Beyond the Cusp

October 10, 2016

Let’s Play “Can We Find a Trump to Trump This?”


The media coverage of items dragged from the depths of Donald Trump’s past would be a whole lot more believable had they treated anything from the Clinton’s pasts or presents with equal severity and critical research. So they have found another outrageous thing Donald Trump said and the Republican Party mainstays are all a twitter, on Twitter and Facebook, castigating their presumed candidate because they actually have moral compasses and core values instead of the win at any cost and damn the rules because the media will protect us and pooh-pooh any charge from our past and present because the political reality in the United States is the media has become the publicist and attack dog of the Democrat Party. Notice the amount of time the media spent on the item of the second about how the Clintons used the Democrat Central Committee to assist them in destroying the campaign and hopes of Bernie Sanders. If you blinked or coughed you missed that coverage entirely. Or how Hillary literally laughed in the faces of the Benghazi Committee and the members of Congress taking the deaths of four Americans including an Ambassador and two brave men who gave their every last breath trying to protect the staff and the Ambassador while President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton were doing everything in their power to help the whole affair disappear in a blizzard of misinformation and commanding relief efforts to stand down so as not to make a federal case of protecting these people. Those two men held off the entire attacking terror force we now know for eight long hours always checking the skies for help which never came. They sent out radio plea after radio plea describing their situation and giving exact coordinates of the mortar placements which were bombarding their position. All that President Obama and the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were doing was damage control and minimizing any hope these men had that their country’s leadership actually cared enough to send in the Marines, literally. How silly and ridiculous their efforts must have appeared to the exact people charged with presumably tearing down nations to bring them to safety must have appeared as they put out one fire after another which were being lighted to send hope and tell these men and their protected that help was on the way. Assisting forces were boarding helicopters and warming up fighter jets only to be commanded by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton to power down their efforts because these people were not worth risking their careers at such a crucial stage in the reelection campaign of President Obama and the future election, or is it supposed to be coronation, of President Hillary. That is what mattered then and that is what matters now, the placement of Hillary upon her throne.


Where are the investigations into the Clinton Foundation or has all suspicions now been squelched and another fire put out just as all those, and this was their terminology, “Bimbo Explosions” were handled all those years as Willian Jefferson Clinton was the rising star of the Democrat Party from Little Rock and these continued “Bimbo Explosions” while he was President wagging his finger at the camera and the American People claiming, “I did not have sex with that woman Miss Lewinski.” Notice how such womanizing and actual sexual escapades are being silenced as if Hillary never assisted these cover-ups and the entire media machine has silenced all mention of anything untoward from the Clinton Sex Machine which was Bill Clinton’s driving force while climbing and maintaining his political stardom. The media is downplaying the potential for mischief which will present itself with Bill Clinton back in the White House as First Husband where he will be sent to travel the globe and rub elbows and whatnot with the wives of other nation’s Presidents and Prime Ministers. Is this the picture we want for the United States?



We are being treated to every lewd and unsolicited glance from the past of a man who never expected to actually be running for President of the United States and did not have handlers his entire life scripting his way around every failing and misspeak as many in the political class have had the luxury of for these past fifty to sixty years. While Hillary resided in the hallowed halls of the political game Donald was working in the real world and actually had real world failings and missteps which remained unsanitized making for such fine targets for today’s media. The media has on record the entire playlist of past Donaldisms right next to the “Do not ever allow see the light of day” playlist of Clintonisms. Imagine yourself thrust into the limelight having your entire past and that of anyone who was close such as a wife, husband, college roommate or just about anyone else and every prank from summer camp, as we’re sure if Donald Trump ever assisted in short-sheeting a counselor’s bunk we will hear of this as the ultimate in horrific behavior two days before the election on Sunday, November 6 as the lead in every Sunday newsprint. The story will be retold on all the talk shows and will lead with nothing else being covered with interviews with the traumatized counselor who is needless to say traumatized by this coverage out of the blue and not because of post-traumatic stress disorder from the short-sheeting. Nor has he been likely to have sought, as might be claimed, psychiatric help to get past this horrific experience brought on by young Donald who has obviously never matured from that day forward. This is the typical type of story we are being treated to as if they have any bearing on how Donald Trump will serve as President while how Secretary of State Hillary Clinton acted in that service to the country is inconsequential as it has no bearing on how she will act as President. Tell me how that makes any sense.


There has been one other item which has bothered us since the very first primary where Donald Trump won so handily against some extremely stiff competition and how every word he uttered in a debate were the only quotes the media ever played unless there was a complete failure by one of the other candidates. Did anyone notice how Donald Trump was considered a serious candidate and one capable of leading the campaign of one of the major political parties in the United States. The media was his campaign and they did their part to get him the nomination right before they turned on him like a rabid dog might one morning turn on its owner seemingly for no reason. The difference is there was a reason and that is the media has their dog in this race. Somehow Donald Trump was the media’s favorite and there was a reason. Any legitimate Republican even to include Ted Cruz, the media’s backup for Donald, would have cleaned Hillary Clinton’s clock in this election and the political world knows this. It had become apparent that Donald Trump is not only running against the Democrat Party, the Clinton machine, both Bill and Hillary Clinton and the media but also the Republican Party as well. The Republicans have yet to put up even the tiniest squeal of protest against the treatment and have actually piled and heaped shame upon Donald themselves and are now heading for the exits in a well-rehearsed fire drill making Donald persona non grata even in his own party and have made it appear even his running mate will have nothing to do with him after this well held secret was waiting in the wings to be used at this juncture. The Republican Party knew this was coming as each and every one who was questioned as the story was breaking or even before it broke so that these reactions of Republican elites could be aired with the story were ready and willing to throw Donald Trump under the bus. One need ask why?


The Republican Party has their candidate for the Presidency and she is Hillary Clinton. That is correct, both major parties are running Hillary Clinton for President and her path to the White House was supposed to be a cleared path with the least presentable and least probable candidate being chosen by the Republicans and then denigrated and destroyed by the same Republican Party such that Hillary would have her deserved and rightful coronation. This is the dirty little not-so-secret secret of this entire campaign from both parties. Was there any Republican who was being seriously considered potentially a threat to a Hillary Clinton victory? Jeb Bush with all his millions would have walked off with the election but he was destroyed before he got started. He was likely promised by the Democrats to be given his turn after Hillary Clinton serves her eight years and he will get four. Who were the front runners from the start? Remember? There was Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and John Kasich. All the stars were eliminated by the media one-by-one and the Republican Party never cried foul and simple whimpered along in tacit agreement with the decimation of their candidate field leaving only candidates Hillary might be capable of defeating. Even with this field they had to go to a Donald Trump candidacy to even be able to pretend Hillary was the better choice. There wasn’t a bigger clown to ridicule than Donald Trump but something went awry. What was that they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? Well, all the King’s horses and all the King’s men are trying to put Humpty together again but Hillary keeps falling off her perch and cracking into a million pieces before our eyes and it is not news. Her excuses lead like she was suffering from pneumonia which was why she fainted at the 911 rally and had to be slid away from all coverage, as required to keep the lie going, into a van without escort or Secret Service protections and media circus one would expect. Then this weak and eviscerated pneumonia victim then turned up escaping her minders waving to all who passed by from Chelsea’s New York apartment chipper as the first day of spring. Then there was her bright and shiny perky Hillary at the first debate and we are anticipating an equally medicated and scripted Hillary with the little bug in her ear feeding her every word and every thought guiding her along while Donald Trump is left to his own devices completely abandoned by all. Trump should place a sign over his campaign headquarters stating, “Abandon all hope ye who enter here.” He was cherry picked as the only person Hillary Clinton could easily beat six ways come November 8, Election Day and she has proven unable to even manage this. What would have been her chances against any competent candidate? None, negligible and without a doubt her rise would have been an impossible Herculean task. Alas, poor Sisyphus is going to have a new task in Hades. Sisyphus will be tasked with pushing Hillary Clinton up the hill to a microphone only to have her tumble back to the bottom every time.


Sisyphus Pushing Hillary Up the Hill

Sisyphus Pushing Hillary Up the Hill


Sisyphus may as well represent the media, the Democrat Party, the Republican Party, talking heads from Sunday Morning News shows, the nightly news anchors, etc. Actually, to parse a phrase, “Never was so much owed by so few to so many,” can refer to Bill and Hillary who owe a debt for her successes and covering her many failures in deed and character to the entirety of the political and media empires which have congealed around protecting her path to the White House. What is so surprising is that it will take a landslide victory by such a great margin to get past the fixes already in place in the crucial states to make President Hillary a certainty. Donald Trump is not going to need the undecided battleground states as those are fixed where such opportunity presents; such as Philadelphia having 125% turnout with 98% voting for the Democrat and other noted irregularities such as Chicago in all too many elections. Trump is going to need to win in places where the powers that be do not expect him to even have a snowball’s chance in Death Valley on an August afternoon such as taking New York or California, something we have believed he might be able to pull off and they put some early efforts in place in both these states, or any other solid Democrat stronghold. Perhaps he can take Illinois or Minnesota or Maine or anywhere in New England or the great northwest of Oregon (OK, no hope in Oregon) and Washington (not much better then Oregon) and if he takes any of these there will be no amount of cheating or vote buying or rigging that will prevent his landslide. If Pennsylvania and New York go to Trump early in the reporting as the polls close, then the gig is up and Hillary is finished. That is the reality and they know this which is why Donald Trump will be made into the most hideous monster of a human being since Idi Amin Dada. The torrents of the media are on the verge of demon Trump all the time. Expect even comedy and other venues of shows on television to start with anti-Trump campaign assistance. We can expect the late night shows to begin blasting away at the latest “Did you hear this scandalous item from Trump’s past?” They will talk about things he presumably did in grade school as if he did them yesterday in Times Square. Expect people from Trump’s past, real and imaginary, to be presented as witnesses to his character, or lack thereof, and a string, a procession coming to the microphone given their fifteen seconds of fame where all they need do is say, “I’m Joe Six Pack and Donald Trump is an evil monster who left me without hope or any future when he destroyed my car, house, dreams, relations with Marilyn Monroe or whatever fiasco of a life tragedy they can claim and the public will be expected to realize, oh my gosh, how could I ever vote for such a mean and evil person while Hillary Clinton will remain wrapped in her cocoon protected from prodding or other harms. No words about Benghazi, old news; or the e-mails, not prosecutable; or pay to play, no proven quid pro quo; or her losing of the Rose Law Firm tax files until the statute of limitations was passed and then they were in a white house clothes closet found by the cleaning crew, old news; or her presumed ill health, simply pneumonia and what a miracle recovery, isn’t she wonderful; her lying to Congress and to the relatives of the dead about Benghazi, not Benghazi again, can’t you leave that old news alone; cleaned server hard drive, really want to try that again; and any wrongdoing by the Clintons is either old news, been there-done that, that again, we tired of hearing about that, doesn’t mean anything, “never happened, OK, happened but doesn’t matter, OK matters but you sure it was Hillary, that again?”


This election is not about Donald Trump or anything he ever did as anything Trump has done did not result in dead bodies, dead United States Ambassador and two former Navy Seals left hanging to die, lies and cover-ups of felonies, risking and compromising United States top secret information, selling lies to Congress and the American people, and a trail of continuous scandals and cover-ups longer and deeper than anything, oh wait, here’s a grandmother who was denied a visit by her great-grandchildren because Trump had to lead a parade. Ridiculous, yes, but also an example in jestful hyperextension of reality not that far stretched. And we have yet to get into the lies and mischaracterization of Hillary’s proven positions on numerous foreign policy and international relations. A simple pair of examples would be her being capable of handling Vladimir (the Invader) Putin better than Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s presumed love for Israel against Donald Trump the presumed anti-Semite whose daughter is an Orthodox practicing Jew and whose every child is married to or dating a religious and/or Zionist Jew while Chelsea also married a Jew who is a Democrat leftist progressive whose parents were members of Congress and his father later served time in federal prison for fraud, is a wealthy hedge fund manager and alumnus of Goldman Sachs thus bigtime Wall Street connection, but to his credit Marc Mezvinsky has an upbringing and adulthood which were shaped by a strong Jewish background amid all the politics according to media reports. Trump’s eldest daughter actually converted, Chelsea has not and probably never will convert thus her children will not be Jewish by religious law while Ivanka Trump will raise their children as true and honest Jews by Halacha. This Jewish connection to the potential next Presidential family is unprecedented in American and Jewish history with few Jews outside of Israel ever being so close to the seat of power. Benjamin Disraeli as the Victorian Prime Minister of Britain being probably the most famous exception may soon have some competition but that remains to be seen. Remember that much of the Trump controversies are manufactured from deeds of a man outside of politics and on the wrong side of the media and both parties’ elites and was chosen to be the sacrificial lamb at the coronation of Hillary Clinton, who has been unofficially but practically cleansed of all her and her husband’s wrongdoings by a complicit media and political elites, and they have now realized they chose a wolf from amongst the sheep.


Beyond the Cusp


September 3, 2016

Time to Claim that which Belongs to the Israelites


There is a strange thing which happens to people should they read the Old Testament with special attention initially to the first six books, the Five Books of Moses, or Torah, the scroll which is read from in Synagogues the world over during Saturday morning services and other days and holidays, and the first book of the remainder of the Jewish Bible, Joshua, sometimes thought of as the Sixth Book of Moses as the style of writing is so similar to those of Torah. Reading about the Prophets, Judges, Kings, Psalms and Proverbs, there are names of places. The realizations go even deeper should one study these writings and reference a map of ancient Israel so that the names of the locations can be located. Some of the places have identical names today and some have been changed, often to disguise their Israelite (Jewish) history and heritage. Temple Mount, Jerusalem, Hevron, Shechem, Jericho, Beersheba, all the precious tombs and the lands in which they lived, sanctuary cities and all are written about. One will read of the Tribes of Israel (see map below) which settles on both, yes, both sides of the Jordan River. The tribes northern border was the Litani River which lies in the center of modern Lebanon and was presumably the demarcation south of which the United Nations promised to prevent Hezballah from setting up as part of the peace agreement of the last Lebanon conflict. Promises to Israel appear to be the least kept of words between men as time and again any rumbling or threats from terrorists and the world runs frightened leaving Israel to face these threats without any trust in worldly promises. Yet, for reasons beyond all reason and logic, the Israeli government will always trust the promises of the world time and again despite every broken promise of the past; always ready to believe this time it will be different, despite all evidence to the contrary. Perhaps it is a character fault of trusting and believing in the best of people and nations despite all evidence to the contrary.


Eretz Yisroel from back in the time immediately after Exodus and before the additional conquest by King David and King Solomon with the original division of the lands between the Tribes covering both sides of the Jordan River. The Israelis and Jews in general could attempt to demand that Eretz Yisroel, the Land of Israel be made whole as was First Apportioned by Hashem.


The problem is Israel has a history of trusting in the fairness and asking for the approval and constantly waiting for such approvals. It started long before Israel became a nation. We can start a short distance and work back. It was November 29, 1947 with the vote in the United Nations which suggested that when any nation would be made between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, it be divided between and Arab and a Jewish nation. This plan was made by the General Assembly which meant that should either side refuse the resolution the entirety was null and void. The Arab League immediately refused the resolution ending the patrician plan thus allowing for Israel to be established on all the land. When the fateful day arrived on My 15, 1948, the entirety of six Arab armies invaded at the break of dawn, or soon thereafter, and attempted to extinguish the nascent state and murder every Jew in a genocidal massacre. They failed in this endeavor but did manage to occupy Gaza and much of Judea and Samaria, which Jordan renamed West Bank to erase its Jewish root names, and held these lands illegally for the next nineteen years until the June 1967 Six Day War when Israel liberated these lands. But even this vote by the United Nations was far from the beginning, so let us proceed back further.


Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid

Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs
Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands
as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League
and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid


Right after World War I ended there was a move in Europe to return the lands to the original indigenous peoples where such existed. This was what led to the British making the Balfour Declaration in 1917 which promised that the British would take it upon themselves to establish a Jewish homeland in the Middle East in the lands which had been ancient Israel. At the San Remo Conference the Allied powers met and drafted a paper in which they guaranteed and formalized their aims to establish a Jewish state and drafted the Balfour Declaration completely intact in a paper referred to by the name of that conference, the San Remo Conference. This paper was signed by all the Allied States other than the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia and Japan. In the Treaty of Sèvres, signed on August 10, 1920, which formalized the San Remo Conference and also established the Mandate Systems which establish the British Mandate as well as the entire set of Mandates from which the Sykes-Picot Treaty, set up the remainder of the Middle East and North Africa countries which were to be martialed initially by the European Allies and Russia until self-government could be established. The British Mandate was meant to establish the Jewish State but as the British had promised the Hashemite Dynasty a nation; so they met with the Zionist Congress and petitioned them to accept a state solely on the west of the Jordan River while surrendering their claims to any lands east of the Jordan River so that the British could establish an Arab State for Palestinian Arabs under the Hashemite Dynasty setting the Hashemites as the monarchy leaving the western parts to be used for the Arab State (see map above). The Zionist Congress, feeling powerless and desiring to not anger the British who were one of the most powerful of nations at that time, agreed to accept a severely truncated Israel. Transjordan, later to become Jordan, was finally established formally in 1946, two years ahead of Israel. But it goes back even further.


The history of the Jews and Israel, since the conquest by the Greek Empire of Alexander the Great and then the Roman Empire and the two banishments after temporarily successful wars throwing off Roman rule briefly only to fall to Roman legions sent to teach the upstart Judeans (Jews) a lesson that Rome would not tolerate such revolts, has been a series of pogroms, murderous riots, banishments, cleansings and finally the Shoah, the Holocaust. The fact that this happened twice was proof that they deserved the Biblical description of being a stiff necked people. Unfortunately, these were pretty much the last times the Jews were truly a stiff necked people and instead became, over the intervening approximately twenty centuries, Jews having anything but stiff necks by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, they have proven to be amongst the most malleable of all peoples. They left nations at a simple behest leaving their businesses and often properties and wealth behind, and kept to their own portions of cities, often a Jewish ghetto. They feared the Church, Mosque, Priests, Imams, Kings, Queens, Caliphs, Barons, Emperors, Czars, Kaisers, Mahārājas, Padishahs, Rajas and all other titled and authorities constantly fearing pogroms, cleansings, inquisitions, purifications, jihads and any edict which might make them targets. What was sad is that had the majority of Jews worldwide ever chosen to return to their ancient homelands they might have been capable of turning realities into independence or at the least making of their homelands a partitioned semiautonomous region where they could have lived in relative peace. All it would have taken would have been faith in Hashem and their own worth, but instead the Jews continued to live at the tolerance and best intentions of others. Such has been the history and thus is the current leadership.


There is a question which is approaching by one means or another as the Arabs are restless and angered by their leadership under the Palestinian Authority and a sizeable majority are ready to elect Hamas into leadership across their towns, cities and other local governance. The majority of Palestinian Arabs reside in areas where they elect their local leaders and in what is misnamed the West Bank, they reside in an autonomous region where they elect their leaders. Their last election for President was held in 2005 where Mahmoud Abbas was elected. Since then he has feared standing for reelection and thus has found reason after reason to cancel elections. The real reason is he is afraid of losing power and being replaced by Hamas. This might lead to his being charged for corruption and theft of funds and standing trial under Hamas judges who would have him killed just as soon as they were sure they had found every dollar and Euro he has stolen and stashed in Swiss and other banks. Whatever such a future might hold, Abbas will do all he is able to avoid finding out what exactly would happen. Still, Israel needs to be prepared for a Hamas takeover by one means or another in the near future. Should Hamas take control of Judea and Samaria, Israel will be forced to confront a situation where Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion International Airport and the heart of Israel surrounding these areas and reaching as far north as Netanya would rapidly become uninhabitable due to rocket attacks carried out by Hamas as soon as they would be capable of building or importing even the most rudimentary of rockets (see map below). Such a situation would be untenable at best and an unimaginable disaster should such a situation arise. With Hamas ruling the majority of the localities and potentially, should Abbas allow elections to be held at any time, running the entire show; Israel would need to come to a decision immediately and set forth a strong and unambiguous situational criteria. Israel would have to rule that a single rocket fired from the Arab areas within Judea and Samaria landing anywhere within any areas within the Green Line or any of the neighborhoods outside of Arab autonomous regions that Israel would immediately claim and annex all the lands other than Gaza between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and all Arabs within the autonomous regions would be pushed outside of the State of Israel and its true borders under International Law. Simple statement and placing the IDF on alert should provide the reality check required as proof of the real intentions. Unfortunately, such a declaration would not likely be coming as the government would be worried over what the Americans might say or even think, what the Europeans and European Union would say, what Russia, China and anybody else might believe of them, especially if it was unkind, and finally they would be overly concerned what the Arab and Muslim world would do and react to their displacing even a single Arab from their home. Simply stated, they would need to sample every nation, international body, the United Nations, European Union, and possibly see what Viking rune stones might say in predicting the Scandinavian nations’ reactions. Unfortunately, the map says it all.


Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan Depicting the Near Complete Coverage  of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest  Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah Are Capable of Producing in Bulk

Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan
Depicting the Near Complete Coverage
of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest
Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah
Are Capable of Producing in Bulk


The time is rapidly approaching when Israel will be facing a choice, take all the land which is legally ours and grant the Arabs fair market share for their properties, except for those in governance as they have stolen sufficient to provide for themselves for a long period, and place them and the prisoners outside Israeli borders. This may require military force just as was used to destroy Jewish communities in Gaza and areas of Judea and Samaria to please United States President George W. Bush, his Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the State Department and every other soul on the planet who supported the Gaza sacrifice which turned so disastrous that one hopes at least one lesson may have been learned. If the IDF can be utilized to beat down Jews and destroy their neighborhoods, livelihoods, businesses, communities and all else which had any real, intrinsic or emotional value, then Israel should sure as anything be capable of using at least similar force in extending the borders to their Internationally Legal limits along the Jordan River and making these lands safe for all Israelis of all religions. Families who have been completely free of any ties to terror and desire to remain as legal alien residents and obey Israeli laws and be aware that should any member of their family commit or support any terrorist activity, they will lose everything faster than they can protest the actions and be sent beyond the border without any remunerations for lost property et al. The world is steadily accelerating in their embracing of anti-Semitism and this has been steadily made evident by the adoptions of the BDS movement and the number of governments who refuse to relocate their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the true Israeli Capital City. No other nation is made to suffer the refusal of the world to accept their declaration of a Capital City other than Israel and Jerusalem. We recognize that the constant and incessant griping, sniping, threatening, and badgering of government officials by Arab Palestinian proponents sooner or later wear down many a government official which eventually snowballs into accepting their demand if only to have some quiet as the Jews won’t complain, they’re civil and meek like good Jews. Perhaps it is time to place some Israelites into the highest positions in our political establishment and finally stand up for ourselves and tell the world it is our turn to set some rules. Do we need to actually state these rules? We hope not as all Israel should demand and actuate upon are the exact things promised us since 1917, the lands of our ancestors, all of them. Read our history, read our Torah and Joshua and the rest of our Bible and become educated. We could demand what is actually Greater Israel which is defined as the lands taken at the height of Israelite power under King David and King Solomon (see map below). There is a lot to be stated about this area.


Eretz Yisroel as formed after the conquests by the Kingdoms of King David and King Solomon; both of whom allowed the Principalities of Edom, Moab and Ammon to be semi-autonomous as long as they and their armies supported Eretz Yisroel

Eretz Yisroel as formed after the conquests by the Kingdoms of King David and King Solomon; both of whom allowed the Principalities of Edom, Moab and Ammon to be semi-autonomous as long as they and their armies supported Eretz Yisroel


We never did quite make it from the Euphrates to the Nile, but we did reach the Euphrates. Further, were Israel granted these lands, then there would be little left of the Syria Civil War as Israel would be dividing the warring parties and should the Islamic State insist on striking Israel, there would no longer be any need for any world hand wringing as all that would need be done would become done. Israel has attempted to please the world and the world cannot be pleased. Israel has attempted to live by the world’s rules but those rules claim that Israel never be permitted to win. Even when we have won and liberated our own lands the world demands we give away those very lands after we already returned an area of land which vastly outsizes our actual borders under International Law. We are talking of the Sinai Peninsula and our sitting on the eastern banks of the Suez Canal. The time for deference is rapidly coming to a close if it has not already come and gone and Israeli leaders are simply being too timid. Excess of timidity is as much as sin as being overly boastful. Perhaps the time is now to declare our annexation of all that is ours and allow the chips to fall where they may. We surrendered Gaza and got a fanatical den of annihilative monsters desiring our death over their own lives and the world did not budge from their demands that Israel and her people commit suicide. Israelis have had enough with the demands that Israel surrender to every tin pot demanding their pound of flesh. We are done with it or honestly should be. The Israeli leaders may still bend over backwards, but the people have reached the end of their rope and the politicians had best heed the growing growling as that growl is meant for them if they do not point it in a healthier direction. When even one of the major parties in the United States removes backing for the Two State Solution and in turn the Oslo Accords from their platform, it is time that Israel take that dead issue off our table as well. Now is the time and not waiting for Hamas to become further entrenched in Judea and Samaria and join the Islamic State bringing that misery to our doorsteps. It will be best to end all misery before it multiplies tenfold and that means now. Time is here for a new breed of leadership, one that will fight for the people and end the Oslo Charade which leads only to self-annihilation because suicide is not a viable solution.


Beyond the Cusp


June 12, 2016

When Lunacy Rules and Lunatics Follow


If one really wishes to get into the minutia and every particular of the latest lunacy, one can read the entire PDF document Security First which gives the entirety of a plan for a new partial surrender of land for peace. Then going further with a series of sources there is the entire media blitz from a group calling themselves “Commanders for Israel’s Security”. No matter how they tell their story or whatever blitz and glitz they add to polish it and make it sparkle and dazzle, their plan is another retreat without requiring the Arab side to make any concessions or even to recognize Israel’s right to exist as the homeland for the Jewish people. There is this impatience which infects groups time after time as they break down under the threats and demands from Europeans and other international sources, in this case including Saudi Arabia represented as a neutral source in this discussion, to make something happen where the world can see that there is some action in the movement towards peace. The problem is that every time these pressures force an action, it is always some group of Israelis who insist that if only Israel shows her good faith then the Arabs will reciprocate. There is only one small flaw in their reasoning, the Arab side has never ever reciprocated and instead has promised that with the assistance of world pressure they will step by step destruct Israel until it is shrunk to the point they can destroy it in a single attack.


There were the demands from the United Nations, the Europeans and America as well as Mothers of the IDF who said we needed to pull back from the security zone in southern Lebanon and trust United Nations peacekeepers and the promises of the Lebanese government. Israel bent largely due to the vigils and media pressure from Mothers of the IDF more than the world pressure and Prime Minister Ehud Barak with assurances from the Generals of the day, today’s retired generals, retreated back south of the Blue Line, the United Nations and internationally recognized border between Israel and Lebanon. United Nations inspectors came and blessed the retreat as being all proper and recognized as being complete. The area which was vacated by Israel did not become a place where the Lebanese army and United Nations peacekeepers took control and guaranteed Israeli border security. Instead Hezballah took complete control of the areas south of the Litany River to the Israeli border. The United Nations peacekeepers remained in their posts and never patrolled or made any move without first checking with the Hezballah forces. The claim was they could not find any Hezballah forces. Perhaps they should have checked the other side of the building the two shared on the Israeli border (see below). Then the inevitable happened and the cost was worse than any low level violence in the safety buffer zone which Israel had surrendered to Hezballah in their voluntary retreat to the Blue Line to satisfy world and Israeli defeatist pressures.


United Nations Hezballah Share Border Building

United Nations Hezballah Share Border Building


The inevitable started on July 12, 2006 as Hezballah fired diversionary rockets into Israel targeting a small community across the border which masked their ambush of an Israeli patrol. Israel forces had fallen into the worst possible of situations where they performed their patrols on a schedule almost like clockwork. This allowed for Hezballah to time their rocket attack to coincide with a cross border raid. Hezballah initiated the raid by firing anti-tank missiles at a Humvee patrol resulting in three soldiers dead and two Israeli soldiers were abducted. Hezbollah demanded the release of Lebanese prisoners held by Israel in exchange for the release of the abducted soldiers to which Israel refused and responded with airstrikes and artillery fire on targets in Lebanon. Hezballah responded with rocket fire into northern Israel launching from bunkers and residential homes. Israeli return fire struck both the Hezballah bunkers and the homes and other public buildings used by Hezballah. Hezballah had learned from Hamas and the Arab Palestinians to fire from civilian structures and then place the resulting damage when Israel returned fire on rocket launch positions hitting civilian structures from which the rockets had been fired. Israel eventually made an ill planned hasty assault into Lebanon with infantry and tanks and paid a heavy price for their lack of preplanning and preparations. Israeli losses included five tanks destroyed, numerous helicopters destroyed, one naval ship heavily damaged, one-hundred-twenty-one IDF soldiers killed and one-thousand-forty-four injured as well as forty-four civilian deaths and one-thousand-eighty-four civilians injured. Casualties on the Lebanese and Hezballah side included an estimated five-hundred Hezballah fighters killed and Amnesty International numbers of civilian casualties showed approximately one-thousand dead and estimated four-thousand-five-hundred injured. As with every war between Israel and a terror enemy, they set their launching sites and combat strong points located in the presence of civilians and civilian structures in order to maximize civilian damages and casualties and then petition the world media to condemn the horrific civilian toll resulting from the Israeli efforts taking absolutely no blame on themselves and gaining media sympathy worldwide.


The situation today is potentially even worse as, thanks to Iran providing rockets and missiles via Damascus, Hezballah now has an estimated one-hundred-thousand to one-quarter of a million rockets and missiles pointed at Israel with at least one third having sufficient range to reach anywhere in Israel. Hezballah leader Nasrallah has sworn in repeated broadcasts that in the next war with Israel he promises to destroy Tel Aviv and kill untold thousands of Israelis leaving the entire nations in ruins. The deafening silence from the world over his repeated threats to launch complete and utter destruction on Israel is not that astounding as condemnations must at worst be leveled against Israel in equal or greater proportion to those leveled at her enemies. The next war, may such never come to pass, may result in heavy damage in Israel but the damage which will necessarily be leveled on Lebanon just in efforts to destroy as many missile and rocket launchers to prevent a devastating number of Israeli casualties will be utterly horrific. Neither side will win the next conflict while any success will be in avoidance of destructions and minimizing casualties. Israelis will once again need to stock their shelters at the first sign of increased agitations and threatened hostilities as they may be spending an extended amount of time sitting in these very shelters. There are numerous reasons that Israel requires shelters for every tenant in any new structures with each unit having a hardened room for protection. May these reinforced rooms never need to be used.


Then there was a second lesson where in August of 2005 Israel removed thousands of Israelis from Gaza and removed all IDF forces turning everything over to Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority. Within two years in 2007 the Palestinian Authority lost Gaza to Hamas offering minimal resistance during a week of hostilities. Since then Hamas has forced a war every two to three years with ever increasing rockets being fired from civilian areas rather than using the farm lands which surround the crowded city areas. This is done to increase the damage caused to the residents of Gaza. What is the saddest is that Hamas leaders never fire the rockets from the wealthier areas of Gaza and always from near apartment buildings. For the record, most Hamas members live in these wealthier areas of Gaza (see examples below). The resort hotels, main business districts, wealthiest neighborhoods, luxury mall, best restaurants and homes of the rich and famous are saved from being used as rocket launching sites. The destroyed areas you see all the time are from a somewhat limited area of Gaza City in the poorest neighborhoods mostly bordering as well as inside the Gaza City refugee camp which is run by UNRWA and whose residents are seldom permitted beyond the camp boundaries. Think back to the riots in Los Angeles, Ferguson, and Baltimore and there were great amounts of damage and devastation almost all within the central black and poorer neighborhoods but where the politicians live and the wealthy and the main business sections of town were untouched. The same is true in all of the Gaza Strip, the poorest suffer and the wealthy continue to enjoy life.


Al-Mashtal Hotel, Gaza City


Plush Gaza Hotel


La ville de Gaza


Gaza City Beachfront


Central Park in Gaza City


Now the next brilliant idea is to surrender everything east of the security fence/wall/barrier removing any Israelis residing in these areas such as settlements like Itamar, Hevron, and a total of approximately forty-percent of settlements even including some areas which would be quite surprising as the security barrier runs far closer to the Green Line than the shrill arguments would lead one to believe. The retired Generals and other Security Chiefs with so much experience by their own admissions, have shown that this time it would be different as we could take our time and deconstruct the areas we would eventually be surrendering and the IDF would remain in the entirety of the areas in which they currently are operating until such time as an adequate security arrangement and force could be implemented. So, Israelis would leisurely be removed because immediately after Israel adopts this suicide pact there would be screaming from all corners of the globe, well, Europe and Turtle Bay (United Nations) along with the United States State Department and President Obama for the Jews to be out of those now admitted illegal outposts. So we would see Gaza redux as far as our withdrawal but the IDF would remain just like they remained in the Security Zone in southern Lebanon. What exactly do these men of great and brilliant minds see happening when, like Lebanon, we start losing three or four soldiers a week to snipers and that occasional squad of ten to twelve in a single ambush. We would have the Mothers of the IDF and headlines every time a single soldier got a hangnail telling of the anguish and pain. Peace Now, B’Tselem, and Breaking the Silence would have a bevy of soldiers interviewed all terrified of the horrific conditions and rules of engagement (there might be support against the Rules of Engagement ROE from us claiming it was too restrictive) which would be shown three times each newscasts and lead every hour on IDF Radio. How long would it be before the world pressures us that the Palestinian Authority Security Force was ready, willing and able to assume control from the IDF leading to another Hamas coup just like in Gaza or worse, Islamic State moving in on the Palestinian Authority forces? I would generously give it three to four months, with a six week deadline, for the start of the pull-out-now demonstrations to begin abroad and at home. So, we would have a mixture of the failed policies of Lebanon and Gaza mixed in a dangerous concoction called land for peace. Imagine the potential disasters of almost pulling out of Judea and Samaria without a single concessionary peep out of Mahmoud Abbas and likely his greatest encouragement and praise for such a great day it was for peace. That alone should scare the life out of everyone. This plan actually has received the Saudi seal of approval as being sufficiently close to their Saudi Plan, the Arab Plan, which was labelled as suicidal not all that long ago. But then we have always realized that our fortitude was left wanting and we were always overly optimistic about reaching an honorable peace. Somehow a unilateral surrender of large swaths of lands to our sworn terrorist enemies cannot be allowed to become our definition of taking the first move for peace. Thus far we have taken approaching a dozen first moves for peace without ever receiving anything other than a demand for more and faster with the current retreat.


This plan, wrapped in such a long winded and gorgeous package, with pretty and dazzling colors and backers from the most respected of all left-wing, post-Zionist lunatics Israel has been capable of gathering, when stripped bare, it is the surrender of Judea and Samaria in Toto to the Arab Palestinian Authority for the brief moment until something worse comes along, just like Gaza. What government institution dropped the ball and gave these former generals and security chiefs the right to attempt an end around on the elected government. This entire idea is reminiscent of the Oslo Accords which were hammered out under the cloak of darkness and secrecy from even the members of the Knesset and anybody who might have raised the alarm against the Oslo Accords. Instead of a reasoned debate the fateful signing of the Oslo Accords was a done deal before any deliberations could have been entertained. This “Security First” publication and proposal has all the earmarks of a secret treaty carried out behind the backs of the elected coalition members and is being given its inaugural rollout with the appearance of a done deal where the signatures are as if on a binding treaty and one has to wonder is there a signature from the other side hidden to be revealed in a week or two as the government is blindsided by an international agreement to which this self-appointed shadow government has already promised full Israeli support and readiness to comply with the withdrawal post-haste. The governing coalition must present this “Security First” document into the Knesset for a very public and full blown consideration before being summarily discarded as the piece of trash it really is. There is no ignominy which the authors of this plan could be subjected to that would be beyond their deserved treatment. Further, if the government cannot tear up this faux-treaty, then the coalition need be dismissed and the core uniting plank in the next coalition must be formed around the complete and unabashed rejection of every morsel of this poisonous concoction. These retired generals, commanders and security chiefs have attempted to shackle Israel with making her near impossible to live with the high ground just east of Ben Gurion International Airport and a full seventy percent plus of Israeli public, production, power generation, industrial heartlands and other forms of economic and social centers as well as the beating heart of Israel, Jerusalem, all under fire from Arab rockets and other projectiles including mortar, artillery and sniper fire, as from some of the surrendered high ground one can view the Mediterranean and everything between the heights and the beaches in question.


The claims that the world will look at Israel differently, that the world will support us retaking the area when everything fails, that the world has our backs are all lies. The world will look at us differently as they will know Israel cannot exist in such a state as every international carrier will cancel all contracts with Ben Gurion International Airport which will have fallen silent except for the El Al counter and concourse. The world would far sooner every Israeli be driven into the sea than allow us to take the high ground from our murderous tormentors and only have our backs in order to sink their knives up to their hilts applying the final coup de grace such that they can take credit for finishing the Final Solution and make the world safe from the violence of jihad as the only reason for jihad, Israel, has been eliminated. That is an utterly false concept but it is no different than the “Security First” concept for Israeli final surrender before the world, the very world which will care for our plight and provide the necessary support when our needs become dire. When Mahmoud Abbas gets wind of this proposal, he will publically refute it as not being sufficient as it does not address the right of return or the complete withdrawal from all of Palestine which must be free from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.


What will be the final result should this deal become fact? First is all commerce within Israel will cease for all intents and purposes; Israel’s busiest airport will fall silent; Israel will become a ghost town as those who had not previously fled would now go underground and pray to be rescued before it would become too late. Finally, the words and arguments will have resulted in stripping Israel back to the borders she had up to the Six Day War. With Israel stripped bare of the added depth which has become so vital against rockets where line of sight allows for easier corrections and more ease in choosing said targets. Even the Dimona complex will now be vulnerable as will the trains should they venture into open ground as they must to be useful. Jerusalem will be the first to feel the pinch as she will have become cut off from the body of Israel and will likely face strangulation as the Arabs will be overlooking both rail and road access to Israel’s historic and spiritual heart. After Jerusalem falls and her Jews are taken hostage, what will be left for Israel to do to resist the next assault? The Prime Minister, President and the majority of the Knesset will have fallen with only the crafters of the horror unfolding will be permitted escape back to the body of Israel. Here these weasels we call generals and intelligence chiefs will be the ones the people will now turn. Irony of ironies that those who made the entire scenario possible will be the ones asked to lead in our darkest hour. Israel has chosen to follow leaders whose errors almost destroyed her people but these leaders will get every Jew murdered through their perfidy and once Israel is to fall this time, it will be her last fall. It is that this cannot be allowed to happen which gives us the hope that sufficient Israelis are awake and know that land for peace is simply playing Russian roulette and we have already played that game too long. Time to leave the party and try a new land for peace, the one where we keep the land and that brings us eventual peace. Oh, and the Arab terror leadership, their schools and everything used to try and destroy us is part of cleansing Israel from the poisoners surrounding her. First, let us clean our house of vipers and snakes lying in the tall grasses who have tried repeatedly to claim surrender is victory and weakness is strength all while claiming with peace the land is not necessary. Instead we need but follow the commandments in Torah and settle all the Promised Lands and peace, strength and vigor will return and other greater miracles will ensue. First we do our assigned part and then the rest simply becomes the unavoidable future which prophesy told us in Psalm and Proverb. The answers have been right there for all to find and follow and the time to choose is rapidly to be upon us. These generals and security officials are the false prophets as we have seen the fruit of their counsel and troubles and misery has been the result. It is time to choose new counsel and to follow new paths to a fruitful future. It is time to follow a book which had proven the one true path to freedom, justice and most precious peace.


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