Beyond the Cusp

January 4, 2016

Moral Relativism vs Israeli Clarification


Moral relativism dies a death of a clarifying reality where there truly are absolutes which obliterate the fuzzy thinking which equates all views into some squishy warm fuzzy amalgam which is presumably harmless. In Israel one lives the inequalities between different cultures and political battles over the land and the different peoples, religious beliefs, virtues and the way all of these interact producing a state where reality becomes one’s teacher. This reality comes home every time on waits for a bus or is in any decent sized crowd as your eyes will peer outward scanning the immediate area for vehicles speeding towards the group. Even when one is walking alone there is the need for situational awareness where one knows all that is occurring within an area of relative proximity looking for someone acting at all different, possibly hands in their pockets appearing to be hiding what they are holding, that certain look in one’s eyes reflecting the deadness which accompanies the stark hatred required to murder a complete stranger close up and personal using a screwdriver, kitchen knife, hatchet or other such implement who you may need to watch more closely than usually you might. You listen closely while walking, especially at night, and you get a premonition as you hear somebody walking at a forced pace coming behind you that you spin to face a potential attack and are relieved to see a religious Jew rushing to services or possibly some class. Maybe you are unsure of the identity and purpose of the person walking up behind you so you increase your pace aiming for a place with more people or police or a checkpoint or IDF station just to feel safe again, but even there is one truly safe?


There is this little truth about moral relativism and all too many other of the leftist garbage the media give us in deluges daily admonishing us for our lack of enlightenment if we do not have similar views as expounded in the New York Times and other such paragons of virtue. A reputed example of moral relativism and an acute case of would you just stop making my life difficult was the reputed statement by playwright Tony Kushner who presumably stated that it would have been better if there were no Israel. His reasoning was simply that American Jews don’t want to rock the boat, American Jews don’t want trouble. To all too many American Jews Israel has become that burdensome stone around their necks called Yerushalayim which has become exactly what was described in Zechariah Chapter 12 which was written approximately two-thousand-five-hundred years ago states, and let us quote:


“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.”
“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”


The lengths and stretches made by NGOs in Israel purporting to be Israeli Human Rights enforcers working to improve Israel carry out that task in the most unusual manner. Instead of taking their case before the Israeli courts or working behind the scenes with their information to assist Israel to work to better insure equal rights and fair treatment they immediately take any dirt, manufactured or real, and make a major case over the most trivial of offense often where any offensive act they have gleaned, often formed out of thin air, and throw their accusation before a complicit world media just salivating over every minute morsel of gristle thrown them like feral dogs around a bone and parade their accusations around the world all in the name of justice and also doing a little fund raising.



Jerusalem Backdrop for Quote from Zechariah Chapter 12 Verses 2-3

Jerusalem Backdrop for Quote from
Zechariah Chapter 12 Verses 2-3



These NGOs are more often than not primarily financed exclusively by some European government, the European Union, European and United Nations NGOs or a combination of these sources or with some major portion of funding from the New Israel Fund (NIF) which despite its high sounding name is a lowlife funnel for European and untraceable foreign funds such as from wealthy individuals, such as George Soros who has been proven to be one of the NIF’s major sources of ready funding, all actuated with the actual task of the destruction of Israel by destroying the Israeli Zionist, Nationalist and Religious camps and gaining control for the most extreme leftists who champion complete surrender to every Arab demand in the name of peace and human rights. Trust when we point out that should these European cabals and their puppet NGOs succeed there will be absolutely no NGOs or human rights inquiries seeking to discern what happened to the Israeli Jews and Christians once Israel has been fed to the Arabs as these paragons of virtue will be shocked when they are left to the tender mercies of the Arabs right alongside of the rest of the Israelis facing the same exact fate as none of their current financiers or close knit friends will lift a finger to save them from the same fate they intend to press upon the other Israelis, those which disagree with their desires to destroy Israel in the name of human rights and peace.


If the world instead of concentrating all their evil thoughts, dastardly machinations, colluding conclaves and demonic covens on Israel and would instead look inwards and repair their own houses instead of attempting to find some future which the Jewish State of Israel will have once again passed from the pages of history maybe our world could be a far finer place for us all. Europe has its own problems with the recent flood of immigrants, their death spiral due to lack of sufficient children being born thus being forced to rely on immigration has led to a mix of cultures which had begun to rip the societal fabric at the seams and virtually shredding the entire societal cloth. There is the challenge of what to do to salvage the Euro and its issuing agent, the European Union, from the economic divergence between Germany, the former Warsaw nations and the southern Mediterranean nations such as Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and potentially France in the near future. These nations are so economically desolate that they cannot even grab their fair share of the flood of immigrants from Northern Africa, Syria, Afghanistan and other Arab and Muslim nations with some reaching the gates of Europe from Pakistan which all are heading for Germany or the Scandinavian nations and better benefits. Europe and the United States also have the slow job growth such that large parts of the population have left the work force giving up on any future employment paths. The current rift between the old developed and industrial world having entered the information age one would think they might have noticed the building anger the developing nations are feeling. The truth of their situation of not having any hope of catching the developed world and always going to play a subordinate role mastering technology decades after the Western Nations who share very little of their most advanced systems. Then there is the Arab and Muslim world believing their time has come to spread their religion throughout Europe setting up a stealth insertion of terror forces, both Iran with an assist from Hezballah and the Islamic State with the Saudi Petro-dollars assisting with funding of Sunni Mosques and schools throughout the Western World spreading their Wahhabism form of Islam.



Arab and Muslim World After the Islamization of Europe except for Switzerland and Israel in Red Both Standing Against any Islamic Assault or Tide



Such forces all allied to eradicate the real and guaranteed borders for the nation of Israel because it might upset the Arab world and make energy prices ramp-up is a true and present danger which is fueled by moral relativism Western World style. The problem is the world keeps making the claim of taking the Arab Palestinians to the International Criminal Court or the International Court of Justice but will never actually make such a move as they are aware of the real and defined borders of Israel and that does not favor their claims. The land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea made up Israel after the San Remo Conference and was accepted at the Treaty of Sèvres and still holds to this day under the United Nations Charter Article 80 which places the British Mandate amongst the other Mandates now under United Nations responsibility to carry them to fruition. This was accomplished with the attempt to undercut the guarantee that the lands east of the Jordan River, the 78%, were reserved for what eventually became Jordan and was the home for Arab Palestinians and was formed under conditions which made it free of any Jewish presence while the lands west of the Jordan River were reserved for the Jewish Palestinians on the remaining 22% of the lands and were to be open for any and all peoples desiring to reside there under Jewish rule of the nation though their villages, towns and even cities could claim any governance they desired just as long as all citizens were free to pursue their own religion with full rights in the State of Israel as understood in any national laws were concerned. The attempt by the United Nations to further divide these lands was prevented by the Arab desire to own and control all of the lands and to cleanse all of the lands from any, as they put it, Jewish infestation. The Arabs planned to crush the nascent Jewish State the very day it would no longer be guarded by British troops on the very morning of her first day, May 15, 1948 and lined the border of Israel, and this is important, with the armies of seven nations ready and armed up to destroy the Jewish State which had fewer than one hundred tanks and aircraft combined at the onset of the war. With arms embargos in place by the United States and Europe there was nowhere really for the State of Israel to turn except for the one nation willing to sell her arms outright, and that was Czechoslovakia, a nation who knew and fully understood being sold out as inconsequential by the powers that be as they were by Britain and France at the lead-in of World War II. There were individuals who managed to send arms to Israel through means of smuggling them out of their nations often with a wink and a nod which could have gone the other way and they incarcerated for attempting to break their national policy of remaining neutral and in some cases neutral meant only arming the Arab side. The very first, and some say the greatest, miracle was that Israel defended herself from these invading armies and slowly built a credible military force with a patchwork of units forming the initial Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and prevent the nation’s destruction.



British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel

British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel



It was as the Israelis were Jewish according to the world media, ignoring others such as the precious Arab allies as some Arab villages fought with the Israelis, yet even knowing of this, the world translated Israeli as all Jewish which was not true, together, kept most of the lands from the initial declaration lands as Israel. The world insisted on ceasefires every time the Israeli forces were poised to make progress to defeating the combined Arab armies against her and thus protecting the Arab gains made initially before the Israeli forces could congeal into a reasonable fighting force made up of the different forces with which they had resisted the British attempts to completely disarm the Jews before departing. Had that been accomplished the miracle required would only have been greater in scope, but the fact that Israel survived at all was definitively a miracle. Still, Israel almost lost all of Jerusalem and a do or die attempt was launched in the final hours of the conflict to connect with the Jewish fighters surrounded in Jerusalem and allow for a contiguous State including Jerusalem and succeeded, the final miracle in almost two years of miracles. The lands occupied by Syria, Jordan and Egypt were the Golan Heights without which much of Israeli farmlands would be unworkable due to snipers, Judea and Samaria and Benjamin along with east Jerusalem which included the Temple Mount and the Old City all renamed West Bank by Jordan and the Gaza Strip by Egypt. All of these lands were occupied Israeli lands and were a part of Israel at the onset of hostilities when the morning sun revealed her hills and plains, a land where children can run free. But now these large chunks of what were Israel were occupied by foreign entities and made free of their Jews who owned lands within these areas of occupation. So, the reality is the West Bank is occupied lands; occupied by the Jordanian citizens who were unceremoniously stripped of their Jordanian citizenship granted them when Jordan attempted to make permanent their occupation by annexing the West Bank thus attempting to make permanent their theft of Israeli lands. Where this annexation was only recognized by the British and Pakistanis, today the lands are treated as if they belonged to other than Israelis Arabs who were never Jordanian, despite almost all holding Jordanian citizenship identifications, and the lands were now magically to have belonged to Palestinians Arabs who were the indigenous population going back thousands of years replacing the Jewish claims as these Palestinians who are not Arabs but indigenous have a history dating back to before the Jews claim to have come and there were either never Jews in the lands or Jews came and conquered the lands carrying out ethnic cleansing back three thousand years ago just as they are doing now. The ancient and modern Jews must be extremely incompetent when it comes to ethnic cleansing as there seem to be a constantly growing Arab Palestinian population despite reputed Israeli genocidal efforts. The only ethnic cleansing done in the area the world likes to call the West Bank was performed by the Jordanians in 1948-9 when they forced the Jews from their lands by either expelling them into Israel if they were fortunate, or by simply erasing any record of their existence through honest ethnic cleansing and genocidal tactics.



Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid

Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs
Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands
as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League
and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid



But Moral Relativists must take the side of the downtrodden over any vestige of Western society, which is what Israel has been labeled as despite the fact that more than half of the population came from Asia, Africa or Arab and Muslim lands across all of the Arabian Peninsula, the Middle East and northern Africa. The only Western fact about Israel is that she has honestly achieved becoming a wealthy and free society where all of her citizens are privileged to share the same advantages and rights within the State of Israel. The “Palestinians” who are denied the right to vote, the right to free speech, the basic right to a fair trial, the right to free assembly and are persecuted and denied the rights recognized to have been granted Israelis are not denied these rights by Israel as these are not, by the definition of the world at large, Israeli citizens but are ruled under the auspices of the semi-autonomous Palestinian Authority (PA) under the definitions of the Oslo Accords. It was the Oslo Accords which first gave any legal standing for a Palestinian state to possibly be founded within what is rightfully Israeli lands liberated from Jordanian occupation in the June 1967 Six Day War. With Mahmoud Abbas claiming that the PA is no longer bound by the Oslo Accords is declaring that the PA has been dissolved, which he claims constantly while assuring the Europeans and Americans that the PA still exists as otherwise he might lose the billions of Dollars and Euros they lavish on him and his most favored of Arabs in the hierarchical dictatorship he has formed, claiming what remains of the Fatah Party and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).



Occupied Israel where Syria Occupied the Golan Heights While Egypt Occupied the Gaza Strip and Jordan Occupied Judea and Samaria They Renamed West Bank

Occupied Israel where Syria Occupied the Golan Heights While Egypt Occupied the Gaza Strip and Jordan Occupied Judea and Samaria They Renamed West Bank



Fatah might exist but not as any ruling entity as Fatah was the new PLO cleansed of it terrorist roots and history and without the Oslo Accords there can be no Fatah. There can be only the PLO terrorist entity, which is exactly what we now witness occupying Judea, Samaria and Benyamin areas formerly occupied by Jordan. These lands have been subsumed by Western charitable entities as Palestine which they make the legitimate owners erasing Jordanian occupation. The Mandate defined Jewish lands but Europe has semiofficially recognized Palestine making Israel the occupying power in its own lands by International Law. But the European leftists have defined Palestine as being defined by whatever Mahmoud Abbas claims, which is all of Israel from the River to the Sea. Even Abbas recognizes that Israel is defined as existing in all of the lands and he claims he will conquer the lands with the assistance of world recognition.



Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases

Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases



Israel must be destroyed and the lands given to the Arab Palestinians because all of Western society must be sacrificed if the world is ever going to be truly liberated, well, except for the enclaves, gated pieces of the vestiges of Western civilizational comfort reserved for the Moral Relativists as the rules they impose on others cannot be applied to them. They will have a real wake-up call once they have disbanded the nations of the western infestation and dissolved much of the western armies and they will be in their villas expecting to rule by fiat over the remaining billions of people they liberated and gave the keys of power to in exchange for promises they will be granted their comfortable villas in their established oasis of Western comforts. Their villas will soon be destroyed and them along with them as their ideal world cannot exist as once the Moral Relativists get their promise of the ideal lands with the barbarians now allowed inside the walls because the walls have come tumbling down by their equating all societies as equal and granted all societies equal access to all areas including within the gates and they expect this will work for them. Perhaps they should read, not reread as I doubt many if any of the Moral Relativists ever read the Old Testament and especially the Torah and the following book of Joshua as that would tell them what happens to a walled city such as Jericho when the walls come tumbling down, and a hint, it does not go well for the people who formerly lived behind those walls. But the Moral Relativists tell us they will get it right and their allowing the barbarians to come inside the walls will work this time. They know what went wrong when Rome paid barbarians, the good barbarians to guard the borderlands of the Roman Empire. They understand where China went wrong allowing Barbarians to man the gates along the wall, and we mean The Wall as in Great Wall of China, the most impressive and effective wall ever built until the barbarians were hired to guard the gates.



Great Wall of China Grand Views

Great Wall of China Grand Views



But the Moral Relativists have solved the problem which Rome, China and Jericho all got wrong about walls and gates. They claim by granting the good barbarians the same, equal, possibly superior rights they will adopt civilized ways and act exactly the same as the Westerners act because they will have equal rights. Never mind the barbaric history and the trillions of little steps and the accomplishments along the way which formed western society and thoughts. Little steps such as the Protestant reformations, the Magna Carta limiting the power of a King and giving rights to the other aristocracy, the political theses which culminated in the American Declaration of Independence and the ensuing Civil War because even the American revolution got some things horrifically wrong such as allowing slavery to continue and refusing women equality and the right to vote. But the Moral Relativists tell us just granting the barbarians who know not any of this and many simply blame the Western World for their misery and are just waiting for that opportunity to take their revenge and take all that belongs to them that those Westerners stole, those Moral Relativists included.


All things considered, the western World may decide the Moral Relativists are correct and all societies are created different but who can say what is a better way. We will stick with Torah as the basis for all of western thought and retain our technical savvy world and the advantages of our civil society and the rights and responsibilities that go with this societal model we believe is superior due to the path trodden by the many great minds who gave us these ideals and we will stand on their shoulders and allow the rest of the world to make their own peace. We advise your peace be with Hashem, the One you decided you were too advanced to need anymore, we will continue to worship Hashem and all He gave us through generations of hard work and toil and sacrifice to mold and build and when the rest of the world has taken the learning curve, the path least taken and most difficult, then we will open our gates. We will share advances and other items like ways to increase crop yield and medical and health advances and whatever we can without surrendering our survival. We will heed the past and Torah and will keep to those traits that made and built Western technological greatness while also keeping to the truth in which it is all rooted, Torah, the first place where the duties and restrictions on a King are spelled out in Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9. That and the rest of the wisdom of the Torah and Old Testament, the Jewish Bible, and we will keep our heritage and judge it to be superior for as long as we walk with Hashem. That does not mean we believe we are superior, just that we believe Torah is superior and we are the inferiors who will sustain efforts to improve and become more holy.



Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah

Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and the Jewish civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah



About the sacrifice of animals on an alter, that was the manner of taxation to support the priestly class who had no assigned lands of their own and thus needed to be supported. They also fed the poor and took care of the responsibilities of tending the teachings of Hashem and giving that knowledge to the masses so all were elevated by the teachings of Torah and the greatness of Hashem. And how do we know that Torah and Hashem are the magic combination and the ways of truth? We know that this is so because it is what sustained us through two-thousand-years without a nation of our own and we Jews continue to exist and have returned just as the Torah and Bible said we would and in the same manner as they claimed, the nation of the Jewish People will come back into existence in a single day. Not by war as the war took from us some of those lands, but by the agreement that the world declared the righteousness and legality of our claim and the necessity to honor Hashem even if they knew not they were doing exactly that. So keep your moral Relativism and may it serve you well, though we have our doubts, and we will keep Torah and worship of Hashem and never place men over men without laws to restrict their powers and wealth because otherwise you will serve a class of nonproducers who will claim superiority of the bureaucracy they have formed over you. We will see which is right and which fails its people assured that Hashem still cares for the world and we are those who are sworn to His service and we will respect that debt as Hashem has kept us and for that we are grateful.


Beyond the Cusp


December 17, 2015

United Nations Working Group Plans for Jews and Israel


United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has discovered the source of Arab violence against Jews, and particularly Israeli Jews, was that the Jews made them do it. That’s right, the Jews have forced the Arab Palestinians to attack Jews like wild-men attempting to stab Jews or ram vehicles into bus stops and other places where there are many people, assumed to be Jews, in a close proximity because the Jews won’t give them the lands they demand. Has Ban Ki-Moon bothered to ask any Arab Palestinians other than the Palestinian Authority (PA) master manipulators of lies and half-truths or is this something he dreamed up as it has become the main theory of those who believe they have the answers such as Ban Ki-Moon, President Barack Obama, secretary of State John Kerry, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini or her predecessor the Lady Catherine Ashton or any of any number of European and United Nations Human Rights aficionados? Probably not, as he has stated this inane, malicious, odious, vindictive, anti-Semitic verbal conceptual compost before; and we are being kind. All of the others mentioned share this unoriginal idea that Jews are to be restricted as to where they are permitted to build their house or establish their family residence. There was the ghetto in Rome that to this day is where Jews reside or the Warsaw ghetto where Jews were piled to the point of making the entire area an unhealthy living area with health concerns whenever the density gets so tight that entire families end up residing in a single room sharing an apartment with as many other families as there were rooms with more than one often in the living room making the spread of disease a guaranteed part of existence. When Jordan occupied Judea and Samaria they refused to allow Jews who owned lands, homes, farms and businesses to remain in the lands they captured during their participation in an offensive war which intended to result in the extermination of the Jews but they had to settle for stealing their lands, businesses, homes and anything they could not carry as they were given merely hours to vacate and resettle inside what became the Green Line. Are these Jews now to be denied their own businesses, lands, homes and farms or is the ejection ordered by Jordan now going to be enforced for the Arabs left behind when Judea and Samaria were liberated during the Six Day War and if so where are they to turn to receive some form of reparations for their difficulties and loss of property as both should have equal claiming rights and reparations or neither should receive any form of relief.



Ban Ki-moon pictured at his New York, Turtle Bay, United Nations high podium which must make him feel almost omnipotent instead of as the inept stooge of Mahmoud Abbas Hamas Iran and other terrorists

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
Probably Denouncing Israel Once Again as
His Mouth is Moving and He is Behind the
Sign of the Bane of All that is Holy
the United Nations Emblem of Shame



Of course there will be no compensation for not only the Jews dispossessed of their properties by Jordan after the Arab Initiated War to Annihilate the Jews and Destroy Israel just as there has been and will never even be discussed what is owed the Jews who were dispossessed in multiple Arab and Muslim nations or reparations for the family members of the Jews murdered in Arab Pogroms across the Arab and Muslim worlds. There will always be reparations owed to Arabs by any Jewish state no matter how truncated Israel may end up as after there have been a series of peace accords each one giving the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians another piece of Israel for peace until the next Intifada which will be resolved with another piece accord where another piece of Israel will be awarded these Arabs just as before. But Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon had a lot to say about the Jewish problem. He listed the fact that the Arab violence was “bred from nearly five decades of Israeli occupation.” These odious ideas were voiced at the United Nations conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, on the “Rights of the Palestinian people” and the situation in Jerusalem. That isn’t too slanted a conference, now is it? Of course it is, but we are not supposed to think like that as that is thought crime which the United Nations cannot yet impose corrective confinement and reeducations, but they are working to get such powers as it will be for the good of the people, especially the children as everything worthwhile is sold as being for the children. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon knows that the violence that has been forced from the Arab youth as “the result of fear, humiliation, frustration and mistrust. It has been fed by the wounds of decades of bloody conflict, which will take a long time to heal. Palestinian youth in particular are tired of broken promises and they see no light at the end of the tunnel.” He is so wise and knowledgeable and worldly so we must listen and heed his wonderful words of copping out and taking the easiest way out targeting the civilized society which will not test the armor of his car while it transports him in New York as the Israelis and Jews in general are an understanding people who realize that people such as Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and the rest of the world political elite take the safety of blaming the Jew for the hatred being perpetrated upon them because Europe and all university educated from Ivy League universities and the finest schools in Europe where history is told with a twist as is taught in the department of Middle East politics which has become known benefactors such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates who dictate policy, course material and provides numerous teachers, administrators and highly active students who are often members of some Muslim Brotherhood sponsored youth group. They demand that their version of the world history and political science be taught, after all, they were the ones with the ready cash. Of course their influence at these fine institutions of higher learning extends beyond their teachings; their influence can be seen in school’s with active BDS and Israel apartheid demonstrations just for starters.


Following Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s compromise for the dealing with the demands of the leadership of the Arabs known as Palestinians will run into one singular problem, the Arab leadership has demanded the Israelis pull back to the Green Line in exchange for nothing changing except the Jews have been pushed back. They will then demand some additional lands such that it more closely resembles the deal they refused back in 1948 but chose war instead. Then they will claim there was some prehistory line that they owned and that needs to be liberated before they can be satisfied. Eventually the state of Israel will stretch from Nahariya in the north to Ashkelon in the south and only a single mile strip along the coast and as Jerusalem has been declared a universal city which anybody may visit, which was originally administered for the first three weeks by an United Nations peacekeeping force but due to unforeseen small difficulties the enforcement of equal rights and equal access to Jerusalem has been turned over to the Waqf and the Arab Palestinian government. Should such a series of appeasements be attempted to appease Mahmoud Abbas or Saab Erekat then Israel would be pressed to their coast with the Mediterranean Sea plus access to Jerusalem which at last is safely in the hands of the Muslim Jordanian Waqf which Jews would need petition for permission to enter Jerusalem. What more could go wrong?


Oddly enough things could get worse if Israel were to do as so many believe would end the problem, but would it? The idea is Israel should unilaterally form the two states as it is drawn up by the United Nations but we already know the Arabs would reject such as they have rejected such an offer twice already. There are those few who claim it is not too late to give the Jews the Island of Madagascar, which was an alternative to the Middle East that was actually presented and wisely rejected by the Zionist Congress. Imagine what such would have caused, there would have been a tribe of Arabs living in southwestern Yemen near the Bab al-Mandab Strait which could trace their roots back to Madagascar and Israel would be facing the exact same problem. Actually it would be worse as the Jews have no recognized claims to Madagascar. Our actual homeland is what we have a rightful claim to complete with treaties and validations from three-thousand-years of history, so the Zionist Congress knew what they had set in motion. They just were unaware that the world would treat Israel both as the only place every Jew should be located, willingly or unwillingly, while at the same time demanding that the Jews return to their former countries of residence and resume a normal life as if nothing had happened. Never mind that many of the Jews who attempted exactly the same return were met with hostile reactions by their former neighbors and if they were fortunate they escaped with their lives and becoming true people without a country. If ever the Jewish People were in need of a homeland, the end of World War II was that time. Many a European Jew had no place they could call their own and things were turning from bad to worse for the Jews residing in the Arab and Muslim worlds. If ever the Jews were in need of a blessing, the holy lands were just that, the place where a Jew could relate to the area from the stories they read about and had studied from Torah and other Bible narratives. A Jew could arrive at the shores of this land and know they were coming home, that the dry bones were collecting into a people again with the first signs of sinew holding them into individual persons representing every Jew who came home. This was the second wave and the wave which forever proved that we had matured and grown sufficiently deserving of making the return to Eretz Yisroel, but who knew this truly was their land.


But once again the successes of the Jewish people would cause additional problems. The Jews brought the land to life revealing her abundance which had remained hidden from all others who came during the land’s history. This made for great wealth and opportunities which the surrounding Arabs saw and desired to also reap the benefits of the returning Jews so they flocked to Israel as well after the War of Annihilation, also called Israel’s War for Independence when War for Survival would even have been more apt a name. The Arabs have never been happy for others to be more productive; then they demand their share of the wealth when that is the case. That is the entire idea behind the Jizya, the tax on those who are not Muslim. The problem in Israel is that they cannot apply a Jizya on the Jews, an especially onerous Jizya commensurate with their apparent good fortune which has to be at the expense of Allah’s most wonderful servants, thus the building anger. Further, the fact that Israel is not ruled by Muslims, more specifically Arab Muslims, after the lands had been conquered by Muslims, more specifically Arab Muslims, it must not be permitted to fall under any other rule, it has been Islmisized. Many like to quote the Quran where it recognized the Jewish ties to Eretz Yisroel and made it a deed Muslims were obliged to permit that the Jews reside and rule themselves in their lands. The problem is that was part of the Mecca Quran and was superseded by the verses which simplified things in the Medina verses of the Quran which take precedence over anything contradictory from the Mecca Quran. The Medina Quran simply divided the world into two houses, the House of Islam (Dar al-Islam Arabic: دار الإسلام) and House of War (Dar al-Harab Arabic: دار الحرب) which defined the world as that pacified by Islam and which could never be permitted to be removed from Islamic rule, and the lands yet to be pacified by Islam. Islam sees all the world which is not of Islam as a vile and violent place simply needing the guidance and order of Islam societal structure under the Sharia (Islamic Law which governs all aspects of life down to the individual actions such as how to eat, dress etc.) where the Muslims are supreme and all others are Dhimmi or souls left wanting of Islam who were of a lesser level of human being than a follower of Islam who are blessed with great knowledge and understanding as they have memorized or at least learned much of the Quran, Hadiths and other Islamic writings and thus have been introduced to all knowledge in the cosmos as there is only the Quran and all other writings are insignificant as the Quran holds all knowledge. For a short but helpful explanation of the Mecca and Medina Quranic writings, their difference and the reasons societal and in the like of Muhammad which made them so different may we recommend one of our much earlier articles on the subject titled Which Quran, Mecca or Medina? and hope it and the other links, mostly in the comments section, will be of some help.



Mahmoud Abbas, Saab Erekat and Leaders of the Arab World at Another Abbas Declared Emergency Meeting to Proclaim the Jews Have Been Mean and the Media Has Been Ignoring Them

Mahmoud Abbas, Saab Erekat and Leaders of the Arab World
at Another Abbas Declared Emergency Meeting to Proclaim
the Jews Have Been Mean and the Media Has Been Ignoring Them



The fact that the area of Israel and Jerusalem in particular are so important to prevent the Jews from having their own areas and with self-rule as well is simply an anathema to the followers of Islam as they have already spilled copious amounts of blood fighting to prevent the Christians from taking back the Holy Lands they had hoped that was a done deal after the prolonged Caliphate both before and after the rise of the Ottomans who at least had the decency of being Islamic themselves. For this reason the Muslims insist on retaining these lands. The Muslim nations with assistance from the non-aligned nations (NAM) hold a large majority when voting as a bock throughout the United Nations with the exception of the Security Council and only not there due to the veto wielding power of the five permanent members, Russia, China, France, Britain and the United States. This majority holds in the Human Rights Council, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), the BDS NGOs which are controlled, though many likely are unaware of this, out of Ramallah and the offices of Mahmoud Abbas, Saab Erekat, Yasser Abed Rabbo, Hanan Ashrawi, Khaled Abu Toameh, Mohammed Omer, Nabil Sha’ath, Mohammad Dahlan, Jibril Rajoub, Mohammad Shtayyeh and Salam Fayyad along with who knows who else from the ranks of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization), the Fatah Party, the al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades upper ranks and possibly even Marwan Barghouti from out of his jail cell, or more accurately, his social club and editorial board headquarters with slight restrictions on travel though writing editorials for the New York Times and other leftist news outlets apparently is not too difficult a task. The United Nations and international NGOs are all too often directly or indirectly influenced or even organized and run by the Arabs of the Palestinian Authority and the associated terrorist groups that it boggles the mind. Then there are the left wingnuts who protest Israel and only Israel and are often given generous budgets through the many arms, councils, organizations and study groups and all of this international industry being co-managed between the United Nations and Ramallah. These offices of the PLO, PA and the various United Nations NGOs are so ubiquitous as to drown out any truths which might almost surface before being trampled and maligned in the world media, at conferences, in press releases, in the General Assembly Emergency Meetings, which thus far have convened for the sole purpose of denouncing Israel. The denunciations vary little usually covered by for any one or combination of the following, preventing the successful attaining of peace at talks the Arab PA members walked out of, settlements being built, settlements intended to be built, decisions not to demolish settlements, the existence of settlements (and here we need to define settlements because there are Arab settlements built illegally all over Judea, Samaria, the Galilee and the Negev but the United Nations and their ilk only mean places where Jews are residing), non-judicial executions which are self-defensive use of force resulting in the death of an attacker by any Israeli Jew be they police, IDF or armed citizens (we know how the United Nations feels about armed citizens and especially those who are actually using these weapons for their own or others’ defense) disproportional use of force (this simply translated to actual regular people language means that there are insufficient dead Jews as the United Nations has decided that Israel must be required to have equal or excess casualties as do the Arabs on any confrontation be it war in Gaza or Intifada in Israel). Then there is the Human Rights Commission which has in its bylaws a requirement to denounce Israel for the indignity of that day at the commencement of every session even before the main reason for meeting has been stated, it takes precedence over all other considerations and is done even of the session was called to address the Arab-Israeli conflict which will result in a release of a litany of condemnations of Israel and on the rarest of occasions a rebuke of Mahmoud Abbas or some other PA official but nothing consequential or actually harsh in it tone possibly even apologetic in nature as in we hate to have to do this but here is a slap on the wrist for something Israel would be facing the International Court of Justice. If the PA, Hamas, Iran, President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein, the former Jordanian Ambassador to the United nations and in the line of succession to be the next King of Jordan had their way there exists a better than average chance that Israel would be erased and all Jews placed on a spaceship heading into deep space with no discernible destination other than not Earth. What could possibly go wrong?


Beyond the Cusp


October 28, 2015

World Watching Poised to Pounce Upon Israel Over Violence


This past week who did United States Secretary of State John Kerry decry as responsible for the violence which has been claiming victims across Israel? He blamed the ruthless stabbings, vehicular assaults, rock throwing, firebombing and other violence on the fact that, according to Secretary Kerry, Israeli construction beyond the Green Line in what the world deems to be settlements. There was one miniscule flaw in Secretary Kerry’s reasoning in that Israel has succumbed to the demands from the administration of President Obama and has not constructed even a patio, deck, garage or balcony since March 31, 2009, when Prime Minister Netanyahu was elected and was met upon taking office by an in place building freeze and demands by United States President Obama to continue with the building freeze indefinitely. The presumption made by the United States Secretary of State was the increased population which he assumed had to be solely due to more residences and people moving into the contested areas and it never occurred to him that the growth was due to families growing and children marrying and starting their families and all done within the houses and apartments existing and no new construction despite the inconveniences such restrictions have caused. What many may find surprising just as the State Department of the United States, many of the nations in Europe and the European Union especially the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini as well as the United Nations is that there has been no building allowed outside the Green Line though companies have been permitted to make bids for tenders should such construction ever be resumed and given the go ahead by the Prime Minister’s Office which has stood astride the path to new construction impeding every opportunity.


Secretary Kerry should not have been judged too harshly as United Nations Secretary General also could not pass up an opportunity to lay the blame for the current Third Intifada on Israel equally if not more so than the Arab Palestinians of their governing bodies. The instigations from Arab Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stoking the fires of violence by relying on the same rallying cry used by the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin Al-Husseini claiming that the Jews were desecrating the al-Aqsa Mosque, endangering the structure of the al-Aqsa Mosque with destruction and one semi-original claim of Jews trampling the al-Aqsa Mosque with their “filthy feet” as depicted in the video below. It should be noted by Christians that Mahmoud Abbas also claims that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in addition to the al-Aqsa Mosque belong to the Arabs of the PA which was formed from the political party Fatah which was the political identity formed to take the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) from its roots as an Islamic terrorist organization and launder it clean in order to allow for the Oslo Accords to be received by the world as respectable and free of its Islamic terrorist history and to represent Yasser Arafat as the political leader of a national liberation movement separating his new role from his historic past as the father of airplane hijacking, terrorist extraordinaire and leader of a terrorist groups which had under his direct authority and often direct orders murdered numerous Israelis, Americans and Europeans and with the able assistance and facilitation by his second in command Mahmoud Abbas planned, armed, financed and executed the facilitation of Black September special operations subgroup of the PLO in conducting the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics Games hostage taking and murders of the Israeli Olympic Team in which most of the Israeli Olympic Team including coaches and athletes were murdered. (Pictures below video)






Munich Olympics Israeli Team Massacred

Munich Olympics Israeli Team Massacred



The story seldom changes when it comes to Israel and the Middle East. During the First Intifada which was largely facilitated by one of the early release of terrorists from Israeli jails as a humanitarian gesture. What a humanitarian gesture which cost an undetermined number of lives between the First Intifada, the terrorism which making peace and establishing an Arab state, the twenty-second such state, would alleviate the frustration and thus the Oslo Accords were born. Then came more prisoner releases in order to facilitate peace and to give Yasser Arafat reasons he could present to the Arab Muslim world making his agreement to speak peace with the Israelis more palatable which would bring the peace Israel had been promised was right around the corner if only this sacrifice was made. That led to other facilitating moves demanded from Israel while the terror continued to rise but still Israel was arm-twisted into granting more prisoner releases which led to Yasser Arafat walking from the Paris talks which soon led to the Second Intifada, which was named appropriately the Oslo War, where Israelis were murdered from shootings, stabbings, rock throwing and homicidal suicide bombers numbering well over one-thousand Israelis murdered and many times that injured. The Second Intifada did not come to a close until Israel was forced to assault the entirety of Judea and Samaria in order to quell the continuous violence. It was during this intervention that the Jenin slaughter and destruction of the entire town presumably took place. The truth of this presumed slaughter was such a far cry from what the story told by the media was that it was hard to understand how the media could have gotten the story that wrong. The media could not help but to use the wildest casualty and reports of destruction at the Jenin refugee camps and surrounding areas. Even after the United Nations inspection and research backed virtually every statistic and description of events as stated by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) own report on the confrontations and the resultant damage, destruction and casualty counts, the media preferred to stick with the Palestinian lie of a massacre and that trope has been referred to far too often as proof of Israeli wrongdoing that the Massacre at Jenin Refugee Camp has joined the other Blood Libels against the Jews right next to their threats to harm or destroy the al-Aqsa Mosque. The al-Aqsa Mosque libel is easy to understand its origins, it is exactly how the Arab Palestinians would act towards Jewish holy sites and have in the past thus the Jews must be as bloodthirsty, murderous and destructive to everything which does not compliment Judaism or poses a perceived threat to Judaism, whether real or imagined and it is how Jewish holy sites were treated when half of Jerusalem was under Jordanian control and every Synagogue was desecrated and then destroyed during those seventeen years before June of 1967 when Israel retook all of Jerusalem.


Currently the violence had been initiated by the Arabs, both those from the contested areas and others who hold Israeli identification cards and are considered Israelis. The attacks by Arab citizen of Israel against Jews of Israel are as close as Israel comes to instigating the violence. But again we are hearing that other blood libel and false logic that more of the attackers have been killed than Israelis as if any confrontation is supposed to have equal numbers dead on each side regardless of all other conditions and thus not enough Jews have died. My supposition is that if the numbers were reversed and five times or even fifty times the number of Arabs killed Jews the media would still list every act as if Israel was to blame but the casualty disparity would be shrugged off as just one of those events which happen in war. But since the Jews protecting themselves and the propensity to charge law enforcement or IDF personnel when they have been neutralized as a threat of violence against civilians and then rush with their knife bared to fulfill their bloodlust the world is surprised that they were often shot before they could do any further harm, but this is evil as their desire is only to murder as many Jews as possible until killed, they make this claim boldly and then Israel is blamed for their death wish. This is the reality Israel faces on the world’s stage, the impossibility to satisfy the hatred which has as its roots the origins of the conflict between monotheism and poly-theism and idolatry.


The introduction of a singular Deity, Hashem, turned the priesthood on its head compared to the rest of society where the population was kept under control by their fear of being identified as the one the gods demanded for sacrifice and this empowerment of the priestly class was difficult for them to surrender. Instead they placed greater impositions and tortures upon their societies and blamed all their perversions on the Jews and incited against them. Eventually the pagan threat subsided leading to yet another next challenge which came to be known as replacement theology by which the Jews are cast into perpetual deals with the devil and perverting the truth of the Bible, which explained partially the need to rewrite all of the Old Testament such that it fit the New Testament which was itself supplanted by Islam. Islam has also become a tool in the hands of their clerics who have cherry-picked the verses in the Quran and claimed them superior to the more peaceful and accommodating verses in the Quran. There will be those who will trace the bloodlust being implemented against the Jews is deserved as they had forsaken G0d which is why miseries after miseries were heaped upon the Jews through the millennia. First it was those who were threatened by the introduction of Hashem, a loving and nurturing Deity which meant mankind nothing but progress and a life filled with kindness and culpability for your actions, almost a direct opposite to the world vision of fatalism where your every act was planned and set in motion at the moment of birth and this the original sin which while lain on every man, it was heaped in immeasurable quantities on the Jews.


The worst crime the Jewish People could ever commit to society is for their exile to have an ending date which could be used to have the Jewish People to return to being the apple in Hashem’s eyes and their covenant still valid and the predictions of the early clerics was of a horrifically long period spent wandering the globe belonging only to their Torah and each other. The Jews returning to Eretz Yisroel and making Jerusalem as a whole their capital city is simply too much of prophecy being realized for other religious people to take so instead they attempt to murder the messengers as Hashem is beyond their reach and cannot be harmed by mere mortal man. It is the attempt to drive the Jews back into the Diaspora once again making them helpless and living at the kindnesses of their presumed betters. This explains the fierce anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Israel actions behind much of the world who have grown accustom to blaming the Jew and not receiving any resistance. Well, resistance is here and its name is Israel and you had best get used to their existence as it is the final time such will be required of mankind. The proud and self-sufficient Jews scares any of those whose entire career has been spent promoting or believing the Jew had to be scorned as it was apparent to those so willfully blind that the Jew suffered and had no homeland of their own was a result of their manifested sins effecting their plight in the world. The founding and survival of Israel, especially those acts which appear to be miraculous, of which there have been plenty, as this upsets their entire theories which made their religion ascendant and superseding Judaism as the Jews and thus their religion had been rejected by Hashem. The return to Israel made those assumptions into the lies they have always been, but now the drive is to destroy Israel even if by doing so the rest of the world will be destroyed in the process. Fighting Israel is like fighting against Hashem and will prove completely useless waste of human energy and endeavor. The Jews know there will be no success in undoing a miracle in progress as Hashem has infinite power and total control over the effects in this world just as in the next. Mankind need realized that the Jews cannot be controlled or overthrown as they have returned to their place in the lands of Hashem. But fighting the Jew is the closest many who oppose Israel do so out of their desire to bring Hashem into their definition as to what is right and correct. This is the reality Israel faces and just as these forces and the men powering them are determined to wipe the Chosen of Hashem from their place in Jerusalem and thus by inference have also proven Hashem to be a liar and thus the need for others in the oath to call for Hashem, in Judaism the person themselves can reach a point and converse with Hashem though answers are often difficult in coming and often require mankind take his proper assigned place and be content with such conditions. Lastly, pay attention to removing the tree sized splinter in your eye before attempting to place blame on the Jews just as history has recorded. Some things almost never change, nor does their evil inclination, with their minds enslaved and placing structure which places others, the officials with titles to justify their obstructions, placed between the people and Hashem, simply because where would the churches be without their minions to unleash upon an unjustified victims who are the people themselves, and yet the people have grown comfortable with this as well as the inherent evils. When will the people rebel against these deceivers is unknown to mere mortals, we just keep faith that each and every day brings us closer to that reward but only if we are reaching it for the correct reason.


Beyond the Cusp


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