Beyond the Cusp

September 14, 2018

The Jews Did It, All Over Again


We’re sorry, but we just couldn’t resist quoting Yogi Berra, “It’s like déjà vu all over again.” Yogi was a man who always found a way to confuse those listening and amuse those barely paying attention. Unfortunately, the all over again is all too familiar to Jews, especially those with any knowledge of our history. What is sad is the numbers of Jews without a clue of what is happening or of the history it so closely mirrors. The odd thing is those of us who know some or most or the rare few knowing all the history of the Jews, they know that this is all part of a repetition of events dressed up in different clothes with the same hatreds underneath and the same assimilated Jews who are clueless. These are the Jews who think, and some even say, it is those other Jews, the ones who wear their Judaism all over with the little funny hats and the strings, not Jews like me, professional and accepted in all these clubs and the Rotary Club and a member of this prestigious country club, they don’t mean those of us who are part of the accepted ones and we even vote and support the politically correct party and they love us. Well, they are partly correct, they do love you, as long as you pay dearly and then when they can simply take it from you, then they do not like you as much. For starters, please allow us to quote straight from Rachel Ehrenfeld’s article

“Political Islam” and “Extremist” Terrorism;

Said Rageah (سعيد راجح), the founder of Sakinah Community Center in Toronto and the mosques Masjid Huda in Montreal and Masjid Aya in Maryland, who is Chairman for the Journey of Faith Conference and serves as an instructor for the AlMaghrib Institute, has claimed “what happened in September 11 [2001] was not a work of Muslims.”


Further in this article it states that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who in March 2015, told members of a Chicago mosque, “It is now becoming apparent that there were many Israelis and Zionist Jews in key roles in the 9/11 attacks.” He further claimed, “the root of terrorism was not committed by Arabs or Muslims.” Ms. Ehrenfeld referred often to a talk titled “ISIS, Violence and the Politics of Deradicalization,” whose video we have included below. The entire article by Ms. Ehrenfeld is well worth reading.





The article got us thinking about many of the not so wonderful things we see coming at us at an ever-increasing rate. There are always the reasons behind the Islamic radicalism and why to claim that there is nothing to be alarmed and Muslims are not to blame. One escape is that 90% are moderates and are totally against terrorism and violence. They do not support violent Jihad and because of these moderates, Islam cannot be blamed for the terrorism. The one question they never ask these moderates is, “If a Jihadist knocked on your door and asked to be hidden for a week so they could perform Jihad, would you take them in?” We have covered abrogation and how Islam used different verses in the Quran from when they are a small minority to when they are the majority in our article Islam from First Muslim to Total Control, Five Stages of Islamic Conquest, so we really are not going to go into that again. What is scaring us are the signals from many, uncomfortably many, in the Democrat Party who believe that Islam is their path to power. They see Islam as an ally simply because they believe that Islam desires ridding the world of the Judeo-Christian ethic just as the leftist Secular Humanist believers desire to do. They believe that once they have used Islam to destroy the last vestige of the Judeo-Christian ethic, then they will simply redefine Islam along with their Secular Humanist ideology. Secular Humanism is actually a religion though they claim that it is actually an anti-religious movement because they believe in science and rationality. For people who claim to follow rationality, they have some strange ways of acting and whom they choose as allies.


The problem now is that the far leftists are slipping further and turning to violence to implement and establish their positions and eradicate any opposition. This has become all too evident on numerous college campuses where should a conservative speaker be scheduled, the reaction has been extreme violence. What is strange is the far right or alt-right blames these violent people as being controlled by the Jews. The far left claims often that it is the Jews who are the ones responsible for bringing the right wing and conservative speakers, because of their support for Israel. The extremists from both sides have often displayed problems with Israel and through their hatred of Israel, they broadly brush all Jews as pro-Israel, period, no matter how many groups who are run by and memberships are Jewish such as J-Street, New Israel Fund, Anti-Zionist Neturei Karta, and Jewish Voice for Peace. What was really telling was the reactions to the recent Nationality Law passed in Israel. The main problem that the American and European Jewish groups, numerous congregations and numerous vocal individuals including Rabbis had was mainly to the fact that Israel had the gall to re-announce that Israel is the State for the Jewish People. Why did Israel have to go out of their way to restate the fact that it is Jewish, why did you include us in Europe and North America because of our being Jewish, now everyone will think of us as being part of Israel and responsible for things you do. What they are forgetting is a little something called history. When the Arab and Islamic Worlds sent the majority of Jews packing with minimal possessions and pretty much with no funds, did the European nations or the United State or Canada rush to take in these 850,000 Jews? The answer is not one they wish to recall and will hem and haw and shuffle their feet in order to avoid the uncomfortable answer. The truth was that it ended up that Israel was the sole nation willing, not willing, desirous to take in these Jews despite being a young nation without much in wealth, jobs, or even places in which to even house these Jews, but they were welcomed. Immediately preceding the expulsion of the Jews in the Arab and Islamic Worlds was the refusal of much of Europe to take their Jews back into their former neighborhoods where Jews heard the stories of their former townsfolk and even friends were refusing to allow the Jews back simply because they had taken over their homes and businesses and did not desire to accommodate the returning Jews. Where did the Jews end up? Many in camps on Cyprus held there by the British. Many of us have heard of the ship renamed the “Exodus” and picture Paul Newman and the ship arriving in Israel and the Jews being welcomed. The reality was quite different. The real SS Exodus was turned back from disembarking in Israel and the Jews ended up being held in a former German camp, some reports claim it was a former concentration camp while others claimed it was an embarkation camp, but either way, this was the worst possible result. But the hundreds of thousands of Jews who were spit out by Europe and offered only Israel, unless a relative in the United States or Canada signed an affidavit that they would be financially responsible for their relatives, came to what was then, is now and always will remain a safe home for every Jew. So, where did the majority of these Jews go? Israel is where they went and should Jews find they are residing in a location where they feel threatened, where are they going to go? Again, the one nation willing to take them without too many questions is Israel. The reality is the number of Jews coming into Israel resulting from desperation and fleeing situations where they felt threatened is increasing. There are reports that as many as 35% to 40% of British Jews are ready to emigrate to Israel should the Labor Party win the next elections and Jeremy Corbin become Prime Minister. Sweden and France have witnessed the beginnings of an exodus of their Jews and the vast majorities are coming here to Israel. Should the United States turn in a direction in which the Jews are threatened, where does anybody believe they will be heading, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America? They will be heading for Israel and they will be welcomed because Israel is the place of last resort or first choice, depending on one’s level of Zionistic feelings and also rationality as going anywhere else does not solve the problem. Torah says that Israel will one day be where the Jews, meaning all the Jews, will reside. That is the truth no matter by which direction it will occur.


Hate Crimes Motivated by Religious Bias in a Short Graphic History

Hate Crimes Motivated by Religious Bias in a Short Graphic History


Either all Jews will voluntarily or involuntarily return to Israel where their forefathers founded their state after the Exodus or they will become so assimilated that they will have forgotten or were never told they are Jewish. Only, it is claimed, 20% of Jews left Egypt with Moses, and it is said that only 20% returned from the Babylonian exile, none of the Ten Lost Tribes who were conquered by the Assyrians ever returned until modern times, so, this time, we are already doing far better as by now at least 35% to 40% and some like to claim 50% of Jews have already returned to Israel making the modern return the most effective. The four nations with the largest Jewish populations after Israel are the United States (5,700,000), France (465,000), Canada (385,000) and Britain (269,568). Israel has a Jewish population of 6,589,000 according to the same place where we took the lowest estimates. Anti-Semitism is rising everywhere in the world and alongside that, the hatred of Israel is also rising. There is a direct correlation of these two hatreds as one is a reflection of the other and both a growing in identical fertile soil. What will eventually be the main reason that so many Jews will not see the turning point when the nation where they reside turns that corner from which there will be no return is actually very simple. The point in the public sphere from where anti-Semitism will rise is the same one from which it usually appears, from the extremes, both left and right but in Europe and North America it will be the left. The Tzars were far right as Monarchists, the Communists were leftists as international socialists, the Nazis were leftists as national socialists, the Pharos was about as far right as possible, the same applies to Nebuchadnezzar, Haman in Persia was right wing law and order fanatic who desired purification of the society and as there are few Monarchists or leaders claiming to be gods in human form and the largest amounts of anti-Semitism are coming from the liberal parties across the boards in Europe and North America as the leftists are aligning with Islam extremists as the leftists believe they can use Islam as their shock troops when they decide they are taking over because the people just are incapable of electing the right people. Find that impossible to believe, spend some time with no filters active while searching out on Facebook and searching for, “blame Jews,” “Jews did it,” “Jewish control” and “hate” just to sample what is there. Warning, these searches can be done generally on Google but any such search will be frightening, especially if you actually believe that anti-Semitism died with the Nazis. Simple truth, Jews are victimized by hate crimes more than Muslims in the United States.


Beyond the Cusp


May 4, 2018

The Death of “Never Again”


After the Shoah, the Holocaust, the Jewish People made a promise to one another of, “Never Again.” The world echoed the call, “Never Again.” Most notably, Europe and particularly Germany echoed the call, “Never Again.” Now the world stands at the brink which they will break their promise of, “Never Again.” One need merely search the news to see the ever-increasing rate of attacks upon Jews simply because they are Jews. European leaders speak of their increased efforts to address anti-Semitism after each attack. France has placed military personnel to guard Jewish daycares, preschools, education centers, Synagogues and events throughout France. Britain and Germany have declared they are taking steps to fight against anti-Semitism with Germany appointing Dr. Felix Klein to take charge of the efforts at education and other means of fighting anti-Semitism. Dr. Klein will take his position sometime this month. There have been warnings sent initially through delicate warnings requesting that Jews not affix Mezuzahs on their doors as such identifiers upon their homes could make them targets. This proved to be insufficient; so then, they made the next demand less delicately advising Jews to stop wearing their Kippahs. For some Jews, that proved a demand too far as they refused to uncover their heads. This meant that they had to limit their lives by remaining only in what they thought to be “safe areas,” some of which proved not to be sufficiently safe.


Never Again!


For Jews these events, though difficult, are not something new to the Jewish People as we can look back across our history and find all too numerous similarities with which to compare these events. During the Spanish Inquisition the Jews were forced to convert to Christianity, but some refused to forsake their traditional religion and practiced Judaism in silence and well-concealed in order to avoid detection and a tortured and horrible end. These Jews were to become known as Marranos. Throughout the world, there are instances where the Jews were forced to profess faith in other religions while conforming to their Judaism privately and in complete secrecy. Sometimes these Jews would form groups with ten men so they could have a minyan making their prayers more complete as some prayers require ten men in order to perform and reading of Torah also requires a minyan. This would obviously cause these members to be more readily caught by the authorities but they believed that on certain holy days the risk was worth the reward they would receive from being able to perform a complete service with a Torah reading making it all the more satisfying. These conditions of forced conversions and secretive practice of their Judaism were more universal than many historians have recorded both in Christian and Islamic world and before either when the Jews resided under foreign exile or occupation including the Roman, Greek, Persian and Babylonian to name a few. \


“Never Again” was intended to mean that the Jewish People were never to be made embarrassed, harassed or intimidated into hiding their Judaism as a requirement for their safety. Never Again was supposed to provide a conscience in the world such that after thirty-five-hundred-years Jews would finally be safe within the world. Israel took in the approximate million Jews who were forced from the Arab and Muslim world providing them with assured safety from the anti-Semitism which has never been purged from the Islamic world or from the Quran and the preaching of Imams. Now there is rising anti-Semitism, both from Islamic refugees, extreme right wing anti-Semitism and leftist anti-Semitism are combining making the roughly one and a half million Jews of Europe becoming endangered. They have a refuge they can take in Israel and increasing numbers have begun to do exactly that. There are also troubling signs across the Atlantic Ocean in the United States and Canada which are also at the very leading edge of increasing anti-Semitism. The problem is far from as obvious as it is in Europe, but it has become troubling to those who follow such trends as they are witnessing the same numbers as were present in Europe starting about three decades past.


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has released a worldwide survey of the state of anti-Semitism in 2014 with a partial update showing anti-Semitism in 2015 in easily seen maps and tables. There is even a page where one can compare nation to nation using it to see where your country stands compared to others or any other comparison one would care to see. The one problem with the ADL surveys are they have rapidly become dated as a measure where Europe and even the United States and Canada are concerned, as the increases in these areas of the developed world have been quite distressing. Of course, we cannot expect that the ADL will be performing another survey in the near future, though we would love for them to do so for 2020 and make it as easily accessed as their 2014 and 2015 versions have been made. The ADL might refrain from doing such as they likely would be hesitant to actually recognize exactly how sad the situation is becoming. What is really sad is how fast Germany and the nations which were willing, or somewhat less than willingly, under the rule of the Third Reich have fallen back so severely despite their joining in the concept of “Never Again” and have permitted the pernicious hatred that is anti-Semitism returning in such strength, especially with the youth of today. Where did the leadership go wrong and divert from the path returning to their old hatreds and habits including anti-Semitism. Perhaps we should try and suggest some reasons.


Perhaps the greatest mishandling of the problem has been the selling of the concept of “Never Again” as the answer to prevent the singular event of the Shoah, the Holocaust, of ever reoccurring. “Never Again” is not an answer to just the Shoah but to every attempt through the ages to kill off the Jewish People. These attempts began in Egypt over thirty-five-hundred-years ago and continued through with, but not limited to, the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Spanish Inquisition, the Caliphate and the Nazis. They have not taught that the Jewish People and their rules and codes became some of the founding principles of the current European and modern world governance. Much of human rights are based on the Judeo-Christian ethics which are all based in Jewish thought. Continued Jewish thought and culture continued to add to the humanity of man and to the sciences, culture, society and every aspect of human existence. There has been almost no mention of how much poorer humanity would be without what the Jews have contributed to all aspects of human existence. Even boxing would have been lees the art it has become in sports without the contribution of a Jewish man called Daniel Mendoza. He was credited with introducing the scientific art of boxing. Then there are the somewhat more famous and well-known Jews such as Sigmund Freud, Niels Bohr, Baruch de Spinoza, Albert Einstein, Sandy Koufax, Groucho Marx, Gene Simmons, Franz Kafka, Peter Sellers, Joan Rivers, Marc Chagall, George Gershwin, Jonas Salk, Albert Sabin, Hank Greenberg, Max Baer, Benny Leonard, Lyle Alzado, Jerry Lewis, Danny Kaye and Dr. Ruth Westheimer. We could continue with a long list of scientists, entertainers, musicians, artists, philosophers, comediennes and religious scholars.


Gene Simmons

Gene Simmons


Perhaps a lesson in middle school where the contributions of Jews throughout history to virtually every field of endeavor would make an impression, especially with lists of Jews in such fields as music, sports, entertainment and other fields with which Jews are not always associated. Also showcasing the contributions throughout history where they often made contributions which are not well known today such as Haym Salomon who was a Polish-born American Jewish businessman and personally backed loans from France to finance the American Revolution from which he ended up bankrupt. And, of course, there is the reality that without Judaism there would be no Christianity or Islam as both trace back to Judaism as their roots and being Abrahamic faiths. These ideas would not eradicate anti-Semitism, but perhaps a realization that the Jewish People have contributed quite a great deal to humanity throughout the ages in virtually every field of endeavor might give some pause to reconsider their opinion of Jews. Anti-Semitism will never completely disappear, as there are records of anti-Semitism existing in towns, villages and even cities where people have never met a Jew and some where no Jew has ever been recorded to have lived. But if we can change some people’s thoughts on the Jewish People and as much of anti-Semitism is handed down within families, neighborhoods, societal norms and other means, every person turned from anti-Semitism could have an ever-widening effect over time. If nothing is done, what will the world be like once every nation has rid themselves of their Jews and Jews only reside in Israel? Oddly enough, even then the world will have its share of anti-Semitism and there will be efforts to destroy Israel if only to be rid of the imagined effect the Jews have on life around the globe. How can we know this? Well, because anti-Semitism has existed in places around the world before the Jewish People had been spread around the world by conquering empires with the best known being the Roman dispersion intended to wipe out Judaism from the world as punishment for revolting against Roman rule just a little too efficiently. It is that exile which the Jewish People are finally returning home to Israel after almost two-thousand-years.


Beyond the Cusp


April 19, 2018

Berlin Street Assault on Kippah Wearing Teen Sign of Epidemic Anti-Semitism


Below we will include a video of a Kippah wearing teen taken by the victim, which explains the shaky and disjunctive shots, being assaulted and whipped with a belt by another youth. We will begin with an interview taken in Hebrew by The Times of Israel. The Jewish Kippah wearing youth was quoted telling of the events, “It happened right here, next to my home, when I was on my way to the train station with my friend. The truth is, I’m surprised something like this happened to me. I’m still in shock. We came out of our home, my friend and I, wearing our Kippahs, and walked down the street. We weren’t talking with anyone else. Three people came from over there” (points down the street from where attacker came) “and started cursing us from over there. We didn’t talk to anyone, didn’t answer them. So when they kept cursing us, my friend asked them to stop cursing, and that got them angry. So one of them ran at me. I immediately felt it was important to film, because I didn’t think we could catch him before police arrived. I wanted to give police something to go on.”



Levi Salomon, spokesman from Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Antisemitism stated, “This shows that Jewish people are not safe here either.” Well, if by here he means throughout Europe and not just Berlin, then we are forced by events to agree. This is not reserved just for Europe as similar reports have come from South Africa, Australia and even North America. Even some of the most innocuous of protests where one would expect inclusion, the Women’s March after the Inauguration of President Trump a year ago January anti-Semitism reared its head at numerous locations across the nation. The most obvious was the rejection of a group of women who supported everything the march represented but their being Zionists lead to their being refused and rejected by the organizers of the Women’s March. There are dozens of stories such as Can You Be a Zionist Feminist? Linda Sarsour Says No and By Rejecting Jews, Intersectionality Betrays Itself plus ADL CEO: Boycott of Scarlett Johansson’s Women’s March Speech was “Contemptible” as well as I’m Glad the Dyke March Banned Jewish Stars additionally here in Three asked to leave Chicago LGBT march over ‘triggering’ Star of David flags (see picture below) and lastly also here in Everything You Need to Know About Anti-Semitism in the Women’s March Movement. Here are examples of the people who claim that they are for everyone’s freedom, well, I guess we need to add as long as they hate Israel, anything less makes one instantly into some kind of monster to be shunned and refused even the smallest sympathy or respect normally offered a human-being. We are talking about people on the all loving, all hugging leftern-most left of the far left wing, the ones who define the feminist wing of the Democrat and other leftist Parties and the ones who define who is to be seen and treated as a rightful female personage. Apparently Jews or anyone who has a love of Israel, any Zionist inclinations, are less than human and are likely just what Linda Sarsour was raised to believe from the Quran, Zionists are the apes and pigs as explained by MEMRI and further it is explained that the Jews are said to be turned into apes and swine for generally disbelieving in Allah’s revelations. Ms. Sarsour has not travelled far from the teaching from her youth as she refuses to permit Jews because they support the Jewish State and goes further to blame Israel for the sins of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas who are the actual oppressors of the Palestinians she claims reside in Israel. The Palestinian Arabs are separate from the Israeli Arabs and live under self-rule. Israeli Arabs have full and equal rights with Israeli Jews as do Israelis of every religion from Baha’i to Buddhist to Christian and every other religion including Islam in all its variants, something not even true in the vast majority of Arab states where they prefer one version of Islam over the others.


Participants in the San Francisco Pride Parade Showing Their Jewish and Israeli pride as well

Participants in the San Francisco Pride Parade
Showing Their Jewish and Israeli pride as well


The serious problem is the rapidly rising anti-Semitism which is mostly occurring under the media radar often going unreported by the national media and only found in local print and radio and television news. Synagogues across the United States and especially Europe and South Africa have security around their grounds most often armed whenever they are expecting a larger observance such as in the High Holidays, for Bar Mitzvahs of large families and every event where the numbers of people is substantial. In France, the government has placed the military guarding Synagogues and Jewish schools round the clock seven days a week. Germany has admitted they are unable to provide the coverage which would be necessary to provide for the safekeeping of Jewish schools and synagogues. French new President Macon also promises to continue armed guards at Synagogues and Jewish schools as reported in this article, “ France’s Macron vows to fight anti-Semitism online and off.” In neighboring Germany we read, “Police must guard every synagogue in Germany, says Merkel, which shows the seriousness of anti-Semitism there. Then we come to Sweden where even the New York Times is awake to the problem covered in their article, “The Uncomfortable Truth About Swedish Anti-Semitism.” The question which will be coming down the pike and soon require addressing is how can the United States protest every Jewish school and Synagogue should things start to approach the same levels of anti-Semitism as is being experience across much of Europe and other areas around the globe. Such a need would be a formidable challenge logistically and financially. This becoming necessary in the United States and Canada would bring on challenges beyond imagination as these two nations have more Jewish citizens than Europe by multiple of three-plus.


Anti-Semitism is rising around the globe while Israel continues to face challenges to her existence beyond anything faced before. Recently, Iranian Army Commander Brigadier General Kiumars Heidari has warned, Iranian Armed Forces “are much more powerful than before” and that “the date has been set” for Israel’s destruction, as he spoke in Tehran ahead of Iran’s Army Day. Iran has further claimed that Israel is now in direct confrontations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. This was over the Israeli strike against the control center which controlled the explosive armed Iranian drone was intercepted shortly after it entered Israeli airspace obviously on a mission to destroy targets in Israel. Iranian forces have recently been gathered closer than previous on the Israeli Golan Heights on the northeastern border with Syria. Add on the Gaza rioting and threats to breach the border as threatened by Hamas leader Sinwar that, “‘We Will Tear Israelis’ Hearts Out.” (see video below) Sinwar further threatened that the rioters, “eat the livers of those besieging (Gaza),” using an Arabic idiom that means to take revenge on someone. He has also explained about the violence that, “The March of Return will continue. It will not stop until we remove this transient border (the Gaza-Israel border).” Another of his threats is that, “March of Return affirms that our people can’t give up one inch of the land of Palestine. The protests will continue until the Palestinians return to the lands they were expelled from 70 years ago.” His claim here is the erasure of Israel completely followed by their cleansing the Jews from the population just as the Hamas Charter states along with their intent to murder every Jew on the planet.



Gaza-Israel Map with Rioting Image Insert

Gaza-Israel Map with Rioting Image Insert


These riots and rushes at the border fence with attempts to cut and breach the border fence are predicted to last six weeks in total and climax around the 11th to the 15th of May coinciding with the announcement of the moving of the United States embassy to Jerusalem (see above map and insert). Part of the aim is to influence the decision by President Trump and if Hamas, Islamic Jihad and friends in terror manage to cause sufficient violence and are able to cross the border marauding through southern Israel, there is their hope that this might deter the announcement. Hamas and friends are aware that they have numerous allies who will pressure President Trump from within the State Department and the Middle East departments which are peopled by Arabs and not that many Jews, like none. The rioting and the anti-Semitism in the Middle East and across North Africa is simply the level of hate which areas within Europe are approaching. There are those predicting that there may come a time where Jews will only be accepted residing in Israel and any Jews residing outside of Israel will face levels of anti-Semitism well over the top. Additionally, the nations of the United Nations will almost to an entirety will have turned on Israel and possibly have removed Israel from her United Nations membership and revoked the recognition of Israel claiming that they have dissolved the nation of Israel. Fortunately, the world will have sufficient other problems that the world will not be placing their armies on the Israeli border threatening her destruction. Eventually, this unbridled hatred will wane and Israel will gain acceptance. This will come about due to some simply facts. One is that despite how she is treated by the numerous national governments, Israel is often still the first to have people on the ground giving the necessary aid to people after a natural disaster. Israel is a nation that produces great advances in virtually every area from computers to agriculture to physics to medicine on and on. Israel has given the world everything from the technology for cell phones to instant messaging to drip irrigation to the cherry tomato and even more here and here. Israel will win the minds and later their hearts and it will become have relations with Israel or be left behind. Well, that is our hope at least.


Beyond the Cusp


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