Beyond the Cusp

July 5, 2018

Will America Turn Against Israel?


This question has two very distinct answers. Let us get the simple answer out of the way first. There are a great number of Americans who would never turn against Israel. Many, possibly a majority, of these people are Evangelical Christians. There are also a number of other Christians and traditional American patriots who also support Israel and whose support is virtually unshakeable. There is also a core of Jews, the majority being very religious but includes a sizeable number of Jews who are more Zionist than religious, who will support Israel through thick and thin. There are a small group of very religious Jews who are opposed to Israel for reasons of religious interpretation who would probably support Israel if there were to be a war against the Jewish state if only because of the numbers of Jews who would be endangered. What is surprising is that there exists a number of irreligious Jews who, other than any family members if even them, have no attachment to Israel and should Israel be on the wrong side of their political beliefs, then Israel would be cast aside as irrelevant and possibly seen as evil for opposing their politics. Finally, there some assimilated Jews who are in the far activist left who are fully supportive of the Palestinian Arab narrative and see Israel as the central evil in the modern world. These particular Jews politically are completely consistent with the beliefs of their non-Jewish extreme left travelers. These extreme leftists are mostly found within the Democrat Party as well as the Green Party, American Communist Party and some even in the Libertarian Party. Those extreme leftists who are not members of the Democrat Party would cross party lines to support an extreme leftist candidate from the Democrat Party. This is true for any electoral position from Dog Catcher to President of the United States and every position in-between. This would most definitely include city and county positions through state and include both houses of Congress.


Looking at the last Democrat Party fight over gaining the Party’s choice as Presidential candidate to run against Donald Trump, we saw an interesting fight which became very close and was only decided for Hillary Clinton, the centrist candidate, over Bernie Sanders, the extreme leftist candidate, where Bernie was supported very strongly by the youth from High School seniors and college youth as well as recent graduates under the age of thirty-five or as high as forty-five. These are the recent products of the education system which has become more of a regime of instructing the young on what to think and away from the teaching of how to think. Their math and science teaching has been simplified and even gone to an extreme where every answer will be considered correct as long as you can explain how you reached that answer to the mathematic problem. One of the methods taught now for solving algebraic problems is to guess and continue testing numbers until you find one that works, and that is it. So if the problem is basic as what does X equal if 1+2=X? If you claim that the answer is 4 and when asked why you explain that 1 and + equals 2 and with 2 you get 4, then you would get credit because you explained the way you reached the answer of 4 by assigning + to mean add another 1. The science is not the worst of the education currently being provided in the public schools. They offer no requirement for a civics course or any course which describes the government, how it was described in the Constitution. There is no requirement of American or World History. If you do take a history course it largely will cover the accomplishments of people who were minorities. Here is a simple example from over a decade ago. When my youngest child was attending a newly built school, the students were asked to present names of minority people and one child presented the name of Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, the first Jew appointed to the Supreme Court. The child had that entry rejected because Jews are not a minority. They named the school after Roberto Clemente who played for the Pittsburgh Pirates, but the school was not even in Pennsylvania. Personally, I find Roberto Clemente as a fine choice as he was an exemplary man both on and off the field of play who was taken from us far too young.


These educational systems new directive of producing little drone humans whose political viewpoints are aligned with the system directive of supporting everything being centered around groups. They no longer give homework and many classes do not have textbooks but instead they work off handouts which the children are required to return to the teacher such that they are never taken home. All projects are assigned for groups to produce the assignment and each group will have two hard working students, two or three who might give a modicum of effort and two or three who will produce absolutely nothing and the entire group gets a group grade and there are no individual grades. This method allows every child to pass when only twenty percent of the students probably learned anything, and they are the students whose parents provide efforts to teach some of the old-school concepts and ways of solving math problems. The new teaching methods also include political opinions injected as part of the lessons even in the sciences. They use word problems which present a single political slant. Socialism is the base system for the best forms of governments. Everything is presented with a leftist slant and this programming indoctrination of the children, particularly the major colleges which are steeped in the alt-left.


Back to Israel as one of the favorite targets of the alt-left just as it has historically been a target of the alt-right. The left itself is tepid towards Israel at best and the far left is completely sold on the Palestinian propaganda because Israel won their last few wars and thus became the mean superpower in the Middle East. The fact is that the Arab World is thousands of times the size of Israel (check the map below). This map shows the Arab World including the twenty-one of twenty-two Arab States with Comoros off the map to the South while Israel is in Blue and has Iran and Turkey outlined in Red who are aligned with the Arabs against Israel. The main reason that Israel is able to survive is that currently the Arab world is torn into numerous camps and is unable to unite. The main focal points of the splits are Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the several terrorist groups especially Hezballah who even has a base in South Americas in the Tri-Border Region. Currently, Iran aligned against Saudi Arabia is one of the main rift lines in the Middle East which has resulted in some interesting possibilities one of which has been the Arab World moving away from the Palestinians finally viewing them as a lost cause and hopelessly incompetent politically as well as being basically a dysfunctional society with no future even were they to replace Israel as they have become too violent and completely tainted and even loathsome. Even Qatar is attempting to distance themselves from the Palestinians who made a tactical error distancing themselves from President Trump, but their dissing President Trump enamored them with the Leftists who find President Trump to be an impostor or impostor who they refuse to accept as their President.


Arab World Showing Twenty-One of Twenty-Two States with Comoros Off the Map South, Israel in Blue and with Iran and Turkey outlined in Red

Arab World Showing Twenty-One of Twenty-Two States
with Comoros Off the Map South, Israel in Blue
and with Iran and Turkey outlined in Red

President Trump supports Israel which makes the leftists believe that their position of opposition to Israel as the correct position. Israel has taken the same types of lands in an even smaller piece without oil reserves and has taken their nation, the size (almost) of New Jersey, from a agricultural nation of Kibbutzim, small socialist communities, into a Capitalist engine which is amongst the leaders in technical innovations, medical discoveries, physics research, pharmaceutical inventions and remained one of the leaders in agricultural discoveries such as drip irrigation and many other accomplishments which are helping feed Africa. The fact that Israel has gone from a socialist society towards a more free-enterprise capitalist economy means that they are heading in what the leftists, especially the far left, believe is the wrong direction. It is also the same direction that President Trump is trying to aim the United States which is another reason he just has to be cast as evil. Israel and President Trump work to make their worlds a better place by providing a growing economy where most of the people can find work, if they desire to work, and not having the government support a large sector of the society. The left believes that many people who contribute in a different means to society, like street musicians and dancers, deserve to be supported by the government since what they choose to do does not provide sufficient income. President Trump would rather provide for these people to find work and perform their street acts as their hobby, not as their main contribution. Israel is also moving in that direction.


The left hates Israel largely because they are mean and use their military power to protect themselves. This is a large negative because they see the Palestinians as the underprivileged and people of color, despite they are not actually any different than the rest of the Arab people and the vast majority of the Palestinian Arabs are one or two generations away from their original nation of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and beyond. The Arab nations consist of the entirety of the Middle East and North Africa and have an area and population thousands of times greater than Israel but Israel is considered the bully by the leftists. Why, because the Arab World has invested gazillions of dollars in propaganda and run support in the major colleges and universities casting this as a struggle where Israel used their military might to conquer Palestine in 1948 and further in 1967 wars. Both wars were started by the Arabs with the intent of destroying Israel and murdering every single Jew they would find after they won. Both wars had between five and seven nations against Israel and it was after a third loss in 1973 that the change came and all of a sudden it was no longer a half dozen Arab nations fighting Israel but Israel oppressing the Palestinian Arabs. The problem is there has never been a nation named Palestine so Israel did not conquer it. The Arabs mostly left their homes because their religious leader asked them to leave their homes, as they would be able to take the riches of the Jews once the Arab armies destroyed the cowardly Jews back in 1948 when the Arabs attacked Israel on the first day of its existence. Israel had been promised by the League of Nations after World War I to have the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, all of it, plain and simple. Israel was not a result of the Holocaust as it predates that obscenity of mechanized slaughter and genocide of a people by almost twenty years. The United Nations is also presumably bound to support those borders but since it has become the United Totalitarians Club, thus they too hate Israel. The difficult part is that there are a majority of American Jews who will support the leftist President who will take America and support those who desire to destroy Israel. The other problem they will find out about far too late is that this leader will also be the one who will decide that the United States needs to be rid of those particular people who share this trait, this problem, they are Jewish. These leftists will at some point decide that the Jews are a problem which requires a solution, a final solution. The rising anti-Semitism has been plain to witness if one bothered to watch for it, and it has been growing on the left, the place the Jews said it could never arise. They were wrong and those who hate Israel will eventually turn on their own Jews. And as far as the United States turning against Israel, unfortunately that will come sooner than anybody in either country realizes.


Beyond the Cusp


April 4, 2018

Dear President Trump, Please Understand These Facts


President Trump, please read some history and agreements, which defined the entire creation of Israel. Once you understand the history, then you will understand that Israel has had so much already stolen that to take more would be literally criminal. The first place you should start is with the San Remo Conference. This was the first international conference to discuss further the concepts and promises made by the Balfour Declaration, something we assume; hopefully not wrongly, you already are familiar with forward and backward. Just in case you are not familiar with this document, you can use the link here. At San Remo, the world made their initial commitment. This was followed by the Treaty of Sèvres where further discussions were held and the Mandate System finalized. This was finalized in the League of Nations who gave the British the Mandate over what became Jordan and Israel. Read these and it will confirm the gist of our summary which follows.


The British were granted lands in which to establish the Jewish State. They took the liberty of deciding that they were not required to establish the Jewish homelands in all of the territory and instead decided they would make an Arab homeland as well. The British decided to divide the lands evenly by British standards. Their idea of evenly was to divide the lands down the Jordan River and straight south from the Dead Sea. They took the slightly larger part, 78% of the Mandate, and formed Transjordan, which later became simply Jordan, and gifted the lands to the Hashemites whom they owed favor from World War I. They further decided that the Jews were not prepared to have their own state, so the British continued to rule the lands west of the Jordan, the 22% they promised would never be divided further when they took most of the lands to form the Arab state of Jordan. The Arabs rioted often and as long as they targeted the Jews, the British watched on and when they started to approach the British they would fire a single shot and the Arabs would disperse. The British, the ones who promised the lands would never be further divided, did actually try to keep their word as well as prevent the forming of the State of Israel when they voted against United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 (UNGA Res 181), which passed easily laying out dividing the 22% of land left into another Arab state and a Jewish state with the better lands given the Arabs and the Negev Desert making up over 50% of the Jewish State. The Arab League rejected this agreement thus, as one of the legal party, voiding the entirety of UNGA Res 181 and negating the proposed boundaries. This negation returned everything to the conditions before the proposal of UNGA Res 181, meaning the British promise that all the lands west of the Jordan River were designated for the Jewish state. That was the situation legally on the morning of May 15, 1948, or the evening before which was the start of the 5th of Iyyar, 5708. When Israel declared her independence on the evening of 5th of Iyyar, 5708, her borders were exactly what the British had promised in exchange for the theft of 78% of the Mandate to gift the Arabs another nation. That morning began what is euphemistically called the Israeli War of Independence. A more accurate title would have been the Israeli War for Survival. Six Arab armies from the nations of Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia along with the Arab League Militias led by the Mufti of Jerusalem and World War II Nazi ally Mohammed Amin al-Husseini (محمد أمين الحسيني‎ Arabic) as well as detachments from Algeria, Pakistan, Sudan and Yemen attacked Israel from every border the morning she came into existence. There were additional forces usually simply referred to as irregulars some of which represented the Muslim Brotherhood and components of the Arab League as well as other terror and Islamist organizations and groups. This was how Gaza was occupied by Egypt and Judea and Samaria partially occupied by Jordan, an area they renamed West Bank to remove the Jewish designations and honestly known as the Shomron by Jews and Israel.


The Arabs have their state and it is Jordan. These occupied areas were liberated in the defensive wars of 1967 (Six Day War) and 1973 (Yom Kippur War). Israel successfully defended her lands in these conflicts. Since then Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt when they made peace. This satisfied the requirement in United Nations Security Resolution 242 (UNSC Res 242) which was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council on November 22, 1967, in the aftermath of the Six-Day War. It was adopted under Chapter VI of the UN Charter. The requirement was that despite Israel wining a defensive war brought on despite repeated cries for the Arabs to reconsider while the world sat silently waiting for Israel to be destroyed, for Israel to return part of the lands gained, not all of the lands. Israel survived and thrived but, unlike normal nations, was not permitted to retain the spoils of a defensive war in order to prevent further wars. Israel was demanded to return lands, not the lands or all lands, simply lands while establishing for themselves “Secure and Recognized Borders.” Once Israel had returned the Sinai Peninsula, she had satisfied the demand for the return of land. Israel annexation of the Golan Heights was done to establish “Secure and Recognized Borders.” Since the Shomron was initially part of Israel until the illegal occupation by Jordan, there should be no problem, but the world cannot allow Israel to live in peace. Instead, there came the invention of the Arab Palestinians who were established by the PLO, Arafat, the KGB and the Arab League in June of 1964 with the inauguration of the PLO terror group. The plan was to use the history of the Jewish People against Israel by adapting it, with a few flourishes, replacing the Jewish People and Israelites with the pretend Arab Palestinian entity. One prime example of a flourish is the claim they inhabited the land with the Canaanites for nine-thousand years and furthermore, Abbas also claimed that the fictitious “Canaanite-Palestinians” were the creators of the modern-day alphabet six-thousand years ago (watch video below), a thousand years before any modern written language has been recognized by anthropology studies of ancient civilizations. The Shomron is an integral part of Jewish and Israelite history and the heartlands of Israel. This is history and verified by historical records. But the levels of deceit which is beyond those attempting to destroy Israel by any means and no matter the cost to civilization has never been reached, there is no limit to their perfidy and lies.



There is a simple set of maps that prove what is and is not belonging to Israel. Below is a map of the original Twelve Tribes and the lands they ruled which spanned both sides of the Jordan River. The Promised Lands were those west of the Jordan River but with the assistance of Moses intervening to permit tribes to remain in lands east of the river where they found good grazing lands for their cattle, they were permitted these lands providing they were the point of the spear leading the other tribes into battle to take the Promised Lands, and then they could return to these lands. They built shelters for their families, fences for their cattle and led the other tribes in the taking of the lands and vanquishing completely the Canaanite tribes. The other side depicts the initial lands promised and becoming the land of Israel upon her declaration of independence in red on the right with the extended Davidic-Solomon Empire in yellow, which came after the defeat of the Phoenicians and Philistines by King David and King Solomon. The Hebrew Empire reached from the Euphrates River in what is today northern Syria near the Iraqi border through to the southern edge of the Negev where it meets the Sinai Peninsula and the Egyptian border then, just beyond where it exists today. Israel is not requesting those lands they initially inhabited though the initial British Mandate, which had been intended to give the Jews the lands as, estimated to match their initial lands. Unfortunately, the religiously guided and writers of the Balfour Declaration and San Remo Conference and other related treaties and papers following World War I were not the men it was decided should enact what they dreamed. The people who were tasked with the implementation of the British Mandate were more beholden to the promises the British had lavished upon numerous Arab families during the war and left the crumbs of what was considered worthless land, the prime real estate east of the Jordan River had been reserved for their Arab friends the Hashemites, so leaving the rock strewn hills, swampy lowlands and southern desert lands to the Jews, areas that had been tried and refused to provide succor to those who resided thereupon, allowing for a few subsistence farmers and a shepherd or two per hundred miles with the slimmest of herds to survive along with a paltry number of residents to remain and live in Jerusalem, Hevron, Shechem, Tiberius, Caesarea and Akko; all but Akko consisted of predominantly Jewish and Christian residents.


Left side map depicts the division of the Promised Land amongst the tribes and right side map compares the modern promised land from the Jordan west to the Mediterranean Sea compared to the maximum of area during King David’s and King Solomon’s reigns.


The demands of the world have been more than satisfied. The map below is what, as things now stand, should be the final and definitive map of the modern state of Israel. This map includes the Golan Heights, the lands west of the Jordan River; border Lebanon along the internationally recognized Blue Line as confirmed by the United Nations, borders Egypt along their agreed upon and recognized border between the Sinai Peninsula and the Negev Desert, and the Mediterranean Sea to the west. It should be noticed that Gaza is not included as part of Israel though, according to the agreements from after World War I, these lands were included within Israel. The reason for this is Israel released all claims to Gaza turning it over to the rule of the Palestinian Authority in August of 2005 and by early September the final withdrawal of the last IDF forces was complete. Israel no longer controls, occupies or otherwise has any claim having surrendered Gaza to the Palestinian Authority. Subsequently, the Palestinian Authority lost their rule and control over Gaza to Hamas in a bloody coup in 2007. Since then Gaza has been ruled by Hamas with Israel only invading when it became necessary to respond to excessive assaults and rocket fire by Hamas targeting Israeli civilians. These attacks were initially limited to the southernmost residents in Israel but over time and with assistance from Iran, the ranges of these projectiles has greatly increased and will soon be capable of threatening all of Israel. The last war with Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the terrorist masters of Gaza, they targeted the suburbs of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, the next war it may well be Haifa. Israel cannot surrender any further lands as to do so would be suicide. That is the truth. If there is to be a deal, it should be to permit those Arabs desiring to relocate to do so without facing death threats from the Palestinian Authority or from Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Israel would offer top price for their properties and possibly a bonus might be offered. The same offer should be given to the Arabs residing within Israel as well and in Gaza. This would reduce the overcrowding that always appears to explain why Hamas must fire their rockets from School tops and the roofs of clinics and apartment houses. These would be the closest Israel can expect and could be made into “Secure and Recognized Borders.” Israel did surrender the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza, no more can or should be asked of her. The United Nations demanded Israel surrender lands, not all the lands or even the lands, and Israel has met this standard and now need to be left to her own safe boundaries.


Definitive Map of Israel May 15, 1948 As the Sun Rose Immediately Before Half a Dozen Arab Armies Invade Assisted by Militias from Several Entities

Definitive Map of Israel May 15, 1948
As the Sun Rose Immediately Before
Half a Dozen Arab Armies Invade
Assisted by Militias from Several Entities


President Trump, you claim not to be a politician and to be the one to bring a new age to Washington. Your claim is to drain the swamp and follow your own path ignoring the ‘Deep State’ as part of your cleaning of the mess the United States faces. As you may have already seen, the State Department is probably the most infected of your departments when it comes to people with their own policies and the desire to implement them whether the President agrees with them or not. The problems you had with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson were not completely of his making, though he was the perfect fit for the State Department. Allow us to give you a little history on the State Department. The State Department advised President George Washington, President John Adams and President Thomas Jefferson to pay the tribute to the Barbary Pirates. Eventually, President Jefferson, a noninterventionist if ever there was one, to intervene and fight the Barbary Pirates instead of paying the ever-increasing tribute. The State Department backed the Soviets and Communism while now they back the Arabs, as they are Arabists, just like Rex Tillerson is. You have already shown more backbone than other Presidents, as you kept your promise to recognize the true and eternal capital of Israel, Jerusalem. This was the act of a businessman, keeping his word, and not the act of a politician, whose words are usually worthless when they become uncomfortable or difficult. Do not suddenly become a politician, though becoming another member of the swamp would be the easiest path for you, stand for what you know is correct from what you learned back in Sunday School and any Bible reading you have done since. It is time to uphold the promises which the United States also singed onto under the Anglo American Treaty of 1924 which made the United States a signatory in the Mandate System and an enforcer of the British Mandate as well as the others made by the League of Nations. Imagine that, a President actually enforcing a treaty that was ratified by the Senate February 20, 1925. If you are half the businessman you claim to be, then you know that your position requires you to fulfill all actions to as demanded by the Constitution. A treaty ratified by the Senate is, under the Constitution, the law of the land and as such must be upheld by the President. Uphold the treaty and permit Israel some strategic depth, which required all of the lands west of the Jordan River as promised by the British Crown and signed onto by the United States under the Anglo American Treaty of 1924. Doing so will guarantee you a great Presidency which will be considered amongst the greatest in the history books. Remember the promise from Hashem from Genesis 12:3 where it states, “And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.” The choice stands before you, which way will you choose.


Beyond the Cusp


February 27, 2018

United Nations Middle East Security Council


We thought we might try and give our reaction to the recent Middle East Security Council conference which included an approximately hour long diatribe from, as all too many described him in their thanking commentary, the honorable leader of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas, while most ignored the commentary or to give and remark or respect to the Ambassador from Israel. This was exactly as expected though still distasteful. The main objection is the complete lack of actual knowledge which was evident in the commentary. Their grasp of relevant history was disgraceful in its absence of actual truth and fact. So, allow us to hit on the most glaring examples.


First, other than Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon, nobody took exception with Mahmoud Abbas claiming that the Palestinians were the descendants of the Canaanites adding that they had lived in Palestine for five-thousand years. The Canaanites are an extinct set of tribal people who had sacrificed their children to Moloch. Also, Palestine was a Roman denotation renaming of Judea to remove the Jewish name after the Judeans (Jews) had revolted and thrown the Romans briefly from Jerusalem and much of the surrounding lands for the second time; so in 135 A.D. the Romans named the area Syria Palaestina. It was from this denotation that the name for the region as Palestine came about which was simply the Roman name for the Phoenicians, more a mispronunciation as the romans were strangers who came a long way to conquer these lands. So, there was not even a region named Palestine until the British took control of the area after World War I and took over the Mandate for Palestine under the League of Nations. The division of these lands by the British was made in 1922 stealing 78% of the lands set aside for the Jewish homelands giving it to the Arabs under the Hashemite King. These were the areas east of the Jordan River and the British made a solemn promise that all the remaining lands west of the Jordan River would be reserved for the Jewish homelands. Under the United Nations Charter in Article 80, the League of Nations Mandate System was accepted and to be enforced by the United Nations which added the United Nations to the promise that the lands west of the Jordan River were to be reserved exclusively for the Jewish Homeland. This has been a forgotten promise by the world and one which appears to have permanently fallen down a rabbit hole followed by a Rabbit looking at his watch declaring he is late for a very important date followed then by a girl named Alice.


Then there was a repeated theme that the only solution was an enforcement of the United Nations resolution which demands Israel return to the pre 1967 Six Day War lines as stated in UNSC Resolution 242. The problem is this resolution demands Israel return land, not the land, not all land, simply land. British Ambassador Cordon argued this wording specifically that Israel be permitted to retain lands for a secure and defendable border and the initial intent was stated at the time that Israel would retain the lands west of the Jordan and the Jordanian Arabs, as the Arabs in the area had been granted Jordanian citizenship, would relocate into Jordan. Well, Jordan had reneged and renounced the citizenship of these Jordanians with the intent that this would prevent their being sent to Jordan and would prevent Israel from annexing the lands. When Jordan made peace with Israel they denounced their claims to the lands west of the Jordan which they had occupied illegally and only after having second thoughts at the urging of Yasser Arafat did they announce they were transferring the lands to the PLO.


There was another interesting claim that Israel was occupying Palestine and must return the land to Palestine which it had conquered from them in 1967. There was no state of Palestine in 1967. There was no state of Palestine which could have been declared at any time before the Six Day War by Jordan if there was any desire for such a nation when Jordan occupied these lands, but that never occurred. Only after Israel had liberated their Jordanian occupied lands did the call go out for an Arab state of Palestine which was largely put forward by Russia. The KGB, seeking to foment trouble for American ally Israel took their operative and trainee Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas and began the PLO in 1964 which was the first mention of anything called Palestinian, and it was a terror organization which originated suicide bombings, airliner hijacking and numerous other terrorist acts. The PLO made no claim to the Shomron (West Bank) which Jordan occupied in 1964. The PLO’s aim was to liberate Palestinian lands which they defined as all of Israel. Their plan was to drive the Jews from Israel and turn the area over to Jordan or Egypt. The PLO did not desire a nation for any people, they simply desired to destroy Israel, and that desire has never ended. The entire idea of Palestine is to drive the Jews completely from the lands. This was emphasized when Mahmoud Abbas stated the occupation of Palestine began from 1948 and the Jews had to return all the lands they have occupied since 1948. This is not the pre 1967 Six Day War lines but all of Israel, but nobody denounced his demand for all of Israel, because they mostly agree with his desire to destroy all of Israel. If you do not believe us, remember the Durban I Conference.


Nine Mile Wide Israeli Waist

Nine Mile Wide Israeli Waist


International Law does not demand Israel return any further land as once Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt she had met all United Nations demands from the Six Day War. It has become an obsession of the world since then for Israel to return all of the lands leaving Israel nine miles wide at her middle and thus almost impossible to defend in a modern war (see above map). Even if Israel retained all the lands west of the Jordan River and the Arabs residing within that area were to be granted a choice of selling their properties and receiving a generous bonus of a resettlement grant to leave or remain living as Jordanian citizens and having resident alien status thus not being able to easily become Israel citizens, Israel would still be tested severely in any future war with the combined Arab militaries as faced in 1967 or 1948 as with modern missiles and armor defensible depth becomes an important criteria in defending an area. Even with all the area west of the Jordan River Israel would remain about the size of the American State of New Jersey or as of the nations of Belize, El Salvador, Slovenia or slightly larger than the French owned Island of New Caledonia (of McHale’s Navy fame).


Levels of Applied Sharia in the World

Levels of Applied Sharia in the World


Abbas also made a poison pill demand for an internationalization of the peace process. His demand for a United Nations General Assembly style meeting of approaching two-hundred nations represented is deadly to Israel. Where membership in the United Nations and being included in the General Assembly would be the prerequisite for attending and voting in said forum might serve Abbas, it does not even permit Israel any hope for an even chance. Mahmoud Abbas was requesting to have a body which normally votes with over one-hundred consistently condemning Israel and possibly twenty on a good day siding with Israel and over thirty abstaining. This would be one-hundred wolves with twenty roosters and thirty hens meeting to discuss their super plans as a group. Abbas knows that such an international conference would more resemble the Durban Conference in early September of 2001 which devolved into an anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist and anti-Israel hate fest. Abbas is fully aware that at such a conference he could suggest that Israel be dissolved so that an Arab state be put in her place with the Jews assigned the honored role of Dhimmis (second-class citizens with no legal rights or standings) and it would be received overwhelmingly. This has been a dream and goal of the Palestinian Authority for the last decade and a half and every time it is brought before the United Nations, it is received with loud ovations of approval and some may be seen to drool over the prospect. What does not need to be clarified is that such a conference would bring about the end of the sole Jewish state replacing it with another Arab Muslim state. The claim that there are no nations other than Israel which claim to have a religious basis for their existence is shown to be false simply by looking at the Islamic world. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mauritania, Iraq, and the Sudan all employ Sharia as their basis for making laws which implies strict adherence to the Quranic Law (see map above for more information). Then there is the information of percentage of Muslims in the population where Mauritania and the Maldives each claim to be purely Muslim with Afghanistan, Iran, Libya and Tunisia close behind with populations over 99.5% Muslim populations and Saudi Arabia, the one nation everyone expects to be 100% Muslim, is actually 97.1% according to these numbers at the link above. The article has a subtitle which reads, “Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, and Yemen are the Islamic states of the world.” We will take their word for these numbers and other concepts. According to the Pew Research Center in 2015 there were 50 Muslim-majority countries, as reported by Wikipedia. If one were to take the seeming voting block of the Non-Aligned Movement, which votes with the Arab and Muslim world as a rule, these one-hundred-twenty member states and seventeen observer nations, virtually all of which, if not all, are voting members in the United Nations General Assembly and would be a major part of the internationalized Mahmoud Abbas requested conference members, this alone would permit Abbas to ask for virtually anything and have it granted and stamped approved. This is what he seeks and this is the poison pill he keeps pushing.


Abbas will refuse to make peace and wait until the world tires of the situation and simply gives him everything just to end the situation. This is why Israel must give Abbas and the Palestinian Arabs an ultimatum of taking what even President Clinton approved and stated met Yasser Arafat’s demands, the Ehud Barak offer without one item as times have changed, and a deadline after which Israel will remove their recognition of the Palestinian Authority to have any validity and Israel will simply annex the lands which were promised her. According to the San Remo Conference, the Treaty of Sèvres, the Mandate System and other related treaties, Israel received the lands west of the Jordan River and was obliged to grant the Arabs residing within all rights with the exception of political rights. It would be within Israel’s rights to offer the Palestinian Arabs no voting rights whatsoever but Israel would probably, our assessment, grant them local rights over their areas but not in national elections or elections outside the areas recognized as under their political control. The entirety of the Palestinian Authority could be exiled in this process as an adverse and violent influence unfit for keeping the peace. Israel would thus retain full control over the lands with the IDF permitted operational standings throughout the annexed regions when required. This would grant the Arabs local rights to self-rule as a semi-autonomous governance within the State of Israel and not as an independent nation. This should be the best they should be permitted considering the current situations. This permits Israel to have a defendable region. Israel would retain the right to expel any terrorist or any connected to terrorist acts in any supportive role. That is required to keep the peace.


Left side map depicts the division of the Promised Land amongst the tribes and right side map compares the modern promised land from the Jordan west to the Mediterranean Sea compared to the maximum of area during King David’s and King Solomon’s reigns.


The most frustrating part though was the demands for Israel to give back the lands it took in 1967 from Palestine, which did not exist then or ever. There has never been a nation named Palestine in the entire history of the planet. The claim that the Arabs who arrived as conquerors in the Seventh Century are the descendants of the Canaanites is so ludicrous as to be an insult to even be broached. To claim that Israel has been occupied lands since the declaration of Israel in 1948 is to demand the dissolution of the Jewish State completely from the planet as Israel was founded in 1948. Abbas was demanding Israel return to the borders of 1947, the year before the Jewish State was reborn. Using the maps above, Israel perhaps should demand she be permitted to return to her former borders either as the original Twelve Tribes which had her northern border as the Litani River and lands east of the Jordan as well or perhaps the lands which came under Israeli rule during the Empire of Kings David and Solomon where Israel stretched to the Euphrates River through much of what is today Syria, almost all of Lebanon and a small slice of Iraq. The reality is Israel should demand the area in red on the map to the right which includes the lands promised her by the Mandate, the British, the League of Nations and originally by the United Nations with one small addition of the Golan Heights so as to prevent snipers from killing Israelis tending their fields in the Galilee. Israel is so often treated with such scorn and the entire world knows the reason goes back to the oldest hatred which still permeates even areas where no Jew has ever trod, anti-Semitism. This is the driving reason behind the world’s desire to see Israel destroyed and her people slaughtered. Perhaps a few quotes from Israel’s worst enemies might explain the depth of the hate. Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezballah, stated in 2002, “If they [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.” Yahya Rahim Safavi, the former commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, stated in 2008, “With God’s help the time has come for the Zionist regime’s death sentence.” Mohammad Hassan Rahimian, Khamenei’s representative to the Moustazafan Foundation, in 2010 stated, “We have manufactured missiles that allow us, when necessary to replace [sic] Israel in its entirety with a big holocaust.” Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Khamenei stated in 2012, “The Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor and it will be removed.” Another quote from Hassan Nasrallah from 2013 reads, “The elimination of Israel is not only a Palestinian interest. It is the interest of the entire Muslim world and the entire Arab world.” Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Khamenei again in 2014 makes our list stating, “This barbaric, wolflike and infanticidal regime of Israel which spares no crime has no cure but to be annihilated.” And then there is the infamous déclaration by the French Ambassador to Britain Daniel Bernard who commented at a dinner party by Conrad Black of the Daily Telegraph to whom the comments was made, stated, “All the current troubles in the world are because of that shitty little country Israel. Why should the world be in danger of World War III because of those people?” Perhaps this might be time to recall a quote from Henry A Kissinger sourced to Newsweek June 13, 1983 where he was quoted stating, “Even a paranoid has some real enemies.”


Beyond the Cusp


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