Beyond the Cusp

January 27, 2017

Can President Trump Cure the Ills of America?


The United States new leader, President Donald J. Trump, promised to “Make America Great Again.” The real question should be can he cure the United States of her illness. This disease has numerous symptoms of which we will cover a few of the most threatening. The first on the list is a sinister little one which hides in plain sight. The current reproductive rate is 1.84 children per woman which is well below the 2.33 reproductive rate necessary for maintaining a nation’s population. This simply means that the United States will have fewer workers to support an aging population and this will only grow more and more serious over time. The only obvious solution is to allow for immigration, eventually massive immigration. From all expectation, any large immigration program will lead to a rebalancing of the predominant population statistics in the favor of whichever groups of foreign nations contribute to the immigration. The most readily available populations are from Central America and South America. This has been the trending for the past decades which is leading to a growing Hispanic population which is rapidly becoming the largest minority population and with time they will become the predominant population. There is a fortunate trait in that the vast majority of such immigrants hold similar religious identities and have a Judeo-Christian ethics and history which will make for a merging of the populations and not as much a shock to the culture or as much a threat for large changes in laws and outlook of the resultant population. Should the United States instead bring in immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) there would be an inevitable confrontation between the emerging culture and the currently existing culture. If history is any indicator, an increasing Islamic minority would at some point lead to an actual confrontation which the aging Judeo-Christian community who would most definitely loses.


The Donald-Make America Great Again-Trump

The Donald-Make America Great Again-Trump


This problem has been traced from demographic studies to have a direct relation to the legalization of abortion after the 1973 Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade decision leading to nationally recognizing a legal right for a woman to obtain an abortion. The good news is that the numbers of abortions have steadily decreased over the past few decades. The not so great news is that this has not led to any measurable increase in the reproductive rate as was expected. Demographic studies have shown that couples are waiting until later in life before getting married. This had led to the obvious postponement of starting families and, as in most cases both husband and wife are professionals with careers, they often put off having a family until even later leading to many couples having a single child , or worse, deciding not to have children at all. Societal studies have also seen a trending in millennials for their deciding to forgo marriage, children and even permanent relationships instead settling to have small groups of friends who have open partnerships or some simply leading singular lives dropping in and out of relationships never desiring to become involved in a permanent relationship. Perhaps these individuals will settle down later in life but that will likely lead to a childless relationship as they may wait until past the point of fertility. Whatever the future, the current trends indicate that the only solution to the American childlessness will be through immigration and praying that the new immigrants prove immune to the childless culture as they come from a more reproductive friendly culture.


Islamic immigrants would also have a higher reproductive rate than the current American culture. The one catch is that it has been found that as financial wealth of a society increases, reproductive rates plummet. This was what has struck Europe and has been given as one of the reasons the political rulers have been allowing a free import of Syrian and other MENA refugees. Whether such a program was a good idea or a potential allowing for an infiltration leading to an eventual takeover by Islamic policies is something which is still being debated. Time may settle that debate before any conclusions are forthcoming. The one certainty is that many of the existing European populations are not overly excited about the newcomers and may be voting in a whole new and opposing set of leaders as elections sweep across the continent. Should Europe start to become an Islamic based society, then that may play well for solving some of the system shock for the United States as many of the elite, and any others with sufficient means, would flee Europe for the apparent safety of the United States. Much of this future will depend on socioeconomic developments and for the existing confrontations and other dangerous situations not developing into a far broader set of conflicts leading eventually to an all-encompassing conflict. This might actually have the effect of shocking the current Western World out of its self-serving egoism and realizing that there is only a future if there exists a prodigy to which to hand over that future and that depends on having said prodigy. Having such a revelation sweep Western society would be a blessing though it would be preferable for it not to have to be impressed through some horrific conflict as such changes have been initiated in previous eras. Such conflagrations have also brought down empires which not much earlier had been considered a permanent fixture assured forever into the future. The lesson there for the United States is that nothing remains on top forever, not Rome, not the British, not the Spanish, not the Egyptians, not Alexander’s Greeks and not even China, one of the longest continuous empires still existing and asserting a presence in the modern age.


Another serious illness striking the United States is the political divide which has not only grown wider this century but has also grown far nastier and more toxic. This past week proved this beyond any shadow of doubt. When President Obama was first elected in 2008 there was disappointment on the Republican side but most Americans hoped for the best. Many were disappointed but still believed there was hope and President Obama was reelected. After the 2012 election there was a smattering of protests which were nonviolent and largely quiet. The media made sure they had a short self-life by largely ignoring their existence. This present Inauguration brought back the protests and cries of foul from 2000 except with far more violence and vitriol. Madonna spoke of dreaming of blowing up the White House. That was quite far overboard as that would be such a waste of the rebuild after the War of 1812 which was finally completed in 1817 and President James Monroe moved into the new and improved White House. The demonstrations were boisterous and somewhat over the top including the burning of President Trump in effigy. The problem was with the violent actors who destroyed property, attacked police, attacked injuring innocent people who were simply attending Inaugural Dances including the insulting, spitting upon and injuring of a Gold Star widow and her sister. Spirited protests and debate are one thing and destruction of property and assaulting people and police is a completely different and unacceptable form of protest and should be considered beyond the pale. People work and depend on those places for their families and futures and the destruction of their workplaces hurt innocents and since a good many of these places were in major cities, especially those in Washington D.C. where over 90% voted for Hillary Clinton, most of the people hurt by these unscrupulous acts were Hillary supporters. Whatever the presumed excuse, such violence, if left unchecked, only grows and eventually leads to the destruction of the society.


The other problem with the violence was that it was presumed to be in support of groups which resemble numerous fascist entities of the past such as the infamous Brownshirts which used violence in order to scare the German people into demanding the government do something, anything, just end the violence. Once the people agreed to the government assuming emergency powers giving them absolute power, the Nazis wiped out the Brownshirts replacing them with the SS who became the new enforcers. The possibility that hidden somewhere within the leftist ranks are those seeking a repeat from history, using the rabble to stir up sufficient troubles at some point in the future to takeover and put in place a dictatorial fascist governance is all too possibly the end result. This has been the manner in which virtually every democratic based government has fallen throughout history; so saying it could not happen here is a fool’s gambit. Many of the demonstrations resembled the Red Guard demonstrations at the beginning of the Communist takeover of Russia deposing the Russian Provisional Government which was democratically elected in a limited vote and was presumed to be setting up a democratic form of government when the Communists decided they didn’t need any democracy, they simply desired replacing one dictatorial government with another. Caesar also replaced a democratic republic of Rome relegating the Senate into an echo chamber until they decided to depose him old school. The assassination of Caesar did no good as all it did was immortalize his name making it the title for the reign of dictators until the fall of Rome centuries later. Obviously saying it cannot happen here is a blindness that no democracy can afford. Reportedly, American Abolitionist and liberal activist Wendell Phillips on January 28, 1852 speaking to members of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society stated,

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few. The manna of popular liberty must be gathered each day or it is rotten. The living sap of today outgrows the dead rind of yesterday. The hand entrusted with power becomes, either from human depravity or esprit de corps, the necessary enemy of the people. Only by continued oversight can the democrat in office be prevented from hardening into a despot; only by unintermitted agitation can a people be sufficiently awake to principle not to let liberty be smothered in material prosperity.”


Beyond the Cusp


September 14, 2016

The West Which Cannot See Cannot Avoid this Future


Giulio Meotti’s article Another 9/11 is on the horizon was unfortunately as likely as prescient as was the George Bernard Shaw 1903 quote he used which postulated a future where the survival of Western Society would come into doubt due to the insipid and foolish value system which would have replaced faith in Hashem and placing pleasure above family. George Bernard Shaw had written the following:

The day is coming when great nations will find their numbers dwindling from census to census; when the six-roomed villa will rise in price above the family mansion; when the viciously reckless poor and the stupidly pious rich will delay the extinction of the race only by degrading it; whilst the boldly prudent, the thriftily selfish and ambitious, the imaginative and poetic, the lovers of money and solid comfort, the worshippers of success, of art, and of love, will all oppose to the Force of Life the device of sterility.

Those who have read, or especially followed, BTC have read many an article on similar predictions, observations and desperate calls for our societies to awaken to their destructive practices and to turn towards the now seeming ludicrous ideals and cherished ideas of our forefathers from simply two or at most three generations back when family was the measure of a man and the dedication of both men and women. We referenced to such yesterday; so we will endeavor to take a different approach and tack and simply request you read the article from yesterday if you wish a different angle. Of course George Bernard Shaw knew well from what he spoke as he was alive during the peak of the Eugenics Movement, the perfection of the human race through selective breeding. Such a concept would in and of itself lead to a vast and hurried decrease in the size of society as with those determined to be genetically deficient, which would mean the poor, minorities, Jews, and all who would be determined by an elite group not to be as elite or perfect as the few selected to reproduce as they had the superior genetic makeup. These were the same as the envisioned Nazi supermen of the SS who chose males at least six feet tall (two meters), females of an attractive figure and above average height, all with clear blue eyes, blonde hair and an adequate mind and they would be required to reproduce prodigiously and required to change partners after each successful pregnancy so as to maximize genetic diversity with what would be obviously a smaller than optimum population to provide such diversity. Reducing the acceptable qualifying genetic properties by selecting only blonde hair and blue eyed specimen, the gene pool was already intentionally reduced drastically, as both are recessive traits requiring both genes to have that trait be the result, thus those genes will be repeated in all offspring. Further, by espousing eugenic principles one is determining who is permitted to have children and thus will necessarily reduce the population.


There are others who are also calling for a reintroduction of a form of eugenics and a limit on the numbers of offspring permitted in their society and would apply their restriction worldwide given half an opportunity. These people are not so much calling for an improved human race though they add that as long as the reduced population growth was being controlled to allow a merely ecologically sustainable population which would have sufficiently slight demand on the planet, this would permit the planet to heal and remain pure instead of blighted by the expansive destruction of human society with such wasteful things as highways, cities, populations centers and a planet dedicated to people over nature. To these fanatics, the human society is a disease to be wiped clean or reduced to a sustainable level so small as to have little if any detrimental destructive effects. The least strident of these are the Zero Population Growth (ZPG) who believe that the numbers of human beings on planet, or should we say starship, Earth must be frozen if not decreased over time but must never ever be allowed to grow. As this movement has existed since the 1950s and perhaps before, who knows how far before as there were likely such people believing such back in ancient Greece as this unfounded fear that the humans have used up all the space on the planet is a result of people residing their entire lives in cities where people are stacked ten deep or more. There is a reason the main ZPG movement existence is the San Diego to San Francisco California area and the Washington D.C. through Boston corridor along the East Coast and none exist in central Nebraska, well, almost nothing exists in central Nebraska other than a half dozen families on their farms. Perhaps these excitable ZPG movement members should be granted a free trip east to west and back again across Nebraska allowing them to feel comfortable at the start and finish in Omaha, a fair sized city, as there is nothing even close across the rest of the state of Nebraska, trust us.


The numbers of different groups over the long history of missing predictions, probably the most overestimated problem has been population of the entire planet. Thus far every last attempt to mitigate the dire predictions with real and implemented solutions have simply proven far more destructive and disastrous than the predicted problems would have caused. One of the most problematic and unfortunate results of any population control experiment would have to be the recently terminated China one child policy. This policy had exactly the result any sane person could have pointed out, the over propensity to have that one child be a male, which was the exact result. China now finds themselves with a massive imbalance between young male and female population. The obvious old school and historic means for resolving such an imbalance had always been to have a large scale and prolonged war until the imbalance was mitigated through casualties. This may have been one of the factors in the near continuous wars throughout history between the separate Chinese provinces or, after the unification of China, between India and China. Granted that most wars have far more earthly motivating factors such as desires for the neighboring tribes’ women, cattle, fire starter, cave or other valuable item from times so distant that we could never discern their motivations any more than they could have understood our working for pieces of worthless paper which only have value because everybody agrees to honor the worthless pieces of paper, well, cloth actually.


The Crusades were a response to the loss of Jerusalem and the Holy Lands to the expansive colonialist armies surging out from the Arabian Peninsula initially centered around Medina and Mecca after its conquest. This surging of the young religion of Islam in its initial two centuries eventually spread forth across all of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) finally tuned back at Tours, France as they continued forth from Spain and again at the opposite end at Vienna which withstood a siege which was lifted by the combined armies of Poland, Hungary and the Holy Roman Army over a century later. Christianity’s loss of Jerusalem was a bitter and challenging reality which resulted in numerous Crusades, military expeditions, to retake Jerusalem and the Holy Lands with their all meeting with varied levels of success or failure. Eventually the Christian world had to necessarily eventually accept this loss until their retaking the areas from the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Those soldiers who liberated the Holy Land and took Jerusalem did not necessarily have any reaction that these lands were at all special as religious values of the lands; even Jerusalem was at best a secondary thought, as the Great War was a brutal and all-encompassing horror that has dragged for years and introduced carnage beyond any previous war, a carnage which had been intimated by the horrors half a century earlier in the American Civil War. World War I is difficult to understand by the nations of Europe as the assassination of a leader would be treated largely as a criminal event than an act sparking a world conflict. The Crusades would be even more difficult for modern Europeans to understand as religion has become but a puff of smoke wafting away on the winds of time and of as little concern in the world today as they were the motivating factor of all of society those few centuries ago when the many Crusades had gripped a pair of continents.


Crusader Routes I through IV spanning 1095 through 1289

Crusader Routes I through IV spanning 1095 through 1289


Those on the other side of the Crusades have not progressed as has Europe, and the lands of Islam still hold the lands of MENA as they had during the times of the Crusades. The Byzantine Empire was the Islamic Caliphate at the onset of World War I and had sided with the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and Germany much due to their fears and challenges of Russia to their north who were their mortal enemy at the onset of the war. After World War I the Allied powers made a decision to return rule to the peoples residing within the lands taking caretaking positions under the League of Nations approved Mandate systems. Nations were set with borders which either had carelessly ignored tribal boundaries or intentionally set the borders to prevent the nations from uniting behind a leader and once again forming the Caliphate which they blamed for their entry into World War I against the Allied powers. That system known as Sykes-Picot also redrew the lines of borders in Eastern Europe dividing up the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and shrank German borders in an effort to prevent another empire forming in the east and threatening France and Britain in the future. Obviously both presumptions are proving to have been erroneous. Germany partly due to restrictions and punishing debt leveled against Germany partly led to World War II and the disintegration across the nations of MENA and the rise of groups attempting to unify the people under their banner exclaiming their claims to be the new Caliphate.


Islamic Expansion

Islamic Expansion


The Western World and especially Europeans have strayed so far from their dedication to religious underpinnings in their societies that they are absolutely clueless to the reasoning and motivations behind many Islamic forces and the violence against them. The fact that there has also been many violent terrorist strikes in the Islamic World just as there has in the Western World has only increased the misunderstanding of the motivations in the increasingly violent actions between the two very different regions of today’s world. The inviting into Europe, Canada, the United States and the remainder of the Western World of “Syrian refugees” when Saudi Arabia refuses to accept a single refugee, the Gulf States with all their oil wealth refuse to take a single refugee, Jordan holds the refugees in hastily constructed camps refusing to permit a single refugee to resettle in Jordan and Turkey has a very similar policy as Jordan is confusing beyond normative reasoning. One would reason that as these refugees are Arabs and mostly Muslims that Arab and Muslim nations would be granting them entrance to assist these troubled individuals who have the same religion and similar if not near identical histories. Obviously there is something amiss about these refugees and the complete refusal of the entirety of the Arab and Islamic worlds for permitting even family unification or any reason no matter how seemingly rational is the strongest reason that the nations accepting these “refugees” should probably take greater precautions. One has to think at some point that the Arab Islamic World knows something that the Western and formerly Christian World does not know but should be concerned and figure out what the big secret must be. Their survival may just depend on figuring out why their own people refuse to assist them just as they refuse to ever assist or permit a single Palestinian “refugee” to leave their camps and reside in their lands, even in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority areas where Hamas and Fatah rule over the Arab Islamic communities have refugee camps of fellow “Palestinian” Arab refugees where members of the same family reside within and just outside the fences around the camp and they refuse to allow unification. Why is it once an Arab Muslim becomes a refugee is it incumbent on Western nations to take them in and the Islamic and Arab worlds refuse any responsibility for their brothers and sisters. Apparently Islam has little compassion for their own people, their own brothers and sisters suffering and take no responsibility to alleviate such suffering while Christian nations plus Jewish Israel have allowed some of these refugees to live a normal life and even take them in even when there are questions about their actual motives and why the vast majority are military age men without anywhere near a concomitant female populations and children also joining them.


This coming at a time when the Western World has all but lost their ties to religion is even more ominous as there could be a religious underpinning to this possible invasion and with religion all but dead in the Western World which makes the coming times if there should be difficulties and societal trauma, the next generation will look to anybody offering a different path, a new approach as they will see their parent’s methods as the reason and incapable of addressing the problems it is claimed they were causing and these children will become very open to Islam should it be presented as welcoming, open and liberating religion, just the picture that many Imams are selling. Sharia is not being brought into the relations attempting to convert Western liberal liberated youth who feel empty and lost and have no faith in Christianity which their parents have at best observed as an empty set of actions without meaning or any faith in Hashem. This will push their children to seek out those who honestly believe and believe deeply and such holding to faith will be attractive to the children being raised now in the Western World, especially if there are financial crises and political upheavals with collapse of the currencies and the society will be primed to be taken afield by Islam which will blame Christianity for letting the people down and not only allowing but contributing to these calamities. They will point to every fallen Priest, Rabbi, Minister or Christian religious or other leaders from the faith as the reason that Christianity has become a dead religion which has been replaced and that Allah is the one true god, the new face of the singular deity and that Islam is the replacement of Christianity just as Christianity replaced Judaism and that Muhammad was the final prophet who brought the new deity, Allah who is the last name, Allah who is the deity of Jesus, the same Jesus who will now be the messiah in a new manner of coming to ready the world for the return of Muhammad and who will serve as Muhammad’s servant and dedicated follower.


Islam defines itself as the final replacement religion of Abraham. There is a problem with their story for the discerning and true believer will realize the difference immediately. Where Hashem, the deity of the Judeo-Christian religious family, Hashem is of Abraham along with Isaak, and Jacob; Allah is the god of Abram, before Hashem made his covenant and altered his name to Abraham and making his name now holy, Ishmael, and Muhammad. Different lineage even including Abram rather than Abraham and instead of the gentle Isaak and the most noble and nearly free of sin Jacob we have Ishmael and finally Muhammad. Ishmael was prophesized in Torah in the verse of Genesis 16:12 by the words,

וְהוּא יִהְיֶה פֶּרֶא אָדָם יָדוֹ בַכֹּל וְיַד כֹּל בּוֹ וְעַל פְּנֵי כָל אֶחָיו יִשְׁכֹּן  

“And he will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be upon all, and everyone’s hand upon him, and before all his brothers he will dwell.”


Hashem and Allah are not the same and this makes the religions very different and not honestly all Abrahamic religions as Islam is an Abramic religion before Abram was renamed by Hashem into Abraham as a sign of their covenant and Abraham becoming the truth of Hashem. Abram became an entirely different person after making his covenant with Hashem and receiving his altered name adding new letters becoming Abraham and thus now being the individual capable of generating a just religion which would lead to the Messiah. These facts will not be explained nor are they even understood or known to the majority of wayward Jews and Christians who have lost their path walking with their religion. Many of these families may remember a few stories and quaint remembrances but other than a casual smattering of truths they know nothing. They know not the Bible, Torah, Proverbs, Psalms or the New Testament or that the United States was based on many biblical writings as well as common law, the Magna Carta and the most liberal political writings of their times. With a world failing and in utter confusion can we blame our children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren if they take to the seeming caressing arms of Islam if it be proffered as the salvation they seek rejecting that which they believe had forsaken their parents, grandparents and back as it had obviously failed when it had not failed, we had failed. Is there time to repair the damages and return and rebuild our society and give back to life meaning beyond carnal pleasures. Carnal pleasure is a poor base for a society and even less of a base for an entire society, let alone the world. Carnal pleasures will not long remain the basis for Western society and unless something is offered before Islam takes a foothold deeper than it has already established as we discussed yesterday, then our future youth will not be capable of refusing their sirens’ swan song as the Imams call them five times a day and they bow to Allah forsaking Hashem, then where will things go. We know the answer and we must see to it that they are steered to a religion which raises the soul and not darkens life.


Beyond the Cusp


September 3, 2016

Time to Claim that which Belongs to the Israelites


There is a strange thing which happens to people should they read the Old Testament with special attention initially to the first six books, the Five Books of Moses, or Torah, the scroll which is read from in Synagogues the world over during Saturday morning services and other days and holidays, and the first book of the remainder of the Jewish Bible, Joshua, sometimes thought of as the Sixth Book of Moses as the style of writing is so similar to those of Torah. Reading about the Prophets, Judges, Kings, Psalms and Proverbs, there are names of places. The realizations go even deeper should one study these writings and reference a map of ancient Israel so that the names of the locations can be located. Some of the places have identical names today and some have been changed, often to disguise their Israelite (Jewish) history and heritage. Temple Mount, Jerusalem, Hevron, Shechem, Jericho, Beersheba, all the precious tombs and the lands in which they lived, sanctuary cities and all are written about. One will read of the Tribes of Israel (see map below) which settles on both, yes, both sides of the Jordan River. The tribes northern border was the Litani River which lies in the center of modern Lebanon and was presumably the demarcation south of which the United Nations promised to prevent Hezballah from setting up as part of the peace agreement of the last Lebanon conflict. Promises to Israel appear to be the least kept of words between men as time and again any rumbling or threats from terrorists and the world runs frightened leaving Israel to face these threats without any trust in worldly promises. Yet, for reasons beyond all reason and logic, the Israeli government will always trust the promises of the world time and again despite every broken promise of the past; always ready to believe this time it will be different, despite all evidence to the contrary. Perhaps it is a character fault of trusting and believing in the best of people and nations despite all evidence to the contrary.


Eretz Yisroel from back in the time immediately after Exodus and before the additional conquest by King David and King Solomon with the original division of the lands between the Tribes covering both sides of the Jordan River. The Israelis and Jews in general could attempt to demand that Eretz Yisroel, the Land of Israel be made whole as was First Apportioned by Hashem.


The problem is Israel has a history of trusting in the fairness and asking for the approval and constantly waiting for such approvals. It started long before Israel became a nation. We can start a short distance and work back. It was November 29, 1947 with the vote in the United Nations which suggested that when any nation would be made between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, it be divided between and Arab and a Jewish nation. This plan was made by the General Assembly which meant that should either side refuse the resolution the entirety was null and void. The Arab League immediately refused the resolution ending the patrician plan thus allowing for Israel to be established on all the land. When the fateful day arrived on My 15, 1948, the entirety of six Arab armies invaded at the break of dawn, or soon thereafter, and attempted to extinguish the nascent state and murder every Jew in a genocidal massacre. They failed in this endeavor but did manage to occupy Gaza and much of Judea and Samaria, which Jordan renamed West Bank to erase its Jewish root names, and held these lands illegally for the next nineteen years until the June 1967 Six Day War when Israel liberated these lands. But even this vote by the United Nations was far from the beginning, so let us proceed back further.


Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid

Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs
Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands
as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League
and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid


Right after World War I ended there was a move in Europe to return the lands to the original indigenous peoples where such existed. This was what led to the British making the Balfour Declaration in 1917 which promised that the British would take it upon themselves to establish a Jewish homeland in the Middle East in the lands which had been ancient Israel. At the San Remo Conference the Allied powers met and drafted a paper in which they guaranteed and formalized their aims to establish a Jewish state and drafted the Balfour Declaration completely intact in a paper referred to by the name of that conference, the San Remo Conference. This paper was signed by all the Allied States other than the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia and Japan. In the Treaty of Sèvres, signed on August 10, 1920, which formalized the San Remo Conference and also established the Mandate Systems which establish the British Mandate as well as the entire set of Mandates from which the Sykes-Picot Treaty, set up the remainder of the Middle East and North Africa countries which were to be martialed initially by the European Allies and Russia until self-government could be established. The British Mandate was meant to establish the Jewish State but as the British had promised the Hashemite Dynasty a nation; so they met with the Zionist Congress and petitioned them to accept a state solely on the west of the Jordan River while surrendering their claims to any lands east of the Jordan River so that the British could establish an Arab State for Palestinian Arabs under the Hashemite Dynasty setting the Hashemites as the monarchy leaving the western parts to be used for the Arab State (see map above). The Zionist Congress, feeling powerless and desiring to not anger the British who were one of the most powerful of nations at that time, agreed to accept a severely truncated Israel. Transjordan, later to become Jordan, was finally established formally in 1946, two years ahead of Israel. But it goes back even further.


The history of the Jews and Israel, since the conquest by the Greek Empire of Alexander the Great and then the Roman Empire and the two banishments after temporarily successful wars throwing off Roman rule briefly only to fall to Roman legions sent to teach the upstart Judeans (Jews) a lesson that Rome would not tolerate such revolts, has been a series of pogroms, murderous riots, banishments, cleansings and finally the Shoah, the Holocaust. The fact that this happened twice was proof that they deserved the Biblical description of being a stiff necked people. Unfortunately, these were pretty much the last times the Jews were truly a stiff necked people and instead became, over the intervening approximately twenty centuries, Jews having anything but stiff necks by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, they have proven to be amongst the most malleable of all peoples. They left nations at a simple behest leaving their businesses and often properties and wealth behind, and kept to their own portions of cities, often a Jewish ghetto. They feared the Church, Mosque, Priests, Imams, Kings, Queens, Caliphs, Barons, Emperors, Czars, Kaisers, Mahārājas, Padishahs, Rajas and all other titled and authorities constantly fearing pogroms, cleansings, inquisitions, purifications, jihads and any edict which might make them targets. What was sad is that had the majority of Jews worldwide ever chosen to return to their ancient homelands they might have been capable of turning realities into independence or at the least making of their homelands a partitioned semiautonomous region where they could have lived in relative peace. All it would have taken would have been faith in Hashem and their own worth, but instead the Jews continued to live at the tolerance and best intentions of others. Such has been the history and thus is the current leadership.


There is a question which is approaching by one means or another as the Arabs are restless and angered by their leadership under the Palestinian Authority and a sizeable majority are ready to elect Hamas into leadership across their towns, cities and other local governance. The majority of Palestinian Arabs reside in areas where they elect their local leaders and in what is misnamed the West Bank, they reside in an autonomous region where they elect their leaders. Their last election for President was held in 2005 where Mahmoud Abbas was elected. Since then he has feared standing for reelection and thus has found reason after reason to cancel elections. The real reason is he is afraid of losing power and being replaced by Hamas. This might lead to his being charged for corruption and theft of funds and standing trial under Hamas judges who would have him killed just as soon as they were sure they had found every dollar and Euro he has stolen and stashed in Swiss and other banks. Whatever such a future might hold, Abbas will do all he is able to avoid finding out what exactly would happen. Still, Israel needs to be prepared for a Hamas takeover by one means or another in the near future. Should Hamas take control of Judea and Samaria, Israel will be forced to confront a situation where Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion International Airport and the heart of Israel surrounding these areas and reaching as far north as Netanya would rapidly become uninhabitable due to rocket attacks carried out by Hamas as soon as they would be capable of building or importing even the most rudimentary of rockets (see map below). Such a situation would be untenable at best and an unimaginable disaster should such a situation arise. With Hamas ruling the majority of the localities and potentially, should Abbas allow elections to be held at any time, running the entire show; Israel would need to come to a decision immediately and set forth a strong and unambiguous situational criteria. Israel would have to rule that a single rocket fired from the Arab areas within Judea and Samaria landing anywhere within any areas within the Green Line or any of the neighborhoods outside of Arab autonomous regions that Israel would immediately claim and annex all the lands other than Gaza between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and all Arabs within the autonomous regions would be pushed outside of the State of Israel and its true borders under International Law. Simple statement and placing the IDF on alert should provide the reality check required as proof of the real intentions. Unfortunately, such a declaration would not likely be coming as the government would be worried over what the Americans might say or even think, what the Europeans and European Union would say, what Russia, China and anybody else might believe of them, especially if it was unkind, and finally they would be overly concerned what the Arab and Muslim world would do and react to their displacing even a single Arab from their home. Simply stated, they would need to sample every nation, international body, the United Nations, European Union, and possibly see what Viking rune stones might say in predicting the Scandinavian nations’ reactions. Unfortunately, the map says it all.


Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan Depicting the Near Complete Coverage  of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest  Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah Are Capable of Producing in Bulk

Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan
Depicting the Near Complete Coverage
of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest
Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah
Are Capable of Producing in Bulk


The time is rapidly approaching when Israel will be facing a choice, take all the land which is legally ours and grant the Arabs fair market share for their properties, except for those in governance as they have stolen sufficient to provide for themselves for a long period, and place them and the prisoners outside Israeli borders. This may require military force just as was used to destroy Jewish communities in Gaza and areas of Judea and Samaria to please United States President George W. Bush, his Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the State Department and every other soul on the planet who supported the Gaza sacrifice which turned so disastrous that one hopes at least one lesson may have been learned. If the IDF can be utilized to beat down Jews and destroy their neighborhoods, livelihoods, businesses, communities and all else which had any real, intrinsic or emotional value, then Israel should sure as anything be capable of using at least similar force in extending the borders to their Internationally Legal limits along the Jordan River and making these lands safe for all Israelis of all religions. Families who have been completely free of any ties to terror and desire to remain as legal alien residents and obey Israeli laws and be aware that should any member of their family commit or support any terrorist activity, they will lose everything faster than they can protest the actions and be sent beyond the border without any remunerations for lost property et al. The world is steadily accelerating in their embracing of anti-Semitism and this has been steadily made evident by the adoptions of the BDS movement and the number of governments who refuse to relocate their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the true Israeli Capital City. No other nation is made to suffer the refusal of the world to accept their declaration of a Capital City other than Israel and Jerusalem. We recognize that the constant and incessant griping, sniping, threatening, and badgering of government officials by Arab Palestinian proponents sooner or later wear down many a government official which eventually snowballs into accepting their demand if only to have some quiet as the Jews won’t complain, they’re civil and meek like good Jews. Perhaps it is time to place some Israelites into the highest positions in our political establishment and finally stand up for ourselves and tell the world it is our turn to set some rules. Do we need to actually state these rules? We hope not as all Israel should demand and actuate upon are the exact things promised us since 1917, the lands of our ancestors, all of them. Read our history, read our Torah and Joshua and the rest of our Bible and become educated. We could demand what is actually Greater Israel which is defined as the lands taken at the height of Israelite power under King David and King Solomon (see map below). There is a lot to be stated about this area.


Eretz Yisroel as formed after the conquests by the Kingdoms of King David and King Solomon; both of whom allowed the Principalities of Edom, Moab and Ammon to be semi-autonomous as long as they and their armies supported Eretz Yisroel

Eretz Yisroel as formed after the conquests by the Kingdoms of King David and King Solomon; both of whom allowed the Principalities of Edom, Moab and Ammon to be semi-autonomous as long as they and their armies supported Eretz Yisroel


We never did quite make it from the Euphrates to the Nile, but we did reach the Euphrates. Further, were Israel granted these lands, then there would be little left of the Syria Civil War as Israel would be dividing the warring parties and should the Islamic State insist on striking Israel, there would no longer be any need for any world hand wringing as all that would need be done would become done. Israel has attempted to please the world and the world cannot be pleased. Israel has attempted to live by the world’s rules but those rules claim that Israel never be permitted to win. Even when we have won and liberated our own lands the world demands we give away those very lands after we already returned an area of land which vastly outsizes our actual borders under International Law. We are talking of the Sinai Peninsula and our sitting on the eastern banks of the Suez Canal. The time for deference is rapidly coming to a close if it has not already come and gone and Israeli leaders are simply being too timid. Excess of timidity is as much as sin as being overly boastful. Perhaps the time is now to declare our annexation of all that is ours and allow the chips to fall where they may. We surrendered Gaza and got a fanatical den of annihilative monsters desiring our death over their own lives and the world did not budge from their demands that Israel and her people commit suicide. Israelis have had enough with the demands that Israel surrender to every tin pot demanding their pound of flesh. We are done with it or honestly should be. The Israeli leaders may still bend over backwards, but the people have reached the end of their rope and the politicians had best heed the growing growling as that growl is meant for them if they do not point it in a healthier direction. When even one of the major parties in the United States removes backing for the Two State Solution and in turn the Oslo Accords from their platform, it is time that Israel take that dead issue off our table as well. Now is the time and not waiting for Hamas to become further entrenched in Judea and Samaria and join the Islamic State bringing that misery to our doorsteps. It will be best to end all misery before it multiplies tenfold and that means now. Time is here for a new breed of leadership, one that will fight for the people and end the Oslo Charade which leads only to self-annihilation because suicide is not a viable solution.


Beyond the Cusp


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