic takeover of the United States if they are permitted to get away with it.


Truth of the matter is the progressive media is simply keeping their base energized and ready to launch protest after protest at every single piece of legislation proposed by the Republicans. As they lost the elections and lost them big across the entirety of the country and now run most cities, the failing ones, and a few states on both coasts but lost the Presidency and Congress. This simply means they will take some time to discredit everything the government does, protesting the horrors which will come from repealing regulations which stifle businesses claiming that workers will be harmed despite their being the kind of economy where everyone who desires work can find a decent paying job. Also, because there will be more jobs than applicants, wages will rise. As long as wages are mentioned, bear in mind that even if Congress passed a minimum wage bill raising the minimum wage to $15.00/hr. over the next five years the media would go ballistic claiming that by the time five years have passed the minimum wage would need be $25.00/hr. at the very least. These are ‘glass is half empty’ when they are not in power and ‘glass overflowing’ even if it is obviously empty. Just read the job and economic reports on the economy during President Obama’s time in office. They almost praised his having one quarter where the change in jobs, income average, and virtually every other statistic was exactly zero, no gain, no loss, in almost every category, a statistical impossibility without cooking the results. It was later revealed that the report was a draft and not containing actual numbers and nowhere could one find the real numbers, how convenient.


Much of the talk coming from leftist progressive blogs, news both formal and informal, commentary, columns in major newspapers and other outlets is shrill to the point of being instigations towards violence against Trump, his family, Pence, the Cabinet nominees, the Ambassadorial selections (especially David Friedman as Ambassador to Israel as he actually likes Israel which should disqualify him for any Ambassadorial post, not just Ambassador to Israel) and any-or-everybody linked to Donald Trump and his administration during the transition and probably continuing on into his Administration after the Inauguration. Needless to point out, but the media was really behind something better than a mere Inauguration; they had the coronation of Queen Hillary I and her Royal Court into office next month. They cannot forgive Trump for having the gall and audacity to actually defeat Queen Hillary and denying her that rightful place reserved for her, the first woman to be President of the United States. They will never forgive the American people who voted for Trump even if, or especially if, they did so to assure that Hillary Clinton never again soils their White House unless on a tour and heavily guarded checking for silverware as she leaves. The people have spoken if one ever looks at the map county by county of who voted Hillary Clinton and who voted Donald Trump and the actual immensity of Trump’s victory becomes evident. The areas of blue barely if ever stretch outside the immediate suburbs of the major cities except in a relative few bastions and even in these states like New York, California, Massachusetts, Maryland and a few possibly in New England (see representative map in shades of purple, red and blue below).


County by County Presidential Electoral Map 2016 Using Red and Blue Plus Shades of Purple Simply to Indicate Percentages of Votes Thus Improving Accuracy in our Representation

County by County Presidential Electoral Map 2016
Using Red and Blue Plus Shades of Purple
Simply to Indicate Percentages of Votes
Thus Improving Accuracy in our Representation


The above map is not as extreme as the purely red versus blue map which is slanted even further in making it appear Trump won almost unanimously outside twenty cities, which is probably not a poor description, just a tad too slanted but no more so than the near constant pounding of, “Hillary won the popular vote and should be POTUS,” “Trump Not My President,” “Dump Trump,” and “Love Trumps Hate” (see images below) That last one is somewhat confused as it could also be used as a pro-Trump poster all depending on how it is lettered. The unfortunate item has appeared in some newscasts which report on the fueled hate, rage and tendencies for violence. There is an old political adage often used on the right which goes, “If you desire to know what the progressive left is planning, simply seek out what they are currently accusing the conservatives of committing.” During the two terms of President Obama the progressives accused the conservatives, often targeting the Tea Party, of equating Obama with Hitler (this was done at some rallies but unedited pictures have shown Lyndon LaRouche supporters using signs which clearly were marked as being from his organizations (bottom Image). The lesson we can take is one does need to carefully inspect from whence messages actually derive. The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) often are seen at pro-life rallies as well as disrupting the ceremonies of fallen soldiers being interred which would appear as far right at one demonstration and perceived as far left at the other. The reality is that the WBC is a family who believe they know everything about everything with such assuredness and certitude because they honestly believe their messages are derived from Heaven. Their manners and willingness to insult the sensitivities of a family grieving proves that to be otherwise unless their Bible is worded very differently than mine and likely most of yours, dare we say all of yours. Unfortunately for the progressive left, their message is plain, clear and unmistakable. They won the election and damned be the rules. So what if we knew the rules ahead of the election, they did not go our way and thus must be corrected. That is their message on its face value, but is there another message hidden within their rhetoric?


Anti-Trump I
Anti-Trump II
Anti-Trump III

Anti-Trump Protesters

LaRouche Impeachment Protester with Printed Sign Depicting President Obama as Adolph Hitler

LaRouche Impeachment Protester with Printed Sign
Depicting President Obama as Adolph Hitler


The answer is that there is another message but it is not hidden in their message, it is their message. The message they are screaming is simply that they will stop at nothing and they will get their day to make America theirs again. They promise that one of these times they will finish the job and nobody will ever be able to oppose them again. The problem is that they are dead on right and they will prevail if for no other reason, they have nothing else in life as important as ruling the lesser people. Oh yes, we the multitudes are these lesser people and unless we masses stand against their ideas we will live under those ideas. What are these ideas? Well, President Obama and Hillary Clinton threw off any masks of pretense and plainly stated these ideas and what they desire to do for starters. Quoting President Obama with excerpt below and full speech video as well,

“There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me – because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t – look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something – there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.
The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires; we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.”


The entire Democrat Party stated it clearly when they refused any Republican amendment to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and passed it in both the House of Representatives and the Senate without a single Republican voting for this universal government guaranteed and funded, sort of, healthcare. When this fails, and it is failing, then the democrats will insist that healthcare in the United States is broken, which they know they broke, they will claim the only answer is a single payer government healthcare, their aim from the beginning. We know this because it was what Hillary Clinton tried to form into a comprehensive plan when her husband, William Jefferson Clinton, was President. Even the Democrats rejected such a plan back then because they knew they had to make healthcare even more burdensome before the American people would accept an all government system. That was the idea behind the PPACA, to destroy the insurance industry and make healthcare so broken the people would demand something, anything, and that will be when they get the socialist healthcare like Canada, Europe, and Mainland China. Their aims are the same that socialists have chased and imposed whenever and wherever they can take control, and eventually they will take control. The progressive ideals started with Theodore Roosevelt and was crystalized and defined by Woodrow Wilson and carried into programs by Franklin Delano Roosevelt with Social Security, higher Minimum Wage, a federal labor board which dictated prices and virtually all sides of manufacturing to retail which had to be retracted as the people all but revolted carrying proverbial pitchforks and torches to Washington through the voting booths.


Lyndon Banes Johnson gave us the Great Society which was far less great, not so much society, not actually civil, but was most definitely socialist and destructive all but permanently destroying many cities and even far more families as much of the aid to poor was a set of demands which demanded that parents be single parents and then they decried there being so many single parent homes, especially in the inner city communities, meaning minority generally and blacks in particular. They claimed that without the Democrats in power the welfare, food stamps and other programs would be taken from the poor should Republicans ever be elected. Since Lyndon Baines Johnson there have been a few Republican Presidents including Nixon, Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and these programs did not disappear but now the claim is President elect Trump will take away these programs as the latest scare tactic. Then President Jimmy Carter decided that instead of having one Cabinet Department of Health, Education, and Welfare he made a separate Education Department as a new Cabinet position and competency and education quality have declined to the point where the United States is near the bottom of the industrial and developed world. The constantly proposed solution has never been to return education to the local level, preferably as close to the individual schools and their communities as possible but to spend more money and with these increased funds they demand that the schools hire people to assist the schools in utilizing these funds. The new hires use up most of the money just in salaries and then bemoan not having sufficient funding to meet the demanded programs, more funding. Schools have gone from a three or four room main office with one Principal, one or two Vice Principals, a relatively small number of councilors, two to three secretaries and the teachers were the hall monitors. In today’s schools many have two or more Principals, numerous Vice Principals, a small herd of councilors, a diversity coordinator, an EEOC coordinator, other coordinators and advocacy positions and all of these people have staffs and investigators, some have police in their halls, and instead of less than half a dozen offices there are now an entire wing of the schools used for administrations. Back before the Department of Education schools had a few necessary officers and that was all but now they have administrations and when you get such a formal title it takes more funding to staff these important administrators who mostly fill out reports demanded by Washington D.C. and half of the teachers teach two or less classes and spend the rest of their time filling out reports to prove they satisfied all the demands on diversity, multicultural education, inclusion teaching and who knows what else. They have changed reading from phonics to whole word recognition where the pupils are taught words by recognition of the symbols, the letters, but the letter have no sounds of their own, they just make a sound in the recognized form of a taught word. If your schools did not teach you some words, then you must not need those words, which is a great way to enforce limitations to thought because without the words how can one express new ideas?


Then there is new math because the old math of traditional methods was a failure because it did not use the latest psychologically meaningful method where the student will understand by having images in their heads from this system where every year they try a new approach and then complain that the children are confused and having trouble. The solution is let us try this new, new, new math. Math as taught today would bamboozle Euclid, confound Aristotle and would have left Bernhard Riemann lost and unable to reinvent geometry such that it could be applied to all surfaces no matter how irregular, and his mathematics enabled Einstein’s theories of relativity to have the necessary mathematical groundwork. Professor Riemann passed away on July 20, 1866 at the age of thirty-nine; a great loss for modern analytic geometry. Just under thirteen years later on March 14, 1879 Professor Albert Einstein was born. I would like to have seen these two men work together to solve the lofty questions of the geometric forms which make up our universe. Oh, did we mention that both these men learned math the old school way, the way we learned math and how one of us was able to take, and still working on fully understanding, a course using Professor Riemann’s book and theorems where n-dimensional space becomes one’s friend or one’s nemesis.


Riemann Surfaces

Riemann Surfaces


Back to another certainty where a great writer posed that if the government determined it to be true and taught everyone that 2+2=5, would that make it true? He also introduced us to Big Brother and a farm with some very strange animals, and the strangest of all were the pigs as they replaced the farmer. This author was a wild and crazy socialist idealist as a youth and became one of the world’s foremost adversaries to socialism as he gained experience, and we would believe wisdom. This man’s name was George Orwell, born on June 25, 1903, and died on January 21, 1950. His change of heart was a result of his observations of the three greatest socialist nations of his lifetime, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), Communist Mainland China, and Nazi Germany and its socialist allies of Spain and later Italy. He predicted or witnessed social upheavals, depredations of morality, financial strident control resulting in shortages all the while enjoying the grandeur that the British Empire and the fledgling nations which sprang from her colonial holdings and how they differed so much from many of the other European colonial nations upon gaining their freedom. He attributed this to the fact that the British did not punish beyond taxes the entrepreneurial spirit and actually often worked at nurturing such exploits. The British also insisted that their colonial entities have adequate schooling to serve the crown to a higher level which brought wealth to both the crown and the colony. The other colonial European powers enforced a strict almost caste system with redistribution of resources always keeping the best possible for their own subjects and the crowns back home giving little regard to the peasant populations, as they viewed them, for all they were worth was a laborers to comply with instructions.


Imagine what we would be looking at in eight years had Hillary Clinton won and also achieved reelection. After a second term it would be unlikely that anybody more conservative than Bill Clinton could even imagine getting elected. The system would have been so overwhelmed with immigrants due to at least two if not many more waves of pardons for illegal aliens, there we go again, we mean undocumented workers, or is it citizens sans affirmation. Hillary Clinton had stated she believes that borders are not necessary to define a nation and that citizenship belongs in the ash-heap of history as the antiquated concept it represents. Equality in all things for all with our minders, our betters receiving a double, then triple and even more for their share as they are so much more deserving and their work more demanding scurrying around repairing this, tweaking that. Really there is no better way to describe how it all ends in a socialist nation as all one need do is look around the world and see which nations are stagnant, which are thriving and which are basically defunct and failed. The United States will thrive again; it is just a matter of how long it will take to slash away generation of barnacles from the Ship of State, which in English means ridding the books and the businesses of many of the useless regulations, reports and other government imposed restrictions and impediments. The USSR, dead and buried but still not exactly thriving as many of the detrimental resentments from almost a century of socialism and top down planning takes a while plus having such a steep negative growth rate withering away their population and the poor distribution of power which still remains far too centralized and held by a select few. Then there is mainland China which was doing so poorly they decided that cutting their population size would be easier than growing more food despite having much rich farmlands and good rivers. Their one child policy, a social engineering project if ever we saw one, produce almost two generations of mostly male children and now they are having some difficulties, like nowhere near sufficient women for the men to marry, what to do other than admit your plan backfired as you never anticipated that people would do whatever it took to have one male child. Abortions in China during this period were almost exclusively of girls which simply tell the story; one cannot force policies to have desirable outcomes, only allowing people freedom to reach their own desired outcomes and freedom to pursue life will produce the best results. The greatest example of the absolute bankruptcy of socialism comes from a nation with vast oil reserves and was once the beacon for democracy and free market economy with the highest per capita income in South America. Everybody figured they had it made and their government acted confident in that being true. They had a revolution and Marxists who believed that the Soviet example was the best form of fair governance and that they knew what went wrong and were going to show the world successful socialist governance. They had everything going for them with oil reserves and surpluses of almost everything. That was in the 1998 when Hugo Chavez won election running as a populist candidate. Often socialist progressivist governance comes to power under the guise of popularism which is code for giving people promises of plenty of free stuff. Once in office you take from those with wealth to fulfill your promises of giving the poorer people free things. When you steal from Bob, Bob will not vote for you in the future. But if you steal from Bob and give free things to George, Fred, Susan and a dozen or two dozen, it all depends on how much you give and what you can take from Bob, but then you get all those other people voting for you, so who needs Bob’s vote.


Hugo Chavez eventually ran out of people like Bob who had great wealth but there was still stuff to steal in order to continue to give stuff which needs not only to continue but now they demand bigger and more expensive stuff. So you nationalize the oil and gas industry and run them like a government agency. Well, that did not turn out as well as hoped so they nationalized the banks because obviously the banks had robbed the people of their money. Meanwhile the progressive leftist mainstream media lauded the greatness of Hugo Chavez who was still largely popular. Well, Hugo Chavez died of cancer in March of 2013, but he had a protégée who won election in April of 2013 making Nicolas Maduro the new President. The problems kept snowballing but all the government knows is socialism must work if only we make the right adjustments. People are starving; those with property do not leave their homes for fear of personal harm coming to them. Christmas was promising to be joyless which is one thing no government can allow, right? The government found the problem, apparently the main toy manufacturer was trying to gouge the people by charging high prices and get wealthy on the backs of parents buying gifts for their children at those inflated prices. The government took millions of toys and sold them at ridiculously low prices and how this raised moral in the capital and possibly places beyond, but there will be no joy nor toys to steal next year so this will be the last Christmas for the foreseeable future and socialism has brought the former jewel of South America to the brink of ruin and potential revolution. I think somebody should seriously think of heading out before being invited to leave more than Venezuela as they storm the capital with their remaining but fleeting strength. Every revolution has its turning point and the socialist revolution in Venezuela has actually gone beyond theirs. If ever there was a pressing reason to utilize the ridiculous and undignified Monroe Doctrine, it would be to assist Venezuela in holding fair elections and work to return the nation’s business to businessmen and women and assist their getting the nation back on its feet. Intervening with humanitarian assistance in this case has many an argument going for it as the United States used to and still does receive a share of our oil from Venezuela, so it is not like there is no self-serving interest in this case. But the people of the United States should have pictures of the extent to which socialism allowed to run rampant can destroy an otherwise healthy and prosperous nation and do so in less than twenty years. Why wait for the next lesson to possibly be the United States because should the people ever elect another progressive to the White House and allow them a pen and a phone as they will make quick work of reinstating everything up to and including all President Obama and the progressives before him had established and then add their own trinkets because that is how the progressives progress. Never ever retreat could easily be their motto, so to resist them never give up and never surrender and as Thomas Jefferson, or maybe Wendell Phillips, wisely wrote or stated, history can be so blurred and just imagine what the Internet will do to this with all the posts and tweets flying every-which-way, but to the quote in closing,

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few. The manna of popular liberty must be gathered each day or it is rotten. The living sap of today outgrows the dead rind of yesterday. The hand entrusted with power becomes, either from human depravity or esprit de corps, the necessary enemy of the people. Only by continued oversight can the democrat in office be prevented from hardening into a despot; only by unintermitted agitation can a people be sufficiently awake to principle not to let liberty be smothered in material prosperity.”


Beyond the Cusp


October 28, 2016

How the United States Got These Candidates


With all the brouhaha over how negatively both major party candidates are received with Democrat Party Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton somewhere over 55% negative rating and Republican Party Presidential Candidate Donald Trump often reaching beyond 65% negative rating, it would appear an impossible situation; yet here we all are. One of the two it is obvious why they were chosen, they were promised as their 2008 consolation prize the next open candidacy for President after President Obama, thus the Democrats were to be stuck with Hillary Clinton. What is absolutely stunning, and is one reason she easily could lose, she had to resort to dirty political tricks and slanting the playing field in order to beat out a non-Democrat card carrying socialist who started his campaign on a shoestring of financing and at 3% in polling. By the time we reached an almost photo-finish, Bernie Sanders had nearly closed the gap and passed Hillary Clinton sending the inevitable one home with no crown. Imagine this, a former First Lady and Senator of New York lost to a relative newcomer with one strong speech nationally in 2008 and all but lost to what can only be described as that crazy uncle who lives the life of a hermit and is the quintessential loner who nobody has ever taken seriously in 2016. This is the candidate the Democrat Party elites plus the Democrat candidate support including her campaign teams and the mainstream media, but I am all but actually repeating myself, are claiming is the greatest Presidential candidate since the invention of the wheel? I want some of what they’ve been smoking. The Democrats could not have intentionally have designed and built from the plans a weaker and less appealing candidate, which makes it a good thing they already had one. Hillary Clinton could not have beaten almost any Republican no matter how unknown at the start. So why is Hillary Clinton up in every poll?


The reason is the Republican Party appears to have been set from the start to give the American people a worse and even less attractive candidate to run against Hillary Clinton cinching her getting the golden ring and all the honors she can steal and leaving the United States to look forward to four years of some of the most memorably intolerable speeches possible. We have had some question our professing that the powers that be controlling the Republican Party were seeking a candidate who would lose and lose big to Hillary Clinton. Hear us out and after that we will go one step further on the conspiracy train. Going into the first Republican debate, who was the knighted candidate in shining armor gilded and his accounts loaded with the stuff campaigns survive upon, cash? Thinking back the big story was we were about to witness Clinton-Bush, the rematch. The race for the White House was going to be Jeb Bush slugging and scratching and eye-gouging with Hillary Clinton. This was going to be the faceoff of the two biggest families in modern American politics. The seats for the debates with these two anointed ones promised to be high value and cherished items. Jeb ran into some traction problems and the Republican rank and file was not hungering for anything more from the Bush family. So old Jeb struck out and left the game rather early on.


Blame Game Starring Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Blame Game Starring
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump


This is where the fifth estate took center stage. The Republican elite were in a quandary as to who would now be their candidate. They basically splintered and flittered from one candidate to another never congealing in one place. This left the playing field kind of open and the media knew immediately that there were only two candidates who could give Hillary Clinton a strong run for losing the election. That’s right, we said fight to lose, not win, the election. These were Texas Senator Ted Cruz and New York loud-mouth Donald Trump. The media took to Donald Trump hard and fast over Ted Cruz simply because they knew he would produce the largest and voluminous gaffs and misspeaks over anybody. So the media became the Donald Trump for Republican candidate for President campaign central. The news cycle on television, radio, print, online, on Twitter, Facebook with any and everywhere one looked it was all Trump all the time. Donald Trump was allowed to trample over the debates being granted nearly 50%, possibly over, of the air time while the rest scratched over the remaining morsels. The media chose Donald Trump with Ted Cruz coming in a poor second sort of the reserve option, the relief pitcher should Donald Trump manage to be thrown from the game or some other means of becoming ineligible. They gave Donald Trump, as some estimates have stated, up to if not more than a billion dollars of campaign coverage. Sure everybody was patting Donald Trump on the back for his masterly use of the media in support of his campaign. It was all smoke and mirrors concealing the media’s gross miscarriage of practice by completely discarding their supposed equal time rules and replacing them with Donald Trump 24/7. About the only thing they did not do was adopt the Trump campaign slogan, “Make America great again,” as their sign on and off phrase of the moment. They may as well have as it really would not have made their fawning over Donald Trump any less or more obvious.


The media got their man in Donald Trump who they could find a path for Hillary Clinton to be ensconced in the Oval Office the end of January. Here is where the near perfect certainty of the plan, the plot thickens, so to speak. The media believes that they built Donald Trump up into being the Republican Party candidate for President so they should easily be capable of tearing him down. Trump has bigger negatives than Hillary but there is a problem here. Hillary has high negatives even with many presumed and so-called supporters while Trump’s negatives lie largely with people who would never have voted for him anyways. This makes whatever base is supporting Trump solid and unwavering while large sectors of Hillary’s base is somewhat soft and squishy leaving her to shore these voters up instead of cultivating new votes from the undecideds as Trump is attempting to do. Even the most feeble of attempts is superior to no attempt at all. This is part of the plan with the barrage of disheartening polls where every hour Trump is being cast as an ever bigger loser to Hillary. This is aimed at Trump’s base attempting to have them feel it is useless, so why bother voting if they can pal around with their friends, especially if their friends are Trump supporters and engaging in such activities breaks the back, the will of Trump support.


The media has brought forward some ordinarily devastating quotes, leaks, accusations, improprieties and other disparaging trash against Trump. Any normal Republican politician would have walked away in shame begging the world’s forgiveness as they checked into a psychiatric home to receive therapy for all their shortcomings. The Republican Party itself would strike their name from every roll and committee and that candidate would be ruined. Not Donald Trump as he takes hit after hit right in the chops and bellows, “Is that all you’ve got,” in that native New York in your face, never back down wisecracker. Trump is not a shrinking violet who would allow a few paltry accusations of what was at the edge of indiscretion thirty or forty years ago be applied and judged by the prissy modern politically correct judgmentalism which demands that if you are a white, male, Christian then you had best know your place and get down on your knees and confess, it is good for your soul. Of course, since Trump has refused to do so the media is exclaiming that they knew it, Donald Trump has no soul. Trump is a soulless zombie that preys on women and weaker souls who are ill prepared to face such a monster, a beast who sends the delicate and wonderful ones shrieking in horror running for their safe zone. Donald Trump written in chalk on a college campus or so has proven the evil that is Donald Trump. Thusfar the media is failing to destroy Trump and his support and this frightens them all the way to their boardrooms. A horrible creature they believed they created now refuses to heel and obey. Next you know they will come for Trump in the night with pitchforks, tar, oil and torches and burn everything down as this creation must be stopped before it is too late. November 8 is their deadline, after that either they will sigh relieved Hillary Clinton prevailed and won or many media and Hollywood thespians will need be placed on suicide watch.


We will need such no matter which one wins, or if the only thing worse, proof of malfeasance or trickery performed on the voter rolls or votes or counting thereof is proven beyond any doubt. Any dishonest, underhanded or low-down misappropriations of votes which renders the process to be unreliable and broken in order to present false counts or even change who won fairly, the United States falling to such mischief is all but unthinkable. If in America the vote is not sacrosanct, then where can an honest election be found. Such disappointment would cause every democratic, parliamentary and republican form of government and even the laws themselves would all fall into doubt. That, above all else, is why this coming American Presidential Election is so vital to the Western World and all held precious. If we cannot trust the vote, we do not have fair and trustworthy governance, period.


Beyond the Cusp


September 24, 2016

On What is Donald Trump’s Appeal Being Based?


Read the newspapers or listen to the network news and you would believe that Donald Trump’s appeal is restricted to reprobates and morons, racists and xenophobes, uneducated and unclassed, rejects and retards, unsavory degenerates and that is being kinder than PBS talks about Trump supporters. They will tell their liberal audiences that the Trump supporters do not read or listen to the news and have little or no understanding of the realities of the world and Trump supporters are simply supporting Trump because they hated President Obama because he is black and well educated and the Trump fools are jealous of those who are their betters and want to put one of their own in the White House. It’s the same old story in the media, if there exists support for anybody not leftist, socialist, one worlder then they are not worthy of standing on the stage in the debate, let alone be elected to the most important job in the world. Coverage like that is simply more of the every day in and day out coverage of Democrats good, Republicans evil; our side educated and wonderful, that other side ignorant and disgusting. So, what is driving the support for Trump? That is the question which is seldom answered by the mainstream media because they do not recognize what Trump is selling or what his supporters desire and see as him capable of delivering.


Trump’s slogan of make America great again resonates and his plain language strikes them as honesty and his level of excitement is contagious and he works the crowd well. What they want is the country they believe America should be and what they feel they have had stolen from them. They want an economy which provides decent jobs with better pay which comes with a healthy economy. They do not understand the jobs overseas as much as they understand the jobs simply drying up. They understand that a near doubling of the minimum wage will only drive away jobs and prices up because many have seen what rising minimum wages has done. They remember days when things were better and the unions protected them and that the Democrats promised they would protect the unions but that did not work out as well as promised. Many of Trump’s supporters have voted for the Democrats out of loyalty, out of belief they really were for them, that the Democrats loved the same America they did and that the Democrats were delivering on their promises. The news media have one thing correct, many of these voters really have problems with President Obama but not because he is black but because he really meant that he would fundamentally change America and found what President Obama did not like and wanted to bury about America was the America they loved. It was the policies and broken dreams that lie shattered in the wake of President Obama and his policies and his hatred of their America. Now they believe that in Trump they can have their America back again. They just want what they had, what was before Obamacare, before President Obama bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia and apologized for their country all over the world and deferred to the Iranians and basically acted in what they always thought to be un-American. Now they just want to set things back right and believe the Donald will do that. Whether their faith is misplaced or whether Donald Trump is exactly what they believe him to be, well, unless he becomes President Trump we will never know. This is the one type of Trump supporter that the media elites really do not like as most are not Ivy League educated or even anything beyond possibly Community College or Trade School educated or even simply high school or drop out and are what they think of as the great unwashed.


There is another group of Trump supporters which the media dislikes even more because they cannot scare or cajole these voters into ever supporting Hillary Clinton. These are unlike the Never Trump voters because there is a good chance the Never Trump voters will go third party or stay home, they will never likely vote for Hillary Clinton and be able to look themselves in the mirror should she win. It will not matter if they live in a redder than red or bluer than blue state such that their vote never really mattered because they have consciences which would always prevent their sleeping well the entire four or eight years Hillary Clinton spent as President. The voters who are either tired of Hillary Clinton’s corruption or Hillary Clinton’s lies or simply tired of Hillary Clinton period will vote for Donald Trump by a large percentage because they are not really voting for Trump but will do what it takes to prevent a President Hillary Clinton. These same people will also vote for Donald Trump again if he delivers on what he has bragged he will do. This is close to what the United States and the American voters faced in the 1980 elections with many crossover voters electing President Reagan because they did not want any more of President Carter. President Reagan delivered and I know this because my lifetime Democrat father who voted for the reelection of Jimmy Carter against Ronald Reagan voted four years later for the first time since President Eisenhower for a Republican candidate and was quite overjoyed and proud for voting for President Reagan and supporting his second term. Oh, and about President Eisenhower, didn’t almost every World War II veteran vote for the Commander of the Allied forces in the European Theater, even if they served in Burma in the British Army against the Japanese and the vultures, snakes and other dangers of the Burmese jungles. He will be voting for Hillary though this time around as Trump never did serve, let alone command forces in any war as doing so might have destroyed his manicure.


Who will win the election is not an easy one to discern as there are way too many variables. First off, if it is raining, nay, pouring down rain in the battleground states that will aid Hillary as too many of the potential Trump voters who are voting against Hillary are likely not as driven as those voters voting for a candidate and might decide to stay warm and dry, especially if it is freezing rain. Fair weather favors Trump as all the many varied levels of committed supporters will vote. But predicting an election based on the weather is really iffy as just predicting the weather is just so iffy. There is one thing which may very well be true about one ominous prediction that should Hillary Clinton win the election and serve eight full years, two terms, then there will probably not be another Republican President for at least forty to fifty-two years. Should Trump win and be reelected then the Republican Party will have been reborn quite a bit faster than having to react to the changes in the public perceptions and the voter make-up as Trump has introduced a whole new dimension to the Republican brand even if the stalwarts hate what he is doing to their party. The only guarantee we here at BTC are willing to get one-hundred percent behind is that the Democratic Party will not win because while there is a Democrat Party, there is no Democratic Party any more than there is a Republic Party instead of a Republican Party. With that off our chests and our dig at the misinformed media elitists who constantly get that wrong, we believe because they are trying to make the Democrats the representatives of the Democratic form of government and are using it as subliminal propaganda. Well, since this is a shorter than usual article, why not go out on a limb. If the election is as close as advertised, then Hillary Clinton will squeak out her victory by any means necessary and we can expect some late reporting urban centers claiming reporting problems from their voting machines as they wait to see what is required to win while if it is a knockout landslide then Donald Trump will have sufficient states that the amount of cheating required will place the election beyond the reach of Hillary Clinton. We are not claiming that Hillary cannot win without cheating nor are we claiming that there will not be any shenanigans from the Republicans as there are the competing machines in northern and southern Illinois who will fight it out as per usual and central Pennsylvania will be shooting to upset Philadelphia and Pittsburgh which will come down to places like East McKeesport, Ben Salem, North Versailles, and Montgomery County in Pennsylvania and other suburbs around the nation. It often comes down to the areas which are neither urban nor rural but those areas which span both communities and where the line between the voting trends has been known to slide between Democrat and Republican and probably always will.


Hillary Voters Challenging Nature to Reach Polls and Vote for Hillary

Hillary Voters Challenging Nature to Reach Polls and Vote for Hillary


There has been much written and said about the United States being at a junction and this election being the last stop for changing direction otherwise the decision is done and the United States will have been radically transformed. Rules for Radicals wrote the game plan long ago and eventually that plan will change the United States into another European nation but there is even more at stake with this election. Western society and way of life may very well be on the line and should the United States simply be transformed into another European style socialist state then Western civilization will be dead and buried. Europe is falling rapidly into a dark place with their surrender to the threat of Islam, as Islam means surrender, and should the United States not hold the line, then the world will have only Israel to which to turn and little Israel can only promise to at her best to save herself and not let the spark of freedoms, especially intellectual freedom, die. The leftist have no love for the old Europe and are willing to settle for anything which will destroy the old Western Judeo-Christian ethic because they are tired of what many have referred to throughout history as the moralistic ritualism and restrictive ethics of those Jews and are willing to lie down with the Islamists to rid themselves of the Judeo-Christian ethics not realizing that what they are allowing into their bed is something far less understanding and something which will strangle every freedom and liberalism which has ever developed thanks to that Judeo-Christian ethics. Islam will not tolerate women having rights equal to that of a man, will not tolerate same sex marriage and has a way of ending them and it is not gently, nor will it permit freedom of or freedom from religion but will only accept strict enforcement of Islam and the strict five times a day prayers, modest clothing and particular hair styling and facial hair is required of men and so many other restriction that the liberated Europe is heading for a darkness with which they will be ill prepared to cope. When the war in Europe between those conservative Christians and the few liberated people who see the writing on the wall and freak out screaming, “What have we wrought?” When that war erupts, and it is coming, Europeans will need far more than Israel as an ally, they will be needing a strong and still Christian America to once again, pardon the phraseology, save their bacon; literally. There is a long night falling over Europe and it brings to mind a poem, which often happens, our friends, so allow us to quote and enjoy and ponder.


Do not go gentle into that good night

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Thanks to Dylan Thomas, 1914 – 1953

Beyond the Cusp


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