Beyond the Cusp

December 30, 2016

The Emergence of Departments of Official Government Truths


The globalist agenda to strike down international borders, erasing independent nation states forming a borderless map making them an entity from the dark past as if remnants of the Dark Ages, took some big hits this past year. BREXIT was the British striking back at the precarious position of the European Union, and especially the policies born of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open invitation to Arab and Muslim world refugees to swamp Europe in a sea of potential terror and breakdown of order and civility. Across the pond, the Atlantic Ocean to the less astute, the United States elected Donald Trump and an entire slate of close the border anti-amnesty for illegal immigrant Congressional representatives to both houses. Time is not waiting to have the internationalists strike back at the heart of the, retain the borders and man the barricades, forces. The internationalists have taken direct aim at the heart of this movement, truth and reality. Welcome to the age of government Ministry of Information straight out of George Orwell’s 1984, a little late to make his prediction of 1984, but arrive it has.


The reasoning behind the “fake news” epidemic which culminated this past week where, according to the Jerusalem Post, amongst others, “Pakistani Defense Minister Khawaja M. Asif threatened Israel late Friday night, following a fake news report from the website AWD, stating that Israel’s defense minister was threatening to destroy Pakistan.” This will be the specific reason that such news stories are presumably considered to be such a threat to national security and the continued safety of the public. Once again actions are being taken to keep you safe from a threat created by governments in the first place. Instead of forcing those who willingly disclose false news stories without so labeling them, and also prosecuting those who knowingly repeat these fake news stories, the governments of the world will instead become the sole sources for true and real news stories. Unless the government has vetted any story, the public will never actually know whether the news they are reading is real or something from the furtive imagination of some lunatic somewhere.


The two government departments of truth we have read that are coming into our daily lives at some point; if not curtailed early and with definitive public furor being raised and true ire shown such that the members of the United States Congress are made to realize that the people are adult enough to discern real from fake news stories, then we will receive no unfiltered news. The government is not required to hold out hands throughout life treating us as their wayward children in constant need of protection from the horrific threats which abound in the public arena. In Germany they are establishing the “Center of Defense Against Disinformation” while the United States has buried this gem deep within the 2017 defense spending authorization bill, an omnibus piece of legislation where most members of Congress receive a summary of contents rather than read such a long and mostly individual expenditures and their cost and descriptions are contained, calling it the “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act” which will establish and have funded a “Center for Information Analysis and Response” at a cost of millions of American taxpayers’ dollars. As well as being a direct threat to protections provided specifically in the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment in particular compromising free speech and the independent press, this legislation is a direct insult to each and every American as it is treating them as if they are incapable of differentiating the real news from trusted sources from questionable sources known for their falsifying the news often for satirical editorial content all done to prove a point through use of absurdity. The First Amendment reads as follows”


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


First Amendment

First Amendment


That appears to be concise but amply understandable and more than applies to this idea. The particular part of interest would read, “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press,” which does not state freedom to only release news which was first vetted by the government, which is the logical end result as this department gains in scope, strength, power and legitimacy which will come simply due to any amount of time where they have carefully performed their assigned duties only to fight the most egregious instances of fake news and then claiming they are a public service, not a potential menace to be watched like a hawk. Eventually this department will grow, as do virtually every government agency which start with noble purposes and eventually morph into rights stealing monstrosities, and begin to offer licenses and verifications of news stories and anything found not to contain their approval will be regarded with suspicion. This will mark the end of the assisting and begin the dictating of truth and once the government controls the verification of the truth, then the government defines the truth. This was the result of numerous “fake news” stories highlighted to have been carried by reputable newspapers and other media which became the cause celeb leading down a scripted dance trail right into the waiting arms of Congress and arrived as a need desperately requiring the heavy hand of government. We need remember the worlds of the first President of the United States, George Washington, who stated, “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence,—it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” There are also the words of the fortieth President Ronald Reagan who stated, “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” Both had a similar ring, namely that the government is not to be trusted as our keeper any more than a fire-bearer should be trusted in a fireworks factory, some things are simply bad ideas. Having the government deciding that which is worthy of being considered news and that which is simply the fancy words of some sarcastic editorialist, then the government has the power of determining the knowledge allowed the people and such censorship should be considered intolerable. The people are to be given reporting of events in the whole cloth, the wheat with the chaff and be trusted to separate the two taking to heart only that which stands deep scrutiny and has earned their trust; government, actually, not so much.


Commenting on these new revelation, it was noted how convenient it will be for German Chancellor Angela Merkel to be reelected to a fourth term with her government appointees being placed in the position of censoring news content such that all suspect news which counters her positions, particularly on the admission of untold numbers of unvetted “refugees” from an area of the world which does not respect or even know of the rights and the self-control and observance of the laws and customs of the lands which make our freedoms possible. The reality in the United States, the place where these rights were first instituted and where the society had been cultivated with deep religious and moralist education based on the Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and where the second President of the United States, John Adams, had serious and vital input and understanding of the system of laws and limitations on government and empowering the people were included within those written pages. It was he, John Adams, who stated eloquently but with simplicity that, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” He was referring directly to a religious people steeped in Judeo-Christian ethos and though not directly ruling out all others, was placing an individual market which was to warn of a time when the people would no longer present the restrained and courteous nature and instead would run roughshod over these rights perverting their very meanings and abusing these very liberties and that at such a time the governance itself would be filled with such people after which freedom would perish and tyranny would be entrenched.


There is a deeply funded and extraordinarily tangled and broad alliance which appears willing to redefine Western life and curtail the power and freedom of the people. These Ministries of Information are simply the latest attempt at destroying alternative news sources and initially earning the people’s praise and trust before slowly bringing everything to a boil in the hopes we the people never notice we are being boiled in order to strip us of our freedoms one by one at first and towards the end it will become two by two and ten by ten and then simply the floodgates will open. The damages already established but not fully implemented rules, regulations, actual laws and other ministerial empowerments are waiting for the words which will send forth from Washington D.C. the paralyzing enforcements of every last iota of the plan establishing their authority to control all that we do, all that we are permitted, and reeducation for those who hold fast to the old ways of freedom and people power. Europe has already turned the bend and may be beyond saving as the European Union (EU) has taken over from the individual governments, hate crime laws have silenced the truth, all economies are centrally planned in Brussels, the borders have been all but completely erased, the outer borders left completely unguarded, the military strength of each member has been drained into a central EU run and controlled army, police powers are virtually all centralized with control not far behind, everything not nailed down has become taxable, and lastly freedom exists as a shell of its former self and will be completely wiped from the continent within a year or two if not measured in months or days or even seconds. The United States used to stand a solid decade behind the Europeans but now is standing amongst them strolling down this primrose path, the flowered path which leads to perdition and where shortly the flowered trough on either side grows barren with the smell of brimstone soon to follow. Some claim the flames are licking at our toes, others claim we are up to our necks in the fiery furnace all while the government tells us to trust them as they will get things right this time. The only thing those who lead the majority of political parties, the elites in both Parties of the United States and of a fairly large percentage of the wonderful political entities’ elites as these people are all desirous that we arrive at the same station passing all the same stops and refusing to disembark because we have been told there is a great reward waiting at the end of the tracks. The problem is that there is nothing beyond the end of the tracks except slavery to the chosen ones. From George Orwell’s 1984 we read, “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.” For those demanding something a little more contemporary, we have Captain Apollo explaining about his world, one much like Earth itself, stating emphatically, “I came from a world where the people believed that the opposite of war was peace. We found out the hard way that the opposite of war is more often slavery.” (Found in video below, a short period after the 6:22 minute mark)



History has proven that statement to be far too valid. We can also see from history that losing a war also begets slavery if not worse. But probably the most difficult lesson which mankind has apparently not learned is that delaying facing evil and attempting to coddle and coerce evil to forget its ways in exchange for forgiveness results in the deaths of many thousands if not hundreds of thousands or even tens of millions of lives in a far more difficult war once evil has armed themselves, often clandestinely, and readied for the war those so invested in peace as to not believe anybody would war against them believing in their superiority of arms. Such stupidity brought on World War II and the most horrific fighting the world had ever witnessed. The next time stopping a rising evil will not be anywhere as limited as World War II, it will be fought in trenches by the survivors of the initial exchanges of rockets tipped with weapons of unimaginable destruction being leveled not against military targets but against the civilian and industrial infrastructure targets in order to prevent even the ability to feed the people, let alone defend them. Editing for accuracy and validity and removing “fake news” will result in only one thing, censoring news such that things the government deems too troubling or reflecting too harshly on the governance amongst other reasons for limiting information. That is what these new agencies are about, limiting information. Then the next conflagration will come upon a world completely ill-prepared for facing the truth any longer as the truth will have become too far separated from their lives and the base of their knowledge, that knowledge which was sculpted through omissions and censorings along with massaging the few challenging truths which do finally break through. We need understand that the next step is to place a United Nations Universal Mission for Truth and Verification of Reporting and Validation of Editorial Content (UNUMTVRVEC) or Umteveravec. All newspapers will need to have the Umteveravec seal, kind of like a Classification Marks (Underwriters Laboratories). These approval marks will be granted each year providing the media has met the fairness doctrines which will not be fair, the balanced reporting requirement which will not be balanced, the factual reflection guidelines which will not be fact based, and the represents faith in government requisite which will not be permitted any amount of harshness and only limited truth. News will be neat, clean and leaving no loose ends, doubts or questions by the nature of reporting always becomes when the government approval is required to do business. When evil approaches under such predatory vetting of the news, the people will be as unprepared as was the allied powers when World War I and again when World War II broke out, does anybody think we will be ready when the world is teetering on the brink and government is doing all they can to appear in control and without a care in the world? Of course the people will not be ready as required, though the people will know at the least that they are not being properly informed and that the government is hiding things simply because what they read and what they see every day do not match.


UL Label Design and Proposed UNUMTVRVEC Label Design

UL Label Design and Proposed


The big difference between Underwriters Laboratories and Umteveravec is that Underwriters Laboratories is a privately owned company which has made a name for themselves for thoroughness and have the people’s trust and know that should they lose the people’s trust or the respect of the manufacturers that they are out of business, so accuracy and care are requirements of their workforce’s jobs. Umteveravec would be a United Nations agency which would owe its budget to the United Nations and its credibility to the individual nations who would then require or exempt their news services from meeting any of the Umteveravec regulations and turning over their news vetting to the United Nations. Umteveravec, as a United Nations Agency would be invested heavily in making the world appear perfect with few problems thus allowing the United Nations to skate through even on thin ice and not fear any danger of falling through. The world itself would become a very dangerous place and in many ways because of these dangerous and perilous times approaching, the powers that be from all parties will be conspiring to paint over any real problems and very probably simply blame all the world’s problems upon the Israelis or whichever nations they felt deserved scorn. Currently another target would be Britain due to their dastardly deed of leaving the EU. Imagine the horror stories about any nation which had the audacity to resign from the United Nations or not pay their rightful dues (in the case of the United States that would include an extra amount to pay for Russia and other nations who claim that the United States is responsible for keeping them paid in full). We will see how these monitoring sites do in preventing “bad” and “evil” reporting from ruining our day while endangering our lives.


Beyond the Cusp


December 29, 2016

Lunacy of the Progressive Leftist Frenzied Hatefest


The mainstream leftist and progressive media continue kicking up the dust in attempts to mask the violence they are stirring up underneath the clouds of confusion. They talk of President Elect Donald Trump as if he were the greatest monster to ever reach office. They avoid recognizing the facts that he was duly elected President of the United States (POTUS) and continue to harp on Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote. Truth be known, take away California and New York and for fairness sake also remove Texas and the Deep South and Trump wins the popular vote. Hillary basically won New York and California by huge, and we mean YUGE, margins making the votes in the rest of the nation merely marginal in the contest for popular vote. Problem is this was not a popularity contest or a high school Class President race where the person gaining the votes of the jocks and the blondes wins the day. This was a regulated and carefully crafted contest as defined by the United States Constitution which established the Electoral College, the second best manner for choosing a leader coming from the second best set of laws by which to govern (having Hashem pick your leader and Torah are the best ways to find leaders and by which to govern a nation if only one existed today). The problem is rules do not matter when you are running a revolution, and that is what the progressive leftists are running, a fascistic takeover of the United States if they are permitted to get away with it.


Truth of the matter is the progressive media is simply keeping their base energized and ready to launch protest after protest at every single piece of legislation proposed by the Republicans. As they lost the elections and lost them big across the entirety of the country and now run most cities, the failing ones, and a few states on both coasts but lost the Presidency and Congress. This simply means they will take some time to discredit everything the government does, protesting the horrors which will come from repealing regulations which stifle businesses claiming that workers will be harmed despite their being the kind of economy where everyone who desires work can find a decent paying job. Also, because there will be more jobs than applicants, wages will rise. As long as wages are mentioned, bear in mind that even if Congress passed a minimum wage bill raising the minimum wage to $15.00/hr. over the next five years the media would go ballistic claiming that by the time five years have passed the minimum wage would need be $25.00/hr. at the very least. These are ‘glass is half empty’ when they are not in power and ‘glass overflowing’ even if it is obviously empty. Just read the job and economic reports on the economy during President Obama’s time in office. They almost praised his having one quarter where the change in jobs, income average, and virtually every other statistic was exactly zero, no gain, no loss, in almost every category, a statistical impossibility without cooking the results. It was later revealed that the report was a draft and not containing actual numbers and nowhere could one find the real numbers, how convenient.


Much of the talk coming from leftist progressive blogs, news both formal and informal, commentary, columns in major newspapers and other outlets is shrill to the point of being instigations towards violence against Trump, his family, Pence, the Cabinet nominees, the Ambassadorial selections (especially David Friedman as Ambassador to Israel as he actually likes Israel which should disqualify him for any Ambassadorial post, not just Ambassador to Israel) and any-or-everybody linked to Donald Trump and his administration during the transition and probably continuing on into his Administration after the Inauguration. Needless to point out, but the media was really behind something better than a mere Inauguration; they had the coronation of Queen Hillary I and her Royal Court into office next month. They cannot forgive Trump for having the gall and audacity to actually defeat Queen Hillary and denying her that rightful place reserved for her, the first woman to be President of the United States. They will never forgive the American people who voted for Trump even if, or especially if, they did so to assure that Hillary Clinton never again soils their White House unless on a tour and heavily guarded checking for silverware as she leaves. The people have spoken if one ever looks at the map county by county of who voted Hillary Clinton and who voted Donald Trump and the actual immensity of Trump’s victory becomes evident. The areas of blue barely if ever stretch outside the immediate suburbs of the major cities except in a relative few bastions and even in these states like New York, California, Massachusetts, Maryland and a few possibly in New England (see representative map in shades of purple, red and blue below).


County by County Presidential Electoral Map 2016 Using Red and Blue Plus Shades of Purple Simply to Indicate Percentages of Votes Thus Improving Accuracy in our Representation

County by County Presidential Electoral Map 2016
Using Red and Blue Plus Shades of Purple
Simply to Indicate Percentages of Votes
Thus Improving Accuracy in our Representation


The above map is not as extreme as the purely red versus blue map which is slanted even further in making it appear Trump won almost unanimously outside twenty cities, which is probably not a poor description, just a tad too slanted but no more so than the near constant pounding of, “Hillary won the popular vote and should be POTUS,” “Trump Not My President,” “Dump Trump,” and “Love Trumps Hate” (see images below) That last one is somewhat confused as it could also be used as a pro-Trump poster all depending on how it is lettered. The unfortunate item has appeared in some newscasts which report on the fueled hate, rage and tendencies for violence. There is an old political adage often used on the right which goes, “If you desire to know what the progressive left is planning, simply seek out what they are currently accusing the conservatives of committing.” During the two terms of President Obama the progressives accused the conservatives, often targeting the Tea Party, of equating Obama with Hitler (this was done at some rallies but unedited pictures have shown Lyndon LaRouche supporters using signs which clearly were marked as being from his organizations (bottom Image). The lesson we can take is one does need to carefully inspect from whence messages actually derive. The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) often are seen at pro-life rallies as well as disrupting the ceremonies of fallen soldiers being interred which would appear as far right at one demonstration and perceived as far left at the other. The reality is that the WBC is a family who believe they know everything about everything with such assuredness and certitude because they honestly believe their messages are derived from Heaven. Their manners and willingness to insult the sensitivities of a family grieving proves that to be otherwise unless their Bible is worded very differently than mine and likely most of yours, dare we say all of yours. Unfortunately for the progressive left, their message is plain, clear and unmistakable. They won the election and damned be the rules. So what if we knew the rules ahead of the election, they did not go our way and thus must be corrected. That is their message on its face value, but is there another message hidden within their rhetoric?


Anti-Trump I
Anti-Trump II
Anti-Trump III

Anti-Trump Protesters

LaRouche Impeachment Protester with Printed Sign Depicting President Obama as Adolph Hitler

LaRouche Impeachment Protester with Printed Sign
Depicting President Obama as Adolph Hitler


The answer is that there is another message but it is not hidden in their message, it is their message. The message they are screaming is simply that they will stop at nothing and they will get their day to make America theirs again. They promise that one of these times they will finish the job and nobody will ever be able to oppose them again. The problem is that they are dead on right and they will prevail if for no other reason, they have nothing else in life as important as ruling the lesser people. Oh yes, we the multitudes are these lesser people and unless we masses stand against their ideas we will live under those ideas. What are these ideas? Well, President Obama and Hillary Clinton threw off any masks of pretense and plainly stated these ideas and what they desire to do for starters. Quoting President Obama with excerpt below and full speech video as well,

“There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me – because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t – look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something – there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.
The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires; we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.”


The entire Democrat Party stated it clearly when they refused any Republican amendment to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and passed it in both the House of Representatives and the Senate without a single Republican voting for this universal government guaranteed and funded, sort of, healthcare. When this fails, and it is failing, then the democrats will insist that healthcare in the United States is broken, which they know they broke, they will claim the only answer is a single payer government healthcare, their aim from the beginning. We know this because it was what Hillary Clinton tried to form into a comprehensive plan when her husband, William Jefferson Clinton, was President. Even the Democrats rejected such a plan back then because they knew they had to make healthcare even more burdensome before the American people would accept an all government system. That was the idea behind the PPACA, to destroy the insurance industry and make healthcare so broken the people would demand something, anything, and that will be when they get the socialist healthcare like Canada, Europe, and Mainland China. Their aims are the same that socialists have chased and imposed whenever and wherever they can take control, and eventually they will take control. The progressive ideals started with Theodore Roosevelt and was crystalized and defined by Woodrow Wilson and carried into programs by Franklin Delano Roosevelt with Social Security, higher Minimum Wage, a federal labor board which dictated prices and virtually all sides of manufacturing to retail which had to be retracted as the people all but revolted carrying proverbial pitchforks and torches to Washington through the voting booths.


Lyndon Banes Johnson gave us the Great Society which was far less great, not so much society, not actually civil, but was most definitely socialist and destructive all but permanently destroying many cities and even far more families as much of the aid to poor was a set of demands which demanded that parents be single parents and then they decried there being so many single parent homes, especially in the inner city communities, meaning minority generally and blacks in particular. They claimed that without the Democrats in power the welfare, food stamps and other programs would be taken from the poor should Republicans ever be elected. Since Lyndon Baines Johnson there have been a few Republican Presidents including Nixon, Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and these programs did not disappear but now the claim is President elect Trump will take away these programs as the latest scare tactic. Then President Jimmy Carter decided that instead of having one Cabinet Department of Health, Education, and Welfare he made a separate Education Department as a new Cabinet position and competency and education quality have declined to the point where the United States is near the bottom of the industrial and developed world. The constantly proposed solution has never been to return education to the local level, preferably as close to the individual schools and their communities as possible but to spend more money and with these increased funds they demand that the schools hire people to assist the schools in utilizing these funds. The new hires use up most of the money just in salaries and then bemoan not having sufficient funding to meet the demanded programs, more funding. Schools have gone from a three or four room main office with one Principal, one or two Vice Principals, a relatively small number of councilors, two to three secretaries and the teachers were the hall monitors. In today’s schools many have two or more Principals, numerous Vice Principals, a small herd of councilors, a diversity coordinator, an EEOC coordinator, other coordinators and advocacy positions and all of these people have staffs and investigators, some have police in their halls, and instead of less than half a dozen offices there are now an entire wing of the schools used for administrations. Back before the Department of Education schools had a few necessary officers and that was all but now they have administrations and when you get such a formal title it takes more funding to staff these important administrators who mostly fill out reports demanded by Washington D.C. and half of the teachers teach two or less classes and spend the rest of their time filling out reports to prove they satisfied all the demands on diversity, multicultural education, inclusion teaching and who knows what else. They have changed reading from phonics to whole word recognition where the pupils are taught words by recognition of the symbols, the letters, but the letter have no sounds of their own, they just make a sound in the recognized form of a taught word. If your schools did not teach you some words, then you must not need those words, which is a great way to enforce limitations to thought because without the words how can one express new ideas?


Then there is new math because the old math of traditional methods was a failure because it did not use the latest psychologically meaningful method where the student will understand by having images in their heads from this system where every year they try a new approach and then complain that the children are confused and having trouble. The solution is let us try this new, new, new math. Math as taught today would bamboozle Euclid, confound Aristotle and would have left Bernhard Riemann lost and unable to reinvent geometry such that it could be applied to all surfaces no matter how irregular, and his mathematics enabled Einstein’s theories of relativity to have the necessary mathematical groundwork. Professor Riemann passed away on July 20, 1866 at the age of thirty-nine; a great loss for modern analytic geometry. Just under thirteen years later on March 14, 1879 Professor Albert Einstein was born. I would like to have seen these two men work together to solve the lofty questions of the geometric forms which make up our universe. Oh, did we mention that both these men learned math the old school way, the way we learned math and how one of us was able to take, and still working on fully understanding, a course using Professor Riemann’s book and theorems where n-dimensional space becomes one’s friend or one’s nemesis.


Riemann Surfaces

Riemann Surfaces


Back to another certainty where a great writer posed that if the government determined it to be true and taught everyone that 2+2=5, would that make it true? He also introduced us to Big Brother and a farm with some very strange animals, and the strangest of all were the pigs as they replaced the farmer. This author was a wild and crazy socialist idealist as a youth and became one of the world’s foremost adversaries to socialism as he gained experience, and we would believe wisdom. This man’s name was George Orwell, born on June 25, 1903, and died on January 21, 1950. His change of heart was a result of his observations of the three greatest socialist nations of his lifetime, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), Communist Mainland China, and Nazi Germany and its socialist allies of Spain and later Italy. He predicted or witnessed social upheavals, depredations of morality, financial strident control resulting in shortages all the while enjoying the grandeur that the British Empire and the fledgling nations which sprang from her colonial holdings and how they differed so much from many of the other European colonial nations upon gaining their freedom. He attributed this to the fact that the British did not punish beyond taxes the entrepreneurial spirit and actually often worked at nurturing such exploits. The British also insisted that their colonial entities have adequate schooling to serve the crown to a higher level which brought wealth to both the crown and the colony. The other colonial European powers enforced a strict almost caste system with redistribution of resources always keeping the best possible for their own subjects and the crowns back home giving little regard to the peasant populations, as they viewed them, for all they were worth was a laborers to comply with instructions.


Imagine what we would be looking at in eight years had Hillary Clinton won and also achieved reelection. After a second term it would be unlikely that anybody more conservative than Bill Clinton could even imagine getting elected. The system would have been so overwhelmed with immigrants due to at least two if not many more waves of pardons for illegal aliens, there we go again, we mean undocumented workers, or is it citizens sans affirmation. Hillary Clinton had stated she believes that borders are not necessary to define a nation and that citizenship belongs in the ash-heap of history as the antiquated concept it represents. Equality in all things for all with our minders, our betters receiving a double, then triple and even more for their share as they are so much more deserving and their work more demanding scurrying around repairing this, tweaking that. Really there is no better way to describe how it all ends in a socialist nation as all one need do is look around the world and see which nations are stagnant, which are thriving and which are basically defunct and failed. The United States will thrive again; it is just a matter of how long it will take to slash away generation of barnacles from the Ship of State, which in English means ridding the books and the businesses of many of the useless regulations, reports and other government imposed restrictions and impediments. The USSR, dead and buried but still not exactly thriving as many of the detrimental resentments from almost a century of socialism and top down planning takes a while plus having such a steep negative growth rate withering away their population and the poor distribution of power which still remains far too centralized and held by a select few. Then there is mainland China which was doing so poorly they decided that cutting their population size would be easier than growing more food despite having much rich farmlands and good rivers. Their one child policy, a social engineering project if ever we saw one, produce almost two generations of mostly male children and now they are having some difficulties, like nowhere near sufficient women for the men to marry, what to do other than admit your plan backfired as you never anticipated that people would do whatever it took to have one male child. Abortions in China during this period were almost exclusively of girls which simply tell the story; one cannot force policies to have desirable outcomes, only allowing people freedom to reach their own desired outcomes and freedom to pursue life will produce the best results. The greatest example of the absolute bankruptcy of socialism comes from a nation with vast oil reserves and was once the beacon for democracy and free market economy with the highest per capita income in South America. Everybody figured they had it made and their government acted confident in that being true. They had a revolution and Marxists who believed that the Soviet example was the best form of fair governance and that they knew what went wrong and were going to show the world successful socialist governance. They had everything going for them with oil reserves and surpluses of almost everything. That was in the 1998 when Hugo Chavez won election running as a populist candidate. Often socialist progressivist governance comes to power under the guise of popularism which is code for giving people promises of plenty of free stuff. Once in office you take from those with wealth to fulfill your promises of giving the poorer people free things. When you steal from Bob, Bob will not vote for you in the future. But if you steal from Bob and give free things to George, Fred, Susan and a dozen or two dozen, it all depends on how much you give and what you can take from Bob, but then you get all those other people voting for you, so who needs Bob’s vote.


Hugo Chavez eventually ran out of people like Bob who had great wealth but there was still stuff to steal in order to continue to give stuff which needs not only to continue but now they demand bigger and more expensive stuff. So you nationalize the oil and gas industry and run them like a government agency. Well, that did not turn out as well as hoped so they nationalized the banks because obviously the banks had robbed the people of their money. Meanwhile the progressive leftist mainstream media lauded the greatness of Hugo Chavez who was still largely popular. Well, Hugo Chavez died of cancer in March of 2013, but he had a protégée who won election in April of 2013 making Nicolas Maduro the new President. The problems kept snowballing but all the government knows is socialism must work if only we make the right adjustments. People are starving; those with property do not leave their homes for fear of personal harm coming to them. Christmas was promising to be joyless which is one thing no government can allow, right? The government found the problem, apparently the main toy manufacturer was trying to gouge the people by charging high prices and get wealthy on the backs of parents buying gifts for their children at those inflated prices. The government took millions of toys and sold them at ridiculously low prices and how this raised moral in the capital and possibly places beyond, but there will be no joy nor toys to steal next year so this will be the last Christmas for the foreseeable future and socialism has brought the former jewel of South America to the brink of ruin and potential revolution. I think somebody should seriously think of heading out before being invited to leave more than Venezuela as they storm the capital with their remaining but fleeting strength. Every revolution has its turning point and the socialist revolution in Venezuela has actually gone beyond theirs. If ever there was a pressing reason to utilize the ridiculous and undignified Monroe Doctrine, it would be to assist Venezuela in holding fair elections and work to return the nation’s business to businessmen and women and assist their getting the nation back on its feet. Intervening with humanitarian assistance in this case has many an argument going for it as the United States used to and still does receive a share of our oil from Venezuela, so it is not like there is no self-serving interest in this case. But the people of the United States should have pictures of the extent to which socialism allowed to run rampant can destroy an otherwise healthy and prosperous nation and do so in less than twenty years. Why wait for the next lesson to possibly be the United States because should the people ever elect another progressive to the White House and allow them a pen and a phone as they will make quick work of reinstating everything up to and including all President Obama and the progressives before him had established and then add their own trinkets because that is how the progressives progress. Never ever retreat could easily be their motto, so to resist them never give up and never surrender and as Thomas Jefferson, or maybe Wendell Phillips, wisely wrote or stated, history can be so blurred and just imagine what the Internet will do to this with all the posts and tweets flying every-which-way, but to the quote in closing,

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few. The manna of popular liberty must be gathered each day or it is rotten. The living sap of today outgrows the dead rind of yesterday. The hand entrusted with power becomes, either from human depravity or esprit de corps, the necessary enemy of the people. Only by continued oversight can the democrat in office be prevented from hardening into a despot; only by unintermitted agitation can a people be sufficiently awake to principle not to let liberty be smothered in material prosperity.”


Beyond the Cusp


December 8, 2016

With Trump Comes Stark Reality


Already this last year of the Presidency of Barack Obama there has been a dozen terrorist attacks which have been verified as such. In one mere twelve hour stretch in September the American people found out it may not be safe to go shopping in a mall in Minnesota, go running a five kilometer not so fun run in New Jersey or walk window-shopping on the streets of New York City without risk of terrorism striking and potentially injuring or taking one’s most precious life. The United States has faced car bombings, remote detonated bombings, suicide bombings and shooting sprees where the attacker was only stopped when shot dead by an armed citizen or law enforcement officer. All of these terrorist styled attacks were first perfected against Israel where initially they received minimal notice by the Western World media as it was just Israel. Often any reporting on such terror attacks in Israel were covered in such a manner that it appeared as if the Israelis had shot the terrorist who then retaliated with his bombing, shooting or whatever attack as the title was often Palestinian shot by Israeli Defense Force or Palestinian Killed by Israeli Police or other misleading phrasing. As such attacks spread to Europe and across other Middle East and North African Arab nations where their Christian, Kurdish, Hindu or Buddhist minorities were often the targets with some attacks were Sunni-Shia violence and these made the reporting even in Israel more accurate. Now that attacks have spread to the United States the reporting has become stark noted by the insistence after each attack initially the authorities deny any possible tie to terrorism and warning against jumping to any conclusions that Muslims were at all involved in the attacks. Eventually the reality brakes through and the terrorist ties were obvious to the most casual of observers from the start and are finally admitted.


The lag time between attacks being perpetrated in Israel and their coming to the United States has thus far been measured in years if not decades granting Americans a reprieve from the more recent types of attacks used in Israel. Apparently this lag time has been shortened considerably with the terror attack at Ohio State University. The car ramming and following stabbing spree until shot by law enforcement officer November 28th brought that lag time down to the slimmest of measure as such are only the most recent of attacks even in Israel. This is not good news for Americans as there are no safe spaces from car rammings and stabbing attacks making everyone almost everywhere potentially under threat. The last couple of years in Israel had seen numerous car rammings which were all part of what was informally referred to as the Stabbing Intifada which has tailed off but not really completely come to an end. We all pray here in Israel, as you do in the United States, that this will be the only time you suffer from such an assault on your persons and communal safety; but we all know the unfortunate reality. Once a new form of terror attack is used it will continue until mitigating means are found for defeating such attacks. Here in Israel train stations and bus stops now have thick five centimeter diameter, cement filled posts a embedded deep into the pavement protecting the people from vehicle rammings. Stabbing attacks are only avoided through vigilance and a communal reaction making the attacker into the hunted as through mutual defense we are all safer.


Recently, though largely uncovered by Western media, Israel suffered yet another massive terror assault upon the entire nation through forest fires largely set by Arab arsonists. Neighboring nations, including Croatia, Greece, Jordan, Egypt, Italy, Russia and Turkey, responded with firefighting manpower and equipment for which we are grateful. The United States sent its “Supertanker” which is the largest firefighting aircraft in the world. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas sent a coalition of eight fire trucks and 40 firefighters which were used largely in Judea and Samaria as nowhere was immune from the horrors. In the single week during the final days before the rains came but whipped by the high winds accompanying seasonal weather changes Israel suffered one-thousand-seven-hundred-seventy-three separate fires which consumed approximately thirty-two-thousand acres with most located in the Haifa region. In some cases fires were set and once the fire-stations responded fires were set at the station houses themselves. Despite over a hundred people suffered injuries there were no fatalities this season. Over five-hundred homes were completely destroyed while tens of thousands were evacuated at some points. As of last counting there have been over thirty arrests of arsonists all of whom have proven to be Arab terrorists. Apart from the horrific damage to the parks and some neighborhoods the next most distressing reality of this past arson season was the repeated lack of coverage in the Western media once again the reality of “it’s only Israel” coming through loud and clear. There were no Israeli lives lost and, just as important if not more so, no terrorist arsonists shot resisting arrest or in the act of setting fires. Had a single arsonist been shot or otherwise injured, the cries of using disproportional and unnecessary force would have echoed from Rome to San Francisco and from Athens to Chicago and all stops inbetween. Instead, with lack of recriminations to be aired against Israel, the wave of arson was met with deafening silence.


The recent car ramming and stabbing attack does pose as a warning shot before the bow on the streets of America as it signaled a closing in the delay time between introduction of a newer terror wave in Israel and its application in the United States. We have already witnessed the use of ramming in Europe with the van being driven through a Nantes, France crowded market injuring almost a dozen and killing one victim plus the absolutely horrific Nice, France assault where a van filled with grenades and weapons was driven through a crowded 14th of July Bastille Day celebration killing eighty-four people, which included several children. The short delay from the wide use in Israel of car and vehicle rammings and stabbing attacks to their use across Europe and then to the United States bodes a troubling future for all three. Other places across Europe and Canada suffering ramming terror attacks have been but not limited to Glasgow International Airport attack in Scotland; Dijon, France; plus another attack with the Saint Jean sur Richelieu attack which occurred in Quebec, Canada on October 20, 2014. Now with the Ohio State University attack the United States has suffered its second vehicle ramming, the other being the SUV attack at the University of North Carolina. Then there were the greatest and most horrific rammings of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center Towers, Pentagon and the foiled attack which was brought down by the heroes of that day, the passengers on Flight 93 southeast of Pittsburgh.


Nice, France Van Terror Attack Carnage

Nice, France Van Terror Attack Carnage


The fear now should be from arson attacks, especially those set upwind a relatively short distance from built-up areas such as apartment complexes, business parks and housing developments. Also vulnerable would be deserted areas within some of America’s cities where a fire could be sparked that would then threaten downtown areas where urban renewal borders deserted areas yet to be rejuvenated. There should be some research performed to determine if previous fires may have been started as a form of terrorist attack as such arson attacks often target not only forest and scrublands but also target close-by developed regions. Israel has faced these firestorm attacks twice yearly, the spring winds and the fall winds which provide the necessary impetus for the use of directional winds to fan flames towards their real target, people. One can only pray that through vigilance and the formal fire-watch systems in place in the United States Park Systems stems any arson and other fires before they can rise and threaten people’s lives and property. Sufficient damage occurs already and needs little boost from intentional arson fires set with damage of people and structures as their actual target. Then there were the recent fires in Tennessee which are still being investigated by authorities.


But with the coming of the new administration of President Trump there will be a new attitude towards terrorist attacks and how they are treated by the FBI, Justice Department and other enforcement agencies within the government. No longer will the initial reports be that there is absolutely no indication that what appears to have been a terrorist attack actually is a terror attack. Rather any caution shown will still recognize that terror is always a potential cause and if it looks like terror, feels like terror and sounds like terror, then there will be the recognized likelihood that terror was a possibility. Under President Trump there is not to be the candy-coating of reality and the American people will be trusted with being given truth, often unvarnished truth as they will finally be seen and treated as grown-ups who can handle the truth. There will be no condescending hierarchy who claim that the American people cannot handle the truth and that only they, the elite have the capability to handle the truth and thus they claim they stand on the wall deciding what you deserve to know and what you must be protected against. We will have to wait and see which Americans are capable of handling the unvarnished, unsoftened, straight truth and which Americans will be demanding safe-spaces placed and trigger warnings with their newscasts. With a more open and honest evaluation of reality and the inclusion of the American people in the decision process by having an open debate, the United States will likely return taking their place as a leader of the free world. It will likely make most Americans pleased to be treated as the adults they presumably are, and we pray we have not misjudged our friends across the waves. It will be wonderful to have an ally back.


Beyond the Cusp 


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