Beyond the Cusp

May 15, 2017

Hezballah Threats Growing in Intensity


When threats of Hezballah invading Israel start being the next great idea used by Hassan Nasrallah to rally the troops and spark excitement in the Lebanese Shiite public replacing his usual anti-Christian rhetoric and claims of preparedness to repel and Israeli attack which may be imminent as the Jews nefarious ways can never be predicted, one can only expect the worst. That such news would be reported by, of all places, Yahoo News then either things are a whole lot worse than one thinks or Yahoo was going for broke trying to sell the story. The problem is Nasrallah has been speaking big much more than usual of late and that never bodes well. Part of the reason for his big chest pounding rhetoric could largely be due to things not going as well as hoped for on the Syrian front and Hezballah has been losing more men than they had initially expected when answering the call from Iran to assist Bashir al-Assad hold to power in Syria. Hezballah has lost a number of commanders including Mustafa Badriddine whose death was commemorated this past week in Lebanon. This too could be a further reason for the boastful threats by Nasrallah as he needs to make it sound as if the Syrian debacle has not swerved the terror outfit from fighting their supposed main enemies, Israel. Whenever the troops and/or the people need a little pick-me-up, well, there’s nothing like some anti-Israel threats topped with a little anti-Semitic slurs claiming that the Jews could never match his Hezbollah fighters.


Hassan Nasrallah

Hassan Nasrallah


In Nasrallah’s televised speech he declared, “Israel has been threatening for 10 years to open a front against Hezbollah, but it hasn’t done anything. Israel is afraid of any confrontation.” This is standard grist for the mill and can be found in virtually every Nasrallah speech in some form or another. The interesting declaration, which has been added in the last couple of years, has been the insistence that the next war, whether started by Israel or by Hezballah, will be fought in the Galilee, otherwise called occupied Palestine. They can only use the word Israel in conjunction with words such as annihilation, decimation, elimination or other wonderful threat or another, otherwise it is always occupied Palestine, occupied territory, occupied something or another. Nasrallah’s speeches almost always speak of the massive armaments and fearless Hezballah fighters who are going to fight scared Israelis, again win another war against the accursed Jews or some other fantastical fantasy, if you will permit the double-speak. Somehow redundancies actually seemed apropos when speaking of Nasrallah and his threats which come periodically from the man who seldom leaves his presumed hidden bunker appearing solely by teleconference on a bigger than life television screen even for outside events.


We have often wondered what he is making up for with these super-sized television screens. It couldn’t be some inadequacy such as fear of assassination, which keeps him seriously safe from anyone who might desire to replace him thinking that his actions have betrayed their main purpose and is now sacrificing their people in the service of Iranian and Syrian overlords. There are likely some who feel that Nasrallah has failed in many ways including not taking care of job number one, Israel, and instead is wasting lives and resources fighting in the Syria civil war. Somebody does not appreciate that the Iranians pay the bills and provide the weaponry, especially the advanced rockets and missiles including those, which can reach from Lebanon into Egypt and Saudi Arabia, not to mention all of Israel. That is the problem as well, as the Iranians have provided, over the past five years, somewhere between one-hundred-thousand and two-hundred-thousand rockets and missiles of varying sizes and ranges including Scuds and Chinese knockoffs made in Iran, missiles including the C-701 and C-802 and Yakhont subsonic Chinese anti-ship missiles, as well as Zelzal-1 and 2, Fateh-110, Fajr-3 and 5 Missiles and a myriad of smaller rockets which can rain down on many towns and cities in northern Israel. Making matters slightly more problematic is the fact that Hezballah is aligned, more like subsumed, by the Lebanese Army which provides them with tanks, the T-55, T-62, and T-72 Russian Main Battle Tanks as well as M-1 Abrams United States Main Battle Tank. This also includes Armored Personnel Carriers. Their armaments also include various MANPADS (anti-aircraft man-carried anti-aircraft rockets) SA-7, SA-14, SA-16, SA-18, FIM-92 Stinger, QW-1 Vanguard, Misagh-1 and Misagh-2 which are of Russian, American and Iranian manufacture. They also possess both stationary and self-propelled anti-aircraft weapons. Further Hezballah received SA-8, SA-17, SA-22 and the Sayyad-2 surface to air missile systems. Further weapons include a myriad of anti-tank missiles from wire-guided to fire and forget and everything in between. Hezballah has become the beneficiary of main battle tanks, which they could never have gained on their own but were capable of purchasing them through the Lebanese Military, which claimed they had no connection with Hezballah when making the arrangements with the United States for the Abrams Main Battle Tanks, which was a complete and utter misrepresentation of the truth. We suspect that the Obama Administration was fully aware of the lie but went through with the deal in order to provide Hezballah with this formidable weapon system. Also attained by the Lebanese Army were seventy M-198 Howitzer artillery units, along with twenty-six-million rounds of ammunition. A summary reported by Breitbart tells that, “Lebanon is now the 5th largest recipient in the world of U.S. military foreign assistance. Over $100 million last year, and over $1 billion in the last 8 years.” The list of weaponry provided all but directly to Hezballah by the United States is astounding and frightening making one wonder who was the person behind making such weapons available to the second arm of Hezballah, the Lebanese Military which were known to be one and the same as long as a decade ago when it was first suspected by the administration of George W. Bush though they refused to go public and stay from admitting any direct link.


We can only hope that with a new administration in the White House that shipments of such weaponry to the Lebanese Military, and thus to Hezballah, have come to a close. Still, the damage has been done and cannot be undone. These weapons make the threats by Nasrallah all the more dangerous and the chance of war far more likely, not less. Hezballah has at most a limited number of pilots making them completely dependent upon the Lebanese pilots. The only other break is that the Lebanese Air Force is completely made of helicopters that can be dangerous to fixed wing aircraft no matter the sophistication. The Israeli Defense Forces also have helicopters that include the Apache, very likely one of the most advanced and capable attack helicopters. Still, any war between Hezballah and Israel would include the Lebanese military making it an all-out war between the two nations. Israel has realized this and made it evidently clear through contacts that any attacks by Hezballah would be taken by Israel as a declaration of war by Lebanon and constitute a state of war between the two nations. Israel desires to keep the peace with her neighbors but the threats and boasting by Nasrallah will eventually lead to the rank and file terrorist fighters that make up Hezballah’s fighting force demanding to be permitted their glorious and victorious war with Israel. Nasrallah realized that any war with Israel would devastate all of Lebanon and Hezballah but he does not care. Nasrallah will continue to periodically make his threats despite knowing that some day his big mouth will trigger that hated of results, an infernal war which destroys both nations with one probably incapable of recovering and the other taking a long time but rebuilding and, believe it or not, once rebuilt offering to assist the other as that is the Israeli way, help people, even former enemies. Israel sent tons of relief aid including food, medicines, diesel fuel, electricity, water and other provisions into Gaza during the Gaza War with Hamas even to include a field hospital at one of the crossings because the average Gazan was not the problem and should suffer as little as possible. The same will be true for Lebanon as much as conditions allow, but the conditions are likely to be horrific as Hezballah, like Hamas, use the civilians to protect their military assets. The real problem is not his threats but that one-day he will use such a threat to launch such an attack leading to total carnage, mostly in Lebanon, once their initial assault has been turned back as the rockets and missiles are the real threat, not so much any ground fighting. That day will provide an honest evaluation of the limits to Israeli missile defenses where Iron Dome, David’s Sling and both Arrow 1 and 2 will need to work together and seamlessly if Israel will be successfully defended.


Beyond the Cusp


October 17, 2015

How the Arab Israel Conflict Will Eventually End


Before we start, it is necessary to once again lament the security given to Joseph’s Tomb by the Arab Authorities as once again we find that it was permitted to be desecrated and burned completely down destroying the multiple-thousands of shekels of holy books and other items which adorn the tomb dressing it with the dignity it deserves only for it to face destruction and desecration without even a whimper of complaint by a world devoid of feelings nor capable of compassion for this holy site of Judaism and Christianity. This holy site and the entirety of the holy sites in Judea and Samaria must be returned to their proper caretakers and the only people who would keep such shrines from becoming the blazing inferno pictured below which was Josephs Tomb a night or two ago.



Kever Yoseph or Joseph's Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless

Kever Yoseph or Joseph’s Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless



What is preventing an end being implemented in the Arab Israeli conflict is easy to say; Mahmoud Abbas and his merry band of thieves which includes Saeb Erekat, Muhammad Dahlan, Salam Fayyad, Abed Rabbo, Ahmad Quri’a, Hanan Ashrawi, Hanna Amira, Wasel Abu Yousef and the rest all refuse to end it as then they might actually have to permit what has become known as Islamic adjusted democracy where every voter gets to cast one vote one time and the result was determined a week ago but that has little to matter with reality. The leaders of the Arab Palestinian Authority (PA), Fatah Party, Palestinian Leadership Committee (PLC) and any other presumably elected body might run into a problem far more dangerous than elections which have thus far been avoided for over a decade; they might need to face a future without any Israeli security making life in Judea and Samaria safe from such forces as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Islamic State, or worse, other Islamist force more capable of replacing Abbas and his crew just as Hamas replaced the government in Gaza after the IDF and the rest of Israeli forces and citizens departed, turning the Gaza over to the PA and Mahmoud Abbas in August of 2005. Such threats are sitting along the sidelines appearing all the much like starving vultures waiting for a weakened and doomed meal to finish dying before swooping in and stealing the prize from their still warm corpse. Thus both Abbas and Israel have an advantage by sharing the security arrangements in Judea and Samaria. Abbas gains security of the IDF defending against Hamas and other potential rivals and Israel has on location security and intelligence presence which has proven near remarkable results on the recent stabbing spree by Arabs in Jerusalem and across Israel within the Green Line or at worst within the terror barrier which so many around the world have claimed served no purpose other than harassment. But there are a set of problems which perhaps we should try and fathom their consequences. These include Mahmoud Abbas dying of natural causes, Islamic State crossing the Jordan River and attacking Ramallah or the Security Council using the threat of force to demand that Israel return to within the 1949 Armistice Lines, also called the 1967 lines with one adjustment where Israel remains responsible for all security throughout Jerusalem.


When Mahmoud Abbas, currently age eighty years, dies it will leave a power vacuum which would leave the numerous members of the leadership to each start vying to be the next President for Life. There would be the power struggle while an election date would need to be set and then there would be the arguments as to whether Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood and who knows who else to also place candidates on the ticket. There would be pressures from Europe, European Union, the United States and the United Nations for an open election which could result in Hamas or other groups mentioned winning control of the Parliament and possibly the Presidency or even candidates placed on the ballot who may be members of the Islamic State getting their foot in the door which could only result in serious implications. This would also very potentially be seen as the perfect excuse for the United Nations and the rest of the less than sane leadership of the world who mostly appear completely without knowledge for how the politics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) usually play out demanding that Israel pull out from the “disputed territories” which would be replaced by a multi-national force consisting of European, United States and other United Nations peacekeepers who would monitor the election and take care of security for the state of Palestine as it got on its feet financially and politically. Any situation in which Israel was forced to remove the IDF and the Jewish “settlements” were forced to return within the Green Line thus ending any reason for security and intelligence sharing between the Arab governance in Judea and Samaria with Israel would result in a coup if not a succession of coups and the failed state such would produce becoming the next Syria within months. As soon as the peacekeeping forces became the targets of choice for every Islamist or member of a political group’s military wing whose leaders believed they were the rightful rulers of the Arabs then the Peacekeeping troops would be heading for Amman Jordan to Ben Gurion Airport or Tel Aviv within hours and on their way home on the earliest fight with an opening or on the next chartered flight taking them home. Within weeks of such a disaster there would be seven to twelve Arab and Muslim armies perched on the Judean hills, set to assault the Golan Heights, sitting within five miles of the Lebanon border with Hezballah and their recently gifted older Russian T-55 and T-72 tanks (read our article named “How to Measure the Arab War on Israel and Beyond” for more coverage of this and other developments which we reported on October 6, 2015) and within five miles of the border in Lebanon; while should Egypt decide not to enter the fray then only irregular terrorist groups will be in the Sinai Desert with all ready to take another stab at what was attempted and failed in 1967 and the Six Day War. Simply stated, should at any point Abbas die without having first signified his successor, there will reign chaos making Judea and Samaria prime target for some group to take control of the area and if that should be the Islamic State, then Jordan would be in danger as well. Mahmoud Abbas actually is the moderating force which keeps everything balanced.



 MENA (Middle East & North Africa) Map Using Flag Pins Denoting Every Nation

MENA (Middle East & North Africa) Map Using Flag Pins Denoting Every Nation



There is the potential for the Islamic State to take Ramallah after rolling over Jordan, with King Abdullah II abdicating and moving likely to some place in Europe; the Islamic State would proceed to any crossing of the Jordan River. The reasons for the Islamic State to move to first take Ramallah would be to establish their authority over the PA and seeking out whatever documentation depicting the power structure that Mahmoud Abbas had fabricated in order for the Islamic State to find and question these leaders to determine which ones they might retain and which earned a starring role in the next film released by Islamic State after they secured as much of Judea and Samaria which they were able, replacing the Arab Palestinians where it is determined to be necessary. Once the Islamic State had crossed the Jordan River they would become a direct threat to Israel. That is assuming that King Abdullah II had, instead of abdicating and remained to fight, already requested for IDF and other Israeli assistance. Then Israel would be facing almost dream-like situation being able to fight against the Islamic State well before they would need to engage them after they had crossed the Jordan River and a mere twenty miles from reaching the Mediterranean Sea and cutting Israel in half.



King of Jordan Abdullah II also is a capable helicopter gunship pilot

King of Jordan Abdullah II also is a capable helicopter gunship pilot



The final scenario threatening Israel begins with the Security Council using threat of force, enforcing Israeli retreat to within 1949 Armistice Lines with Israel left responsible with security for Jerusalem. This scenario would simply result in the same ending as if Mahmoud Abbas had died or stepped down as the removal of the IDF and the intelligence sharing would result in a scramble to take the top spot in the election that the Security Council would most definitely call for soon after their arrival. Calling for elections would fracture the current order of the politics as each person thinking they had a chance of finally becoming the one true leader that the entire house of cards would disintegrate. Once this had occurred the elections could not come fast enough as with everybody busy buying votes, there would be little if any attention paid to the crumbling situation as the peacekeepers attempted to keep the peace while Hamas or Islamic Jihad or any other groups which was not permitted to run would band together to remove the United Nations forces and take control by coup. This would result in no government in place with any number of factions all attempting to take control which would soon require some outside force to end the fiasco and place the area under some form of government. Such a task could only be performed by a group with sufficient respect and support by the people in Judea and Samaria or by a group willing to do whatever it takes to reinstall the governance which existed before the world busybodies decided to use their influence to repair an obviously broken system and upset the apple-cart.


In the end the Arab Israeli conflict will eventually come down to a simple power struggle as to who should rule Judea and Samaria, some form of tyrannical terror state or Israel. The end result will become just another failed state experiencing internal power struggles seeking one single leader willing to take command over a fractured political system and reinstitute some forms of ordered structure with themselves as the kleptomaniac in charge of deciding who gets what piece of the pie and how large or small that piece of the pie should they receive. Needless to point out that no matter who might win the day initially, their staying in power will require they find some manner or way to assure their lead position remained unchallenged. With the current power structure broken, there are very few forces which could guarantee such security. Such groups would include but not be limited to Russia, Iran, Islamic State and Israel. The area itself is likely far too small to be a viable state as it does not have the infrastructure nor the natural resources to allow for a stable economy, especially when one considers the security forces required to control an area as splintered and well-armed as Judea and Samaria have become as weapons are constantly being brought into the area to arm the Arab security forces and somehow these weapons appear to melt into the ground every few months and thus require new weapons be provided, and there is no lack of sources more than glad to gain influence by providing those weapons be it Iran, the United States, the European Union or even as ridiculous as it seems, Israel often at the demand of the other sources who have simply become disillusioned and are trying to place the onus for the area on Israel, a situation they will soon afterwards complain is stifling Palestinian society making it ungovernable.


The final taking of responsibility will eventually fall to Israel as she cannot allow the games, the very dangerous games the world will continue to play to go on until the area somehow attains nuclear weapons, a game changer everybody should rightfully fear but too many might be enabling through their actions. So the end of the fighting over Judea and Samaria will eventually fall to Israel and within a couple of generations the terrorism will have died out as the general wealth and wellbeing of the area will have improved sufficiently that the average family has far too much to lose wasting their comforts on revolution thus the status-quo will have become stable instead of every minute a new emergency or threat to world peace breaking out. The only thing which can prevent such a finality are the European Union, the United States or the United Nations or any combination attempting to work with any Arab or Islamic entity such as Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey, Arab League or even Jordan, though Jordan has thus far proven to be smart enough to desire to have nothing to do with its formerly occupied area; they know exactly the kettle of spoiled fish the area is capable of becoming at the drop of a hat. The end will result in Israel controlling the entire area or a return to a failed land with nobody believing it to be worth cultivating as it will refuse to give up a yield worth the effort of planting and cultivating.


Beyond the Cusp


October 6, 2015

How to Measure the Arab War on Israel and Beyond


The easiest summation of intent is vocalized every Friday in the waning hours of the afternoon in Tehran and Qom, Esfahan and Bam, Shiraz and Tabriz, Mashhad and Yazd, Zahedan and Ali-Sadr when after their deep devotion sworn to Allah said in their Mosques they gather together after their prayers and as a community chant “Death to Israel” over and over and over and along with their Death to Israel, no demonstration would be complete without the accompanying “Death to America” chanted right alongside; but that is just something they chant and has no actual intent in their words, none at all as the media has quoted their leaders promising the leaders of the United States they mean them no actual harm, it is just an exercise. Unfortunately there have been no such reassurances given to Prime Minister Netanyahu or any MK in the Knesset, not even MK Tibi or MK Zoabi who one would think they might be somewhat more attuned to as they are both Arabs and anti-Zionists, but no assurances at this end. But Iran is not a problem because President Obama has addressed the possible nuclear weapons program with an inspired deal which will bring results far beyond anything his skeptics claim are the shortcomings. That will be then and I am more concerned with the now, so let the Iran deal sort itself out and allow the United States and the American electorate elect people in the upcoming 2016 election who might actually know about foreign policy and have a cogent and coherent plan and a Congress which will back that vision; until then let us address that now which I am more concerned about.


For those who are my regular readers please bear with me a moment as I review some of the things we’ve discussed this past few weeks and months. There has been a slow and steady ramping of the levels and severity of terror attacks by Arabs that the media refers to as Palestinians in the Judea, Samaria, Benyamin, East Jerusalem, Old City and let us not forget the only violence the media has cared or even bothered to report on, the Temple Mount, though their coverage has been slanted in one of the most ingenious and perverse manner possible making the victims the cause and the violent agitators the unfortunate victims with no choice beyond the route they have taken, something we will try and clarify to some extent but there are more dangerous and vitally important messages which need to be communicated as the mainstream media refuses to report the entire news. The latest development this past week was the declaration made at the United Nations by Mahmoud Abbas the day before the “Palestinian Flag” was added to the national flags raised in the front of the United Nations, the world’s highest legal body, declared that the Palestinian Authority was no longer obliged to follow or be restricted or concerned with the Oslo Accords. He then challenged the world to gift him the independent state he was all but declaring with the boundaries he will never spell out so publically but would lead to a defenseless Israel or a completely replaced Israel with the world signing off. The truth of his denial of being covered or under the obligations of the Oslo Accords may have a number of ramifications that I am hopeful there are those in the world willing to enforce the real situation of Abbas walking away from any obligations and giving up any coverage by abrogating Oslo Accords. As far as the United Nations taking any action, forget about it. The Security Council has more than sufficient veto wielding members which will desire to protect their long history of investing in Yasser Arafat and after him Mahmoud Abbas to permit anything to interfere with their influence and “friend” in the Middle East just to protect Israel, the one and only Jewish State. And as far as the General Assembly is concerned, which has in the past five years censured or condemned Israel with its own votes or the votes of its many tendrils, with the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is beyond all others in these efforts; they have not even considered anything against Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China and Russia combined. Well, so much for the objectivity of the United Nations and its tendrils.


This makes the declaration of the Palestinian Authority into existence no longer valid and the entity of the Fatah Party as nothing more than a fascinating concept used by the Oslo Accords to give the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) a political cloak of respectability and incorporated this entity as the ruling political entity in the forming of the Palestinian Authority. Finally, without the Oslo Accords there is no Palestinian Authority, no Fatah, and the PLO is now also no longer a protected and scrubbed entity and has returned to being nothing beyond what it always was, a terrorist organization, nothing less. Since this declaration of the intent to return to their terrorist past and no longer hiding behind the Oslo Accord cloak of approval there was the murder in cold blood with automatic weapons and handguns peppering the bodies of Eitam Naama Henkin with their four youngest children in the backseat witnessing the entire blood sacrifice by two Arab Palestinians who then fled into a neighboring Arab community with authorities tracking down those responsible. A witness spoke of the father riddled with bullets managing to get out of the car and open the rear door and telling his children to run before collapsing. The children aged four, seven and nine years were taken into another Israelis car and informed them of their youngest four months was still in the vehicle and they retrieved the final child.


Over this weekend there were a number of rock throwing, Molotov cocktails, fireworks fired, shootings, stabbings and other assaults too numerous to count with at least four deaths in the past week and this is just the opening few days of the final intifada which was actually declared and instigated some time back, when exactly cannot be set as it is a ramping of violence until Israel will respond and then there will be the cries of disproportional force by Israel. Well, what exactly was the situation with two young parents with a car full of young children when facing murderers with assault rifles and handguns, the stabbing victims who were unarmed and all the other victims for the past years when facing terrorists unarmed, or facing unruly mobs screaming and even striking, kicking, cursing, spiting and other insults and if they react at all the security on the Temple Mount arrests the Jews as the Jordanian Waqf has jurisdiction over the Temple Mount and they have declared that no Arab can ever commit a crime on the Temple Mount and every Jews setting foot on the Temple Mount is to be considered a criminal just because of their presence. The days after the Eitam Naama Henkin were murdered there was great commotions with dancing, candies handed out, singing and shooting rounds into the air in numerous Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and the Palestinian areas celebrating their brave warriors and their glorious victory in their hard won fight against two unarmed Israelis as even unarmed an Israeli must be that much of a threat that they need to be shot multiple times simply driving home after visiting friends.


It is obvious even to the most casual of observers that Mahmoud Abbas used his address at the General Assembly to openly declare open warfare against Israel. The ensuing week has produced sufficient carnage and escalated violence to prove that a declaration of war was exactly what Abbas intended and is the reality Israel is facing, open warfare. Mahmoud Abbas might believe that now is the best time to attempt to ramp up confrontations with Israel as Europe will probably not be all that attentive as they are facing their own Arab refugee problem with thousands upon thousands of refugees flocking across the face of Europe and attempting to find their golden spot to settle in and enjoy all the benefits that European Socialism has to offer. The one thing which will be in the Arabs favor is that, by all appearances, Prime Minister Netanyahu appears to be overly sensitive when it comes to potentially ending up on the wrong side of President Obama and Israel defending themselves from Arab violence seems to aggravate President Obama. Perhaps Prime Minister Netanyahu should write a song of woe using the words “Rifle shots to the east of us, Rockets to the West and we’re stuck in the middle without you.” I doubt even with a song and a dance Prime Minister Netanyahu could get President Obama to sign on to any act that Israel might choose to utilize to address the heightened violence from the PLO in the east and the increasing rockets being launched from Gaza in the West.


On the other hand, this might be the perfect time for Abbas to declare war on Israel before problems get too heated in Europe as the invasion begins to explode in their faces and they start experiencing the problems which are sure to arise when the refugees realize that Europe will not be providing the panacea of privileges and support long term for them and start expecting the refugees to normalize themselves into the society. This will run afoul once the instigators who have been injected into the ranks intermingled with the refugees and what their numbers are is a complete mystery. Islamic State has announced that they intended to inject some of their own ranks to infiltrate Europe and who knows how many IRGC, Hezballah or other terror entities as this is probably the greatest opportunity as much of Europe has opened their borders or have been less than effective in keeping the refugees out of their borders, well, with a few choice exceptions who are being scolded by those nations with the open borders. It is almost like they are demanding to share the threats and misery which will result from this influx of refugees, especially when it becomes proven beyond any doubt that many of the refugees are not from Syria.


The last theory is that the Arab Palestinians are actually timing their ramping from all across Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and Jerusalem from the east with the PLO terrorists while Hamas and Islamic Jihad are escalating their rocket attacks from the west potentially in concert with directives from Iran so as to present Israel with sufficient problems while the infiltrators injected in with the refugees in order to conduct terrorist activities or even to lay wait for further instructions possibly to instigate down the road should the refugees not adjust or European hospitality not quite live up to expectations, something already occurring at some borders such as Hungary and a few other mostly eastern European nations which were originally behind the Iron Curtain. Should terrorism continue to rise in Israel including the threats be carried out for more intentional firings across the Golan Heights into the norther Galilee once again turning the heights into a shooting gallery and potentially requiring the deployment of Iron Dome units in the north. This is being threatened by the IRGC and Hezballah as a means of internationalizing the Syrian debacle and also as an attempt to force other Arab or Muslim nations to support Bashir al-Assad as he will claim that of all the forces fighting in Syria only he and his allies are attempting to fight the real enemy, Israel. With the recent news that numbers of the older T-55 and T-72 tanks, at the least seventy-five, to Hezballah presumably to fight against the Islamic State but the real target we all know is for use against Israeli armor and infantry. Add to that the latest threats from Islamic Jihad to resume suicide murders using human bombs.



Russian Tank Being Gifted to Hezballah by Syria to be Received Seventy-Five T-55 and T-72 Tanks in the Next Few Weeks by Syria


Whatever happens across the world, which by all appearances has entered some alternate reality where common sense and any proportionality of problems has been skewed, it is targeting Israel, which is no surprise, but also targeting Europe and potentially the United States. As there is an abundance of refugees which will surpass the potential for Europe to have sufficient treasuries, infrastructure, housing, employment or other means of preventing the entirety of the refugees to simply settle down and live off the social safety net, a system which has served as the last ditch funding for those Europeans who have hit the hardest of times, and was not designed to accommodate tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands or even millions (that’s thousands of thousands) influx of destitute refugees. The stretching of European goodwill beyond the breaking point is likely to place Europe into an economic death spiral and sending the excess thousands or even millions to the United States will only exacerbate the problem by targeting another nation with the same social overload crisis. That leaves the question as to what will the Europeans do should the refugees become ungrateful and demand more or threaten violence which can only be pushed back for a brief period because acquiescing will only be seen as a weakness which will entice the rabble-rousers to demand more and more until they cross a line which should have never been approached and the Europeans decide it is time for the refugees to head eastward and find some accommodating Islamic nation to house them or face the wrath of a Europe stung once again leading to a greater conflagration. Once Europe explodes nobody will care what Israel must do and that is why Abbas may have had bad timing but had no choice as well. The immediate future will be reported as the caring and great Christian heart, or socialist dream being realized by all, and in a period of time the reporting will become more edgy eventually leading to reporting violence and a growing inflammation spreading across Europe aimed at the refugees demanding they return to their native lands or else, and never question a European about or else as they invented the Inquisition and specialize in World Wars. Irritating Europe has always ended poorly for all involved and with the current state of weaponry the world may not survive another world at war, honest.


Beyond the Cusp


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