Beyond the Cusp

November 8, 2015

The Insanity Driving American Palestinian Policy


Secretary of State Kerry gave a blatantly erroneous, magnificently ignorant, critical targeting of a phantom problem and deliberately dishonest assessment of the driving motivation behind the current Arab violence against Israelis by stating publically placing the administrations bias plainly within the view of the media and those desirous of demonizing Israel at any cost when he claimed the Arabs were driven to violent distraction by the continued increase in Israeli building beyond the Green Line in the so-called settlements. Secretary of State Kerry was either deliberately fabricating out of the thin air the accusation that Israel has even permitted the construction of a deck or a porch, let alone any additional homes, apartments or other construction in the areas beyond the Green Line as Prime Minister Netanyahu has enforced meticulously the desired building freeze which President Obama demanded after his reelection as the necessary Israeli contribution if there were to be any hopes for reaching an eventual peace drawing onto the map of the Middle East a second state for Arabs to reside alongside Israel sharing in peace between the two people and mutually enforced security for both states between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea. This has been the chimerical summation which has been presented by the Obama administration despite their having full knowledge that such building had been terminated as demanded and Mahmoud Abbas refused to even meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu back in the first year of Obama’s Presidency and all construction has been suspended since President Obama’s reelection starting with his 2009 inauguration.


Meanwhile, the entire brain-trust employed by President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry and the rest of the advisors have all apparently neglected a few not so insignificant facts about Mahmoud Abbas actions, intents, recent statements and also his multifaceted program of incitement to violence and rewarding that selfsame violence. Mahmoud Abbas over the past twelve months has announced the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority and the establishment of Palestine claiming that he would be its titular head of state, made an alliance which merged Hamas with the PLO and thus his construct of Palestine, declared Jerusalem as the Capital City solely of his constructed state denying it as the Israeli Capital City and theoretically annexing all of west Jerusalem, declared the Oslo Accords dead and removing his constructs, all of them, from its limitations and its requirements on the Arab entities, worked with numerous European governments to establish Arab homes and communities in Area C which was reserved for Israel and forbidden to Arab construction, and began the Third Intifada which has also been called the Stabbing Intifada with an all-out campaign of incitement using all forms of media including but not limited to Facebook, multiple social media formats, radio, television, financial rewards, recent increase in honoring terrorists from the prior Intifadas, school lessons of incitement, releasing popular songs such as “Stab, Stab,” “Stab the Zionist and say God is great,” “Let the knives stab your enemy,” “Say hello to being a martyr,” and “Run Over, Run Over the Settler,” examples as depicted in the videos below.









But why allow some insignificant item such as the truth and reality impinge on your preconceived notions that the real problem comes from the overcrowding within many family homes and apartments in the Jewish cities and towns where as their children have married and had children since January 2009 when President Obama was reelected and sworn into office and the Israeli government of Prime Minister Netanyahu agreed to freeze all building beyond the Green Line causing this ever increasing overcrowding in many family homes as they are making do with empty promises that eventually the tenders which have been bid upon but frozen at that point so as to keep Netanyahu’s promise to Obama and Kerry yet they tend to scream foul every time bids for tenders are collected and a contract rewarded for if and when the building freeze is ever lifted. The building by Israel are the least damaging threat to peace and the formation of a permanent peace and that is where we need to address the reality and from that derive an honest and straightforward assessment of the entire situation from all aspects and not just seeking to support a decided view which condemns and vilifies Israel and through that the Jews in general. The murderous violence perpetrated by the Arabs, both Israeli citizens and members of terror groups Fatah, al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Hamas and rumored to include Islamic State sent individuals to join in murdering Israelis with the hope of killing Jews. Below is a picture of the investigation and cleansing of the scene where an Israeli soldier and three others in Tel Aviv on October 8, 2015. Another difference between the Arabs treating of a place where one has been injured and the treatment by Israel in similar instances is the Arabs loiter and make a point to bring every reporter, camera and media to cover the situation for maximum coverage in Europe and the rest of the Western World while in Israel the family and victims are respected and the site investigated and then immediately cleansed as seen in picture below.



Israeli soldier and three others in Tel Aviv on October 8 2015


Since the introduction of the Oslo Accords in September of 1993 there has been one overriding occurrence which has been ignored by the United Nations, the European Union, and a host of leaders in Europe, the United States, the developed world and met with various shades of glee by the Arab and Muslim worlds. Every time when any leader of the United Nations, United States, the Quartet or the European Union and her member states decided to push for peace talks the program was sickenly the same story, Israel, Israel, Israel and Israel was forced to make dangerous concessions time after time while the Arabs were either given a free ride or were required to act nice. When the talks are resumed the Arab leaders starting with Yasser Arafat (master terrorist and inventor of plane hijacking, homicidal suicide bombers and numerous other forms of terror) and later taken to the present day by Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas simply attended the negotiations in a simple means to try and force the maximalist positions they could extract from the Israeli side before making a large disturbance denouncing any claims and statements that they had made even a single promise while assuring that the mediators were sure to record every compromise which were even discussed for Israel to make. This was the modus-operandi for every negotiation which was conducted until Israel had been backed to her last stand without compromising away vital requirements. Israel was convinced to make what proved to be her absolute greatest sacrifice by President George W. Bush, who was regarded as being Israel’s greatest friend to ever sit in the White House, all of Gaza and removing eight-thousand Israeli citizens as well as exhuming every Jewish grave for reinterring within Israel while also attempting to assist the transplanted Israelis after they lost their homes and often their businesses and everything they had owned suddenly in August, 2005. Even now there are those Israeli citizens turned refugees have yet to be repatriated and made whole and productive and some may never recover. The surrendered lands of Gaza were lost soon thereafter negating any promises made by the administration of George W. Bush and especially Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as Hamas took over Gaza after a few days of fighting as Abbas’s forces just had no fight within folding over June 10–15, 2007. All told, the Oslo Accords have cost Israel thousands upon thousands of lives lost and hundreds times that in lives ruined or inalterably torn asunder.


The reality as to why there has been no compromise reached has been due to the Arab leadership and their more fanatical Islamists demanding the complete eradication of the Jewish State of Israel. Abbas has stated that he desires his state of Palestine and the return of five-million Arabs into Israel making the Jews a minority placed into Dhimmitude all but enslaved to their Islamic “betters” and relegated to some hellish existence knowing that at any moment and the whim of any of their keepers they would be given the choice of conversion or death. This is the truth of the situation as the Israelis, and especially the Jews and all the people who are of non-Islamic religions also forced into the same fate. Eventually the Muslims who are of any sect other than the majority sect would also be forced into the same predicament. For some reason such a deal does not appeal to the Israeli Jews and many other minorities even including Muslims from other than the Sunni belief structures such as mainly Shiites. With the Oslo Accords now trashed by Abbas’s Fatah and Hamas united such that they are both now simply another group waiting for the correct time and situations to join the Islamic State, something not all that removed from Hamas in attitude and desires when facing the greater world. The reality in the Middle East and across North Africa (MENA) is that unless the Islamic State is defanged and made to appear powerless and ineffective against any other power, especially a non-Muslim power, they will continue to grow and eventually take over every last terror groups and Islamist Sharia State leaving only the Wahabbists of Saudi Arabia, the Shia of Iran and Israel left to oppose this self-anointed Caliphate which will have spread across the near and far reaches of MENA. Should the declarations of being the next Caliphate not be opposed by the free world while these forces of the Islamic State are simply a relatively small area when compared to their goals, then they will eventually grow and take command of the oil fields of Saudi, Kuwaiti, and other GCC oilfields and potentially also the oilfields of Iran followed by the Iranian nuclear weapons production sites and their scientists and knowledge. This would be catastrophic and by forcing Israel into weakness the world is simply tempting just such a fate. Israel as the Jewish State is the lynchpin which keeps a control over the forces of MENA breaking out full strength into Europe as Israel would pose a very credible military force posing too great a threat to permit to remain as a threat against the rear and hindering supply-lines. This is the crucial role played by Israel which both the United States and Europe appear willing to play without going forward. The lack of recognizing the crucial role Israel plays is why President Obama had been so cavalier regarding Israel willing to sacrifice Israel today. Islam is preparing to pose a threat directly into the heart of Europe and an anti-Semitic disease once again infecting many in Europe on a scale not witnessed since the beginning of World War II. This has been why many rumors have been floating about the Internet with claims of knowledge as to the sides being drawn bringing forth claims of the immediate start to World War III. Israel has been informed how each President had supported her more than all the previous administrations which have unfortunately proven to be false. Let us hope that Israel can survive the remainder of President Obama, his time in office and the mischief he could still be the cause.


Beyond the Cusp


November 3, 2015

And Abbas Finally Speaks the Truth About Israel


While speaking to a special session of the Human Rights Council this past week, Wednesday, in Geneva, while Abbas requested the United Nations, the Security Council in particular as only they can provide what he is demanding of late, that the Human Rights Council demand and fully back his demand for international forces be sent to protect any Arabs, Palestinian or Israeli, from being prevented by police, Border Patrols, Israeli Defense Forces or Israeli citizens interfering in any way their attempts to murder freely Israeli citizens. Understand that these attacks may be targeting Jews but there is a statistical chance of one in four that the target attacked will be other than Jewish and a twenty percent chance of their target being a fellow Arab. Abbas’s speech had a number of goodies which we will post outtake pictures of the selected frames for ease of reading and include the entire video at the bottom for the less patient who are also fast readers, though one need not be too fast a reader I have been told.



Abbas Speech in Geneva October 28 2015 to Human Rights Council Demanding Peacekeeping Forces to Guard Terrorists Stabbing Israelis

Abbas Speech in Geneva October 28 2015 to Human Rights Council
Demanding Peacekeeping Forces to Guard Terrorists Stabbing Israelis



What is it that makes Abbas so irresistible that whenever and to whomever he desires to speak to, most especially United Nations, attached NGOs, and other Agencies instantly upon an Abbas request for special sessions are instantly coordinated? The next thing required to interpret Abbas’s brief brush with the truth is to do some rudimentary mathematics, a simple case of subtractions before delving into a little history.



Abbas United Nations Math which takes year 2015 subtract his desired 67 years erasing history to 1948 before Israel founded

This has been the never to be stated aim of the entire terror war from even before 1948 which was the year in which Israel was founded on May 15th, from even before the riots instigated and called for by the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin Al Hussein who made calls for the riots on Arab radio stations declaring that the Jews were desecrating the al-Aqsa Mosque and were also preparing to destroy the al-Aqsa Mosque despite there being no evidence or potential truth to his claims. These broadcasts called for pogroms against the Jews of Jerusalem and Hevron as well as numerous places where the violence was somewhat muted but all in all the acts of rioting close to one-hundred-fifty Jews were murdered. In the main areas where any intervention might have ended the violence the British policemen did not open fire fearing that if they had shot into the Arab crowd, the mob would have turned their anger on the police. There will be those who may claim this source is tainted due to its presumed slant but we can attest that we have heard that it may have been a single shot from a British Officer which scattered the Arab rioters which was fired due to some of the Arab rioters coming uncomfortably close to the British section of troops who stood and simply witnessed the pogrom without any concern. The source Think-Israel tells a slightly different story themselves quoting with regard to Mr. Cafferata, both the Memorial Book and the testimony of the survivors record, with damning unanimity, that Mr. Cafferata did nothing for two hours. The Memorial book records: “From our knowledge, we say with certainty that it would have sufficed to issue a warning, or to fire some shots into the air, and the crowd would have scattered. It was only after there had been sufficient butchery, plunder and rape, and the pogromists were about to attack an English officer, that some shots were fired, and the mob dispersed at once.”


The 1929 rioting had been preceded by rioting in Jaffa in 1921 and on and off rioting and assaults since the first Jewish settlers arrived in Palestine in 1882 from Russia and which were also followed by further rioting incited in much the same manner in 1933, as well as consistently from 1936 through 1939 across the different places in what would eventually become Israel for one evening before the assault on Israel the next morning by seven Arab armies crossing the borders with Lebanon in the north, Syria the Golan Heights in the northeast, Egypt in the South, and Saudi Arabia and Yemen from the southeast and Iraq and Jordan from the east. Just in case anybody ever doubted what the actual real borders of Israel were as when she declared her independence, allow me to repeat without naming the armies which poured over them in the hopes of enjoying what was to be an easy genocidal murder of every last Jews but somebody forgot to tell the Israelis, they were Lebanon in the north, the center line of the Golan Heights in the northeast, the Jordan River to the east and a line extending from the Dead Sea to the Red Sea as if the Jordan River had continued that far as it most likely did a long time ago and the Negev Sinai border in the South with the Mediterranean Sea to the West. This means that Israel originally included the presumed ‘occupied lands’ referred to as Gaza and West Bank.


Well, as promised, the video itself for your viewing pleasure followed by some concluding remarks.





There are a fair number of people around this world of ours who are willing to grab ahold of any claim against Israel and run it into the ground and hopefully doing the same to Israel. Their blood lust to have Israel torn asunder, destroyed and further not all that likely to lose a moment’s sleep if every Jews were slaughtered in the process of Israel’s destruction. They will claim they have nothing against the Jews, only with Israeli policies and decisions and the violence they use to enforce their laws and protect the life of all Israelis, including the twenty percent who are Arabs and the other five percent who range from Bahá’í Faith to Hindus and from Buddhists to Shinto, from Christians to Mennonites and Jews to Zoroastrians and lastly also Muslims (all of which are growing populations in Israel and often Israel is the sole nation with growing populations as the rest of the nations in MENA have dwindling populations of all but for Islam for various reasons as they are all growing and enjoying the freedom of religion in Israel). These same people appear not to have anywhere near the same level of concern and critical spite for Syria, Islamic State, Libya, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan Nigeria, Cameroon, Ukraine, Myanmar, Mexico and numerous other places in the world; they just hold a special animus against Israel, the sole nation of the Jews. Many of these haters of Israel will claim they are not anti-Semites but merely anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Settlers who just happen to be Jews yet if asked if they would be willing and openly accepting to have a couple of million Jews emigrate to their country and they will suggest that perhaps a smaller amount, the percentage equal to their population against the rest of the world, crowding, you know, there is such limited space here and other reasons. Some might even use that all time favorite that the Jews would not be happy here and they would rather go elsewhere. There are claims that the Jews need to return to Germany, Russia, Poland and the other European nations and the United States, you know, where they came from, but that ignores close to half the Jewish population. The Jews who came to Israel when they were expelled, chased, nudged or elbowed out of their homes and businesses often permitted one or two suitcases per family or person depending on the nation and had their bags checked and any jewelry, monies or other items determined valuable like art or coin collections, were removed and not permitted to leave the country across MENA (Middle East and North Africa) most of which ended in Israel, all over eight-hundred-thousand plus of them over the decade that followed 1948 and they now make up close to half of Israel’s Jewish population. What are the chances that these Arab nations would accept them back and not simply exterminate them upon arrival and quite likely with the aircraft they arrived in? There is nowhere for the six and a half million Jews of Israel to go and there are about to be an entirely new influx of Jews from the Ukraine, Europe, and soon even the United States, Australia and the remainder of the Anglosphere. Israel with her original eastern border of the Jordan River straight down to the Red Sea as was promised by the British and that agreement signed onto by almost all of the Western World and even Japan and King Faisal. How much more is required to permit the Jews to have their nation returned, and not even the entirety of their ancestral home which crossed to over both sides of the Jordan once reached to the Litani River, and reached Euphrates River after the conquests of King David and the rule and management of King Solomon as depicted in the left most image below.



Left side map depicts the division of the Promised Land amongst the tribes and right side map compares the modern promised land from the Jordan west to the Mediterranean Sea compared to the maximum of area during King David’s and King Solomon’s reigns.



The right hand picture above depicted the aboriginal boundaries of the Jewish State which reached the Litani River to the North, straddled both sides of the majority of the Jordan River basin and surrounding lands and continued south crossing beyond today’s border into what today is referred to as the Sinai Peninsula. Considering the above pictures which defines the different states of existence of the Jewish State in its aboriginal state and the lands according to some decisions on aboriginal peoples and their rights to their former lands would allow for an enlargement of the boundaries Israel would be happy to see returned such that Israel return to her original lands the moment before the Arab war of annihilation which Israel survived but as she lost bordering on one-third of her land mass she cannot be claimed to have won, just merely survived.


Beyond the Cusp


November 1, 2015

The Family that is Israel

Filed under: Allah,Bayit Yehudi Party,Bible,Bible Study,Cave of the Patriarchs,Chosen People,Civilization,Commandments,Covenant,Defend Israel,Elections,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,First Temple,Galilee,Gaza,Golan Heights,Government,Halacha,Hamas,Hatikvah,History,Holocaust,Holy Sites,IAF,IDF,Iran,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jordan River,Joseph’s Tomb,Judaism,Judea,Judeo-Christian,Kever Yosef,King David,King Solomon,Knesset,Koran,Kotel,Light unto the Nations,Machpelah,Meaning of Peace,Mediterranean Sea,Moses,Nationalist Pressures,Old Testament,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Party Platform,Peace Process,Peacekeepers,Politicized Findings,Politics,Promised Land,Promised Land,Prophets,Psalms,Rabbis,Rachel's Tomb,Recognize Israel,Religion,Religious Jews,Religious Pressures,Samaria,Second Temple,Seder,Support Israel,Synagogue,Temple Mount,Third Intifada,Torah,Torah,Torah Study,Tradition,Two Millennia of Exile,UNESCO,United Nations Presures,United States State Department,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:46 AM
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Friday was a special day as we had family come and visit us making the long trek from southern Israel almost to the northern border where the train tracks end and go no further. We had a slow lunch enjoying good company and pleasant conversation enabled by somewhat relaxed service as the place was crowded and the kitchen was probably a place of ordered confusion. But the leisurely service mostly passed notice as we were lost in conversation with my cousin playing the role of translator since she is fluent in a number of languages, or at least in Hebrew and English, which was all that was required. We also took a strolling paced walk to the shuk and they got some fruits and such for their Shabbat and then had to make the trip home so as to arrive before sunset. This visit made me all the more aware of family and the warmth and closeness one can feel when in their company. There is a serenity mixed with enthusiasm and excitement making for a cacophony of emotions which blend making even diametric opposite coexist in a smooth and yielding blend satisfying the soul. This completeness felt from the all too short, as such pleasantries are always too short, time we were enjoying being together also leaves a lingering warmth and joy that makes one aware of other such relations some of which opens one’s eyes to things which otherwise are missed or simply taken for granted.


The next Morning, Shabbat morning, I started my trip, a short walk for most but a strenuous traversal which requires a few rest stops at spots now memorized as suitable, to attend services at the synagogue where my Torah Shiur Rabbi presides and leads the Shabbat service after the initial prayers have been chanted and leading to and performing the reading of the Torah and Haftorah. As my wanderings take me past a few other synagogues and there are other worshippers whose paths cross, we often wish one another a polite, and oft friendly, “Shabbat Shalom” and almost always dotted with a warm smile and a brightened countenance from the exchange. But this was but my initial realization that my view may have changed and become brighter, more optimistic and hopeful. The realization and recognition of this transition came upon my arrival slightly before services were to start as I require that I leave some extra time just in case my strolling pace is less efficient than normal, not to imply my walking speed approaches normal. This cemented the realization that in Israel we really are a family just as Torah teaches.


The Synagogue I attend may be graced with a Rabbi who speaks both Hebrew and English but for the large part the congregation speaks only Hebrew. Still, despite our language differences the other congregants treat me with warmth and friendship which came home more today as I was sensitized to see and realize the acceptance which has greeted me honestly from the first service I did partake of a Shabbat morning services there. This got me to thinking and realizing the many people who have become like friends at the various stores where we shop. In every store there are those who have taken the initiative to befriend us and make our lives so much easier and, better yet, warmer. Without these friends our lives would be more difficult, not impossible, but more difficult and far more cold. The difficulty would be overcome with technology, cellphone translation software and the fact that money honestly makes people desire to understand you and for more so in a town with mostly smaller family run stores. But even technology has its limits and life would be far less enjoyable without these wonderful people. Yes, there have been exceptions but even some, if not most, of these more difficult people have come around with time and their realization that we have made Aliyah and truly are here to stay. These people have become our extended family. These people we meet in our weekly ritual of shopping are but one family but there are others.


There have been developed groups within the Anglo communities which provide social, religious and study groups which add much to enrich the lives of us from the Anglosphere who have made Aliyah to our little corner of Israel. There are Torah study groups, social events around the Jewish holidays, expeditions to the near countless historic and religious sites which exist throughout Israel and other events which are simply for entertainment such as game nights. Much of this is possible as there are a fair number of Anglos who are retired or work via telecommuting thus giving them the time to shift work around events. But the reality is that despite many of us coming from many completely different backgrounds, completely disparate locations both within the separate nations as well as around the globe as the tentacles of the British Empire reaches into the farthest corners of the planet. The camaraderie is unlike anything I have ever experienced even in other Jewish communities. Probably the closest to the trust, cooperation, acceptance and mutual respect I have found in Israel was the camaraderie in my infantry platoon in the military and even there it was not as universal nor was it as close as the feelings and friendships I have found here. The mutual relations amongst our Anglo community are, as one might expect, made all the more obvious by the brightening of each other’s faces when we run into one another in unexpected meetings during our daily travels. The same bright eyed and extra bounce in their step is evident with those who have befriended my wife and I in the locations where we stop and despite the claim that most Israelis do not know how to treat people, customers, the many people we have met have gone to great extents to provide any and all assistance we have ever needed. But it goes further as even when we run into a problem in a store while shopping and there is no one we know to assist, often out of the blue a customer steps up, often a stranger and other times somebody we barely know, such as somebody we have interacted with during other completely unconnected matters, will step forward and take as long as required to make sure that every and anything required has been done to take care of whatever the problem or requirement you needed. Sometimes this even has the effect of the store or wherever you are, going the extra step and finding what it is you requested even after initially believing they had none in stock, a very surprising but not actually all that unusual case, just was not the reputation of the particular instance we recently experienced.


The ultimate test of a society is how they react when a person appears distressed, especially somebody they do not know and likely may not have even ever crossed paths. Suffering, as I do from a disability which often limits my ability to walk distances which are embarrassingly short on my worst days that I often end up sitting on low walls or the benches at bus stops and around town, of which there are numerous as this is a resort location, and I am usually breathing rather hard and sweat rather profusely partially from physical exertion and additionally likely due to the cocktail mix of medications physicians assure us are required for our betterment as they will place our blood tests and other medical tests within their preferred ranges. Needless to say, I make quite a site at times when I am out and around and more often than I may be completely comfortable though I am very appreciative and would probably be more ill at ease if things were the opposite and everybody just passed a person in distress by without any concerns sufficient to stop and offer to help. These good citizens will even seek the assist from another to work as a translator just to make sure you are not in need of medical or other assistance. This would have been a real rarity before I made Aliyah as my limitations are far from something new and I had sufficient opportunities to test the situation before reaching Israel.


Many of you are probably wondering if I have lost my mind or is there something towards which I am working and you would be correct. As many of us have been reading here there has been a steadily increasing levels of violence with stabbings, vehicular assaults, rock attacks, Temple Mount rioting replete with assaults on the police and some shootings as well. Further, there have been calls from Hamas for Arabs to start using poison on their knives as well as to start utilizing homicidal suicide bombings. The idea behind the terror assaults, the rocket attacks and every other form of attacks against Israeli citizens and the IDF are intended to accomplish two things, first to chase the Jews out and destroy Israel or second to murder every Jews thus destroying Israel. There is absolutely no desire to actually form an Arab nation called Palestine unless it replaces Israel after which Fatah and Hamas allied with Islamic Jihad will fight to see who gets to rule on their state founded on the corpses of the six-million plus Jews living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Interestingly enough it often appears that the Europeans and the United States State Department and others from all over the globe, as indicated when the General Assembly voted to accord an Arab state of Palestine non-Member Observer State status in the United Nations with one-hundred-thirty-eight in favor and nine against which were Canada, Czech Republic, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Panama, Palau, United States and with forty-one nations abstaining. One-hundred-thirty-eight nations decided to recognize an Arab state which has refused to accept any offer for a state from the initial offer in 1948 to have the lands divided evenly between Israel and an Arab state, and again including a series of times during the last weeks of the Clinton Administration while President Willian Jefferson Clinton worked with Israeli Prime Minister Olmert offering over ninety percent of Judea and Samaria with the remainder covered through land swaps as well as all of Eastern Jerusalem including all of the Old City and the Temple Mount even to include the Western Wall and the plaza before it where Jews currently pray as close as possible to the location of the Holy First and Second Temples on the Temple Mount. Then there was the nineteen years when the lands were occupied by Jordan in Judea and Samaria and Egypt in Gaza when there was no desires, claims, votes at the United Nations or calls about occupation over the presence of Jordan and Egypt in the lands now being recognized by the United Nations as an independent nation with overwhelming accordance.


The reason which will stop the aims of Fatah, PA, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the PLO plus additionally Iran and the Islamic State who have also expressed their desire to destroy the Jewish State of Israel, or the Zionist Entity if one listens to their propaganda, is this family feelings between the majority of Israelis and particularly within the religious Zionist community which has been and continues to gain new adherents every day. Even in Israel there are those in the political classes who are attempting to take whatever they can to prevent the eventual surge in the religious Zionist camp from coming to the forefront and take control of the Knesset and the office of Prime Minister. What has been holding these groups back have been efforts to subvert their rising power in the right wing parties, a conflict here in Israel which might come close to the same resurgence in the United States of religious right in the Republican Party. It is just with the political zoo of parties in Israel such subversion is sometimes accomplished by some being driven by the old party power structures while others are lost through the foolish rivalries within this community which in too many cases are due to differences too insignificant for many to even understand. But politics are the same across the world and often make little sense to the average person but apparently are humongous in the political realms. Politics aside, in the real world within Israel, as best as I have been able to discern, there is an attitude which bodes well for the future and the taking on the challenges no matter what the world might try to throw our way. It took close to two-thousand years for the Jewish People to return to our ancient homeland making Israel the first nation to return into existence from exile twice (thrice if the four-hundred years of slavery in Egypt) and one of the few peoples to keep their original language and genetic integrity while in such an extended existence spread over as many differing nations as was the case of the Jewish People. This was extremely well worded in a recent article we read where it was simply stated,


“Israel, rooted in the Jewish people as an Abrahamic people, is a prototypical First Nation or aboriginal people, just as the Jewish religion is a prototypical aboriginal religion, the first of the Abrahamic religions. In a word, the Jewish people is the only people that still inhabits the same land, embraces the same religion, studies the same Torah, hearkens to the same prophets, speaks the same aboriginal language – Hebrew – and bears the same aboriginal name, Israel, as it did 3,500 years ago.”


The central congealing, central, and treasured truth which held these numerous communities was Torah. Torah cemented our history. Torah preserved our language (even if many of us have yet to remaster our ancient language, the language from where the first two letters, Aleph and Bet gave the English language the word ‘alphabet’). Torah retained our laws. Torah safeguarded our covenant with Hashem reminding us of our special responsibility to work the lands of Eretz Yisroel. Torah gave us hope during the darkest hours. Torah also challenged us through the ages to be better people despite the events which were often collapsing around us. Torah taught us the importance of reading and study. And Torah steeled us to remember our roots in Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Exodus with Moses and the entirety of our history and some of the wisest and most sagely rules and advice on life, relations and virtually any situation we might encounter in life. It was the Ten Commandments and the rules establishing moral codes establishing the basis for Judeo-Christian society and the teachings of Psalms and Proverbs which filled out the basis for conscience and morality when most of the world still worshipped idols sacrificing children and others before great stone edifices.



Ten Commandments Arranged in Hebrew Reading from Right to Left with English Translations Underneath the Hebrew

Ten Commandments
Arranged in Hebrew
Reading from Right to Left
with English Translations
Underneath the Hebrew


Much of the basis for a just society was everything opposed by the Nazis as evidenced in this song sung by the Hitler Youth;

“We are the joyous Hitler youth
We do not need any Christian virtue
Our leader is our savior
The Pope and Rabbi shall be gone
We want to be pagans once again.”

That about says it all and many in the Arab Palestinian leadership and the leaders in Iran and other Arab and Muslim nations, terror groups, Islamic religious organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood and the anti-Semites, anti-Israel and anti-Zionists such as the leaders and members of the Islamic State all share an admiration for Hitler’s and the Nazis’ stand on exterminating the Jews with a special note for perhaps one of the main influences to inculcate these thoughts and concepts into Islamic and especially Arab Palestinian thought was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Hussein, the man who mentored Yasser Arafat and had a great deal of influence on Mahmoud Abbas who all dream of causing another Shoah, another Holocaust while a number which includes some of the Iranian leaders, other Arab and Muslim leaders both political and religious, as well as some like Mahmoud Abbas whose doctoral thesis revolved around a version of Holocaust denial. A few final thoughts which need telling, the Arab Palestinians are being fed lies about their state being denied them by the Jews in Israel as it is their leadership which will only accept replacing a destroyed Israel and placing their nation on the corpses of six-million plus Jews and the people, especially those being forced to remain in refugee camps are all being denied basic human rights by the Arabs who refuse to assist their brethren as they would hurt and impose hardship on generation after generation in the hope these refugees descendants will be permitted to flood Israel and vote their subjugation of all the Israeli Jews when they elect the leader who will surrender the lands to the Arab Palestinian state ending any two state solution making all the land between the Jordan River and the Sea one Arab nation and the Jews in Israel stand ready to enforce their idea which is summed up in a single concept, “Never Again!” As we actually are a family whose tree dates back to Abraham and Sarah over four thousand years ago, and yes such things matter and they matter to our family greatly.


Beyond the Cusp


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