Beyond the Cusp

December 2, 2016

Lamenting the Palestinian Lack of Statehood


Two world leaders have come out recently lamenting their failure to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Their words, or the way my ears heard and eyes read their statements made me feel they were more lamenting the lack of a Palestinian State and the fact they were unable to diminish Israel greatly, if not completely, in the making of such a state. Of course the two were President Obama and Secretary General Ban ki-Moon. As we have beaten President Obama’s anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic feelings to such an extent as to make a bronze statue to the man, let us instead play with the soon to be ex-Secretary General’s statements and the lack of validity or value in them. Actually one almost has to feel for the man, who had ruled through a decade of opening auditory lamentations against Israel at opening ceremonies for the General Assembly, ten years of “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People” and the complete series of Durban World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance which could also have been called the let’s pretend that Israel is the cause of all the world’s problems from hunger to lack of water to the endlessly revolving around the sun going nowhere conferences. Still, the poor man from South Korea is listing the inability to form a Palestinian state as the main failure of his time at the United Nations and not the complete meltdown of the Middle East, the loss of two nations, Syria and Libya, into roiling cauldrons of suffering and death, and the rise of anti-Semitism worldwide to epidemic levels and the beginning stages of destabilization of near the entirety of Europe all accomplished with the inept leadership, or lack thereof, of the United States and most of Europe where liberal progressivism has run unchecked all but succeeding in their aim to end borders and encourage loss of definition of the word nation. Actually, the decline of Europe may be seen as credit to his ability to actually accomplish some great achievement during his decade as Secretary General. Well, we all should vie to feel good about ourselves and see something as an accomplishment even if it may mean the end of civilization as we know and define it.


Secretary General Ban ki-Moon stated, “It has strengthened radicals and weakened moderates on both sides. Making matters worse is a dangerous vacuum within the international community as crises elsewhere claim the attention of world leaders.” Imagine the chutzpah of the man stating the obvious that there exist “crises elsewhere claim the attention of world leaders” and finding that a deficiency as it will establish “a dangerous vacuum within the international community” in which Israel skates free from the constant pounding he must feel they deserve for not committing suicide at his behest. Ban ki-Moon’s self-flagellation came on cue at the United Nation’s annual “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People,” held every November 29th which just happens to actually be the day when the partition for the formation of Israel was decided, the even division of the lands between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea granting the Arabs the choice lands and giving Israel lands consisting of over two-thirds being Negev Desert yet still the Arab League refused the settlement and instead made plans to invade Israel on the very morning of her independence. That day, Israeli Independence Day and the first day of the initial war to annihilate the Jewish State which took two years to fail, though it did manage to wrest the lands of Gaza, Judea and Samaria (Gaza and West Bank by Jordanian naming), was also renamed by the Arabs as Naqba Day, the day they failed to murder the Jewish homelands. The Arabs should thank Israel and the Jews as we have given them two of the Palestinian Arabs biggest holidays, Naqba Day and United Nation’s annual “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.” But let us get into the minutia of these supposed failures.


Ban Ki-moon pictured at his New York, Turtle Bay, United Nations high podium which must make him feel almost omnipotent instead of as the inept stooge of Mahmoud Abbas Hamas Iran and other terrorists

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
Probably Denouncing Israel Once Again as
His Mouth is Moving and He is Behind the
Sign of the Bane of All that is Holy
the United Nations Emblem of Shame


Ban ki-Moon and all the Palestinian Arabs and their multitudes of supporters from around the world and loudest on Europe, well, next to the flame fanning by the Palestinian Arabs themselves (especially recently but it finally rained) all could have at any point followed through on their desires to force the issue and bring everything before the World Court for final arbitration and let the best side win. Of course they would never think of holding a factual and legal hearing for reaching a decision knowing that their lies play so much better in the world media and across the many platforms where the world stage is carried out. Demanding the destruction of the Jews is the longest running show on the world’s stage and yet such has never succeeded, but not for lack of trying. The world need understand that Israel is going nowhere as we are here to stay, period, end of discussion. But if you insist, please do take your show before the World Court and plead your case. You can invite Mahmoud Abbas and his cohort of criminals who have made a business of robbing their subjects blind squirrelling away billions of dollars and Euros, the Arab League, leaders from Europe and around the world and give each their hour on the stage to conduct their version of events, promises and that which must be because they wish it and then Israel will simple, silently present her case using actual documents. The first document will be the San Remo Resolution followed by the Treaty of Sèvres and the Treaty of Lausanne all topped off by Article 80 of the United Nations Charter which states that the Mandate System set up by these previous treaties will be enforced and recognized by the United Nations as will all treaties made under the authority of the League of Nations. But we understand that it is far more satisfying deriding the Jewish State day in and day out than it is actually living up to promises and solving the problem that just keeps on giving. How else would the world bodies and leaders dump on Israel if there were no evil designs to accuse the Jews of having committed?


The favorite statements are the ones where the claim is that the Palestinians only desire the lands gained by Israel resulting from their defending themselves from Jordanian invasion where Israel liberated the lands occupied by Jordan for the nineteen years since the 1948 War to exterminate the Jewish State which should have been the end of any discussion. This is the lie and every last political charlatan tells ad-nauseum to the point that this particular Big Goebbelsian Lie has become accepted fact, but it will never stand up to close scrutiny which is why the plight of the Arab Palestinians will never be taken before an actual tribunal. Mahmoud Abbas has stated repeatedly, as had Yasser Arafat before him, that the Arabs will never recognize Israel as the State for the Jewish People. This is simply his repeating the findings of the Khartoum Resolution which included the “Three No’s”: “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” The truth of the intentions of the Palestinian Arab leadership now, past and future can be interpreted from the textbooks with which they train their children for total war against Israel and the Jews and steep them in a continual immersion of hatreds and fill them with lies. But please do not take our word for this and instead take some time at your leisure and read a concise report which includes actual copies of lessons and other important inclusions in these texts named A 25 Page Exec Summary: Jews and the Jewish State in Schoolbooks Used by UNRWA: De-legitimization, Demonization and Indoctrination to War.


There is one final set of refutations which need be presented. The first is the numbers of refugees. From 1948 through 1967 the total number of Arabs who became refugees, many simply leaving on their own volition and at the behest of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini (Arabic: محمد أمين الحسيني‎‎) who promised them that Israel would be destroyed by the invading armies from at least a half dozen Arab nations within a few days of their 1948 invasion intended as a genocide of the Jews and they would gain a share of all the Jew’s treasures, came out slightly under one-million and the number of Jews becoming refugees thrown from their homelands in Arab and Muslim lands where many of their families had resided for hundreds if not over a thousand years (not including those from Europe after World War II who are a different almost one-million) also totaled just under one-million thus nearly equal (there were approximately seventy-five-thousand to as much as two-hundred-thousand more Jews but about the same numbers resettled in Israel as there were Arabs losing their lands for numerous reasons). The difference is Israel welcomed their brothers and sisters to Israel and settled them and they and their families live productive lives as full citizens of Israel as do the Arabs who either remained or managed after the 1948-9 war returned to their lands within Israel escaping attempts to lock them away as political weapons in refugee camps by their Arab brothers and sisters. Then the Arab League demanded a separate entity to care for the Arab refugees and their own rules which allowed for the refugee status to become a caste label passing from parent to child on from generation to generation forever. Had the Arabs cared as much for their fellow Arabs as much as the Jews did for their fellow Jews there would have been no refugee situation. On the other hand, had the Israelis done as the Arabs had with their fellow Arabs there would likely be just as many Jews as refugees today as there are Palestinian Arab refugees.


There are other lies told and accepted around the world. The next biggest is that Israel is carrying out a war of extermination, a genocide against the Palestinian Arabs. How the numbers of Palestinian Arabs went from under one million to approximately five to as high as seven and a half million while being exterminated by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) begs the question of how such could happen. Is the IDF really that incompetent that there are five to ten times as many Palestinian Arabs today as their were in 1948 despite the supposed attempts by Israel to wipe them out. Trust there is absolutely no plan to murder Palestinian Arabs as a whole except to defend Israel and Israelis from assaults by terrorists. There is also the claim that the Arabs have not been permitted to vote in Israeli elections. This is both a falsehood and misdirection. The Arabs who reside in Israel are Israeli citizens and are permitted full rights including the vote and there are Arab Israelis elected to the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament. The Palestinian Arabs have not had an election since 2005 as in Gaza Hamas rules in a dictatorial manner and will not permit elections for fear of losing their hold to Islamic Jihad, Fatah or other forces and in Judea and Samaria Fatah has refused under Mahmoud Abbas to hold elections as they also fear losing power. One has to remember that Mahmoud Abbas is President of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Chairman of the Fatah Party and also the Chairman of the PLO and only permits election in the Fatah Party by the Executives who are all Abbas appointees thus guaranteeing his being renamed as Chairman and refuses to risk his other positions. So, one might ask why the Palestinian Arabs are not voting in Israeli elections. The answer is simply, they are not Israeli citizens but PA citizens residing in a semiautonomous area within Israel having their own form of self-government. Allowing them to vote in Israeli elections would be the same as permitting Canadians vote in the United States elections because they reside in North America too. Further, has the PA desired to actually have a state they were offered 94% of the West Bank, half of Jerusalem and all of Gaza by Ehud Barak in 2001 at the Taba Summit which were the culmination of almost three years of negotiations which finally failed and then a similar offer was proffered by Ehud Olmert in 2007 which was also rebuffed by Abbas et al and thus could have had their state simply by agreeing with these which have been the most generous offers to date. The main reasons that Abbas has refused these offers for a Palestinian Arab state is simply, he also demands that between five and eight million Arab refugees be permitted to take up residence not in their Palestinian state but in Israel with full citizenship and financial assistance in order to make reparations for their refugee status and suffering at the hands of their fellow Arabs. What many people are unaware of is that there is a large Palestinian refugee camp outside Gaza City and another outside Nablus, the PA operational capital city. Both of these camps like the others separate Arabs from Arabs with those outside the barbed wire free citizens while those inside the barbed wire are refugees. In all too many cases there are members of the same family residing on opposite sides of the barbed wire with one part free and the other heavily guarded as they are held by fellow Arabs as a weapon with which to destroy Israel, the real target of every Palestinian Arab policy. Their desire for a state is for the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel and once they have destroyed Israel and genocidally murdered every Jew, then the land will likely be turned back to wildlands such as those visited by Sam Clemens in 1887 before the British began importing Arabs in numbers to prevent a Jewish majority population coming into fruition allowing for the formation of Israel.


Division of lands between Israel and Semiautonomous Arab Zone

Division of lands between Israel
and Semiautonomous Arab Zone


The final item is how best to solve this situation with the least amount of upheaval and ending the continued and ever more dangerous violence due to terrorism and rockets raining down on Israeli towns, cities, kibbutzim and other civilian areas. The fastest and likely most likely to succeed would be for Israel to annex all of Judea and Samaria setting up a semi-autonomous area where the Arabs who desire independence from Israeli rule would elect their own governance but without an actual state. Those wishing not to live within Israel should be free to find some place they would feel more comfortable and Israel provide for a period fiscal assistance which could be utilized to resettle with an understanding that acceptance of the financial assistance would preclude their ever returning to reside in Israel. Those Arabs residing within the autonomous zone but preferring to become Israeli full citizens would be required to go through a set of courses and prove proficiency with those teachings and need sign a loyalty oath. They should have been known to them that should any member of their family ever aid terrorism in any form they would lose their citizenship permanently and potentially face deportation. Anyone committing or aiding the commission of a terrorist act would subject their family to a hearing where it would be determined how many would face deportation for knowing of the attack and not preventing said attack. Israel would review all materials used in classrooms and schooling and curriculum would be required to have the same standards for subjects as are demanded of all Israeli schools. Israeli history with its Zionist roots and the British manipulations of the situation would be taught as is in other Israeli schools. The same matriculation exams would be given with the same expectations for student accomplishment would be used for graduation and all other uses as in Israeli schools. Those Arabs preferring to reside as a citizen in the semiautonomous zone would vote in Arab elections and forgo voting rights in Israeli elections. All would be granted voting rights for the city within which they reside as well as any community governance. Only Israeli citizens would be permitted the vote in national Israeli elections just as only citizens of the semiautonomous zone would be permitted the vote in their general elections. All residents within the Israeli lands would be held to comply with Israeli laws and would be tried in Israeli courts for any breach of Israeli law. The semiautonomous zone could also set up their own courts for only those citizens of their semiautonomous region. Any legal difference between a citizen of Israel and citizen of the semiautonomous zone will be heard in an Israeli court of law and by the law. Finally, Areas A and B could come under the control of the semiautonomous zone while the bulk of Area C will remain an integral part of Israel (see map above).


Beyond the Cusp 


November 25, 2016

Media Suddenly Discovers Dastardly Destruction Everywhere


With the election victory by Donald Trump and his running mate Mike Pence the media has discovered numerous pressing situations bordering on the brink of catastrophes. Suddenly Syria has become a conundrum of crushing confrontations waiting for the President elect while the current resident of the White House faced much lesser problems and addressing this would be asking a bit much. Oddly enough they also realized that Iraq is torn with ethnic strife as well as having much of its territory either occupied or threatened by the Islamic State. They also found that the Islamic State is operating as they please in Syria. Yemen is in the midst of a civil war and threatens a vital waterway at the south end of the Red Sea called the Bab-el-Mandeb. Saudi Arabia and Egypt have split with Egypt now aligning with Russia and Bashir al-Assad while Saudi Arabia continues to fight the Yemen Houthi rebels who are backed by Iran. The Saudis are also backing terrorist groups fighting Bashir al-Assad and some suspect they are knowingly funding and arming the Islamic State through alternate avenues. Turkey’s Erdogan appears to have suddenly gone rogue demanding immediate answers for Turkey’s admittance to the European Union (EU) one day and threatening to turn away any offer from the EU and consider joining the joint trading group organized by Russia and China called the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). There are warring tribal groups contending with terrorist groups and crime families all vying for control of their slice of what was Libya. The Sudan and South Sudan are still fighting and there is a civil war of sorts in South Sudan adding to the confusion. There are terrorists plaguing Nigeria and even Europe is being overrun. Their prognosis is that the election of Donald Trump has caused the nations of the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) to explode suddenly and fiercely into frenzied destruction and fighting breaking out everywhere. Additionally, Russia is protecting their ports in Syria, namely in Latakia, and thus also protecting Bashir al-Assad who is ever so slowly regaining control of Syria one costly meter at a time. Wait; Russia has use of a port in the Mediterranean Sea, this is big. Oh how simple things would have stayed had only the voters in the United States had chosen wisely and elected Hillary Clinton.


The sudden awakening of the mainstream media to the problems throughout MENA states and beyond is almost amusing. Anyone reading news services from these effected regions have known and spoken with furrowed brows and stern hard faces often using terse terms describing ongoing events which continue to spin further and further out of control. Many have laid the problems at the feet of fecklessness in the foreign policies of the United States over the past decade emphasizing the retreat and resentment at being abandoned left to the scoundrels and other threats without any hope of rescue from those they had believed were their ally and eternal friend. As long as the United States did not have even a dog in the fight, and we mean literally not even a dog, let alone manpower or military forces, these traumatic conflagrations were unimportant as far as the media was concerned. The White House ignored these problems while making the one-off mention brushing aside concerns as if they were nothing more than a hiccup on the timeline of history as the White House was making it. The White House and especially President Obama and his Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry along with Samantha Powers and Susan Rice, the pair were Presidential Security Advisor and Ambassador to the United Nations and then switched positions a while after Benghazi, have all painted the Middle East as there being a situation in Syria and the Israeli-Palestinian problem and if only Israel would make nice and completely surrender to the Palestinians then miraculously Syria would become peaceful overnight as would any other disturbance anywhere in the world. It is as if the only actual disturbance in the force is Israel, so does that make Israel Yoda? Seriously, the Obama White House position has been that Israel causes unrest throughout the Middle East and beyond and it is the Jews residing beyond the 1949 Armistice Lines on lands gained in a defensive war started by Egypt and Syria and joined on day two by Jordan despite pleading from Israel for their remaining neutral. This Jordanian attack led to Israel liberating Judea and Samaria from Jordan’s illegal occupation for nineteen years including half of Jerusalem.


Had Syria and Egypt attacked any other nation in the world and had Jordan joined on the second day and, for example let us say they attacked Peru; if Peru in that war had gained the lands of Judea and Samaria, they would have been allowed to retain the lands and even push any non-Peruvians off the lands with minimal complaint from the world. The problem is they did not attack Peru but instead they attacked Israel. There is an effort initiated by the British when they saw that allowing the formation of the Jewish State was going to upset the Arabs they decided to do whatever they were able to prevent Israel from ever coming to fruition. They could do this as they controlled the Mandate for the geographic area called Palestine, a name derived from the Roman name for the area of southern Syria, Syria Palaestina.


Roman Provinces of Syria Palaestina


The British after World War I continued to import Arabs to reside between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea with ample assistance from the Arab League and surrounding Arab nations from as far as Algeria though largely from the Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and even Turkey. This kept the Jewish population below fifty-percent thus never quite fulfilling the requirement of being capable of ruling a nation. In the aftermath of World War II the British had lost their taste for empire and simply wanted to leave the Middle East and particularly the area which was to become Israel. Ever since the British leaving and Israel being founded there have been numerous studies which have shown how the Arab world has designs to be rid of the Jewish State and how often the European nations are supportive of the Arab efforts as though they would love for Israel to fail, they do not have the will to cause such in any manner other than indirectly. Do not misunderstand as the Europeans gladly enrich their lives with the discoveries and inventions from Israeli sources and even have utilized some such as instant messenger programs to support the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction Israel) Movement and other injurious acts.


Denouncing Israel in the United Nations General Assembly and throughout the various agencies which often act in injurious ways such as when recently UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) ruled that the Temple Mount and surrounding areas have no historical ties to the Jews or Judaism which is a manner of denying the existence of the First and Second Temples and close to two-thousand years of Israelite and Jewish history. And UNESCO comes in a poor second when it comes to denunciations of Israel where the UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) who have denounced Israel in virtually every meeting for the past five years. The General Assemble also has a poor record though there has recently been some small headway with Israel sponsoring resolutions which was passed by a vote of 129-30-8 to set up technical training, global entrepreneurship and sharing of technologic systems through assistance efforts where often Israel and other developed nations share technological advancements in areas such as agriculture and power generation assisting these developing nations making greater and stronger strides toward a bright future.


Needless to point out that all these problems, wars, conflagrations and turmoil have existed for much of the past decade and is not a reaction where the world all but exploded because of the election of Donald Trump. We can also predict some of the big news stories and special editions where a story is expounded and enlarged all passed off as news. There will be all sorts of new findings about the rampant homelessness and how people are feeling helpless and cannot seem to find any assistance for their plight. The mentally challenged living on American city streets not receiving their medications and suffering because of the difficulty in receiving proper care will be another feature story, multi-part most likely running for a week or for four straight Sunday night prime time. Unemployment stories will be big initially and the people who are now not considered to be seeking work as their unemployment insurance ran out and they have been unemployed over one year thus are not part of the computations, well, the media will now use a newer and more accurate definition which they will mention softly and in passing once and then count people who have not held a job up to five years, maybe a decade. There will be heartbreaking stories of youths dropping out of school and the United States will have a drug problem once again. There will be heart-wrenching profiles of people being deported for being illegally in the country whether that be overstaying a student visa because you found a good job and who wants to return to the Ukraine about now. There will be stories about how families are on the verge of being broken up as one or any number of the family are here illegally. Many of these stories will be about people who are using the system to press their particular case and many will remain and become legal citizens within a decade, but while they are uncertain their stories play oh so well. Let us leave you with what you may find to be an unbelievably astounding fact; President Obama has deported more people than any previous President.


Beyond the Cusp


October 29, 2016

The Potentially Imminent Syria Sinkhole


First please allow a small personal note. I had a senior moment two weeks ago today and am now typing left-handed as the right hand resembles a plaster club and is even less usable than normal. Surgery was performed on the one finger I was unable to set; so physicians, surgeon types, were employed. Now back to our regularly scheduled editorials and other stories.


There is way too much talk about Syria and what the Western nations, particularly Europe and more-so the United States must do to address the problems being exasperated by the horrific five years of the ongoing warfare. Much of the talk centers around seven major topics: refugees, no-fly-zone, safe-zone, containing Russian expansionism, ending the rule of Bashir al-Assad, strengthening the Iraqi government’s hold on central Iraq, and establishing America’s position, standing and unrivaled hegemonic superiority across MENA (Middle East and North Africa). On concluding the discussion of the pitfalls and awaiting disasters surrounding each and every one of these subjects, we will carry them to their inevitable conclusion if any of these paths are followed and then pinpoint exactly where things went off the tracks leading to each of these now end alternatives, disastrous alternatives. Let us simply start with some of the best of news for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the initial starting point for much of these situations were initiated during the President George W. Bush Administering of the area and even stretch back to principally French, British, Italian as well as the rest of the Allied Powers from World War I and particularly Sykes-Picot Agreement and the underhanded meddling for fifty years on average after a thousand years and more of Arab and Islamic rule. Let us look at what all this has wrought.


The Sykes-Picot Agreement is the underlying deceit which set the Middle East and eventually North Africa into a situation where the untenable borders set levels of internal intra-tribal rivalries vying for supremacy once the borders were released as independent nations. There are two dirty little secrets as to why to this day the nations which constitute MENA are a cauldron of explosives always roiling and why Europe is blamed. Europe gets the blame as they were the ones left holding a region where borders were traditionally meaningless and each tribe ruled by the oasis and wells they controlled. For over a thousand years either an Arab, Kurd, Alawite, Tripolitanian, Cyrenaican, Fezzan, Wahhabi, Houthis or a dozen others and this is indicative of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Algeria, Morocco, Jordan and throughout MENA and beyond (see map below). There are multiple clans, tribal and even nation of origin divisions throughout the “Palestinian” populations in Hamas controlled Gaza, Fatah controlled areas of Judea and Samaria and within the “refugee” population (a fair number of which are now also Syrian refugees or Islamist rebels in various groups including al-Nusra and Islamic State presumably fighting against one another). The warring tribes rapidly led to one tribe being the dominant leader often through favor and arming by the departing Europeans or due to historic realities from the Ottoman Era or the Caliphate and even back to the Byzantine and even the Cyrenaic Greeks. These tribes ruled each country as drawn out by the Sykes-Picot Agreement often requiring an iron fist style dictatorship. The nations surviving the best, a relative term, would by Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, the Gulf Oil Sheikdoms and Israel. The world of MENA is very much in flux and it will take quite some time and a great potential for violence beginning within and having a strong predisposition to drag much of the world into the coming maelstrom if the world leaders continue on their current course.


Sample of Potential Tribal Influences which Could Decimate the Borders of Saudi Arabia and Has Split the Borders of Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya

Sample of Potential Tribal Influences which
Could Decimate the Borders of Saudi Arabia and
Has Split the Borders of Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya


Let us look now at the pressing seven problems starting with the refugees now streaming into the West from all across the MENA nations and beyond into the Horn of Africa and Central Africa. Other than Jordan and Turkey there are no other Arab States taking in refugees and Jordan is keeping them in camps with the intent of their returning to whatever remains of Syria if and when the war ends. Turkey is either placing their refugees in camps, largely women and children, or passing the men mostly with sufficient women and children, around fifteen percent on a good day, for Western media to have their touching pictures to pluck heartstrings. The reality is the flow of selected refugees is an infiltration and when their population breaks ten percent they become bold and past twenty percent they turn belligerent and start demands backed by violence to force their religious edicts and demands on the rest of what has now become a victim population. Once the Islamists pass thirty to forty percent the war begins and continues until the Sword of Islam has submitted the population or the prey of Islam grew in strength and found their reason to stiffen their backbones and stand breaking the Sword of Islam. There will be no middle ground as Islam, in its current Islamist form, allows no middle ground. Either all will be Islam or few to none can be Islam. That is why Europe, the United States and the rest of the world taking in Muslim refugees need demand changes before allowing another refugee to enter. First, the numbers of women, children and the elderly must outnumber the numbers of fighting age men. Second, the refugees will be required to pass a rigorous vetting process which validates their standing past, present and, with hope, future. Third, and possibly most important, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt and other stable Islamic nations must collectively take in twice the numbers of refugees than the rest of the world. Forth, the refugees must take an assimilation program and allow them to be placed outside of the Muslim concentrations taking work and show true assimilation efforts or be returned from whence they originated. These refugees have long not been from Syria as they are from failed nations lacking order or a working economy as well as infiltrators, organizers and training personnel from various Islamist organizations and terrorist forces including but not limited to the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic State, Hezballah, IRGC (Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution; Persian: سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی or Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps), Hamas, al-Nusra Front (which left al-Qaeda according to the United States State Department and has been cleared to receive weaponry, training and other assistance –cash- and is a favorite of the Clintons) and numerous less or even unknown terror groups. The entire refugee system and assimilation of Muslims needs to aid them in learning, understanding, experiencing, appreciating freedom and finding the higher self-worth which comes from an independent life which once existed within Islam in their Golden Age. This could be the last hope of kindling the spark of freedom and liberty of the soul deep within Islam and perhaps finding a path to mutual acceptance instead of perpetual conflict.


The remaining six problems have no solution other than a hope and a prayer. They are all the result of grievous errors in judgement, poor planning, a foreign policy based in defeat, the removal of American presence and a total and singular White House policy to destroy the American influence and assistance in building a world based on mutual respect, liberty, freedom and basic human rights and instead encouraging tribalism and fracture of the Sykes-Picot Agreement and all other Western influences which were seen as an unwanted and negative influence over what was believed to have been the peaceful influences Islam had initiated during the years of the Ottoman Empire and the Caliphate before that. Someone making these decisions apparently must have missed the five hundred years of Arab and Islamist conquest and the intertribal violence which necessitated numerous severe crackdowns on such problems over the reported thousand years of peaceful existence. The problem was where it oft arises with Western nations who become tired of winning demanding their forces be brought home leaving a vulnerable and usually untenable situation so unstable that if things actually do not deteriorate immediately, then some unfriendly force has likely replaced the Western presence. This time the United States got some of both, Iraq became Iran West and Syria collapsed into a war with more fronts than a strip mall.


The premature withdrawal of United States forces from Iraq has had the actual desired effect permitting Iran to establish their presence in southern Iraq and the opportunity to expand into central Iraq permitting Iran to soon establish a second front in support of their interests in Syria, namely Bashir al-Assad. Talking about Syria and Bashir al-Assad; the United States has lately been claiming that their interest is in working out a change of power in Syria but whining that the Russians interests are interfering with any progress. Has anyone ever wondered and remembered how and why Vladimir Putin got his oversized Russian foot in the door. If our collective memories are still firing on all cylinders, then Vlad the Invader (as opposed to Vlad the Impaler as pictured in their element) was all but invited into Syria when President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided to issue the “Red Line in the Sand which Bashir al-Assad would pay dearly from United States decisive and determined military action should chemical weapons be used back in 2012. That broad and definitive line got thinner and thinner and faded and faded turning pinker and pinker until it completely faded. Then came Vladimir Putin to the rescue and he has remained guarding Bashir al-Assad and his Mediterranean Sea military ports. Then there was Libya.


Vlad the Invader vs Vlad the Impaler

Vlad the Invader vs Vlad the Impaler


Libya was the culminating point where the Arab spring was going to be revitalized. Instead there was another power vacuum created and the nation fell back into its tribal factions while the Islamic State, al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood backed terror organizations set up shop. One such group was in Benghazi where Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her inner circle made the deal of a lifetime procuring Stinger Missiles for al-Nusra or who knows. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith were to arrange the transfer. The deal went sour resulting in the deaths of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith and former Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods all were murdered. There were reports that Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods held their position for eight hours before being subdued in a swarm of mortar fire. For reasons never made overly clear, there were no military or other assets available to ride over the hill and save the good guys. This is how we all got to this point and we are supposed to forget the past eight years of foreign intrigue and foreign affairs which have lighted so many fuses any one of which could be the initiator of the war of Gog and Magog while others lead directly to World War, which one are we supposed to be on, three, four, five or twelve? Those are the easy items to trace but then one must figure on a nuclear armed North Korea with a few more nuclear weapons than the CIA wants to admit, say maybe a cool fifty or hundred more with more than half either thermonuclear weapons or bombs made using the Soviet Union’s plans for their super EMP device. Additionally there is the little problem of Iran also building their own nuclear arsenal probably using the identical weapons plans they received from the North Koreans in exchange for advanced rocketry designs and testing of the North Korean ICBM designs. Well, we really need to continue with this foreign policy direction just to see if aliens are going to drop from the sky and save Earth. The coming ride is going to be interesting; as in the Chinese proverb, “May you live in interesting times.” Well, it will be interesting.


Beyond the Cusp


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