Beyond the Cusp

October 28, 2015

World Watching Poised to Pounce Upon Israel Over Violence


This past week who did United States Secretary of State John Kerry decry as responsible for the violence which has been claiming victims across Israel? He blamed the ruthless stabbings, vehicular assaults, rock throwing, firebombing and other violence on the fact that, according to Secretary Kerry, Israeli construction beyond the Green Line in what the world deems to be settlements. There was one miniscule flaw in Secretary Kerry’s reasoning in that Israel has succumbed to the demands from the administration of President Obama and has not constructed even a patio, deck, garage or balcony since March 31, 2009, when Prime Minister Netanyahu was elected and was met upon taking office by an in place building freeze and demands by United States President Obama to continue with the building freeze indefinitely. The presumption made by the United States Secretary of State was the increased population which he assumed had to be solely due to more residences and people moving into the contested areas and it never occurred to him that the growth was due to families growing and children marrying and starting their families and all done within the houses and apartments existing and no new construction despite the inconveniences such restrictions have caused. What many may find surprising just as the State Department of the United States, many of the nations in Europe and the European Union especially the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini as well as the United Nations is that there has been no building allowed outside the Green Line though companies have been permitted to make bids for tenders should such construction ever be resumed and given the go ahead by the Prime Minister’s Office which has stood astride the path to new construction impeding every opportunity.


Secretary Kerry should not have been judged too harshly as United Nations Secretary General also could not pass up an opportunity to lay the blame for the current Third Intifada on Israel equally if not more so than the Arab Palestinians of their governing bodies. The instigations from Arab Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stoking the fires of violence by relying on the same rallying cry used by the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin Al-Husseini claiming that the Jews were desecrating the al-Aqsa Mosque, endangering the structure of the al-Aqsa Mosque with destruction and one semi-original claim of Jews trampling the al-Aqsa Mosque with their “filthy feet” as depicted in the video below. It should be noted by Christians that Mahmoud Abbas also claims that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in addition to the al-Aqsa Mosque belong to the Arabs of the PA which was formed from the political party Fatah which was the political identity formed to take the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) from its roots as an Islamic terrorist organization and launder it clean in order to allow for the Oslo Accords to be received by the world as respectable and free of its Islamic terrorist history and to represent Yasser Arafat as the political leader of a national liberation movement separating his new role from his historic past as the father of airplane hijacking, terrorist extraordinaire and leader of a terrorist groups which had under his direct authority and often direct orders murdered numerous Israelis, Americans and Europeans and with the able assistance and facilitation by his second in command Mahmoud Abbas planned, armed, financed and executed the facilitation of Black September special operations subgroup of the PLO in conducting the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics Games hostage taking and murders of the Israeli Olympic Team in which most of the Israeli Olympic Team including coaches and athletes were murdered. (Pictures below video)






Munich Olympics Israeli Team Massacred

Munich Olympics Israeli Team Massacred



The story seldom changes when it comes to Israel and the Middle East. During the First Intifada which was largely facilitated by one of the early release of terrorists from Israeli jails as a humanitarian gesture. What a humanitarian gesture which cost an undetermined number of lives between the First Intifada, the terrorism which making peace and establishing an Arab state, the twenty-second such state, would alleviate the frustration and thus the Oslo Accords were born. Then came more prisoner releases in order to facilitate peace and to give Yasser Arafat reasons he could present to the Arab Muslim world making his agreement to speak peace with the Israelis more palatable which would bring the peace Israel had been promised was right around the corner if only this sacrifice was made. That led to other facilitating moves demanded from Israel while the terror continued to rise but still Israel was arm-twisted into granting more prisoner releases which led to Yasser Arafat walking from the Paris talks which soon led to the Second Intifada, which was named appropriately the Oslo War, where Israelis were murdered from shootings, stabbings, rock throwing and homicidal suicide bombers numbering well over one-thousand Israelis murdered and many times that injured. The Second Intifada did not come to a close until Israel was forced to assault the entirety of Judea and Samaria in order to quell the continuous violence. It was during this intervention that the Jenin slaughter and destruction of the entire town presumably took place. The truth of this presumed slaughter was such a far cry from what the story told by the media was that it was hard to understand how the media could have gotten the story that wrong. The media could not help but to use the wildest casualty and reports of destruction at the Jenin refugee camps and surrounding areas. Even after the United Nations inspection and research backed virtually every statistic and description of events as stated by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) own report on the confrontations and the resultant damage, destruction and casualty counts, the media preferred to stick with the Palestinian lie of a massacre and that trope has been referred to far too often as proof of Israeli wrongdoing that the Massacre at Jenin Refugee Camp has joined the other Blood Libels against the Jews right next to their threats to harm or destroy the al-Aqsa Mosque. The al-Aqsa Mosque libel is easy to understand its origins, it is exactly how the Arab Palestinians would act towards Jewish holy sites and have in the past thus the Jews must be as bloodthirsty, murderous and destructive to everything which does not compliment Judaism or poses a perceived threat to Judaism, whether real or imagined and it is how Jewish holy sites were treated when half of Jerusalem was under Jordanian control and every Synagogue was desecrated and then destroyed during those seventeen years before June of 1967 when Israel retook all of Jerusalem.


Currently the violence had been initiated by the Arabs, both those from the contested areas and others who hold Israeli identification cards and are considered Israelis. The attacks by Arab citizen of Israel against Jews of Israel are as close as Israel comes to instigating the violence. But again we are hearing that other blood libel and false logic that more of the attackers have been killed than Israelis as if any confrontation is supposed to have equal numbers dead on each side regardless of all other conditions and thus not enough Jews have died. My supposition is that if the numbers were reversed and five times or even fifty times the number of Arabs killed Jews the media would still list every act as if Israel was to blame but the casualty disparity would be shrugged off as just one of those events which happen in war. But since the Jews protecting themselves and the propensity to charge law enforcement or IDF personnel when they have been neutralized as a threat of violence against civilians and then rush with their knife bared to fulfill their bloodlust the world is surprised that they were often shot before they could do any further harm, but this is evil as their desire is only to murder as many Jews as possible until killed, they make this claim boldly and then Israel is blamed for their death wish. This is the reality Israel faces on the world’s stage, the impossibility to satisfy the hatred which has as its roots the origins of the conflict between monotheism and poly-theism and idolatry.


The introduction of a singular Deity, Hashem, turned the priesthood on its head compared to the rest of society where the population was kept under control by their fear of being identified as the one the gods demanded for sacrifice and this empowerment of the priestly class was difficult for them to surrender. Instead they placed greater impositions and tortures upon their societies and blamed all their perversions on the Jews and incited against them. Eventually the pagan threat subsided leading to yet another next challenge which came to be known as replacement theology by which the Jews are cast into perpetual deals with the devil and perverting the truth of the Bible, which explained partially the need to rewrite all of the Old Testament such that it fit the New Testament which was itself supplanted by Islam. Islam has also become a tool in the hands of their clerics who have cherry-picked the verses in the Quran and claimed them superior to the more peaceful and accommodating verses in the Quran. There will be those who will trace the bloodlust being implemented against the Jews is deserved as they had forsaken G0d which is why miseries after miseries were heaped upon the Jews through the millennia. First it was those who were threatened by the introduction of Hashem, a loving and nurturing Deity which meant mankind nothing but progress and a life filled with kindness and culpability for your actions, almost a direct opposite to the world vision of fatalism where your every act was planned and set in motion at the moment of birth and this the original sin which while lain on every man, it was heaped in immeasurable quantities on the Jews.


The worst crime the Jewish People could ever commit to society is for their exile to have an ending date which could be used to have the Jewish People to return to being the apple in Hashem’s eyes and their covenant still valid and the predictions of the early clerics was of a horrifically long period spent wandering the globe belonging only to their Torah and each other. The Jews returning to Eretz Yisroel and making Jerusalem as a whole their capital city is simply too much of prophecy being realized for other religious people to take so instead they attempt to murder the messengers as Hashem is beyond their reach and cannot be harmed by mere mortal man. It is the attempt to drive the Jews back into the Diaspora once again making them helpless and living at the kindnesses of their presumed betters. This explains the fierce anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Israel actions behind much of the world who have grown accustom to blaming the Jew and not receiving any resistance. Well, resistance is here and its name is Israel and you had best get used to their existence as it is the final time such will be required of mankind. The proud and self-sufficient Jews scares any of those whose entire career has been spent promoting or believing the Jew had to be scorned as it was apparent to those so willfully blind that the Jew suffered and had no homeland of their own was a result of their manifested sins effecting their plight in the world. The founding and survival of Israel, especially those acts which appear to be miraculous, of which there have been plenty, as this upsets their entire theories which made their religion ascendant and superseding Judaism as the Jews and thus their religion had been rejected by Hashem. The return to Israel made those assumptions into the lies they have always been, but now the drive is to destroy Israel even if by doing so the rest of the world will be destroyed in the process. Fighting Israel is like fighting against Hashem and will prove completely useless waste of human energy and endeavor. The Jews know there will be no success in undoing a miracle in progress as Hashem has infinite power and total control over the effects in this world just as in the next. Mankind need realized that the Jews cannot be controlled or overthrown as they have returned to their place in the lands of Hashem. But fighting the Jew is the closest many who oppose Israel do so out of their desire to bring Hashem into their definition as to what is right and correct. This is the reality Israel faces and just as these forces and the men powering them are determined to wipe the Chosen of Hashem from their place in Jerusalem and thus by inference have also proven Hashem to be a liar and thus the need for others in the oath to call for Hashem, in Judaism the person themselves can reach a point and converse with Hashem though answers are often difficult in coming and often require mankind take his proper assigned place and be content with such conditions. Lastly, pay attention to removing the tree sized splinter in your eye before attempting to place blame on the Jews just as history has recorded. Some things almost never change, nor does their evil inclination, with their minds enslaved and placing structure which places others, the officials with titles to justify their obstructions, placed between the people and Hashem, simply because where would the churches be without their minions to unleash upon an unjustified victims who are the people themselves, and yet the people have grown comfortable with this as well as the inherent evils. When will the people rebel against these deceivers is unknown to mere mortals, we just keep faith that each and every day brings us closer to that reward but only if we are reaching it for the correct reason.


Beyond the Cusp


October 24, 2015

Palestinian Peace Demands Piling Up Already


The first change which will have to occur before any peace negotiations can even be considered is an end to what is being referred to as violence in response to incitement which, according to United States Secretary of State John Kerry, is ever-present emanating from both sides. There is a simple description given by Wesley Pruden in his article Lies, lies and whoppers in the Middle East where he wrote the following;

The knife has become the weapon of choice in the Palestinian war against Israeli civilians, brandished as if it were a holy scimitar of the avenging Allah. The dean of a university in Gaza characterizes this campaign of the short knives as “military operations,” and urges that it be aimed at women and children. “The Jews of Palestine are fair game today, even the women,” the dean, Subhi al-Yazji, a learned doctor of Koranic studies, told an interviewer on Hamas television. “Every single Jew in Palestine is a combatant — even the children, breastfed on hatred for the Palestinian people.”



Arab terrorist posing with his knife promising to threaten and take Jewish lives, and they claim Jews rather than simply Israelis

Arab terrorist posing with his knife promising
to threaten and take Jewish lives, and they
claim Jews rather than simply Israelis



But lest one forget the reason for the current flare-up and heightened violence, the talk of restarting peace negotiations were circulating in the West as a necessary step for progress in establishing any Palestinian State for the Arabs living west of the Jordan River in what were previously lands occupied by Jordan before the Six Day War. Now the demands are for an end to the incitement and the violence such that the world can work towards a lasting peace through resumption of negotiations. One had better get ready for yet more, grander scale, and more violent targeting schools targeting children, synagogues targeting the religious, and places of public gathering such as malls, cinemas, bus terminals and similar places where people congregate in vulnerable masses. The incitement in the Arab Palestinian media, schools, religious institutions, children’s programs, social media, and other venues to increase with emphasis on the rewards of martyrdom resulting in an increase of attacks including possibly suicidal-homicidal-bombings as demanded by Hamas of both their own members in Judea and Samaria as well as challenging the members of Fatah and the PA (Palestinian Authority) both of which are headed by Mahmoud Abbas. All signals evident here in Israel are actually worrisome as this is one of the first times we have heard of demands and expectations from a new source, something many will have to take my word for as there has been such little news coverage that we were able to locate; the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for attacks in Israel on Israeli women and children. These incitements will be completely ignored by much of the world media as translating Arabic is just far too difficult and bothersome to look into Arab incitement. Fortunately, should one desire to avail themselves of such translations then simply spend a weekend reviewing the plethora of translated news and other items including incitements, sermons and lessons plus their textbooks and maps where Palestine replaces all of Israel which is what is taught in their schools and madrassas including those within Israel can be viewed in part available online at CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America), MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute), and PalWatch (Palestinian Media Watch). One afternoon or slow morning spent sampling any of these sites and getting a flavor for things many have never suspected as it has been a closely guarded secret in much of the Western world.


What we really desire to discuss is the first salvo being fired demanding for Israel to meet the Arab demands in order to sit down with the Arab negotiators. This leads only to being insulted and slandered in the discussions and too much of the world media and then be blamed when the Arabs walk out of the negotiations calling Secretary Kerry and all others who actually thought these were honest talks fools and then claiming the Israelis forced the end which all too often is echoed in the Western media as factual. Actually this will have been just a ruse to get more sacrifices from the Israelis and pocketing a promise here and there for the future sources for demands to be made on Israel and forced on Israel with Western help. This initial demand was voiced this week by PA foreign minister Riad al-Malki who demanded when speaking to Kol Yisrael radio, “a return to the status quo that existed since 1778.” He further demanded for Israel to stop collective punishment and withdraw all its troops from “occupied areas.”



Arab Palestinian Authority foreign minister Riad al-Malki who demanded when speaking to Kol Yisrael radio demanded a return to the status quo that existed since 1778 just for starters as there will be more

Arab Palestinian Authority foreign minister Riad al-Malki
who demanded when speaking to Kol Yisrael radio
demanded a return to the status quo that existed since 1778
just for starters as there will be more



This all begs the question of why the PA Foreign Minister would demand a return to a time under Ottoman Rule unless the desire was to demand something completely out of the question such that it could then be claimed that Israelis are not interested in peace as they refuse to meet even the most basic and reasonable preconditions which are simply actual obligations of promises the Israelis made as we understand their positions. This is a blatant lie but as long as nobody bothers to ask exactly which demand is it that Israel promised which you claim they are refusing, then they can continue to claim with vague references that Israel has refused to meet their obligations and until the obligations as we have reported months ago are met there can be no peace. That they are calling for the complete withdrawal of all Israelis from everywhere beyond the Green Line as well as a return to Ottoman Rule of 1778, unless the report was mistaken but even if they got one number wrong, even 1978 or worse, 1878, make little difference as it has nothing to do with the date but with obstructionism by Mahmoud Abbas and his merry band of miscreants.


Perhaps this might be a good time to review the actual demands made ever since Yasser Arafat founded the PLO with the assistance of the KGB training and assistance and Mahmoud Abbas at his side from Moscow to Ramallah. This was in 1964; a full three years before there were any “disputed territories” as the 1967 Six Day War was nowhere to be seen even in the early planning stages. So, what was it that the PLO claimed to desire to liberate to form their Palestinian State? Israel, every last inch of Israel at which point they had claimed they would merge it with Jordan as Jordan was the true Palestinian Arab homelands and all of Israel must be incorporated into Jordan and the Jews removed from the lands. That desire has only altered slightly in that there is no longer any mention of joining with Jordan as to admit such would defeat their entire complaint that the Jews have stolen their lands. Their demands for all of Israel have not changed and is the reason why they cannot allow any agreement to be signed as doing so would defeat their entire raison d’être which is the founding of their Arab supremacist state on the graves of the Israelis and their homelands. The real reason is that they believe that all lands which have ever been part of the Arab or Muslim kingdoms must never be permitted to fall into the hands of the kafir, especially the kafir Jew. This is the basis for why there can never be peace as long as the State of Israel exists. That is the reason behind the insane demands and the reason for the walking out on every peace talks as they close in on an agreement and that is why this conflict can only end when one side has been eliminated or so beaten and driven from the lands that they no longer exist to demand anything. Simply put, in the end there can be only one nation between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. For who do we bet will persevere? Well, as there are already twenty-two Arab nations whose origins exactly match the PA Arabs origins and there is only one Jewish State and should it fail the Jewish religion will almost assuredly all but disappear from the face of the Earth, our bet has been placed on Israel which is amongst the reasons for many Jews to be living here leaving often much comfort and assured easy life and future to fulfill the dream and predictions made over three-thousand-years ago to both Abraham and Moses, and why they performed their miracles and we must now make our own miracles and realize that all things come through Hashem.


Beyond the Cusp


October 23, 2015

Israel Versus the Universe; Almost


When one researches the various campaigns against Israel, violent attacks against Israelis, political assaults on Israel, hearings over offensive acts by Israel, and court filings of wrong-doings by Israel are sufficient in quantity that it certainly feels like it is not just Earth, our solar system, the Milky Way are against Israel but actually as if the entire universe, the entirety of the results from the Big Bang (represented below because we like this picture) lining up against Israel such that almost nothing takes the side of Israel except the One that counts for more than everything else, Hashem who works in mysterious and unknown ways which sometimes can be frustrating for Israel and Israelis. One article is completely beyond our ability to research in under a decade and more than anybody would care to read through on their lunch break or wherever our friends read BTC. So we will look at some of the reactions from around the planet concerning the current Third Intifada and the near constant violence being perpetrated against innocent civilians mostly with the few rare attacks on police, IDF and Border Police. The reactions from around the world have been nothing if not a preposterous exercise in blaming the victims and demands on victims to be more passive in their own defenses. Perhaps some examples from the recent past are in order.



Visualize the Big Bang Represented in the Center and the Galaxies of 13.7 Billion Years Later as the Universe is Today Resplendent in All the Glories of Creation Baruch Hashem

Visualize the Big Bang Represented in the Center
and the Galaxies of 13.7 Billion Years Later
as the Universe is Today Resplendent in All
the Glories of Creation Baruch Hashem



One of the most insidious of attacks has come from a tag team effort with the Arab Palestinian Authority with their facilitators at UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization). It was not enough for UNESCO to recognize a state of Palestine granting it statehood despite being unable to define the boundaries and against the very charter which defines what is necessary for UNESCO to recognize a state, but they did not wish to be left out of the rush last year’s race by NGOs and other organizations to recognize a state of Palestine in whatever borders it eventually will be defined with, what a deal. They honestly recognized an amorphous entity with no defines or permanent border or even to have a singular defined government over both the areas under the PA and the only place which is defined with a border is Gaza ruled by Hamas, so which one did UNESCO recognize? This year the PA was backed by the six Arab members; Algeria, Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates, which initially attempted to include the entirety of the Old City of Jerusalem including so specifically that it was actually stated, the Western Wall and the Kotel Plaza which the PA claimed Israel was working to destroy the wall in order to assault the Temple Mount and destroy the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. At least this demand was turned down by UNESCO with their Director-General Irina Bokova who berated the PA representatives directing them to remove this preposterous claim of the Western Wall and Kotel to be a Muslim Holy Site as absurd. Still, UNESCO did decide in a vote of twenty-six in favor, six voted against, and twenty-five abstentions where United States, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Estonia being the only nations resisting this Islamic assault on Jewish historic and ancient holy sites which predate Islam by not just a mere few centuries but by a thousand years plus, but why should a millennium plus stand in the way of allowing another usurping of other religious holy sites by the usurpers and destroyers of all things holy to other religions and especially those far more ancient than Islam itself. We all remember the Taliban and the desecrations and destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan (pictured below).



Buddhas of Bamiyan before pictured on the left and being destroyed with explosives by Taliban forces on the right

Buddhas of Bamiyan before pictured on the left and
being destroyed with explosives by Taliban forces on the right



This is not the first time around the mulberry bush and making inventive and preposterous claims permitted by UNESCO for the PA as they have made such decisions before. As we see in this video below, where Mahmoud Abbas made the claim that not only was the al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount an Islamic holy site but that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is also an Islamic holy site, and the PA has already made requests with the backing from Jordan to make the Church of the Nativity also as an Islamic holy site under their management and protection. Islam has had a history of conversions of other religious holy sites and making them instead Islamic holy sites with the most famous the defiling of the Hagia Sophia being converted into a Mosque after the fall of Constantinople (pictured below). This will become a standard practice across Europe as churches and especially cathedrals are sold to Islamic groups who will convert them into mosques.





Hagia Sophia Mosque as transformed by Islamic Conquerors was once the Greatest of Cathedrals in the World Until Constantinople fell to Islamic forces

Hagia Sophia Mosque as transformed
by Islamic Conquerors was once the
Greatest of Cathedrals in the World
Until Constantinople fell to Islamic forces



But UNESCO was not the only United Nations sanctioned action taken concerning Israel this past week. Showing great consternation and sympathy for the victims of the violence which has shaken Israel for the past few months and continuing to escalate each week worse than the previous to the point that each day is not measurably worse than the previous day and soon it may be said of each hour as Hamas has called for their operatives and forces in Judea and Samaria and anywhere else there are those who support their struggle against the Jew to strike the Jew and conduct suicidal homicide bombings across all of Israel and into the settlements and Hamas also challenged the forces from Fatah and the PA to also take up this challenge. On a mission to curb the escalating violence, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon made a surprise visit to discuss the situation with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, and also spoke with opposition leader Yitzhak Herzog who echoed much of the message of the Prime Minister, then visited PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and after discussed the situation and possible ways to disarm the situation before it spiraled out of control. Before continuing further on Ban Ki-moon’s surprise visit, allow us to congratulate his denunciation of the PA violence and desecration committed against Joseph’s Tomb last Friday where he commented, This “reprehensible act is yet another example of the escalating violence in the region, threatening to further inflame sensitivities owing to the religious significance of Joseph’s Tomb.”



Ban Ki-moon pictured at his New York, Turtle Bay, United Nations high podium which must make him feel almost omnipotent instead of as the inept stooge of Mahmoud Abbas Hamas Iran and other terrorists

Ban Ki-moon pictured at his New York, Turtle Bay, United Nations
high podium which must make him feel almost omnipotent instead of
as the inept stooge of Mahmoud Abbas Hamas Iran and other terrorists



But when it comes to the third Intifada which has been afflicting Israelis across all of Israel with stabbings, shootings, car attacks running down Jews, rock throwing, firebombing and gang assaults; all the Secretary General could manage was to demand that both sides step back from the abyss and refrain from taking the violence even further and taking the situation beyond the cusp and into a full scale war. His blame was carefully aimed at both sides making sure not to place blame on either side and using the pretense of equal culpability. His warnings will fall on deaf ears on the PA and Fatah side of the equation possibly because the violence has come close to taking on a life of its own and with the slightest further escalation may become something beyond the ability for Chairman Abbas to curtail and bring to an end. Meanwhile, on the Israeli side the only meaning we could take from the demand that Israel and Israelis need to be less vigilant at warding off these attacks on persons and be more understanding and simply allow such attacks to take place without any consequence or resistance or use of force for protection and just take it and thus end the cycle of violence. Having been through any number of Arab conflagrations we have realized that taking such a passive approach will only be taken as a sign of weakness and thus encourage even greater carnage and the only response which has any potential to end the onslaught is the use of overt force, the use of disproportional force as force, overwhelming force is the only thing which will deter further attacks by the PA and their terror proxies. But we do not expect Ban Ki-moon to understand such things despite how he may feel, as he is such a man of peace and experience and so all-knowing. We can only hope his feelings, assuming he has such, will not be bruised by our not heeding his sagely advice.


Finally we get to the pensive one, to United States Secretary of State John F (for nothing) Kerry who also had some bordering on ridiculous advice for Israel and her citizens. Perhaps the best way to describe Secretary Kerry’s sagely advice would be to allow his words to stand on their own merit or lack thereof. Kerry stated, “We continue to urge everybody to exercise restraint and restrain from any kind of self-help in terms of the violence, and Israel has every right in the world to protect its citizens, as it has been, from random acts of violence. But in my conversations with the prime minister, as well as with King Abdullah and the foreign minister of Jordan, they have expressed the desire to try to see this process be able to find a way of making certain that everybody is clear about what is happening with respect to the Temple Mount.” Additionally, Secretary Kerry spoke of desires with these words, “Israel has made it clear to me that they do not intend to and have not changed the status quo, and I think it’s important for me to meet with the prime minister and talk about the road ahead.” But wait, there’s more, “Security and diplomacy go hand in hand. There is not a time for one and then the other; really there is an importance to both. We want to see calm restored and we want to see the violence stop. And I think everybody in Israel and in the region would like to see both of those things happen.” And there were more words of unimaginable wisdom such as “We have to stop the incitement; we have to stop the violence. I believe people want this to de-escalate.” And the fun just does not stop as John Kerry went onward with claims that the conversations he was having would be “very important to settle on the steps that can be taken beyond the condemnation and beyond the rhetoric” and I bet he was implying ending the violence which he claimed both sides for fomenting and escalating and demanding that both sides stop with the incitement and that both sides needed to exercise calm and not allow the actions of the other side drive further violence on either side. We all hope that the United States Secretary of State does not mean as other State Department spokespeople have inferred that the violence needs to be addressed by the Israeli government who needs to break the cycle of violence and take the initiative for ending the violence. This has been the State Department swan song whenever violence breaks out between terrorists and Israeli civilians on the streets and in restaurants and even rabbis at morning prayers being shot and hacked to death and it is always Israel must take the onus for ending the violence. They are demanding that the Jew return to being the passive Jew that they so loved before the founding of Israel and the surprising survival of the tiny land nestled in the midst of a nice little neighborhood where the rest of the world around Israel wishes us dead.



Fogel Family Members Murdered in Terrorist Assault by Two Arab Cousins from Neighboring Village

Fogel Family Members Murdered in Terrorist Assault
by Two Arab Cousins from Neighboring Village



Their message is not even craftily hidden as it is obvious that the State department has one aim whenever Jews are being victimized. They desire a return to when the Jew lived scattered throughout Europe, North Africa, Asia, and the Middle East and were at the mercy of the rulers as they had no homeland of their own. They lived at peace only by the desires and whims of their protectors, protectors who invariably turned on their Jews when the need changed or there was any reason to find the perfect scapegoats. Be it the Spanish Inquisition, the Purification of France, the plague across Europe which did not kill as many Jews due to Jewish laws of cleanliness making them less susceptible, the whims of Caliphs and Imams, the ridding of the British Isles of the Jew scourge, the purifying of Germany of their Catholics when Martin Luther began the Protestant reformation which also called for removing the Jews by whatever means was convenient which did not exclude murdering them, the Czarist Pogroms followed soon thereafter by the Communists pogroms where the Jews were defined as an unwanted blight on the worker’s revolution despite many having been communists themselves who fought and died for the communists during the revolution just as they had died elsewhere no matter how accepted they had thought they were or how safe they had felt. Even one of the leaders, Trotsky, was a Jew and despite his being one of the most high party officials, this only got him an ax in his head when he was assassinated in his hiding place in Mexico plus any number of events of which the most horrid of them all were the wars over the Holy Lands and, in particular, Jerusalem where when the Crusaders swept through they murdered the Muslims and often the Jews for good measure and when the Islamic forces swept through next, they murdered the Christians and often the Jews for good measure. The Jews were never eradicated and often had disappeared as the scenario became well understood; both sides were none too pleased with a Jewish presence. These were the good old days when Jews were weak and without any power and were vulnerable to any change in the way the political winds blew. There have been claims that in order to escape the Spanish Inquisition a Jew stowed away on one of Columbus’s ships and when the time came to send somebody to talk with the natives, this Jewish stowaway was sent as he was considered the most expendable and the rest is history, not the part where the first member of the Columbus crew to step on the new lands was a Jewish stowaway as that has been placed in amongst the other trivial realities which history preferred to rewrite with a more bold and favorable light shining on their heroic figures who often were more prudent than heroic. We will not return to being the timid Jew as that did not serve us well and we do learn from history and we also know our Bible which has told of this return which was revealed to Moses, to Abraham, to Isaiah and has now come full circle and we are home and we will protect our beloved land from every and anyone who dares to attempt to take it from us or us from our lands. The official words from Prime Minister Netanyahu may tell of sharing our land with those who would murder us in our beds as they did the Fogel family, in our vehicles as was Alexander Levlovitz erev Rosh Hashanah, at our workplace as was Netanel Arami whose Arab co-workers cut his safety lines on the construction site they all worked and in the streets as they are currently doing in what has been identified as the Third Intifada and we will continue to protect ourselves be it by preventing further harm when in the midst of an attack to preferable before any harm is done between the drawing of the weapon, the aiming of a careening vehicle into a bus stop, charging a crowded area with a knife or cleaver or any other assault with intent to do harm and murder of any Israeli as we are not Dhimmi and never will we be Dhimmi nor will we ever bow before Allah or Muhammad as we worship Hashem, the G0d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and not the god of Abraham Ishmael and Muhammad who took a wrong turn somewhere between the patriarch and the generations which followed.


Beyond the Cusp


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