Beyond the Cusp

June 2, 2019

Unraveling Gaza and What it Means to Israel and Beyond

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:59 AM
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Hamas and Islamic Jihad, whether on orders from Iran or their own volition, will continue to escalate the situation making life, potentially existence, near impossible. Israel must not permit paralysis over what the world will think, we already have seen that answer countless times, and protect her people and her land. They will not stop escalating the situation because every Israeli response which permits their continuation is their victory. There is now and always will be only one answer to this conflict, either we get the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea or they get the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. There can and will be no other end result, and that is by choice as this is between two people who claim the same land, only one can persist and the other be caused or enticed to depart. The world is fully aware that under legal treaties, with numerous nations, namely the United Nations under Article 80 of their own Charter, signatories to provide for a Jewish State between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The ruling Arabs of the time signed this treaty at the League of Nations which is what is held as still legal through the United Nations. This is why it has never been contested at any of the various World Courts, because Israel would win. Israel must be forced into signing away her claims for the land to belong to any other. That is why the pressure for Israel to recognize Palestine with defined borders. The problem here is the Arabs do not want borders as that would make Israel a real nation. Israel must not have defined borders, so the Palestinians can never make peace.


Should the Palestinian conundrum ever be solved, that would only serve to transfer the problem to the north of the country. Should, by some unseen way, the Palestinian problem reached a definitive solution, then Hezballah would claim the Galilee as their ancestral lands stolen by Israel. This, once recognized by the world media and then governments and the General Assembly, without a doubt, it will simply have shifted the focal point for the challenge that Israel must not exist. Nothing Israel can offer, no amount of compromise, nothing is sufficient and thus there is only the shifting of the claims which will follow one another. The Khartoum Conference stated it clearly, “No peace with Israel, No recognition of Israel, No negotiations with Israel.” What part of this declaration is unclear to anyone? There is a huge difference between friends and allies. Allies are nations with a similar view of the world and face the same threats but all is fluid as things change. The one constant is change. The ultimate change is harmony, but things will change. Even harmony cannot last, things will continue to change leading to cacophonic accusations as to who spoiled the harmony when it was merely time and always inevitable. That has played very large in the case of Israel for which much discredit must be thrust at Great Britain and their Judeophobic activities while presumably keeping the Mandate. Since then, the open Arab Judeophobia has been sufficient to force countless altercations for well over the last century.


Eventually, the question comes, do you mean that there can be no Arabs in Israel? To that we have to ask if you are blind as well as insulting. There are Arabs throughout Israel. Maybe not in every community, and there are communities where one would not find Jews. Arabs will be serving in the next Knesset, whenever that occurs. There are Arab judges, doctors, nurses, teachers, police and every other occupation one could imagine. The best way to put the entire situation is simply follow the traditional ways. If they wish to reside with us in peace and with mutual respect as defined under the Noahic Code, then we have no problem. If this is too much or something you refuse to permit, then there is a problem. This problem has two solutions, you may leave with your belongings and a fair price for your properties and we will not pursue you or you may choose war, it is your choice. Back to Hamas, they have chosen war and there will be no appeasing them nor any pathway to peaceful existence, they demand war. Perhaps the sane act would be to warn the population that soon there will be a final war between Israel and Hamas and Islamic Jihad, so please leave for your continued safety. But no Israeli leader in modern, or possibly post-modern, day Israel would say that as we are too refined for such a solution no matter the provocation. There is that word, the crucial and critical word, “provocation.” As stated early-on, Hamas and Islamic Jihad will continue to ramp up the violence, havoc and destruction of the lands they claim they love just so the Jews cannot use it.


Initially, the Palestinians would shoot, bomb and suicide bomb Israel into submission. Now Israelis likely go through four to seven checkpoints each day and more if they ride the trains. This was the price for safety which we still pay. Then came rockets which led to the Iron Dome which still makes for a financial burden. Often, for each rocket intercepted, they launched two interceptors. Each interceptor costs approximately fifty-thousand-dollars while the Hamas rocket costs mere hundreds or even less. Then came the kites and balloons with incendiary devices setting fire to the countryside and destroying croplands, wildlife preserves, forests, and associated buildings. Meanwhile, the recent rocket launch was complimented by mortars. This is important as mortars are an indirect fire aimed device where a ground target is chosen rather than random fire of the rockets. When mortar rounds which misfired are found in kindergartens, playgrounds and similar targets, there becomes little doubt who their intended target happen to be. The aim is to maximize the terror, but the Jews have the toughest of people who are determined to keep the lands and fulfill a destiny Islam cannot even begin to imagine. They claim they are desert people. We are the original desert people who were tested for forty years in the harshest of deserts, one the Arabs avoid.


The anti has been upped by the recent advent of using drones. They even attempted to strike an Israeli tank (see video below). Actually, their targeting a military vehicle is far more in-line with the rules of modern warfare. When fighting a supposed occupier, you target their military. But that is where reasoning has gone astray, as this is not about occupation, it is about existence. Sure, the claim is that Hamas rewrote their charter, but they never gave up that charter and it is what drives them today, the complete eradication of the Jews worldwide. Were Hamas and Islamic Jihad ever get control of the land of Israel, they would systematically murder every Jewish man, woman and child. They would emulate the treatment dealt to the Banu Qurayza Tribe as described in the Quran. This would be the best that could be expected, and this is why Israel can never lose as that is the end, one loss and it is all over. The remainder of Judaism would evaporate except for a few small close-knit communities. Israel is also fighting for the continued existence of the Jewish people, religion and everything which goes with Judaism.



Read the Torah and it perfectly describes the lands which we were to inhabit, we ask no more and desire no less. One can trace our doing what every nation which desired to continue did four-thousand years ago, we conquered our homelands. This is where people again go wrong claiming that we must have taken the land from the Arab Palestinians. The Arab tribes of the time were warring with one another in the Arabian Peninsula with the tribe of Moab between them and the Israelites. The Arabs know this but are counting on the rest of the world not knowing or caring and simply doing what has been done for centuries, believing every accusation leveled at the Jews. The Arabs did not even reach the Levant (the region surrounding Israel and Lebanon) until the Seventh Century, and arrived then as conquerors. This is why the Arab world claims lands from the Iranian border to the Atlantic Sea in Morocco. These lands were fought over between the European Christians and the Arabian Muslims for centuries with Jerusalem changing hands more than once. Each time it changed hands, the Jews were accused of being spies for the other side, and that was because there were Jews residing in Jerusalem continuously since David made it the eternal capital city of Israel. Jerusalem has never been the capital city of any other peoples since David declared it for the Jewish People.


History of Jews from 2000BCE to 1CE


We are simply coming home after a prolonged vacation from sanity. The land has bloomed and far more since the onset of our returning back in the mid to late eighteen-hundreds. Swamps drained and cleared and boulders removed with water provided for crops and the lands tilled soon to be followed by more modern industrial base all the way into the digital age. Israel should be the model for the Arab nations to emulate, not destroy. In many ways, Israel is the golden goose who lays gold eggs. This ends once you kill the goose as the eggs stop being laid. Israel is the little marvel which was viewed as impossible for almost two-thousand years and she has been reborn more wonderous than ever. One can only wonder what things could come out of Israel in the future. Well, for such to ever come to fruition, first Israel needs to exist. The Arabs stated, when they first realized that the Jews really intended to return, that they would take their (the Jews) land and everything they ever build and destroy everything. They predicted a slaughter which would bring the memory of the Crusades and the Mongols, the two main adversaries the Arabs have faced, with the eradication of the Jews back in 1948 on the eve of the first Arab attempt to erase the Jewish state, often mistakenly called the Israeli War of Independence. They made two more such attempts in 1967 and 1973 and then resorted to using terror and propaganda employing the tool they had hatched in 1964 working closely with the KGB, the PLO where the idea of an Arab Palestinian nationalism using terrorism could liberate the lands from the Jews. Hamas was a later group which split from the PLO as they were not sufficiently Islamic. Islamic Jihad is the IRGC contingent in Gaza. Well, of course they chose a new name as Iran is not stupid enough to station IRGC in GAZA and call then IRGC, they simply adopted a name that trended well in some poll. That brings us to what the world faces now.


There is one thing that the world should realize and awaken to. The powers of Islam are not going to be satisfied with just Israel and they are not going to wait for the defeat of Israel before they begin to infiltrate other lands. Europe has been amongst the latest as are the United States, Canada, Australia and the rest of the western world. As time continues and more and more “refugees” from the Arab and Muslim world, there will be an increase in terrorist attacks, first against Jewish targets and then Christian targets and then taking over the government and forcing Shariah replacing their democratic form of governance. That will be the death cry in the western world if their leaders do not awaken to the threat they have imported with their foolishness. Nations are not to be used as social experimentation if you cherish the society you currently possess. In any repair business, there is a maxim which goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The western society was not broken and it had systems in place to sustain it and the people believed they found a better way. This better way was not just under the standards of Judeo-Christianity, this brave new world was not even under the standards of the Noahic Code. These social experimenters are going to wake up one morning, hopefully before it is too late but that is in question currently, and realize that everything which they took for granted has become forbidden or severely restricted. There is a new religion coming to town and it does not play well with others, especially with those who have forsaken Hashem. The best hope which Israel wishes is for the world to realize that we need to live with understanding, sympathy and respect for all such that all may have respect for us. But respect does not mean surrender or allow one’s entire civilization be pulled crashing down around them. That is what is at risk and Israel was simply the initial front line and the diversion which will be used to distract as the western world is slowly digested and conquered. For another view on this discussion, please do read this article by Giulio Meotti as it is well written and quite interesting.


Beyond the Cusp


March 25, 2019

Defending Israel at the United Nations


One would be led to believe that the United Nations is the place where differences between nations and interests could be ironed out and everybody could be heard. This is the concept which is taught in schools where the United Nations is touted to be a place of peace and discourse. Unfortunately, this is only the case when you are presenting information which complies with the desired outcomes. Should you try and defend a nation which the rest of the delegates, or at least a plurality, find disturbing or unacceptable, then your microphone is cut off or you are talked over by the chair and protesting members until your time is spent and you are silenced. The quickest means of proving this theory is defending Israel before the General Assembly or almost any of the plethora of United Nations agencies. This problem almost all defenders of Israel face when attempting to present facts and other evidence. This is especially true before the Human Rights Council, UNESCO, the General Assembly and any group which is chaired or predominated by Arab, Islamic and the other nations supporting their view of Israel as the sole source of all the world’s problems. This is evidenced clearly as Anne Bayefsky attempted to present facts which countered those presented by Professor Michael Lynk whose claim was that Israel had used deadly force against peaceful, innocent Gazan demonstrators who were posing no threat to the IDF or Israel (video below). If we are required to prove that the Gaza demonstrations were more accurately described as rioting with the intent of breaking through the border and attacking Israeli civilians and that the Gazan demonstrators were launching kites and balloons which carried incendiary and explosive charges which caused tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars in damages to fields of crops, forests and wildlife preserves including threatening the nesting areas for endangered species, then we may as well be attempting to address the United Nations. We expect our readers to have read sufficiently to know that the Gaza border has been a year of challenges where tens to hundreds of thousands of tires were burned to cause smokescreens to hide attempts to breach the border fence as well as hide snipers who were approaching the border and shooting at the IDF positions.



This experience is not all that different than what occurs regularly throughout the United Nations and its related agencies. A similar response can be witnessed by watching whenever any Israeli official, be it the United Nations Ambassador or the Israeli Prime Minister who is addressing the General Assembly. Just watch the audience and delegates and the vast majority will stand and leave choosing not to hear what will be presented. They do not care about hearing the Israeli side as their minds are already made up and Israel is to blame for whatever is being discussed. Nothing Israel does, nothing Israel stands for, nothing regarding Israel and reality matter at the United Nations. The United Nations is, in its current format where dictatorships and Islamic nations rule the roost, made up of nations who hate Israel, the United States, Capitalism and freedom. The easiest motion to pass before the United Nations General Assembly is one denouncing Israel for whatever reason one may decide is their fault. Almost as easy is doing the identical motion against the United States. The main difference is that a few additional Europeans will denounce Israel than are willing to side against the United States. This might have something to do with their reliance on American military might for their own protection. What they fail to realize is that Israel also is fighting the war to allow freedom to continue and for people to gain from the technological know-how of the United States, Israel and the remainder of the free world from whence the vast majority of new developments, inventions, agricultural advances, medical accomplishments and an entire litany of other development and improvements which largely come from the free world.


The United Nations predominantly consists of socialist dictatorships where the people are left scratching out a meager existence while their elites enjoy the good life. What is depressing is that many of these nations are recipients of Israeli aid in a number of different means. Israel is often the first nation to arrive after a natural disaster and the last to leave, the first to provide agricultural technology to the farmers and villages to assist their growing of crops, a nation which shares medical advancements, trains their physicians, provides their hospitals with the equipment required by these trained physicians, provides electrical generation for remote villages, provides phone connectivity for these villages, provides clean water technology relieving what in many cases is a shortage forcing them to drink contaminated water and various other services all provided with no expectation of reward. Not expecting any reward is actually an advantage as these same nations, because of their leaders, vote to condemn Israel regularly. This is true of places where without Israeli aid arriving, as it did after natural disasters, would have faced an even more dire situation where many more would have died such as in Haiti (see video below). The second video below is about a dancer named George who lost one leg after the Haitian earthquake and who was brought to Israel and outfitted with a prosthetic which allowed him to return to his beloved profession. He is a great dancer. Yet, at the most recent in the United Nations, Haiti was not amongst the seven nations which sided with the United States and Israel. The seven nations were Guatemala, Honduras, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, and Togo. That was with one-hundred-twenty-eight against Israel with thirty-five abstaining. This is, unfortunately, about the normative number of votes concerning Israel over the past thirty to forty years.




The United Nations has, in the past, gone to the extreme of equating Zionism with racism. This absurdity was eventually overturned, but expects it to return in the not too distant future. There is one item about Israel which makes her stand apart from most other nations. Israel is always ready to provide aid to any nation suffering a natural or manmade disaster with the sole proviso that the nation accepts Israeli aid. Iran suffered a devastating earthquake not that long ago and the Israeli IDF disaster relief units were on standby with their planes packed and ready to assist. The Iranian leadership refused to permit Israeli aid to be delivered to the stricken area. Iran also mostly ignored the trauma and devastated lives of her own citizens. This was actually mourned within Israel, as these people need not have suffered nearly as much as they ended up going through. Israel provided aid to the United States after Hurricane Katrina and Super Storm Sandy. Unfortunately, Israel does not have a cure in her basket for the United Nations and their hatred of the Jewish State. No other nation faces such scorn and spite at the United Nations though the United States does come in closest at second. We feel quite assured that if the United Nations could vote Israel out of existence, they would do so tomorrow with no regrets. Of course, they would probably act similarly towards the United States and potentially Canada, Britain and any number of other developed nations. It is as if being a developed nation whose people enjoy a decent level of economic prosperity that such a nation is to be scorned and brought down instead of other nations marveling and doing everything in their power to emulate such success. But many of these dictatorial regimes desire to bring everyone down to their level such that they can point to the rest of the world and ask their own people where is an example that doing things differently would change anything. That is one of the sadnesses of the world today, there are so many ready to destroy those who have succeeded simply so as to make their failure appear to be norm. That is quite counterproductive.


Display of the Muslim Nations of the World in the Middle East, Asia and Northern Africa in Green with Israel depicted in Red making the relative size of Israel evident and consisting of under one percent of the land mass

Display of the Muslim Nations of the World in the Middle East, Asia and Northern Africa in Green with Israel depicted in Red


Take a quick glance at the above map. Should the claim by much of the Arab and Muslim worlds be accurate, then Israel should have become the most noticeable nation on the map by size and not because it is the sole one in red. The Arab world in particular likes to claim that Israel is an expansionist, colonial, destructive nation which is taking over the entirety of the Arab world which spans the Middle East and Northern Africa. They claim that Israel simply desires to gobble up their entire area and that they are all but helpless against Israel, this hegemonic power in their midst. Well, if Israel is a hegemonic power, then the world had best be very wary of Belize as it is taking over the Americas. Both claims are equally ridiculous and, believe it or not, Belize is actually larger than Israel. Israel would be overly happy to simply be granted the area which was promised her under the British Mandate. Originally, Israel was to be formed out of the British Mandate lands but the British had a promise to keep with the Arabs. The result is the lands were divided between the Arabs and Jewish state with the Jordan River as the divide. The 78% of the lands east of the river went for the Arab state of Jordan while the entire 22% was supposed to be for the Jewish state. This has never been permitted to come to fruition. When the invading Arab armies of 1948-9 ended up holding areas of Judea and Samaria, the Shomron (West Bank) and Gaza by Jordan and Egypt respectively, the world allowed them to retain these lands. When Israel liberated the lands which were originally set aside for her, the world demands that Israel give them back despite the promise of the Palestinian Arabs that they will never be satisfied unless they are granted all of the lands and the Jews either given a new home far away or left for the Arabs to slaughter as they please. When the Arabs say far away, they mean like to planet Israel, should it ever be found.


Planet Israel

Planet Israel


There is a joke making its way around Israel. Perhaps you have heard that Israel launched a probe named Beresheet which is still proceeding to the moon. We claim that it would not surprise us to be told that we need to remove Beresheet from the moon because it is on Palestinian Arab Lunar soil and that the moon belongs to Islam as it is on so many Muslim national flags. This is said tongue in cheek, but it is actually not that far fetched as they have claimed that the Palestinian Arabs were the Canaanites, the Philistines and the Phoenicians. All three of these civilizations have long since perished from this Earth with one making their last stand against Rome as the Carthaginians. Both the Phoenicians and their later cousins, the Carthaginians, were both sea-faring Greek people and were not even from the Middle East and had no relations with the Arabian Peninsula, but when one is grasping at straws, anything will be taken as good enough. The Palestinian spokespeople have claimed that the Palestinians invented the Canaanite-Palestinian language six-thousand years ago, a mere three thousand years before Cuneiform, the accepted first written language. They had to choose a number greater than four-thousand years in order to predate the arrival of the Jewish ancestors. The problem is that none of the tribes which attempted to prevent them from inhabiting these lands survived in any form to the modern era. But, as the United Nations has proven, who needs facts when it is the Jews you wish to curse.


Beyond the Cusp


October 28, 2018

It is NOT About Land President Trump

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 3:00 AM
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Our thoughts, prayers and condolences are with the community of Squirrel Hill and all of Pittsburgh after the horrific Synagogue shootings. Tomorrow we will give our reactions after we are able to digest this tragedy and all its ramifications. May Hashem soothe the bereaved and keep all in His loving care.


President Trump is attempting a make a Middle East peace plan, the so-called “Deal of the Century,” in the same way he would negotiate a deal along the Jersey shore. He wants to have each side take lands and agree on borders no matter which elements he is required to include. He tried the Palestinian Authority (PA) and they balked immediately and were quite abusive in their rejection. He tried Jordan and initially got the same response though more measured and polite. He has possibly decided that bribing Jordan will do the trick, he is wrong. Mr. President, we do not know any easier way to put this, this is not about land, this is about Jews. The Arabs made this so very clear in their little tête-à-tête which they held the September after their humiliating defeat in the Six Day War in 1967. They came out with what is known as the Khartoum Resolution and had the infamous ‘Three No’s’, which are “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” The Arab League expelled Egypt for a period after Anwar Sadat signed the Egypt-Israel peace agreement only permitting them back in as Egypt was then one of the more powerful Arab nations and still might be. The entire confrontation comes down to a few very simple and easy points to understand. First is that the region which is Israel had been Islamic territory for hundreds of years under the Caliphate and the Ottoman Empire and as such must never be permitted to fall into the hands of any others. This is a Quranic dictum. The Muslims also claim that most of Spain is actually called Andalusia and is also Islamic lands which they are anxious to retake under their control. One has to wonder if they also wish to sit at the Gates of Vienna once more as twice was not sufficient. This is a religious war over which religion is supreme, Judaism or Islam. Further, Jerusalem being the third holiest city in Islam is a recent development and only came about after the Jews took the entirety of the city in the Six Day War. There have been other third holiest cities in Islam of which probably the two most famous are Damascus and Constantinople. The third holiest city in Islam is reserved for the next city in importance which the Muslim hopes to conquer or control through any means necessary. The main point of any negotiation could not care where any lines are drawn and what the name of each tract of land assumes, it is about which religion controls the land and for there to be peace that religion must be Islam. One last point before explaining further, the worst possible case for the followers of Islam is for the, as they would refer to us, accursed Yahud to take control of previously Islamic land. That is why Mahmoud Abbas made claim that every inch of Israel is an Islamic Waqf, which in this usage means an indelible and indivisible part of property belonging to Islam.


This is the idea through which UNESCO made all of the Old City of Jerusalem a Palestinian Heritage Site and disavowed any meaning or significance of the area to Jewish history or of any religious significance to the Jews. They did the exact same thing on Hebron which includes some of the holiest sites in all of Judaism including the Cave of the Patriarchs and Joseph’s tomb. They also had the same declaration on Bethlehem which apart from its Christian heritage is also the location of Rachel’s tomb. The churches in the Old City including the Church of The Holy Sepulchre as well as the churches in Bethlehem including the Church of the Nativity are claimed to be Mosques and belonging to Islam with no relevance to Christianity. They make a big spectacle around Christmas and Easter for economic reason selling trinkets to tourists. Another little concept which it might be wise to keep in mind when dealing with the Arabs, Taqiyyah, which is a directive within the Quran which actually not only allows a Muslim to lie to advance the causes of Islam but actually compels them to lie. The odds are that should they say something to you which is pleasing and meets your expectations, the odds are they are employing Taqiyyah and when the time comes to sign any treaty they will claim they never ever stated what you claim you heard. There is an easy way to understand the position of a Muslim when attempting to make a deal, which is what you claim you desire to accomplish. The first thing is that you must give and they must receive. That is the most basic concept in their minds. They can promise you anything but are not under any obligation to actually fulfill their promises. Anything you even intimate is a possibility, they will pocket that as something you promised and no amount of protestations or reality will change that in their minds. When dealing with them if you promise to give them something in return for something they offered you and then they break off negotiations and later decide to resume the negotiations, what you promised is the new starting point and they get to keep whatever you promised while you get nothing because they did not mean what they said when they agreed to exchange something for your concession.


We realize that this does not sound quite right and is a form of negotiating with which you are quite unfamiliar. Allow us to recommend you read some items from American history which might explain some of what you are getting into when dealing with Muslims. Read everything you can find in the White House records by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and any other records dealing with the Barbary Pirates and the two separate wars the United States was involved. You may even wish to read some of the commentary from our European counterparts from that period to get an idea at how useless the Europeans were in this struggle despite gaining from your efforts greatly. When Thomas Jefferson queried on why these attacks were being made on American ships when the United States had not entered into any conflict with the rulers of the Barbary Coast, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the Ambassador from Tripoli, replied that Islam “was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” Needless to say, Thomas Jefferson was quite floored at this response and it was then that he searched out a copy of the Quran in English and read it to his amazement and abhorrence. That is also the Quran which Keith Ellison took his oath of office upon and may have been behind President Obama’s claims that Islam was “woven into the fabric” of the United States since its founding. Perhaps that last part just might give you an idea as to how far the Islamic practice of prevarication can reach.


Attack on Derne Under Command of General and Commander in Chief William Eaton

Attack on Derne Under Command of General and Commander in Chief William Eaton


Once you have made yourself more attuned to the people with which you are attempting to make a real estate deal and the fact that they are not negotiating anything remotely close to real estate, perhaps we can recommend some additional reading. Then again, you could simply have a long and uninterrupted sit down with your Nations Security Advisor as John Bolton is quite familiar with the history and this knowledge could be of much assistance. You might ask about the San Remo Conference and how the British when they received the Mandate decided that their Mandate to form a Jewish State in those lands did not explicitly state all of those lands, so they gave 78% to the Arabs and paid their debt to the Hashmites by giving them rule over Jordan and Iraq, King Feisal insisted that the British give both sons a kingdom. When the British gave the one son Iraq, they made a deal by which J. Paul Getty received total control of the Mosul oil fields and in return Iraq got to keep the lands which were to have been Kurdistan. This is why when the Kurds hinted they wished to separate from Iraq, it would have behooved the United States to have assisted so as to make good on a promise the world still owes to the Kurds. The British attempted to do the same to the Jews but we decided to ignore the State Department when they informed us that it would be inconvenient for us to declare independence in 1948 because as Jews we have been told it would be inconvenient too many times to care. You probably have noted that the State Department is not exactly a pro-American department and have opposed the greater good for a very long time starting with their tacit support of Hitler and Mussolini with their admiration of the efficiency of fascism. We have always believed that the State Department has always been a little to enamored with the idea of government control over everything. This may be why they also thought that Joe Stalin (Uncle Joe to the State Department) was such a wonderful guy and somebody the United States could take a few lessons from on how to run an economy. We can also tell you a little secret which is actually well known, the State Department thinks that Israel is just a royal pain and wish we would disappear and are willing to kowtow to Islam if they would take care of their Israel problem. Just ask John Bolton and he will probably tell you it would be in the best interests of the United States to recognize the borders Israel was at least promised by the British in exchange for their stealing away 78% of the Mandate lands, and that was that our eastern border was to be the Jordan River and Israel was obliged to recognize the right of everyone residing within her borders to practice their religion, have a business, equality on all economic matters, allowed to own land which means that they are to enjoy religious and civil rights without prejudice but there was one right which Israel could, should they so choose, reserve solely for Jews, political rights such as the vote and holding office. Now, obviously Israel did not choose to do so and gave full citizenship to the Arabs residing within her borders after the war to eliminate the Jews in 1948-9 fortunately fell short. Yes, we lost parts of Judea and Samaria as well as all of Gaza, but we saved our country to live and become the little giant she has become. What is really sad is how hard the world fights to deny us the small plot of land which is a mere 22% of the Mandate, but we all know what their motivating factors are, oil and hatred, an old and dirty hatred. Perhaps the solution would be to grant Israel the lands she was promised and tell the Arabs occupying our remaining lands that perhaps it is time that they moved on let us be. We know, that is way too much to expect from a world that would rather see us erased from the map.


Beyond the Cusp


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