Beyond the Cusp

January 19, 2016

Iran the New Aryan Nation

Filed under: Act of War,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab League,Ayatollah Khamenei,Ayatollah Khomenei,Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,Ayatollahs,Blood Libel,Calaphate,Civilization,Coverup,Cyrenaic Greeks,Cyrus the Great,Enlightenment,Europe,European Historic Anti Semitism,European Pressure,Germany,Government,Greece,Hassan Rowhani,Hate,History,Hitler,Imam,International Politics,Iran,Iranian Military,Iraq,IRGC,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamist,Israel,Leftist Pressures,Missile Attacks,Muslim Expansionism,Muslim Invade Europe from the East,Muslim Invasoin of Europe from the West,Muslim World,Nationalist Pressures,Nazi,Nazi,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Weapons,Ottoman Empire,Persians,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,Religious Pressures,Saudi Arabia,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Saudi Military,Shah,Sharia Law,Shiite,Smiling Cheshire Man,Sudetenland,Sunni,Threat of War,United States Pressure,Uranium Enrichment,War,World Opinion,World War III,World Without Zionism or America — qwertster @ 3:35 AM
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Few of us were alive when the Persians disappeared and instead became Iranians all in a single day. In 1935, Reza Shah asked foreign delegates to use the term Iran, the historical name of the country before the Greek conquest where the name Persia was born. Surprisingly, the word chosen to represent the master race was chosen carefully by the Nazis and they found their new name from a nation of great age and lineage but not in use by that nation from where it originated. This master race predecessor had all the necessary requirements, it was the name of one of the oldest and most stable of empires and apparently they disappeared from history so the Nazis grabbed their name and used it as their term of the master race, the Aryan race. The former owners of this name when they fell before Alexander the Great, were renamed by the Greeks using the word for nation, Persica or Persis, which in time became Persia. All the great accomplishments of that early and great empire were written into the history books using the Greek name as the name stuck until, as noted above, 1935. This was an act of deference and also a demand of an alliance with Germany as the Persian leader, Reza Shah, ordered that all diplomats for Persia now, immediately and without explanation, begin using the ancient, pre-Greek racial name of Cyrus the Great’s tribe and the tribes of peoples he took to the edge of ruling the known world, Iran. This name derived from Middle Persian Ērān, Pahlavi ʼyrʼn, and in modern pronunciation, Iran or Aryan. The change of name can only raise questions about Persia/Iran and where they sided during World War II.


So let us discuss Iran, Nazis, Aryan, Persia and World War II. Initially the Shah declared neutrality; but when the British, who held ownership of the majority of the Iranian oil fields, the British grew ever more nervous over the German engineers and workers manning their oil interests and demanded the Shah send them back to Germany. The British concerns were that many of these Germans may be spies or could damage the oil fields. The history was unclear as to whether this demand was made in a threatening nature or as a polite favor requesting their preference for different workers but the one thing which was made obvious is the successive requests became demands but were all met with the same answer from the Shah declaring his neutrality while refusing to fire and send packing workers who had given him any reason for doing so other than they suspected there might be German Nazi spies amongst them who could sabotage the oil fields. The Shah having no cares and doubting these people would risk their jobs and his neutrality by any such foolish acts refused the British demands. This went through a couple of renditions before the British nerves and politics and the war took over and forced their hand. In September of 1941 the British and Soviets took control of Iran. They refer to it a wartime occupation and not any effort to compromise Iranian national freedom and that the entire necessity was due to the dangers that the Axis Powers were poised to move on Iran and the British and Soviets were simply protecting their investments and Iranian freedoms from the Nazi threats. The British and Soviets withdrew after the war but had changed the Shah rule for that of his more compliant son; otherwise the damage was minimal though there are those who claim the invasion shook the people’s faith in their rulers.



Reza Shah of Iran 1935

Reza Shah of Iran 1935



There have been rumors that the Reza Shah was in negotiations with the Nazis to provide the Third Reich with much needed petroleum for their war machine which was running drastically low and even marginalizing operations. The Nazis were desperate and had likely offered the Shah great riches and power and potentially the reemergence of Persian like power in the Middle East, possibly a similar set of promises as they had given to the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini while he was living in Berlin to avoid the British forces who were poised to arrest him for allying with the Nazis. The British had much difficulty with different Arabs throughout World War II. The main thing to understand was that Iran actually was poised to assist the Nazis, allied with their cause and found a sympathy to their idea of an Aryan super race of perfected humans but the Iranian description might have varied from that of the Nazis who sought blond haired blue eyed men and women of above average height and physical fitness. The Iranians may have held for different qualities but they did believe in a pure Aryan race though theirs would be best represented in English as Ērān or ʼyrʼn.



Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in His One of Many Personal Meetings with the Führer Adolf Hitler

Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini
in His One of Many Personal Meetings
with the Führer Adolf Hitler



Part of the above history shows there is a historic sense of grandeur and importance exuded by many Iranians which has been played to every extreme by the current rulers. The Islamist Ayatollahs take full use of this sense as well as a sense of entitlement and supremacy, especially when it comes to Israel and the United States. They have worked on that entitlement behavior to blame the United States and Israel, especially with the sanctions which the United States pioneered and joined by Europe to a pressure Iran into compliance and to explain a few things as objectively as possible. Considering I am a Jew living in Israel and as such have a bullseye emblazoned between my eyes makes me particularly sensitive to the fact that the Arab and Muslim nations and many of their peoples who sided with the Nazis but did not face the destructions and defeat as did the Nazis, never had those anti-Semitic views expunged. In the case of many of the Arab nations, they were exposed to the poisonous broadcasts by the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini who had anti-Semitic leanings and blamed the Jews of the Holy Lands around Jerusalem for the poverty and what he viewed as miserable living conditions of his Arab peoples compared to the Jewish farmers and entrepreneurs and shop owners in Jerusalem many of which sold Jewish items needed in religious observances, marketed the produce, as did several Arab families who gained wealth, and serviced farm needs such as fertilizers and pesticides and finally had foreign contacts mostly in Europe but also across the Arab lands of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and possibly even in the far east where the farmers could sell their harvests. The Mufti blamed the Jews for taking all of the economic pie and not leaving any wealth available to his Arab subjects thus forcing them into poverty. He never considered that they should improve their lot in life by working the lands or finding other means for earning a living instead of relying largely on the good graces of others who did produce to gift them charity, something he found demeaning and where he blessed Arabs who would give alms he always blamed the Jews, even those who might have given similarly or even greater amounts or percentages of their income, for being stingy and not granting the Arabs a greater share in their wealth. The one thing which has to be remembered is that nobody was become a millionaire working the Holy Lands in this era.


When the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini fled Jerusalem fearing arrest by the British, who he also saw as favoring the Jews over the Arabs, not exactly an accurate appraisal as there may have been British who favored the Jews to an extent, British policy was either equally damning or anti-Semitic in its application on orders or preferences of the higher officers. The Mufti made broadcasts into the Arab lands with a very powerful directions broadcast tower spewing the Nazi supremacy and equating them with Arab and Muslim ideals of supremacy and equated Nazism and Islam in some unholy marriage of joining forces against the evil Jew who stole the food from Arab and Muslim mouths and refused to share and were enslaving the Arabs and Muslims in poverty by cruel and inhuman measures of attempted superiority born out of jealousy of the true Master Races, Nazis and Islamic, against the base and animalistic Jews. These broadcasts cast hatred of the Jews as the Jews selfishly stole all the wealth and held to it tightly were themes repeated by Imams as you preach to the masses basing your message on some of their ready beliefs as that is the path easiest to their attentions. So the message of Jewish hoarding became the legal tender on which much of the anti-Semitism was based and much of that was based on the Jews having stolen all the land from its rightful Arab, Muslim owners, the people in the Mosques for the sermons. This combinations drummed this hatred and the deceits such that many, nowhere near all, but a possible plurality bought into this message and it became their legal tender to claim the possessions of the Jews because they were only returning the lands and other wealth to its rightful owners.



Grand Ayatollahs Ruhollah Khomeini and Ali Khamenei

Grand Ayatollahs Ruhollah Khomeini and Ali Khamenei



These alliances with the Nazis further poisoned the well against the Jews and many of the British chose not to intervene or actually harbored their own anti-Semitic leanings and thus their not opposing these beliefs only served to amplify their validity. This further amplified the latent anti-Semitic feelings, especially amongst the Arabs who were living in poverty and who were seeking a reason and the Jew selfishly stealing all the wealth and controlling the distribution of assets and their control of the British played heavily into that market. In Iran there was their neutrality which always appeared to favor the Germans as there were numerous German citizens working within Iran and the Shah had changed the name their nation was known by internationally to the Iranian Farsi word which meant Aryan, namely Iran, and this was often seen as tacit approval of the Nazi principles of the Master Race and the poignant hatred and casting of the Jews as an animalistic sub-human species which polluted the genetic superiority of the rest of the human race and as such needed to be extinguished. When Israel became a nation they soon afterwards enjoyed good relations with Iran of open friendship and embassies were exchanged and all the benefits which goes with such. All of this was shut down almost immediately after the revolution and the betrayal of the Shah by his former ally, the United States. President Jimmy Carter ‘understood’ the heart of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979 as President Carter saw him as a holy man and thus he must uphold Christian principles from the post-enlightenment period of modern Western thought.


The American President could not have been any more mistaken, much like the current American President who trusts Iran to hold to the limitations of the treaty he signed with them. The treaty itself is lenient and pro-Iranian in its make-up but likely does not suit the immediacy of the Ayatollahs drive for nuclear weapons with which to claim preeminence in the Arab and Muslim world and thus as the rightful leader of such in the conquest of the world. The Ayatollah likely see their ascendance to be the rightful leaders of the Muslim world and as such the ones who will bring the Ummah from predominant Sunni beliefs to almost entirely Shiite in their beliefs as Iran, as the titular leader of Shia Islam will have ascended unarguably the strongest of position and have gained dominance over Saudi Arabia and Egypt and as such gained the title as the next and only true claimant to Caliph. Should the Saudi Royal family refuse to basically kneel before the Ayatollah Khamenei, they may have earned Riyadh the initial test of the Iranian super weapon in their nuclear armed quest to gain the world. Any upset or obstruction to the Iranian claim and smooth path to world dominance will have a ready-made and golden diabolical reason, Israel as the Jew amongst the nations and the Jews world-wide as they will be cast as all serving Israel against the perfection of the World by the Ayatollahs. Israel will actually be spared initially as they are required to serve as the true source of any difficulties because the Grand Ayatollah is a position of ultimate perfection and a straight connection to Allah if ever such could exist. They would be assuming a similar position to Emperor and Pope Constantine the Great who was crowned Pope after he conquered most of Europe, ending the many squabbles and smaller wars, uniting all under his banner. Unfortunately for Europe all men die and when Constantine died, so went his empire.


Emperor and Pope Constantine the Great with Map of Conquest Preserving the Byzantine Empire

Emperor and Pope Constantine the Great
with Map of Conquest
Preserving the Byzantine Empire



How this will end? That, my friends and acquaintances, is the really big question. The things we know is that Iran will be at its weakest and most vulnerable and have given the world cause for alarm and a call for action right after they move on any nation whether directly or through terrorist proxies beyond their actions in Syria. What will be interesting is who allies with Iran and who starts to slide into the position of leaders of the opposition other than Saudi Arabia and possibly Egypt and other Sunni Arab nations. They would be uniting against both Shia Islam and the fact that Iran is of Persian lineage and thus not Arab and this also is an abomination to many Muslims, especially Arab Muslims. We know also that the Saudi oil fields have a majority Shiite population and could be the next war’s Sudetenland which Iran will claim as part of bringing all of Shia Islam under their rule which is what has already occurred for all intents and purposes in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. Where else they will initially turn will be telling. We expect their first move will be to co-opt Pakistan through some alliance deal as the two Islamic nuclear powers with similar goals, though that is not entirely true. Iran could promise Pakistan that one of their first moves would be to subsume by means other than direct war possibly as a treaty with India, to gain them the lands which they and India have fought wars over and potentially some of north-western India where there is a large Muslim presence. All things will become fungible when Iran becomes a nuclear armed nation with a war chest of nuclear weapons and the will to use them. This has us thinking of Alice in Wonderland and the disappearing Cheshire Cat’s smile and Alice commenting that everything was becoming “Curiouser and curiouser!”



Iranian President Hassan Rouhani smiling for report on how he and Iran charmed the world reminding all of the evil laugh as the Cheshire Cat faded away leaving only his wicked smile and it just fit calling him the ‘Smiling Cheshire Man’

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani smiling for report on how he and Iran charmed the world reminding all of the evil laugh as the Cheshire Cat faded away leaving only his wicked smile and it just fit calling him the ‘Smiling Cheshire Man’



Beyond the Cusp


July 2, 2015

Life, Iran, ISIS, Our Fates, and an Unknown Future

Filed under: 24/7 News Reporting,Act of War,Administration,Amalekites,American People Voice Opinion,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appeasement,Appointment,Arab Appeasement,Arab League,Arab World,Arabs,Ayatollah Khomenei,Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,Bible,Blood Libel,Breakout Point,Calaphate,Caliphate,Chemical Weapons,Children of G0d,Chlorine Gas,Chosen People,Civilization,Commandments,Conflict Avoidnce,Covenant,Coverup,Crimes Against Humanity,Defend Country,Definition of Marriage,Dictator,Ditherer in Chief,Domestic NGOs,End of Days,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,Europe,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Executive Order,Fascism,Federica Mogherini,Five Books of Moses,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,France,Gaza,Government,Graft,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,Hudna,HUMINT,IDF,IHH,Illegal Immigration,Inteligence Report,International Politics,Iran,Iranian Military,Iranian Pressure,Iraq,Iraqi Military,IRGC,IRGC,ISIS,ISIS in Gaza,ISIS in Judea and Samaria,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Leadership,Jihad,Judea,Koran,Kurdish Militias,Leftist Pressures,Mainstream Media,Media,Media Bias,Middle East,Military,Military Intervention,Military Option,Missile Attacks,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Muslims,Myth,NGO,Non Binding Resolution,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Research,Nuclear Scientist,Nuclear Sites,Nuclear Weapons,Obama Care,P5+1,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Parliamentary Government,Peace Process,Philippines,Plutonium Production,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,Quran,Rebel Forces,Samaria,San Remo Conference,Sarin Gas,Saudi Arabia,Saudi Military,Scientific Research,Secular Interests,Security,Sharia,Sharia Law,Sharia Law,Shiite,Society,Spying,Sunni,Supreme Leader,Syria,Syrian Military,Taqiyya,Tel Aviv,Terror,Threat of War,Torah,Tradition,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Uranium Enrichment,Uranium Enrichment,Weapons of Mass Destruction,WMD,World Government,World Opinion,World Pressures,World War II,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:09 AM
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One need remember that Iran and Iraq went at each other for a period just short of eight years starting on September 22, 1980 and lasting until August 20, 1988 and was initiated by Saddam Hussein and was largely considered to have been a failure by Iraq as Iran stopped the initial surge dead in its tracks and slowly but inexorably backed the Iraqi troops back and they eventually returned to their initial borders. This was just a part of the history of animosities between Iraq and Iran and was seemingly inevitable that they would go after one another. The fact that it was Saddam Hussein who began the hostilities was not so surprising and he may have even been nudged in that direction by the United States who still harbored great animosity towards the Iranians for the hostage crisis which was yet to have concluded. The United States hostages were not released until after the November Presidential elections on the very hour that President Reagan was sworn in to office. One might be able to claim that the hostage release coinciding with the swearing in of Ronald Reagan might make their release his very first accomplishment as President as few would even think to claim they were released as a sign of respect and a parting gift for President Jimmy Carter. The fact that the war between the secular dictatorial forces of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and the Shiite Muslim Sharia Iranian State of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini fought to a virtual standstill exchanging the same patches of ground as the fates ebbed and flowed neither capable of delivering a decisive blow that might make the other reel and collapse before a superior force. This was, in many ways, a conflict where despite governments picking sides, some places such as Israel was simply glad that the war kept both nations occupied and facing some fire situation which left them so preoccupied that they had little time to think about harming Israel, something else where these two nations might have also competed to see which could injure Israel the most.


Two years, less a mere eighteen days, Iraq decided to invade another neighbor, this time Kuwait. Starting on August 2, 1990 it took a mere two days to August 4, 1990 for Saddam Hussein’s army to sweep across Kuwait. This not only caused Iran to worry that another attack might be in the cards from their nemesis, it also made Saudi Arabia extremely nervous about the possibility that Saddam Hussein might have them in his sights as his next victim. Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz called his good and close friend, President George Herbert Walker Bush and the wheels were put in motion to ride to the rescue. The United States formed a coalition which included a number of Arab and Muslim States which worked under United Nations approval and removed Saddam Hussein’s troops from Kuwait destroying a huge number of the Iraqi armored vehicles including numerous Russian supplied tanks and armored personnel carriers plus scores of trucks and other vehicles. The Iraqi troops caused an unmitigated ecological disaster by setting virtually, if not every, oil well in the Kuwaiti vast oil fields. It took months to extinguish and recap every well and then proceed to put them back into service. Things actually appeared to have settled down in the threats between nations, but that did not mean all was well in the Middle East. Acting on what was interpreted to be United States urgings the Iraqi Shiites in the south and the Kurds in the North made an attempt to dethrone Saddam Hussein expecting the United States to provide some level of assistance. Well, United States assistance was never considered being sent as they had refused to even chase the Iraqi troops back to Baghdad after chasing them from Kuwait. The closest the United States manpower came to Iran was protecting the Americans working in the Kuwaiti oil fields putting out well fires and recapping wells before returning them to service, a task that took several years.


After the 9/11 terror attacks on the twin Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon and another target foiled by the passengers of Flight 93 which they brought down at the cost of their own lives before it could reach its intended target which was believed to have been either the Capital building or the White House and the beginning of the war on terror with the invasions of Afghanistan to find Osama bin Laden and fight al-Qaeda and the Taliban, President George W. Bush requested further authorization to take military action against Saddam Hussein in order to prevent his further manufacture of chemical weapons and to terminate his reputed nuclear weapons program. The alleged nuclear weapons program had been backed by all evidence gathered by the British, the United States, France and the rest of Europe all indicated that Saddam Hussein an advanced nuclear weapons program which could have been completed except for the Israeli attack destroying the French built Osirak Reactor before it could be fueled and used to produce plutonium for a weapon. There is the common misconception that there was none of the precursors for a nuclear weapons program to be found in Iraq during the Second Gulf War. There was a large amount of Yellowcake, a form of raw uranium used for safe transport and storage and can be transformed into uranium hexafluoride which is what is fed into the centrifuges in order to enrich the uranium. Whereas these approximately five-hundred-fifty-tons of yellowcake, that is over one-million-pounds, were from the stores logged back in 1991 and was under the watchful eyes of the IAEA, that does not mean it was impossible for those stores to be utilized to jumpstart Saddam’s dream to attain nuclear weapons had he decided to demand that the IAEA inspectors leave Iraq and then gone full speed ahead in a mad dash towards making a weapon. North Korea has stores of yellowcake which under IAEA guards until it was not under IAEA guards. Granted it might have been difficult to get the yellowcake into production before the world arrived, as they arrived despite Saddam not touching those provisions as there were suspicions backed by faulty intelligence.


Now Saddam Hussein is long gone and Iran has all but annexed the southern third of Iraq, the Shiite controlled area that includes the capital city of Baghdad. The Kurdish has become an entity unto themselves and definitely has autonomy if not complete independence. The Iraqi government, which appears to be weak and feckless with Iran holding the real power but only in the southern third of the nation even partially cemented under their control, has thus far refused to provide any weapons or other provisions to reach either the Kurdish militias or the Sunni tribesmen thus leaving both to their own devices in fighting against such forces such as ISIS which has been marauding and murdering anybody who does not meet their high standards for Islamic purity. This fighting has mostly taken place in the Sunni central area of what has been Iraq and that has left the Sunni stuck between two murderous powers. The Shiite military from the south performs ethnic cleansing whenever they gain sufficient areas to conduct sweeps. It appears that the main people targeted are Sunni males of fighting age. When ISIS takes control of these same areas they too pick the same group and demand that they prove their devotion to Islam by joining the new Caliphate or else suffer the wrath of the true believers. They also threaten the families of these young and middle aged men most of whom just want to be left alone to tend to making a living and caring for their families. ISIS does not care if they are fathers raising a family with young children as they are true warriors for the faith and because their cause is pure, they themselves are pure as are their acts, thus their cause is righteous. This makes their courts just, their drafting of all able-bodied men of fighting age, willingly or not, righteous, their taking of supplies such as food, even if it deprives the people of proper means, is just and all they do and how they go about performing their actions are righteous. Their being holy warriors make anybody opposing their cause or placing themselves contrary to their demands acts of blasphemy. This is why they have been holding public executions and quick trials followed by swift execution of their judgement and the sentence. ISIS has been proving to be a force on the ground with which to contend. Should they ever manage to procure an air force of any size and with even the barest minimum of competence, then ISIS will have the potential to have become at the least an entity possessing the barest minimum for being a nation in the Middle East, at least as a replacement in some ways for Syria.


What will add significantly to the range and broaden the abilities of ISIS would be their gaining the backing of al-Qaeda, something they appear to have been doing piecemeal thus far as one former entity which had sworn their fealty to al-Qaeda are now switching and swearing fealty to ISIS such as Boko Haram. The recent threats made by ISIS may end up spelling their demise as they may be biting off more than they can chew. Their threats to replace the Arab Palestinian Authority actually make complete sense as they are two opposing sides of the forces against Israel. Where ISIS are Islamists who follow a strict interpretation of the Quran which defines their form of the Sharia, the Arab Palestinian Authority are secularist, socialist with a small semblance of democratic principles as long as such does not threaten those in the highest places. The Arab Palestinian Authority represent the most vile and far removed form of Islamic governance that one can find, they are oil and water, or more likely pure sodium and water. Hamas, on the other hand, has a very similar charter stand for the same world conquest and placing all of the world’s people under the banner of Sunni Islam by whatever means necessary. As Hamas and Islamic Jihad might have a better than average probability of joining ISIS as a whole entity and thus giving ISIS additional manpower which has already been tested in combat. The statement made by ISIS which could prove their taking on a nut they are unable to crack was their threat to also tackle Israel. The IDF would not need to hold back fighting ISIS as they habitually have been forced into doing with every possible entity watching their every move just waiting to pounce should Israel operate without the strictest of restraints almost requesting permission to return fire when her troops come under fire. The probability that ISIS will open up a new front within its current operating theater would be tactical suicide. Currently ISIS has three fronts, their borders with the Kurdish Peshmerga Militias who are well trained and disciplined holding the northern front in Iraq and the northeastern front in Syria, the Alawites are holed up with their backs against the Mediterranean Sea in the northwest rim of Syria, IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) and the remnants of the Iraqi Army in the south of Iraq and the entirety of their eastern front is the rest of the Iranian armed forces should they push in an eastern and there have been hints dropped this week that President Erdogan has made intonations that Turkey is considering moving down into Syria to scoop up as much of the lands as they are able and that would place another front for ISIS to face off against and of course ISIS has mentioned their desire to take control over the holy cities of Mecca and Medina which would involve a war with Saudi Arabia which would also bring the Egyptians into the fray. ISIS has one service they are providing the world at this stage, they are breaking apart the Iranian crescent by destroying Bashir al-Assad and breaking the direct link from Tehran through Baghdad on through Damascus and through to Beirut or Latakia, Baniyas, Sidon, Tartus, or Tyre and then out into the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. ISIS is a horrific and barbaric entity on the order of something like a Saddam Hussein who gassed thousands of his own countrymen. Saddam Hussein rivaled Hafez al-Assad, the man who had murdered more Syrian people than any enemy until his son, Bashir al-Assad, became what appears to be the last president who may have set the bar to such a height for percentage of one’s nation either murdered, rendered without shelter, made into refugees, fled the nation or been imprisoned or simply disappeared without a trace. For the sake of the Western World it would be to their advantage for ISIS to engage fully with Iran preventing them the peaceful times which would allow them to pursue their nuclear weapons program to its completion including the ICBM missiles which could easily reach anywhere on earth. Maybe it is the fate of ISIS to foil the plans and progresses of the Iranians as United States President evidently will not go so. So, once again we find that silver lining within one of our darkest of clouds. Still, how long will we live with a world where we have to rely on scoundrels to do the work of an elected charlatan?


Beyond the Cusp


April 22, 2015

Peace, Peace Yet There is no Peace

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,Absolutism,Administration,Al Nusra Front,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab League,Arab Winter,Arab World,Ayatollah,Ayatollah Khamenei,Ayatollah Khomenei,Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,Ayatollahs,Bible,Borders,Boycott,Breakout Point,Britain,British Mandate,Bulgaria,Burgas,Calaphate,Canada,Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper,Children of G0d,China,Chosen People,Commandments,Conflict Avoidnce,Court Order,Covenant,Coverup,Dhimmi,Domestic NGOs,Egypt,Equality of Mankind,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Framework,France,Gamal Abdel Nasser,Germany,Government,Great Britain,Green Line,Hamas,Hamas Charter,History,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Iran,Iranian Pressure,Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps,Iraq,Iraqi Military,IRGC,Islam,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Interests,Japan,Jihad,Jordan,Jordan River,Jordanian Army,Jordanian Pressure,Judea,Judean Hills,King David,Land for Peace,Lebanese Army,Leftist Pressures,Light unto the Nations,Mainstream Media,Meaning of Peace,Media,Media Bias,Middle East,Military,Military Intervention,Mohammad Javad Zarif,Mohammed,Murder Israelis,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Non Binding Resolution,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Sites,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons,P5+1,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,Pharaoh,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,President Sisi,Promised Land,Quran,Resolution,Russia,San Remo Conference,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Security,Settlements,Sharia,Shiite,Sunni,Syria,Syrian Military,Taqiyya,Terror,Tube Terror Bombing,Twelvers,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States Pressure,Uranium Enrichment,Weapons of Mass Destruction,WMD,World Opinion,World Pressures,World Without Zionism or America,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:13 AM
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The latest effort in the news is New Zealand who claims they will start an effort which will end the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Their premise that the base of the problem is the formation of a Palestinian State with established borders ignores one very simple problem, the Palestinian do not desire a two state solution, they demand a one state solution with no Israel. Their desire is an Arab Palestine without a single Jew left alive between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. They have gotten bolder of late and freely claimed their desire for that solution completely assured that the media will not report their spokespersons making such statements because it does not fit the world’s narrative which blames Israel for the lack of peace. Look back at every last single attempt to find a solution and show me where the Arabs have been pressed to make any sacrifice or effort towards accepting a solution. I can save you the pain and suffering of going through so many promises by outside powers claiming they only want to solve the problem. Every attempt to solve the problem has one assumption at its base, Israel just has to find the right borders for setting up the Palestinian State and everybody will live happily ever after. There is one huge obstacle to that solution, Abbas has repeatedly said the Arabs will not give up their quest to forcefully fight for all of their beloved nations and the Jews have been driven from its shores. Just in case you are still having difficulties understanding exactly what that means, let me put it the way Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser stated the Arab desire so succinctly and so precisely when he demanded the Arab forces would not stop until they “Would drive the Jews into the Sea.”


“Drive the Jews into the Sea.” That was the cry of the Mufti of Jerusalem in 1948 as his forces backed by the armies representing seven Arab nations, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and additional militias and troops from Yemen, Turkey, Sudan, and Libya which all came together along with military advisors volunteering their expertise and with no other war grabbing their attentions from Britain, Germany, France and Austria, yes, you read that correctly, Nazi officers and British officers working together to assist the Arab armies to destroy the nascent state of Israel. To put things right, the Israelis were fighting with whatever they could scrap together and on the kindness and extreme efforts of some helpful nations who sent military equipment with little promise they would ever receive payment as the Jews look like they were facing some severe odds, yet still Czechoslovakia sent artillery and armored vehicles along with rifles, machineguns and ammunition. An American Jew in the United States went and bought up all the leftover military hardware which was available in the United States and as he owned a company which made the huge transformers for electrical substations and that some manufacturers require, he attempted to send the outer shells of a transformer with the insides removed and filled instead with military equipment even to include a couple of tanks, armored transport vehicles, Jeeps, Rifles and ammunition until the unit weighed the same as if it had housed the real transformers and shipped them off to Israel from his home city of Baltimore. He knew the dock hands who loaded the ships and they challenged him that he had been shipping an awful lot of transformers to Israel and it is reputed that his answer was that the transformer were filled with military equipment and laughed and then told them Israel was replacing their entire electrical system and needed the transformers. This was his explanation he gave despite knowing quite well that the very same items he was shipping were against the United States government emplaced arms embargo on Israel immediately which was ordered after recognizing her as a nation thanks to the State Department. There were rumored shipments from France which probably had some validity considering that Baron Rothschild was once again back home in France. Somehow the Jewish forces of the Haganah, Irgun, Sternists and other paramilitary and forces considered to be terrorists under British rule and now were a part of the Israeli military preparing to take on an assault they were never supposed to win. In all fairness, there were a number of Arabs communities and extended families who fought alongside the Jews to preserve Israel and these were amongst the Arabs who were gladly accepted as citizens of the Jewish state immediately after the 1948-9 war which Israeli refer to as a war for independence.


In reality the initial war to destroy Israel was in some ways identical to every war as they are all fought for survival because every war Israel endures there is one potential outcome every Israeli must face, if Israel loses they will, in all probability, be killed as the forces sweep through the broken shell which had been protected by the IDF and lost allowing communities to be left unguarded as if Israel lost; they had fought to the last available person. Facing the guaranteed wholesale genocidal slaughter of the population should Israel ever be defeated on the battlefield is the motivation and realization as the consequence of failure for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) upon entering any battle. This is part of the reason that Israel having secure borders weighs so heavily when negotiating with the Arabs who demand their own nation cut from the nation promised for Israel and the Jews at San Remo and again unanimously voted into law by the League of Nations as a part of the Mandate Plans. The British Mandate lands had already been split with seventy-eight percent, the area between the Jordan River and the border established for Iraq while the small piece of land westward from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, the very sea the Arab armies of 1948-9 desired to push the Jews into as they cleansed the lands, all of that land was set aside for the Jewish State and not for two states living side by side with one side still trying to annihilate the other side as so many push for today.


That brings us back to the European Union imposing a ban on all goods coming from the reputed contested areas. In cases where a manufacturer might be employing banned items in his parts list or recipes, they too will face being boycotted thus, just to be on the safe side, they assure they employ only approved parts. Of course Israel can simply avoid such inconvenience by closing the factories beyond the Green Line and only build items inside the areas the Europeans feel comfortable with, at least for now. There would soon be raging Europeans demanding to know why all the Arabs employed at the factories lost their jobs when the factory was relocated within the Green Line and then demanding that the factory reemploy their former employees from the Arab areas and have then, at each factory’s expense, these former employees provided transportation to and from the new location. Then the Europeans would refuse to buy the products as the price would have become prohibitive due to the added costs of moving and providing rides and everything else.


New Zealand has claimed that they will see if they can find the route to restarting the peace process. They will likely try to find what the Israelis can provide Abbas and the Arabs in order to sit at a table and be insulted and demands made for Israel’s eventual destruction and then when nobody is able to convince the Israelis to sign onto a peace treaty which stipulated that the desires and needs of the Palestinian Arab people must remain sacred with all parties fully understanding that such a phrase guaranteed the continued terror attacks upon the Israelis despite the treaty and then the world will decide that maybe if Israel surrenders all of Jerusalem and all of the Negev then the Arab Palestinians will be satisfied. We all know that such would only lead to increased terrorist attacks and an eventual new peace process and a further retreat of the Jews and so on and so on until the Israelis really are living in rafts floating in the Mediterranean which is when the Arabs will demands that the Jews floating in their internationally recognized rights to the Sea be removed. The world will rush to grant them their darkest desires and the Jews will have their rafts towed to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and then left to drift only to be eventually towed again to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and yet they will still produce more than the Arabs living on the whole of what was Israel are capable of creating. One will have to wonder what reason the European Union and member nations will find to boycott anything made on half of the rafts as they too should be granted to the Arab Palestinians. This sounds ridiculous but is the end result if the world continues to leave the Arab Palestinians blameless for the lack of peace yet they are the party never satisfied which is why the world has literally run out of sacrifices Israel can give to be permitted to sit and be insulted and the end of the talks the Arabs will walk out or force Israel’s hand to refuse some ludicrous demand with the Arabs knowing full well that this final insane demand will be the first offering in order to lure them to the next round of who can demand the most out of Israel, the world or the Arabs.


That is the feeling in Israel as we know and you know and we each are aware of the other’s knowledge that the peace process is nothing more than an international effort to destroy Israel removing this Jewish entity that the world finds so repulsive an idea that it must be eradicated by any means possible. Much of the world sees the existence of the reestablishing of Ancient Israel and the return of Jewish sovereignty as the home of the Jews as an anathema as it contradicts every accepted norm of the world’s greatest defilement and racism, the helpless Jews always just that one step into the perilous direction and the immediate reflex has always been to blame the Jew, even if no Jews resided where the calamity was experienced, then it is the fault of the Jews for not coming to repair the world. Never mind that Israel is often the first on the scene of every disaster no matter where such occurs, Israel may be the only nation which has entire troops trained and ready at a moment’s notice to transport them and their necessary equipment across the globe to assist the stricken. Israel had the first working hospital fully stocked and equipment which the nation of Haiti after they suffered a devastating earthquake. They had delivered their first baby in the maternity ward which was across the field from triage area directing those victimized by nature in order to provide them the assistance necessary. Israel also had search teams trained for exactly this kind of emergency who brought equipment and dogs trained to find victims trapped in the rubble. The Israelis made a number of harrowing and dangerous rescues and even took a dancer, who had lost one leg, back to Israel in order to provide him with a top of the line prosthetic device and he returned to his career dancing like he never had dreamed was possible during the aftermath of the earthquake when he realized he was to lose one leg as it was beyond saving. George was in for a surprise, and we reported on George Exantus, a great dancer and dance performer, amongst a few other discussions which we spoke of in Why Doesn’t Israel Refute the Propaganda Against Her? which has a link to see a video of George performing with his new leg and except for his putting on his prosthesis one could not tell he was not fully functioned with never having lost one leg. If only the world would get to know Israel and her actual spirit and desires to aid all we are able and not have to suffer a disaster, earthquake in Haiti and others around the globe where Israel has been, tsunami, reactor failure as in Japan, and Israel was there as well, hurricane as in New Orleans or of any other calamity where Israel, it turns out, are amongst the first to arrive and provide assistance and often the last to leave making sure all are restored as best as can be expected and medical personnel have been trained to carry on the therapies. We could continue to a disaster in the Philippines where one team of Israelis went to aid a remote village only to find out they were the first aid workers or anyone else to visit their hamlet, let alone come to assist. Here too a child was named Israel in recognition of the generosity and actual caring assistance. Is it really necessary for the entire world to have faced an emergency and actually witnessed the caring heart of Israel extended to assist before understanding our desire to be the chosen to assist others and the chosen to be a light unto the nations during even the darkest of times?


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