Beyond the Cusp

October 17, 2015

How the Arab Israel Conflict Will Eventually End


Before we start, it is necessary to once again lament the security given to Joseph’s Tomb by the Arab Authorities as once again we find that it was permitted to be desecrated and burned completely down destroying the multiple-thousands of shekels of holy books and other items which adorn the tomb dressing it with the dignity it deserves only for it to face destruction and desecration without even a whimper of complaint by a world devoid of feelings nor capable of compassion for this holy site of Judaism and Christianity. This holy site and the entirety of the holy sites in Judea and Samaria must be returned to their proper caretakers and the only people who would keep such shrines from becoming the blazing inferno pictured below which was Josephs Tomb a night or two ago.



Kever Yoseph or Joseph's Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless

Kever Yoseph or Joseph’s Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless



What is preventing an end being implemented in the Arab Israeli conflict is easy to say; Mahmoud Abbas and his merry band of thieves which includes Saeb Erekat, Muhammad Dahlan, Salam Fayyad, Abed Rabbo, Ahmad Quri’a, Hanan Ashrawi, Hanna Amira, Wasel Abu Yousef and the rest all refuse to end it as then they might actually have to permit what has become known as Islamic adjusted democracy where every voter gets to cast one vote one time and the result was determined a week ago but that has little to matter with reality. The leaders of the Arab Palestinian Authority (PA), Fatah Party, Palestinian Leadership Committee (PLC) and any other presumably elected body might run into a problem far more dangerous than elections which have thus far been avoided for over a decade; they might need to face a future without any Israeli security making life in Judea and Samaria safe from such forces as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Islamic State, or worse, other Islamist force more capable of replacing Abbas and his crew just as Hamas replaced the government in Gaza after the IDF and the rest of Israeli forces and citizens departed, turning the Gaza over to the PA and Mahmoud Abbas in August of 2005. Such threats are sitting along the sidelines appearing all the much like starving vultures waiting for a weakened and doomed meal to finish dying before swooping in and stealing the prize from their still warm corpse. Thus both Abbas and Israel have an advantage by sharing the security arrangements in Judea and Samaria. Abbas gains security of the IDF defending against Hamas and other potential rivals and Israel has on location security and intelligence presence which has proven near remarkable results on the recent stabbing spree by Arabs in Jerusalem and across Israel within the Green Line or at worst within the terror barrier which so many around the world have claimed served no purpose other than harassment. But there are a set of problems which perhaps we should try and fathom their consequences. These include Mahmoud Abbas dying of natural causes, Islamic State crossing the Jordan River and attacking Ramallah or the Security Council using the threat of force to demand that Israel return to within the 1949 Armistice Lines, also called the 1967 lines with one adjustment where Israel remains responsible for all security throughout Jerusalem.


When Mahmoud Abbas, currently age eighty years, dies it will leave a power vacuum which would leave the numerous members of the leadership to each start vying to be the next President for Life. There would be the power struggle while an election date would need to be set and then there would be the arguments as to whether Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood and who knows who else to also place candidates on the ticket. There would be pressures from Europe, European Union, the United States and the United Nations for an open election which could result in Hamas or other groups mentioned winning control of the Parliament and possibly the Presidency or even candidates placed on the ballot who may be members of the Islamic State getting their foot in the door which could only result in serious implications. This would also very potentially be seen as the perfect excuse for the United Nations and the rest of the less than sane leadership of the world who mostly appear completely without knowledge for how the politics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) usually play out demanding that Israel pull out from the “disputed territories” which would be replaced by a multi-national force consisting of European, United States and other United Nations peacekeepers who would monitor the election and take care of security for the state of Palestine as it got on its feet financially and politically. Any situation in which Israel was forced to remove the IDF and the Jewish “settlements” were forced to return within the Green Line thus ending any reason for security and intelligence sharing between the Arab governance in Judea and Samaria with Israel would result in a coup if not a succession of coups and the failed state such would produce becoming the next Syria within months. As soon as the peacekeeping forces became the targets of choice for every Islamist or member of a political group’s military wing whose leaders believed they were the rightful rulers of the Arabs then the Peacekeeping troops would be heading for Amman Jordan to Ben Gurion Airport or Tel Aviv within hours and on their way home on the earliest fight with an opening or on the next chartered flight taking them home. Within weeks of such a disaster there would be seven to twelve Arab and Muslim armies perched on the Judean hills, set to assault the Golan Heights, sitting within five miles of the Lebanon border with Hezballah and their recently gifted older Russian T-55 and T-72 tanks (read our article named “How to Measure the Arab War on Israel and Beyond” for more coverage of this and other developments which we reported on October 6, 2015) and within five miles of the border in Lebanon; while should Egypt decide not to enter the fray then only irregular terrorist groups will be in the Sinai Desert with all ready to take another stab at what was attempted and failed in 1967 and the Six Day War. Simply stated, should at any point Abbas die without having first signified his successor, there will reign chaos making Judea and Samaria prime target for some group to take control of the area and if that should be the Islamic State, then Jordan would be in danger as well. Mahmoud Abbas actually is the moderating force which keeps everything balanced.



 MENA (Middle East & North Africa) Map Using Flag Pins Denoting Every Nation

MENA (Middle East & North Africa) Map Using Flag Pins Denoting Every Nation



There is the potential for the Islamic State to take Ramallah after rolling over Jordan, with King Abdullah II abdicating and moving likely to some place in Europe; the Islamic State would proceed to any crossing of the Jordan River. The reasons for the Islamic State to move to first take Ramallah would be to establish their authority over the PA and seeking out whatever documentation depicting the power structure that Mahmoud Abbas had fabricated in order for the Islamic State to find and question these leaders to determine which ones they might retain and which earned a starring role in the next film released by Islamic State after they secured as much of Judea and Samaria which they were able, replacing the Arab Palestinians where it is determined to be necessary. Once the Islamic State had crossed the Jordan River they would become a direct threat to Israel. That is assuming that King Abdullah II had, instead of abdicating and remained to fight, already requested for IDF and other Israeli assistance. Then Israel would be facing almost dream-like situation being able to fight against the Islamic State well before they would need to engage them after they had crossed the Jordan River and a mere twenty miles from reaching the Mediterranean Sea and cutting Israel in half.



King of Jordan Abdullah II also is a capable helicopter gunship pilot

King of Jordan Abdullah II also is a capable helicopter gunship pilot



The final scenario threatening Israel begins with the Security Council using threat of force, enforcing Israeli retreat to within 1949 Armistice Lines with Israel left responsible with security for Jerusalem. This scenario would simply result in the same ending as if Mahmoud Abbas had died or stepped down as the removal of the IDF and the intelligence sharing would result in a scramble to take the top spot in the election that the Security Council would most definitely call for soon after their arrival. Calling for elections would fracture the current order of the politics as each person thinking they had a chance of finally becoming the one true leader that the entire house of cards would disintegrate. Once this had occurred the elections could not come fast enough as with everybody busy buying votes, there would be little if any attention paid to the crumbling situation as the peacekeepers attempted to keep the peace while Hamas or Islamic Jihad or any other groups which was not permitted to run would band together to remove the United Nations forces and take control by coup. This would result in no government in place with any number of factions all attempting to take control which would soon require some outside force to end the fiasco and place the area under some form of government. Such a task could only be performed by a group with sufficient respect and support by the people in Judea and Samaria or by a group willing to do whatever it takes to reinstall the governance which existed before the world busybodies decided to use their influence to repair an obviously broken system and upset the apple-cart.


In the end the Arab Israeli conflict will eventually come down to a simple power struggle as to who should rule Judea and Samaria, some form of tyrannical terror state or Israel. The end result will become just another failed state experiencing internal power struggles seeking one single leader willing to take command over a fractured political system and reinstitute some forms of ordered structure with themselves as the kleptomaniac in charge of deciding who gets what piece of the pie and how large or small that piece of the pie should they receive. Needless to point out that no matter who might win the day initially, their staying in power will require they find some manner or way to assure their lead position remained unchallenged. With the current power structure broken, there are very few forces which could guarantee such security. Such groups would include but not be limited to Russia, Iran, Islamic State and Israel. The area itself is likely far too small to be a viable state as it does not have the infrastructure nor the natural resources to allow for a stable economy, especially when one considers the security forces required to control an area as splintered and well-armed as Judea and Samaria have become as weapons are constantly being brought into the area to arm the Arab security forces and somehow these weapons appear to melt into the ground every few months and thus require new weapons be provided, and there is no lack of sources more than glad to gain influence by providing those weapons be it Iran, the United States, the European Union or even as ridiculous as it seems, Israel often at the demand of the other sources who have simply become disillusioned and are trying to place the onus for the area on Israel, a situation they will soon afterwards complain is stifling Palestinian society making it ungovernable.


The final taking of responsibility will eventually fall to Israel as she cannot allow the games, the very dangerous games the world will continue to play to go on until the area somehow attains nuclear weapons, a game changer everybody should rightfully fear but too many might be enabling through their actions. So the end of the fighting over Judea and Samaria will eventually fall to Israel and within a couple of generations the terrorism will have died out as the general wealth and wellbeing of the area will have improved sufficiently that the average family has far too much to lose wasting their comforts on revolution thus the status-quo will have become stable instead of every minute a new emergency or threat to world peace breaking out. The only thing which can prevent such a finality are the European Union, the United States or the United Nations or any combination attempting to work with any Arab or Islamic entity such as Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey, Arab League or even Jordan, though Jordan has thus far proven to be smart enough to desire to have nothing to do with its formerly occupied area; they know exactly the kettle of spoiled fish the area is capable of becoming at the drop of a hat. The end will result in Israel controlling the entire area or a return to a failed land with nobody believing it to be worth cultivating as it will refuse to give up a yield worth the effort of planting and cultivating.


Beyond the Cusp


August 23, 2015

Two Tons Rocket Parts Headed for Gaza Reconstruction


Palestinian terrorists this week tried to smuggle two tons of rocket-making material into Gaza. Of course they were not exactly labelled honestly; they were labelled as building supplies. They were intercepted by Israeli security, something which due to international pressures Israel has not been able to prevent tons of concrete from entering Gaza. The Europeans guaranteed they would monitor all concrete usage in Gaza. Well, we have some unfortunate news, not so much for Europeans but for Israelis, most of their guaranteed indivertible concrete has somehow ended up lining the walls of the latest rebuilt tunnels. There is no need to take it from me, take the word from the Gaza branch of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade from their newly reconstructed three and a half kilometer, border crossing, infiltration tunnel in the video below. We do not blame the Europeans for not exactly following through on their promises to inspect the usage in Gaza of concrete, we blame the Israeli leadership for believing that when Europeans promise to inspect and assure things crossing into Gaza will meet the intended uses as they had a perfect example of European and world promises when Israeli leaders allowed their promises to monitor the Gaza crossings after Israel disengaged from Gaza. The Europeans promised to monitor the crossings between Gaza and Egypt and they almost lasted a week before permanently retreating to their hotels rooms in Tel Aviv and there were rumors they may have actually glanced in the general direction of the crossings during their afternoon drinks at the coffee and tea café across the street from their hotel. Soon they hatched a brilliant plan about the Gaza-Egypt border and put it in to effect the next day at Ben Gurion International Airport when they flew home and allowed open crossing of terrorists and terror supplies crossing freely. As strange as it might sound, the Gaza-Egypt border is better guarded by the Egyptians under President Sisi, even if it is to keep his own soldiers safe from Gaza terror strikes into the Sinai Peninsula. It is always better to trust things to those who have a reason to assist and not those who simply promise in order to end a temporary discomfort, especially if you are one of the parties to their discomfort.





The provisions in question were the same type of fiberglass as used by Hamas to make the long range rockets Hamas fired into Israel last year during Operation Protective Edge. These were the larger and heavier rockets with more destructive warheads many of which launched from deep within Gaza City and which landed between the Israeli cities of Tel Aviv and Ashdod. It was very likely that this exact variety of rocket which took the life of a four-year-old Israeli boy who did not have sufficient time from the Code Red alarm sounded to make it to a shelter. These rockets also caused damage, serious damage to some structures which were outside of Iron Dome coverage. Granted the coverage of Operation Protective Edge spent most of the time speaking of Gazan deaths and often asking why so few Israelis had died despite the seemingly ineffective rocket fire from Gaza. We will not bore you with the facts that Israel invested billions in research and with assistance from the United States were able to make nine such batteries, which were not as free as many believe as Raytheon was given schematics, software and all other necessities so the United States could incorporate such effective technologies into their systems, a small price. Instead we will simply repeat what Hamas has prided themselves in saying repeatedly and with great pride, and we are proud of their pronouncement about our beliefs as they portray them. Who would have ever thought that we Israelis would be proud of those things Hamas would accuse us. But their words have weight and explain much about the two societies and they have framed and explained the disparity in casualties succinctly. Hamas has often stated, “They worship life and we worship death.” We will not be so presumptuous to speak for Hamas, who may very well speak for the residents of Gaza, but we in Israel do love life, worship might be a bit strong as we worship Hashem and through Hashem we love and possibly worship life.


Where this shipment of rocket body material was intercepted, how many others were missed and will return raining onto Israel and if not intercepted possibly taking another young child’s life, the greatest loss possible. But we will do what is possible to make our children safe and if only our neighbors would learn the preciousness of a child’s life and spend their efforts on peaceably raising their precious children and allow us to raise ours and that would produce peace. The Europeans are always asking what it might take for Israel to make peace with the Arab Palestinians. Well, a good first step might be for those who worship and celebrate death to try life for them and allow us the same and that would produce a lasting peace and all sides would gain and be blessed with peace. Now if the rest of the world would also allow the Jews to live in peace it might be a better place for all.


In the Outremont area of Montreal a Hasidic man was severely beaten after leaving a bank around 7:15 Friday night. According to witnesses the attacker was a white male in his twenties. The witnesses told police that when they exited the bank the attacker was sitting on the bench outside the door holding a water bottle in his hands. They said there was something cold and sinister about the man who gave them an uneasy feeling. They had gotten to the corner when they heard a commotion and turned in time to chase the attacker off. The suspect pouring a liquid all over the victim and ran when the witnesses started towards him and the Hasidic man who was lying on the ground. One witness who preferred to remain anonymous, “It reeked of gasoline. I’m 100 percent sure, there was no car close by, it’s whatever he poured on him that smelled like gasoline.” The victim was bleeding heavily from the side of his head. Reports from the hospital said there were signs the man had been severely choked and had other abrasions. Initial reports said there were no signs that the Hasidic man had been robbed and police say they are waiting for the victim to recover consciousness in order to gather more information on his attacker. The police stated that they had insufficient information to determine if this was a hate crime and the man had been attacked because he was Jewish. We can answer that question for them and from what we read and a general agreement and collation of hunches says that it definitely was a hate crime and the Hasidic man was attacked for being Jewish. But just in case, we will wait for further reports though we doubt it will make the news here half way around the globe.


Then there is a report from London of anti-Semitic vandals desecrated the Jewish memorial in Whitechapel to the memory of Edward VII. The memorial has an inscription reading, “In grateful and loyal memory of Edward VII, Rex et Imperator, erected by subscriptions raised by Jewish inhabitants of East London, 1911.” King Edward VII ruled United Kingdom (UK) from 1901-1910. This was a horrific and startling act of hatred against King, Country and Jews whose dedication and loyalty to the Crown and Country were on display for all to see for time immemorial. The statue was desecrated with a pig and pig parts and blood as can be seen in the image below, a picture well documented on Twitter soon after the crime was reported. Local resident Lauren Justice discovered the defilement and immediately contacted the authorities and then posted images taken of the memorial’s statues, one holding a pig carcass and pig parts and blood strewn over the other statue, to her twitter account. She was quoted commenting on the atrocity, “I just think it is disgusting. It is a memorial. I do not know if they think it is funny or what, but it cannot be allowed to stay up like that. I find it offensive.” The Tower Hamlets Council stated that it was investigating the incident. Anti-Semitic acts have been steadily rising within the United Kingdom with them increasing with their numbers in the first six months rising from two-hundred-twenty-three acts in 2013 to three-hundred-nine in 2014 to four-hundred-seventy-three acts in 2015. The increase from 2013 to 2014 was 38.5% while the increase from 2014 to 2015 was 53.0% which is a definitive ramping with the increase rate of change of over 37.5%, a vigorous rate of climb which is just as frightening as it is sizeable. The rest of Europe has figures increasing in similar rates as in the United Kingdom and are beginning to show trending within the United States, Canada and other places around the world, even in places where the Jews are such a minor percentage of the populations that it makes one wonder where the people in such locations even come by their experiences with Jews that one would expect was necessary for anti-Semitism to even be perceptible, let alone grow. Such is most definitely troubling to say the least, very troubling.



Anti-Semitic Vandals Desecrated the Jewish Memorial in Whitechapel to the Memory of Edward VII, Rex et Imperator. This Memorial was Erected by Jewish Inhabitants of East London in 1911. This was a horrific and startling act of hatred against King, Country and Jews Whose Dedication, Respect and Loyalty to the Crown and Country were on Display for all to see for Time Immemorial. The Memorial Stands in Direct Contrast to the Craven Hatred Displayed with the Smearing of Pig Parts, Blood and a Carcass Strewn in Offense to All Britain and her Peoples.

Anti-Semitic Vandals Desecrated the Jewish Memorial in Whitechapel to the Memory of Edward VII, Rex et Imperator. This Memorial was Erected by Jewish Inhabitants of East London in 1911. This was a horrific and startling act of hatred against King, Country and Jews Whose Dedication, Respect and Loyalty to the Crown and Country were on Display for all to see for Time Immemorial. The Memorial Stands in Direct Contrast to the Craven Hatred Displayed with the Smearing of Pig Parts, Blood and a Carcass Strewn in Offense to All Britain and her Peoples.



Beyond the Cusp


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