Beyond the Cusp

April 21, 2016

Gaza Withdrawal Redux Now in Judea and Samaria


The talk by President Obama and Vice President Biden denouncing Israeli actions in response to Arab provocations, demands that the state of Palestine be realized along with demands by Abbas that any pullback of IDF (Israeli Defense Force) troops be complete from across the entirety of Palestinian cities and populated areas has finally been addressed by the Security Cabinet with praise all around and back slapping congratulating all on reaching the point in security accomplishments that such a consideration could seriously be discussed is plain and simple proof that our fears of an establishment of Palestine and the setting of borders has now become imminent. The immediate leaks of information has indicated that Netanyahu is admitting in meetings to the establishment of a free of Israeli presence Palestine be established in Area A while Mahmoud Abbas is pushing the idea that all areas where Arab Palestinians reside be vacated for the initial state and President Obama is likely thinking big and will push for the new state of Palestine be based on the Green Line, the 1949 Armistice Lines with approved lands swaps and he will likely support the uprooting of as much as half the Israeli towns and residences throughout Judea and Samaria. The question has obviously reached the point that it is no longer will a state of Palestine come into existence before the end of this summer but rather what will be the extent of its borders and how far will Israel be pushed out of her historic heartlands of Judea and Samaria and will it include the surrender of the Old City and Temple Mount and what about the floated idea of a return of the Golan Heights to Bashir al-Assad to reestablish at least a sliver of Syria guaranteed initially by Putin? Things are about to explode along the Israeli eastern front and the conflict will become internationalized with potential for a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) under either Chapter 6 or 7 with either making the realization of these surrenders by Israel fact and not imagined but still are horrible ideas guaranteed to increase instability in the region, not minimize it.


The target over the past sixty-eight years from the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 has been to minimize the land, peace, quiet and freedom of its Jewish population. Ever since the Balfour Declaration was put to ink and paper promising to return any of the ancient lands to the Jewish People subsequent to the conquest of mankind over the planet the peoples had sought to find some manner of way to prevent that promise from being brought to fruition. Ever since the idea of a singular deity which ruled over this creation and was responsible for its not becoming something greater than the summation of its parts simply through finding a path whereby as its highest intelligence we were tasked with the construction of a peoples or groups of peoples who were capable of building a society around a basic sense of principles which would elevate mankind making their species capable of understanding and potentially even to manipulating their society based on the betterment of the individual to building institutions which were greater still than their component parts, their spirit as mankind dedicated to the furtherance of the knowledge such that mankind could elevate themselves beyond the simplicity of conquest and rule through strength of arms to challenge the simplistic thought that might makes right to an understanding that might only makes one more responsible for the use of that might for the furtherance of humankind into the curious being which strikes out across the stars and eventually across the galaxies and beyond until they controlled their cosmos and understood even the principles with which their entire universe was constructed. The fact that mankind might be capable of conquering more than just the one small rock upon which they find themselves into a race who would be capable of construction on an equally grand scale and through such knowledge building a civilizational structure which could find the path beyond the limitations of the physical domain within which one finds themselves. The fact that such a civilization could be erected starting with a pair of tablets upon which five basics of civilization were chiseled into their faces presumably by that very entity which placed them there in the first place.



Code of Hammurabi

Code of Hammurabi



Ever since one of their kind, a singular man with a dream of mankind greater than its birth upon the face of one speck of dust swirling through space within one of the creations could achieve so much more if only they could guide themselves under a greater code of law. A singular man who left the initial society which based right and wrong on the ability of mankind to complete simple physical fetes such as swim the breadth of a river without succumbing to the waters, this Code of Hammurabi, and so left the tribes of Mesopotamia and headed westward to find a new way, a better way. It perhaps was this first trek westward which inspired all following expansions of civilization eventually writ large that man must go west to find enlightenment, or simply more and better lands to conquer and tame it under the laws of Hashem which was the base for a set of laws by which all mankind could reside in peace and develop a better mankind than was the mere sum of its parts. This one man took the higher road and set his family on the path which would eventually lead to civilization where mankind strove to understand rather than simply to conquer. This strive for understanding over their mere existence and to understand the mind of Hashem would bring forth some of the greatest thinkers of humankind and great strides of understanding of the physical universe all of which would continuously return to the fundamental question which science is to ultimately understand, why and by whom exactly was the spark of intelligence designed to understand. Of course there would inevitably be those who strode to conquer and submit the world under their thumb of oppression and denial rather than upon a deeper understanding of why everything is as it is. These would inevitably find their opposition in those who would seek knowledge in order to find the ultimate pleasures of the body and not the highest reaches of the mind. The fight between complete surrender of the soul to denial of an enlightened mind to the fleshpots of pure Hellenistic pleasures of hedonism and the inevitable worship of mankind themselves, these would compete on the grander scale where war and force would decide the winners and the losers in an epic struggle. All that wasted energy and mind-power which could have made so many accomplishments and advances for man and the understanding of Hashem. And to believe it all began with Abraham who understood that mankind was meant to understand even the very fabric from which this cosmos was formed and another man, the lawgiver named Moses who gave the ten initial laws to guide all mankind, the Ten Commandments from which he fashioned the true history and the path that these simple laws first strode to understand why, simply why. From that understanding that everything has a why and that there exist basic building blocks from which all is composed and there exist laws that even solid and immovable objects could be fashioned and controlled bringing mankind greater understanding and mastery over his world and beyond that small world if only he survives his own foolishness.



Ten Commandments Arranged in Hebrew Reading from Right to Left with English Translations Underneath the Hebrew

Ten Commandments
Arranged in Hebrew
Reading from Right to Left
with English Translations
Underneath the Hebrew



Somewhere down this road of self-discovery and seeking truth mankind got waylaid and torn from that path again all because there are those more interested in tearing down and bringing all to heel to their force than there are those interested in the understanding of how things are built from the most basic particles to the greatness of all creation of which we see but a small but expanding piece. As a species given the opportunity to understand the basis of all that is, we instead find ourselves more interested in who owns what piece of land and who were the ones with first claim. The invaders claim indigenous culture as they successfully replaced and finished the dispersal of the ones who had held indigenous claim for the preceding fifteen or more centuries and had managed to hold their peoples together through the conquests of many of the most powerful of empires up until that time. The small fact that the indigenous peoples never completely surrendered or left their homelands though they were disgraced and brought to heel under yet another yoke, this the yoke of suppression to those claiming their rightful place as the rightful conquerors of all and the spread of the sole religion, a form and structure for rule through oppression, but their religion of surrender to their betters. Facing the return of the original inhabitants of these lands and their claim to just their small and insignificant plot of land which was a barren wasteland of fetid swamps, parched desert, rock strewn soil and a land left untamed and worthless for close to fifteen centuries, give or take a few here and there. Since their loss first as Israel and later the remainder from Judean rule, these lands had remained but an unforgiving and thought worthless land unkind in its treatment of those who sought to eke out a living from its parched or septic soils. The rains either fell unmercifully flooding out the inhabitants or refused to give up a single drop making parched the lands below. This land was seen as so inhospitable to mankind and his ability to build anything resembling a civilized society that it was given in large tracks to titled aristocracy as their claim to title though none expected them to leave the comfort of human society in Istanbul or Alexandria or wherever those left with but title and a land not worth residing upon simply ignored the land and it gladly ignored them.


Then its indigenous peoples began to slowly return starting in the early 1800s and some few even earlier. These initial returnees were truly people of their book, a people who desired to work these lands from which their forefathers were driven. They initially tamed the water bringing it to serve them and them to respect and serve it. They brought with them unfamiliar dress and strange beliefs and customs but also they brought the drive and love of the land to make it once again fertile and productive. Their initial limited success did make all the difference and now those who had ignored the wastelands came and took for themselves even the lands the returnees had bought at ridiculous prices out of their love for the lands and for Hashem. These interlopers stole land and bullied these first Jews returning and the Jews required their women to guard over their efforts as the men built irrigation and water canals, as those wishing to now take all for themselves after the land was being tamed would shoot at the Jews as they worked to better the lands.



Early American and European Zionists Returned and Rebuilding the Holy Lands

Early American and European Zionists
Returned and Rebuilding the Holy Lands



Early Zionists Working the Land, Digging Irrigation Channels, Removing Tree Stumps and Other Structures Needed by the Community

Early Zionists Working the Land,
Digging Irrigation Channels, Removing Tree Stumps
and Other Structures Needed by the Community



Israel has come a long way in barely two centuries since the Jews and Israelites began to return and rebuild their ancient lands. She is today a modern marvel with a large and successful agricultural industry, a leading technology sector and a blossoming return to Judaism and the scriptures of Torah and the Bible, the Old Testament. She also has a challenge to her existence by those who wish to steal all of the lands and who claim that they are the indigenous peoples with thousands upon thousands of years residing in these lands stretching back to before the Israelites came from out of Egypt or even Abraham made his life in the holy lands. The truth that their existence outside of the Arabian Peninsula is a mere fourteen hundred year history well documented by their Quran and that existence has been as a proud colonizer and conqueror of lands subjugating indigenous people if not exterminating them and their history of conquest they claim has only just begun. Their next targets are Europe and the Americas, particularly North America and the United States in particular. The Europeans and the current American President are dead set on establishing a foothold for the Arab Muslims to reconquer the lands they were unable to take in three great wars, the wars of genocidal intent of 1948-9 when Israel was a nascent nation just founded based on Arab rejection of a fifty/fifty split of the lands demanding every inch and the eradication of all Jews residing within in which they managed to conquer what became Gaza and the West Bank which was actually part of Judea and most of Samaria. They attempted once again in 1967 to “Drive the Jews into the sea,” as it was put by Egyptian President Nasser and again in 1973 with the Yom Kippur War. Since then a new tactic has been a war waged by different means, this claim of the poor and downtrodden Palestinians who are nothing but Arabs the same as the Arabs fleeing Syria and residing in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and in Gaza and the West Bank as well as approaching two million Israeli Arabs who reside within Israel, are Israeli citizens, enjoy full rights, vote in elections, hold every position imaginable in the government from members of the Knesset to even a Supreme Court Judge from within their numbers. These Arabs live amongst the Jews and other Israelis which includes a growing Christian population, the sole nation of the Middle East with a growing Christian population, and even a flourishing Baha’i population. This drive to form a second Arab State under presumably the Palestinian Authority is now in full swing as President Obama believes that by forming such an entity he will have formed the core of a successful Middle East policy despite the furies and disasters of Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and potentially a disastrous Nuclear Deal with Iran. Making this new Palestinian State ignores the disaster the last attempt at building such a state resulted when Israel removed every last Jew and all of the IDF presence from Gaza which within a short few years became a nest for Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups from which rockets are periodically launched at Israeli cities, schools and population centers and now a tunneling intifada is being set in place as Hamas uses almost every scrap of building material provided for rebuilding homes, schools, hospitals and other structures for the people of Gaza who were subjected to horrific damage due to two wars in four years launched by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and friends against Israel to now build extensive tunnels from which they plan on launching their next war. Despite granting Gaza and presenting it to Mahmoud Abbas in August of 2005 in a move which all but started a civil war in Israel, the world is dead set on gifting an even larger piece of land overlooking the industrial and residential heart of Israel, and not the Negev which abuts Gaza, with the promise that this time it will be different. What is frightening is that this time might be different, not in the result of a terror state being formed next to the heart of all Israeli society but that it will be Hamas and Islamic Jihad as this time it more likely will by Hamas and the Islamic State which take the lands and begin a new and even more destructive onslaught against Israel. When such comes to pass the world will be sure to demand that Israel not use disproportional force against this threat, the same threat where allied planes have bombed a hospital by mistake, twice and killed hundreds upon hundreds of remaining civilians in Iraq and Syria and allowed the situation in Syria to devolve to the point that no nation now exists where Syria once stood and almost the entire civilian population has fled to Europe, fallen into refugee camps in Jordan and Turkey or simply vanished murdered by an incessant warfare now in its later stages of its first decade and where chemical weapons have been unleashed and a new invention called a barrel bomb was invented. This weapon, the barrel bomb, consists of a fifty-five gallon drum filled with high explosives and nails, nuts, bolts, glass shards and anything else which could potentially imbed itself within the human body and potentially kill or permanently maim a person horrifically for the remainder of their lives. They are the terrorist bomb belt on steroids. This is what the world desires to place on Israeli borders and then demand that Israel live with their neighbors in peace. Unfortunately nobody is demanding the neighbors live in peace with Israel. Instead they desire to give these brutish terrorists a piece of Israel from which to operate. This is the plan for this summer and what does President Obama care as he will be gone before winter comes and certainly gone before the onslaughts guaranteed to arise from this legacy seeking madman and his golden idea for peace in the Middle East, a plan which will be just as successful as his every other effort, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and the West Bank soon to come to a neighborhood in Europe, and even the United States as President Obama has been secreting Syrian refugees into the United States for over a year now under the radar. Awaken everyone as Europe may be gone except for the final bloodbath and the United States may be placed on a similar track which could get much worse depending on the outcome of the next elections where the main debate is about how horrible the choices are on the Republican side and how Bernie might upset the wonder woman Hillary Clinton who is deserving of being President because, well, she is. And this is supposed to fill the world with hope that the United States will be on the right track exactly when again? If ever mankind needed the guidance and help of Hashem, it is now; so let us pray something goes right as it appears to be going so wrong.


Beyond the Cusp


August 29, 2015

Some Truths About Palestinians’ Condition and Israel in General


Some days one just feels the need to use others to tell the story. Sometimes it is best to just find videos aids in relating what one wished to convey. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what price can one assign to videos which have hundreds if not thousands or hundreds of thousands of frames, how many words would that equal? Well if we simply treat each video as five pictures, here are tens of thousands of words interspersed with actual words which number far less for expressing our thoughts as well.


Nobody who is being honest will claim that all is a bed of roses for the average Palestinian, especially in the refugee camps located in the Gaza Strip and the semi-autonomous zones in Judea and Samaria (West Bank). These camps are kept impoverished as a photo op primarily for Western media and the occasional Middle East reports. These camps are Palestinians who it is claimed all came from within Israel in 1948. With the average age of residents in these camps somewhere in the mid-twenties or lower, it is painfully obvious that a very small number of the ‘refugees from the Great Naqba’ were actually alive in 1948. These descendants, some third, fourth and even fifth generation refugees are kept in the camps solely to continue the myth of suffering, and their Arab keepers make sure they do indeed suffer as they are not permitted to work, own a home, or leave the camps and go live with relatives just as the camps in Lebanon and Jordan are also kept nationless and impoverished dependent on UNRWA aid and other charitable institutions many established for just that purpose. Another truth not often mentioned is that these camps receive the majority of their aid funding from the Western nations with the Arab world often making pledges which they rarely keep after an initial token payment. Perhaps a video from a Lebanese news report could shed some light that covers some of the opulence, the changing loyalties and where much of the aid originates, might shed some light.






The ironies in Gaza alone are enough to boggle the mind. Western and especially European news stories stick to the political line of the evil Israelis, read Jews, keep all the wealth for themselves and the Palestinians are left scrounging for food and clothing, that there is no electricity much of the time and the water supply is tainted. The Gazans are presumably largely living in the streets as Israel has destroyed their residences. There is a measure of truth to this as Hamas made sure that many apartment buildings were damaged, some severely, by using them as placements for their rockets. Meanwhile, almost all of the cement allowed into Gaza had been diverted to build tunnels which when completed will infiltrate into Israel allowing for terror attacks intent on abduction of Israeli civilians to be ransomed for terror prisoners from mostly Hamas and Islamic Jihad who rule Gaza jointly with Hamas having the majority position. Perhaps a revealing video on Gaza and the reality as there are very plush neighborhoods where Hamas is not permitted their use for attacks on Israel as these are the beautiful people of Gaza, some assuredly gaining their wealth as a result of their positions within the terror structure. The video ends with a broadcast recording of a youth repeating what he has been fed in his education as part of the political fight to assure that every child receiving their education from UNRWA or a Hamas or Islamic Jihad school will continue the war against the Jew. Note the youth does not mention Israel as Hamas has as its intent right within their charter the murder of every Jew and the conquest of the entire world. Nobody ever claimed they did not aim for lofty and high goals as for that they have it covered. After the youth’s tirade there is a nice ending shot of the other reality which comes from Gaza, see if you can catch it.






Agriculture is a staple industry for both Arabs and Jews. One difficulty is the division of lands claimed by both sides. The settlement often comes from the courts and is enforced by the IDF which always causes friction and claims of thievery and denials of any wrongdoing on all sides. These claims are most fierce in Areas where both Arabs and Jews have lands bordering or in close proximity to each other. In many instances the dividing lines are well known and there is even an amount of cooperation in getting both Arab and Jewish harvests picked in time and taken to markets. Often the problems are instigated by European ‘peace activists’ whose primary raison d’être is to instigate conflict. They have been known to arrive with counterfeit maps and deeds which they use to provide Arabs with ‘proof’ that the Jewish village has stolen their lands and their olive trees and that the trees raised by the Jews are actually their trees and this eventually with the assistance of Fatah and other terror influences leads to confrontations. Are there actual opposing claims which are valid? Of course there are as sometimes land is purchased from a charlatan whose deed may appear authentic but proves to be a forgery that does not hold up in court. Where a Jew or an Arab has preceding legal claim and no bill of sale can be produced proving change of ownership, the court rules justly in favor of the deed holder. But the court is more than fair with Arab claims as their claims are more often rewarded and recognized than that of Jews. Part of the problem for Jews is getting the lands transferred as for an Arab to sell land or property to a Jew and the Ramallah Palestinian Authority government finds out the person may or may not receive a trial before they are publically hung as an example of what happens if you are caught selling to a Jew. Thus for such transactions to be verified in Israeli courts, the authority for legal challenges, the Arab needs to appear before the land office and verify that in deed he has sold the land and only then is a new deed drawn up legally showing Jewish ownership of the land in question. There will not be any record as from whom the land was purchased so as to protect the Arab from being murdered for his horrific sin against the people. The media is always able to find witnesses from both sides of the argument on land and crop ownership and even a bad harvest is often blamed on the other side stealing water or whatever the complaint du jour might be. Again let’s see the video.






There is always the question of what to do when you are at a wedding and the bride and groom are inside about to come and greet their friends and nobody remembered to bring any rice to throw. But wait, we all have plenty of ammunition and what the, who will mind a little rifle salute. Of course little concern is expended in worrying where the bullets will fall back to the ground, well, not as long as everybody remembers not to shoot straight up in the air as that may end poorly and really kill the festive mood of the celebration. So, here’s to the bride and groom, fire away.






There are indeed hardships in Gaza including the destruction of a large investment and business designed to entertain and provide some relief from what is otherwise a hot, long and boring summer with nothing to do. One might reason that a water park might be just the ticket for the youth to enjoy some carefree time screaming and giggling as they use the slides and other attractions. Music might even brighten spirits and make the fun time even more memorable and enjoyed just that much more. Hold on to those memories the all too few who spent some time enjoying the water park and whatever you do, do not discuss or admit you ever frequented that evil, Zionist corruptive influence as the modesty police are apparently everywhere lying in wait for some unsuspecting youth to admit they had even a glimmer of fun in their life. The water park, what happened to the water park? Well, those destroyers of all that is fun and bright in Gaza destroyed the water park and the real source is quite revealing and potentially coming as a great surprise to many.






No coverage could be complete without the obligatory commentary done with a proper British accent which can be used by those wishing to claim this was simply a politically motivated, ‘hate’ piece of propaganda being sold as actual evidence that there does exist an other side, another opinion to the mainstream media Pablum fed endlessly to the mass media and used throughout Europe as the bludgeon to hammer Israel into submission. Never mind that it has been largely Arab controlled areas and nations which hold the refugee camps and refuse to allow the occupants, many of whom have close relatives living virtually within walking distance of the camp and they are refused permission to go live with or often even to visit with these relatives. These are largely not the original refugees from 1948 otherwise there would not be estimated upwards of over five-million refugees as the original numbers were under three-quarters of a million refugees who mostly answered the call of the Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini’s call to leave their residences and take a safe position behind the glorious armies of the Arab world which were going to slaughter and erase every single Jew and any corroborative Arabs, defined as those Arabs not actively murdering Jews, and they would be permitted back to their homes and given a part of the spoils of the war, a war the Arab armies were assured of winning and doing so easily. The one promise the Arab leadership has kept is that they will be allowed out of their refugee status as soon as the Arab armies destroy Israel and kill every Israeli whatever their identity be they Jew, Arab, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, or any other nationality present within Israel currently. The promise still stands that upon the defeat of the Jews and Israel the refugees will be permitted to leave the camps, the very camps which is all the majority have ever known having been born and raised and then having and raised their children where their children’s children were raised and then their children and then on and on henceforth and potentially forever. So, here is the promised authoritarian British accented commentary published on Aug 5, 2014.






To be fair, here is another British accent this time reporting on the high costs for automobiles in Gaza along with some comments on the hardships the Gazans suffer and actually has a moment of honest criticism on why the vehicles still are unable to be imported despite Israeli blessings for the Gazan to do so but that would require the unity government to actually agree on some arrangement so that those who get paid no matter what or who is buying and selling, these people in the hierarchy must get their pound of flesh no matter what.






Some reading with pictures, titles, subtitles, all mixed to compare and contrast what was the Apartheid in South Africa with the reality of Israeli politics including explaining why the ‘Palestinian’ people do not have equal rights as far as voting in Israeli elections and other discoveries such as those selfsame ‘Palestinian’ people do vote when, or should we say if, there ever are Palestinian Authority elections in Judea and Samaria or elections open and fair in Gaza either for the government of the Palestinian Authority, as they are now presumably citizens under a Hamas-Palestinian Authority governance, or a Gaza election which was held once with Hamas winning the majority of the vote, well, perhaps mere majority is misstating the reality of a landslide win for Hamas such that the government is often referred to as the Hamas government of Gaza. For all intents and purposes the ‘Palestinian’ people in both Judea and Samaria as well as Gaza have that very special kind of democratic systems where it is one person with one vote one time, or possibly twice if one should live that long.






And while we are speaking of Apartheid in Israel, the lie, here is another very impressive and wide span of coverage of Israeli inclusionary activities and the actions of openly assisting all in need from places of such a distance it seems improbable if not an impossibility, but Israel gave refuge to a boatload of Vietnamese refugees.






Let’s end this section with what could be termed a propaganda piece as the less seen side of Arab residences and neighborhoods in Israel, Judea and Samaria as well as Gaza are shown with musical background in a montage with some messages scrolled on the video. Sure this view omits the refugee camps which are cement construction apartment complexes which resemble many apartment buildings elsewhere but the camps have an added feature, they are gated communities which are fenced, guarded and have an official entrance which controls who enters and restricts seriously those wishing to depart. So enjoy a leisurely close, did we mention the nice background music?





The following is some select videos covering the Israeli reach out to the rest of the world in service to any and all they can reach with aid. These videos cover themselves so we will leave it to the videos that follow.






Save a Child Heart Services which brings children to Israel for heart surgery and also sets up and trains physicians in these nations and granting them an entire ward built with Israeli aid covering the entire program. Here are some videos on this remarkable program.









And in closing a video on the ideals of this remarkable program which runs on mostly donations to SACH. In a rare instance we will provide a way to donate to the SACH programs and their remarkable physicians, pediatric and child’s heart surgeons who specialize in heart surgery and related difficulties. Thank you for helping and know that a life of a child or of many children thank you with a smile and their newfound ability to dance their hearts out, actually their heart that you helped repair and save. Thank you.




And if you tell them where you got the idea, we would love the publicity as SACH knows nothing of this plea.


Thank You.


Beyond the Cusp



August 23, 2015

Two Tons Rocket Parts Headed for Gaza Reconstruction


Palestinian terrorists this week tried to smuggle two tons of rocket-making material into Gaza. Of course they were not exactly labelled honestly; they were labelled as building supplies. They were intercepted by Israeli security, something which due to international pressures Israel has not been able to prevent tons of concrete from entering Gaza. The Europeans guaranteed they would monitor all concrete usage in Gaza. Well, we have some unfortunate news, not so much for Europeans but for Israelis, most of their guaranteed indivertible concrete has somehow ended up lining the walls of the latest rebuilt tunnels. There is no need to take it from me, take the word from the Gaza branch of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade from their newly reconstructed three and a half kilometer, border crossing, infiltration tunnel in the video below. We do not blame the Europeans for not exactly following through on their promises to inspect the usage in Gaza of concrete, we blame the Israeli leadership for believing that when Europeans promise to inspect and assure things crossing into Gaza will meet the intended uses as they had a perfect example of European and world promises when Israeli leaders allowed their promises to monitor the Gaza crossings after Israel disengaged from Gaza. The Europeans promised to monitor the crossings between Gaza and Egypt and they almost lasted a week before permanently retreating to their hotels rooms in Tel Aviv and there were rumors they may have actually glanced in the general direction of the crossings during their afternoon drinks at the coffee and tea café across the street from their hotel. Soon they hatched a brilliant plan about the Gaza-Egypt border and put it in to effect the next day at Ben Gurion International Airport when they flew home and allowed open crossing of terrorists and terror supplies crossing freely. As strange as it might sound, the Gaza-Egypt border is better guarded by the Egyptians under President Sisi, even if it is to keep his own soldiers safe from Gaza terror strikes into the Sinai Peninsula. It is always better to trust things to those who have a reason to assist and not those who simply promise in order to end a temporary discomfort, especially if you are one of the parties to their discomfort.





The provisions in question were the same type of fiberglass as used by Hamas to make the long range rockets Hamas fired into Israel last year during Operation Protective Edge. These were the larger and heavier rockets with more destructive warheads many of which launched from deep within Gaza City and which landed between the Israeli cities of Tel Aviv and Ashdod. It was very likely that this exact variety of rocket which took the life of a four-year-old Israeli boy who did not have sufficient time from the Code Red alarm sounded to make it to a shelter. These rockets also caused damage, serious damage to some structures which were outside of Iron Dome coverage. Granted the coverage of Operation Protective Edge spent most of the time speaking of Gazan deaths and often asking why so few Israelis had died despite the seemingly ineffective rocket fire from Gaza. We will not bore you with the facts that Israel invested billions in research and with assistance from the United States were able to make nine such batteries, which were not as free as many believe as Raytheon was given schematics, software and all other necessities so the United States could incorporate such effective technologies into their systems, a small price. Instead we will simply repeat what Hamas has prided themselves in saying repeatedly and with great pride, and we are proud of their pronouncement about our beliefs as they portray them. Who would have ever thought that we Israelis would be proud of those things Hamas would accuse us. But their words have weight and explain much about the two societies and they have framed and explained the disparity in casualties succinctly. Hamas has often stated, “They worship life and we worship death.” We will not be so presumptuous to speak for Hamas, who may very well speak for the residents of Gaza, but we in Israel do love life, worship might be a bit strong as we worship Hashem and through Hashem we love and possibly worship life.


Where this shipment of rocket body material was intercepted, how many others were missed and will return raining onto Israel and if not intercepted possibly taking another young child’s life, the greatest loss possible. But we will do what is possible to make our children safe and if only our neighbors would learn the preciousness of a child’s life and spend their efforts on peaceably raising their precious children and allow us to raise ours and that would produce peace. The Europeans are always asking what it might take for Israel to make peace with the Arab Palestinians. Well, a good first step might be for those who worship and celebrate death to try life for them and allow us the same and that would produce a lasting peace and all sides would gain and be blessed with peace. Now if the rest of the world would also allow the Jews to live in peace it might be a better place for all.


In the Outremont area of Montreal a Hasidic man was severely beaten after leaving a bank around 7:15 Friday night. According to witnesses the attacker was a white male in his twenties. The witnesses told police that when they exited the bank the attacker was sitting on the bench outside the door holding a water bottle in his hands. They said there was something cold and sinister about the man who gave them an uneasy feeling. They had gotten to the corner when they heard a commotion and turned in time to chase the attacker off. The suspect pouring a liquid all over the victim and ran when the witnesses started towards him and the Hasidic man who was lying on the ground. One witness who preferred to remain anonymous, “It reeked of gasoline. I’m 100 percent sure, there was no car close by, it’s whatever he poured on him that smelled like gasoline.” The victim was bleeding heavily from the side of his head. Reports from the hospital said there were signs the man had been severely choked and had other abrasions. Initial reports said there were no signs that the Hasidic man had been robbed and police say they are waiting for the victim to recover consciousness in order to gather more information on his attacker. The police stated that they had insufficient information to determine if this was a hate crime and the man had been attacked because he was Jewish. We can answer that question for them and from what we read and a general agreement and collation of hunches says that it definitely was a hate crime and the Hasidic man was attacked for being Jewish. But just in case, we will wait for further reports though we doubt it will make the news here half way around the globe.


Then there is a report from London of anti-Semitic vandals desecrated the Jewish memorial in Whitechapel to the memory of Edward VII. The memorial has an inscription reading, “In grateful and loyal memory of Edward VII, Rex et Imperator, erected by subscriptions raised by Jewish inhabitants of East London, 1911.” King Edward VII ruled United Kingdom (UK) from 1901-1910. This was a horrific and startling act of hatred against King, Country and Jews whose dedication and loyalty to the Crown and Country were on display for all to see for time immemorial. The statue was desecrated with a pig and pig parts and blood as can be seen in the image below, a picture well documented on Twitter soon after the crime was reported. Local resident Lauren Justice discovered the defilement and immediately contacted the authorities and then posted images taken of the memorial’s statues, one holding a pig carcass and pig parts and blood strewn over the other statue, to her twitter account. She was quoted commenting on the atrocity, “I just think it is disgusting. It is a memorial. I do not know if they think it is funny or what, but it cannot be allowed to stay up like that. I find it offensive.” The Tower Hamlets Council stated that it was investigating the incident. Anti-Semitic acts have been steadily rising within the United Kingdom with them increasing with their numbers in the first six months rising from two-hundred-twenty-three acts in 2013 to three-hundred-nine in 2014 to four-hundred-seventy-three acts in 2015. The increase from 2013 to 2014 was 38.5% while the increase from 2014 to 2015 was 53.0% which is a definitive ramping with the increase rate of change of over 37.5%, a vigorous rate of climb which is just as frightening as it is sizeable. The rest of Europe has figures increasing in similar rates as in the United Kingdom and are beginning to show trending within the United States, Canada and other places around the world, even in places where the Jews are such a minor percentage of the populations that it makes one wonder where the people in such locations even come by their experiences with Jews that one would expect was necessary for anti-Semitism to even be perceptible, let alone grow. Such is most definitely troubling to say the least, very troubling.



Anti-Semitic Vandals Desecrated the Jewish Memorial in Whitechapel to the Memory of Edward VII, Rex et Imperator. This Memorial was Erected by Jewish Inhabitants of East London in 1911. This was a horrific and startling act of hatred against King, Country and Jews Whose Dedication, Respect and Loyalty to the Crown and Country were on Display for all to see for Time Immemorial. The Memorial Stands in Direct Contrast to the Craven Hatred Displayed with the Smearing of Pig Parts, Blood and a Carcass Strewn in Offense to All Britain and her Peoples.

Anti-Semitic Vandals Desecrated the Jewish Memorial in Whitechapel to the Memory of Edward VII, Rex et Imperator. This Memorial was Erected by Jewish Inhabitants of East London in 1911. This was a horrific and startling act of hatred against King, Country and Jews Whose Dedication, Respect and Loyalty to the Crown and Country were on Display for all to see for Time Immemorial. The Memorial Stands in Direct Contrast to the Craven Hatred Displayed with the Smearing of Pig Parts, Blood and a Carcass Strewn in Offense to All Britain and her Peoples.



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