Beyond the Cusp

March 3, 2017

Jewish Divide Over Trump Very Telling


Here’s a news flash that the media thus far has refused to mention, there are many Jews who support President Donald Trump. The media has been quite vocal of those Jews who are vehemently protesting the Trump Presidency. Probably the most telling example has been the Senate hearings to approve his Ambassador to Israel, David M. Friedman. We will gladly grant the media that President Trump’s choice for Ambassador to Israel of David M. Friedman is a novel appointment when compared to previous appointments made by all the previous Presidents throughout Israeli history. There have been Ambassadors, Middle East Special Councils, Palestinian Israeli Peace Ambassadors and all sorts of other appointments made concerning Israel and her Arab neighbors plus the fact that American Ambassadors to the United Nations often have to interdict in matters concerning Israel, especially in United Nations sanctions against Israel often brought by Arab and European nations at the behest of the PLO or Palestinian Authority (PA) which have more often than not been vetoed by the United States Ambassador.


All of these past officials have more often than not been career Foreign Service Officers (FSOs) with the remainder have been political appointees. There have been more than a few of the most recent Israeli Ambassadors and Special Appointees who have been Jewish and thus touted as being most obviously as pro-Israeli. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. Some in particular, Thomas R. Pickering, Martin Indyk and Denis Ross have been some of the most antagonistic to the Israeli cause. Both Martin Indyk and Denis Ross were said to be very much favorable to Israel because of their being Jewish which is like claiming that someone had to be favorable to illegal immigration across the southern border because they were Hispanic, an insult and very likely false. Indyk and Ross attempted to force Israel to make concessions in exchange for empty promises which had been given by the PA before and never acted upon or immediately broken often with an in-your-face attitude. David M. Friedman is a different Jew, he is also a Zionist. This is a first for an Ambassador to Israel and many Israelis are expecting great things if only our leaders can be bold, even brash for a change. Some here in Israel have placed David M. Friedman as being to the right and more Zionist than Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu or most of the other Ministers of the Knesset. Additionally, Israelis have begun to believe that President Trump will be good for Israel providing Israel acts good for Israel.


Additionally, Orthodox Jews mostly voted for President Trump over Hillary Clinton while Democrat Jews voted almost universally for Hillary Clinton and are extremely upset by her loss and screaming mad over President Trump. During the hearings for Ambassador David M. Friedman there were Jews disrupting the hearings blowing Shofars. Traditionally the sounding of the Shofar other than as part of religious observance has been used as a warning sign often used as an alarm that enemies were advancing or other calamity. Sounding the Shofar at the hearings for the new Israeli Ambassador they were meaning that a calamity was occurring threatening Jewish lives. Their actions were over the top as no lives were being endangered and no emergency was coming for Jews and if anything this appointment was going to be good for Israel, a new page in appointments of advisors to Israel.


This brings us to what for us is one of the saddest things we will ever discuss, Israel and the American Jewish left. Often at demonstrations denouncing Israel some of the most virulent demonstrators will come from leftist, liberal Jews. These Jews are more attached to their leftist principles than they are to Torah and Israel. These are Jews who will never consider making Aliyah and were the members of our Synagogue who when we made Aliyah asked us why in the world we would want to go live in Israel of all places. They were stunned that somebody they knew would do something which was such an anathema to them. These were the same members of the Synagogue who had to get past the horror that we might actually be Republicans as we had admitted. Many initially thought we were joking and trying to be funny and some when they realized we actually were Republicans never spoke with us again. Israel has actually become a divisive issue in the American Jewish community.


For Jewish Democrats it is a serious problem. There are still a goodly number of friends to Israel remaining in the Democrat Party but their numbers are diminishing and some have actually needed to go underground in their support. Pro-Israel Jews in Reform Synagogues have to act like the Marranos during the Inquisition where they practice their Judaism silently and with little visible evidence at home and were good Catholics in public even to going to church daily and every action including rosaries and confession to avoid the Inquisition and the tortures and death sentences which would be their punishment if their being a Jew was ever rooted out. These new Marranos support Israel but must do so while in conversations in Synagogue or at Temple functions, as most Reform Synagogues refer to themselves as Temples; something less Jewish in its identity, these Jews either remain silent on issues Israel or denounce those sensitive issues such as Bibi Netanyahu, the greatest force of evil in the Middle East.


Horned Netanyahu


For far too many American Liberal Leftist Jews, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has been the reason why President Obama was unable to make peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis and had Netanyahu simply followed the instruction, the orders from on high at the Oval Office, then Israel would have peace. There are no arguments which they would ever accept and they honestly believe that the Arabs would be happy if only Israel would surrender everything to the Green Line and half of Jerusalem and all the terrorism and demands would end. Never mind that Mahmoud Abbas refuses to even say, let alone guarantee, that the terror and violence would end with such an agreement, he has instead stated that any agreement would be but the initial step to the removal of the Zionist entity and that all resistance, that would be terrorism, would continue until the Zionist entity has been eradicated and the Jews defeated completely. Never mind that in Gaza there is Hamas which has promised to murder every Jew on Earth which includes these American Leftist Jews who happily claim that Hamas can be reasoned with. One would think with the history of the Jewish People, especially their recent history, specifically since the last century, that when some group of extremists claim they have designs for the complete annihilation of the Jewish People they would take things like that very seriously.


That Israel, and even additionally President Trump to the point of violence and lost friendships, have become the two most divisive issues in the Jewish community is the saddest commentary one could imagine. Israel, the hope and the prayers of Jews for thousands of years now a matter for derision and splitting the community is beyond sadness. Israel and Jerusalem, the final desire of every Seder is, “Next year in Jerusalem” and Psalms 137, Song of Babylon, which demands that as a member of the Jewish People, Jerusalem must be our first love and, allow me to quote, “If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill (strength). (And) May my tongue cling to my palate, if I do not remember you, if I do not bring up Jerusalem at the beginning of my (chief and most important) joy.” Yet somehow Israel, and even the surrender of the Old City of Jerusalem and the surrendering of the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives Cemetery, has become a sticking point, an issue for debate and for too many simply something too trivial to be bothered with when supporting those for whom Israel is a bother is the real issue. How can Jews unfriend other Jews or shun them in the Synagogue because they support Israel. They demand, ‘how can one support Israel’ which is simply just for those other Jews, those religious Jews, those Jews who are just too Jewish and the ones the anti-Semites hate. They believe that because they support the right causes and they rub elbows with the right people that should the anti-Semites ever get their dream again and Jews are hunted down that they will be granted exceptions because they are those good Jews. They do not realize that to an anti-Semite the only good Jew is a dead Jew. But these Jews would gladly sacrifice those Zionist crazies if it would advance their standing at the club, or even sadly their Synagogue. We hold some truths to be very troubling and beyond our ability to accept. How can there be an ingathering when so many Jews refuse to even accept the concept of a Jewish State, a Jewish People or of Hashem and instead view their Synagogue as just another social club. This makes one remember that a minority of slaves left Egypt with Moses and a similarly percentage returned after they were liberated from Babylonia by Cyrus the Great and the majority either remained in Babylon or migrated to the major cities of Persia.


Beyond the Cusp


January 10, 2017

World Demands to Make Peace on Israel’s Grave


Russia has been pressing since this past summer to host a meeting between Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu but the specifics have proven difficult at best. President Obama and his Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have demanded their right to force a peace on Israel with borders which all but guarantee the next Arab Israeli war using the Hamas tactic of rockets fired over the border and then claiming Israel started the war when they finally attack to end the destruction. The United Nations and its various Agencies and Commissions as well as its NGO’s (Non-governmental Organizations) which many are financed almost completely by some varied combination of the European Union, the United Nations, European governments, the United States, George Soros and other actors, and leading from among the European countries who wish to force Israel to surrender to any and all Arab demands now have their champion in the French who are planning on holding their second conference to solve “the peace process” which has stalled. The reason for the quotation marks around the peace process is due to the fact that the world has decided when one says peace process they are referring to the only peace process which must be forced forward even if the sole means of doing so is to all but destroy Israel and redivided Jerusalem such that all the ancient Jewish holy sites and half the synagogues are placed east of the divide and beyond the reach of Israelis and Western Jews and Christians and allows for these places to be once again destroyed by their Muslim overlords. Even South Africa, amongst other nations with few if any problems of their own have also chimed in demanding that Israel make concessions for peace.


French President Francois Hollande (C), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (C-L), French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (C-R), US Secretary of State John Kerry (4th R), European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini (3rd R) and officials pose for a group photo at an international meeting in a bid to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in Paris, on June 3, 2016. (AFP Photo/Pool/Kamil Zihnioglu)

French President Francois Hollande (C), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (C-L), French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (C-R), US Secretary of State John Kerry (4th R), European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini (3rd R) and officials pose for a group photo at an international meeting in a bid to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in Paris, on June 3, 2016. (AFP Photo/Pool/Kamil Zihnioglu)


Further, recently we had the great Security Council debacle where United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2334 was brought forth for considerations by Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal and Venezuela; all paragons of virtue and oh so holy that they are to be knighted for their bravery and stalwart stand for international justice, bringing this Israel damning, precedent setting, United Nations Charter Article 80 negating, UNSC Res 242 negating alternative to all former agreements and condemnation of Israel as the most grievous offender of all the world holds precious under laws and opinion to be made vulnerable to potential sanction but by individual nations at their own volition but not directly because of this resolution. UNSC Resolution 2334 is a Chapter 6 resolution which is nonbinding and unenforceable. This was a great amount of noise and bluster bursting upon the universal stage with great winds and fury signifying absolutely nothing more than President Obama’s vengeance wrought on Benyamin Netanyahu and a great scream from out the White House reaching all the way to the heart of Jerusalem reaching Netanyahu’s ears claiming, “You were the Jew boy who stole the thunder behind my Nobel Peace Prize by refusing my demands you simply give up your little worthless nation to the Palestinians as I demanded.” This anguished spite reached Jerusalem, barely, as Barack Hussein Obama was merely aiming for Tel Aviv as he personally does not accept that Jerusalem could ever have been the capital city of Israel as the church Jeremiah Wright pastored, whose bible likely did not include Jerusalem as the capital city of King David and King Solomon of Biblical Israel and likely gave the Jews the holy back of the Reverend Wright recognized deity’s hand as a rebuke for its Jewishness.


The next threat is so obvious in from whence it will originate and from there where it aims to proceed and whose hand is stirring this pot with the greatest vigor. The threat will emerge, if the stirrer’s dreams are met, from the Paris conference of European Foreign Ministers and groups of Arab representatives will meet with the intended result being the recommendations for what would be the proper border for a recognized Palestine as a new Arab state carved from the body of the Jewish State as recognized by Article 80 of the UN Charter. An agreement was reached last month during a low key, under the radar meeting, where France’s Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, French President François Hollande, United States Secretary of State John Kerry met, taking their marching orders for defining this new nation from its future dictator Mahmoud Abbas, in advance of the conference, just to assure that all his demands and other issues which includes the world must continue financing the PA and its graft engine for as long as a single Jew remains between the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan before the will PA to even consider any agreement. This coming conference was originally set for late December but was rescheduled finalizing a date of January 15, 2017. This date is so interesting as the UNSC has decided to schedule a meeting for January 18, 2017, presumably the issues include the situation in Mali, where non-State actors were making the implementation of the peace agreement difficult; implementation of the Iran nuclear deal; Somalia and other situations of concern in Africa, also things discussed with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and other regional partners; and perhaps some special time working on enacting any conclusion made in Paris in the preceding few days, who knows what might make the deadline that day. It cannot be simple coincidence that all these meetings are planned immediately before Inauguration Day as none of these leftist leaders would wish to assist Barack Hussein Obama burn down even more of the world on his way out the door.


United State Aircraft Carrier

United State Aircraft Carrier


Now for the final item which pertains to President Obama and his recent housekeeping before having the keys to the kingdom handed on to Donald Trump, a.k.a. the evil one. The United States Navy ranking officers have made excuses and tried to claim that there is nothing strange that the United States, for the first time since possibly 2000 or maybe since world War II, has absolutely no aircraft carriers deployed anywhere in the oceans and seas of the world, they are all at their home ports. The United States depends on these floating airfields and divisions or wings of air power to enforce policy and to put down those nasty little fires which crop up from time to time. What is wonderful is that just the arrival of an air craft carrier group into a troubled area and the trouble usually simmers to a halt without the order of a single sortie against any targets. Sometimes all that is required is an overflight of American air power to close the lid on some roiling pot of trouble. What having all the aircraft carriers in their home ports precludes many options and with the troubles in the Middle East and North Africa plus the troubles in the South China Sea and the fact that both Russia and China have aircraft carriers deployed, the lack of such by the United States has muted much of American power in the world. The fact that this may have been the situation when George W. Bush came to power after William Jefferson Clinton makes this all the more damning as it makes things appear as Democrat Presidents attempt to hamper and handicap incoming Presidents should they be of the wrong party, be Republicans. I hope such is not the case but appearances can be damning. Fortunately, the article above tells that there will be two aircraft carriers scheduled to sail in the near future, let the world hope they will also signal the return of the America which stands firm in the world for justice and freedom; such will be welcome here at BTC. Of course the fact that much of Donald Trump’s rhetoric was that of an isolationist which might mean that we may not see any return of the United States on the world’s stage and the world will need to continue soldiering on as best as we can without their assistance. If so, so be it, we will do and we will hear from the only source that counts, and that source does not sit in any Earthly capital city.


Beyond the Cusp 


December 4, 2016

It’s In, Trump’s Failed Presidency


The headlines almost uniformly report the Trump Presidency was a failure. Trump was a complete and total disaster and everything he touched turned to liberal progressive pain and disgust. The media all over has it figured and the problem is that Trump cannot do anything right. Or maybe it is he does everything right when to succeed everybody knows you have to be on the left, not just right. You see left is good, left is correct and right is just plain wrong. And whatever you do, do not come forward and say that Trump has not even been sworn in yet because that doesn’t matter, he’s a failure and nothing you or he can do will change that.


What if the economy takes off and both the markets, numbers of people employed and all other indicators fly high after he takes office? Well, obviously you must have missed the eight years of dedications and making the hard choices by President Obama which are finally paying off. Trump is simply reaping the rewards of all of President Obama’s brilliant handling of the economy. Had President Obama been permitted a third term or Hillary Clinton been elected, then they would have gained and gleaned all the glory but instead it is falling undeservedly on Donald Trump. No, there is little hope that the average American will understand these things as they are just so complex. This is how it always happens that a Democrat’s hard work is then claimed by their Republican successor when the difficult work was done before the Republican came into office. Reagan gained acclaim for all the work done by Jimmy Carter. It was President Carter’s examples of selflessness and showing that even a Capitalist can have a heart which wore down the USSR and not that military wastefulness of Reagan who claimed to have spent the Soviets into ruin. Have you ever heard anything so preposterous? They were brought low by love and caring of President Carter and not the brashness and impolite efforts of that brutish Reagan and everybody who knows anything knows that. Reagan also took credit for the economy made possible by President Carter’s fiscal policies. Like President Obama, President Carter inherited an economy teetering on the edge of oblivion and saved the United States from guaranteed ruination but does he ever get the credit for that miracle, no. Instead the historians have been pulled in by Reagan’s allure and simple charm. Simple charm, it was more like simpleton charlatan than simple charm. What they will not claim despite all the honest evidence.


Everybody who understands reality knows the truth and knows that the truth is often sacrificed because it is simpler to cheer and root for the new kid than recognize the dedication and hard work done by the predecessor who actually set the stage for the triumphant simpleton who lucked into the glories made possible by leftist policies carried out by the hard work of the previous administration. One great example has been Carrier deciding to keep a fair number of jobs and production in the United States rather than move it to Mexico. We understand that you heard it was because of efforts by Trump and Pence which arranged for these jobs to be kept in the United States rather than transferred to Mexico. Well, they have tried to steal the glory but remember who is in the White House and finally should be receiving the credits he is due. President Obama saved those jobs with his well-crafted policies designed to retain jobs in the United States finally paying dividends, but as is the Republican way, they stole the glory and thunder of a Democrat administration’s accomplishments. Their blatant disregard for facts is just appalling.


What will they claim next, that they are able to rebuild the military? The sole reason they are able to rebuild anything concerning the military has been due to the marshalling of efforts and the cutting of numerous wasteful military projects in favor of a more integrated military with a shared ability with their European counterparts. The Obama Administration had streamlined the military and its prolific spending and made it into a lean, green fighting machine and now Trump thinks he can simple ride in on his white steed and claim all the glory. Well, not if the media has anything to say about this glory hound who is never there for the hard work but first in line when taking credit is due. It has already been made clear that Donald Trump has no shame and will bathe himself in the glories only made possible by the hard and dedicated work of his predecessor who will receive no credit for his efforts. Donald Trump, just like Ronald Reagan, will be front and center to claim the great leaps and gains of the American economy which is simply responding to the inevitable wondrous gains in leaps and bounds due to what President Obama managed to accomplish despite a do nothing Congress and all the chips down against his success. While nothing could prevent the great recovery put in place by the policies of President Obama, heaven knows that Trump tried to ruin everything with his fiscal policies. It was simply more in place thanks to President Obama and his dedication setting the stage for a recovery which unfortunately for President Obama will come too little too late. Still, the historians will likely get everything sorted out and President Obama will rise meteorically and rival any President before and likely after him in what he accomplished.


Donald Trump


How else can the media report the greatness and the legacy which rightfully belongs to President Obama but will be stolen by his Republican successor. It is such an old trend where President Eisenhower inherited the result of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and continued by Harry Truman. We saw it with Ronald Reagan, a man who knew how to milk a scene from his days in Hollywood. Now we sit prepared to hear how Donald Trump will be appointing a man responsible for this betrayal as the bird awaits orders for the glamour shots to be taken. It was made all the more obvious as the President Elect stole the wonder which rightfully belonged to the team of the Obama Presidency. Be prepared for stories such as these as Trump’s policy reversals and smart management start to take hold. The one thing the media will have gotten correct is that President Obama may never get the credit he deserves for rescuing America from ruin.


The preceding was an exercise in sarcasm though this may be exactly what we are bound to hear for the next decade and possibly longer. We on the conservative end of the political spectrum can expect to read article after article in the likes of the New York Times just like what is written above except they will be serious as a heart attack. Their famous Pulitzer Prize winning writers will return and do their best to eviscerate Trump, his Cabinet choices and anything they have a hand in creating. Finally, the newsprint accusations will flirt with the truth just enough to make their condemnations sound credible. What Americans can do is ignore the media and take their news from their own lives and those of their friends, neighbors and yes, even liberals. Just nod knowingly as they explain how everything Trump accomplishes was actually due to President Obama who did all the heavy lifting. We know that there will be need for people capable of herculean abilities if the United States is to be rescued and placed back on the rails. All the way along the Progressives will be digging up the tracks and dynamiting the bridges in attempts to force Trump failures but even after such subterfuge The Donald will prevail. What will happen is that as long as Trump is in office, and presumably Pence after Trump leaves office, there will be sniping and biting at the ankles in attempts to destabilize the economy as well as governance in order to blame Trump. The secret to preventing such is to elect like-minded people to serve with the next Congress making Trump’s task that much easier. But do know the mainstream media will stop at nothing to undercut your efforts and those of Donald Trump. Do not fret as The Donald is a big boy and has taken down his share of bullies and these paper tigers of the media have absolutely no clue what is coming their way. Pop some popcorn and sit back after January 20, 2017 and prepare for the greatest show on Earth, and should we send the right thinking candidates to Congress for the next six years, three elections, then it just may be possible to wrest the United States from the death-grip of the looney left and put America on the tracks of being great again.


Beyond the Cusp


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