Beyond the Cusp

December 2, 2016

Lamenting the Palestinian Lack of Statehood


Two world leaders have come out recently lamenting their failure to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Their words, or the way my ears heard and eyes read their statements made me feel they were more lamenting the lack of a Palestinian State and the fact they were unable to diminish Israel greatly, if not completely, in the making of such a state. Of course the two were President Obama and Secretary General Ban ki-Moon. As we have beaten President Obama’s anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic feelings to such an extent as to make a bronze statue to the man, let us instead play with the soon to be ex-Secretary General’s statements and the lack of validity or value in them. Actually one almost has to feel for the man, who had ruled through a decade of opening auditory lamentations against Israel at opening ceremonies for the General Assembly, ten years of “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People” and the complete series of Durban World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance which could also have been called the let’s pretend that Israel is the cause of all the world’s problems from hunger to lack of water to the endlessly revolving around the sun going nowhere conferences. Still, the poor man from South Korea is listing the inability to form a Palestinian state as the main failure of his time at the United Nations and not the complete meltdown of the Middle East, the loss of two nations, Syria and Libya, into roiling cauldrons of suffering and death, and the rise of anti-Semitism worldwide to epidemic levels and the beginning stages of destabilization of near the entirety of Europe all accomplished with the inept leadership, or lack thereof, of the United States and most of Europe where liberal progressivism has run unchecked all but succeeding in their aim to end borders and encourage loss of definition of the word nation. Actually, the decline of Europe may be seen as credit to his ability to actually accomplish some great achievement during his decade as Secretary General. Well, we all should vie to feel good about ourselves and see something as an accomplishment even if it may mean the end of civilization as we know and define it.


Secretary General Ban ki-Moon stated, “It has strengthened radicals and weakened moderates on both sides. Making matters worse is a dangerous vacuum within the international community as crises elsewhere claim the attention of world leaders.” Imagine the chutzpah of the man stating the obvious that there exist “crises elsewhere claim the attention of world leaders” and finding that a deficiency as it will establish “a dangerous vacuum within the international community” in which Israel skates free from the constant pounding he must feel they deserve for not committing suicide at his behest. Ban ki-Moon’s self-flagellation came on cue at the United Nation’s annual “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People,” held every November 29th which just happens to actually be the day when the partition for the formation of Israel was decided, the even division of the lands between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea granting the Arabs the choice lands and giving Israel lands consisting of over two-thirds being Negev Desert yet still the Arab League refused the settlement and instead made plans to invade Israel on the very morning of her independence. That day, Israeli Independence Day and the first day of the initial war to annihilate the Jewish State which took two years to fail, though it did manage to wrest the lands of Gaza, Judea and Samaria (Gaza and West Bank by Jordanian naming), was also renamed by the Arabs as Naqba Day, the day they failed to murder the Jewish homelands. The Arabs should thank Israel and the Jews as we have given them two of the Palestinian Arabs biggest holidays, Naqba Day and United Nation’s annual “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.” But let us get into the minutia of these supposed failures.


Ban Ki-moon pictured at his New York, Turtle Bay, United Nations high podium which must make him feel almost omnipotent instead of as the inept stooge of Mahmoud Abbas Hamas Iran and other terrorists

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
Probably Denouncing Israel Once Again as
His Mouth is Moving and He is Behind the
Sign of the Bane of All that is Holy
the United Nations Emblem of Shame


Ban ki-Moon and all the Palestinian Arabs and their multitudes of supporters from around the world and loudest on Europe, well, next to the flame fanning by the Palestinian Arabs themselves (especially recently but it finally rained) all could have at any point followed through on their desires to force the issue and bring everything before the World Court for final arbitration and let the best side win. Of course they would never think of holding a factual and legal hearing for reaching a decision knowing that their lies play so much better in the world media and across the many platforms where the world stage is carried out. Demanding the destruction of the Jews is the longest running show on the world’s stage and yet such has never succeeded, but not for lack of trying. The world need understand that Israel is going nowhere as we are here to stay, period, end of discussion. But if you insist, please do take your show before the World Court and plead your case. You can invite Mahmoud Abbas and his cohort of criminals who have made a business of robbing their subjects blind squirrelling away billions of dollars and Euros, the Arab League, leaders from Europe and around the world and give each their hour on the stage to conduct their version of events, promises and that which must be because they wish it and then Israel will simple, silently present her case using actual documents. The first document will be the San Remo Resolution followed by the Treaty of Sèvres and the Treaty of Lausanne all topped off by Article 80 of the United Nations Charter which states that the Mandate System set up by these previous treaties will be enforced and recognized by the United Nations as will all treaties made under the authority of the League of Nations. But we understand that it is far more satisfying deriding the Jewish State day in and day out than it is actually living up to promises and solving the problem that just keeps on giving. How else would the world bodies and leaders dump on Israel if there were no evil designs to accuse the Jews of having committed?


The favorite statements are the ones where the claim is that the Palestinians only desire the lands gained by Israel resulting from their defending themselves from Jordanian invasion where Israel liberated the lands occupied by Jordan for the nineteen years since the 1948 War to exterminate the Jewish State which should have been the end of any discussion. This is the lie and every last political charlatan tells ad-nauseum to the point that this particular Big Goebbelsian Lie has become accepted fact, but it will never stand up to close scrutiny which is why the plight of the Arab Palestinians will never be taken before an actual tribunal. Mahmoud Abbas has stated repeatedly, as had Yasser Arafat before him, that the Arabs will never recognize Israel as the State for the Jewish People. This is simply his repeating the findings of the Khartoum Resolution which included the “Three No’s”: “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” The truth of the intentions of the Palestinian Arab leadership now, past and future can be interpreted from the textbooks with which they train their children for total war against Israel and the Jews and steep them in a continual immersion of hatreds and fill them with lies. But please do not take our word for this and instead take some time at your leisure and read a concise report which includes actual copies of lessons and other important inclusions in these texts named A 25 Page Exec Summary: Jews and the Jewish State in Schoolbooks Used by UNRWA: De-legitimization, Demonization and Indoctrination to War.


There is one final set of refutations which need be presented. The first is the numbers of refugees. From 1948 through 1967 the total number of Arabs who became refugees, many simply leaving on their own volition and at the behest of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini (Arabic: محمد أمين الحسيني‎‎) who promised them that Israel would be destroyed by the invading armies from at least a half dozen Arab nations within a few days of their 1948 invasion intended as a genocide of the Jews and they would gain a share of all the Jew’s treasures, came out slightly under one-million and the number of Jews becoming refugees thrown from their homelands in Arab and Muslim lands where many of their families had resided for hundreds if not over a thousand years (not including those from Europe after World War II who are a different almost one-million) also totaled just under one-million thus nearly equal (there were approximately seventy-five-thousand to as much as two-hundred-thousand more Jews but about the same numbers resettled in Israel as there were Arabs losing their lands for numerous reasons). The difference is Israel welcomed their brothers and sisters to Israel and settled them and they and their families live productive lives as full citizens of Israel as do the Arabs who either remained or managed after the 1948-9 war returned to their lands within Israel escaping attempts to lock them away as political weapons in refugee camps by their Arab brothers and sisters. Then the Arab League demanded a separate entity to care for the Arab refugees and their own rules which allowed for the refugee status to become a caste label passing from parent to child on from generation to generation forever. Had the Arabs cared as much for their fellow Arabs as much as the Jews did for their fellow Jews there would have been no refugee situation. On the other hand, had the Israelis done as the Arabs had with their fellow Arabs there would likely be just as many Jews as refugees today as there are Palestinian Arab refugees.


There are other lies told and accepted around the world. The next biggest is that Israel is carrying out a war of extermination, a genocide against the Palestinian Arabs. How the numbers of Palestinian Arabs went from under one million to approximately five to as high as seven and a half million while being exterminated by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) begs the question of how such could happen. Is the IDF really that incompetent that there are five to ten times as many Palestinian Arabs today as their were in 1948 despite the supposed attempts by Israel to wipe them out. Trust there is absolutely no plan to murder Palestinian Arabs as a whole except to defend Israel and Israelis from assaults by terrorists. There is also the claim that the Arabs have not been permitted to vote in Israeli elections. This is both a falsehood and misdirection. The Arabs who reside in Israel are Israeli citizens and are permitted full rights including the vote and there are Arab Israelis elected to the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament. The Palestinian Arabs have not had an election since 2005 as in Gaza Hamas rules in a dictatorial manner and will not permit elections for fear of losing their hold to Islamic Jihad, Fatah or other forces and in Judea and Samaria Fatah has refused under Mahmoud Abbas to hold elections as they also fear losing power. One has to remember that Mahmoud Abbas is President of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Chairman of the Fatah Party and also the Chairman of the PLO and only permits election in the Fatah Party by the Executives who are all Abbas appointees thus guaranteeing his being renamed as Chairman and refuses to risk his other positions. So, one might ask why the Palestinian Arabs are not voting in Israeli elections. The answer is simply, they are not Israeli citizens but PA citizens residing in a semiautonomous area within Israel having their own form of self-government. Allowing them to vote in Israeli elections would be the same as permitting Canadians vote in the United States elections because they reside in North America too. Further, has the PA desired to actually have a state they were offered 94% of the West Bank, half of Jerusalem and all of Gaza by Ehud Barak in 2001 at the Taba Summit which were the culmination of almost three years of negotiations which finally failed and then a similar offer was proffered by Ehud Olmert in 2007 which was also rebuffed by Abbas et al and thus could have had their state simply by agreeing with these which have been the most generous offers to date. The main reasons that Abbas has refused these offers for a Palestinian Arab state is simply, he also demands that between five and eight million Arab refugees be permitted to take up residence not in their Palestinian state but in Israel with full citizenship and financial assistance in order to make reparations for their refugee status and suffering at the hands of their fellow Arabs. What many people are unaware of is that there is a large Palestinian refugee camp outside Gaza City and another outside Nablus, the PA operational capital city. Both of these camps like the others separate Arabs from Arabs with those outside the barbed wire free citizens while those inside the barbed wire are refugees. In all too many cases there are members of the same family residing on opposite sides of the barbed wire with one part free and the other heavily guarded as they are held by fellow Arabs as a weapon with which to destroy Israel, the real target of every Palestinian Arab policy. Their desire for a state is for the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel and once they have destroyed Israel and genocidally murdered every Jew, then the land will likely be turned back to wildlands such as those visited by Sam Clemens in 1887 before the British began importing Arabs in numbers to prevent a Jewish majority population coming into fruition allowing for the formation of Israel.


Division of lands between Israel and Semiautonomous Arab Zone

Division of lands between Israel
and Semiautonomous Arab Zone


The final item is how best to solve this situation with the least amount of upheaval and ending the continued and ever more dangerous violence due to terrorism and rockets raining down on Israeli towns, cities, kibbutzim and other civilian areas. The fastest and likely most likely to succeed would be for Israel to annex all of Judea and Samaria setting up a semi-autonomous area where the Arabs who desire independence from Israeli rule would elect their own governance but without an actual state. Those wishing not to live within Israel should be free to find some place they would feel more comfortable and Israel provide for a period fiscal assistance which could be utilized to resettle with an understanding that acceptance of the financial assistance would preclude their ever returning to reside in Israel. Those Arabs residing within the autonomous zone but preferring to become Israeli full citizens would be required to go through a set of courses and prove proficiency with those teachings and need sign a loyalty oath. They should have been known to them that should any member of their family ever aid terrorism in any form they would lose their citizenship permanently and potentially face deportation. Anyone committing or aiding the commission of a terrorist act would subject their family to a hearing where it would be determined how many would face deportation for knowing of the attack and not preventing said attack. Israel would review all materials used in classrooms and schooling and curriculum would be required to have the same standards for subjects as are demanded of all Israeli schools. Israeli history with its Zionist roots and the British manipulations of the situation would be taught as is in other Israeli schools. The same matriculation exams would be given with the same expectations for student accomplishment would be used for graduation and all other uses as in Israeli schools. Those Arabs preferring to reside as a citizen in the semiautonomous zone would vote in Arab elections and forgo voting rights in Israeli elections. All would be granted voting rights for the city within which they reside as well as any community governance. Only Israeli citizens would be permitted the vote in national Israeli elections just as only citizens of the semiautonomous zone would be permitted the vote in their general elections. All residents within the Israeli lands would be held to comply with Israeli laws and would be tried in Israeli courts for any breach of Israeli law. The semiautonomous zone could also set up their own courts for only those citizens of their semiautonomous region. Any legal difference between a citizen of Israel and citizen of the semiautonomous zone will be heard in an Israeli court of law and by the law. Finally, Areas A and B could come under the control of the semiautonomous zone while the bulk of Area C will remain an integral part of Israel (see map above).


Beyond the Cusp 


January 24, 2016

Israel Must Choose Before Any More Damage is Done


Israel is facing the most aggressively damaging and abrasively caustic administration in memory if not actuality. The revelation that if not for then Secretary of State Clinton’s inattention or impracticality of concealing the United States’ manipulative coercions, there would have been a massive and coordinated world-wide effort to disestablish Israel fortunately never happened. The still and continuing e-mail scandal, which many believe and even hope, will sink her second run for the Presidency, revealed a new chapter with Israel as the target. The revelation told of plans in the works for a massive coordinated effort through the wholly owned NGOs either under United States directive or through the European controlled NGOs or both along with overtly coordinated through State Department auspices and contacts a coordinated support around the world designed to inundate the media with calls and charges against Israel to force a peace on Israel through what were termed grand sacrifices and concessions both before and during the negotiations which were to present to Mahmoud Abbas an irresistible Israeli position which would give him everything and possibly anything demanded just to end the humiliations and accusatorial demonstrations within Israel, the Palestinian territories and around the world. The plan was for Arab Palestinians to present an Arab Spring style protest where massive numbers of Arab women would protest at a set location publically accessible for the media to cover and with only women and their young children and no Arab Palestinian men as they would not have the patience and would resort to violence allowing for Israel to then disperse the demonstrators using force of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) or border patrol and police thus ending the demonstrations before they could have their desired effect.


The ideas were presented by an e-mail from Thomas Pickering, a former US ambassador to Israel who also served as undersecretary of state for political affairs under former president Bill Clinton and well connected to the Clinton team. In his damning e-mail Pickering wrote “On the Palestinian side the male culture is to use force. Palestinian men will not for long patiently demonstrate — they will be inclined over time and much too soon to be frustrated and use force. Their male culture comes close to requiring it. If the Palestinians see men engaged they will jump in and the soldiers of the IDF will sooner or later use force,” he wrote. “This comes from several former senior Israeli military officers I have spoken with. The soldiers are fearful, nervous, outnumbered, insecure and brought up on a severe distrust of Palestinian males whom almost all of them have never spoken to except at roadblocks.” It was further reported that the use of females could “counteract” fears that the protests could become violent and thus place Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his standing to rule in Ramallah in danger and result in losing the person so much time and efforts to build his image as a partner for peace despite evidence to the contrary, not all of which has been successfully thwarted. Citing the need for a kick-start in order to return to negotiations, Pickering continued, “They must develop growth and momentum, just like Tahrir Square, and attract more women to participate and thus gain world attention.” he continued expressing regret at finding, “Their leadership has shied away from this idea because they can’t control it; they too are afraid of being replaced by a Tahrir Square style action.”



Palestinian Protesters Hurling Stones at Israeli IDF Troops who are Out of the Picture During Riots Which Were Near the Jewish community of Bet El Near the West Bank city of Ramallah, on Saturday (Shabbat), October 10, 2015

Palestinian Protesters Hurling Stones
at Israeli IDF Troops who are Out of
the Picture During Riots Which Were
Near the Jewish community of Bet El
Near the West Bank city of Ramallah,
on Saturday (Shabbat), October 10, 2015



Pickering continued by painting Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu as the impediment to peace talks and peace itself as he is satisfied with things as they are, deadlocked and further in Pickering’s mind’s warped views and continuing to expand the settlements in Judea and Samaria placing more realities on the ground all despite the Prime Minister acting as a stone wall blocking any and all building in the areas beyond the Green Line ever since the reelection of President Obama. Still, Pickering stated, “Netanyahu is not going to move for anything that the Palestinians can offer him which they can deliver,” he wrote. “He cannot deliver anything the Palestinians can accept without our help. He is much more satisfied with the status quo than with the risks of change. What will change the situation is a major effort to use non-violent protests and demonstrations to put peace back in the center of people’s aspirations as well as their thoughts,” Pickering added, “and use that to influence the political leadership. This is far from a sure thing, but far, in my humble view, from hopeless.” Laura Rosenberger, Secretary of State Clinton’s foreign policy adviser of those times told The Times of Israel late last Tuesday: “To be clear, Hillary Clinton never considered any plan of this sort, period.” This was but one of the numerous demands or plans offered in the most recent three-thousand of the e-mails released to the media.



Thomas Pickering, former US ambassador to Israel and Undersecretary of State for political affairs serving under former President Bill Jefferson Clinton

Thomas Pickering,
former US ambassador to Israel and
Undersecretary of State for political affairs
serving under former President Bill Jefferson Clinton



These revelation come on top of the eviction of Jews from apartments they had legally purchased and possessed all the pertinent and required paperwork but it has been surmised that returning the properties to their former Arab owner became necessary due to intelligence that were the Jews to remain in the building that such would provide sufficient evidence to place the previous Arab owner who sold the apartments in danger of torture and probable death as he had broken the Arab Palestinian law against selling or renting properties to Jews punishable by death after appropriate torture such that others tempted to sell to Jews would be cowed and prevented. This is a disturbing policy, advisory or who knows what, which forces Israeli forces to remove any Jewish presence even if they own the apartments or other accommodations if the previous Arab owner becomes under threat by the Arab Palestinian Authority. Such a policy would provide for a great revenue enhancer as an Arab could sell a property and retain ownership without reimbursing the Jews. This would also serve as an enhanced mode of preventing any further spread of Jewish residence in the contested area beyond the Green Line thus keeping Prime Minister Netanyahu’s and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon’s silent promise to enforce President Obama’s settlement freeze. This stealth freeze has prevented Jews and only Jews from any construction even to include a small tool shed all the while allowing Arab illegal building of structures and other facts on the ground in Area C using European financing all in an effort to surround Bet El, East Jerusalem and any other Israeli community thus forcing their evacuation should any peace be formed using the Green Line that the Arabs are placing structure along its length.


All the stealthy compliance with an Obama directive, Arabs building illegally and expelling Jews from their homes, workplaces and shopping areas all in the name of peace yet these actions and any even punishingly severe which results in Israel and the Jews retaining even just sufficient lands for them to stand upon and not an inch more still would not produce that presumed illusive peace agreement. The reason, contrary to leftist and international busy-bodies’ strong belief of the requirements for peace and their other cases of wrong-think, is not at all to do with Israeli policies or concessions but due to Mahmoud Abbas and his precariously tenuous grip to power and its dependency on the IDF presence. Should Mahmoud Abbas ever agree to a peace with Israel it would leave him high and dry and oh-so-vulnerable to Hamas and other actors who actually have the support of the majority of Arab Palestinians in Judea and Samaria. The IDF commanders who know the realities which will never make it into Western media would tell the story of how their main task is to enforce policies which demand that they do everything required to keep Mahmoud Abbas and his kleptocracy in power and alive. It is for this reason that the Arab Palestinian intelligence gatherers report and share everything, and we mean everything, with their IDF counterparts emphasizing any information which will eat away at the activities of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic State, Iran and any other threats to Abbas thus using the IDF as the best possible Abbas protector service. Despite Abbas and his merry band of cutthroats being up to their collective necks in incitement, rewarding, incentivizing and supporting, in every conceivable manner, terrorism with intent of murdering and forcing Israel’s hand to defend even to the point of lethal force; the world and even Pope Francis call him a man of peace. Even having their hands forced to use up to the full force of the IDF to save the lives of civilians, any Arab deaths are then grist for the destruction mill which is the Western and world media in concert with leftist defamations calling for the erasure of all of the Jewish State as told in their unifying chant, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine must be free.” Yet it is better attacks be made one by one rather than have Hamas or worse occupying the ledges of the Judean hills overlooking the heart of Israel that surrounds the north, south and east of Tel Aviv where Hamas and company could launch their rockets beyond the cusp down on seventy percent or more of Israel’s population, businesses, tourist destinations and its main, some might claim only, international airport, Ben Gurion, placing all flights in danger from surface to air missiles. Such a reality would result in Israel being forced to retake all of Judea and Samaria right up to the Jordan River abrogating any presumed peace which drove out any Israeli presence or force to prevent such a takeover.


This brings us to the choice Israel must make before things get so upside-down and precarious such as a revolt, a coup in which Hamas or the Islamic State or potentially both take over the Palestinian leadership in Judea and Samaria. Such an event would spell out a death sentence for Abbas, Erekat, Rabbo and the other leaders of Fatah. They would likely be tossed from the top of the highest buildings in all of Judea and Samaria as Hamas cleansed the “weakness” from their midst. Initially the IDF, Border Patrol and other Israeli armed forces would necessarily escape onto the larger communities which would offer sanctuary, a decent and organized supplemental armed force, many with defendable emplacements near the edge of their communities and most important, relative proximity which offers friendlier climes. From the higher ground which is often in or near the center of these communities the IDF could place spotters to act as an early warning system and the initial confrontations could easily be Arab Palestinians also seeking the protection from Hamas, Islamic State or whoever had taken power by force as the new power in Judea and Samaria might decide that more than just the leadership required being deleted (for lack of a better word). This is one of many potential alternative futures which could be realized in the far distant future or could be just beyond the cusp of today arriving with the morning sun tomorrow. Anyway one looks at the possible alternatives to Abbas the more one realized there are worse, but why has there never been any hope for a better future? Again, the reason is Abbas who has refused to hold election though two set dates giving him and the rest of the thieves running the Arab Palestinian Authority a third term without the inconveniences and risks of an election. This is the actual reason that the Arab Palestinians have not voted since 2005 and has nothing to do with Israel as the Authority holds the power over elections as their autonomous leadership and not Israel is responsible in any form or matter.



Mahmoud Abbas, Saeb Erekat, Yasser Abed Rabbo Leading the Charge on the Next Day of Rage Against the Existence of Israel to Exist

Mahmoud Abbas, Saeb Erekat, Yasser Abed Rabbo
Leading the Charge on the Next Day of Rage
Against the Existence of Israel to Exist



Israel faces an evil and dubious future for as long as the Arabs are under the Palestinian Authority or any other semiautonomous region as the propaganda continues to find more and more hate-filled minds who would believe any horrendous or heinous act by Israel or the IDF and other enforcement troops or the people (meaning Jews) simply due to the fact they believe Jews to be the most vile and evil sub-humans on the face of the Earth. The latest proof is close to beyond belief but it has been validated in the media where reports tell of seventy-one British physicians have petitioned to have the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) have their membership in the World Medical Association (WMA) revoked as Israeli doctors were carrying out “medical torture” on Palestinian patients. That any physician would contemplate or conceptualize such an accusation against the entire body of physicians of another nation has to be rooted somewhere beyond the cusp of reason. There can be no other explanation that such an accusation could be brought to the fore except as the result of latent, or not so latent, hatred and bias against the group due to their nation and whatever makes their nations separate from the body of nations in these physicians’ beliefs. Israeli physicians and medical staffs along with search and rescue teams and all forms of disaster relief time and again have not only been amongst, if not the first to arrive but also go into the remote places where some have yet to ever see any aid or other government or NGO assistance. These teams are often the first onto the scene after a disaster and are one of the few who have offered to assist the United States after disasters and have provided such relief in Haiti, Philippines and Nepal just to name a few. Then there is the Save a Child’s Heart where operations are performed and subsequent teams trained and hospitals given the equipment necessary to allow such operations to then be performed in a more timely manner. The SACH doctors give up the glamour for the goodness yet these physicians would also be injured by this proposed action by seventy-one British Physicians.


These physicians’ anti-Semitism along with the accompanying anti-Israel and anti-Zionism is so blatant that it simply oozes the bile-like slime over anything they touch. Their hatred may stem from many things but this type of hate comes from deep in a defective heart, and malfunctioning mind and a blackened soul. It is exactly this hatred which is also pervasive on the Arab Palestinian and Arab and Muslim worlds beyond which will never be satisfied while Israel exists at any size or location. It is not that these haters are serving the cause of the Palestinian Arabs but rather channeling their hatred for Jews into their political haughtiness and spitefulness choking their hearts that they display by such an act. May Hashem treat them more kindly when they return a blackened soul to His care than they will have acted towards the Jewish State because of its being Jewish. Israel must take control over all the lands from the River to the Sea. If there are a number of Arabs who wish to be under their own rule then an area which includes them be granted semiautonomous governance with elections held as the exact timing as called for in any founding documents and to assure their votes are heard and even permitted to be cast, these elections will be scheduled, held and monitored by Israel and international observers. Fair and open elections can work towards free and open passage for all into Israel proper and for Israelis to enter the semiautonomous zones, especially if it holds religious historical sites and prayers will be permitted by all in all areas of Israel. The semiautonomous zone and governance will still be held responsible for observing any Israeli laws which are a part of the Basic Laws or any Constitution if and when one is written and adopted. The Lands must still be defended from external influences or hostile attack, thus the IDF and Shin Bet will have ample access to the area of the autonomous governance as required. In exchange the Israelis will monitor their governance for any graft or signs of kleptocracy and will investigate such and hold the guilty responsible. The society within Israeli borders must be kept free, open and without any form of radicalized hatreds or violence as the rule of law will be the absolute one can count upon and equality before the law a guarantee.


Beyond the Cusp


December 13, 2014

Swiss Conference on Humanitarian Law in Palestinian Authority’s Assigned Territories

Filed under: Administration,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Appointment,Arab Appeasement,Arab League,Arab World,Arabist,Arabs,Blood Libel,Building Freeze,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Divestment,Domestic NGOs,Durban,Durban II,Durban III,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Media,European Union,Executive Order,Fatah,Fatah Charter,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Gaza,Government Controlled Media,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,History,Infiltration Tunnels,International Politics,Intifada,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Israeli Media,Jerusalem,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jordanian Pressure,Judea,Judean Hills,Leftist Pressures,Mahmoud Abbas,Mainstream Media,Meaning of Peace,Media,Media Bias,Middle East,Misreporting,Mohammed,Murder Americans,Murder Israelis,Muslim World,Muslims,Naqba,Non Binding Resolution,Omission,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Liberation Organization,Palestinian Media,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,PLO,PLO Charter,Politicized Findings,Politics,Pre-Conditions,Promised Land,Quran,Recognize Israel,Refugee Camp,Refugees,Resolution,Right of Return,San Remo Conference,Security,Settlements,Statehood,Sykes-Picot,Talking Heads,Taqiyya,Tel Aviv,Ten Lost Tribes,Terror,Third Intifada,United Nations,United Nations Presures,West Bank,World Media,World Opinion,World Pressures,Xenophobia and Related Intolerance,Yasser Arafat,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 4:21 AM
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President of Switzerland Didier Burkhalter announced his nation is holding a Conference on Humanitarian Law in Palestinian Authority’s Assigned Territories in Geneva starting on December 17 devoted to the Fourth Geneva Convention. Despite Israel and the United States announcement that they will not be attending, President Burkhalter is still expecting “very large participation” making his assessment on the consultations about the conference which have been ongoing for weeks. President Burkhalter was quoted making additional comments stating, “Our objective is to advance the cause of international humanitarian law.” In addition he claimed, “Even if Israel and the United States boycott the meeting, the international community must speak on the issue. There is no denigration of Israel planned.” The Swiss have decided to call for this convention responding to a request from the United Nations General Assembly which was petitioned by the Palestinian Authority. The acquiescing to any and every whim and request from the non-member observer state Palestinian Authority official observer should hold little if any surprise to anybody who has followed the consistency of the General Assembly to bow before every demand to censure Israel as well as to respect and validate anything even hinted at by the Palestinian Authority United Nations observer. My biggest problem is a question as to whether or not observers are assigned and permitted to watch and report back to the entity they represent and not to make suggestions or especially dictate steps and resolutions to the body they are presumably simply observing? This is simply another example of how the world will go to any excess in their efforts to kowtow to the Palestinian Authority, otherwise known as the Abbas Arab entity, in their efforts to establish a body of conferences, resolutions and pronouncements undercutting the existence of Israel all so as to be capable of pointing to the amassed perfectly inflammatory pronouncements against all things Israel in the Abbas Arab body’s insatiable drive to place in question the legality of the existence of Israel, something which was decided long ago when the very same General Assembly passed a resolution which made a non-binding resolution which had it been accepted the lands west of the Jordan River would have been evenly split by acreage with Israel being granted the greater challenge as their allotted areas were approximately three-quarters consisting of the Negev Desert and the rest barely arable hills and beachfront property around Tel Aviv while the most fertile areas of the central Galilee making up the half of the Arab lands with the rest in the central farm lands east of Tel Aviv leading towards Jerusalem and Jerusalem would have been an international city preserved for the benefit of all peoples. This aforementioned non-binding resolution was refused by the Arab League as they were incapable of accepting that any lands could be reserved for a Jewish state instead insisting that any Jewish lands must be ruled by Muslims with the Jewish population accepting their Dhimmi status just as Jews had always been subjugated throughout the lands of the Islamic Caliphate which had ended with the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, but the Arab League insisted on quoting the Quran dictates which ruled that any lands once conquered by the forces of Islam and included in Dar al Islam could never be permitted to be relinquished back to Dar al Harb; and especially not relinquished into the hands of Jews who had been relegated as inhuman offspring of in-Halal animals and defined as those to only be vanquished by Islam since the Battle of Khaybar of the year 629 by the forces of Mohammad who ruled in Medina.


It was between this rational and the resultant refusal by the Arab Muslim leadership to accept even a minimalist Jewish state leading to their rejection of the United Nations suggested solution for the Arab-Jewish growing conflict and their ensuing genocidal assault on the nascent Jewish state of Israel by seven Arab national armies and an assortment of militias the morning after Israel declared their independence. Despite having marginal aircraft, armor and weaponry as well as limited and conflicting command and control at the onset of the war, the Jewish forces did manage to congeal into an effective fighting force and over the next eighteen months of intermittent fighting managed to gain control of much of the lands west of the Jordan River, the very lands guaranteed them by the British Crown in exchange for releasing any claims to the lands east of the Jordan River for the founding of the Palestinian Arab state of Transjordan which subsequently was renamed simply Jordan, with the exception of Gaza which was retained by Egypt and Judea and Samaria which was retained by Jordan who renamed it West Bank in an effort to remove any reference which intimated of their Jewish origins. Egypt never attempted to annex Gaza but Jordan did announce they had annexed what they called the West Bank and extended Jordanian citizenship to the Palestinian Arabs living within, a move which was only supported by Pakistan and Britain while being rejected by the Arab League and every other Arab and Muslim country and United Nations member states. During the ensuing eighteen years until the June 1967 Six Day War there were absolutely no attempts or even thoughts to establish a Palestinian Arab state with the lands of Gaza and Judea and Samaria even after in 1964 Yasser Arafat established the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) which was the predecessor of today’s Palestinian Authority as well as Fatah, all of which are headed currently by Mahmoud Abbas, thus the reference Abbas Arab body.


Despite Switzerland President Burkhalter Conference name, the lands of Judea and Samaria, West Bank, are not Palestinian Authority’s Assigned Territories but simply contested areas which were originally divided by the 1993 Oslo Accords into three areas with denotations of Area A being under autonomous Arab control holding both security and civilian control, Area B which was under shared security control and civilian control to be determined though most assigned it to the Palestinian Authority, and Area C which was under Israeli security and civilian control and was never initially considered to ever be relinquished to Arab rule but was to remain Israeli lands. The Oslo Accords did not delineate that Jerusalem would be left in Israeli hands and made no mention of ever allowing Arab control even over East Jerusalem as Israel had previously annexed all of Jerusalem and the Oslo Accords made no mention of contesting that annexation. This coming conference is simply another avenue for the Europeans and much of the rest of the world to stand with the Arab block of nations which includes the twenty-two Arab nations and the vast majority of the Non-Aligned Movement Nations (NAM) as well as other blocks bringing the total number of nations currently echoing every Arab claim to somewhere between one-hundred and one-hundred-seventy nations assuming those European nations who have had their parliaments already voted to support recognizing the maximalist demands of the Abbas Arab body which includes all of Areas A, B and C as well as East Jerusalem all previous agreements be damned (pardon my excited language). Having the vast majority of nations acquiescing with the presumptions of this convention is far from surprising as it falls right in line with the entire history which depicts a world doing whatever was within their powers to place stumbling blocks and other obstacles legal, physical, psychological, and through media and political measures all aligned to prevent the Jewish state from reaching fruition despite the accord reached by the majority of leading victorious nations from World War I plus leaders in the world and agreed upon by the leader of the Arab world at the time, King Faisal, at a number of treaties and heralded in the San Remo Conference where the Balfour Declaration was adopted word for word and letter for letter. How the world has turned and how little surprise there is in that fact.


There were the numerous British White Papers which were all issued to attempt to tear lands away from their intended use as the Jewish state and to prevent the immigration of Jews thus making it impossible for the Jews to reach a majority of the population and thus trigger the transfer for the lands to be utilized as a Jewish state. The Peel Commission all but placed into law stipulations which would have made the formation of anything other than a hamlet of a Jewish state all but impossible and completely reneged on the promises given upon the formation of Transjordan. Then there were the forerunners of this coming conference, the Durban Conferences. These three conferences were not held to address what they claimed in their initial title which read, “World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.” The reality became known within moments of the opening of the first conference, the denouncing and delegitimizing Israel and defaming and delegitimizing Jews both generally and as a people thus taking up every angle possible to demean and disestablish the Jewish nature and rights for the continued existence of Israel as the Jewish state, and continued to be the theme through the remaining two conferences. This conference with its name, “Conference on Humanitarian Law in Palestinian Authority’s Assigned Territories,” is simply starting off with the specious claim to be the successor to the Durban Conferences which by their third session had lost their shock factor and had become a mere shadow of the original with the largest amount of media attention given to those nations who refused to attend and the order and reasons behind their refusal and not a stich of media cared about the rehashing of the same tired hyperbolic parroting of the same tired accusations and declarations just as empty and lacking meaning as was meat and grist of the first two Durban Conferences. Unfortunately the mainstream media will take to this conference as all new and daring to enter virgin territory despite all we will witness is the exact same gruel which we have experienced before and hopefully the media will be sufficiently unimpressed that they give more time to those nations who refuse to attend and their reasons as those are the brave nations who are willing to buck the trends of anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic rantings which the world has heard a gazillion times if not multiples more than even that. The fact that there will be nations beyond the usual suspects gathering at this conference to be subjected to the usual expressions of the same old tired hatreds and bile which these same haters have delivered a thousand times and still do not seem to tire of their roles is what is the only surprise. I await the announcement from Canada that they will, surprise surprise, not be attending as they would rather be counted as a supporter of Israel than to swim in the mire and fetid swamps of hatred. May the echoes from this conference die as quickly as did those from Durban III whose echoes barely lasted the half dozen blocks to reach beyond the General Assembly meeting room before falling flat and quietly dissolving into the ether ignored and unremembered.


Beyond the Cusp


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