Beyond the Cusp

October 24, 2015

Palestinian Peace Demands Piling Up Already


The first change which will have to occur before any peace negotiations can even be considered is an end to what is being referred to as violence in response to incitement which, according to United States Secretary of State John Kerry, is ever-present emanating from both sides. There is a simple description given by Wesley Pruden in his article Lies, lies and whoppers in the Middle East where he wrote the following;

The knife has become the weapon of choice in the Palestinian war against Israeli civilians, brandished as if it were a holy scimitar of the avenging Allah. The dean of a university in Gaza characterizes this campaign of the short knives as “military operations,” and urges that it be aimed at women and children. “The Jews of Palestine are fair game today, even the women,” the dean, Subhi al-Yazji, a learned doctor of Koranic studies, told an interviewer on Hamas television. “Every single Jew in Palestine is a combatant — even the children, breastfed on hatred for the Palestinian people.”



Arab terrorist posing with his knife promising to threaten and take Jewish lives, and they claim Jews rather than simply Israelis

Arab terrorist posing with his knife promising
to threaten and take Jewish lives, and they
claim Jews rather than simply Israelis



But lest one forget the reason for the current flare-up and heightened violence, the talk of restarting peace negotiations were circulating in the West as a necessary step for progress in establishing any Palestinian State for the Arabs living west of the Jordan River in what were previously lands occupied by Jordan before the Six Day War. Now the demands are for an end to the incitement and the violence such that the world can work towards a lasting peace through resumption of negotiations. One had better get ready for yet more, grander scale, and more violent targeting schools targeting children, synagogues targeting the religious, and places of public gathering such as malls, cinemas, bus terminals and similar places where people congregate in vulnerable masses. The incitement in the Arab Palestinian media, schools, religious institutions, children’s programs, social media, and other venues to increase with emphasis on the rewards of martyrdom resulting in an increase of attacks including possibly suicidal-homicidal-bombings as demanded by Hamas of both their own members in Judea and Samaria as well as challenging the members of Fatah and the PA (Palestinian Authority) both of which are headed by Mahmoud Abbas. All signals evident here in Israel are actually worrisome as this is one of the first times we have heard of demands and expectations from a new source, something many will have to take my word for as there has been such little news coverage that we were able to locate; the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for attacks in Israel on Israeli women and children. These incitements will be completely ignored by much of the world media as translating Arabic is just far too difficult and bothersome to look into Arab incitement. Fortunately, should one desire to avail themselves of such translations then simply spend a weekend reviewing the plethora of translated news and other items including incitements, sermons and lessons plus their textbooks and maps where Palestine replaces all of Israel which is what is taught in their schools and madrassas including those within Israel can be viewed in part available online at CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America), MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute), and PalWatch (Palestinian Media Watch). One afternoon or slow morning spent sampling any of these sites and getting a flavor for things many have never suspected as it has been a closely guarded secret in much of the Western world.


What we really desire to discuss is the first salvo being fired demanding for Israel to meet the Arab demands in order to sit down with the Arab negotiators. This leads only to being insulted and slandered in the discussions and too much of the world media and then be blamed when the Arabs walk out of the negotiations calling Secretary Kerry and all others who actually thought these were honest talks fools and then claiming the Israelis forced the end which all too often is echoed in the Western media as factual. Actually this will have been just a ruse to get more sacrifices from the Israelis and pocketing a promise here and there for the future sources for demands to be made on Israel and forced on Israel with Western help. This initial demand was voiced this week by PA foreign minister Riad al-Malki who demanded when speaking to Kol Yisrael radio, “a return to the status quo that existed since 1778.” He further demanded for Israel to stop collective punishment and withdraw all its troops from “occupied areas.”



Arab Palestinian Authority foreign minister Riad al-Malki who demanded when speaking to Kol Yisrael radio demanded a return to the status quo that existed since 1778 just for starters as there will be more

Arab Palestinian Authority foreign minister Riad al-Malki
who demanded when speaking to Kol Yisrael radio
demanded a return to the status quo that existed since 1778
just for starters as there will be more



This all begs the question of why the PA Foreign Minister would demand a return to a time under Ottoman Rule unless the desire was to demand something completely out of the question such that it could then be claimed that Israelis are not interested in peace as they refuse to meet even the most basic and reasonable preconditions which are simply actual obligations of promises the Israelis made as we understand their positions. This is a blatant lie but as long as nobody bothers to ask exactly which demand is it that Israel promised which you claim they are refusing, then they can continue to claim with vague references that Israel has refused to meet their obligations and until the obligations as we have reported months ago are met there can be no peace. That they are calling for the complete withdrawal of all Israelis from everywhere beyond the Green Line as well as a return to Ottoman Rule of 1778, unless the report was mistaken but even if they got one number wrong, even 1978 or worse, 1878, make little difference as it has nothing to do with the date but with obstructionism by Mahmoud Abbas and his merry band of miscreants.


Perhaps this might be a good time to review the actual demands made ever since Yasser Arafat founded the PLO with the assistance of the KGB training and assistance and Mahmoud Abbas at his side from Moscow to Ramallah. This was in 1964; a full three years before there were any “disputed territories” as the 1967 Six Day War was nowhere to be seen even in the early planning stages. So, what was it that the PLO claimed to desire to liberate to form their Palestinian State? Israel, every last inch of Israel at which point they had claimed they would merge it with Jordan as Jordan was the true Palestinian Arab homelands and all of Israel must be incorporated into Jordan and the Jews removed from the lands. That desire has only altered slightly in that there is no longer any mention of joining with Jordan as to admit such would defeat their entire complaint that the Jews have stolen their lands. Their demands for all of Israel have not changed and is the reason why they cannot allow any agreement to be signed as doing so would defeat their entire raison d’être which is the founding of their Arab supremacist state on the graves of the Israelis and their homelands. The real reason is that they believe that all lands which have ever been part of the Arab or Muslim kingdoms must never be permitted to fall into the hands of the kafir, especially the kafir Jew. This is the basis for why there can never be peace as long as the State of Israel exists. That is the reason behind the insane demands and the reason for the walking out on every peace talks as they close in on an agreement and that is why this conflict can only end when one side has been eliminated or so beaten and driven from the lands that they no longer exist to demand anything. Simply put, in the end there can be only one nation between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. For who do we bet will persevere? Well, as there are already twenty-two Arab nations whose origins exactly match the PA Arabs origins and there is only one Jewish State and should it fail the Jewish religion will almost assuredly all but disappear from the face of the Earth, our bet has been placed on Israel which is amongst the reasons for many Jews to be living here leaving often much comfort and assured easy life and future to fulfill the dream and predictions made over three-thousand-years ago to both Abraham and Moses, and why they performed their miracles and we must now make our own miracles and realize that all things come through Hashem.


Beyond the Cusp


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