Beyond the Cusp

January 4, 2016

Moral Relativism vs Israeli Clarification


Moral relativism dies a death of a clarifying reality where there truly are absolutes which obliterate the fuzzy thinking which equates all views into some squishy warm fuzzy amalgam which is presumably harmless. In Israel one lives the inequalities between different cultures and political battles over the land and the different peoples, religious beliefs, virtues and the way all of these interact producing a state where reality becomes one’s teacher. This reality comes home every time on waits for a bus or is in any decent sized crowd as your eyes will peer outward scanning the immediate area for vehicles speeding towards the group. Even when one is walking alone there is the need for situational awareness where one knows all that is occurring within an area of relative proximity looking for someone acting at all different, possibly hands in their pockets appearing to be hiding what they are holding, that certain look in one’s eyes reflecting the deadness which accompanies the stark hatred required to murder a complete stranger close up and personal using a screwdriver, kitchen knife, hatchet or other such implement who you may need to watch more closely than usually you might. You listen closely while walking, especially at night, and you get a premonition as you hear somebody walking at a forced pace coming behind you that you spin to face a potential attack and are relieved to see a religious Jew rushing to services or possibly some class. Maybe you are unsure of the identity and purpose of the person walking up behind you so you increase your pace aiming for a place with more people or police or a checkpoint or IDF station just to feel safe again, but even there is one truly safe?


There is this little truth about moral relativism and all too many other of the leftist garbage the media give us in deluges daily admonishing us for our lack of enlightenment if we do not have similar views as expounded in the New York Times and other such paragons of virtue. A reputed example of moral relativism and an acute case of would you just stop making my life difficult was the reputed statement by playwright Tony Kushner who presumably stated that it would have been better if there were no Israel. His reasoning was simply that American Jews don’t want to rock the boat, American Jews don’t want trouble. To all too many American Jews Israel has become that burdensome stone around their necks called Yerushalayim which has become exactly what was described in Zechariah Chapter 12 which was written approximately two-thousand-five-hundred years ago states, and let us quote:


“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.”
“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”


The lengths and stretches made by NGOs in Israel purporting to be Israeli Human Rights enforcers working to improve Israel carry out that task in the most unusual manner. Instead of taking their case before the Israeli courts or working behind the scenes with their information to assist Israel to work to better insure equal rights and fair treatment they immediately take any dirt, manufactured or real, and make a major case over the most trivial of offense often where any offensive act they have gleaned, often formed out of thin air, and throw their accusation before a complicit world media just salivating over every minute morsel of gristle thrown them like feral dogs around a bone and parade their accusations around the world all in the name of justice and also doing a little fund raising.



Jerusalem Backdrop for Quote from Zechariah Chapter 12 Verses 2-3

Jerusalem Backdrop for Quote from
Zechariah Chapter 12 Verses 2-3



These NGOs are more often than not primarily financed exclusively by some European government, the European Union, European and United Nations NGOs or a combination of these sources or with some major portion of funding from the New Israel Fund (NIF) which despite its high sounding name is a lowlife funnel for European and untraceable foreign funds such as from wealthy individuals, such as George Soros who has been proven to be one of the NIF’s major sources of ready funding, all actuated with the actual task of the destruction of Israel by destroying the Israeli Zionist, Nationalist and Religious camps and gaining control for the most extreme leftists who champion complete surrender to every Arab demand in the name of peace and human rights. Trust when we point out that should these European cabals and their puppet NGOs succeed there will be absolutely no NGOs or human rights inquiries seeking to discern what happened to the Israeli Jews and Christians once Israel has been fed to the Arabs as these paragons of virtue will be shocked when they are left to the tender mercies of the Arabs right alongside of the rest of the Israelis facing the same exact fate as none of their current financiers or close knit friends will lift a finger to save them from the same fate they intend to press upon the other Israelis, those which disagree with their desires to destroy Israel in the name of human rights and peace.


If the world instead of concentrating all their evil thoughts, dastardly machinations, colluding conclaves and demonic covens on Israel and would instead look inwards and repair their own houses instead of attempting to find some future which the Jewish State of Israel will have once again passed from the pages of history maybe our world could be a far finer place for us all. Europe has its own problems with the recent flood of immigrants, their death spiral due to lack of sufficient children being born thus being forced to rely on immigration has led to a mix of cultures which had begun to rip the societal fabric at the seams and virtually shredding the entire societal cloth. There is the challenge of what to do to salvage the Euro and its issuing agent, the European Union, from the economic divergence between Germany, the former Warsaw nations and the southern Mediterranean nations such as Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and potentially France in the near future. These nations are so economically desolate that they cannot even grab their fair share of the flood of immigrants from Northern Africa, Syria, Afghanistan and other Arab and Muslim nations with some reaching the gates of Europe from Pakistan which all are heading for Germany or the Scandinavian nations and better benefits. Europe and the United States also have the slow job growth such that large parts of the population have left the work force giving up on any future employment paths. The current rift between the old developed and industrial world having entered the information age one would think they might have noticed the building anger the developing nations are feeling. The truth of their situation of not having any hope of catching the developed world and always going to play a subordinate role mastering technology decades after the Western Nations who share very little of their most advanced systems. Then there is the Arab and Muslim world believing their time has come to spread their religion throughout Europe setting up a stealth insertion of terror forces, both Iran with an assist from Hezballah and the Islamic State with the Saudi Petro-dollars assisting with funding of Sunni Mosques and schools throughout the Western World spreading their Wahhabism form of Islam.



Arab and Muslim World After the Islamization of Europe except for Switzerland and Israel in Red Both Standing Against any Islamic Assault or Tide



Such forces all allied to eradicate the real and guaranteed borders for the nation of Israel because it might upset the Arab world and make energy prices ramp-up is a true and present danger which is fueled by moral relativism Western World style. The problem is the world keeps making the claim of taking the Arab Palestinians to the International Criminal Court or the International Court of Justice but will never actually make such a move as they are aware of the real and defined borders of Israel and that does not favor their claims. The land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea made up Israel after the San Remo Conference and was accepted at the Treaty of Sèvres and still holds to this day under the United Nations Charter Article 80 which places the British Mandate amongst the other Mandates now under United Nations responsibility to carry them to fruition. This was accomplished with the attempt to undercut the guarantee that the lands east of the Jordan River, the 78%, were reserved for what eventually became Jordan and was the home for Arab Palestinians and was formed under conditions which made it free of any Jewish presence while the lands west of the Jordan River were reserved for the Jewish Palestinians on the remaining 22% of the lands and were to be open for any and all peoples desiring to reside there under Jewish rule of the nation though their villages, towns and even cities could claim any governance they desired just as long as all citizens were free to pursue their own religion with full rights in the State of Israel as understood in any national laws were concerned. The attempt by the United Nations to further divide these lands was prevented by the Arab desire to own and control all of the lands and to cleanse all of the lands from any, as they put it, Jewish infestation. The Arabs planned to crush the nascent Jewish State the very day it would no longer be guarded by British troops on the very morning of her first day, May 15, 1948 and lined the border of Israel, and this is important, with the armies of seven nations ready and armed up to destroy the Jewish State which had fewer than one hundred tanks and aircraft combined at the onset of the war. With arms embargos in place by the United States and Europe there was nowhere really for the State of Israel to turn except for the one nation willing to sell her arms outright, and that was Czechoslovakia, a nation who knew and fully understood being sold out as inconsequential by the powers that be as they were by Britain and France at the lead-in of World War II. There were individuals who managed to send arms to Israel through means of smuggling them out of their nations often with a wink and a nod which could have gone the other way and they incarcerated for attempting to break their national policy of remaining neutral and in some cases neutral meant only arming the Arab side. The very first, and some say the greatest, miracle was that Israel defended herself from these invading armies and slowly built a credible military force with a patchwork of units forming the initial Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and prevent the nation’s destruction.



British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel

British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel



It was as the Israelis were Jewish according to the world media, ignoring others such as the precious Arab allies as some Arab villages fought with the Israelis, yet even knowing of this, the world translated Israeli as all Jewish which was not true, together, kept most of the lands from the initial declaration lands as Israel. The world insisted on ceasefires every time the Israeli forces were poised to make progress to defeating the combined Arab armies against her and thus protecting the Arab gains made initially before the Israeli forces could congeal into a reasonable fighting force made up of the different forces with which they had resisted the British attempts to completely disarm the Jews before departing. Had that been accomplished the miracle required would only have been greater in scope, but the fact that Israel survived at all was definitively a miracle. Still, Israel almost lost all of Jerusalem and a do or die attempt was launched in the final hours of the conflict to connect with the Jewish fighters surrounded in Jerusalem and allow for a contiguous State including Jerusalem and succeeded, the final miracle in almost two years of miracles. The lands occupied by Syria, Jordan and Egypt were the Golan Heights without which much of Israeli farmlands would be unworkable due to snipers, Judea and Samaria and Benjamin along with east Jerusalem which included the Temple Mount and the Old City all renamed West Bank by Jordan and the Gaza Strip by Egypt. All of these lands were occupied Israeli lands and were a part of Israel at the onset of hostilities when the morning sun revealed her hills and plains, a land where children can run free. But now these large chunks of what were Israel were occupied by foreign entities and made free of their Jews who owned lands within these areas of occupation. So, the reality is the West Bank is occupied lands; occupied by the Jordanian citizens who were unceremoniously stripped of their Jordanian citizenship granted them when Jordan attempted to make permanent their occupation by annexing the West Bank thus attempting to make permanent their theft of Israeli lands. Where this annexation was only recognized by the British and Pakistanis, today the lands are treated as if they belonged to other than Israelis Arabs who were never Jordanian, despite almost all holding Jordanian citizenship identifications, and the lands were now magically to have belonged to Palestinians Arabs who were the indigenous population going back thousands of years replacing the Jewish claims as these Palestinians who are not Arabs but indigenous have a history dating back to before the Jews claim to have come and there were either never Jews in the lands or Jews came and conquered the lands carrying out ethnic cleansing back three thousand years ago just as they are doing now. The ancient and modern Jews must be extremely incompetent when it comes to ethnic cleansing as there seem to be a constantly growing Arab Palestinian population despite reputed Israeli genocidal efforts. The only ethnic cleansing done in the area the world likes to call the West Bank was performed by the Jordanians in 1948-9 when they forced the Jews from their lands by either expelling them into Israel if they were fortunate, or by simply erasing any record of their existence through honest ethnic cleansing and genocidal tactics.



Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid

Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs
Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands
as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League
and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid



But Moral Relativists must take the side of the downtrodden over any vestige of Western society, which is what Israel has been labeled as despite the fact that more than half of the population came from Asia, Africa or Arab and Muslim lands across all of the Arabian Peninsula, the Middle East and northern Africa. The only Western fact about Israel is that she has honestly achieved becoming a wealthy and free society where all of her citizens are privileged to share the same advantages and rights within the State of Israel. The “Palestinians” who are denied the right to vote, the right to free speech, the basic right to a fair trial, the right to free assembly and are persecuted and denied the rights recognized to have been granted Israelis are not denied these rights by Israel as these are not, by the definition of the world at large, Israeli citizens but are ruled under the auspices of the semi-autonomous Palestinian Authority (PA) under the definitions of the Oslo Accords. It was the Oslo Accords which first gave any legal standing for a Palestinian state to possibly be founded within what is rightfully Israeli lands liberated from Jordanian occupation in the June 1967 Six Day War. With Mahmoud Abbas claiming that the PA is no longer bound by the Oslo Accords is declaring that the PA has been dissolved, which he claims constantly while assuring the Europeans and Americans that the PA still exists as otherwise he might lose the billions of Dollars and Euros they lavish on him and his most favored of Arabs in the hierarchical dictatorship he has formed, claiming what remains of the Fatah Party and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).



Occupied Israel where Syria Occupied the Golan Heights While Egypt Occupied the Gaza Strip and Jordan Occupied Judea and Samaria They Renamed West Bank

Occupied Israel where Syria Occupied the Golan Heights While Egypt Occupied the Gaza Strip and Jordan Occupied Judea and Samaria They Renamed West Bank



Fatah might exist but not as any ruling entity as Fatah was the new PLO cleansed of it terrorist roots and history and without the Oslo Accords there can be no Fatah. There can be only the PLO terrorist entity, which is exactly what we now witness occupying Judea, Samaria and Benyamin areas formerly occupied by Jordan. These lands have been subsumed by Western charitable entities as Palestine which they make the legitimate owners erasing Jordanian occupation. The Mandate defined Jewish lands but Europe has semiofficially recognized Palestine making Israel the occupying power in its own lands by International Law. But the European leftists have defined Palestine as being defined by whatever Mahmoud Abbas claims, which is all of Israel from the River to the Sea. Even Abbas recognizes that Israel is defined as existing in all of the lands and he claims he will conquer the lands with the assistance of world recognition.



Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases

Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases



Israel must be destroyed and the lands given to the Arab Palestinians because all of Western society must be sacrificed if the world is ever going to be truly liberated, well, except for the enclaves, gated pieces of the vestiges of Western civilizational comfort reserved for the Moral Relativists as the rules they impose on others cannot be applied to them. They will have a real wake-up call once they have disbanded the nations of the western infestation and dissolved much of the western armies and they will be in their villas expecting to rule by fiat over the remaining billions of people they liberated and gave the keys of power to in exchange for promises they will be granted their comfortable villas in their established oasis of Western comforts. Their villas will soon be destroyed and them along with them as their ideal world cannot exist as once the Moral Relativists get their promise of the ideal lands with the barbarians now allowed inside the walls because the walls have come tumbling down by their equating all societies as equal and granted all societies equal access to all areas including within the gates and they expect this will work for them. Perhaps they should read, not reread as I doubt many if any of the Moral Relativists ever read the Old Testament and especially the Torah and the following book of Joshua as that would tell them what happens to a walled city such as Jericho when the walls come tumbling down, and a hint, it does not go well for the people who formerly lived behind those walls. But the Moral Relativists tell us they will get it right and their allowing the barbarians to come inside the walls will work this time. They know what went wrong when Rome paid barbarians, the good barbarians to guard the borderlands of the Roman Empire. They understand where China went wrong allowing Barbarians to man the gates along the wall, and we mean The Wall as in Great Wall of China, the most impressive and effective wall ever built until the barbarians were hired to guard the gates.



Great Wall of China Grand Views

Great Wall of China Grand Views



But the Moral Relativists have solved the problem which Rome, China and Jericho all got wrong about walls and gates. They claim by granting the good barbarians the same, equal, possibly superior rights they will adopt civilized ways and act exactly the same as the Westerners act because they will have equal rights. Never mind the barbaric history and the trillions of little steps and the accomplishments along the way which formed western society and thoughts. Little steps such as the Protestant reformations, the Magna Carta limiting the power of a King and giving rights to the other aristocracy, the political theses which culminated in the American Declaration of Independence and the ensuing Civil War because even the American revolution got some things horrifically wrong such as allowing slavery to continue and refusing women equality and the right to vote. But the Moral Relativists tell us just granting the barbarians who know not any of this and many simply blame the Western World for their misery and are just waiting for that opportunity to take their revenge and take all that belongs to them that those Westerners stole, those Moral Relativists included.


All things considered, the western World may decide the Moral Relativists are correct and all societies are created different but who can say what is a better way. We will stick with Torah as the basis for all of western thought and retain our technical savvy world and the advantages of our civil society and the rights and responsibilities that go with this societal model we believe is superior due to the path trodden by the many great minds who gave us these ideals and we will stand on their shoulders and allow the rest of the world to make their own peace. We advise your peace be with Hashem, the One you decided you were too advanced to need anymore, we will continue to worship Hashem and all He gave us through generations of hard work and toil and sacrifice to mold and build and when the rest of the world has taken the learning curve, the path least taken and most difficult, then we will open our gates. We will share advances and other items like ways to increase crop yield and medical and health advances and whatever we can without surrendering our survival. We will heed the past and Torah and will keep to those traits that made and built Western technological greatness while also keeping to the truth in which it is all rooted, Torah, the first place where the duties and restrictions on a King are spelled out in Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9. That and the rest of the wisdom of the Torah and Old Testament, the Jewish Bible, and we will keep our heritage and judge it to be superior for as long as we walk with Hashem. That does not mean we believe we are superior, just that we believe Torah is superior and we are the inferiors who will sustain efforts to improve and become more holy.



Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah

Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and the Jewish civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah



About the sacrifice of animals on an alter, that was the manner of taxation to support the priestly class who had no assigned lands of their own and thus needed to be supported. They also fed the poor and took care of the responsibilities of tending the teachings of Hashem and giving that knowledge to the masses so all were elevated by the teachings of Torah and the greatness of Hashem. And how do we know that Torah and Hashem are the magic combination and the ways of truth? We know that this is so because it is what sustained us through two-thousand-years without a nation of our own and we Jews continue to exist and have returned just as the Torah and Bible said we would and in the same manner as they claimed, the nation of the Jewish People will come back into existence in a single day. Not by war as the war took from us some of those lands, but by the agreement that the world declared the righteousness and legality of our claim and the necessity to honor Hashem even if they knew not they were doing exactly that. So keep your moral Relativism and may it serve you well, though we have our doubts, and we will keep Torah and worship of Hashem and never place men over men without laws to restrict their powers and wealth because otherwise you will serve a class of nonproducers who will claim superiority of the bureaucracy they have formed over you. We will see which is right and which fails its people assured that Hashem still cares for the world and we are those who are sworn to His service and we will respect that debt as Hashem has kept us and for that we are grateful.


Beyond the Cusp


December 8, 2015

The Only Two Endings to Arab Israeli War


One of them was considered inevitable and even about to become historic fact. When the United Nations Made their respective division of lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea there were constant ongoing debates in the make-up of the map and who got what lands with some holding that it mattered not one bit which was chosen as the Arab Armies from all of the neighboring Arab States and beyond would descend upon the Jews slaughtering every last Jew. Finally, on November 29, 1947 the United Nations issued their non-binding General Assembly Resolution 181, also known as the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine. The Jews under the authority of the Zionist Congress and the majority of Jewish groups accepted the plan without reservations and emphasized that the Jewish People were now granted a great opportunity to build a modern Jewish State which would live in peace with its neighbors. The Arab States reacted bristling with threats of annihilations sweeping the Middle East of the Jews and forcing them into the sea. These have been the persistent visions though how it had been fought has changed. The Arab rejection of the partition plan invalidated only the plans for dividing the lands but left the founding of some form of statehood over the last remaining piece of the British Mandate set for the ensuing May 15th of 1948. This meant that on that date the remaining claimant received all of the land of the remaining mandate as their land. This claim was further backed by the agreement between Arab League and Zionist Congress dividing British Mandate along the Jordan River such that the greater portion of just over three-fourths were to be Arab Land and the just under one-fourth reserved as indivisible protected by the British Crown for a Jewish State, (see maps below). This was how the situation sat on midnight of the morning of May 15th of 1948. The attitudes had not changed, simply became more encompassing on the Arab side with proclamations by the various leaders both secular and especially religious shrilling repeating the obvious destruction of any Jewish State, though their actual wordings were more shrill and far more descriptive using terminology such as slaughter, “Sweeping the Jews into the Sea,” annihilation such as Genghis Kahn and promises that no Jewish State would be permitted to reside in the heart of Arab Muslim lands Allah Will Providing. One can see, the sides and their rhetoric have little changed, Israel still calling for peace and mutual advancement and the Arabs for the total destruction of the Jewish State only now funneling such goals as support for the Palestinians to have their state on their lands which just happen to include all of Israel.


Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid

Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs
Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands
as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League
and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid



The evening of May 14, 1948 came and under the Jewish calendar the next day starts at sundown. The Israelis began their celebrations throughout the lands with great joy and exuberance showing no trepidations or sense of preparedness for the certain cataclysmic conflagrations which would commence the next morning and continue with some short, but important for both sides, armistice finally being ended at the final armistice line today referred to as the Green Line. This conflict had the most illogical of conclusions as both sides took opposite views, both with each other and each with what were the considered historical definitions of win and lose. The Arabs saw the concluding armistices as actions that would prove to be but a temporary cessation of the conflict which soon would not matter not as their victory would be made absolute soon, Allah permitting.

As the Arabs had seen gaining control over land not under their control at the onset of the war as a loss, the Jews saw their loss over those lands as their resultant victory as they had avoided the cataclysmic destruction of their entire state and their lives and the lives of every last Jew for whose protection they fought. Their victory was living to see another day and to retain the thought and existence of a Jewish State founded approximately two-thousand years after the Roman Dispersion and over two-thousand years after the last Maccabean Jewish State ruled. Since this cessation of fire this became the “Golden Borders” which Western negotiators always treated as the sacrosanct borders of choice. Every negotiation deliberated with claims that the Jordan River as the border never existed even for one day as the border of the Jewish State, a thought proven only by admitting a complete lack of both historical and biblical writings as one validates the other. The original Biblical Promised Lands by the application promised by Moses as described by the promises to Abraham and also Isaack and Jacob made by Hashem was defined by the Jordan River for those east of the River were defined as those the Israelites were not to war against but those west of the Jordan River had become so evil that their eradication from history was warranted. What was it that made them so evil can be traced back to the sacrifice Hashem demanded of Abraham only to intervene and demand that not only was his sacrificed beyond undesired but strictly forbidden by Hashem to make such sacrifice in any manner or way. This was the Sacrifice of Isaack, thus the Canaanites were an abomination as in their worship of Baal they sacrificed their children to their stone idol. Upon arriving at the Jordan River and the two tribes of herders, Reuben and Gad, requested of Moses to remain east as the lands were good for their cattle to graze and their ensuing promise to lead every battle for the conquest and remain until every other tribe had received their lands. This is from Numbers 32 which showed that even to remain east of the Jordan where their cattle could graze the two tribes of Reuben and Gad were required to take the lead in every battle thus risking the greatest numbers in casualties but often also the standout accomplishments. This was to absolve them of the lack of faith that their cattle would have eaten well in the Promised Lands west of the Jordan River.


Despite the Biblical evidence there is the agreement in the Churchill White Paper of June 3, 1922, calling to form the entity of Transjordan, with the border being the Jordan River and everything eastward leaving the remainders west of the Jordan River for the formation of the Jewish State. The Jordan River, for obvious reasons, has historically been the border used from the Biblical eras through until the Armistice of 1949 when the Jewish State controlled their smallest amount of lands. This was the only time at the end of hostilities that Israel was so restricted in land. As a consequence this border was the worst starting point Israel ever faced at the onset of war in 1967 which was the start of the Six Day War. At every ensuing war since the Six Day War the Jordan River had been the eastern boundary and at times beyond the Jordan River. Still the entirety of world efforts are to force Israel into her most vulnerable of positions she had ever held though the time of those boundaries has been less with the Jordan River and Golan Heights (which Israel annexed) have served as the border of Israel. The Golan Heights required annexation to become part of Israel and this was 1981 which was received with excessive series of condemnations and accusations of illegally expanding the recognized borders of Israel and you name it even to include references to this being the first step towards the attempt by Israel to achieve their desired Greater Israel. Nowhere did anyone refer to the portion of the Security Council Resolution 242 which allowed Israel to retain portions of the lands taken in a defensive war, which by historical precedents allowed for the winning side if having the war brought upon them managed to not only survive by push their aggressors back to retain all lands gained, Israel has subsequently returned the majority of the lands she held at the end of the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War, both defensive wars, when Israel returned the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula. Should Israel retain the areas won from Jordan, were actually more liberated than conquered, as these were lands within the border declared and denoted by the United Nations on November 29, 1947, a critically conspicuous date either in its being mentioned or ignored.


The world apparently will neither remember their vote from 1947 nor the promises by the British in 1922 as both grants the Jordan River and all lands west as reserved for the formation of the Jewish State. Their insistence on, as President Bush and President Obama clearly stated the borders must be made with agreed swaps on the 1967 lines, 1949 Armistice Lines; both represent what has the denotations of the Green Line, which in Israeli interpretations are anything but green. The sad thing is it matters not what the world decides, states, implies or forces upon Israel. Nor does it matter one iota what Israel annexes, does not annex but holds, returns, becomes burdened with as return refused by former occupier as in Gaza and Egypt, or any other combination whereof. Nothing done here today on the Earth will change the inevitable and decisive, absolute, definitive and inevitable ending battle which will begin the resolution of this continuing conflict once and for all. One manner is so simple we can explain it in two sentences or conceivably less, so here goes. Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) lines are broken at numerous points and there is a race to completely crash the IDF defenses routing any hope at stopping the Arab victory. The result of this should be obvious to all.


There is a difference in the meaning of victory for the two sides. A victory for Israel is that they did not lose and everyone being killed. If the IDF broke the enemies’ lines and made significant gains and gained crucial geographically critical areas such as the Golan Heights and Jordan River and Velley, this is significant if such gains can be used to reach a land for peace which turns out to be a true peace paper for all time and not just a piece of paper applied for a limited time. The return of the Sinai Peninsula was a compromise insisted upon by Egypt as Israel was willing to return Gaza but Egypt refused the additional lands demanding that Israel retain the Gaza. This resulted in the peace treaty with Egypt which was observed under Sadat who bravely made peace and paid for it with his life as the Muslim Brotherhood arranged his assassination. President Mubarak was his successor and also observed the treaty and his plight for such acts against the people have played out in the recent past as he too was killed for his keeping the peace with the Jewish State. Morsi did not keep the treaty but made a human error and ignored the people and threatened the military, bad combination with almost unavoidable end which Morsi did not escape. Now Egypt is ruled by its former ranking General who won their second free and open elections. His name is el-Sisi and he had taken steps and made decisions which would endear him to the people which made him the expectant winner of any election, and he had some respected and respectable opposition. The peace with Egypt remains intact even if shakily so. But is it a real peace if it depends on who rules Egypt and each new ruler of Egypt gets to decide if they need obey that peace or not if it becomes inconvenient or inhibits their desire to write large in history that unlike all the others who also hated the Zionist entity, they destroyed it. And that takes us to the other side once we realize Israel offers peace to all her enemies, an honest peace which ends any hostilities, and it is there for them to grasp if they honestly, and unfortunately as a ploy to gain advantage. So, Israel may welcome a true peace and is willing to accept even the shakiest of offers or sacrifices necessitated, but what will end the conflict?


As has been established, an Arab victory is easily discerned by simply reading their news, propaganda, school textbooks in Gaza and Judea and Samaria (West Bank), music, social media, historical records, Imam Sermons, political speeches and virtually wherever one looks or listens or reads; their definition over Israel does not end in a surrender followed by a simple change on governance, it results in a military victory followed by violence and slaughter on a Biblical scale with the death of over six-million Israeli Jews and unknown deaths among Israeli Christians, Druze, Bedouins and Muslims as outside of all Arab Muslim towns anybody and everybody is a potential target for the bloodletting which would follow. Not only would the conquering soldiers take part in this violence, the general populace would be permitted to take part in the slaughter in order to bring honor to their families such that even young children will be assisted in killing their share so that they could have a link to this glorious slaughter. To the Western World and the Wester mind such acts are inconceivable and their reaction when told of such realities is one of skepticism and denial, but there is too much evidence for outright dismissal. The most famous representation of this was a picture shot by a photojournalist and gotten out before any interception was possible, otherwise this photo below would never have seen the light of day. The picture thus eluded the censors who heavily restrict any news and especially any photos or videos as each is more threatening a media likely to reveal things those in power cannot allow to be reported such as the celebratory exultations, street parades and all sorts of spontaneous celebratory exuberance on the verge of insanity and pure blood lust unknown in much of the world but not all places. This would be the unavoidable and unstoppable even if their political or religious leaders actually cared to end it due to the excessive hatreds being stoked for decades would override all else and the slaughter would proceed as if on an hyper-autopilot.



Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands

Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd
Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists
Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands



That leaves what an Israel victory would look like. First, we are not talking what a peace from the Israeli side would look like as that is already known by their willingness to accept the armistice ending the war of annihilation which started the morning Israel declared her independence despite having lost over twenty percent of her total area she had the morning of the founding and ten percent of her population yet an end to the violence was so welcomed they declared this as their war of Independence. About the only resemblance to other wars of independence was the existence of Israel at the end of the war. Where other nations make their declaration of statehood from an occupying power or at the end of a war overthrowing previous governance, Israel was brought into existence at an expressed time by legal writ of the overseeing world body and had the neighboring nations not invaded come the morning sun there would have been no such war and the celebrations might have lasted much longer.


In the ensuing wars of 1956 British, French, Israeli alliance war with Egypt when Egypt closed the Suez Canal and the Straight of Tiran to shipping thus instigating a casus belli resulting in an Israel capture of the Sinai Peninsula so quickly the Egyptian call to the British and French approaching naval and air power requesting a stay of attack and to now hold talks. The French and British backed by the United States and United Nations agreed that Egypt would open the blockaded seaways in exchange for the return of the Sinai Peninsula, Israel agreed. After the 1967 Six Day War there were another set of armistice lines set by the United Nations and acquiesced but not formally recognized by the Arab states and accepted by Israel. There were the Golan Heights, the Suez Canal and the Jordan River. In the 1973 Yom Kippur war Egypt and Syria successfully opened a surprise attack on Israel while mainline forces had been granted large numbers of leaves for the High Holidays. Israel was knocked reeling but was able to put together responses using mixed regular line units made from whatever troops were gathered in different parts of the country with whatever equipment was available and sully dispatch reserve units and by the war’s end were routing Syrian units and well on their way to Damascus, routed Egyptian units and were heading for Cairo and Alexandria when Israel was informed that if they returned to the armistice lines which were in effect after the Six Day War the Arabs would agree to end hostilities, Israel agreed.


Israel made peace with Egypt and offered to return the entirety of the Sinai and Gaza, Egypt drew the line leaving Israel Gaza as Egypt found the area too unruly to control and wished the ticking time-bomb be part of Israel. Israel made peace with Jordan and offered to return their occupied areas they called the West Bank, Jordan refused the return of the land. It was some time until Jordan decided to pass their “claims” to the West Bank to the PLO such that the Palestinians could now claim those lands as having been stolen by Israel in an unnecessary and unprovoked war which was not started by the “Palestinian People of Palestine” which was the first we heard that Palestine was the West Bank. Before this the occupation was all of Israel. Despite the treachery and complete falsehoods used to make any claim to the lands Israel holds, the reality is every opportunity for a real or even appearance of real peace offered Israel has accepted the offer in the hope it would be honored by the next ruler in nations notorious for breaking terms made by previous rulers. Israel, under the Prime Ministerships of Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert offered well over ninety-five-percent (that is over 95%) of the West Bank, all of Gaza and half of Jerusalem to end the standoff and both men, with one offering more than the predecessor, were refused without even the dignity of a counter offer. For Israel peace means equality for her citizens, security for all within her borders all the time, no wars, no terrorism, no questioning by those within her borders of whether they will be safe taking in a show, going to a restaurant for dinner or even having pizza for lunch on a summer’s day sightseeing with the kids. Peace means Israel need not worry about wars brought by her neighboring nations, their neighbors or even their neighbors which would include Iran as that is the distance Iran is from Israel, so Iranian claims of border incursions made by Israel are so much lies and propagandas. This includes the charges of Israeli spies brought against, as far as we have been able to discern, Mossad trained squirrels, pigeons and other various animals and the one-off spiritual summoned entity. Israel poses Iran absolutely no threat while the opposite cannot be said.


That is what peace with Israel looks like, peace without threats, propaganda and even cooperation where such can be arranged and performed preferably above board, but below and out of sight in required, though in the open for assistance is preferred as such shows a true and lasting peace exists. Such a peace will take years of deprogramming the Arab street and will take a change of heart in one of the main underlying influences which overrules national leaders and is feared by any wise leader hoping to instigate such a change as these are dangerous tides in which to swim. Any such person attempting such an overreaching and complete change in the substrate of an entirety that rules the minds of over one billion of mankind is playing with forces beyond imagination and would require the backing of a force capable of monitoring and resisting such a deeply seated force that people willing will launch themselves to certain death in order to satisfy the dictate given them from an authority figure. Such is an area fraught with dangers and requires equal parts bravado, carefully placements of steps, rigid backbone to their support and deadly accurate intelligence as the opponent will use deadly force as if it were salt sprinkled on a meal. There was once such a man in Turkey and his fine work was destroyed from the strangest of places, the White House and Brussels, Belgium, but that is a take for another day.


Beyond the Cusp


November 1, 2015

The Family that is Israel

Filed under: Allah,Bayit Yehudi Party,Bible,Bible Study,Cave of the Patriarchs,Chosen People,Civilization,Commandments,Covenant,Defend Israel,Elections,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,First Temple,Galilee,Gaza,Golan Heights,Government,Halacha,Hamas,Hatikvah,History,Holocaust,Holy Sites,IAF,IDF,Iran,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jordan River,Joseph’s Tomb,Judaism,Judea,Judeo-Christian,Kever Yosef,King David,King Solomon,Knesset,Koran,Kotel,Light unto the Nations,Machpelah,Meaning of Peace,Mediterranean Sea,Moses,Nationalist Pressures,Old Testament,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Party Platform,Peace Process,Peacekeepers,Politicized Findings,Politics,Promised Land,Promised Land,Prophets,Psalms,Rabbis,Rachel's Tomb,Recognize Israel,Religion,Religious Jews,Religious Pressures,Samaria,Second Temple,Seder,Support Israel,Synagogue,Temple Mount,Third Intifada,Torah,Torah,Torah Study,Tradition,Two Millennia of Exile,UNESCO,United Nations Presures,United States State Department,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:46 AM
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Friday was a special day as we had family come and visit us making the long trek from southern Israel almost to the northern border where the train tracks end and go no further. We had a slow lunch enjoying good company and pleasant conversation enabled by somewhat relaxed service as the place was crowded and the kitchen was probably a place of ordered confusion. But the leisurely service mostly passed notice as we were lost in conversation with my cousin playing the role of translator since she is fluent in a number of languages, or at least in Hebrew and English, which was all that was required. We also took a strolling paced walk to the shuk and they got some fruits and such for their Shabbat and then had to make the trip home so as to arrive before sunset. This visit made me all the more aware of family and the warmth and closeness one can feel when in their company. There is a serenity mixed with enthusiasm and excitement making for a cacophony of emotions which blend making even diametric opposite coexist in a smooth and yielding blend satisfying the soul. This completeness felt from the all too short, as such pleasantries are always too short, time we were enjoying being together also leaves a lingering warmth and joy that makes one aware of other such relations some of which opens one’s eyes to things which otherwise are missed or simply taken for granted.


The next Morning, Shabbat morning, I started my trip, a short walk for most but a strenuous traversal which requires a few rest stops at spots now memorized as suitable, to attend services at the synagogue where my Torah Shiur Rabbi presides and leads the Shabbat service after the initial prayers have been chanted and leading to and performing the reading of the Torah and Haftorah. As my wanderings take me past a few other synagogues and there are other worshippers whose paths cross, we often wish one another a polite, and oft friendly, “Shabbat Shalom” and almost always dotted with a warm smile and a brightened countenance from the exchange. But this was but my initial realization that my view may have changed and become brighter, more optimistic and hopeful. The realization and recognition of this transition came upon my arrival slightly before services were to start as I require that I leave some extra time just in case my strolling pace is less efficient than normal, not to imply my walking speed approaches normal. This cemented the realization that in Israel we really are a family just as Torah teaches.


The Synagogue I attend may be graced with a Rabbi who speaks both Hebrew and English but for the large part the congregation speaks only Hebrew. Still, despite our language differences the other congregants treat me with warmth and friendship which came home more today as I was sensitized to see and realize the acceptance which has greeted me honestly from the first service I did partake of a Shabbat morning services there. This got me to thinking and realizing the many people who have become like friends at the various stores where we shop. In every store there are those who have taken the initiative to befriend us and make our lives so much easier and, better yet, warmer. Without these friends our lives would be more difficult, not impossible, but more difficult and far more cold. The difficulty would be overcome with technology, cellphone translation software and the fact that money honestly makes people desire to understand you and for more so in a town with mostly smaller family run stores. But even technology has its limits and life would be far less enjoyable without these wonderful people. Yes, there have been exceptions but even some, if not most, of these more difficult people have come around with time and their realization that we have made Aliyah and truly are here to stay. These people have become our extended family. These people we meet in our weekly ritual of shopping are but one family but there are others.


There have been developed groups within the Anglo communities which provide social, religious and study groups which add much to enrich the lives of us from the Anglosphere who have made Aliyah to our little corner of Israel. There are Torah study groups, social events around the Jewish holidays, expeditions to the near countless historic and religious sites which exist throughout Israel and other events which are simply for entertainment such as game nights. Much of this is possible as there are a fair number of Anglos who are retired or work via telecommuting thus giving them the time to shift work around events. But the reality is that despite many of us coming from many completely different backgrounds, completely disparate locations both within the separate nations as well as around the globe as the tentacles of the British Empire reaches into the farthest corners of the planet. The camaraderie is unlike anything I have ever experienced even in other Jewish communities. Probably the closest to the trust, cooperation, acceptance and mutual respect I have found in Israel was the camaraderie in my infantry platoon in the military and even there it was not as universal nor was it as close as the feelings and friendships I have found here. The mutual relations amongst our Anglo community are, as one might expect, made all the more obvious by the brightening of each other’s faces when we run into one another in unexpected meetings during our daily travels. The same bright eyed and extra bounce in their step is evident with those who have befriended my wife and I in the locations where we stop and despite the claim that most Israelis do not know how to treat people, customers, the many people we have met have gone to great extents to provide any and all assistance we have ever needed. But it goes further as even when we run into a problem in a store while shopping and there is no one we know to assist, often out of the blue a customer steps up, often a stranger and other times somebody we barely know, such as somebody we have interacted with during other completely unconnected matters, will step forward and take as long as required to make sure that every and anything required has been done to take care of whatever the problem or requirement you needed. Sometimes this even has the effect of the store or wherever you are, going the extra step and finding what it is you requested even after initially believing they had none in stock, a very surprising but not actually all that unusual case, just was not the reputation of the particular instance we recently experienced.


The ultimate test of a society is how they react when a person appears distressed, especially somebody they do not know and likely may not have even ever crossed paths. Suffering, as I do from a disability which often limits my ability to walk distances which are embarrassingly short on my worst days that I often end up sitting on low walls or the benches at bus stops and around town, of which there are numerous as this is a resort location, and I am usually breathing rather hard and sweat rather profusely partially from physical exertion and additionally likely due to the cocktail mix of medications physicians assure us are required for our betterment as they will place our blood tests and other medical tests within their preferred ranges. Needless to say, I make quite a site at times when I am out and around and more often than I may be completely comfortable though I am very appreciative and would probably be more ill at ease if things were the opposite and everybody just passed a person in distress by without any concerns sufficient to stop and offer to help. These good citizens will even seek the assist from another to work as a translator just to make sure you are not in need of medical or other assistance. This would have been a real rarity before I made Aliyah as my limitations are far from something new and I had sufficient opportunities to test the situation before reaching Israel.


Many of you are probably wondering if I have lost my mind or is there something towards which I am working and you would be correct. As many of us have been reading here there has been a steadily increasing levels of violence with stabbings, vehicular assaults, rock attacks, Temple Mount rioting replete with assaults on the police and some shootings as well. Further, there have been calls from Hamas for Arabs to start using poison on their knives as well as to start utilizing homicidal suicide bombings. The idea behind the terror assaults, the rocket attacks and every other form of attacks against Israeli citizens and the IDF are intended to accomplish two things, first to chase the Jews out and destroy Israel or second to murder every Jews thus destroying Israel. There is absolutely no desire to actually form an Arab nation called Palestine unless it replaces Israel after which Fatah and Hamas allied with Islamic Jihad will fight to see who gets to rule on their state founded on the corpses of the six-million plus Jews living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Interestingly enough it often appears that the Europeans and the United States State Department and others from all over the globe, as indicated when the General Assembly voted to accord an Arab state of Palestine non-Member Observer State status in the United Nations with one-hundred-thirty-eight in favor and nine against which were Canada, Czech Republic, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Panama, Palau, United States and with forty-one nations abstaining. One-hundred-thirty-eight nations decided to recognize an Arab state which has refused to accept any offer for a state from the initial offer in 1948 to have the lands divided evenly between Israel and an Arab state, and again including a series of times during the last weeks of the Clinton Administration while President Willian Jefferson Clinton worked with Israeli Prime Minister Olmert offering over ninety percent of Judea and Samaria with the remainder covered through land swaps as well as all of Eastern Jerusalem including all of the Old City and the Temple Mount even to include the Western Wall and the plaza before it where Jews currently pray as close as possible to the location of the Holy First and Second Temples on the Temple Mount. Then there was the nineteen years when the lands were occupied by Jordan in Judea and Samaria and Egypt in Gaza when there was no desires, claims, votes at the United Nations or calls about occupation over the presence of Jordan and Egypt in the lands now being recognized by the United Nations as an independent nation with overwhelming accordance.


The reason which will stop the aims of Fatah, PA, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the PLO plus additionally Iran and the Islamic State who have also expressed their desire to destroy the Jewish State of Israel, or the Zionist Entity if one listens to their propaganda, is this family feelings between the majority of Israelis and particularly within the religious Zionist community which has been and continues to gain new adherents every day. Even in Israel there are those in the political classes who are attempting to take whatever they can to prevent the eventual surge in the religious Zionist camp from coming to the forefront and take control of the Knesset and the office of Prime Minister. What has been holding these groups back have been efforts to subvert their rising power in the right wing parties, a conflict here in Israel which might come close to the same resurgence in the United States of religious right in the Republican Party. It is just with the political zoo of parties in Israel such subversion is sometimes accomplished by some being driven by the old party power structures while others are lost through the foolish rivalries within this community which in too many cases are due to differences too insignificant for many to even understand. But politics are the same across the world and often make little sense to the average person but apparently are humongous in the political realms. Politics aside, in the real world within Israel, as best as I have been able to discern, there is an attitude which bodes well for the future and the taking on the challenges no matter what the world might try to throw our way. It took close to two-thousand years for the Jewish People to return to our ancient homeland making Israel the first nation to return into existence from exile twice (thrice if the four-hundred years of slavery in Egypt) and one of the few peoples to keep their original language and genetic integrity while in such an extended existence spread over as many differing nations as was the case of the Jewish People. This was extremely well worded in a recent article we read where it was simply stated,


“Israel, rooted in the Jewish people as an Abrahamic people, is a prototypical First Nation or aboriginal people, just as the Jewish religion is a prototypical aboriginal religion, the first of the Abrahamic religions. In a word, the Jewish people is the only people that still inhabits the same land, embraces the same religion, studies the same Torah, hearkens to the same prophets, speaks the same aboriginal language – Hebrew – and bears the same aboriginal name, Israel, as it did 3,500 years ago.”


The central congealing, central, and treasured truth which held these numerous communities was Torah. Torah cemented our history. Torah preserved our language (even if many of us have yet to remaster our ancient language, the language from where the first two letters, Aleph and Bet gave the English language the word ‘alphabet’). Torah retained our laws. Torah safeguarded our covenant with Hashem reminding us of our special responsibility to work the lands of Eretz Yisroel. Torah gave us hope during the darkest hours. Torah also challenged us through the ages to be better people despite the events which were often collapsing around us. Torah taught us the importance of reading and study. And Torah steeled us to remember our roots in Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Exodus with Moses and the entirety of our history and some of the wisest and most sagely rules and advice on life, relations and virtually any situation we might encounter in life. It was the Ten Commandments and the rules establishing moral codes establishing the basis for Judeo-Christian society and the teachings of Psalms and Proverbs which filled out the basis for conscience and morality when most of the world still worshipped idols sacrificing children and others before great stone edifices.



Ten Commandments Arranged in Hebrew Reading from Right to Left with English Translations Underneath the Hebrew

Ten Commandments
Arranged in Hebrew
Reading from Right to Left
with English Translations
Underneath the Hebrew


Much of the basis for a just society was everything opposed by the Nazis as evidenced in this song sung by the Hitler Youth;

“We are the joyous Hitler youth
We do not need any Christian virtue
Our leader is our savior
The Pope and Rabbi shall be gone
We want to be pagans once again.”

That about says it all and many in the Arab Palestinian leadership and the leaders in Iran and other Arab and Muslim nations, terror groups, Islamic religious organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood and the anti-Semites, anti-Israel and anti-Zionists such as the leaders and members of the Islamic State all share an admiration for Hitler’s and the Nazis’ stand on exterminating the Jews with a special note for perhaps one of the main influences to inculcate these thoughts and concepts into Islamic and especially Arab Palestinian thought was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Hussein, the man who mentored Yasser Arafat and had a great deal of influence on Mahmoud Abbas who all dream of causing another Shoah, another Holocaust while a number which includes some of the Iranian leaders, other Arab and Muslim leaders both political and religious, as well as some like Mahmoud Abbas whose doctoral thesis revolved around a version of Holocaust denial. A few final thoughts which need telling, the Arab Palestinians are being fed lies about their state being denied them by the Jews in Israel as it is their leadership which will only accept replacing a destroyed Israel and placing their nation on the corpses of six-million plus Jews and the people, especially those being forced to remain in refugee camps are all being denied basic human rights by the Arabs who refuse to assist their brethren as they would hurt and impose hardship on generation after generation in the hope these refugees descendants will be permitted to flood Israel and vote their subjugation of all the Israeli Jews when they elect the leader who will surrender the lands to the Arab Palestinian state ending any two state solution making all the land between the Jordan River and the Sea one Arab nation and the Jews in Israel stand ready to enforce their idea which is summed up in a single concept, “Never Again!” As we actually are a family whose tree dates back to Abraham and Sarah over four thousand years ago, and yes such things matter and they matter to our family greatly.


Beyond the Cusp


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