Beyond the Cusp

November 14, 2016

Trump Transition, President Obama and Israel


Just as President elect Donald Trump and his transition team will need to formulate a Middle East and North Africa (MENA) policy approach, intent and set goals as part and parcel of an entirely Trump’s American view of the world and Israel too need prepare to work with the President elect and on into the Trump first one hundred days teams, both also will necessitate a joint approach in preventing or having the means of mitigating any further actions which President Obama may plan or execute which would further poison the waters and lands of the MENA neighborhood. Making sure that President Obama makes the transition to the Trump Presidency as smooth and trouble-free as is humanly possible, especially when it comes to foreign policies must be an emphasis made understood by the current White House team. Such a message need be backed by the majority leaders currently in place, and any future one if there is a change in the works, visibly by letter to whatever means is required, even going to the media with a demand to be part of any Obama moves in the greater arena of world politics, particularly at the United Nations. As far as Israel is concerned, they are not out of the woods yet but they can see the break in the trees and the fields and a return from exile ahead. Still, they are in the woods and dangers are always lurking even this close to having survived. This is why Israel need setup an interface with Transition Team Trump through which they can give Trump and his MENA advisors any intelligence required to fill in the gaps which may exist. This line of communication must also advise Trump and his Transition Team of any rumored moves which President Obama appears ready to make particularly when it comes to Israel directly. Further, Israel need be informed of exactly where a Trump Presidency sees Israel and to attempt to sway their positions to a more friendly and giving future by making them aware of what Israel would prefer to see vis-à-vis Israeli freedoms to act in the coming years.


All of this means that the leadership of Israel absolutely must get their act together fast and iron out their intents and expectation for a Trump White House and establish solid, direct and cordial relations with fast, easy and accurate communications between Jerusalem and Washington D. C. which will make as sure as possible that Jerusalem is in the loop and understands what may be expected from them to reach any and all mutual goals. This especially refers to the first hundred days committee who need understand any necessary requirements vis-à-vis Israel particularly such that these requirements are built into the MENA policies as a whole going forward. Still, Israel need be concerned right up until President Trump officially takes control over all White House functions. Donald Trump must be made aware that it is imperative that he name his expected Ambassador to the United Nations and to Israel and have each head the transition thus being able to advise concerning the expectations for no further damage be done anywhere on the globe by team Obama in their final two months. It would also be in the future’s favor as should be envisioned by Israeli leadership to communicate with President elect Trump exactly what Israel would like to include with action on the front lines such that there is a smooth and amiable relationship in actions and hopes going forward. This is the best time for Israel to act responsibly and with targeted goals set in their sites and actually to act to accomplish their stated goals. This will require Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to understand what an opportunity Hashem has placed before him. This is a sign that our prayers, those of Jews and Zionists around the world, have been answered and relief from the recent tyrannical acts which Israel and her friends have had to endure. This begs the question as to what are the greatest desires of the Zionist camp and how can these be best provided to Team Trump and be validated by the Israeli leadership. What is potentially sad is that arranging the participation and backing of such an agenda by the Israeli leadership will probably be the most difficult part of the path. Israeli leaders need to lead this new line of actions choosing carefully how to communicate and be heard in truth by the people with whom they are tasked to deal. The Israeli liaison team need be given an Israeli wish list for the first two-hundred day plan, if for no other reason than to indicate that Israel will not likely to be found sitting idly about and not ready and willing to press the frontiers of what is possible. Such is the onus upon Israeli leadership as there is not likely to come a more opportune time for realizing the Zionist dreams as a whole and complete Israel as originally promised in the Balfour Declaration and further ratified by the San Remo Conference, Treaty of Lausanne and set in stone by the, Treaty of Sèvres (see map below). Backed by these treaties and their affects upon established International Law and further confirmed applicable by Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, any Israeli team has sufficient backing to invalidate any claim for an independent Arab state further encroaching on lands promised the Zionists and set in stone by the entirety of world leadership as a whole.


Map Defining the Treaty of Sèvres and Mandate System

Map Defining the Treaty of Sèvres
and Mandate System


This time is the time when Israel not only needs but must act, imperatively so, and for what we Zionists were promised by a world set on restoring native homelands to their rightful owners who resided and had the reigning cultures present before Grecian, Roman, Byzantine and finally Islamic Jihadist Arabs denying and enslaving native populations taking what were then simply the spoils of conquest. The Ottoman Empire, the final form of the Caliphate, was to survive a million, two million, indefinitely into the future for all time expanding to impose Islamic law and rule over all the Earth was instead humbled and conquered by the Allied powers and thus was then capable of being returned to its indigenous owners or granted freedom to rule themselves. In the areas west of the Jordan River was an expanse of lands which remained uncultivated, devoid of irrigation and fresh water so sparsely populated that travelers wrote of the empty lands where people could ride for a day and meet but a few wandering people and perhaps a flock of goats, nothing more. Jerusalem was described as a ghost town except for its population of Jews who were ambitious sort unlike the others who appeared to depend on the kindnesses of the rare travelers for their fare which their outstretched hands appeared to demand. It was this barren and rocky landscape with the south consumed by the Negev Desert that the Jewish State was to be established while east of the Jordan under the rule of the Hashemite Dynasty the Arab State of Transjordan (today simply Jordan) many times the size was designed to be built. The proper time for the Israelis to finally and permanently claim all the lands promised them is now setting up everything as a part of the first hundred days. All that is actually required from President Trump is his recognition of Israeli claims and borders and to make good immediately on his pledge to move the United States Embassy to Jerusalem, even to western areas of Jerusalem though placing the United States Embassy to Israel in the Old City would carry significant meaning and be a very constructive move.


The main onus though, is upon the leadership of Israel. The requirement is for the leadership to, imagine this, lead. We understand that this is a new experience for them but it is of vital importance that this opportunity not only be grasped but ridden hard to forge everything which the Israeli people desire and to finally assure that all of Israel be made whole and under a singular governance. Anyone reading the Mandate System and the treaties mentioned above will immediately realize is all of these treaties and agreement include within them references or direct phrases demanding that the Jewish State protect and defend the property rights of those residing in the lands, the religious rights and grant these people a form of resident legalities which was to respect all their human rights but they were not necessarily to be granted political rights, they were not granted any right to self-rule in their own state or the right to vote in Israeli elections unless granted citizenship via whatever means the Jewish State would set. That understood, Israel could mitigate their not receiving a state of their own, could still set a semiautonomous region where the existing would be permitted local rule in each district but not permitted to partake in national elections until fully vetted and having passed a course preparing them for citizenship, and then each application would need to be given an interview and then be considered whether to grant them citizen status. Such an allowance for specific self-rule would be a first such arrangement for a newly established nation and Israel will also be within their rights to deport anybody who is tied to terrorist activities and disallow their reentry ever, period and end of that story. Whatever Israel believes is in their best and final interest is exactly what must now become the government’s reason d’etre. This is the time for action and not simply dreaming as this is that moment that those dreams can be realized.


Transition times have proven to be Israel’s time of misfortune in the past as the Islamic forces from the numerous and varied nation all demand that Israel be impeded and prevented from reaching any final deal in which Israel is permitted to continue as a Jewish state as their designs are for Israel to be subsumed by the Arabs who surround them. These nations operate under the concept that anywhere that an Arab or Muslim had trodden is and must forever remain a holy Islamic state where Arabs rule with absolute power and all non-Muslims reside as Dhimmi until the day when they will be demanded to convert or die, and both is not ruled out. This has been the demand actually made by the Arab Palestinians which is easily verifiable, just check the maps incorporated in their geography and history books and the truth becomes plainly evident (see images below). The means by which the Arab Muslims plan on destroying Israel can be divided between two approaches, direct and indirect. The direct approach is obvious, gain as much land as possible, increase terrorism and rocket firing and should Israel respond simply claim it would all end if Israel just return some area which is claimed to have been stolen. Repeat this and take Israel apart one piece at a time. The indirect method relies on inundating Israel with five to eight million so-called refugees of Apartheid. This claim of being dispossessed by Israel is as false as can be as over 90% of the refugees have never even seen Israel except on a map and certainly have never set foot on the lands they claim. Only, from amongst all the refugee populations of the world, is the status of refugee handed down generation to generation. Only the Arab refugees under UNRWA forbidden from taking on any other citizenship as they are to be denied peoplehood only if used to destroy Israeli democracy by inundating the tiny nation with sufficient refugees who will demand to vote Israel into an Arab state after which the Jews will need flee or be wiped from the face of the earth. That is the plan in a nutshell. What makes all of this so absurd is that the gest as well as the vast majority of these “Palestinian refugee camps” are located within areas under Hamas (Gaza City and other camps) rule or Palestinian Authority (PA) rule and many have relatives who reside within the towns in which the camp resides and the two sides of the family are kept separated just to destroy Israel. For this reason as their numbers grew from approximately six-hundred-fifty-thousand to seven-hundred-thousand refugees to today over five millions, a seven fold increase, these Arabs have been kept in camps which are actually apartment buildings very similar to those outside the camp with the main difference being the side of the barbed wire fencing they were built and the lack of opportunity for those within the barbed wire held there by Arab guards imprisoned by their fellow Arabs.


Palestinian Textbook Maps depicting Palestine as replacing Israel, not sharing the land in peace and security as the Europeans and the rest of the West insist to misrepresent


Meanwhile, the nearly eight-hundred-thousand Jews expelled from Arab lands and almost all came to Israel make up half the population and have played an intricate part in Making Israel all she is today. There is also an Arab population in Israel comprising approximately twenty percent who trace their parentage back to those Arabs who remained and chose to become Israelis rather than run and join the Mufti’s ill-fated army. These Arabs are full citizens, vote, worship, work, drive, play and live as they please. There are Israeli Arabs in the government both elected to the Knesset (Parliament) as well as working in the government offices. They are judges, physicians, lawyers, businesspeople, sheepherders, truck drivers, entrepreneurs, mayors, police, firefighters and serve in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) if they choose to enlist and are enlisted and officers alike. Some Arabs work for Jews and some employ Jews or are placed in management above Jew and Arab alike. To state it as plain as possible, the Arab citizens in Israel are every bit a part and accepted members of Israeli society and can be as much a member as they choose. When claims are made that the Palestinians have not voted in Israeli elections, there is a good reason, they are not Israelis and many could have chosen such but were instead caught and imprisoned by their Arab brothers under the orders of the Mufti of Jerusalem back in 1949. This was to be their punishment and new utilization in the destruction of the Jewish State. That is the final item which need be communicated to the Trump advisors and others, that the Arab-Israeli conflict is not about land, it is about whether Jews are to be permitted to rule themselves or even to live at all on this planet. The original PLO charter and the Hamas charter both called for the eradication of the Jews, not the Israeli Jews but the Jews just as Hitler had desired. Hitler very likely was given the “Final Solution” as the manner of dealing with the Jews by the Mufti of Jerusalem who resided in Berlin during World War II and was an invitee, at his own insistence, to the Wannsee Conference where the Final Solution was drawn up and approved. The Mufti is rumored to have demanded the Nazis assist with the extermination of the Jews in the Middle East so he could rule an area free of the Jew. The Mufti probably initiated the Jews being made to wear the yellow star which had been the practice of an early sultan during the first Caliphate. The idea that the Arabs learned their anti-Semitism from the Nazis and the Europeans themselves is ridiculous as the Arab hatred of the Jews started in Arabia and was best exemplified in the Battle of Khyber where an entire town was murdered with the only exceptions being birthing age women and the trainable aged youth and it was this battle which set anti-Semitism, the unnatural hatred of the Jews, as one of the added pillars of Islam which has lasted to the modern times. This is why the pro-Palestinian often chant, “Khaybar, Khaybar, ya yahud, jaish Muhammad sayud.” The threat of Khaybar is the threat of extermination, harkening back to Muhammad’s annihilation of an entire tribe of Jews, the Qurayzah.




And here from Hezballah who are a terror group operating out of Lebanon claiming that Israel is occupying part of Lebanon which they claim that the Galilee belongs to them, these are all lands south of the Armistice Line between Israel and Lebanon and the internationally recognized border between the two nations. Israel removed every last person from Lebanon over a decade past.



Beyond the Cusp


September 20, 2016

So You Really Hate Israel… Why?


There are two nations on this planet which have entire NGOs and groups who make their millions by hating them and running around screaming about everything they can find or think they know is evil about them. One is Israel and the other is the United States. Well, guess what. Both nations air their mistakes right out front for the world to feast upon if they so desire. They also both quietly go about helping save the world and not asking for anything much in return. Those who have benefited from this help often turn right around and speak evil about both of us and that is just fine because we know who we are. You want to hate Israel? We are not going to stop you, argue with you or apologize for our few problems. But maybe you should look at Israel, and if you hate the United States you better take a long hard look at them too. While you are seeking an honest answer, perhaps you should check yourself and those who have been feeding you this hatred because you will probably realize some problems with your information train. But if you want to hate Israel, go ahead because we can take it, we Jews have been the object of a general hatred for a few hundred years now, close to over thirty-hundred.


In case you are having difficulty with the math, allow us to help. Thirty-hundred is three-thousand, yes, three thousand years with most of that time our living right here in Eretz Yisroel. That is why Jews have another name less used these days but it is all over this bestselling book, the bible. We are also the Children of Israel. Why children? Well, that is an easy one. We are His children, Hashem, the Big Guy upstairs. Perhaps you’ve heard of Him. We are His children and will forever be His children and just like all children we make mistakes. We do try to learn from our mistakes but sometimes that is a difficult path. We really messed up badly a few times and paid a heavy price. Our first foray into being less than all we could be got us exiled to Babylonia, but rather quickly our Father forgave us and we returned here to Israel and built the Second Temple. For your information, that was around the time when Buddha, Confucius and a few other well-known fathers to some of the other great Earthly philosophies and religions were just starting out. That was nothing compared to our later mistake where too many of us turned to evil such as idolatry and hating one another. For that we paid an even dearer price. The Second Temple was destroyed and the majority of us spread all over the globe for almost two-thousand years. Our Father, oh, and your Father too, but you hopefully know that or have briefly forgotten about that, He finally allowed His displeasure to subside and we have been given another return home and we are hoping that enough of us can keep things real and on the straight and narrow. Two thousand years of basically being thrown out of your house and told to go stand in the corner is a tough lesson and we had better have learned our lesson.


What lesson? Well, to love one another and especially each and every member of our family and to help where and when and how we are able and to give of ourselves for the betterment of humankind and not to turn away from our Father and to pay Him His due. That may sound easy but it is not as people have been getting that one wrong seemingly forever but yet our Father still loves His children, not just us, but all of His children and that includes you. We hope we have learned a few things about truth and the ways of the universe and it is a lot more difficult to grasp or understand than many think. Yes, sure there are tons of nice formulae which describe everything and as the scientists discover more the more they realize they do not know and more recently they have figured out the BIG truth, they will never know all there is because there will be more and it will be beyond their ability to even see the whole picture, let alone figure it out. The real truth is we need to care for what we have and everything else will come in its time.


Israel and the United States share a few things. We are usually the first two nations to arrive when there is a natural disaster to assist and we often are the last to leave. We both send our physicians out into the world to teach procedures and other things which a few hundred years ago were considered witchcraft but today we know are simple facts used for the betterment of mankind. Israel and the United States are often the target of unfounded hatreds even from those we have assisted the most. We have treated freely many Palestinians and especially those their own hospitals do not have the equipment or know-how to treat. This has included relatives, close relatives including mothers, siblings, children and even those leaders themselves of both Hamas and the PLO. Why do we help our mortal enemies? They are not our enemies, they just are people who have erred into blind hatred; yet still parts of their reason allows them the ability to turn to that most hated people, the Jews of Israel, and seek us out when their own family is in the most dire place need of help. They turn to Israel knowing that despite their desire to murder all of us, we will help them when they are in need because they are also our fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters who are lost. Further, our Father tells us to assist those seeking our help, so we do so. It is that simple.


For your information, it is because we refuse to even hate our mortal enemies that they hate us even more. They see their failings and blame us and we do not fight back as that would be something our Father would not abide. We have an obligation to be as wonderful and helping in all cases to all our fellow human beings and not judge their rights and wrongs as that is not our place. We are His children and we must strive to be worthy of that name. We fail and fail far too often to worry about those false accusations as we need to live up to our expectations of ourselves and then go beyond that to His expectations of us. We will never be the perfect people Hashem desires of us but we will pick ourselves up off the floor every time we fail and try harder. That is what drives us and keeps us working at making ourselves and all we touch better. We are supposed to help and fix that which needs repair and leaving alone that which either is already good or that which refuses to be helped. When they then stop the hate long enough to beseech our aid, we give it freely because that is why we are here and why you are here.


That dictate, telling all of us about loving thy neighbor as thyself thing, we were first commanded to try and live up to that and we have stumbled. We still work on that principle and we will likely stumble some more, but we will continue to try. Treating the stranger amongst us kindly is also one of the commandments we try to live by. But let me tell you a few things we bet you have never heard about. First thing is the Arabs who are citizens of Israel are fully equal with the Jews. They vote, work as they please, live where they please and have every right to fair treatment as anyone else in Israel and some would claim that we are harder on our fellow Jews than any of the myriad of minorities residing in Israel, citizens or not. The Palestinians you demand so much for, rule themselves within our borders in semiautonomous zones. The reason they are semiautonomous is because we do not demand they raise armies and we would defend them from foreign attacks. They continue to reside here because the majority of the Palestinians would love for there to be peace but outside forces rule them and demand they never make peace. Look up the Khartoum Resolution and the resultant Three No’s and read why there is such a movement of hate against Israel. This conference, as you would read, came about after the Six Day War of 1967. The three no’s, just to save you reading all that Wikipedia propaganda, are “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” The Khartoum Conference was technically an emergency meeting of the Arab League called in order to end Israeli aggressions. Israeli aggression is defined by our Arab brothers and sisters officially as Israeli existence. The only solution acceptable is the complete and total destruction of Israel, and if truth be told, followed by the hunting down and murder of every Jews, practicing or not, everywhere. By the way, the leaders of this movement are also the people paying for your NGO through many long, convoluted and twisting channels as they desire to be hidden from view. They know that should their backing become common knowledge then they would not have as much backing as they have collected. Personally, I believe they might receive more backing if they went public, but it matters not.


Arab League Summit From left to right: King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Abdullah Sallal of Yemen, Sheikh Ahmad Sabah of Kuwait and Abd al-Rahman Arif of Iraq

Arab League Summit
From left to right: King Faisal of Saudi Arabia,
Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Abdullah Sallal of Yemen,
Sheikh Ahmad Sabah of Kuwait and Abd al-Rahman Arif of Iraq


Israel will continue and will seek peace even when doing so appears suicidal. We are commanded to offer those residing in our lands a choice of three options about their residing here. This was also what we offered the Canaanites when we entered here from Egypt, and we know there are historians who claim we never were in Egypt and that is their right to believe as they choose. They were told they could remain and live in peace as long as they observed the Noahic Code, or they could depart over our borders and we would not pursue or harm them without due cause, or they could choose to war with us at which time we would defeat them and destroy every last vestige that they existed, their people, cities, cattle, crops, idols (definitely their idols) and lastly anything else we could find. Many of the Canaanites chose the war option but there were a minority which chose leave or live with us and observe the seven Noahic Laws (see below). The Noahic Code is given in the bible and has also become known as the Divine Code which also has a nice ring to it. Yes, the Noahic Code is also part of the Ten Commandments but is not all ten, it is seven on which a right and decent society must be built or it will fail. The Palestinians claimed they would abide by the Noahic Code but some insist on trying to kill us. As long as one tries to kill us, we will answer them in kind. If they wish peace then we will give peace for peace. It really is that simple, peace for peace, threat for threat, death for death, war for war, eye for an eye and life for a life, it sounds almost Biblical, doesn’t it.


Noahic Codes

Noahic Codes


Let us conclude our little conversation and ask a simple favor, if we may. Visit Israel and realize that despite the attractive life in Tel Aviv, that is not our best and finest, just the wealthiest. But then the major cities in the United States is not representative of the heart of America, it is just where the wealth resides. The measure of a person and a nation are similar, gold does not make them necessarily right, it just makes them wealthy and able to be heard louder. Loud does not equal right just quiet also does not impart automatic justness as often whispers are the most devious of all lies as they carry the shroud of being long kept secrets. Often the whispers and the person screaming in the town square are repeating the same oft told lies which many are centuries old. Hatred of the Jews is amongst those ancient hatreds and we were warned that in every generation one would rise to destroy us and unfortunately it has often not been just a single one but often a multitude with numerous leaders and prophets. The Nazis did not act completely alone as some nations have admitted and others still remain unrepentant. Neither did the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Philistines, Nazis, Stalinists, Czars, British, French, Spanish (Inquisition), Ottomans, Assyrians, Persians (Haman the Amalekites, descendant of King Agag), Amorites and now the Islamists. Many of these listed were our friends and turned against us or were our enemies and made eventual peace with us.


But do something easy and spend a couple of weeks visiting Israel and travel to the far corners and walk the fields, enjoy the fruits of the land and get to know the people, Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Baha’I, Buddhists, Hindus and the other myriads of people as well. If you prefer take that vacation in Haiti and ask of the Israelis there, or the Philippines, Japan where the quake and tsunami hit worst, or even New Orleans from the hurricane or the parts of Louisiana recently flooded and you will hear that the Israelis came and assisted. As a matter of fact, Israel is one of only a few nations which offers assistance to the United States and does not simply believe they can handle it alone; they do not need or want our help. We know that would be a lie and is simply a reason for not assisting and we take assisting our fellow man in need and try to help whenever we are permitted, even if that means deception about the aid given coming from Israel as the Save a Child’s Heart (SACH) foundation does regularly when a child from an Arab and/or Muslim nation which refuses to recognize Israel and would torture or murder the family if it were known they received our help. These special cases are handled discreetly and they are flown to a neutral nation and brought to Israel on El Al or private airlines and their travel documents never show any reference to Israel as we are helping and not in the business of burdening people who have suffered the pains of a deathly ill child and the only true assistance being theoretically out of reach due to unseemly hatreds.


Before you continue with the next Apartheid Israel demonstration or give the Palestinians their own country or whatever the next “thing” protesting Israel, seek a little truth, check out those claims you have been fed, realize there is a silent, quiet, underlying lie in the slanders and a kernel of truth out there if only you seek it. We cannot simply yell from the bell tower as we have limited funds which can be better used helping people, other people who really need the help, than using the money to fight the lies. The lies are backed by some of the richest oil wealth nations whose people often reside in poverty and whose education system indoctrinates, not teach. We could never scream louder than the paid adversaries receiving their ill given hate funding from people who would line every Jew on the planet up and slaughter them ISIS (Islamic State, Daesh or ISIL as President Obama prefers to call them) style and would probably do as did the Nazis and record it for posterity. We would rather save lives whenever possible and that is the reality. Israel has saved more Arabs, children and adults, than we have killed in our defense of our nation and wish that we could only save lives and never be in the position of having to take them. But that probably remains for you to find out for yourself, and we invite you to do so. For the rest who already know and appreciate these facts, we would like to give you our heartfelt thanks for your support at any level or effort. Even your smile towards us is sufficient recognition, thank you.


Beyond the Cusp


April 14, 2016

One Shot Out of Four is All We’ve Got


Europe appears to be hell-bent on committing suicide and not exactly taking the slow road about it. The introduction was all Angela Merkel with her promise to have room to absorb 800,000 Syrian refugees a year for the foreseeable future. The invitation appeared to reach a few more than the planned 800,000 and apparently somewhere towards three or four times as her presumed limit. The response was so monumental that every European country could have been a new home to their own half a million and some received that gratis before they could act to close their borders. A few countries saw sanity and kept their borders closed except for those on a train passing straight through without even stopping for a break and a brew. Now Europe in many parts is experiencing the pleasures of refugees running wild, and it is not a reality show title but the reality running loose on their streets. New Year’s Eve celebrations had some extra and unwanted gusto especially for any native women venturing out anywhere, especially the central train stations in any city, sizeable or quaintly small. There are many looking to the United States hoping that the electorate will realize the threats now straining the bounds of civility poised to dissolve all sanity along with all the Western World’s graciousness. The threat is impolite, boorish and horrifically violent. But the American public appears to be enamored with electing a high school senior class president than a leader of the democratic, free, liberal Western World.


There were seventeen Republican candidates and four Democrat candidates well into the campaign and we are now down to four apparent survivors and three of the four would be just as Americentric as President Obama has been with a similar isolationist policy outlook. Their presidential outlook would stop at the border and would only differ in their treatment of the southern border with Mexico where one promises to build a wall while the others would install an easy access walkthrough with neon lights claiming open for business. The only one who understands the threats facing our world and the distinct possibility of a new dark ages shrouding any further scientific advancement ending the hopes for a bright future with promise of medical miracles and exploration reaching out and taking the first baby steps into the cosmos all hanging by a thin thread which requires our constant vigilance and protection, our constant mending and reinforcement; otherwise it breaks and we plunge back into the darkness of suspicions and loss of curiosity. That begs the question of what are the possibilities that civilization which prizes curiosity and ventures into the unknown always striving to find the next challenge and then meeting it with inventiveness and spirit constantly striving to know more, to understand why, how and sometimes even what might be the next discovery, the next level to strive and reach beyond what the last generation accomplished. That is what hangs threatened and with it the hope for cures for diseases, crop yields and fresh water derived from land now unusable and water unpotable, new energy generation which is green, plentiful and affordable. The world of machines with artificial intelligence and automation replacing tedious jobs freeing mankind to chase dreams and pursue that which was beyond belief just a few decades back. What is at stake is whether we will continue to strive for new technical heights and progress matching or exceeding that which took us from Kitty Hawk and a flight of 12 seconds and 120 feet to the moon in 66 years. Where will man be when the next sixty-six years has passed and it is 2035? Will we be reaching Mars and have built a space station with space dock for building the next generation of space travel built in space purely for space and have a moon base with monitoring telescopes of every variation taking advantage of the lack of interfering atmosphere? Will we be chasing a thousand dreams or will we be locked in an eternal conflict pitting one against his brother where no one wins and society and advancement are the biggest losers? Where do we wish to go with the future? That is the only question which should be on the minds of every voter in the United States, Europe and the entirety of the advanced industrial and information world as there truly are clouds on the horizon and that horizon is falling closer and closer and in some places it seems to have arrived bringing the threat of an eternal darkness. We have choices. They neither are not necessarily pleasant choices nor are they easy choices. Nobody enjoys even discussing the choices but we have been here before and we had better not make the same mistakes again as the consequences are far more dire this time around the merry-go-round.



One in Four Knows the Score For if Wrong you Choose Your Freedom You Lose

One in Four
Knows the Score
For if Wrong you Choose
Your Freedom You Lose



Every election which comes will be the choice and we need to choose studiously and with great caution. The last time we faced such a threat it was from amongst our own house and we almost threw away our last hope. We cannot afford to make such a mistake again as the weapons of war have changed and even an intelligent high school science whiz-kid is capable of building an atomic bomb for his science fair project. Such a bomb would be clumsy, large, and require a cement truck to carry it making it undeliverable, but such could still be driven in said cement truck to its target. We played games and pretended that it is beyond the scientific and industrial ability for North Korea to produce a deliverable weapon and we now realize how wrong we were as they are capable of placing a device on a medium range ballistic missile and striking anywhere in Japan, South Korea, China, Hawaii, Australia or anyplace within that radius and within a few years that missile will be an ICBM capable of reaching anywhere on the planet with a thermonuclear warhead. We are pretending currently that Iran is thus limited and that is a pipe dream which could be turned into a nightmare at any time. The reality is that these countries have scientists just as capable as any in the free world as they attended the same universities often at our expense as a matter of if we allow them scientific advancement they would be less likely to wage war. What if we were sorely mistaken? After all, we allowed North Korea to advance and produce such weapons and the means to deliver them very soon to anyplace on the planet, likely they already are capable of such. While we are listing nations in some of the trouble prone areas known to have nuclear weapons we can add Israel, Pakistan and India to the list. These are in addition to the United States, France, Britain, Russia, China and with the technical knowledge we can add Japan, Canada, Taiwan and likely quite a few more if they felt a pressing need. All in all the world is armed to the brink of turning much of the planet into a smelting pot of smoking ruins incapable of supporting much if any life, let alone human life. The world has never been closer to the theme of the movie On the Beach as it is today and the one guarantee is each day places that alternative that much closer. Where nuclear disarmament is a wonderful idea and would be a great stride towards a safer world, until there is a surefire method of assuring complete compliance worldwide it is just that, a nice dream.


The time is approaching where we begin to be on the wrong side of the warning given by Winston Churchill when he explained the choice fast approaching his England and the free world of the 1930s, the same world which relegated him to obscurity as they called him an old fool and a war monger and then turned to him to save them when they realized almost too late the monster they had allowed the time needed to become all but unstoppable. We should heed that warning as well as Winston Churchill stated to his peers saying,


Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.


My driving question is where is and who can be our Winston Churchill as we need to find that individual before it is too late. Reviewing the leaders of our carious nations and there are a few candidates but none who possess the full range of guts, intellect, eloquence, command of language and that spark necessary to lead into the teeth of adversity with steadfastness and audacity all while bringing forth the nest from others elevating all in their midst. The combination required comes around only once a century and I pray it is not so soon that Winston Churchill was that person for our time as well. One need remember that he warned of Hitler when none cared to listen, he warned of communism and coined the phrase Iron Curtain which he said had fallen over half of Europe and opposed FDR and the virtual surrender to Stalin but bowed to necessity of a second front and he warned of another dehumanizing catharsis which took on the disguise of a religion. Perhaps he was the man for our season as well and we will have to take his guidance and fight for his memory and allow his words to steel our nerves for the storm that approaches. There is a storm brewing on the horizon and we can only hope there will be sunlight when we reach the other side.


Beyond the Cusp


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