Beyond the Cusp

January 14, 2017

Paris Conference in Paris and Inevitable Challenges


Tomorrow, Sunday January 15, 2017, will be a date that will start the cause of infamy when seventy nations convene in Paris, France to craft the future war in the Middle East. The organizers of this confab have already met with Mahmoud Abbas and his terrorist supporters and carefully created the closest they dare go in granting the Arab Palestinian Authority their wildest desires, the end of Israel. They will give the Arab world the one item they have hoped for ever since they fought the June 5 – 10, 1967, Six Day War; a redo from the original borders. The seventy nations will include the United States which will be represented by President Short Term Barack Obama’s puppet and lackey, Secretary of State Kerry who was instrumental in meeting with Abbas in Nablus to craft the finalization of the formation of a new Arab nation named Palestine cut from the legal borders of Israel as per more treaties than we care to list again, the League of Nations, the Mandate System and Article 80 of the UN Charter which binds the world to that very Mandate System which set the eastern Israeli border as the Jordan River. Also included among the nations and others joining the United States and France will be European Union Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini, a representative of the United Nations, many Foreign Ministers from European nations, a number of the Sunni Arab nations high representatives, advisors from numerous anti-Israeli NGO’s for a reasoned flavor of authenticity and fairness and various other national representatives to round out the merry band of vigilante diplomacy. The truth be told, this is an internationally prearranged lynching where under the direction of France, the United States President and his State Department, the European Union, selected leftist pro-Palestinian Arab nations and the usual anti-Israel third world nations being brought together to give the feel of an authentic and reasoned conference which has the backing of the world and thus is really dispensing justice. Israel has denounced this conference knowing that the final decision has already been set in cement and left to dry.


Protesters in support of Palestinians in Gaza last weekend displayed a swastika at a Paris rally. The demonstration had been banned by the government and prompted deployment of police.

Protesters in support of Palestinians in Gaza
last weekend displayed a swastika at a Paris rally.
The demonstration had been banned by the
government and prompted deployment of police.


There is little left to chance and the only item which will be decided at the conference is how long they will appear to debate and deliberate before all but unanimously approving the pre-prepared proposition for an “equitable” resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, the misnamed Palestinian-Israeli conflict as the Palestinian Arabs are simply the bludgeon with which the Arab world had attempted for years to beat Israel into submission and return them to the pre-June 1967 borders, press Israel back within the 1949 Armistice Line also referred to as the Green Line. After the ill-fated October 6–25, 1973, Yom Kippur War where the Arab allies of Egypt and Syria believed they would be able to defeat Israel if they caught them completely unprepared for an attack. Their plan worked as they caught Israel literally deep in prayers and unaware and unable to recall their military as the soldiers were in Synagogue and all transportation and communications were all either closed or in holiday mode. Eventually the Israelis cobbled together their units and survived. What was learned that month was had Israel not still held the Sinai Peninsula and Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and should there have been additional forces attacking from Judea and Samaria backed by other Arab nations with Israel within the pre-June 1967 borders, the Arabs would have had a very good chance of being in Tel Aviv under similar conditions of surprise. The first and most vital need for an Arab victory and the erasure of Israel is to force Israel back behind the Green Line. The next requirement is for a heavily armed and ready force within Judea and Samaria. With such in place the Arab assault to eradicate Israel would be assured. Such an assault would be initiated with rockets fired from the Judean Hills overlooking central Israel. These rockets would initially be a few the first week and a slow ramping with accuracy guaranteed by having direct visual ranging from the Judean cliffs and the world cautioning Israel to remember the peace agreement and not to react harshly. Israel would be condemned as foolish for any concerns and would be told that the government of “Palestine” was not behind the attacks and was doing everything possible to apprehend those responsible and were very concerned that Israel might react foolishly and hold them responsible for these horrific attacks. The United Nations would call emergency meetings which would issue warning after warning to Israel not to take matters into its own hands as doing so would break the Israeli obligation from the Paris accords which were confirmed and formed the core of the UNSC Chapter Seven Resolution establishing the independent state of Palestine. The shrillness of the warnings coming from the UN, the EU and even from the United States should somebody of a similar viewpoint as President Obama be elected, an eventuality which will come to pass, and various NGO’s, Human Rights Organizations and possibly through decisions from the World Courts all condemning Israel even before she has taken any defensive actions. The one item that must be recalled is that Israel is not permitted to defend herself, Israel if defending herself may not prove victorious, at the first signs of an Israeli victory the fighting must be terminated and the original borders reestablished no matter how long it takes (as is becoming all too evident currently) and finally when Israel is proving victorious then it becomes the vital mission of much of the world to threaten Israel with annihilation if they do not cease winning and return to their borders immediately.


So let us get back to Paris and the conference of the damning. The prearranged findings will call for the establishment of the Arab state of Palestine with the borders that the world realizes is the only proper and inevitable borders, the Green Line and the Jordan River. The call will be for an unarmed Palestine with only a security force having weapons necessary for dealing with crime and for preventing any encroachment or invasions by Israel. As time passes the amount of weaponry required for the security of Palestine will include armor, artillery, rockets and an air force. They would also call for their having a navy with aircraft carriers except the Dead Sea and Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) are just too small to require any naval forces, but a small coast guard might be authorized to patrol the Jordan River as well as these other waterways. Simply stated, within a decade, two at the most, the Arab state of Palestine will be better armed than Jordan, something which will rightfully make the King of Jordan very nervous as he recalls the Black September revolt where the PLO attempted to overthrow the Jordanian government. Meanwhile, Israel will be in mortal danger and likely once again without a friend in the world. Much like the position Israel finds herself in until January 20, 2017 at noon Eastern Standard Time when President Obama gives way to President Trump.


The one saving hope from a world gone mad is that the Paris ambushing of Israel takes longer than five days and the protection of a United States veto returns to the Security Council. Should the protagonists in France complete their dirty work before the morning of January 20, 2017, then there is a possibility of the UNSC officially recognizing Arab Palestine with the Green Line as its western border and forcing close to a million Israelis to become refugees instantly and needing to be rescued by the IDF and escorted to safety. The one item that would be considered fighting words is if the Paris ensemble tries to take any part of Jerusalem from Israeli control. Israel has officially annexed all of Jerusalem and granted its Arab citizens Israeli identification papers, medical coverage and permitted them voting rights in local elections with the possibility for full voting rights once they complete certain requirements to qualify as full citizens. Israelis have accepted that Jerusalem is an integral part of Israel and our reclaiming of our eternal Capital City and that is the one thing which will never change. This is something which must be made clear as well as making the Israeli position on the main cities and residential blocks which must remain part of Israel as even under the Oslo Accords Area C was to remain with Israel.


Despite it becoming clear that the entirety of the Oslo Accords was a ruse, a grand deception designed to allow for the slow and eventual erosion of the right of Israel to even exist within any borders. That eventuality has yet to materialize but not for lack of efforts. The BDS, boycott, divestment and sanction, movement developing from the Arab boycott of Israel and their Khartoum Resolution with the three No’s; no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel, and spreading throughout the world and gaining traction numerous college campuses in the Western World, the isolation of Israel was looking to make inroads. Within the past year the BDS has seen setbacks as governments in numerous cities and states in the United States and elsewhere, it required a boost which came almost as if scripted by some unseen director with the recent UNSC Chapter Six Advisory Resolution 2334 which declared that Israel had no legal claims to Area C thus voiding UNSC Res. 242 and the Oslo Accords setting an entirely new perception to the eventual resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. President Obama through the backdoor arrangement of UNSC Res. 2334 wording and particular specification delineating the abrogation of all Israeli rights presumably on the international stage, the world has set up a situation where another war is all but guaranteed in the Middle East unsettling any semblance of balance and leeway for actual negotiations to take place. The next step, should this procedural intention play out fully, would be to demand that Israel surrender every inch of lands they gained during their defensive efforts in the Six Day War. The world is treading on thin ice and teetering on the edge of falling through and unless in Paris a miracle occurs and the world decides to step away from the insanity and frantic attempts by President Obama to force a resolution which will only set up a situation with no good solution just to pretend he deserved that Nobel Peace Prize. It is borderline insanity to potentially force a predicament which could result in a dangerous faceoff between the United Nations Security Council, Israel and the viability and enforcement of President Obama taking a final shot in his vendetta against the Jewish State which it appears his aim had been its destruction from day one. That is the only way his frantic end of term insanity forcing solutions where none exist as well as his guaranteeing that Iran will become a nuclear armed nations with as many if not more nuclear weapons than all but the big three, United States, Russia and China, and possibly Iran will make that the big four and the world will live on borrowed time thereafter. Oh what has the world wrought and how can that tension be released peaceably? Perhaps it cannot and the result will become the real legacy for President Obama. Too bad so few might survive that legacy should it really turn for the worst. But then again, transforming the United States, specifically its relationship with the Jewish State, with Israel, has been the aim all along and was likely the most prominent piece of America Barack Hussein Obama had intended to mortally wound from the very start. He sure went after this first, last and consistently the hardest.


Beyond the Cusp 


November 20, 2016

Promise Israel Should Tell Obama

Filed under: 2012 Elections,2016 Elections,Act of War,Administration,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arabs,Article 80,Binding Resolution,Chapter Seven Security Council Resolution,Coverup,Demolitions,East Jerusalem,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Executive Order,Federica Mogherini,General Assembly,Hamas,Hamas Charter,International Politics,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamists,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israelite Artifacts,Jerusalem,Jewish State,Jews,Judea,Judean Hills,Main Stream Media,New World Order,Old City,Oslo Accords,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Palestinian Security Force,Permanenet Members,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,Promised Land,Recognize Israel,Samaria,San Remo Conference,Secular Interests,Security Council,Settlements,Six Day War,Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process,Statehood,Taqiyya,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terminal War,Threat to Israel,Three No's,UN Human Rights Council,UNHCR,United Nations,United Nations Charter,United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181,United Nations Presures,United Nations Relief and Works Agency,United States,United States State Department,UNRWA,UNSC Res 242,Veto Power,West Bank,World Opinion,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:05 AM
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There has been much projecting on what President Obama might do to release his vengeance on Prime Minister Netanyahu and to hurt Israel permanently under International Relations. Israel should be wise and quietly relate to Administration officials that any drastic alteration from the agreed settlement reached through direct negotiations will be met with determination and resolve. Further information on what is meant by determination and resolve should be met that the degree to which such responses might take would be situationally dependent and would take actions measurable to any provocation or attack on the status-quo which the Administration was always so concerned about over the last eight years. Israel fully expects that said status-quo will continue and there will be no surprises or alterations placed on the balanced situation. This situational reactive desire will include any changes at the United Nations, The Hague or in any other international forum and not solely actions by the United States including lack of action allowing changes to occur. Should Israel find all things remain within the broader definition of the status-quo, then there would be no appreciable moves by Israel. Just believe that Israel is prepared to counter any move aimed at compromising Israel and the guarantees in place from before the election and including all expectations from promises and previous apparent intentions.


For the record, the rest of this editorial is purely the desired reactions BTC would hope have been communicated at least as strongly as above and potentially including some of what follows. One item which the world need understand is Israel will never allow any rescinding of our having annexed all of Jerusalem including the Old City, the Kotel and Plaza and the Temple Mount. These are all vital historic lands upon which there can be no debate, end of story. It is the intent of Israel to retail all of Area C which has been the intent from the very beginning of negotiations and Israel is adamant on this point. Area A will be permitted as Palestinian lands and agreements need be found to divide the lands in Area B such that each state has contiguous borders in the division in Judea and Samaria. All of these agreements depend on the Palestinians and the Arab nations recognize Israel as the home of the Jewish People and all reach a peace and agree that all hostilities will end. The situation is and has always been the Arab/Israeli conflict and not limited to just the Palestinians but the Arab and Muslim worlds. Any final agreement which falls short of this level of acceptance is a formula for eventual warfare and as such is unacceptable to Israel who desires peaceful and even beneficial relations with the other nations in the MENA nations (Middle East and North Africa – see map below). Israel will also retain the Golan Heights, particularly since there is no true Syrian government and the Islamic State, which is being enriched with Saudi Arabian funds and arms, could easily take these heights long enough to launch a severe attack upon Israelis residing in the Galilee. These same heights were previously used by Syrian snipers to practice their craft murdering farmers who were simply tending their fields and animals. That is another reason Israel must retain these high lands. Finally, the Jordan valley and overlooking heights will remain defended by the IDF as this is the first line for the defense of Israel. These minimal states need to be communicated through whatever channels used for official warnings and staunch positions. These are Israeli stances which have been presumably eroded but are being reestablished and former promises from San Remo through Article 80 of the United Nations Charter and the original mandate system. These promises need be realized and any compromise within the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea will be permitted by the good graces of Israel and not through any external pressures or threats.


(MENA) Middle East and North Africa Including Turkey and Iran With North Central Africa

Middle East and North Africa
Including Turkey and Iran
With North Central Africa


Israel must take whatever defensive measures and precautions necessary to assure that should there be a parting vengeance shot from the White House in a manner which would be difficult or impossible for the Trump Administration to counter and return everything to the equilibrium which existed before any action by a parting President Obama, then Israel will have procedures and actions which would assure Israel’s rights and safety for the future. These are warnings and military planning with troops drilled and practiced for carrying out whatever is necessary to execute each of the responses to any of a complete series and span of potential attacks at the status-quo. Israel should be prepared to limit the Palestinian Authority (PA) to Area A and limited parts of Area B but none of Area C and if the Security Council were to pass an enforceable resolution, then Israel need act even if it causes a potential for a confrontation and be prepared to hold their ground and should world powers then demand Israel relent and it becomes apparent that an actual confrontation is in the making, then Israel will have little choice but to slowly pull from lands as necessary and also terminate all water, power and other services which the PA is behind on their payments. The world might be capable of forcing a settlement on Israel giving the PA everything that President Obama has continuously threatened to recognize, namely the pre Six Day War borders on Israel, there is absolutely no reason for Israel to power, water, feed and totally support such an open and immediate threat to her safety. There is no means other than invading an independent nation, Israel, and take control of the power grid, water systems and other utilities and even broadcast frequencies so as to provide free everything for the PA and force Israel to provide such support through invading a sovereign state, an act of war. That begs the question as to which nations would attempt an invasion just to enact such a spiteful assault by Barack Hussein Obama as he leaves office. One would hope none of the main powers would enforce such but Israel should be prepared for even the most unlikely of situations, the world backing a temper tantrum. Israel actually could annex all of Judea and Samaria followed by deportation of every officer from the PA and all of the security personnel, particularly the ones with terror ties which include the majority of the police and security personnel. This must be one possible solution which should be reserved only should President Obama attempt to give all of Judea and Samaria to the PA as a gift and claim the United States recognizes their invented nation. Such cannot be permitted to stand as within days either Hamas or Islamic State would take possession of the lands which then would allow them to pose a direct threat to Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion International Airport and the majority of infrastructure, business and residential neighborhoods, a completely untenable situation. This is the threat and potential situation facing Israel and why the leadership must make any action by President Obama have consequences which are spelled out in advance such that there can be no surprise or claim that the reaction was not anticipated. The real aim is to preserve the status-quo such that the system can continue for as long as the world demands that terrorists of the PA must be coddled as if they actually cared for the people residing under their corrupt rule. The day will come, possibly soon, when the people living under the PA will demand real leadership and an end to their impoverished state directly due to the thieving of their leadership. On that day the Israelis will know that the Palestinian people are ready to have peace and a future for their children and themselves.


Beyond the Cusp


November 9, 2016

Hubris Thy Name is France

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,1967 War,2016 Elections,Absolutism,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab World,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Borders,Chapter Seven Security Council Resolution,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Divided Jerusalem,Donald Trump,East Jerusalem,Egypt,Elections,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Hate,Hevron,History,IDF,International Politics,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamists,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jordan River,Jordanian Pressure,Judea,Judean Hills,Khartoum Conference,Kotel,Leftist Pressures,MENA,Middle East,Muslim World,Myth,NATO,Negev Desert,Nepal,New Testament,Old City,Old Testament,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,PLO,Politicized Findings,Politics,President,Promised Land,Promised Land,Prophets,Recognize Israel,Samaria,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Security Council,Shechem,Six Day War,Statehood,Support Israel,Temple Mount,Temple Mount,Three No's,Torah,Two Millennia of Exile,Two State Solution,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States State Department,West Bank,World Opinion,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:37 AM
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French diplomats told Haaretz, describing the situation after the meeting between French envoy Pierre Vimont and Israeli officials Monday where the Israelis restated their refusal to cooperate with the French peace plans, the French representatives stated, “Envoy Pierre Vimont’s discussion with Israeli government representatives in Jerusalem was sincere and difficult. The negative Israeli response was predictable, and we will take Israel’s position into consideration. However, we plan to carry on promoting our peace initiative.” Apparently the French establishment is determined to pursue their designs on formulating a peace proposal based on the defunct two state solution, which they feel and believe is fair and acceptable to the nations they are able to gather by year’s end even if Israel is not included in the formulation of the solution. Israeli refusal is based on the insistence for direct party to party negotiations to resolve any differences. Since Israel rejected the French proposals, the Palestinian Authority (PA) accepted the French proposal and is seeking for the Arab League and Nonaligned Nations (NAM) joining the French negotiation in order to formulate a proposal which will facilitate the eradication of Israel through Arab Palestinian refugee and their descendants right to return to within Green Line (1949 Armistice Lines), all five to eight million making Israel just one more Arab majority state which will vote to deport, murder or otherwise deal with their Jewish minority. The PA is simultaneously seeking a preferably binding Security Council Chapter Seven resolution making all Israeli existence beyond the Green Line illegal under International Law believing that United States President Obama will not veto and might even propose such a measure in his closing weeks before the new President, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, a decision still being voted upon as we write, is inaugurated and such returns to being a dicey issue which remains a third-rail issue.


The French, with Egyptian assistance, have already made one run at this which started to be setup back in February 2016 and held in June, with no agreement being accepted by the attending nations and the French vowing to hold a follow-up by the end of the year. France is intending to form a coalition of the willing to reach a completely fleshed-out agreement accepted by and signed onto by the majority of the attending nations whether either concerned party, the Israelis or PA, approve or even accept the invite to join and assist in the drafting a resolution. The French believe that their record as world leaders stretching back century after century to the modern day giving them the right to design, implement and enforce any solution resolved by their conference. The first failed attempt consisted of largely European, Arab and Muslim nations plus the United States breaking-up with acrimony and disagreement leaving the French empty-handed with no two-state agreement to implement by any and all means necessary. How the French plan on forcing any agreement has also not been discussed with some believing that the French conference would be the first step to a Security Council Chapter Seven initiative then enforced using troops under the United Nations command relieving the French of posting an enforcement military contingent. The French even had to pull from the military contingent of NATO as they were unable to continue to provide their share, despite the limited demands being asked, and preferred to sit snug realizing there could be no actual threat to their nation as the Soviet Union threat was gone and any other threat would require hitting France’s neighboring countries thus giving them ample warning time to seek a solution.


All this still begs whether the world is ready to place military troops inside Israeli borders engaging the IDF in a general state of war? Would Russia sign on to a second front in the Middle East against the one nation capable of assisting their efforts in what remains of Syria and working against the Islamic State? What about China? China and India are both trading partners with Israel and potential recipients of military and dual use technologies as well as advanced in crop production, irrigation, resource management, computing sciences and numerous other scientific and social areas of research and development from Israel and these trade and sharing relations, to quote a song, have only just begun. Neither nation is to be expected to turn against Israeli interests making an antagonistic enemy out of a developing friendly nation. Other nations from the Middle East are currently so involved in internal conflicts that their participating in any joint military endeavor is next to or absolutely impossible. Examples include but are not limited to Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan and others. Whether the United States would be even approachable to participate depends heavily on who becomes the next President and which party controls Congress. Canada is currently one nation which can be expected not to attend any such conference, let alone actively participate in any actions against Israel. There are other nations which would never act against Israel even if simply because of emergency aid received often starting early after the emergency and almost always remains being amongst the last to depart and giving a level of aid only matched by the United States. Such nations would include Haiti, Japan, Philippines, Nepal and others. These facts might make fielding a military force capable of engaging the IDF adequately with sufficient force to alter the current realities on the ground. Further, placing troops for making an assault against Israel might be problematic as Jordan and Egypt both have peace treaties with Israel which would preclude their permitting any military force to be mounted from their fronts, their borders.


The dream the French envision will not only be a nightmare for Israel should some agreement be concluded but also a nightmare for any and every nation choosing to join in being resolved to force any two state solution which addresses also the right for the Arab Palestinian refugees being relocated within Israel and splitting Jerusalem. Those opting to provide troops will be on the front lines of the war prophesized to incur the greatest casualties of any war throughout history making the blood and bodies to be piled deep upon the plains at Megiddo and others being cut to pieces against the sharp shards of the injurious bolder which is Jerusalem. The New Testament relays the story in Revelations which describes a final battle between good and evil. This is, in appearance, exactly the plan by the French as they appear to include initiating a war solely for and by themselves where no others are pressed into war. But even if France is foolhardy enough to initiate such a war believing that such a conflict would not soon balloon up and explode in their faces, then they are horribly ignorant or simply foolhardy to such a point taking risks beyond any an informed and sane person would pursue. But then again we are speaking about the forcing of an Arab Palestinian State, which would soon fall to Hamas or Islamic State if not a marriage of the two, against Israel so completely losing one’s sanity is all but required when addressing this problem.


Armageddon Before and After

Armageddon Before and After


Where the French may dare to go has been covered by their leadership though there does appear to be minimal wiggle-room such that they could back down from the threatened result even should the French proposals fail to gain any traction. This determined alternative was stated as France officially recognizing a Palestinian State and potentially delivering them with France even recognizing the actual borders. Should France take such a foolish direction it would all but guarantee a raised level of conflict and a far lesser possibility for the two parties negotiating one with the other. The PA has always had a singular goal from its very start as the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization, a terrorist group) back in 1964, a full three years before the Six Day War of June 1967 when the perverse concept that Judea and Samaria along with Eastern Jerusalem including the Old City, the Kotel and the Temple Mount were being occupied by Israel, not liberated from the nineteen years of Jordanian occupation; and that is, was and continues to be the destruction of Israel, all of Israel by any and all means necessary. The reality is that Judea and Samaria were Jordanian occupied lands before their liberation by Israel in the Six Day War. That is the dirty little lie the world has swallowed and used to attempt to assist the Arabs in destroying Israel. Each time a nation recognized an Arab state anywhere in Judea and Samaria and especially any part of Jerusalem the possibility that the Arabs, many of whom were placed there by Jordan during their occupation from 1949 through June 1967 were and remain the real “settlers” as they were in many cases forced to resettle so as to create the appearance of Jordanian ownership. In some cases they were moved into the homes the Jews lost when they were forced from their homes, lands and businesses by the Jordanian troops as Jordan refused to permit a single Jew to remain on their lands during the occupation. That is the reality which in far too many cases is driven by anti-Semitism in the form of either anti-Zionism or anti-Israelism; the three are interchangeable as to hold any one implies your support for the other two.


France is not forwarding anything new and the PA is continuing with their enforcement of the Khartoum Resolution of 1 September 1967 which included the Three No’s. These Three No’s are, no peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel. This was broken by Egyptian martyred President Anwar Sadat. He broke the silence and negotiated peace with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin while United States President Jimmy Carter was presumably facilitating but later it was learned that Carter kept pressing Sadat to demand more of Israel and almost cost the two nations’ peace. President Carter was a virulent anti-Israel politician and thought Egypt should have demanded the Israelis return every inch of land and admits the Arab refugees and their children and children’s children making Israel simply another Arab state. Sadat was more interested in making a real and lasting peace. He attained his vision before the Muslim Brotherhood had succeeded in assassinating this man with a vision. That has been a problem in the Arab and much of the Muslim lands, few leaders have visions of peace and there lies the wall the French will hit. The question is will they learn or simply recognize a state where the sole desire is the destruction of an existing state and after that returning to their respective tribes leaving the land barren again, as it was in the latter half of the Nineteenth Century when the first Zionists returned joining the remnants of the Jewish Israelite civilization still residing in Jerusalem, Hevron, Shechem and throughout the Galilee, Judea, Samaria and even the Negev Desert. There is another reality; the land was mostly empty until the Jewish Zionists constructed the waterworks irrigation systems. After much of that work had been accomplished, the Arabs arrived for the better economy and that is their reason for remaining. Should the world end their payments to these terror masters, they would leave never to be seen again. The few who would remain would be those willing to work and make something with their lives and with those Israel will be capable of negotiating a lasting peace. Think about that France, if you can see past your hatreds and anti-Semitism.


Beyond the Cusp


*Tomorrow Reaction to President Elect Donald Trump and what that entails for the future.




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