Beyond the Cusp

September 26, 2016

When Hatreds Blind the World


The interesting thing about Mahmoud Abbas’s string of lies was that the media referred to it as a monumental speech which set straight the record and framed the problems which are still perplexing the Palestinian and Israeli sides and defined what is needed from Israel in cooperation instead of contention and hindrance to solve this problem once and for all. Let us start with the first lie and leave it there as if one wishes to suffer their minds, they can read it here, as he began with claiming Israel was defiling the al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount. Let us show you a series of pictures of how the Arab Palestinians are utilizing the al-Aqsa Mosque and you decide who the defiler is. Personally, we believe if one uses a religious building to store rocks, two-by-fours and other instruments for rioting and assaulting people they are defiling the place of worship, not the people targeted by these thugs.


Scene inside Muslim revered holy site the al Aqsa Mosque desecrated and reduced to an ammunition and safe attack rally point after finally secured and doors closed guarded by Police ending daily rioting

Scene inside Muslim revered holy site the al Aqsa Mosque desecrated and reduced to an ammunition and safe attack rally point after finally secured and doors closed guarded by Police ending daily rioting


 al-Aqsa Mosque Rock Pile for Rioting

al-Aqsa Mosque Rock Pile for Rioting


Al-Aqsa Mosque Rock Pile and Lumber for Throwing and Making Clubs for Rioting

Al-Aqsa Mosque Rock Pile and Lumber
for Throwing and Making Clubs for Rioting


Al-Aqsa Mosque Lumber for Making Clubs as More Arrive for Daily Rioting

Al-Aqsa Mosque Lumber for Making Clubs
as More Arrive for Daily Rioting


Al-Aqsa Mosque Rioting Pushed Back and Police About to Breach Mosque For Which They Will be Chastised for Entering Ending Rioting Arab Youths

Al-Aqsa Mosque Rioting Pushed Back
and Police About to Breach Mosque
For Which They Will be Chastised for
Entering Ending Rioting Arab Youths


But desecration of their own al-Aqsa Mosque is far from the only desecrations attributable to the Palestinians. They also love to destroy the Jewish holy sites within their territories especially Joseph’s Tomb, Kever Yoseph, in Hevron. These pictures below are from several times when the tomb was set afire and the last is a montage of Jews praying at Joseph’s Tomb after they spent hours reconstructing the holy site. It was set lite the very next night as a holy Jewish site was considered an anathema which must be rectified and cleansed with fire, thus the constant burning of Joseph’s Tomb by Arab Palestinians.


Joseph’s Tomb Burning in the Night While Religious Jews and Sympathizing Humans Are Outraged at their Act Allowed to be the Status Quo

Joseph’s Tomb Burning in the Night While Religious Jews and Sympathizing Humans Are Outraged at their Act Allowed to be the Status Quo


Kever Yoseph or Joseph's Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless

Kever Yoseph or Joseph’s Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless


Prayers offerred at Kever Yoseph


Six frames depicting the destructions, discovery of damage, finishing rebuilding, prayers and an endearing good-bye, or perhaps with luck til next time


When the Jordanians gained control over Judea, Samaria and the eastern parts of Jerusalem, they destroyed and desecrated Jewish graves and holy sites as well as cemeteries using the grave markers for building latrines and as paving stones expressly so they would be walked on thus disgracing them daily. Every Synagogue was either destroyed or defaced before being used in some manner which heaped disgrace and defilement upon the building. Now the world wishes for Israel to return these very same holy sites, buildings and cemeteries over to Palestinian rule which will immediately destroy, deface and defile these wonderfully restored places anew. One of the main truths ignored by the world is that only under Israeli rule has Jerusalem been open to all religions for prayer and all religious building been respected and allowed to be restored or repaired including not solely Jewish holy sites but also Christian, Islamic and if we include all of the lands under Israeli control we can include Baha’I which have holy sites within Israel while their religion is denied freedoms in Iran where the religion originated. Israel has never claimed to own the Christian sites on the Temple Mount or in Bethlehem or elsewhere in Israel as Arab Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has done concerning the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the video below.



Let us get back to Abbas’s speech. He asks rhetorically “Does Israel want one state?”


We will give it as disrespectful, but more honest, an answer than was the question. Yes, Israel wants one state and we understand you desire the Jews to have no state whatsoever and for Israel to be erased and Palestine put in its place on the graves of the over six million Jews and the Christians, Baha’I, Buddhists, Hindus and followers of any religion other than Islam. We refuse to allow our throats to be cut by you or anyone else as we have returned to our nation and reestablished our state and see your claims as hollow as your homeland is in the Arabia Peninsula. That is your homeland and the world is aware of this but is willing to sacrifice Israel for an additional five minutes of peace while you and the Islamic world celebrates the victory. After that the world will receive your next demand, probably for the return of Andalusia and all of a sudden Madrid will become the third holiest city in all Islam as you will have Jerusalem and will ignore it and likely return to using the Dome of the Rock as a dumping site as the pretentions will no longer need to be kept up. Fortunately we are not about to roll over and die just for your amusement and we will prevail which will possibly save the world by granting them sufficient time to come to their senses.


Abbas was full of question and the next was, “So, who then is perpetrating ethnic cleansing?”


Well, that one is a nice softball slow pitch like the kind given the favorite son running for reelection in the United States. The ethnic cleansing is being done by your fellow Muslims and you would be doing so as well should you manage to gain the assistance of the rest of the world in disarming the Jews in Israel. Let us look at the news around the world. The Yazidis were being annihilated with their women being raped until they became unresponsive which killed the fun if they did not fight so the real men could punch and force their submission, then they were shot or killed through torture or by some other means which might further amuse the ISIS troops. There have been the rapes in Germany, Britain, France and elsewhere which took in the refugees and other Muslims who were refused by Saudi Arabia and almost every other Islamic nation, perhaps they knew something the West will need to learn the hard way. The West is learning though the leftist leadership refuses to admit to there being any problem. But talking about ethnic cleansing, how about the cleansing of the Jews throughout the Islamic empire across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) or the Christians of Bethlehem or Lebanon or the Kurds who, fortunately for them, fought back quite successfully or the cleansing by Sunni of Shiite or Shiites of Sunnis? When it comes to ethnic cleansing the Muslims are equal opportunity killers.


Reading or listening to what Abbas said, implied, intimated or simply left as presumably understood one will realize that he is demanding that Palestine be built on the graves of all Israel. He claims Beersheba, the entire Negev, the Galilee, Jerusalem, Hevron, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Akko and all of Israel which the Jews occupied from 1948, or simply since the founding of Israel it was all occupied lands. He also claimed that all International Law supports the founding of Palestine on all of its historic lands. He is mixing apples and oranges as he claims the entirety of the British Mandate for Palestine should be Palestine. One need wonder if Jordan is aware of this which we bet after the attempted coup to overthrow the King and Parliament of Jordan during the black September attacks that they know the Palestinians are likely to go after them after Israel. So, Israel is saving Jordan as well. How absolutely magnanimous! Israel is just so kind to care for their neighbor.


The influx of Muslim refugees to the West is apparently exporting numerous Islamists who are already attacking using terrorist tactics. There are also the rape squads which Angela Merkel attempted to play down when they used the New Year’s celebrations as their own personal hunting fields molesting women at choke points such as subway, train and other public transportation stations where they could easily trap women on their way to celebrations. Initially the police refused to report on the problem and in many cases attempted to talk the women out of filing reports. The media played along ignoring the problem until it became obvious that there had been mass numbers of attacks. Paris has felt the Islamic rage numerous times since the beginning of the importing of refugees from across MENA. Recently there have been numerous attacks by Muslims across the United States though the authorities do everything in their power to cover up the links the perpetrators have with Islam. These attacks are saddening to anyone who believes that Western society had brought into the world civility and progress to a better life and established a moral society despite the apparent abuses of the freedoms by some at the margins. Rights were enjoyed by people from disparate backgrounds and all religions were protected and granted free exercise. Even people choosing no religion were protected and permitted their belief in something other than one of the traditional religions allowing for agnostics and atheists. Sure these freedoms also permitted some relations which were discouraged or forbidden by most religions but these people were granted the identical freedoms to live as they chose without fear of persecution.


There was progress made on numerous human fronts where a more humane world was the result. Slavery was abolished. Women were recognized as equals to men in virtually all manner and professions. Sexual orientation is no longer a taboo which could have a person ostracized from society because of not being part of the majority. Minorities became protected under the law and all were granted the right to vote, run for office, own property, work in any civilian profession, live wherever they pleased, given equal access to loans, equal consideration for credit and an almost endless list of rights and freedoms. These freedoms are now being used to subvert those very freedoms and replace the liberal and open societies with Sharia where a woman is restricted to half that of a man; a woman must belong to a man in some manner be it wife, daughter, sister or concubine; women must wear concealing clothing which depersonalizes them; religion is restricted to only Islam; and democracy is an anathema. The Western world is inviting into their house a disruption which will awaken them from their slumber; and if the world is to have any hope of remaining free and survive, we must hope that once more the immortal words attributed to Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto when he learned that Pearl Harbor was bombed hours before the Declaration of war was presented in Washington D.C. come true in our day, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” Wake up America, the world needs you now. We will know soon if the United States can be awakened in time, or late as even late they can pull the world out of this predicament it doesn’t even realize has stricken them. Leaving this job to just Israel might be asking a bit much, we have held on this long, can we get a little credit here?


Beyond the Cusp


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