Beyond the Cusp

January 28, 2017

Reasons for NOT Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem


This has been the most and greatest coverage we have seen since the Inauguration of President Trump when covering his promises and the possibility that he might falter. Every article has mentioned different choices predicting which promises the President Trump would renege upon. Many claimed he would never build the wall along the Mexican border. Some kind of cheated by claiming that he would merely use a fence or even cameras with computer monitoring for motion detection and alerting the Border Police instead of building a wall along the entire border. Some would claim that the terrain would prevent it being a wall along the entire border but these arguments were disingenuous as the wording of a “wall along the Mexico border” simply meant closing the border through the use of combined deterrents, walls, fences or monitoring through advances of technology in the most difficult terrain or least used crossing locations and simply closing the border using all means necessary and required. Others claimed he would be unable to deport all the illegal immigrants as promised. First off, that was not the promise. He promised to deport illegal immigrants with felony convictions and to work at finding an equitable solution in which deportation may be an integral part of the equation.


The one item which made virtually every article’s list was the promise to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Almost, well, honestly every article we read claimed that President Trump would not be capable of moving the embassy as the threats, dangers, political pressures or even that Trump would use moving the embassy to force the Israelis to make the next concession of dividing Jerusalem and returning to the 1949 Armistice Lines with very minor land swaps making a final peace deal. What the problem with the claim is that the Congress passage and the signing into law of the Jerusalem Act “recognized Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, under Israeli sovereignty.” That makes an undivided Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty United States law and thus holds any President to standing either actively for the undivided capital of Israel as being all of Jerusalem or remaining silent, no matter how President Obama attempted to divide Jerusalem as he disregarded numerous laws including the United States Constitution. Even some Israeli media has come up with lists for why President Trump will not, or should not (Haaretz), move the embassy to Jerusalem claiming things so extreme as stated by Haaretz, “Relocating its embassy to Jerusalem would mean the U.S. taking a partisan stance on a central and sensitive issue, a source of controversy between Israel and the Palestinians, and between Israel and the international community.” That is a falsehood unless moving the embassy to western Jerusalem would be taking a position that western Jerusalem would remain part of Israel. Is Haaretz indicating that Israel should leave western Jerusalem and if that is the meaning, then what else should Israel surrender or does Haaretz stand with the most extreme position such as that expressed by Helen Thomas who stated on May 27, 2010, when asked whether she had any comments on Israel? “Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine,” she replied. “Remember, these people are occupied and it’s their land. It’s not Germany, it’s not Poland.” When further asked where they should go, she answered, “They should go home.” When asked where’s home, Thomas replied: “Poland, Germany and America and everywhere else.”


Move American Embassy to Jerusalem


The American Embassy could easily be moved to even the most western edge of Jerusalem and be as far as possible from any lands under dispute and still there would be whole hosts of people screaming that the United States is persecuting the Palestinian Arabs and determining to cheat them out of their homeland. This might at first glance appear as a ridiculous position to take as it could be so easily repudiated except that the Palestinian Arab claims include all of Jerusalem. The reality is the United States has already made a statement that is determined to cheat the Palestinian Arabs out of their homeland by leaving their embassy in Tel Aviv as the Arab claim is to all of Israel just as the students chant in campuses across the United States, Europe and beyond, “From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free.” The Palestinian Arabs are actually the entire Arab world’s crowbar and will be their implement by which they continue to wage their war to destroy all of Israel. The truth is the existence of a United States Embassy is an affront to the Palestinian Arab claims to their “rightful” country which would be built on the ruins of the Jewish State as anything less would be an aberrance to their stated demands and eventual goals. This is part of why Mahmoud Abbas, and Yasser Arafat before him, refused even offers which granted them with over 90% of Judea and Samaria along with all of Gaza and east Jerusalem as their capital when offered in 1999, 2000 and in 2008.


So, why should President Trump move the United States Embassy to Jerusalem according to us here at Beyond the Cusp? Well, we could use our favorite reason when trying to win an argument as kids with our parents when life got between us and a promise to go somewhere fun, “But you promised,” but we know that does not wash when things are on this level. First, it would send a message that there really has been a change in Washington D.C. and that the change will very likely be permanent for all intents and purposes. The world’s train is racing towards oblivion and nobody is manning the breaks. The old steam engine is racing with its speed balls spinning full out threatening to blow off their spinners. Everything about the old globe is screaming, whistles blowing and rivets near popping and the boiler exploding and the Deadman’s switch rig disabled and there is nobody in the cabin. Well, there was nobody in the cabin. This was the picture of the world not long ago and hopefully things will be saved before we hit a sharp curve and it all goes off the tracks. Brexit was step one and President Trump is step two but nobody knows how many steps it will require for sanity to rescue the world. Will the needful steps be taken or will the next cataclysm strike before the world regains sanity. What are the necessary steps that will bring the world back within the bounds, who can tell? The world has been slowly gaining reckless speed slowly slipping out of control and towards untold violence. There are those forces which would welcome the untold violence. They loudly proclaim their love for violence and the death it brings. They claim to worship death and that this allows them power over all who worship life. Their claim is that death conquers life. Those who love life claim that death is the rest one receives after a full, long and hopefully well spent life. These are opposing views which cannot be reconciliated, one must prevail. The good news is that President Trump is aware of the challenge though he has spoken only about it through allegory and indirect references. Moving the United States Embassy would be a strong message when it is announced as a definitive and executable policy decision. Perhaps that is the future for the moving of the United States Embassy, a declaration that the United States and life will declare over death and those who believe it is primacy. Yes, perhaps the moving of the Embassy will be a greater declaration than what the debaters believe it will be. Perhaps there is a grander plan than we are aware, perhaps the plan is greater than men and from beyond our understanding. This may be a greater issue than a mere embassy and the city in which it sits. Jerusalem had been more than a city and perhaps this is more than a simple embassy. Lastly, if the reason not to move the embassy to Jerusalem is because it reportedly will inflame Muslim passions moving them to further animosity and in turn greater acts of violence, then there is no reason not to move the embassy as from all observations of the Middle East, especially Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Libya and both Sudan and South Sudan as well as the levels of terrorism in Europe, more so Western Europe and also in the United States, though there it has been reported as anything but terror, especially Islamic driven terror, the levels could not conceivably be any higher. Violence, thy name is Islam, has become a truism of our times and thus simply move the embassy as there is no possible additional levels other than war, and that will happen whether the embassy is moved or not. If we had our way and the United States had not already purchased the land, then we would call for the embassy not only to be moved to Jerusalem but to the Jewish sector of the Old City as well. After all, did not Trump promise that his Presidency would be a brave and bold rebeginning for America and her relations with her friends? Well then, let’s get it off on the right foot.


Beyond the Cusp


October 20, 2016

Why the Temple Mount was Denied Connection to Judaism


UNESCO recently ruled the Temple Mount was of Islamic origins ignoring all evidence of its age easily reaching back at least one or as many as two and a half thousand years before the birth of Mohammed. The fact it was given to the Muslims was of less importance than the fact that it would be denied the Jews. The Temple Mount could have been presented to the Roman Catholic Church in Rome, the Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Coptic or other Christian sect, or the Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, or Evangelical Christian and even the Anglican Church of England; just as long as it was not recognized as having any relation to the Jews and especially their history. There is too much riding on Jerusalem and ancient Israel being simply part of an old storybook which taught a few basic morals through stories with flawed people and holier than thou seers and magic. Some advanced and currently influential religions, both Christianity and Islam utilized some of these stories in moral tales in their holy works. But as Christianity was long based on their religion being the replacement of Jews as the Chosen People with a new set of Prophets whose writings were of the selected most recognized few used to compose the New Testament. Islam came and was based as the final replacement theology replacing both Judaism and Christianity and making the claim there could be no further alterations or adjudications and this final word was written in the Quran in its pure and final form. There is one thing which must be made about all three holy books, the Old Testament which includes the Five Books of Moses (Torah) and the books of the Prophets, Judges, Kings, plus Psalms and Proverbs written largely by Kings David and Solomon; New Testament; and Quran were all written years if not centuries after the people who originally authored them had lived carried forward by oral repetitions, memory, adaption to political designs and cultural needs thus are not likely to be quite as accurate as often advertised. The one item which becomes obvious is that the Old Testament is the origin for the other two writings and the Quran uses parts and references to both previous works and incorporates many customs though some appear to having been twisted and possibly inverted to fit the idea of a superseding Islam.


The foremost need with the descendants of the Israelites, the remaining tribes being Benjamin and Judea with the majority of the priestly casts who became known in Grecian and Roman eras as the Judeans which was eventually shortened to Jews, that their returning and founding the nation of Israel not be recognized as the realization of the Prophetic predictions of the eventual return of not only the Jews, but of all of the Tribes of Israel, all twelve and their priestly Levites and Kohanim. As lost tribes of peoples who claim relations and whose ancestry has been checked and rechecked, passing all requirements, having been restored to join their long separated brothers and sisters, for they are all from one family, the family of Jacob, son of Isaak, son of Avraham; are indeed the fulfillment of prophesy and now the final resistance. The last obstacle is to deny them their ancient heartlands, their beating heart of Jerusalem, and to deny them their most prized Temple Mount so as to belittle their return and mock Hashem and His people. Jewish tribes have returned from across Europe from France and Britain through Poland into Russia entering Asia. Tribes of Jews arrived from Spain south to Morocco across North Africa on through the Middle East through Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. There was the airlifting of Ethiopian Jews facing horrific threats to their very lives. There are the Menashe Tribe in India and a potentially new tribe in southern India. There is a set of Jews from Morocco mostly residing up the Amazon River where a grand Synagogue once was the center of a burgeoning community which has died off over the years and the Synagogue still stands but has lost some of its grandeur. Some wonder if theirs was not a somewhat lesser meaning as the building was not built in any grand European style synagogue. There have been groups of Jews, more often than one might expect but entire groups who can trace their ancestry back all the way to when they were forced from Eretz Yisroel. There have been numerous resident Jews residing in Hevron and Old City Jerusalem in the family house tracing ancestry whose graves they can point to and tell how they are related back to the earliest periods. Jerusalem has long held a Jewish community which has always made up a majority. But the problem was not those Jews who remained throughout some cities in Israel; it was those Jews who were returning home, as they described their making Aliyah, sometimes in droves since the founding of the new Zionist Movement in the 1880s.


The Jews returning was fulfilling prophecy completing the Bible providing validation of their place as Hashem’s chosen people. It was this validating of the Old Testament and that by doing such invalidating the claims by Christianity and Islam as having replaced the Israelite people, the Jews, as the chosen by Hashem. This made everything become a problem and the center of the building storm was Jerusalem and more accurately, the Temple Mount where a rebuilt Holy Temple, if constructed, would be the final tile falling into place completing the construction of a mosaic started some 3500 years ago where, with the slight change of two names, the first tile in the hopefully never ending mosaic were lain. It is understood by both the leadership across Islam and Christianity that the Jews must be prevented by any and all means necessary from one, building the Temple specifically on Mount Moriah and the Temple Mount and second, the Jews must be prevented from returning and owning their sacred heartlands and holiest cities which all revolves around Judea and Samaria along with the cities of Jerusalem, Hevron, Shiloh, and/or Shechem (renamed Nablus) as well as a few others beyond the Green Line all of which have holy places relevant to stories in the Old Testament. Further, the Muslims control the Temple Mount Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Bethlehem Church of the Nativity and have a controlling population in Nazareth thus holding the cards for preventing Christians their historic sites as well. All of this has placed the Muslims in control of historically and religiously vital and near essential holy sites and holy cities and is working to cement their presumed control over all the above mentioned areas. It is well understood that Abbas is willing to refuse any deal where the Arab Muslim Palestinians do not control not only all the lands beyond the Green Line but also all of Jerusalem as well as areas within Israel which includes Nazareth. This would cement control of the important Christian sites and cities as well as a long list of Jewish cities filled with Jewish history. This has been the Islamic playbook from their very beginning, to conquer, destroy or Islamize other religion’s holy sites often by simply raising one to four or even beyond minarets as was done to the Hagia Sophia.


Istanbul, Turkey pictures of Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque Montage. The Hagia Sofia Mosque was originally a cathedral built when the city was known as Constantinople.

Istanbul, Turkey pictures of Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque Montage. The Hagia Sofia Mosque was originally a cathedral built when the city was known as Constantinople.


Lastly, the Temple Mount being given over to Islam was one of many slights, insults and forced servitude done to prevent the re-establishment of a Biblically intact Jewish State and the first of many steps so that a military crush can be initiated whereby Hashem will prevent such. Under the Sharia all lands ever trodden by a Muslim must be conquered and brought back under their rule at all cost as all of the Middle East had been colonized by the Arabs during their many assaults expanding their colonial empire.


Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule

Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule


The above map depicts the conquests of the initial Caliphate and also depicts lands where the Arabs through various means have all but destroyed, decimated the original conditions, peoples, religions and all else. The means are unimportant as long as all surrender to Islam as the presumed end result for all within their areas of control must surrender to Islam. Their desired end aim is world subjugation by any and all means necessary including the slaughter of their noncompliant peoples who refuse to convert. Those are the truths. The world may ignore all they desire but they do so at their own peril.


Beyond the Cusp


October 14, 2016

UNESCO Continues the Lies


UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, recently proclaimed a historic revelation that the Jewish People have no historic connection to the Temple Mount. This is the Temple Mount where Herod extended the area building the modern walls in order to enlarge the area such that the Temple he built, the Second Temple, would stand in a large plaza making the building and its environs more grand. This is the same Mount Moriah where Solomon constructed the First Temple which was a wonder of the world of that era. This is the area which overlooked the city of David which is currently being archeologically and meticulously excavated and where numerous findings of ancient Jewish history from the First Temple era many providing proof almost word for word what was written in the Old Testament (see video below). But all this Jewish historical stuff is of no concern to the modern world of men of study and the deciders of truth, the new truth which bears an uncanny similarity to the “Big Lie” sold by the Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels that the Jews have no real history and that by disowning the Jew the world would be free and all would become right with the world under the leaders of the Third Reich.



But who are the members and the ruling deciders of this great human endeavor known as UNESCO? The Organization claims to include have 195 Members and 10 Associate Members. A listing in alphabetical order can be found here and for the record they include Israel as a member state as well as Palestine. Looking a bit deeper into the organizations we find it had numerous field offices set up to oversee regional interests. There is one in Khartoum which oddly enough does not decide anything for Africa where the Sudan is located but instead decides for the Arab States. As a matter of fact, there are a large number of regional offices which are dedicated to the Arab States including one in the vicinity of Israel, Ramallah. There is no regional office in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv nor does any regional office list Israel amongst the nations they are responsible for looking out for her interests. Israel appears to be the sole nation in the world for whom no representation is provided in UNESCO, but my bet is they would claim that they are covered by the offices for Europe.


The offices for Europe are listed as covering Europe and North America and are located in these cities; Brussels, Geneva, New York and Venice. Our bet is that if one were to inquire as to whether any of these field offices is responsible for Israel their immediate answer would be no, that is part of the Middle East, and then perhaps look up in some book and reply, wait, it does say we are responsible for Israel in here, who knew? Just for the record, there are no offices responsible for the Middle East and all offices which one might suspect would be are instead labeled Arab States in order to separate their coverage of the Middle East and North Africa to include every state except Israel, specifically except Israel. Perhaps that explains why they are unaware of any Jewish claims, when Israel tries to protest they tell them to bring that up in their regional office of which they have none. Israel is not directly represented in UNESCO, which is the plain and simple truth. As Israel has no representation through any field office, there are no Jewish State interests which UNESCO could be said to cover or even hear about. This is nothing new to anybody following the machinations of UNESCO who will remember their insistence on admitting the country of Palestine and setting up a field office for now in their current temporary capital of Ramallah. The generous people at UNESCO also recognized that there is no Jewish history or attachment to Jerusalem, the Cave of the Patriarchs where Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah are buried and is located within a large rectangular Herodian-era Judean structure which has been since modified to sort of resemble a Saladin-era mosque.


The recording of this plot is in the Old Testament, the Torah, stated that Abraham bought the Cave of Machpelah as a burial place for his wife Sarah, Abraham did not argue or haggle on the price paying well above market price for this cave with the field of Ephron the Hittite outside Hevron. Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, which he had named in the audience of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver. Abraham paid for the land and cave using foreign monies such that the cave and field were not bought with Canaanite currency thus it could not be claimed that Abraham was in any way just another Canaanite thus reinforcing a distinction Abraham made all his days that he was of a different people than those amongst whom he resided. Abraham even took care to find Isaac a wife from outside Canaan and from a member of the tribe, the family from which Abraham was descended, Laban, the son of Nahor, Sarah’s brother. This was the extent of Abraham specifying his separateness in Canaan for he had been told by Hashem that he was to be the father of a new tribe which was to be separate from all the existing tribes. Such was the beginning of the Israelites whose tribes of Judah and Benjamin and their Priestly class became known as Judeans and eventually simply Jews.


Back to UNESCO we find that Israel National Commission for UNESCO is listed, believe it or not, as a part of Europe and North America as their overseeing body. One can only wonder how that has been working out for Israel. Wait, we can attest to that, horribly. Piece-by-piece Israel is being parceled out of existence. The Cave of Machpelah, Kever (tomb) Yosef, Kever (tomb) Rachel, Temple Mount, Western Wall and other Jewish religious sites from antiquity, as distinct from Islam by approximately a thousand years have all been determined to be Islamic shrines, mosques, structures and their histories altered to match the Quranic version of the world. The Western Wall built by Herod in the times prior to the modern Western calendar was determined to have been built, likely by magic, just for Muhammad to get off his magical steed (horse) in order to mount another magical steed (also a horse) to fly into Heaven. One can only wonder why the steed which brought him from the regions of Mecca and Medina to Jerusalem and back within one night and leaving time for the other steed to take him on a journey where he spoke with every prophet, whose names Muhammad remembered from living amongst Jews and Christians, was unable to fly the entire distance using one magical steed. Also, Muhammad presumably traveled to Jerusalem which had the farthest mosque, the al-Aqsa Mosque, which was not built until 705 CE, many years after Muhammad had died and if his trip was to the farthest mosque even if not yet built, then why did he not fly to the al-Aqsa Mosque in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States? So many queries and so little time, and this one I know not the answer unless he actually went to the farthest mosque of the time which was some ninety miles north of Medina. More questions and we have no answers, how sad.


Al-Aqsa Mosque Temple Mount, Jerusalem Al-Aqsa Mosque Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Al-Aqsa Mosque Temple Mount, Jerusalem
Al-Aqsa Mosque Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Israel has come to understand UNESCO as well as the numerous other United Nations affiliated organizations and committees. There is the special place Israel has ensconced itself in the Human Rights Council which more often than not adopts some resolution at the majority, some have stated all, of their meetings no matter the reason the meeting was called. It is so nice to be appreciated (sarcasm alert) by some of the warmest and most just of UN committees. Sometimes we wonder for what reason is Israel even a member of the UN. Israel has never served on the Security Council and there had been plans for Israel to be the European and North American representative until Germany decided they wanted another turn. It still remains to see which country will be chosen through the United States, Mexico, Canada, Britain and the European Union members. Germany would be the safer of bets but weirder events have transpired in the past, so we will see. Taking the many tentacles of the UN and its two main bodies, the Security Council and the General Assembly, and peruse through their archives and one would be amazed at the frequency with which Israel is the topic of discussion and if not Israel then Jerusalem or any of the myriad of Israelite holy sites which are always defined as having no Jewish roots despite full knowledge of their true origins being of the Jewish Israelite people.


Arab World Showing Twenty-One of Twenty-Two States with Comoros Off the Map South of the Arabian Peninsula and Depicted Bright Blue the Sole Jewish State with Original Borders of Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea


To tell it as a story, imagine a visitor from another solar system would be given access to the UN records from all the various major agencies. They would likely average a guess that Israel is one of the most aggressive and threatening nations which has size, geographic area, military might and great resources in order to garner so much attention. Israel must be attempting to control the entire world and is literally squashing all who get in her path. Such a visitor when shown a map of the unfortunate Arab states which are all feeling so threatened from the nation of Israel located centrally within their area would suspect of seeing that these Arab nations must be a collection of smaller states which all neighbor Israel and are under near constant border trespass and are under great duress. Imagine their shock when shown the map of the Arab states and Israel and they are shown the map below. Their laughter and complete loss of understanding and complete incongruity would be amusing if it were not a situation so turned on its head. The Arab nations plus Iran are not threatened directly, indirectly or in any other way by Israel except that they have defined the mere existence of Israel as a mortal threat to their understanding of the world. But they also believe they are the rulers of the world and that the entire world should bend to their slightest of desires. The visitor would leave Earth fully believing that a full third tf not two thirds of the peoples on the planet they had visited were exhibiting some form of mental delusional sickness. They would be correct and the disease is known as creeping anti-Semitism. That is the truth behind so much and we would be hard pressed to find any other reason for Israel being the main target of every form of investigation of criminal acts by nations of the world. How else can the imbalance be explained as no nation could ever be as evil as Israel is portrayed and be so diminutive in size and still manage not to be crushed by one of the larger and more militarily powerful nations. This parting map tells the size story in its entirety.


Four Maps of Great Britain, the United States, Australia, and India with to scale map of Israel super-imposed for comparison on each map depicting her actual rather than perceived size.

Exactly How Small is Israel
A Comparison Against Four
Well Known Countries


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