Beyond the Cusp

February 23, 2017

The Canard of Israeli Responsibility for Arab Palestinians


Roderick Balfour decided to correct his forebearers horrific error of permitting the Jews to have a homeland as long as they allowed for the existing residents to retain religious, civil, property and all other rights with the exception of political rights which would be reserved for the Jews and those whom they decided to permit political rights either individually or as a group. Roderick Balfour has claimed that the reason behind the growing anti-Semitism is the lack of Israel in finding a solution to the Palestinian conflict. Apparently Broderick Balfour believes that Israel could simply impose a solution without the entire world exploding in raucous demands that Israel negotiate before reaching any agreement as the Palestinians must be permitted their input in any solution. Even were Israel to allow for the maximalist solution and destroy the literally hundreds of thousands of Israelis homes and businesses including those in East Jerusalem and returned to within the Green Line and recognize the areas beyond the Green Line as Palestine the problem would be anything but solved nor would the world accept this as a fair solution despite the generous granting of what the world currently claims is the maximalist demand. As soon as this solution would be enacted Mahmoud Abbas would be in New York, Turtle Bay to be exact, before the General Assembly of the United Nations denouncing the audacity of Israel imposing a solution on the Palestinian Arabs which is wholly unacceptable. Then he would ask what is to be done with the eight million Palestinian refugees including the millions re-exiled from Syria because of Israel not recognizing their right to return and live in and around Tel Aviv. The world would then take up the demand that Israel allow eight million Arabs to be resettled within Israel and forcing Israel to grant them full citizenship and then hold an election so they could elect Mahmoud Abbas as Prime Minister of Israel, and that would be the result of such an eventuality. The world would see nothing wrong with such a result as it would fulfill one of what appears to be a main desire of the world as a whole, the elimination of Israel and the eradication or complete subjugation of the Jewish people. If the United Nations could through the General Assembly make one religion a crime it would be Judaism. You doubt that claim but let us not forget the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 where they voted seventy-two approving, thirty-five against and thirty-two abstained declaring amongst other things, Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination. That vote is all too close to that United Nations General Assembly declaration which chose the nationalist movement supporting Israel, Zionism, as a form of racism is equivalent to Israeli policies being the cause of people having antagonistic feelings to Jews simply because they are perceived to support Israel thus are suspected of Zionism and thus deserving of scorn.


Anti-Semitism, Zionism Equals Racism, Israelis are the New Nazis

Anti-Semitism, Zionism Equals Racism, Israelis are the New Nazis


Here is the reality which so few ever address, the problem with solving the Palestinian Arab problem lies with the Palestinian Arab leadership who refuse to even negotiate. What is even more revealing is the reason why they refuse to negotiate, they are rewarded for refusing to even negotiate, let alone reach an agreement. The original Oslo Accords divided the regions of Judea and Samaria into three sections depending on their likelihood for development and residence. Area A was dedicated to Palestinian Arab political and security control. Area B was left to Palestinian Arab political control and mutual Israeli and Palestinian Arab security control. Area C was given to Israeli political and security control. The intent was that Area A would remain under Palestinian Arab control, Area C would remain under Israeli control and the negotiations would be over where to draw the lines in Area B. By refusing to settle and then even to negotiate the world had rewarded the Palestinian Arabs with now demanding that Israel surrender most if not all of Area A, B and C and give away half of Jerusalem and forcing over three-quarters of a million Israelis to resettle destroying their homes and, for many, their places of work as well as where numbers of Arabs also work. And the fact that as time has passed the world had sided with the Palestinian Arabs and demanded more than the international agreement demanded from the Israelis. Israel lost any part of Area B they might have received in negotiations and all of Area C which the original Oslo Accords would have awarded Israel. But additionally the world had rewarded Mahmoud Abbas, his family members, the top members of his monopoly on power with millions, tens of millions and for the elite hundreds of millions of dollars and continues to do so year after year, month after month. The world spends more on each Palestinian refugee each year than they do on some whole groups of refugees. Further, Palestinian refugee status is the sole group of refugees whose status is passed on from one generation to the next. If a Palestinian refugee were to marry a Hawaiian and had three children who each married, one to a Parisian, one to a New Yorker and the last to a Brazilian and each of those couples had three children, how many Palestinians would that have at the end? The answer is seventeen Palestinian Arabs refugees, the original refugee, the person they married gets refugee status, each of the three children, the three people they marries and all nine children from those marriages. If that makes no sense, imagine the same thing with a Haitian refugee and the end count with the same mathematics and you end up with one Haitian refugee.


Yes, that did not help much. All the world’s refugees except the Palestinian Arab refugees are cared for by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), also known as the UN Refugee Agency. The Palestinian Arab refugees are cared for by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). They are the sole group to have their own refugee agency. According to the figures for 2014 UNRWA received $1,342,180,849 to cover just over five million refugees which provides per refugee just over two-hundred-fifty dollars while UNHCR $3,055,908,219 to cover just over sixteen million refugees which provides per refugee just under one-hundred-ninety dollars. Despite this and the fact that the Palestinian Authority, the governing body responsible for governing all aspects of the Palestinian Arab refugees in Judea and Samaria, receives additional hundreds of millions if not billions per year from the European Union, United States, individual European nations, numerous Arab nations every year resulting in far greater available funds for these refugees. Additionally, there are some of the largest Palestinian Arab refugee camps located within Gaza which is governed by Hamas, a Palestinian Arab group recognized by most as a refugee entity, though that has become debatable in much of Europe and another few located in areas under Palestinian Authority governance. The difference between these refugees and the presumed Palestinian Arabs, who are also technically under United Nations definitions, also refugees are, well, which side of the barbed wire and which are permitted freedom of movement and which are restrained at gunpoint. Mahmoud Abbas and his security forces enforce a difference between the Palestinian Arab refugees residing inside the barbed wire and the Palestinian Arab refugees residing outside the barbed wire for one reason only, the ones located inside the barbed wire are left from when Jordan held the region illegally after the 1948 war with Israel and are denoted to be relocated within Israel. This makes them a form of weapon against Israel so that no matter what Israel does, as long as Israel remains the homeland for the Jewish People, then Israel has not sacrificed enough.


Israel cannot resolve the Palestinian Arab conflict simply because the problem is not the fact that there are Arab refugees but that there is a Jewish State. The Arabs decided back in the Khartoum Resolution of 1967 and the Three No’s; NO peace with Israel, NO recognition of Israel, NO negotiations with Israel. Please explain exactly how Israel can resolve the problem under these conditions, and Mahmoud Abbas has assured the Arab World that he will abide by the spirit of these restrictions and will never settle for anything less than the complete destruction of the Jewish State and the Jews either scattered to the far corners of the world or exterminated. This was the promise made originally by Yasser Arafat and has been continued by his understudy, Mahmoud Abbas. This is why the Arab refugees are still held in camps. What is interesting is when Kuwait deported every last single Palestinian worker after Yasser Arafat supported Saddam Hussein during the first Iraq War after he conquered Kuwait and upon their liberation by the United States and their coalition. There has been no additional outrage when Bashir al-Assad shelled the Palestinian Refugee camps within Syria, did you even know there were Palestinian refugee camps in Syria and that they were shelled? Assad actually shelled them before any other location simply because he figured they would oppose him naturally and why not simply make sure such could not happen. We do not really know the why al-Assad decided to bomb and shell the camps before anywhere else including areas where he knew that his opposition was located. Why was there no anger throughout the world and Resolutions from the United Nations General Assembly against Kuwait or Syria over the Palestinian Refugees? Perhaps because they were not Israel? If you doubt that as the reason, well, hate to burst your bubble but that is exactly why there was no world reaction. As for Roderick Balfour and his claim that Israeli politics is responsible for growing world anti-Semitism, well, that is about as true as claiming that Canadian politics is responsible for people denigrating Canadians or Putin’s intervention in Syria is responsible for anti-Cossack feelings. Roderick Balfour ends by stating his unwillingness to participate in the Centenary Celebration of the Balfour Declaration unless Israel takes unilateral action to end the conflict. One wonders if Israel took the only unilateral measure which is within her power to end the conflict would pass Roderick Balfour’s sensibilities, unilaterally deporting the Palestinian Arabs to Syria or whoever else might take them.


Beyond the Cusp


February 14, 2017

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely calls for Gradual Sovereignty


Tzipi Hotovely, from the ruling Likud Party, for all intents and purposes is the Israeli Foreign Minister though she insisted she be the Deputy Foreign Minister for religious reasons which are not a consideration except to note her actual position has all the power of any Israeli Foreign Minister. This makes her comments and any policy statements carry the weight of the leader of the Foreign Ministry. That makes her recent statements on the “settlements,” the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and the reality that the Jewish communities are the ones under occupation and threat, not the Arab communities. We agree as the area is under military rule but much of the land is actually ruled under either Jordanian law left over from the Jordanian nineteen year occupation or British law left over from the twenty-five plus years of oppressive and pro-Arab British rule. So, let us first quote exactly the words from Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely:

“In the years when we did not dare to ask sovereignty we lost. We lost justice, truth, the Israeli story. In the years when we told the world that we can resolve the matter in a compromise because we are a peace loving nation, we did not engage in a struggle for justice in Israel. Anyone who does not believe in the right to settle in Shilo, Beit El and Eli has no business in Tel Aviv, Herzliya and Rishon Lezion.
“We learned the hard way that you cannot divide the country. We uprooted Gush Katif and we received the terrible Gaza which is bad for both Israelis and Palestinians,” she added during a meeting with Netanyahu last week where she urged him to apply sovereignty. “It can be done in a gradual manner, starting with the greater Jerusalem area and from there applying Israeli law on the entire settlement enterprise and later to sovereignty from the sea to the Jordan, but doing so requires unity, no contest who is more right-wing.
“We represent half a million people who want the law which applies to them to be the Israeli law and not the Civil Administration and the military regime. It is the settlers who are really under occupation, and it’s time to end the occupation.” Her concluding thought expressed included that, “it is more important to tell the world why we are here, because when we tell our truth, we’ll have stability all around us.”


We fully agree with her desire to apply Israeli laws over the entirety of Judea and Samaria and remove the horrifically horrendous anti-Zionist applications of foreign laws and allowing NGO’s and the Supreme Court to uproot Jewish communities on the flimsiest of evidence which often proves to have been false or an extreme stretch using hundreds of years old Ottoman deeds and claims simply to destroy Zionist and religious communities because they are considered an anathema to some Jews backed by European monies. The current situation allows the poisons of European systemic, historic, lingering anti-Semitism couched as anti-Zionism and pro-Palestinianism and pan-Arabism to destroy Jewish lives as well as destroying Jewish employers who employ hundreds of Palestinian Arabs as well as Jews giving these Arabs equal pay and advancement and paying salaries four times that of what they might expect from similar positions in the areas under the Palestinian Authority (PA). These attacks are meant to destroy Jewish claims and make Judea and Samaria into an Arab enclave which will fall most likely to Hamas or possibly to the Islamic State because they believe the falsehood that giving away Judea and Samaria will work better than what occurred when we surrendered Gaza and got hundreds of thousands of rockets, mortars and terrorism in return costing Israeli lives and forcing a generation of Israelis residing near the Gaza border to live under hellish attacks and threats constantly hanging over their heads, literally. Children show signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) except that their Traumatic Stress is current and constant which would make their condition Current-Constant-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CCTSD).


Tzipi Hotovely

Tzipi Hotovely


Giving all of Judea and Samaria, which includes the Judean Heights which overlook the heart of Central Israel and the vast majority of Israeli industry, production, power generation and three quarters of the population’s residences, would place all of this under direct line of sight for launching rockets, mortars, anti-tank weapons and other weapons which could be used by snipers or casual terrorist who woke-up and desired some excitement defined as shooting Israelis in a barrel with the barrel being Petah Tikva, Rehovot, Giv’atayim, Netanya, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Herzliya, Yafo and, of course the gem and biggest target, Tel Aviv (see map below). Additionally, these heights give a direct shot at more than buildings as it includes direct targeting of all flights in and out of Ben Gurion International Airport as well as easy shooting at vehicles on some of Israel’s most used highways (see images below map). Opening up such vulnerabilities would be beyond insane into suicidal. The building behind the runways is Tel Aviv on up to Netanya and as one can see the Mediterranean Sea beyond one gets an idea at how close and easy it would be to target these communities and the heart of the largest collection of center city structures in Israel. And if all of this were not enough, surrendering Judea and Samaria would leave Jerusalem at the end of a thin vine containing two highways and railway tracks which would be easily cut off leaving Western Jerusalem hanging to die on the cut vine connecting it to the rest of Israel. Surrendering Judea and Samaria would mean surrendering all of Jerusalem as it would simply be a matter of time with modern weaponry to lay siege to Jerusalem by simply making the roadways and rail lines unusable. Lastly, this would also result in the surrender of the Jordan Valley which the Jordan River flows through. This valley is a natural barrier to any land assault and provides Israel with a natural defensive position. Surrendering all of Judea and Samaria would result in allowing the three passes which allow the passing from the Jordan Valley onto the Judean Heights to any Arab force that would be determined to launch a land assault against Israel (see bottom figure below). This was something Israel learned very early in its modern life as Arab armies flowed through these passes on May 15, 1948 when more than a half dozen Arab Armies attacked Israel on the first morning of her existence in an attempt to genocidally destroy all of Israel. This was the declared Arab League’s commentary on the purpose of the attack. This was the attack where Jordan took Judea and Samaria and Egypt took Gaza and these nations occupied what was supposed to be Israeli land and broke the rules of the Geneva Convention by transferring populations into these lands, especially Jordan who forced thousands of Arabs to be relocated from Jordan to Judea and Samaria plus making the Arabs who wished to reside there be rewarded with Jordanian citizenship while annexing the entirety of Judea and Samaria. Their annexation was only recognized by Britain and Pakistan with even the Arab League denouncing the Jordanian actions. Jordan reneged on their offer of citizenship after losing the lands of Judea and Samaria when Israel liberated the areas in the Six Day War in a defensive war in early June of 1967. Jordan subsequently claimed to have gifted Judea and Samaria to the Palestinian Arabs as their own nation and denied having annexed the area after Israel recaptured their lands. The final reason why Israel needs to retain Judea and Samaria is that it alters the tactical depth of Israel from a mere nine miles along the midsection to forty-five miles from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea allowing time to react to any land assault instead of immediately being cut in half as would be the case without the lands of Judea and Samaria.


Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan Depicting the Near Complete Coverage of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah Are Capable of Producing in Bulk

Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan
Depicting the Near Complete Coverage
of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest
Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah
Are Capable of Producing in Bulk


Ben Gurion Airport Plane Vulnerability from Palestine (c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)

Ben Gurion Airport Plane Vulnerability from Palestine
(c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)


Trans-Israel Highway Route 6 (c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)

Trans-Israel Highway Route 6
(c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)


Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea

Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity
of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending
Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea


Obviously we see the necessity for retaining control over all the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea which was guaranteed the Zionist Congress and every Jewish organization and governance right up to November 29, 1947 when the United Nations broke their own Charter rules from Article 80 and offered the Arab League to divide Israel in half and give the most productive areas to the Arab nation and leave the Israeli Jewish State holding two-thirds desert lands in the Negev. The Jews accepted this deal reluctantly but accepted this perfidy by the General Assembly but the Arab League declined this compromise instead relying on what they figured would be an easy victory destroying Israel and genocidally cleansing the land of the Jews. They had the armies of Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and the Sudan plus militias and the Palestinian army under Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al Husseini. There were rumors that operating behind the scenes and possibly closer to the front lines there were former British and Nazi officers assisting the Arab forces most often with the Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian and Iraqi forces. When the Arab League rejected the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 dividing the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea the entire resolution became null and void. By null and void we and the rules mean into the circular file, burned in the furnace, gone, disappeared, vaporized, and most important, completely irretrievable. United Nations General Assembly Resolutions, not just 181, become inapplicable as soon as any side rejects any part, let alone all of the resolution as the Arab League did Resolution 181 immediately upon its passage. That particular rejection just might have set a world record which will be impossible to beat as the Arab League had decided to reject the action by the United Nations before it even was finished being written, let alone the ink to dry. This is also why there has not been a peace reached with the Palestinian Arabs as they are simply the mallet with which the Arab League and the Arab World has been beating Israel senseless for the past seventy plus years. The PA obeys much of the Khartoum Resolution and the Three No’s; no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel. The PA may appear to negotiate with Israel but if you look at the results you will find that the PA have never kept a single agreement and have never compromised on their demand that all of Israel be placed under Arab rule, period. This has been the demand from day one with the sole possible change to be allowed is that the Jews will be permitted to reside as Dhimmis under their Arab masters. Such is supposed to be better than what Jordan did to the Jews who owned land, homes, farms, businesses and other properties in Judea and Samaria as they were ejected from their properties which were then given to Arabs that were forced by Jordan to move to these properties in order to permanently change the ownership making a record which refused Jewish ownership.


That brings us back to the comments and ideas of the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely. The problem with her idea is that it opens up Israel to constant denial of ownership of any of Judea and Samaria. With her idea of first annexing all of Jerusalem, a useless idea as Jerusalem has already been annexed and the Arab citizens granted Israeli citizenship with partial political rights. As we discussed in our article Why Does Israel Continue to Exist Today?, Israel was only required to grant the people residing in their homelands before they were declared a state civil rights, property rights, religious rights but not necessarily political rights. That is why and how Israel is permitted to allow the Arabs of East Jerusalem the right to vote in any Jerusalem election, though that was not required and done out of fairness as that is the one set of elections which most affects their lives, but not permit them to vote in national elections as of now. Then she wants to annex the suburbs around Jerusalem. Her idea continues to then annex the “settlement blocks” which are only in parts of Area C. Then she would eventually annex more and at some point the rest of the entirety of Judea and Samaria. Really? Such a plan is guaranteed to fail as the world comes unglued at each step. And knowing how the Likud lead-headed politically-defective step by step gradual way of accomplishing anything they feel might be controversial. Nothing could be any more wrong-headed and reality-challenged. They have learned nothing from their means of building housing in Judea and Samaria. Each time they take a single step they invite condemnations, denunciations, criminal charges to be filed, and international uproar. They announce the plan to debate allowing the building of twenty apartments in one block of a single building. The world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. Then Israel announces they will take tenders (bids) for the building of the twenty apartments in a single building and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. Then they announce they are reviewing the tenders and deciding which contractors will be in the final considerations and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. The announcement then comes on which contractor won the bid and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. Then they announce the intended date they will break ground and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. Then they announce the date again with two weeks to go and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks and then with one week to go and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. Then comes the big announcement that the building has been cancelled because of the world outcry and, believe it or not, the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks over the fact that Israel even had considered such an affront to the world order. Did you catch a consistency in this process? Yep, every time Israel announced anything with the word build in any form the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. What does this mean for annexing Judea and Samaria? Well, probably that Israel would be best served by simply annexing all of Judea and Samaria in one fell swoop, rather than in small steps as she presented, and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks and then life continues.


The reason that so many Israelis are so touchy and seemingly timid about anything concerning Judea and Samaria is they have become gun shy. The constant screaming by a small minority of the world but a very loud and active group has scared them into believing that much of the world is against Israel. The problem is the more Israel acts like a scared two year old the more people jump on the bandwagon as it becomes less of a cost if Israelis run timid. The way to prevent this situation would be to take the entire problem on straight ahead and grab the bull by the horns. Simply take exactly what the world granted Israel from the beginning, well, almost the beginning. The very beginning Israel was supposed to be all the lands of the British Mandate, all of what today is Jordan as well as the lands west of the Jordan River. Responding to Arab pressures in the form of pogroms and rioting killing Jews and attacking British soldiers, the British reneged giving the 78% of the lands, all the lands east of the Jordan River to the Iraqi border to the Arabs placing it under the Hashemite King Hussein. That left the 22% of the lands west of the Jordan River for the Jewish State. The arguments are over the lands occupied by Jordan illegally and liberated by Israel. All Israel need do to end the tortuous Arab-Israeli conflict is formally annex the remainder of their lands, Judea and Samaria. Simply extend Israeli law over the entirety of the lands west of the Jordan River and simply permit the Arabs to vote in local election but not in national elections. In some cities the elections will require being split with the Arabs ruling part of the city and the Jews ruling their part of the city. This would be necessary in Hevron and some other split cities. The schools would need to come under Israeli education system and not continue to be indoctrination institution teaching the Arabs students to hate Jews and portray martyrdom as an honorable act respected and which will grant great pride and honor to be given to your family along with a permanent paycheck for their having a martyr in their family. Ending the atmosphere of hatred and violence and allowing the people to have rights while removing the kleptocrats currently ruling over the Arabs in Judea and Samaria would give the Arabs of Judea and Samaria greater opportunity to succeed and make a better future for themselves. With time, the Arab society would prosper and there is a movement in Jordan to extend citizenship in Jordan and install democratic governance replacing King Hussein. We discussed this in our article Israel’s Worst Enemy is Israel. This option is a real possible and fair solution if only the world will give the Palestinian Arab majority in Jordan the opportunity to have self-rule. Granted, there will need to be some deal for a generous reward for the Jordanian King and his family as they will need to abdicate their power and likely accept a ceremonial position similar to the royalty in England and other European nations which are governed by a democratic form such as a parliament or whatever and their royalty are ceremonial with a comfortable life style and allowance from the government. This with allowing that the minority in Jordan have their rights protected can lead to a new dawn in Jordan and as the JOC desires peace and cooperation with Israel there could be a situation where the Arab Palestinians residing in Judea and Samaria who are currently under PA jurisdiction can become Jordanian citizens while remaining in Israel as legal resident aliens. This would have them voting in Jordanian elections and taxing would need to be decided by the two governments such that these Jordanians are not a burdensome demand on Israeli support. All of these difficulties can be overcome and Israel can claim all of her promised lands and peace will be the logical result. Let the world scream for the entire three to six months before they get tired of screaming at the hand and getting nowhere. Should anybody be so determined to take the annexing to any international court they will find out very quickly why the Arabs never took that route, Israel has the rights to all the land and the treaties and agreements to show for it starting with the San Remo Conference and on all the way to Article 80 of the United Nations Charter which overrules and voids the recent angry resolution that President Obama fostered through the United Nations Security Council as a Chapter Six Resolution which is not binding.


Beyond the Cusp


February 11, 2017

Why Does Israel Continue to Exist Today?


Ask the average American irreligious or slightly religious Jew, many call them secular Jews or twice a year Jews who only visit the synagogue for the High Holidays and celebrate Hanukkah almost as if it were the Jewish Christmas even to having what they call a Hanukkah Bush (it really is a Christmas Tree with a six pointed star on top instead of a five pointed star). Ask the Jewish leadership of the Anti-Defamation League. Ask Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the Union for Reform Judaism. Ask Gideon Levy who writes for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. Ask J-Street, B’Tselem, Peace Now or any of the plethora of misnamed human rights groups which act as Palestinian Arab critical support and fifth column against Israeli interests. The list of people and groups one can ask extends throughout Europe and the entire world with an ever growing number vocally screaming foul over the latest law passed by the Knesset which makes the Jewish communities anywhere west of the Jordan River legal, even those in the, dare we say it, West Bank, formerly known as Judea and Samaria for close to three thousand years. All these protesters keep repeating that this law will destroy the Israeli democracy and disenfranchise Arabs in Israel. This is total bunk. The Israeli Arabs will not be affected by this law in any way or by any means, period. Arabs will still be permitted to work in any position they are qualified to and desire, they will continue to be doctors, nurses, lawyers, Ministers in the Knesset, judges including on the Supreme Court, drivers, construction, engineering or anything they can dream. They will still own their homes, live where they choose, attend schools of their choice, attend church, Mosque, Synagogue or other religious institution of their choice, drive, ride all forms of transportation, vote in all elections and everything else as citizens of Israel. Guess that democracy thing will survive.


I hear the yelling already, “What about the Palestinians voting?” Well, tell you what, whenever Mahmoud Abbas decides that elections are due, then they can have elections. Abbas is serving his twelfth year of a four year term which started in January 2005. The reason the Palestinian Arabs have not voted is because the Palestinian Authority, which means Mahmoud Abbas who has become its dictatorial ruler, has suspended their democratic processes as Abbas knows he would never win in a fair election and the deceit necessary to have him win is beyond his personal ability to manage as there are those standing ready for any opportunity to replace him. Israel has absolutely no control over elections for the Palestinian authority any more than it has over elections in Gaza ruled by Hamas. Where Israel is often faulted for the lack of opportunity to vote for their government by the Arab Palestinians, it has no validity and nothing to do with Arab Israelis who have full rights and do vote in Israeli elections. What happens to the Palestinian Arabs has more to do with their true intentions and the actual and real meaning and purpose of the State of Israel. We will try and clarify both in the remainder of this article and hope we can at least set a few misconceptions straight.


First, let us cover the easiest misperception, that Israel was founded to be a democracy. Not even slightly true. Israel was founded to be the homeland for the Jewish People. It is that simple. Read the Balfour Declarations (see image below) and you will see nary a word about democracy throughout. Read the San Remo Conference and again nary a word about elections, democracy or anything covering governance. Everything in every treaty, conference, document and even the Mandate Rules written by the League of Nations have no reference to democracy or anything about how the State of Israel was to be governed. The main points were that it was to be the homeland for the Jewish People and it could not deprive the residents residing in the land of their freedoms to own property, practice their religion and all civil and religious rights but says nothing about political rights. According to all of the laws etcetera regarding the making and founding of the State of Israel, the form of governance is completely unmentioned leaving it up to the Jews, the Zionists, to decide as they formed their nation. Technically, Israel could legally limit the right to vote to Jews or even to practicing Jews. Israel did not take that path. Israel gave full rights to their population whether Jewish or not. That is why Arabs are full voting citizens of the State of Israel as are many other peoples who were present or have been allowed citizenship as refugees from persecution. The Arabs who remained in Israel did not join the Arab forces who attacked Israel in the 1948 Arab War of Genocidal Intent launched by the Arab World on Israel’s founding morning of May 15, 1948.


Balfour Declaration and Initial Proposed Map and Lands

Balfour Declaration and
Initial Proposed Map and Lands


As a result of that war, what in Israel is euphemistically called the Israeli War of Independence and is celebrated as a victory as Israel survived, yet the reality comes to territory where Israel lost major parts of Judea and Samaria to Jordan who renamed that area the West Bank while Egypt took over the Gaza Strip. There were some Arab villages which harbored fighters which attacked the Israeli forces from behind the lines which lead to the Israeli forces dispossessing the entire village as that was the expedient way of addressing the situation most efficiently and immediately deciding that the villagers were at the least partially responsible for the use of their areas for staging a rear attack and that they were acting as a fifth column. Much has been misrepresented about these actions claiming that these villagers were dispossessed of their lands simply because they were Arabs and nothing else, ignoring their harboring of Arab forces which were planted in order to attack Israeli forces from behind and cutting off their routes of supply and assaulting the civilians claiming that every Jew was a legitimate target. These differences will never be resolved and can only be mitigated by what means will allow.


We have settled that the only real meanings behind the founding of Israel was to take some desert, swamp lands and rock strewn hills into the Jewish homeland. The few people residing in these lands at the end of World War I, a sparse set of peoples strewn here and there, were guaranteed their civil and religious rights such as continued ownership of lands, herds, business, residence and other properties as well as rights to worship in their traditional methods and follow their religions freely. The existing residents were not guaranteed political rights which were reserved technically for the Jewish People if this were the decision of the Zionist Congress upon the founding of the state. When Israel was founded on May 15, 1948 one might say that everything hit the fan as forces from more than a half dozen Arab armies and militias attacked Israel from every possible direction. Peace was not achieved for over a year and when the decision of governance was finally addressed the leadership from the Zionist Congress and the other groups such as the Haganah reached the decision to extend full political rights to all the residents in the nation, Arabs, Jews, Christians, Bedouins, Druze, Baha’I and other smaller minority groups all as one democratic nation. This was the first actual decision on using a democracy and it is notable that the democracy was all inclusive of those who were not opposed to the Jews having their own state. This is how and why Israel is a democracy.


When the State of Israel was founded, the Palestinian Arabs were not citizens of Israel but were Arabs residing in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia as well as some Iraqis, Turks, Yemenis and others who were part of the invading forces and who remained on the lands or were actually driven onto the lands by their governments in order to make what have become known as facts on the ground. The claims that all of the Palestinian Arabs came from inside Israel is a common factual lie which has been repeated so often with such force and echo-chamber reinforced, the world now accepts it as factual. This is the main drive behind the two state concept as the claim is Israel owes the remnant of her invaders their own nation. This misconception has poisoned the waters so permanently that a solution would be difficult if this was the sole difficulty. There is a further problem in that the Arabs do not believe that the Jews have any right to a homeland within what they see as the Muslim Ummah. Their claim is that throughout all history, which for the Muslims begins in 625, there have been no Jewish lands within the lands they conquered and colonized. The reality is that the Arabs have the longest running and most extensive colonial enterprise in world history. They also are under the belief that the problem with the world is that it has not yet, emphasis on yet, come under the rule of Allah and the dictatorial rule of Islam. Until they are disabused of this notion, Israel, as well as the world in total, can never feel safe from the next Islamic offensive, something the Europeans should remember from their own history as Islam has attacked through Spain only to be turned at Tours by Charles “the Hammer” Martel and twice from Turkey Ottoman Empire being turned back at the Battle of Vienna, the first attack being stopped in 1529 and the second assault turned back by Polish King John III Sobieski in 1683.


Israel, conceived, initiated and founded to be the homeland of the Jewish People has faced the difficulty of a Palestinian Arab irascible obstinacy demanding they are the rightful owners of the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and that the Jews have no rights in these lands and deserve to be exterminated. This has been their first, second, and final demand and they refuse to compromise and accept anything less. Their demands are often couched in coded verbiage such as their demanding they receive their 22% of the Mandate Lands. The western leadership will almost always take that to mean that they are demanding 22% of the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea this meaning Judea and Samaria or Judea, Samaria and Gaza. What Abbas actually means and has explained as his meaning is 22% of the entire of the Mandate Lands, the 22% which consists of all the lands not taken to make Jordan which was 78% of the original Mandate Lands, the entire of the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Yasser Arafat and after him Mahmoud Abbas both demanded that Israel be destroyed and replaced by Palestine. Abbas has actually offered one compromise; his idea of a two state solution. His two state idea is for an Arab Palestine which will be completely free of Jews and an Arab ruled State of Israel where the Jews have no rights and are allowed to live at the indulgence of their betters, the Arabs which will include over five million Arabs brought from refugee camps from around the Arab world and even within Judea and Samaria and Gaza and who knows how many additional Arabs who simply claim to be refugees seeking economic betterment. Anyway one cuts it, finding a solution which will satisfy the Palestinian Arab leadership and their Arab League backers, it would require sacrificing the Jewish State making the Jews once again stateless.


The problem with the Arab reasoning is that history did not begin in 625 AD, especially in the lands of Judea, Samaria and the rest of the lands of the Twelve Tribes of Israel (see map on right below). The Twelve Tribes of Israel were founded when Joshua crossed the Jordan River and defeated the first Canaanite King of Jericho. This was followed with another victory at Ai and continued until the Holy Lands were conquered following numerous tactical routes first heading through the central Judean hills, then southward and finally the northern areas (shown in the left map below). This conquest began approximately 1275 BCE. Since that time virtually every conquering empire outside those in the Americas, China, Japan, and Russia but even to including the Vikings if one believes that the Greeks were originally Vikings who found the Greek climate preferable to Scandinavia, surprise, surprise, and their Triremes were modified Long Ships; they all have invaded and occupied without ever naming Jerusalem as a capital city even for a province unless the province was expressly for the Jews as was the case under the Persian Empire of Cyrus the Great. The Jewish People have an extensively long history uninterrupted with Jews residing in the lands and especially in Jerusalem constantly starting soon after the entrance of Joshua through the expansive times under Kings David and Solomon through the First Temple Period, their Babylonian exile of most of the population and their subsequent return and building of the Second Temple and expanding the Temple Mount and the remainder of their history through to the modern period. That is the real history and Israel was founded recognizing the entirety of the history, not just that which is fancifully convenient for the Islamic sensibilities.


Israel Through the Ages Joshua Enters to the Twelve Tribes

Israel Through the Ages Joshua Enters to the Twelve Tribes


Then there is the biggest fallacy of them all, that Israel conquered Palestinian Lands in the Six Day War in 1967. First thing is there has never been anything called Palestine for their land to be stolen. Palestine is the name of the region and the original use of the term Palestinian was for the Jews during the British Mandate period where the Arabs were referred to as Arabs or Syrians, Jordanians, Iraqis, Druze, Bedouins, Egyptians or other designation of origin or tribe. When Israel regained the lands of Judea and Samaria in the 1967 Six Day War they were not conquering new lands, they were liberating their own lands which had been occupied by the Jordanians since the 1948 War. The only occupation of Judea and Samaria was by Jordan and the claim that Jordan gifted these lands to the Palestinian Arabs is a great misconception, a great invention of propaganda. The lands were originally and always Israeli and were occupied by Jordan. One cannot give away stolen lands and thus Jordan could not gift the lands to the Palestinian Arabs as it was stolen land occupied illegally by Jordan. The entire world with the exception of Britain and Pakistan refused to recognize these lands as Jordanian. Even Egypt and the Arab League refused to recognize the Jordanian occupation. Lastly, Jordan signed a peace with Israel surrendering the occupied lands of Judea and Samaria back to Israel and it was not until two years after that treaty that Jordan officially claimed to have gifted the lands to Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Arabs. That makes these lands doubly not Jordanian to give as they were not even occupying the lands when they claimed to have given them away. What is next, the Iranians claiming they gave away Hollywood to the Arab Palestinians community of Southern California? That would be just as legal as the Jordanian claims to have given land they did not even possess at the time to the Palestinian Arabs and they even made the claim retroactive to attempt to grant it some degree of validity. That simply does not wash and the land remains Israeli until such time as Israel gives it away in a treaty, something seeming more and more remote by the day.


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