Beyond the Cusp

October 31, 2016

Rampant Roiling Anti-Semitic Hatred Rising


First and foremost, anti-Semitism rarely happens in a vacuum, it is almost always accompanied by another plague, the coarsening of the public to the needs of the less fortunate such as the handicapped, mentally challenged, reality challenged and hardened hearts against the unwanted unborn, a misnomer if ever there was one as almost every baby would be treasured if only allowed to be adopted instead of aborted. That is an issue for another time but first this must be stated. Adopting a baby in the United States has reached a point where Federal, State, Local and Federally mandated State requirements weed out the majority of families simply because they lack sufficient funds and do not know the right people and were unaware that today one need hire a lawyer for anywhere, depending on the aims of which child one wish adopt, of as high as a quarter of a million dollars and starting at over twenty thousand dollars just to clear the government regulations. Then there are financial requirements so a family who wishes to offer a young child love, affection and do everything they are able may not pass the litmus tests to adopt a child in the United States. Perhaps returning the responsibility for vetting potential adopting parents where it once was, with our religious institutions might return sanity to the current pay-to-play system.


The main plague which comes with anti-Semitic hatred is it never stops there and there is always the next group, and this time in the United States it may well be Native Americans who practice their native religions and honor their gods soon after by the Christians of all denominations and will eventually target the secularists who place their faith in mankind and government. Along the way there will be more than desirable targeting of the LGBT community as the dreamed of perfectly multicultural societal mixture is obtained where the United States population closely represents the official numbers claimed to exist in the world’s population. While this will be occurring there will be the continued drumbeat detesting the unproportional amount of “Islamophobia” defined as the illegal and undesired persecution of people of the Islamic faith far above the average of any other hate crimes. This is a politically correct smokescreen and a lie and in the more extremist corners of the Islamic society where this canard was hatched as a weapon actually means that the American people are not falling all over themselves seeking to convert to what they consider the only true religion to which all must belong. The graph below depicts the percentages of hate crimes for 2014 which is indicative of the average over the last fifty years including 2001 and 2002 after the 9/11 bombings. If the figures were proportional to population, then Islamic hate crimes should have been a mere one percent making the reported hate crimes sixteen times their population numbers, while Catholics are twenty-one percent of the population and had six percent of the reported hate crimes; so obviously there is a greater out of proportion of Islamic hate crimes. But that pales compared to Jews who are less than two percent of the population receive fifty-seven percent of hate crimes which is twenty-eight and a half times their population which, unlike what is often quoted fact, the anti-Islamic hatred is not the worst in the United States. The numbers do not tell the half of the story as anti-Semitic acts have grown at nearly double the rate of any other group simply in numbers which grows worse if population proportions are included. The numbers in Europe are even worse for the Jews who have begun to vacate the entire continent. The snakes of anti-Semitism are slithering freely in the world.


Hate Crimes Motivated by Religious Bias for 2014


There is another strange occurrence when it comes to anti-Semitism, it is found in some of the more remote corners of our little world, even those where there is no record of a Jew having lived or even conducted trade thus there having been no recorded contact with anything Jewish yet they exhibit anti-Semitic feelings. Recently the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) did a world-wide survey to measure the current levels of anti-Semitism in the world. A graphical representation of the main findings of their one-hundred nation survey is pictured below with greater map at the site linked above along with the entire report and updates. Looking at the map it becomes quite evident where the largest resentment, one might claim hatred, of the Jewish people arises. It should also not be surprising to know that the majority of the nations making up MENA (Middle East and North Africa colored in brown) evicted over ninety percent, some even one-hundred percent, of their Jewish populations in the decade after Israel was founded. These Jews by in large resettled in Israel as other nations made requirements that they have family or other stipulations to avoid taking any significant numbers while others simply refused any entry. These non-European Jews make up close to half the Jewish population and as intermarriage between European Jews and MENA Jews are common as is intermarriage across all ethnic lines within the Jewish community, that making any reference to a difference is rapidly becoming a moot point. Israel is rapidly approaching having simply Jews with no reference to nations or continents of origins and efforts are being made to further make the society one even to having a single Chief Rabbi when the next selection is made. Israel is facing a second influx of European Jews as anti-Semitism recently has grown worse in much of Europe.


World Anti-Semitism Survey

World Anti-Semitism Survey


The worst regions for anti-Semitism have also demonstrated other signs of bigotry and hatred. One example of such was the attempted genocidal erasure of the Yazidi People in Iraq by the Islamic State. There has also been systematic persecution of the Kurds as well as Sunni-Shiite violence going back centuries. Many MENA nations having basically rid themselves of their Jews are now working on eradicating the next group on their infidel roster, Christians. One of the least discussed bigotries and subjugations and eradications is the treatment of Christians in the world. A direct result of anti-Semitism is anti-Christianism. The usually noted path starts with the Jews and once the Jews have been eradicated comes the persecution of Christians throughout the world where Christianity is in the minority. What makes such hatred so dangerous today is that Christians are approaching minority status in many parts of Europe and the numbers of Jews in Europe is falling at an ever increasing rate which places the persecution of believing Christians ever closer and immediately behind them will fall the secularists, especially the professed atheists, as they will be identified as wayward Christians who have served their purpose of continued silence or even active participation in the removal of Jews and/or Christians. For those questioning how such will come to be, research history from around the year 620 through to 750 and consider that Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Spain and more were predominantly Christian and Jewish and before 615 there is no reference to Islam or Muslims in any name or form (see map below). Even the Saudi Arabian Peninsula from the Iraq and Southern Syrian borders to and including Yemen were almost entirely Christian, Jewish or idolaters many of which worshipped their Moon god ‘Hubal’ at the Kaaba where Mecca stands today. Hubal is reported to have gained favor over another of the pagan gods often referred to as ‘Allah” though many Islamic sources denounce this. Let us simply leave this as contested and not given the weight of fact until otherwise validated.


Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule

Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule


The reality is that should the uncontrolled influx of Islamic ‘refugees’ continue there will erupt even greater and more frequent violence. Many of the self-defacing lessons about Christian barbarism against Arabs and Muslims such as the Spanish Inquisition and the various Crusades were not offensive actions without prior historical facts of the Christians being forcibly thrown from their lands, remaining Christians enslaved or persecuted even crucified for denying Allah and Mohammad as their deity and prophet and renouncing Jesus as more important than Mohammad. The real downside came for the Jews who were persecuted by both Muslim and Christian always accused of assisting the other no matter who had won the day. Islam has attempted through three main pushes to conquer Europe with the first being tuned back at the battle of Tours and the other two stopped at the gates of Vienna. The defeat of Islam which is being avenged currently includes the sieges of Vienna and the defeat of the Ottoman Empire which replaced the first Caliphate and is often referred to as the last Caliphate. Turkish President Erdogan fancies the reestablishing of the Ottoman Empire and has started his quest by attempting to take Aleppo and Mosul while eradicating the Kurds. We discussed that recently here. There are other leaders who envision their rise to caliph such as the leader of the Islamist State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, or the Supreme Leader of Iran, not necessarily the current person but more some future Supreme Leader which will posthumously grant the predecessors with the honor of the title as well. The Saudi Royal Family should not be included as we do not intend to slight anyone. Once upon a time Saddam Hussein considered himself the next to conquer the world for Allah and become Caliph. Oh to dream…


Beyond the Cusp


July 5, 2016

An End Must be Forthcoming


Recent events are setting in motion a slowly roiling undercurrent for a solution which will be a permanent end to the troubles between the Arabs and the Israelis. Actually there are a number of such solutions each with its own support base and it is only a matter of time before one proves triumphant setting the others to the dustbin of history as having been futile attempts resulting in their failures. One solution has been especially evident as Ramadan nears an end. There was the horrendous slaughtering of a thirteen year old sweet girl, a dancer who had recently had a recital and was murdered while sleeping in her bed in her home stabbed in the back well over a dozen times by her cowardly assailant who had gained entrance to the Kiryat Arba by seriously injuring one of the security guards who attempted to stop him. Hallel-Yaffa Ariel was the young girls name and she was far from the first of the Ramadan victims of Arab terror. The Arabs cry and plead for open travel so they can visit friends and family during their month of Ramadan and every year the Israel government removes almost all the checkpoints, opens the barricaded roadways and grants passes for Gazans to enter Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem and all is sweet and wonderful until some Jewish child or children are murdered. Last year it was three young men and this year a young girl stabbed in the back more than a dozen times in her bed while she slept. But let us define some of the varied rising expectations for the future as all but the last of these groups feels quite sure that their solution is close at hand.


The first is the European Union from the three presidents; President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, President of the European Council Donald Tusk, and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker; their High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini to all the numerous other ministers and national representatives who not only sat through the recent speech given by Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas where he read off a litany of false accusations and degrading slurs against the Israelis with the most disgusting of them was his using the old blood libel which had often swept across regions of Europe itself, that the Jews’ Rabbis were demanding the government and Israelis poison the Palestinian Wells. This was after Abbas and his minions who lead the terrorocracy with claims that the Israelis, the Jews were attempting to use the al-Aqsa Mosque for Devil Worship and other degrading offering and were planning on destroying the Mosque to erect the Third Temple which would not be built at the location of the al-Aqsa Mosque which sits on an added portion of the Temple Mount added by Herod (see video below). Abbas finished his litany of blood libels and demands for the death of all Israel because when he demands all of occupied Palestine he does not mean two states side by side, he means Palestine founded on the Grave of Israel whether that comes from a slaughter of the current state of Israel outright or the flooding it with five to ten thousand Arab refugees and then slaughtering the non-Muslim population starting with any Jews unfortunate enough not to have fled; either path leads to the same end, Palestine instead of all Israel and the potential for a second Holocaust. Then the Ministers of the European Union gave Abbas a rousing standing ovation lavishing upon the man who had just slandered the Jews with blood libels and then called for Europe to assist in their annihilation their most hearty and warm approval possible. We are not talking mild and polite applause for a few seconds but rather rapturous and enthusiastic applause rising to their feet and all but throwing confetti into the air celebratory applause. We can only describe this with a single word, disgusting.



That is the picture of the European Union and what is even more frightening is that it is fast becoming the position of the majority of college and university students and their professors across Europe and North America. This is an indicator of the future in Europe, the United States and Canada just as it was the indication of the future of Germany in the early 1930s. There has been some shove back lately but whether this is a temporary reflex reaction or a final reaction of a societal reflex reaction of conscience, time will tell. If history is any judge the pushback is but a hiccup which will pass with a brief collective holding of the campus’s collective breath. The tide of anti-Semitism has been climbing slowly but ever so surely for decades, just the levels remained lowest where the main concentrations of Jews resided which included many college and university campuses, the northeast down through the Nation’s Capital and along the retirement communities into Florida, in and arc from Pittsburgh through Cleveland on to Chicago and along the West Coast from San Francisco to San Diego. There are pockets of Jews in most major and secondary cities where they reside in neighborhoods mostly sticking to their friends in a fairly closed group usually politically liberal. In the vast majority of these communities they know of almost no anti-Semitism and many believe that the news stories reporting cases of anti-Semitism are aberrations and that those Jews who get worked up over it are making mountains out of molehills. This is quite true providing your entire life is centered on your groups of close friends and the few people with whom you work who would never think to utter even the slightest slur of an anti-Semitic nature anywhere near work, they enjoy receiving a paycheck and work in a field where Jews are respected and well-represented.


But what do these nice people know about the world outside their circle, the world of bricklayers, cement pourers, meter maids, sanitation engineers, high tension linemen, snow plough drivers, or a million other more physical position or factory workers and service jobs, the jobs either low paying or considered unskilled and not requiring eight years of college and a higher degree even a doctorate? The answer is little or nothing unless they own such a company employing such people and even then their interactions are limited. Some of us have worked in such positions while gathering an education and can tell that the level of anti-Semitism over the past half-century has steadily risen and at an ever increasing rate. Those friends they know who they discount as alarmists are actually the grounded ones whose feet are firmly planted on the ground and often mired in mud where they either meet those we refer to as the less fortunate or have solid data they know to be valid and do not simply discount the uncomfortable as an anomaly easily dismissed. The honest truth is that as the United States was a couple of decades trailing behind Europe in anti-Semitism and Europe was miles behind the Arab Muslim world the differences between these groups is narrowing at an alarming and very disturbing rate no matter what many Jews wish to believe. French Jews had some alarming wake-up calls this past year and have started their own exodus with many heading either to the United States or Israel. Their realizations will become more and more frequent as time passes and more widely dispersed and encompassing. Mathematically one could compute a date by which every Jew still practicing their religion or considering themselves to be Jews even though non-practicing or those who are feeling persecuted as those around them believe them Jews and treat them as some form of outcast monster rather than a fellow human being and will end up forced to flee to Israel. There was a time when Jews would claim there was no manner of turns the world could take as they had reached acceptance and even the Almighty would be unable to gather them back to Eretz Yisroel, to Israel. Now many will tell you that day is coming, perhaps in our lifetime or perhaps somewhat later, we would bet on sooner than most believe. What does this mean for Israel?


What this means for Israel is there is no alternative but for Israel to be the homeland and safety zone for the Jewish People. This time as the world turns against the Jews they will have a place to go and this will mean there will be close to twelve to fifteen million Jews residing in Israel, possibly even more. This will also mean that Israel will need land enough to support such numbers and that will require all of the lands promised by the San Remo Conference and the League of Nations, the United Nations and numerous other treaties stemming from World War I and the aftermath. The Arab Palestinian will need to choose one of two alternatives, reside in a state controlled by the Jews on all of the lands or move east of the Jordan River or to another Arab country, one of the over twenty already in existence and many very lightly populated. There has never been a nation named Palestine, no Arab or Muslim nation has ever chosen Jerusalem as their capital city, and the entire reason there are even people claiming to be from Palestine which was an ancient land with Jerusalem as their capital city is in order to steal the Jewish homeland. While you may feel that believing these lies told by the Arab Palestinians who are almost all recent arrivals who only arrived after the Jews set up the infrastructure and economic promise of jobs and a better future that it really does not matter, perhaps some of their other lies might make you less comfortable. The Arab Palestinians claim that Jesus was an Arab Palestinians and will be Muhammad’s assistant in the end times. They claim that Moses was an Arab Palestinian, Noah was an Arab Palestinian, Adam was an Arab Palestinian, Eve was an Arab Palestinian and the Bible, both the Jewish Old Testament and the Christian New Testament are inferior and inaccurate copies of the real word of Allah and as poor and corrupted copies of the Quran must be destroyed and totally replaced with the Quran. They believe that Allah is the true and only G0d and that Hashem and the Christian G0d, who are one and the same, are false gods insignificant and inferior to Allah. Just for the record, Allah is the god of Abraham, Ishmael and Muhammad while the Judeo-Christian G0d is the G0d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That is right; they are really not the same deity and only one can be the true and lasting deity and if the Arab Muslims win over the Jews in Israel it will be but a matter of time before they will replace the Judeo-Christian G0d with Allah and that will also spell the end of the bible, both New and Old Testaments and the world as is known in the Western world.


Arab and Muslim World After the Islamization of Europe except for Switzerland and Israel in Red Both Standing Against any Islamic Assault or Tide


The reality is the current within large areas of the Israeli Jewish population there is beginning to be a growing irritation and animosity over the murderous ways of the Palestinian Arabs. Let me assure you that the Jews have nothing against Arabs who wish to share our economic wellbeing and live amongst us peaceably and accept that Israel is the home for the Jewish People now and from this day forward, actually from May 15, 1948 forward. The Arab supremacists Palestinians who desire to rid the world of Israel, many of all the Jews as the Hamas charter calls, are willing and empowered by the murdering of Jews like thirteen year old young woman and dancer Hallel-Yaffa Ariel stabbed over a dozen times in her back while sleeping in her bed this past week. There may end up some commentator eventually who will list the three or four times an Israeli Jew murdered Arabs in cold blood and these events have happened and are aberrations and anything but the norm and those perpetrators are in prison and not celebrated but scorned by the Jewish population no matter their reasons. The murderer of Hallel-Yaffa Ariel was shot dead as he resisted arrest and his family will be paid and paid handsomely because of his act of cold-blooded murder and this past week since his brutal act the Arabs have been having great parties in the West Bank celebrating this wondrous event with well-wishers congratulating his mother and sweets, candies and sugary pastries being handed out. For hours after this murder there were horns honked in Ramallah in celebratory revelry. Hamas and Islamic Jihad members and many Gazans also celebrated in similar manner. We can expect streets to be named and soccer contests to be held in his honor. Teachers will give lessons over the coming weeks praising and lauding his brave and heroic acts of assaulting a sleeping girl and stabbing her in the back repeatedly. How is a grown teen man stabbing a thirteen year old girl in the back a brave and heroic act? How is a grown teen man stabbing a thirteen year old girl asleep in her bed a brave and heroic act? It is anything but a brave and heroic act. It is an act of supreme and unparalleled cowardice. But the Arab Palestinians are celebrating is a grown teen man stabbing a thirteen year old girl asleep in her bed repeatedly in the back not even risking her awakening as she might fight back as the ultimate in bravery and laudable action and will teach their children that this is a level of act they should aspire towards. The mother and sister of this cowardly murderer, this assassin of a sleeping girl attacking from behind like the weasel he was are praising their relative and urging others to emulate his great patriotic act.


The world has quietly condemned this act in respectful tomes while demanding that Israel take great care not to allow things to grow out of control and to assure that there are no Jewish acts of revenge. There have been almost zero acts of revenge after near countless such acts from the Arab Palestinians. We mourn and pray for this to be the final senseless murder of one of our children and pray that our Arab neighbors choose to live with us in mutual respect and in mutual benefit each assisting the other. We unfortunately realize this is unlikely but it is what our prayers will ask Hashem to allow filling our Arab neighbors’ hearts with the milk of kindness and filling their minds with understanding and their souls with love for their fellow human beings and for our peoples to live together in peace. There will be a few who will speak in anger and voice their frustrations but there will be no acts of retribution and no acts of revenge. There will be mourning and we as a people will pick up the pieces and try to carry on despite the sadness in our hearts. A family will sit Shiva and mourn as prescribed by our laws and traditions. Friends, relatives and even strangers will visit the family’s home bringing food and sitting and saying nothing, not a word until spoken to by the mourners so as not to intrude rudely when they choose to be alone with their thoughts and their mournfulness. They will be polite when time has permitted a level of sanity to return to their minds and some warmth returns to their stunned hearts. They will actually try and greet all and ask of how they knew their daughter and thank those who tell them they know not their wonderful daughter though they feel close to her from all they have read. Those who say they came so as to assist with anything that needs tending and they will be thanked and invited to stay and share of the food and perhaps they will be privileged to hear parents or relatives stories of the young girl and what a fascinating joy she was to all she met. There will be sobbing, wailing and quiet sucking of breath between periods where we forget to breath, but the body reminds as its needs continue despite all else. Things will fall back to normal with the gaping exceptions when one expects their loved one and remember that joy has been stolen from them and for a moment their world will try and collapse in on itself but they will steel themselves because we must always go on. Every year parents will do what no parent should ever need to do, light a Yahrzeit Candle for a child and remember her each year it getting that little bit more difficult but she will never completely be gone as there will always be those stories of the joys she gave others and that is the greatest gift of memory one could ever pray to have for their own memory amongst others. Hallel-Yaffa Ariel, may your memory bring a smile as the one you were always giving to others to their lips so your joy added to the world can continue.


Beyond the Cusp


June 22, 2016

The West has One Vital Choice to Make Now


The so-called Clash of Civilizations is upon us if you ask the alarmists who have been banging the warning gong at the center of town for, some of us, decades now since the founding of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) June 2, 1964, and the assassination of Robert Kennedy on June 05, 1968 or as the latecomers claim was the start, September 11, 2001 despite the earlier attempt to bring down the World Trade Center Towers on February 26, 1993 using a truck bomb weighing 1,200 pounds that detonated around 12:17 PM knocking out the World Trade Center’s incoming high-voltage lines which feed much of the electrical energy to the complex. Making matters worse was that the explosion also knocked-out the generators, elevators, sprinklers, emergency command center disabling everything necessary for an emergency situation, which may have been a blessing in disguise as it exposed numerous weaknesses. The truth is that the problems the world is currently facing began and have continued at varying levels since the Seventh Century, yes, that’s right, approaching fourteen hundred years ago when the Arabs first poured out of the Arabian Peninsula and began their age of conquest. What is very difficult for people in Western civilizations to grasp and get their arms around is that people were capable of conquering much of the known world starting with a few bands of tribes and reach within two decades from India and the Ganges River to Andalusia, Spain and Portugal for the Eurocentric, and all of Northern Africa and on across Turkey and into the Balkans eventually reaching Vienna. What makes their incredulous reaction to the Arab conquests would be even further challenged if they were to also realize that these Arabs and their Empire fell to a single tribe from northeastern Turkey known as the Ottomans. The Ottoman Turks began their conquest and establishing the last caliphate in the mid-1300s. The entirety of the Pan-Arab Empire known as the Ottoman Empire at the start of World War I chose the wrong side to ally with and thus was amongst those who lost and were placed under the whims of the allies, Britain, Russia, France, Italy and Japan as the United States hemmed and hawed as they sat on the sidelines thus not needing to take on any supervision or ties beyond the final peace treaty. The Sykes Picot Agreement and the San Remo Conference set up the Middle East as it was in 1944 at the end of World War II which miraculously changed nothing outside of Europe which means the Middle East remained as it was divided at the conclusion of World War I even at the end of World War II.


Ottoman Empire Thrusts into Eastern Europe

Ottoman Empire Thrusts into Eastern Europe


Islam had been in remission of a sort after World War I as the Ottomans discovered that the battle plans and formation used by Islam during World War I only proved favorable when defending or holding a stronghold, and even then it was questionable. The Middle East had slowly grown angrier and less stable as the divisions made in the Sykes Picot agreement had drawn the borders of the states seemingly at random and with little concern. That concealed the reality which was the centerpiece of the European plans at the end of World War I and also a large part of the reason the United States desired absolutely no part of the settlements made at the conclusion of World War I.


Let us start with the part mostly ignored other than the predicament faced by Germany. The Austria-Hungarian Empire which was demolished and defeated was basically sliced and diced to produce a number of smaller nations which were largely drawn along ethnic lines. The main exceptions were Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Germany. The former two were combined nations having at least two separate and rival tribes and were strategically placed so as to foil any plans for rebuilding the Empire. Germany lost some prime lands to France and Poland as a punishment along with being saddled with heavy debts which crippled the German economy. These vindictive arrangements and disposition after World War I all but guaranteed a World War II or at least a pan-European War. The other half of Sykes Picot rearranged the Ottoman Empire lands into independent countries which were almost drawn randomly, the question being was there actual animus driving the actual drawing of the borders. Common understanding believes that there was actual animus and that the problems currently and previously were by the intentional design of the countries and their borders. What came next?


Ottoman Empire Ascending includes Golden Age of Islam

Ottoman Empire Ascending includes Golden Age of Islam


Ottoman Empire in Decline 1800 through 1914 and Start of World War I

Ottoman Empire in Decline 1800 through 1914 and Start of World War I


As the borders of these new nations were apparently random but actually did have one major consequence, the tribal allegiances were ignored. An example would be the Kurds who were promised a nation for their people which never was formed largely due to Oil found on their lands so their lands were incorporated with those whom the Europeans had agreements for their oil, always favorable arrangements. The Kurdish lands ended up split between Iraq, Turkey and Syria while the Kurdish communities in Iran remained untouched as Iran was not part of the Ottoman Empire. With the different tribes and even forms of Islam there would always be problems in these new nations keeping the peace. This lent the situation to needing a strong and unrelenting leader such as Saddam Hussein, Hafez al-Assad, Mubarak, Kaddafi and too many others. These problems was the one idea where the Islamic State actually had a legitimate complaint against Europe but they long since squandered any hope that they would be trusted to make necessary changes. Their ploy to use the Sykes Picot to dictate the new borders in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) was destroyed by the Islamic State with their slaughter of the Yazidis and the raping of women, Christian or Islamic with little difference shown to either religious background. The atrocities committed by the Islamic State should have been sufficient to galvanize an alliance set on the singular task of the destruction and dismemberment of the Islamic State. What is strange is that the Russians are willing, the European Union is indifferent and unwilling to commit, while some European nations such as Britain and Italy are willing to take a stand against the Islamic State but lack the gravitas to destroy this manifestation of evil. The main source remains on the sidelines as President Obama refuses to see any threats which originate from Islam.


All of this will be the past, what we will call the ‘then’ and now we will look ahead after the United States has had their fall elections and the next President has just taken the oath of office and returned to the White House. The two major party candidates are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. We can predict what the main differences will be between the two. Hillary Clinton will pretty much continue the Obama politics domestically allowing the economy to be largely stagnant but slowly gaining some momentum where growth may actually approach the one and a half to two percent growth with measured unemployment remaining around five to six percent. A Trump White House would probably also freeze the economy in place with everything waiting anxiously to see what path he will decide to take. The most important figures will be one that has remained pretty much out of the public eye as it is a true and horrifying indicator of the sad state of the economy since sometime in late 2002 and just accelerated downward to levels not witnessed even during the ‘Great Depression’ of the 1930s and ended by World War II. We had best hope that the seemingly unavoidable events, which would change the economic picture as such resets do their magic through destructive employment accelerators, as when half of the cities are bombed to rubble and employment accelerates, is not what will be the path of economic repair in our future. While the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) will level out at long last as the economy and the long term unemployed settle into a brief equilibrium and the next step will depend on the policies put in place in the first few months of the new administration. We really have little to judge what Donald Trump might do and we have a fair idea what Hillary Clinton will do, but this article is not about the economy though below is a graph of the LFPR.


Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR)


The real challenge before the next President, whether it is Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, one of the minor party candidates or some knight in shining armor come to save either of the major parties from their less than wonderful choices will be setting a course and then have the faith and fortitude to keep to that path. Now while the choice may fall entirely upon the United States, a scary thought at best knowing the probable choices for their coming elections, but there is also a channel where the Europeans may save the day and the future which currently is charging headlong to a dark-age which may last for the foreseeable future. The first test has already been passed by France but only if their recent actions are the beginning of a new path forward. Another test is coming up tomorrow with Brexit. Should the British decide to pull out from the European Union and make a determined exit in less than six months, not the two to ten years different predictions claim it will take, they can then take immediate control over their borders and refuse any undocumented refugees and only allow documented individuals in after an application has been accepted and a full background investigation all the way back to their first school or madrasah they attended. Should anybody have mostly unreliable or complete lengths of no references and that is made a disqualifier and the backgrounds are fully validated to assure honesty and an actual verified history before allowing emigration, and a similar qualification system even for visitors on vacation, then the British Isles will be far more protected than is currently the case. A checkpoint on the exit into Britain side of the Chunnel would also be a great idea. The future in Europe needs to be all about security and keeping the freedoms that Western Civilization has worked centuries developing and realizing that human individual freedoms and free expression are conducive to an advanced and productive society and limited freedoms and closed government intrusions leads to economic collapse as people have less to live for thus less to work for. The United States and Europe over the past two centuries plus have proven that more freedom equals a stronger economy and higher productivity. The unfortunate item is despite this knowledge the politicians are still hankering for greater control and less freedom. There have been politicians who have expressed ideas such as requiring travel permits if one desires to cross arbitrary lines going from one zone to the next. This could lead to people who live away from the major cities not being able to go to the store or visit the neighboring farm without a permit. These are the people who have no voice in their governance as the cities now control governments and this will lead to less and less freedom as people prefer dependence on government over self-reliance. The reason behind this trend is directly tied to the increased city dwelling. When one lives in a rural area many times you actually have to repair items with what you have or can borrow from a neighbor just to get through the day or week. In the city you call a repair person, a handyman or an expert. City life is conducive to dependence while rural life requires independent thinking and often ingenuity. Add the terror threats and the willingness of many to sacrifice certain freedoms for additional appearances of safety and you end up with a vicious cycle which eventually leads to totalitarian governance, even if the government is elected. People will end up electing those who promise to keep them safe while regimenting their lives further in order to be capable of detecting something amiss. Amiss will define people like many of us because we value liberty and freedom.


There have been polls conducted at numerous colleges and universities in the United States and the students actually desire to make certain types of speech illegal and people caught using such language fined and if they persist then they would need to be sent to a school to learn why their speech is dangerous and injurious. So much for what we learned as children, ‘sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never harm me.’ These word police are playing into the hands of the Islamists who desire Sharia be imposed where any language which denigrates or demeans or insults Islam would be severely punishable. The results of surveys and research can be found starting on this First Amendment site with numerous links to further information and a wealth of eye-opening information. Free and open speech is necessary for a free society and there is no guarantee against being offended. This is necessary because if only speech which offended nobody were allowed there would be very little ever spoken. Going out of ones way to offend a person by following them shouting or even whispering words that one knows would be upsetting, that comes under harassment laws and is preventable or bringing such activity to a halt legally. What is a far greater danger is allowing for one group of people to dictate what is permitted and what is forbidden in a society by dictation completely separate from the governance. Allowing such is dangerous especially in mixed neighborhoods or areas where disparate groups have access and reason to visit the locations. Areas which have been purchased by a group such as a compound or fenced neighborhood where those residing decide whether other people may enter can have their own cultural system but that system must never be permitted to become a general system covering others. Freedom of religion includes freedom from having a religion. People must be free to believe or not and those who choose to believe must be free to choose what to believe. The limitations come at some blatantly obvious points such as no human sacrifice, even if the subject for sacrifice volunteers as by definition in Western society such a person is not rational and thus needs help, not their beating heart removed in an ancient ritual worshipping Ba’al. The limits on religion need be similar to general laws governing interaction between individuals. Your religion is absolutely wonderful as long as it stops between you and other adherents.


Proselytizing is another area which can be sensitive. That too needs to be limited in that ‘no’ or ‘please leave me alone’ means exactly that and ‘tell me more’ is a license to inform to your heart’s content. No religion can be allowed to dictate laws. That is one guarantee that freedom demands. No religion is superior or should be permitted to dominate by force or threat especially. Those who believe their religion has the right to dictate the law and force others to live by their religious laws, they need to be returned to whatever place they came from as in a free and open society such must never be permitted. Even in Israel which identifies itself as the Jewish State there is no restriction on other religions. If there are any restrictions on religion in Israel, it is on Judaism and its practice at certain holy sites where religious purity is required by Jewish law. But even such rules do not apply to a non-Jew. An example would be that there are certain locations upon the Temple Mount where a Jew is forbidden from treading as it may be too close to the location where the Holy of Holies was located when the First Temple and Second Temple existed. A non-Jew can walk freely as can be seen in many videos where Arab youths are playing soccer in central areas near the Dome of the Rock, an area where Jews are restricted from walking as this was close to where the Holy of the Holies was located (video below).


Temple Mount Visit Sunday, March 6th 2016- Arabs playing Soccer


Islam has spread over the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and in much of these lands Islam is almost the only faith and Jews are so rare that the Christians and other native religions from Africa are now being victimized and persecuted. We look at the nations where fifteen-hundred years ago over 90% of the people were Christians and Jews and now the area has changed and is predominantly Islamic. Below is a basic representation of the current religious breakdown. Where Muslim is only figure given we assumed that the vast, if not all, were Sunni, the predominant form of Islam (map of Islam by percentage of population below).


Algeria 98% Islam 1% Christian 1% other
Bahrain 70% Muslim 15% Christian 10% Hindu 3% Buddhist 2% Other
Egypt 90% Muslim 9% Coptic Christian 1% other
Iran 99.4% Muslim (89% Shiite 9% Sunni) 1.2% Christian 0.4% other
Iraq 99% Muslim (65% Shiite 35% Sunni) 1% Christian
Jordan 92% Muslim 6% Christian 1% Druze
Kuwait 100% Muslim 0.02% Christian
Lebanon 54% Muslim 40% Christian 6% Druze
Yemen 99% Muslim 1% other
United Arab Emirates 77% Muslim 12% Christian 4% Hindu 2% Buddhist 2% other
Libya 97% Muslim 0.7% Christian 0.3 Buddhist 2% other
Morocco 98.9% Muslim 0.9% Christian 0.2% Jewish
Oman 95% Muslim 5% Christian or Hindu
Israel 80% Jewish 16% Muslim 2% Christian 1.5% Druze 0.5% other
Qatar 67.7% Muslim 13.8% Hindu 13.8% Christian 3.1% Buddhist 1.4% other
Saudi Arabia 100% Muslim
Syria 87% Muslim 10% Christian 3% Druze (est. in 2006)
Tunisia 98% Muslim 1% Christian 1% other


Muslim Population by Percentage of Total Population

Muslim Population by Percentage of Total Population


France has taken steps that may mean they are pointing themselves in the right direction to resist their otherwise certain submission to Islam. It has been reported and confirmed that France raided three Mosques and discovered over three-hundred fully automatic rifles and other weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition. In an article from Al Jazeera claiming that France intends to raid and shut down more than one-hundred and as many as one-hundred-sixty Mosques over their either being suspected of weapons, preaching hate, are run illegally without proper licenses, or use takfiri speech. Takfiri is preaching Muslim on Muslim violence due to apostasy. It is estimated that there are 2,600 Mosques in France. These raids and the decision to take these actions is believed to be due to the November 13 attacks on the capital by well-armed Muslims striking multiple locations using military tactics and murdering over one hundred innocents. Time will tell if France has decided to clamp down on instigating violence from the pulpit and is ready to take a serious look at what is happening inside the Mosques and other places where intolerance may be taught or used to instigate violence. Europe has a choice as do the rest of the western nations of protecting their freedoms and liberty or slowly sinking under Islamic pressures until they have bowed away their constitutions and after that their lives. There had to be blowback and it may be starting in France and about to strike again in Britain starting with Brexit.


Beyond the Cusp


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