Beyond the Cusp

September 26, 2016

When Hatreds Blind the World


The interesting thing about Mahmoud Abbas’s string of lies was that the media referred to it as a monumental speech which set straight the record and framed the problems which are still perplexing the Palestinian and Israeli sides and defined what is needed from Israel in cooperation instead of contention and hindrance to solve this problem once and for all. Let us start with the first lie and leave it there as if one wishes to suffer their minds, they can read it here, as he began with claiming Israel was defiling the al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount. Let us show you a series of pictures of how the Arab Palestinians are utilizing the al-Aqsa Mosque and you decide who the defiler is. Personally, we believe if one uses a religious building to store rocks, two-by-fours and other instruments for rioting and assaulting people they are defiling the place of worship, not the people targeted by these thugs.


Scene inside Muslim revered holy site the al Aqsa Mosque desecrated and reduced to an ammunition and safe attack rally point after finally secured and doors closed guarded by Police ending daily rioting

Scene inside Muslim revered holy site the al Aqsa Mosque desecrated and reduced to an ammunition and safe attack rally point after finally secured and doors closed guarded by Police ending daily rioting


 al-Aqsa Mosque Rock Pile for Rioting

al-Aqsa Mosque Rock Pile for Rioting


Al-Aqsa Mosque Rock Pile and Lumber for Throwing and Making Clubs for Rioting

Al-Aqsa Mosque Rock Pile and Lumber
for Throwing and Making Clubs for Rioting


Al-Aqsa Mosque Lumber for Making Clubs as More Arrive for Daily Rioting

Al-Aqsa Mosque Lumber for Making Clubs
as More Arrive for Daily Rioting


Al-Aqsa Mosque Rioting Pushed Back and Police About to Breach Mosque For Which They Will be Chastised for Entering Ending Rioting Arab Youths

Al-Aqsa Mosque Rioting Pushed Back
and Police About to Breach Mosque
For Which They Will be Chastised for
Entering Ending Rioting Arab Youths


But desecration of their own al-Aqsa Mosque is far from the only desecrations attributable to the Palestinians. They also love to destroy the Jewish holy sites within their territories especially Joseph’s Tomb, Kever Yoseph, in Hevron. These pictures below are from several times when the tomb was set afire and the last is a montage of Jews praying at Joseph’s Tomb after they spent hours reconstructing the holy site. It was set lite the very next night as a holy Jewish site was considered an anathema which must be rectified and cleansed with fire, thus the constant burning of Joseph’s Tomb by Arab Palestinians.


Joseph’s Tomb Burning in the Night While Religious Jews and Sympathizing Humans Are Outraged at their Act Allowed to be the Status Quo

Joseph’s Tomb Burning in the Night While Religious Jews and Sympathizing Humans Are Outraged at their Act Allowed to be the Status Quo


Kever Yoseph or Joseph's Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless

Kever Yoseph or Joseph’s Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless


Prayers offerred at Kever Yoseph


Six frames depicting the destructions, discovery of damage, finishing rebuilding, prayers and an endearing good-bye, or perhaps with luck til next time


When the Jordanians gained control over Judea, Samaria and the eastern parts of Jerusalem, they destroyed and desecrated Jewish graves and holy sites as well as cemeteries using the grave markers for building latrines and as paving stones expressly so they would be walked on thus disgracing them daily. Every Synagogue was either destroyed or defaced before being used in some manner which heaped disgrace and defilement upon the building. Now the world wishes for Israel to return these very same holy sites, buildings and cemeteries over to Palestinian rule which will immediately destroy, deface and defile these wonderfully restored places anew. One of the main truths ignored by the world is that only under Israeli rule has Jerusalem been open to all religions for prayer and all religious building been respected and allowed to be restored or repaired including not solely Jewish holy sites but also Christian, Islamic and if we include all of the lands under Israeli control we can include Baha’I which have holy sites within Israel while their religion is denied freedoms in Iran where the religion originated. Israel has never claimed to own the Christian sites on the Temple Mount or in Bethlehem or elsewhere in Israel as Arab Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has done concerning the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the video below.



Let us get back to Abbas’s speech. He asks rhetorically “Does Israel want one state?”


We will give it as disrespectful, but more honest, an answer than was the question. Yes, Israel wants one state and we understand you desire the Jews to have no state whatsoever and for Israel to be erased and Palestine put in its place on the graves of the over six million Jews and the Christians, Baha’I, Buddhists, Hindus and followers of any religion other than Islam. We refuse to allow our throats to be cut by you or anyone else as we have returned to our nation and reestablished our state and see your claims as hollow as your homeland is in the Arabia Peninsula. That is your homeland and the world is aware of this but is willing to sacrifice Israel for an additional five minutes of peace while you and the Islamic world celebrates the victory. After that the world will receive your next demand, probably for the return of Andalusia and all of a sudden Madrid will become the third holiest city in all Islam as you will have Jerusalem and will ignore it and likely return to using the Dome of the Rock as a dumping site as the pretentions will no longer need to be kept up. Fortunately we are not about to roll over and die just for your amusement and we will prevail which will possibly save the world by granting them sufficient time to come to their senses.


Abbas was full of question and the next was, “So, who then is perpetrating ethnic cleansing?”


Well, that one is a nice softball slow pitch like the kind given the favorite son running for reelection in the United States. The ethnic cleansing is being done by your fellow Muslims and you would be doing so as well should you manage to gain the assistance of the rest of the world in disarming the Jews in Israel. Let us look at the news around the world. The Yazidis were being annihilated with their women being raped until they became unresponsive which killed the fun if they did not fight so the real men could punch and force their submission, then they were shot or killed through torture or by some other means which might further amuse the ISIS troops. There have been the rapes in Germany, Britain, France and elsewhere which took in the refugees and other Muslims who were refused by Saudi Arabia and almost every other Islamic nation, perhaps they knew something the West will need to learn the hard way. The West is learning though the leftist leadership refuses to admit to there being any problem. But talking about ethnic cleansing, how about the cleansing of the Jews throughout the Islamic empire across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) or the Christians of Bethlehem or Lebanon or the Kurds who, fortunately for them, fought back quite successfully or the cleansing by Sunni of Shiite or Shiites of Sunnis? When it comes to ethnic cleansing the Muslims are equal opportunity killers.


Reading or listening to what Abbas said, implied, intimated or simply left as presumably understood one will realize that he is demanding that Palestine be built on the graves of all Israel. He claims Beersheba, the entire Negev, the Galilee, Jerusalem, Hevron, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Akko and all of Israel which the Jews occupied from 1948, or simply since the founding of Israel it was all occupied lands. He also claimed that all International Law supports the founding of Palestine on all of its historic lands. He is mixing apples and oranges as he claims the entirety of the British Mandate for Palestine should be Palestine. One need wonder if Jordan is aware of this which we bet after the attempted coup to overthrow the King and Parliament of Jordan during the black September attacks that they know the Palestinians are likely to go after them after Israel. So, Israel is saving Jordan as well. How absolutely magnanimous! Israel is just so kind to care for their neighbor.


The influx of Muslim refugees to the West is apparently exporting numerous Islamists who are already attacking using terrorist tactics. There are also the rape squads which Angela Merkel attempted to play down when they used the New Year’s celebrations as their own personal hunting fields molesting women at choke points such as subway, train and other public transportation stations where they could easily trap women on their way to celebrations. Initially the police refused to report on the problem and in many cases attempted to talk the women out of filing reports. The media played along ignoring the problem until it became obvious that there had been mass numbers of attacks. Paris has felt the Islamic rage numerous times since the beginning of the importing of refugees from across MENA. Recently there have been numerous attacks by Muslims across the United States though the authorities do everything in their power to cover up the links the perpetrators have with Islam. These attacks are saddening to anyone who believes that Western society had brought into the world civility and progress to a better life and established a moral society despite the apparent abuses of the freedoms by some at the margins. Rights were enjoyed by people from disparate backgrounds and all religions were protected and granted free exercise. Even people choosing no religion were protected and permitted their belief in something other than one of the traditional religions allowing for agnostics and atheists. Sure these freedoms also permitted some relations which were discouraged or forbidden by most religions but these people were granted the identical freedoms to live as they chose without fear of persecution.


There was progress made on numerous human fronts where a more humane world was the result. Slavery was abolished. Women were recognized as equals to men in virtually all manner and professions. Sexual orientation is no longer a taboo which could have a person ostracized from society because of not being part of the majority. Minorities became protected under the law and all were granted the right to vote, run for office, own property, work in any civilian profession, live wherever they pleased, given equal access to loans, equal consideration for credit and an almost endless list of rights and freedoms. These freedoms are now being used to subvert those very freedoms and replace the liberal and open societies with Sharia where a woman is restricted to half that of a man; a woman must belong to a man in some manner be it wife, daughter, sister or concubine; women must wear concealing clothing which depersonalizes them; religion is restricted to only Islam; and democracy is an anathema. The Western world is inviting into their house a disruption which will awaken them from their slumber; and if the world is to have any hope of remaining free and survive, we must hope that once more the immortal words attributed to Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto when he learned that Pearl Harbor was bombed hours before the Declaration of war was presented in Washington D.C. come true in our day, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” Wake up America, the world needs you now. We will know soon if the United States can be awakened in time, or late as even late they can pull the world out of this predicament it doesn’t even realize has stricken them. Leaving this job to just Israel might be asking a bit much, we have held on this long, can we get a little credit here?


Beyond the Cusp


September 20, 2016

So You Really Hate Israel… Why?


There are two nations on this planet which have entire NGOs and groups who make their millions by hating them and running around screaming about everything they can find or think they know is evil about them. One is Israel and the other is the United States. Well, guess what. Both nations air their mistakes right out front for the world to feast upon if they so desire. They also both quietly go about helping save the world and not asking for anything much in return. Those who have benefited from this help often turn right around and speak evil about both of us and that is just fine because we know who we are. You want to hate Israel? We are not going to stop you, argue with you or apologize for our few problems. But maybe you should look at Israel, and if you hate the United States you better take a long hard look at them too. While you are seeking an honest answer, perhaps you should check yourself and those who have been feeding you this hatred because you will probably realize some problems with your information train. But if you want to hate Israel, go ahead because we can take it, we Jews have been the object of a general hatred for a few hundred years now, close to over thirty-hundred.


In case you are having difficulty with the math, allow us to help. Thirty-hundred is three-thousand, yes, three thousand years with most of that time our living right here in Eretz Yisroel. That is why Jews have another name less used these days but it is all over this bestselling book, the bible. We are also the Children of Israel. Why children? Well, that is an easy one. We are His children, Hashem, the Big Guy upstairs. Perhaps you’ve heard of Him. We are His children and will forever be His children and just like all children we make mistakes. We do try to learn from our mistakes but sometimes that is a difficult path. We really messed up badly a few times and paid a heavy price. Our first foray into being less than all we could be got us exiled to Babylonia, but rather quickly our Father forgave us and we returned here to Israel and built the Second Temple. For your information, that was around the time when Buddha, Confucius and a few other well-known fathers to some of the other great Earthly philosophies and religions were just starting out. That was nothing compared to our later mistake where too many of us turned to evil such as idolatry and hating one another. For that we paid an even dearer price. The Second Temple was destroyed and the majority of us spread all over the globe for almost two-thousand years. Our Father, oh, and your Father too, but you hopefully know that or have briefly forgotten about that, He finally allowed His displeasure to subside and we have been given another return home and we are hoping that enough of us can keep things real and on the straight and narrow. Two thousand years of basically being thrown out of your house and told to go stand in the corner is a tough lesson and we had better have learned our lesson.


What lesson? Well, to love one another and especially each and every member of our family and to help where and when and how we are able and to give of ourselves for the betterment of humankind and not to turn away from our Father and to pay Him His due. That may sound easy but it is not as people have been getting that one wrong seemingly forever but yet our Father still loves His children, not just us, but all of His children and that includes you. We hope we have learned a few things about truth and the ways of the universe and it is a lot more difficult to grasp or understand than many think. Yes, sure there are tons of nice formulae which describe everything and as the scientists discover more the more they realize they do not know and more recently they have figured out the BIG truth, they will never know all there is because there will be more and it will be beyond their ability to even see the whole picture, let alone figure it out. The real truth is we need to care for what we have and everything else will come in its time.


Israel and the United States share a few things. We are usually the first two nations to arrive when there is a natural disaster to assist and we often are the last to leave. We both send our physicians out into the world to teach procedures and other things which a few hundred years ago were considered witchcraft but today we know are simple facts used for the betterment of mankind. Israel and the United States are often the target of unfounded hatreds even from those we have assisted the most. We have treated freely many Palestinians and especially those their own hospitals do not have the equipment or know-how to treat. This has included relatives, close relatives including mothers, siblings, children and even those leaders themselves of both Hamas and the PLO. Why do we help our mortal enemies? They are not our enemies, they just are people who have erred into blind hatred; yet still parts of their reason allows them the ability to turn to that most hated people, the Jews of Israel, and seek us out when their own family is in the most dire place need of help. They turn to Israel knowing that despite their desire to murder all of us, we will help them when they are in need because they are also our fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters who are lost. Further, our Father tells us to assist those seeking our help, so we do so. It is that simple.


For your information, it is because we refuse to even hate our mortal enemies that they hate us even more. They see their failings and blame us and we do not fight back as that would be something our Father would not abide. We have an obligation to be as wonderful and helping in all cases to all our fellow human beings and not judge their rights and wrongs as that is not our place. We are His children and we must strive to be worthy of that name. We fail and fail far too often to worry about those false accusations as we need to live up to our expectations of ourselves and then go beyond that to His expectations of us. We will never be the perfect people Hashem desires of us but we will pick ourselves up off the floor every time we fail and try harder. That is what drives us and keeps us working at making ourselves and all we touch better. We are supposed to help and fix that which needs repair and leaving alone that which either is already good or that which refuses to be helped. When they then stop the hate long enough to beseech our aid, we give it freely because that is why we are here and why you are here.


That dictate, telling all of us about loving thy neighbor as thyself thing, we were first commanded to try and live up to that and we have stumbled. We still work on that principle and we will likely stumble some more, but we will continue to try. Treating the stranger amongst us kindly is also one of the commandments we try to live by. But let me tell you a few things we bet you have never heard about. First thing is the Arabs who are citizens of Israel are fully equal with the Jews. They vote, work as they please, live where they please and have every right to fair treatment as anyone else in Israel and some would claim that we are harder on our fellow Jews than any of the myriad of minorities residing in Israel, citizens or not. The Palestinians you demand so much for, rule themselves within our borders in semiautonomous zones. The reason they are semiautonomous is because we do not demand they raise armies and we would defend them from foreign attacks. They continue to reside here because the majority of the Palestinians would love for there to be peace but outside forces rule them and demand they never make peace. Look up the Khartoum Resolution and the resultant Three No’s and read why there is such a movement of hate against Israel. This conference, as you would read, came about after the Six Day War of 1967. The three no’s, just to save you reading all that Wikipedia propaganda, are “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” The Khartoum Conference was technically an emergency meeting of the Arab League called in order to end Israeli aggressions. Israeli aggression is defined by our Arab brothers and sisters officially as Israeli existence. The only solution acceptable is the complete and total destruction of Israel, and if truth be told, followed by the hunting down and murder of every Jews, practicing or not, everywhere. By the way, the leaders of this movement are also the people paying for your NGO through many long, convoluted and twisting channels as they desire to be hidden from view. They know that should their backing become common knowledge then they would not have as much backing as they have collected. Personally, I believe they might receive more backing if they went public, but it matters not.


Arab League Summit From left to right: King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Abdullah Sallal of Yemen, Sheikh Ahmad Sabah of Kuwait and Abd al-Rahman Arif of Iraq

Arab League Summit
From left to right: King Faisal of Saudi Arabia,
Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Abdullah Sallal of Yemen,
Sheikh Ahmad Sabah of Kuwait and Abd al-Rahman Arif of Iraq


Israel will continue and will seek peace even when doing so appears suicidal. We are commanded to offer those residing in our lands a choice of three options about their residing here. This was also what we offered the Canaanites when we entered here from Egypt, and we know there are historians who claim we never were in Egypt and that is their right to believe as they choose. They were told they could remain and live in peace as long as they observed the Noahic Code, or they could depart over our borders and we would not pursue or harm them without due cause, or they could choose to war with us at which time we would defeat them and destroy every last vestige that they existed, their people, cities, cattle, crops, idols (definitely their idols) and lastly anything else we could find. Many of the Canaanites chose the war option but there were a minority which chose leave or live with us and observe the seven Noahic Laws (see below). The Noahic Code is given in the bible and has also become known as the Divine Code which also has a nice ring to it. Yes, the Noahic Code is also part of the Ten Commandments but is not all ten, it is seven on which a right and decent society must be built or it will fail. The Palestinians claimed they would abide by the Noahic Code but some insist on trying to kill us. As long as one tries to kill us, we will answer them in kind. If they wish peace then we will give peace for peace. It really is that simple, peace for peace, threat for threat, death for death, war for war, eye for an eye and life for a life, it sounds almost Biblical, doesn’t it.


Noahic Codes

Noahic Codes


Let us conclude our little conversation and ask a simple favor, if we may. Visit Israel and realize that despite the attractive life in Tel Aviv, that is not our best and finest, just the wealthiest. But then the major cities in the United States is not representative of the heart of America, it is just where the wealth resides. The measure of a person and a nation are similar, gold does not make them necessarily right, it just makes them wealthy and able to be heard louder. Loud does not equal right just quiet also does not impart automatic justness as often whispers are the most devious of all lies as they carry the shroud of being long kept secrets. Often the whispers and the person screaming in the town square are repeating the same oft told lies which many are centuries old. Hatred of the Jews is amongst those ancient hatreds and we were warned that in every generation one would rise to destroy us and unfortunately it has often not been just a single one but often a multitude with numerous leaders and prophets. The Nazis did not act completely alone as some nations have admitted and others still remain unrepentant. Neither did the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Philistines, Nazis, Stalinists, Czars, British, French, Spanish (Inquisition), Ottomans, Assyrians, Persians (Haman the Amalekites, descendant of King Agag), Amorites and now the Islamists. Many of these listed were our friends and turned against us or were our enemies and made eventual peace with us.


But do something easy and spend a couple of weeks visiting Israel and travel to the far corners and walk the fields, enjoy the fruits of the land and get to know the people, Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Baha’I, Buddhists, Hindus and the other myriads of people as well. If you prefer take that vacation in Haiti and ask of the Israelis there, or the Philippines, Japan where the quake and tsunami hit worst, or even New Orleans from the hurricane or the parts of Louisiana recently flooded and you will hear that the Israelis came and assisted. As a matter of fact, Israel is one of only a few nations which offers assistance to the United States and does not simply believe they can handle it alone; they do not need or want our help. We know that would be a lie and is simply a reason for not assisting and we take assisting our fellow man in need and try to help whenever we are permitted, even if that means deception about the aid given coming from Israel as the Save a Child’s Heart (SACH) foundation does regularly when a child from an Arab and/or Muslim nation which refuses to recognize Israel and would torture or murder the family if it were known they received our help. These special cases are handled discreetly and they are flown to a neutral nation and brought to Israel on El Al or private airlines and their travel documents never show any reference to Israel as we are helping and not in the business of burdening people who have suffered the pains of a deathly ill child and the only true assistance being theoretically out of reach due to unseemly hatreds.


Before you continue with the next Apartheid Israel demonstration or give the Palestinians their own country or whatever the next “thing” protesting Israel, seek a little truth, check out those claims you have been fed, realize there is a silent, quiet, underlying lie in the slanders and a kernel of truth out there if only you seek it. We cannot simply yell from the bell tower as we have limited funds which can be better used helping people, other people who really need the help, than using the money to fight the lies. The lies are backed by some of the richest oil wealth nations whose people often reside in poverty and whose education system indoctrinates, not teach. We could never scream louder than the paid adversaries receiving their ill given hate funding from people who would line every Jew on the planet up and slaughter them ISIS (Islamic State, Daesh or ISIL as President Obama prefers to call them) style and would probably do as did the Nazis and record it for posterity. We would rather save lives whenever possible and that is the reality. Israel has saved more Arabs, children and adults, than we have killed in our defense of our nation and wish that we could only save lives and never be in the position of having to take them. But that probably remains for you to find out for yourself, and we invite you to do so. For the rest who already know and appreciate these facts, we would like to give you our heartfelt thanks for your support at any level or effort. Even your smile towards us is sufficient recognition, thank you.


Beyond the Cusp


April 24, 2016

Where We Are and Where it All Came From


The world is in a frightful state, and we do mean frightful as in scare the living daylights out of you. Merkel invited the civilizational Jihad to set up home in the heart of Europe and they moved in just about everywhere. The United States is having their quadrennial Presidential elections which are more reminiscent of elections for tenth grade presidential elections. Does the United States, with their three hundred million citizens and who knows how many illegals (hey, if they vote why not let them run too) really want us to believe that Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are the best they’ve got to offer? Puleeze! Then there is the fact that their media has not seen fit, from any political angle, to report that there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of OTM (other than Mexican) refugees being brought in from across the southern border as well as by boat and plane? What gives? Is this a bipartisan program with the tacit approval from the top echelon from both parties? If that proves true then the people have a right to be furious with the establishment. Perhaps it really is a case of good party-bad party where there really is no difference except in their campaigns of lies. Could it really be the fact that three of the four candidates for President are outside of the party boss’s iron-fisted control that has everybody’s nickers in a bunch? And what gives with Israel. Yes we have the constant demand for Israel to commit suicide and then the world not understanding why they refuse, that is an understandable crisis which has real depth and meaning. That is not the worst thing the media has to report about. They have a soldier up on charges of manslaughter for shooting a terrorist which is a combatant out of uniform. Back not so long ago in our day that was called a spy and could arrant being shot on sight, things have changed. We understand and get it, Israel is not permitted to shoot their enemies, they have to love them and give them land and everything until they can eradicate the Jews in Israel, we have seen this game before throughout our three thousand year plus history. We even just referred to it in our Seder when we read, “In every generation there is one that rises up against us.” The problem is in this generation there is a running contest on who can be the most devious of those rising up against us. I can handle our enemies if it comes to that but our friends, and we probably should write that as “friends”, those there is the problem that we aren’t supposed to shoot our friends quite yet. And on the political horizon we have reports of scandals which include, and we are not joking here, these were real scandals in our media; the Netanyahu’s eat a lot of ice cream; Sarah Netanyahu yelled at a former worker who was subsequently fired for poor performance, how dare she; the Prime Minister demanded a bed on the plane taking him on a twelve hour flight overnight where he was to give a speech the morning of his arrival before the United nations, the bed got deeper coverage and more commentary than his speech; the Netanyahu’s rescue dog nipped at people who were warned it was still nervous and temperamental yet they approached and stuck out their hands, surprise; then there are reports that the Prime Minister refuses to kiss the ring of United States President Obama, well, finally some real news, perhaps we should take this and run with it.


Many of the above stories had far more in depth coverage in Europe than the final actual news story and they were regarded as scandalous. Then there are the reports from the European media which make claims against the Israeli government or charge the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) with shocking use of violence against demonstrators throwing Molotov cocktails at them and these reports inevitable quote “Israeli NGO’s” as their source as if that makes it more credible. What they are not reporting is that these Israeli NGO’s get most if not all of their funding from the European Union (EU), European governments, European NGO’s and other foreign individuals and next to or actually nothing from the Israeli government or people. These are all extreme leftist organization who agree with the Europeans and are pushing for an Israel with an Arab Muslim majority as they demand Israel absorb five to eight million Arab refugees and they claim because Israel is a democracy that with the Muslims ruling the nation there will be freedom of religion and the treatment of the Jews will remain exactly as it is now. We would like to make a challenge to the members of these groups for them to spend a weekend, just three days, in Gaza City wearing a Kippot, a Yamaka. Then they can come tell us how things will not change. The only condition is that they do this unannounced and completely without any NGO protection. We feel sure that nobody would get harmed because it would never happen for two reasons, they would never be caught dead wearing a Kippot and they would never do anything anywhere near so suicidal.


I would like to make a few points about the Jews in Israel and Israel in general. First and foremost, we reached an agreement after World War I with the British government which held the control for creating a Jewish State in the British Mandate. We believed the British, silly us, when we agreed to allow for 78% of the Mandate lands to be used for an Arab Palestinian State east of the Jordan River in exchange for guarantees that the lands west of the Jordan River would be used solely for the Jewish State. Would it now be too much to ask that this deal be honored? Israel has no designs on lands beyond those promised us. Proof was our returning of the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt when we made peace. Further, the world need remember that the lands of Judea and Samaria, renamed by Jordan as West Bank, was occupied land and that once the Arab League refused the offer from the United Nations General Assembly in Resolution 181 which was a suggested solution, the entire resolution became void and invalid as it required both sides to accept the offer and only the Zionists who were to found Israel accepted. The Zionist acceptance did not bind them to Resolution 181 as the Arab League refusal followed by their general declaration of a genocidal war where half a dozen Arab states invaded Israel the morning of May 15, 1948, the first day of Israel’s existence, but that the areas which later were always referred to as Gaza and West Bank were actually Israeli land occupied by Egypt and Jordan for almost twenty years. Further, the Jews are the indigenous peoples returning to their ancestral home and the Arabs are the colonial power who took the lands from the remains of the Roman Empire which were another occupying power. Israel had faced occupation almost constantly since their fall to the Babylonians but has had the remnants of their people remaining in the land the entirety of our three thousand plus year history in the land of Eretz Yisroel. The Arabs did not arrive in these lands until after the year 600 AD which was a mere two thousand years after the establishment of Eretz Yisroel. As far as the use of the name Palestinian, the Jews were the original Palestinians as can be verified by simply reading any of the British reports from World War I and even before. There was even a Palestinian Brigade in both world wars which was comprised of almost exclusively Jews from the area called Palestine since the time of the Romans. The Philistines were never called Palestinians and were actually a Greek colony which resided along the norther coastal regions of the Sinai and even into what is known today as Gaza and their civilization collapsed and was dispersed some twenty-five hundred years ago and they were never heard from again. The Romans attempted to resurrect their name but it lost quite a lot of the identity in their translation which referred to the area as Syria Palaestina which was a Roman province between 135 and about 390, during the same period when much of the Jewish population was dispersed across the Roman Empire. This was the main reason that Jews were found in lands all across the globe, they were dispersed by the Romans and some fled even further to escape the cruelties of Roman decrees meant to eliminate the Israelites, the Hebrews. Rome had a set of procedures for eliminating peoples which worked so well that one civilization is remembered because of their succumbing to the Roman treatment for erasing a peoples, they were the Carthaginians. Hannibal was probably one of the most famous of the Carthaginians. The Jews survived due to their secret weapons, contained in Torah, Hashem’s laws meant for the Hebrews to live by and thus make them a peoples who, even when most assimilated, have this core identity and once they become the accursed and are either forced into exile or attempted to be extinguished, at least once every generation by the one who rises up to oppress and kill us, they have their Torah to fall back upon and reestablish their peoplehood.


Israel desires no lands beyond the Jordan or outside the lands promised us by the League of Nations, the British Mandate, the White Papers, Article 80 of the UN Charter or any other agreement through the years. Then there is the Jewish People. Judaism is a different religion than most others as it is also a ruling document for the Jews when they reside in the Promised Lands, those lands west of the Jordan River to the Mediterranean. It is meant for no one else. We do not desire to convert anybody nor conquer lands which are not ours to claim. This is the land of Hashem for which we are assigned to care for and it will care for us for as long as we are faithful and follow the laws of Hashem given in Torah. When we follow the law we will receive the rains which are so essential if one is to survive long here in our lands. Simply ask the elders who have lived here since before the Zionist return. They will tell of a land which refused to give up her bounty. Read the accounts from Sam Clemens (Mark Twain) from his essay Travels in the Holy Lands and see his description of a land forsaken. The records of the many empires, the Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Caliphate, Seleucids, Ottomans, British or any others who possessed these lands. Even the Canaanites did not get the full production of these lands until Abraham dug wells and every well he dug produced prodigious amounts of water and he left them for all to use as he was a generous and righteous man. We do not desire to make the world Jewish, quite the contrary, we just ask that we be allowed to be Jews in our ancient homelands west of the Jordan and nestled along the Mediterranean. Our only expression to everyone other than Jews is that if you wish a civilized society we can give as a guild the Noahic Code which is very much similar to our Ten Commandments without the religious requirements which is our relationship with Hashem (see both below). These are seven simple laws which make the backbone of almost every nation which also has a good human rights record which we would hold is no accident as the most difficult of the Codes is to establish a fair justice court system which ignores all except that which is true and proven. Beyond that recommendation we make no demands other than allow us to live beside all in peace and we will live according to our Torah, or at least try and live up to its high standards, and will allow the rest of the world to live as they choose. Those who may decide to live within our borders will be required to obey many of the legal requirements we demand of ourselves and will otherwise be free to live as they please and practice their religion as long as it does not conflict with our laws. One easy to understand requirement is if you worship Baal we will insist there be no human sacrifices as that is an abomination.



Noahic Codes

Noahic Codes



Ten Commandments Arranged in Hebrew Reading from Right to Left with English Translations Underneath the Hebrew

Ten Commandments
Arranged in Hebrew
Reading from Right to Left
with English Translations
Underneath the Hebrew



Perhaps we should not worry so much about Europe and the United States as they have been around quite a while and should have learned how to live and let live. Perhaps they could grant Israel the same privilege and respect. Hopefully we can all live in peace and understand that we all have our own problems and can eventually work them out with a minimum of distress. We have our own challenges and are not seeking any additional ones now or in the future. Those who insist on residing within what should be our recognized borders we will work out something mutually beneficial or we will face that difficulty as it unfolds. Israel has accommodated foreign attempts to intervene and run our affairs to their best interest which almost always appears to be in our worst interest and seemingly as attempts to erase the Jewish State. Let it be known that any attempts or demands that Israel not be the Jewish State or to deny the Jews a native land and other such intents which desire eradicating the Jewishness of Israel are, by definition, a form of anti-Semitism and will be treated with the dignity such deserves. Israel was established as the homeland of the Jewish People long before there was any Europe as we know it today. Long before there was a United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and every other nation. There was not yet Greece as that nation consisted of city states such as Athens, Troy, Sparta, Ionia, Lesbos, Aetolia, Messenia, Thessaly and many others (see map below).



Grecian City States

Grecian City States



Rome, the predecessor to Italy, was not yet even a twinkle in the wolf pack’s eyes as Romulus and Remus had yet to be born, let alone adopted by some rather peculiar foster parents, but at least one grew to be a man to be reckoned with while the other, well, not so much. France was divided between the tribes of the Gaelic and Frank among other lessor tribes. Even the recognized ancient religions of the Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, Taoist and other Asian religious beliefs were yet to be founded as these came into existence during the time of the building of the Second Temple in Jerusalem and well after the reign of Kings Saul, David and Solomon. The main religious structure other than the Hebrews and Hashem, the invisible creator of all that is, was and ever will be, was idolatry and the worship of kings and Pharaoh as gods.



Romulus and Remus Suckled by a She Wolf

Romulus and Remus Suckled by a She Wolf



There were tribal cultures of idolaters worshiping such as Baal, the Egyptian gods, Greek and Roman gods, Babylonian, Persian gods and the Arabic Moon god Allah. Then there were the human gods such as Pharaoh, Nebakanezzer, Roman Caesars and other absolute rulers who were worshipped as gods. Even later there came the Mayan, Aztec, Inca, Olmec and others and their gods. The one seeming constant for many of these gods was the blood sacrifice which often was a human sacrifice. Probably the most abhorrent of these human sacrifices were those made to Baal as these were the sacrifice of infants, the most innocent and helpless (some examples pictured below). There are examples existing even today of idolatry and some would refer to avarice and the pursuit of wealth above all other considerations as examples of a form of idolatry where the coinage would represent their idol.



Idols of the Ancient World

Idols of the Ancient World



Beyond the Cusp


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