Beyond the Cusp

December 6, 2016

Pro-Palestinian Pressure Pushing President Obama


The hounding of hate is hammering President Obama to act unilaterally to recognize the Palestinian State and declare the borders as the Green Line before it is too late. The claim is by taking on such a bold endeavor he will forever place his name into the history of the Middle East as the man who achieved the impossible. The two leaders have already launched their opening salvos with President Jimmy Carter sounding off in the New York Times with two days later Dennis Ross following up in the Washington Post with both sounding their same sirens song of doom. President Jimmy Carter never misses an opportunity to display his visceral hatred for the Jewish State while Dennis Ross is simply a misguided soul forever attempting to make right his deep and enduring trust that Yasser Arafat and, by inference, his understudy Mahmoud Abbas are statesmen who have forgone their terrorist pasts and become men in the mold of Gandhi. Needless to point out that both we here at BTC and history have proven both men horrifically misguided. In the case of President Carter it is a true hatred while Dennis Ross took a wrong turn back around 1990 and has never recovered and found the highway to the future and continues down one dead end after another. The real problem is that President Obama shares both men’s shortcomings when it comes to Israel and particularly Prime Minister Netanyahu. The question is does this situation portend some imminent disaster or will Israel survive these last six weeks unscathed by the wrath of the White House.


Dennis Ross (center), with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1998

Dennis Ross (center), with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1998


Truth be told, it does not bode well for President Obama to actually make good on his indications that there is no last minute surprise in store for United States policy in the Middle East, particularly for Israel and the Palestinian situation. The problem comes to a head the day after Christmas and was set in motion by the Israeli Supreme Court. According to a ruling by the Supreme Court of Israel, in response to a leftist petition claiming Arab ownership of lands which the community of Amona is using, with an absentee deed issued by Jordan during their illegal occupation of Judea and Samaria as the proof of Arab ownership, the community has been ordered destroyed. The owners of these lands never built any structure there, likely never tread their feet on said soil, probably could not locate their land on a blank map of the area and were given honorary title largely to make claim to prevent Jews from ever owning the land. Jordan gave out such deeds in name only covering the majority of the lands of Judea and Samaria as a reward and as a stop against squatters while they possessed the lands and now this ploy is being used against honest development of the area by post-Zionist leftists. The sickening part of all this is these are Israeli Jews whose NGO’s are largely European supported and have next to no Israeli funding but register as Israel due to lack of legal requirement for NGO’s to have predominately domestic funding, a law found in the United States and virtually every European nation but denied Israel by Western, mostly European, demands and protests every time the Knesset considers such a law plus the Israeli Supreme Court, ever the backer of all idea European, threatens to negate any such law which is made into law. This is an example of another problem brought on by an out of control judiciary where the Supreme Court has taken on the position of final arbiter of all things legal to such an extent as to have negated laws they disagree with politically and writing new laws they believe are necessary to extend and further empower themselves. When additionally, the Supreme Court itself has veto power over any proposed sitting of Judges replacing any jurist who dies in office or steps down, plus also appointing their Chief Justice; this has produced a Supreme Court which rules as if the year is still somewhere around 1970, standing immeasurably to the left of the Israeli public and governance who are all but powerless against this abuse of power. The runaway Supreme Court relishes handing out destruction orders for any Israeli development, even to include legally built communities which were granted government approval and have every piece of paper required for ownership, simply by any NGO claiming they know of previous Arab ownership of the land in question and ruling without any process to determine whether such deed exists or right of ownership. According to Justices sitting on the Supreme Court it is not their place to determine ownership and they need not question such claims as who would make such a claim falsely. Well, as it turns out, these NGO’s would and have done so with actual cases where they found an Arab who would claim ownership, nobody along the way required proof and when the suit of ownership finally reached a lower court the claimant usually is nowhere to be found fearing filing false claims charges. This has occurred more than once and more often than not no claim for ownership is ever filed by the supposed Arab claimant in most instances.


With the Supreme Court demanding the destruction of this community on December 25th, the day after Christmas and the second day of Chanukah, the pressure has come upon the Knesset to reign in the Supreme Court and their presumed power using this case as the weapon of choice. The Prime Minister has attempted to mollify the situation claiming that the community will simply be moved a few hundred meters away from the lands behind the order and the community of Amona will be saved as if a community can be moved by waving his magic wand. The promise of moving homes and communities to new locations close to their former location have been proffered by Israeli politicians before and then the feasibility study renders such impossible or far too expensive and the community gets destroyed and remains destroyed. This ploy will not be accepted as the viable magic solution once again. The sole solution which should be implemented by the Knesset is the issuing of a Basic Law which empowers the Knesset alone in the determination of legality of any Israeli community and its structures and that once the community has been properly filed and plans set then the Supreme Court will be prohibited from making any destruction orders without first a settlement of proper claim has been made and verified settled by lower courts. This would make a great first step in solving a serious problem within Israel and allow people residing in these challenged locations who possess righteous claims under the law to rest easy at night that the next day bulldozers are not going to come and destroy their lives.


Subsequent to such an enactment of a Basic Law, sort of a constitutional set of laws which can be enacted and amended by simple majority, another problem for another time, there need be a resetting of the selection process for judgeships, especially for the Supreme Court. The legal community could and should have input as to who is eligible to be placed on the bench and who can be elevated to the Supreme Court. Their input need be as part of the selection committee but not the validations process or even the majority decider in said committee. Further, the Prime Minister should be the originator of a list of acceptable names worked out between him and the leaders of the ruling coalition and with input from the leader of the opposition. This list should then be passed to a committee made up of perhaps nine electors; three from the judiciary, three from the Knesset ruling coalition, two from the opposition and one representing the Prime Minister. Once these committee members have decided on the judge, then the Knesset should decide needing an approval of seventy-two Knesset Ministers (60%) with Supreme Court nominees required to have eighty Knesset Members agree to their appointment (2/3). Such a procedure would provide for adequate Judicial input while leaving the final appointment up to the representatives of the people of the State of Israel and not permit the tyranny of the robes continue unabated. This ruling need also be included in the Basic Laws and should serve as the template if and when a Constitution is finally permitted to be written.


Still, should the community of Amona become another battleground between the Supreme Court and the elected governance, especially if it becomes a battle between the Supreme Court and the Prime Minister, then it could explode initially in the Israeli media with Haaretz leading the cheer for destruction and supporting the Supreme Court, it would soon be picked up by the European media and them the United States mainstream media and the howling worldwide would begin. The European media would be demanding the Supreme Court order to destroy Jewish homes be upheld immediately as they always have and in the United States the left leaning media would likely follow suit while right leaning media would support the residents of the community and the Prime Minister and/or the Knesset as they represent the will of the people. Such a brouhaha exploding in the media might be the impetus supporting the demands of Dennis Ross and President Jimmy Carter and demanding the destruction of what will most certainly be labeled a “settlement” might prompt the White House to take action to settle the entire controversy.


Former President Jimmy Carter with Yasser Arafat (left) and Mahmoud Abbas (right)

Former President Jimmy Carter
with Yasser Arafat (left)
and Mahmoud Abbas (right)


As President Obama has consistently implied that the border for any Arab Palestine should be the 1949 Armistice Lines, the Green Line, and the division of Jerusalem to be the shared Capital of each nation; the immediate problem is Jerusalem which Israelis feel militantly strongly must remain in Israeli control such that the Holy Sites in the Old City, including the Temple Mount, are open to all people of all faiths and not once again become a closed area where only Muslims are permitted to tread as it was under Jordanian Rule and would return to under Arab Palestinian rule. This would present a breaking-point which would have no means of breaching to reach a settlement. This would bring down any government prepared to give away half of our Holy City and Capital City for three-thousand years and never having been the capital city of any other nation. Jerusalem is the beating heart of Judaism and the Arabs are aware of this which is why they are demanding it be broken in two as should such come to pass the wound to Judaism and religious Jews would be insufferable and could not be permitted to stand. That is the plain and simple truth and no Israeli government could stand after suffering such a proposal even for consideration. This strong and unyielding attachment was best described by the Song of Babylon written as a response to the demand of the Babylonians that their Jewish Israelite captives who were being sold into slavery in many a case sing for them a song as the Jews, especially the Priests, were renowned for their love of song and singing abilities. One must remember that the young King David played the lyre and was sweet in song such that he would be called to sing to King Saul to soothe the King in times of distress. There is one of the most famous lines within this song of distress which read “If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill (lose its strength). May my tongue cling to my palate, if I do not remember you, if I do not bring up Jerusalem at the beginning of my joy.” That is the importance of Jerusalem, that and so much more. As might be said in less formal a situation, dividing Yerushalayim be fighting words.


Of course there would be no dividing of Jerusalem nor would there be the acceptance of the 1949 Armistice Lines, the Green Line, and no acceptance of an Arab State by any name unless that state replaced all of Israel either through the return of over five million Arabs into Israel all steeped in the same indoctrination by UNRWA as the Hamas and PLO terrorists the Palestinian Arab schools churn out year after year with their textbooks filled with hatred of Israel and Jews, all Jews everywhere and anywhere. Mahmoud Abbas has already declared all the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea as an Islamic Sacred Waqf. By his own declarations he is religiously tied to refuse anything short of the complete destruction of Israel. If Abbas were to accept the 1949 Armistice Lines as borders, even temporary borders, he would be hung from a crane by noon on that day and the entirety of Judea and Samaria, and we’re afraid parts inside Israel, would briefly turn into a redux of Syria with all the violence and a heated war waged between the PLO against Hamas with Islamic State trying to take control as well. Granted such lawlessness inside Israel would be rapidly quelled and the areas within Judea and Samaria where Israel is responsible for keeping the peace under the Oslo Accords would also be pacified but until the world demanded, the area presumably controlled by the Palestinian Authority (PA) would remain a lawless land of strife, struggle and death.


Press Abbas to accept such a declaration and one is lighting the fuse on a dangerous situation which would explode as the people within the areas ruled by the PA and Hamas in Gaza have been indoctrinated such that few under the age of thirty or forty would stand for such and would immediately replace whoever from the PA agreed and this would decapitate the PA, PLO, Fatah and the entirety of PA run lands where these groups as well as Hamas and Islamic State would immediately vie for superiority and you would have instant Syria, just add a forced peace settlement. Very quickly allowing Israel to do whatever was required and to declare all the land as Israel would become acceptable even in the United Nations as such added violence in an area already steeped in violence and failed states, one more which could be handed off to Israel to handle, would almost immediately be handed to Israel with European and American blessings. Where this would result in all of Israel as promised by San Remo conference, Treaty of Serves and even after the White Papers and the United Nations failed partitioning which the Arab League flatly refused and invaded Israel immediately the first morning of her statehood and a series of failed peace plans including the disastrous Oslo Accords and Israel total unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, finally being established on all of the lands actually remaining as Israeli under existing international law. The reality of the River to the Sea is that it all actually belongs legally to Israel and only Israel can allow any other entity to establish any otherwise ordered autonomy. The PA exists by the good graces and permission of Israel and should that fail the lands resort to Israeli rule.


So, if the prodding of President Jimmy Carter and Dennis (I never met a peace plan I didn’t back that didn’t fail) Ross along with the internal Israeli coming dust-up over the legality and existence of Amona all presses President Obama to actually make a declaration recognizing anything more permanent and fixed concerning an Arab State within Israel, this will soon devolve, especially if borders are set or implied heavily enough, into a violent struggle to determine who gets to demand the annihilation of all the Jews in Israel leading to IDF intervention and very likely Europe demanding Israel take control of the situation before it spreads into Jordan and beyond. Even President Obama might be pressed but President Trump will definitively decide that the easiest solution is for Israel to annex Judea and Samaria and settle everything down restoring peace and replacing the indoctrination centers with actual schools teaching skills other than bomb making and stabbing 101. President Obama is fully aware of the reality which is why he will most likely let sleeping dogs lie rather than start a war on his way out, especially an unnecessary war.


Eventually somebody will have to realize that the actors on the Arab side of this equation have yet to keep a single promise, yet to meet a single requirement, yet to apply actual rule of law, yet to hold another election since electing Abbas dictator, yet to fulfill even the most rudimentary requirements for statehood, but have fully gone to great extremes to demand that they be credited with having completed every requirement to establish a state. The Arabs in Judea and Samaria have indoor plumbing throughout most of their communities installed and supplied by Israel, get the majority of their water, gas and electricity, if not all, from Israel and have yet to pay for any of it since the year 2000 and before, rely on Israel for security to keep the PA in power and prevent Hamas or Islamic State amongst others from conducting a coup (Israel has prevented at least half a dozen coup attempts by Hamas which the public has been made aware), rely on the cash in the millions per month to run their area the size of a midsized city as the majority of the international funding goes for two main products; bombs and weapons along with graft taking a large share right off the top, have never actually prevented any terror activities carried out by the PLO (they have prevented a few Hamas operations which have been classified as terror but could have been coup attempts and not attacks on Israel), when forced to incarcerate a terrorist they go in the front door to serve a multi-year sentence and are released through the back door in a couple of weeks if not days or even hours, and had one of the most disturbing displays of animal hatred and bloodletting when an Italian photojournalist caught the picture below with the story here, here, and finally here, plus they have seldom missed an opportunity to have invented and exaggerated stories of Israeli malfeasance such as Jenin, and we could go on and on.


Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands

Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd
Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists
Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands


Beyond the Cusp


October 10, 2016

Let’s Play “Can We Find a Trump to Trump This?”


The media coverage of items dragged from the depths of Donald Trump’s past would be a whole lot more believable had they treated anything from the Clinton’s pasts or presents with equal severity and critical research. So they have found another outrageous thing Donald Trump said and the Republican Party mainstays are all a twitter, on Twitter and Facebook, castigating their presumed candidate because they actually have moral compasses and core values instead of the win at any cost and damn the rules because the media will protect us and pooh-pooh any charge from our past and present because the political reality in the United States is the media has become the publicist and attack dog of the Democrat Party. Notice the amount of time the media spent on the item of the second about how the Clintons used the Democrat Central Committee to assist them in destroying the campaign and hopes of Bernie Sanders. If you blinked or coughed you missed that coverage entirely. Or how Hillary literally laughed in the faces of the Benghazi Committee and the members of Congress taking the deaths of four Americans including an Ambassador and two brave men who gave their every last breath trying to protect the staff and the Ambassador while President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton were doing everything in their power to help the whole affair disappear in a blizzard of misinformation and commanding relief efforts to stand down so as not to make a federal case of protecting these people. Those two men held off the entire attacking terror force we now know for eight long hours always checking the skies for help which never came. They sent out radio plea after radio plea describing their situation and giving exact coordinates of the mortar placements which were bombarding their position. All that President Obama and the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were doing was damage control and minimizing any hope these men had that their country’s leadership actually cared enough to send in the Marines, literally. How silly and ridiculous their efforts must have appeared to the exact people charged with presumably tearing down nations to bring them to safety must have appeared as they put out one fire after another which were being lighted to send hope and tell these men and their protected that help was on the way. Assisting forces were boarding helicopters and warming up fighter jets only to be commanded by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton to power down their efforts because these people were not worth risking their careers at such a crucial stage in the reelection campaign of President Obama and the future election, or is it supposed to be coronation, of President Hillary. That is what mattered then and that is what matters now, the placement of Hillary upon her throne.


Where are the investigations into the Clinton Foundation or has all suspicions now been squelched and another fire put out just as all those, and this was their terminology, “Bimbo Explosions” were handled all those years as Willian Jefferson Clinton was the rising star of the Democrat Party from Little Rock and these continued “Bimbo Explosions” while he was President wagging his finger at the camera and the American People claiming, “I did not have sex with that woman Miss Lewinski.” Notice how such womanizing and actual sexual escapades are being silenced as if Hillary never assisted these cover-ups and the entire media machine has silenced all mention of anything untoward from the Clinton Sex Machine which was Bill Clinton’s driving force while climbing and maintaining his political stardom. The media is downplaying the potential for mischief which will present itself with Bill Clinton back in the White House as First Husband where he will be sent to travel the globe and rub elbows and whatnot with the wives of other nation’s Presidents and Prime Ministers. Is this the picture we want for the United States?



We are being treated to every lewd and unsolicited glance from the past of a man who never expected to actually be running for President of the United States and did not have handlers his entire life scripting his way around every failing and misspeak as many in the political class have had the luxury of for these past fifty to sixty years. While Hillary resided in the hallowed halls of the political game Donald was working in the real world and actually had real world failings and missteps which remained unsanitized making for such fine targets for today’s media. The media has on record the entire playlist of past Donaldisms right next to the “Do not ever allow see the light of day” playlist of Clintonisms. Imagine yourself thrust into the limelight having your entire past and that of anyone who was close such as a wife, husband, college roommate or just about anyone else and every prank from summer camp, as we’re sure if Donald Trump ever assisted in short-sheeting a counselor’s bunk we will hear of this as the ultimate in horrific behavior two days before the election on Sunday, November 6 as the lead in every Sunday newsprint. The story will be retold on all the talk shows and will lead with nothing else being covered with interviews with the traumatized counselor who is needless to say traumatized by this coverage out of the blue and not because of post-traumatic stress disorder from the short-sheeting. Nor has he been likely to have sought, as might be claimed, psychiatric help to get past this horrific experience brought on by young Donald who has obviously never matured from that day forward. This is the typical type of story we are being treated to as if they have any bearing on how Donald Trump will serve as President while how Secretary of State Hillary Clinton acted in that service to the country is inconsequential as it has no bearing on how she will act as President. Tell me how that makes any sense.


There has been one other item which has bothered us since the very first primary where Donald Trump won so handily against some extremely stiff competition and how every word he uttered in a debate were the only quotes the media ever played unless there was a complete failure by one of the other candidates. Did anyone notice how Donald Trump was considered a serious candidate and one capable of leading the campaign of one of the major political parties in the United States. The media was his campaign and they did their part to get him the nomination right before they turned on him like a rabid dog might one morning turn on its owner seemingly for no reason. The difference is there was a reason and that is the media has their dog in this race. Somehow Donald Trump was the media’s favorite and there was a reason. Any legitimate Republican even to include Ted Cruz, the media’s backup for Donald, would have cleaned Hillary Clinton’s clock in this election and the political world knows this. It had become apparent that Donald Trump is not only running against the Democrat Party, the Clinton machine, both Bill and Hillary Clinton and the media but also the Republican Party as well. The Republicans have yet to put up even the tiniest squeal of protest against the treatment and have actually piled and heaped shame upon Donald themselves and are now heading for the exits in a well-rehearsed fire drill making Donald persona non grata even in his own party and have made it appear even his running mate will have nothing to do with him after this well held secret was waiting in the wings to be used at this juncture. The Republican Party knew this was coming as each and every one who was questioned as the story was breaking or even before it broke so that these reactions of Republican elites could be aired with the story were ready and willing to throw Donald Trump under the bus. One need ask why?


The Republican Party has their candidate for the Presidency and she is Hillary Clinton. That is correct, both major parties are running Hillary Clinton for President and her path to the White House was supposed to be a cleared path with the least presentable and least probable candidate being chosen by the Republicans and then denigrated and destroyed by the same Republican Party such that Hillary would have her deserved and rightful coronation. This is the dirty little not-so-secret secret of this entire campaign from both parties. Was there any Republican who was being seriously considered potentially a threat to a Hillary Clinton victory? Jeb Bush with all his millions would have walked off with the election but he was destroyed before he got started. He was likely promised by the Democrats to be given his turn after Hillary Clinton serves her eight years and he will get four. Who were the front runners from the start? Remember? There was Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and John Kasich. All the stars were eliminated by the media one-by-one and the Republican Party never cried foul and simple whimpered along in tacit agreement with the decimation of their candidate field leaving only candidates Hillary might be capable of defeating. Even with this field they had to go to a Donald Trump candidacy to even be able to pretend Hillary was the better choice. There wasn’t a bigger clown to ridicule than Donald Trump but something went awry. What was that they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? Well, all the King’s horses and all the King’s men are trying to put Humpty together again but Hillary keeps falling off her perch and cracking into a million pieces before our eyes and it is not news. Her excuses lead like she was suffering from pneumonia which was why she fainted at the 911 rally and had to be slid away from all coverage, as required to keep the lie going, into a van without escort or Secret Service protections and media circus one would expect. Then this weak and eviscerated pneumonia victim then turned up escaping her minders waving to all who passed by from Chelsea’s New York apartment chipper as the first day of spring. Then there was her bright and shiny perky Hillary at the first debate and we are anticipating an equally medicated and scripted Hillary with the little bug in her ear feeding her every word and every thought guiding her along while Donald Trump is left to his own devices completely abandoned by all. Trump should place a sign over his campaign headquarters stating, “Abandon all hope ye who enter here.” He was cherry picked as the only person Hillary Clinton could easily beat six ways come November 8, Election Day and she has proven unable to even manage this. What would have been her chances against any competent candidate? None, negligible and without a doubt her rise would have been an impossible Herculean task. Alas, poor Sisyphus is going to have a new task in Hades. Sisyphus will be tasked with pushing Hillary Clinton up the hill to a microphone only to have her tumble back to the bottom every time.


Sisyphus Pushing Hillary Up the Hill

Sisyphus Pushing Hillary Up the Hill


Sisyphus may as well represent the media, the Democrat Party, the Republican Party, talking heads from Sunday Morning News shows, the nightly news anchors, etc. Actually, to parse a phrase, “Never was so much owed by so few to so many,” can refer to Bill and Hillary who owe a debt for her successes and covering her many failures in deed and character to the entirety of the political and media empires which have congealed around protecting her path to the White House. What is so surprising is that it will take a landslide victory by such a great margin to get past the fixes already in place in the crucial states to make President Hillary a certainty. Donald Trump is not going to need the undecided battleground states as those are fixed where such opportunity presents; such as Philadelphia having 125% turnout with 98% voting for the Democrat and other noted irregularities such as Chicago in all too many elections. Trump is going to need to win in places where the powers that be do not expect him to even have a snowball’s chance in Death Valley on an August afternoon such as taking New York or California, something we have believed he might be able to pull off and they put some early efforts in place in both these states, or any other solid Democrat stronghold. Perhaps he can take Illinois or Minnesota or Maine or anywhere in New England or the great northwest of Oregon (OK, no hope in Oregon) and Washington (not much better then Oregon) and if he takes any of these there will be no amount of cheating or vote buying or rigging that will prevent his landslide. If Pennsylvania and New York go to Trump early in the reporting as the polls close, then the gig is up and Hillary is finished. That is the reality and they know this which is why Donald Trump will be made into the most hideous monster of a human being since Idi Amin Dada. The torrents of the media are on the verge of demon Trump all the time. Expect even comedy and other venues of shows on television to start with anti-Trump campaign assistance. We can expect the late night shows to begin blasting away at the latest “Did you hear this scandalous item from Trump’s past?” They will talk about things he presumably did in grade school as if he did them yesterday in Times Square. Expect people from Trump’s past, real and imaginary, to be presented as witnesses to his character, or lack thereof, and a string, a procession coming to the microphone given their fifteen seconds of fame where all they need do is say, “I’m Joe Six Pack and Donald Trump is an evil monster who left me without hope or any future when he destroyed my car, house, dreams, relations with Marilyn Monroe or whatever fiasco of a life tragedy they can claim and the public will be expected to realize, oh my gosh, how could I ever vote for such a mean and evil person while Hillary Clinton will remain wrapped in her cocoon protected from prodding or other harms. No words about Benghazi, old news; or the e-mails, not prosecutable; or pay to play, no proven quid pro quo; or her losing of the Rose Law Firm tax files until the statute of limitations was passed and then they were in a white house clothes closet found by the cleaning crew, old news; or her presumed ill health, simply pneumonia and what a miracle recovery, isn’t she wonderful; her lying to Congress and to the relatives of the dead about Benghazi, not Benghazi again, can’t you leave that old news alone; cleaned server hard drive, really want to try that again; and any wrongdoing by the Clintons is either old news, been there-done that, that again, we tired of hearing about that, doesn’t mean anything, “never happened, OK, happened but doesn’t matter, OK matters but you sure it was Hillary, that again?”


This election is not about Donald Trump or anything he ever did as anything Trump has done did not result in dead bodies, dead United States Ambassador and two former Navy Seals left hanging to die, lies and cover-ups of felonies, risking and compromising United States top secret information, selling lies to Congress and the American people, and a trail of continuous scandals and cover-ups longer and deeper than anything, oh wait, here’s a grandmother who was denied a visit by her great-grandchildren because Trump had to lead a parade. Ridiculous, yes, but also an example in jestful hyperextension of reality not that far stretched. And we have yet to get into the lies and mischaracterization of Hillary’s proven positions on numerous foreign policy and international relations. A simple pair of examples would be her being capable of handling Vladimir (the Invader) Putin better than Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s presumed love for Israel against Donald Trump the presumed anti-Semite whose daughter is an Orthodox practicing Jew and whose every child is married to or dating a religious and/or Zionist Jew while Chelsea also married a Jew who is a Democrat leftist progressive whose parents were members of Congress and his father later served time in federal prison for fraud, is a wealthy hedge fund manager and alumnus of Goldman Sachs thus bigtime Wall Street connection, but to his credit Marc Mezvinsky has an upbringing and adulthood which were shaped by a strong Jewish background amid all the politics according to media reports. Trump’s eldest daughter actually converted, Chelsea has not and probably never will convert thus her children will not be Jewish by religious law while Ivanka Trump will raise their children as true and honest Jews by Halacha. This Jewish connection to the potential next Presidential family is unprecedented in American and Jewish history with few Jews outside of Israel ever being so close to the seat of power. Benjamin Disraeli as the Victorian Prime Minister of Britain being probably the most famous exception may soon have some competition but that remains to be seen. Remember that much of the Trump controversies are manufactured from deeds of a man outside of politics and on the wrong side of the media and both parties’ elites and was chosen to be the sacrificial lamb at the coronation of Hillary Clinton, who has been unofficially but practically cleansed of all her and her husband’s wrongdoings by a complicit media and political elites, and they have now realized they chose a wolf from amongst the sheep.


Beyond the Cusp


June 23, 2016

One Unsafe Concept and One Ineligible to Lead


We have two great threats from within which we have yet to discuss. These are on top of the elite group of ex-military and security leaders who are dead set on surrendering our natural and ancient homelands of Judea and Samaria without even getting a thank you from the Arabs simply in the hope that they will be viewed with great honor and be permitted to travel Europe safely. They are flawed in their proffered solution to a problem that needs not their faux-expertise and equally wrong that the Europeans will forgive their military service and now love them. To Europe they are still war criminals and they would still be tried should they disembark and walk on sacred European soil; may it give forth as they give unto Israel, bitter yields. But there are other dangers; so shall we end this tribute to last week’s disasters and move to this week’s and the other long standing.


The long standing is the easier and more simple but still a threat in the wings. It has long been understood by the majority of Israelis outside Tel Aviv that the Labor party, despite its allure, poses a threat Israel dare not take. The threat is their concept of what is an acceptable risk for peace. Their current leader and poseur of greatness of which we can only allow his image to exist in his mind as should he ever make good on his dreams we would all get to live his nightmare. We refer to Yitzhak “Bougie” Herzog, the current leader of the Labor Party who has shown his willingness to go to any extreme in the hope to realize his dream of being Prime Minister and making the peace that has eluded all before him. His real ambition is to live up to his pedigree with his family tree including almost innumerable greats including but not limited to President Chaim Herzog and Rabbi Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog, Israel’s first Chief Rabbi; Yaacov Herzog served in the Haganah and was a political adviser to David Ben-Gurion; and as an in-law, Abba Eban. Bougie is going to need more than his cute moniker to measure up to the towering greats who preceded him. The question as to what he might do if he should ever be Prime Minister has now been answered.


It had become public knowledge that before the past election that in anticipation of his being Prime Minister, Labor Party and ‘Zionist Union’ co-head, Yitzhak Herzog took it upon himself to negotiate, if that is the right word, a letter of intent, we might say surrender, with Mahmoud Abbas in which they presumably reached an accord on the principles for peace. In this agreement Israel was to surrender 96% of Judea and Samaria and surrender an area equal to the last 4% from within the Green Line, though which land was left undetermined, surrender half of Jerusalem yet somehow Israel would retain the Western Wall and plaza known as the Kotel while surrendering the Temple Mount as an international zone and remainder of the old city, while Jerusalem would remain under a single governance. How Jews were to make their way across Palestinian controlled lands to visit the Kotel was also not made evident, perhaps helicopter tours where they rappelled in or some such method, we do not know. Further there would be some undetermined number of ‘Arab refugees’ permitted to return into Israel to be reacquainted with their presumed lost family heritage and properties. This too was left in the air. The one thing probably not left in the air but simply refused was any recognition of Israel as the home of the Jewish People. That was still probably beyond what Mahmoud Abbas could grant even in this form of a make believe dream of Yitzhak’s grand dream. As we all can now rejoice, Yitzhak Herzog and the ‘Zionist Union’ did not get to form a ruling coalition and we were literally saved from these evil designs. The one other great saving grace Israel received from these revelations is we now know beyond any shadow of doubt that the Labor Party, its figment of imagination and misnomer of ‘Zionist Union’ (which is neither Zionist nor Union as Tzipi Livni’s party is now a party of one, or maybe two) can never be permitted to be even included in a unity coalition even if such would appear to be to the advantage of the state as their designs on fame and fortune would endanger the nations as even with the slightest sliver of power they would sell out Israel for the ability to claim there was now peace.


As in the words made famous over two centuries ago when Patrick Henry made his impassioned plea to the Virginia House of Burgess imploring them to join and sign the Declaration of Independence he entreated them, “Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace– but there is no peace.” The same now applies in Israel and we too need to make and apply as our answer our own Declaration of Independence. This declaration must include the liberation of our lands, all of our lands; especially the lands of Judea and Samaria from which the idolaters who worship death must be driven out as were the Canaanites who too worshiped death in their sacrifices to Ba’al. This is our sacred duty and we can do it now while things are not so desperate or we can make a situation which will demand of us to take the lands as rockets rain down upon Tel Aviv and the heartland of our Israel because we foolishly gave the Judean Hills overlooking the midsection of our nation allowing the enemy to press their boot upon our necks and attempt to choke the life out of our country. There is no manner of safeguard which can be applied which would save the thin neck that surrounds Tel Aviv once we allow the Arabs free will upon the highlands overlooking this densely populated area. There was a reason all our brothers and sisters who led us in our biblical fights for survival always dragged the battles into the hills of Judea and Samaria as we held those highlands and forcing them to attack from below gave us the advantage we needed. Our enemies relied on cavalry and chariots both of which lose their advantage when fighting uphill in rough terrain. Now we will give those same hills to an enemy making us the ones who now have the chariots known as tanks having to climb the hills from below allowing making them easy targets for anti-tank missiles. The very missiles which Iran will flood the Arab areas with as soon as the IDF leaves and they have their terror state. Iran will arm them with rockets, mortars with which to initiate the war at their time of choosing and also provide the anti-tank armaments and all the tools of war including mines to prevent easy approach and to set traps for men and machine alike. That is the reality if we ever give the Arabs their desired lands and we will pay the price for such foolishness. There is but one solution and the world may hate us for taking our land but at least our children will be safe and the world cannot hate us twice as much as hate is hate. They all know that all the land is our land legally which is why there has never been a case brought in the international courts. The only place where the land is not ours is in the court of foreign opinions and they do not reside here and will never face the barrage of rockets they salivate waiting to force us into the compromise which would seal our doom, but we can simply resume our proper rule over our lands and the Arabs residing there can either accept reality or leave, and if necessary, as they attack we can arrest them and declare them as foreign agents expelling them once and for all. Those who wish to remain peaceful can even be allowed citizenship after they prove their knowledge of our historical right to the lands and willingly sign a pledge of allegiance to the State of Israel and homeland of the Jewish People and should they ever break that pledge we can once again invite them to leave and never return. We will not need to force anybody from their homes, only those who are known aggressors who have already proven they refuse to recognize our legitimacy would be forced to leave. The rest would choose themselves and if they prefer being compensated for their lands and property, then so be it, it would be money well spent. Yes, we would pay them in dollars as the shekel is not worth much in Syria or the rest of the lands where they would be at home.


Our other threat which appears to be gaining some official recognition and even acceptance is the idea of a manmade port attached to Gaza by a causeway where ships can come and load and unload and the wares coming into Gaza be checked and cleared before being sent by truck into Gaza and where these same trucks can bring their exports for loading for transport to their destinations. How this is different other than location from the current system of using the port at Ashdod escapes our sense of reason (picture of port below). The crazed idea is to spend over a billion shekels, likely closer to five-billion shekels, to build an Island and port facilities some distance, presumably safe distance, out into the Mediterranean Sea from Gaza and connect it to Hamas held Gaza, the Hamas held part is very important, by a multi-lane two way causeway where trucks would transport goods both into and out of Gaza allowing for presumably easier, more efficient and more independent transference of goods in both directions. Since there would also presumably be an agreement that all incoming and outgoing cargo would still be checked and approved by Israeli security inspectors, it completely escapes us as to how this is any different than the current system where trucks take whatever cargo need go in either direction to Ashdod where the port there, a very capable and already functioning port, and inspections are carried out by Israeli security inspectors. But we do see one vital difference; so please follow with us below.


Port of Ashdod

Port of Ashdod


This port island which would be built within Israeli territorial waters, meaning under three or at most generous five miles, would still be well within artillery range and even within guided rocket fired anti-tank missiles like the Kornet missile which was fired at a school bus from Gaza in Israel injuring the driver and murdering the lone young student still on the bus. The bus had just discharged the remaining students with the one exception remaining onboard so he could visit his grandmother further in Israel and was taking the bus there (picture of remains of the bus below). Expecting that the inspectors, in consideration of their safety, would be located on the manmade island where the trucks would be loaded and unloaded and this would be most convenient to do along the piers as the goods are unloaded and prepared for loading. There would be stationed IDF troops, probably a platoon or maybe two when suspicions were high, guarding the entry to the port island giving each truck a quick inspection before allowing it access to the port itself. Needless to point out that securing this new facility would in and of itself be an expensive endeavor as there would also likely be some naval support made readily available in case of an incident as any troops could be attacked by a joint operation of engagement by rocket fire from Gaza while a number of trucks crash any barricades and deploy terrorist troops in an attack to oust the Israeli inspectors and IDF troops taking over the facility with deadly results.


School Bus which was struck by a Russian made Kornet anti-tank missile murdering one teen remaining in the bus to reach his grandmother visit

School Bus which was struck by a Russian made Kornet
anti-tank missile murdering one teen remaining
in the bus to reach his grandmother visit


After such an attack is the probability that it would be timed in order to unload contraband known to be on a ship the Iranians sent under a false flag. The unloading and making way back into Gaza with any such shipment of contraband would be completed before Israeli forces could retake the port, another expensive in cost and lost soldiers and inspectors lives as Hamas would not be taking too many prisoners of the IDF troops, just the inspectors would serve their purposes. The entire idea of such a port is a nightmare for security services and design. The port for security would need a cement wall between it and Gaza in order to prevent direct fire from striking the port facilities, personnel or ships docking there. Troops would need to be stationed in blockhouses to keep them safe from snipers and allow them to watch the coast of Gaza for any threats and have sufficient firepower to neutralize any threat. The system used on the land side of Gaza with cameras and remote fired weaponry, often fifty-cal. machine guns, have proven effective and safer for personnel but also an added expense. These blockhouses would also prove to be prime targets for Hamas and Islamic Jihad or others and repair and replacement would also prove prohibitively expensive. The possibility that tanks and heavy artillery or other heavy weapons and larger rocket motors or guidance systems could be smuggled in either well hidden within cargo or through raids, such as described above, provides another threat which would need be considered and weighed when considering such folly. No matter how one describes this venture and despite any designs or other precautions, the truth is this port would end up in the hands of Hamas and there is no humanly way of securing this facility from eventual, and likely fairly quickly, falling into Hamas’s hands and remaining under their control as it simply was realized that it was too risky and otherwise adverse to continue to retake and defend the indefensible.


The expense to build the facility, providing it did not get constantly attacked and workers killed by snipers making even building it next to impossible; after erecting it and attempting to defend it, we would eventually face an even more expensive reality, destroying it and re-sinking the island. The destruction would generate great amounts of additional ire and the European Union and who knows who else would call for turning the port over to Hamas as having Israeli control of the new Gaza port facility would be an aberration unacceptable to Israel’s uncountable enemies. The United Nations General Assembly would from day one be hearing announcements from Mahmoud Abbas, Turkey, Iran, Europeans and who knows how many others calling for the port to be released to Hamas and then the sea embargo would be resumed and denounced anew with greater fervor. Israel would be placed in a lose-lose situation after great expense which even if there were international backers who promised to assist in the cost, no funds would ever see their way into Israeli hands; so we would pay for the entire fiasco.


The end result would be Hamas having a well built and very modern and functioning port facility at which Iranian cargo ships could freely unload one after another filled in their bellies with rockets, missiles, potentially aircraft and who knows what else. We could expect Iranian warships to be docked there and patrolling what would now be Gazan and Hamas international waterways. Once Gaza has the port, there would be no way of preventing Iran from assisting in rebuilding the international airport which could be opened for air resupply from Iran and who knows where else. There would soon be squadrons of fighter jets and trained Hamas and Islamic Jihad pilots to fly them and Gaza would be sitting at the United Nations recognized now as its own nation and there would be nothing Israel could do to prevent these scenarios from playing out within a year or two of having built and provided Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the rest a port which would very likely provide an entry point to the Islamic State to enter and prepare attacks upon Israel. What would enter Gaza from the sea and soon thereafter from the air would facilitate their claim to be a nation and the Europeans would apologize after they supported such with their votes in the United Nations and their eagerness to allow Gaza to open embassies in their capitals so they could be amongst the first to recognize this glorious terror state. Europe has seldom if ever missed an opportunity to place Israel at further risk if they thought it would divert a single terrorist from attacking them. For the Europeans they see Israel as their shield meant solely to absorb the punishment of any Islamic anger just to keep them believing they are safer. Their folly knows no bounds and this port would only serve as yet another idea which can only end poorly. How about we skip this one, OK?


Beyond the Cusp


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