Beyond the Cusp

June 15, 2016

Is Anti-Semitism or Islamophobia Growing in the United States?


We hear about the ever-increasing anti-Muslim hate crimes often in response to a terrorist act and with these claims the warning to avoid Islamophobia as if Islamic hatreds were growing out of control. Let us look at the reality on the comparison between anti-Islamic and anti-Semitic crimes starting in 2000 through 2014, the last year we could find comparable statistics, using FBI gathered statics below:

Year                                            Anti-Islamic Crimes                                 Anti-Semitic Crimes
2000                                                   28                                                                1109
2001                                                 481                                                                1043
2002                                                155                                                                   931
2003                                                149                                                                   927
2004                                                156                                                                   954
2005                                                128                                                                   848
2006                                                156                                                                   967
2007                                                115                                                                   969
2008                                                105                                                                 1013
2009                                                107                                                                   931
2010                                                160                                                                   887
2011                                                157                                                                   771
2012                                                130                                                                   674
2013                                                135                                                                   625
2014                                                154                                                                   609


As one might have expected, hate crimes against Muslims peaked in 2001 and settled back to a level which was significantly higher than the 2000 statistic but there was no significant rise after 2001 despite the incessant cries of Islamophobia which we hear after every Muslim atrocity such as the recent attacks in Israel, the United States, Europe and the others in Africa, Asia and the rest of the Middle East which we do not hear about. Yes, we know there is violence and fighting going on in Libya, Syria and Iraq, but we hear little about the fighting between the Islamic State and the Kurds as well as Turkey and the Kurds and the Christians who are still getting murdered wholesale in the Middle East, North Africa and all along the borders between Islam and the Christian world and between Islam and the Hindu and Buddhist worlds.


As also noted from the table of anti-Islamic and anti-Semitic crimes, it becomes quickly evident that if there were an actual problem between the two it would be anti-Semitism. The sad news is that anti-Semitism has been reported to be escalating, especially on college campuses where at some major universities the Jewish students are afraid to let their religion become known and would never consider wearing any religious items such as a Yarmulke or Star of David jewelry for fear of being assaulted. A report in Arutz Sheva titled Anti-Semitism jumps by more than 100% in New England obviously is some ominous news as if counting New Jersey and New York to New England, that small area, accounts for approximately half the Jewish population of the country. The particulars may not sound horrific but anyway one looks at the number of anti-Semitic incidents doubled from five per month to just over ten a month is worrisome in what it portends for the future. The Majority of the offences were registered from Massachusetts. Going back a few years and taking the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) figures, there was a 21% increase in anti-Semitic offences in 2014 over 2013 with the numbers rising from 751 to 912. What is troublesome to us is whose figures to believe, these from the ADL or the FBI reported a drop from 625 to 609. Who to believe is the problem, but for a solution one can believe that the ADL receives more reports from Jews who decide not to take out a police report as such can often be more problems for no arrest or other assistance as most often the report is taken and filed as many of the incidents are misdemeanor crimes though to the victim it probably feels a whole lot more serious. Still, unless one seeks to find information about anti-Semitism you are unlikely to know how much more prevalent it is in the United States as well as Europe, the Middle East and around the world.


Anti-Semitism figure and acts of vandalism


Looking at recent activities on many college and university campuses, as stated above, the majority of it is anchored on Israel, which is the springboard for further anti-Semitic actions. Whenever there are activities such as Israel Apartheid Week events designed to misrepresent Israel making Israel out to be the haters and the Islamic world as the exemplary nations where Utopian tolerance and inter-religious tolerance exists, even a cursory review of reality proves this to be a fiction of the worst kind. In Israel the Arabs, both Muslim and Christian alike as well as Buddhists, Baha’I, Hindu, Yazidi and any other religion practiced in the world are accepted and protected with the same or more open acceptance as in the United States while throughout the Islamic world their nations persecute Christians as well as Buddhists, Baha’I, Hindu, Yazidi and any other religion practiced in the world. Even Muslims who are of a different sect or variety are persecuted by the majority Islamic variety such as is prevalent in places where Sunni and Shiite both reside in the same nation. This has been extremely evident in Iran, Syria and Iraq where the violence is often open and flagrant. Yet within the United States Islamophobia is a static and a far lesser problem than is anti-Semitism, but what about the future?


This is where things become more clouded and obscured because attempting to paint a picture of the future one cannot necessarily rely on the past, even the most recent past, but instead must rely on a sixth sense which is difficult to support with facts but let us give it a go. Islam is ascendant in the West and has been cutting out a niche, especially in Europe but also in the United States, where their communities are often segregated from the rest of the nation and are so by design. There is this move towards civilizational Jihad where they initially set aside areas where their numbers are prevalent and work towards clearing an area in major cities and also form small communities out in the countryside usually well away from the beaten path. These are intentional as once they have cleared an area they can impose Sharia or in the remote communities set up military training areas outside of the normal police and societal rules where Islam makes the rules. Many of these hubs of Islamic activity are represented on the map below depicting statistics gathered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. What is most distressing is that a number of these locations are already “No-Go” zones for law enforcement within the United States just as have existed in Europe for the past few decades. Within these miniature Islamic areas, one might equate them to the little Islamic homeland away from home forging their own little Middle East homeland in America. Many of these locations are financed directly by terrorist organizations and others by Islamic countries. Some of the terrorist influences include but are not limited to Hezballah (one of the most widespread and heavily financed terror groups in the world mostly financed by Iran), Muslim Brotherhood (includes CAIR and ISNA), Islamic State, Palestinian Liberation Organization (financed by the Palestinian Authority, Fatah, and largely responsible for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions BDS against Israel) and others. Two of the nations who are by far the largest are Saudi Arabia and Iran. Saudi Arabia builds Mosques, provides Imams, finances youth groups and spreads the Wahhabi form of Islamism and finances Middle East Chairs as well as providing professorships. Iran finances many Shiite Mosques and training areas and these interests just got a huge financial windfall as these areas are part of the Iranian government through the IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) as the Iranian Military which was granted many billions of dollars resulting from the Iran Nuclear Deal and with a large interest under Hezballah control also financed by Iran through the IRGC and directly. The main influence which will have large effects in the future are the manipulations and influences being introduced and has been heavily financed on college and university campuses.


FBI Strategic Assessment of Domestic Terrorism in the United States


One of the main aims of the Islamic influences on campuses is to indoctrinate anti-Semitic strains of thought into the educational systems and onto college life. The Palestinian influence is seen with a heavy hand in these areas. They wrap their anti-Semitism in an anti-Israel agenda where they pound home the propaganda that Israel is a hate-filled and racist nation where only Jews are permitted rights and everybody else is at best victimized and at worst are the victims of genocidal campaigns to annihilate them. This is the line being proposed with their Israel Apartheid Week where the claim that Israeli Defense Forces are routinely implementing a genocidal campaign whose aim is to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians residing within the “occupied” areas. The evidence they provide are based on lies and they never explain or permit into the discussion the inconvenient fact that the Palestinian numbers have grown from 650,000 in 1948 to presumably over 5,000,000, if their numbers are to be believed, when they demand that Israel accept every last Palestinian to return to within Israel with full rights so they can destroy the Jewish State via the ballot box, something that would otherwise be impossible if Israel truly was an Apartheid State. There is never permitted any discussion about the three-quarters of a million Jews expelled from the Arab World in the Middle East and North Africa between 1948 through 1960 in an attempt to inundate Israel with Jewish refugees who had been stripped of any wealth. One has to wonder where these Jewish refugees are today and that is easy to tell, they are incorporated and a vital part of Israeli society because the Israelis welcomed their brothers and sisters and never for a moment considered placing them in refugee camps to utilize as propaganda against their former home nations within which many of their families had resided in these areas for close to two-thousand years. Israel would not degrade anybody in such a manner. Another small fact that is never permitted into the equation is that the Arabs who continued to reside within Israel after the seven Arab armies failed to destroy her in 1948-9 were also not thrown into refugee camps but fully intertwined into Israeli society, given full rights from day one, had full voting rights and voted in every election since 1948 including the very first Israeli elections, were allowed to work in any job, many as doctors and nurses, members of the Israeli Parliament (Knesset), are judges, lawyers and many own their own businesses just as any Israeli is permitted, be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim or any other religion.


The frightening effect the peddling of these lies on campus is that they also paint the Jews with the Israelis claiming there is no difference and that the Jews in the United States are Israeli agents and are attempting with great success to destroy the United States sacrificing America for Israel. When one listens to their rants, they use Israeli and Jew interchangeably making no differentiation despite the fact that the vast majority of American Jews have never visited Israel and all too many have no desire to visit Israel and do not even support Israel. There are numerous Jews who ally themselves with these anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic organizations supporting their fight against Israel. These are useful idiots in the truest sense of the word. They are used as foils to prove the openness of the Arabs and Muslims and as proof that Israel is every bit as evil as claimed as even these Jews fight against the monstrous crimes committed by Israel. The only problem is that these Arab and Muslim propagandists and community organizers are suffering from the world’s worst case of projection as their Arab and Muslim homelands are guilty of virtually every charge they accuse Israel of committing. There is a reason that these Arab and Muslim activists fight tooth and nail against having people visit Israel, simply because within a few hours of visiting Israel their entire lie-soaked presentations would collapse before the obvious evidence within Israel’s open society. Instead, when they arrange trips to see the reality in Israel, one is whisked off to the Palestinian Arab side where any Jew would be murdered on the spot unless they are with the group being indoctrinated, and they are treated to the greatest show that can be put on. The show includes lies that claim that the Jews believe themselves to be superior to others just as the Nazis had done and that the Jews are the modern Nazis. The entire propaganda served up about Israel equals Jews and Jews equals Israel and both are contemptable racist haters. The only defense we will attempt is to invite those desiring truth to visit Israel independently from any group and see reality uncolored by any preconceived notion or filtered through any lenses other than one’s own glasses or contact lenses should one wear them. Nothing else is required to prove the Israeli side of the discussion and Israel has nice beaches and believe it or not skiing in the winter with any good fortune. There are historic sights, the Dead Sea, the lowest place on Earth and what many claim are therapeutic benefits from swimming or just immersing in the salty waters of the Dead Sea. There are even Roman period ruins and those are some of the youngest sites. There is Akko, one of the oldest cities in the world and a once powerful port city with a crusader history as well as being the sole city to repel all attacks from Napoleon. There are religious sites from Islam and Christianity and even older sites from Judaism which predate both religions. For an idea on the age of Judaism one need only know that Buddhism and Confucianism, which predated Islam and Christianity by centuries, their founding teachers Confucius (551–479 BCE) and Gautama Buddha (558 – 491 BCE) both lived and taught during the Second Temple periods beginning as it lasted from 515 BCE until its destruction by the Romans in 70 CE. Judaism’s First Temple, or Solomon’s Temple, period was from its construction 970 BCE to 931 BCE until its destruction in 587 BCE. So, yes, there is quite a lot of history to be witnessed and a surprisingly open and vibrant society where everyone enjoys equality.


Those who wish to claim that Israel is not open and that the Jews are haters are selling the oldest of all anti-Semitic diatribes. Nazi Leader Adolph Hitler was far from the first anti-Semite claiming that the Jews were responsible for all the nation’s woes and were a threat to the continued government. Anti-Semitism very likely even predated Pharos though Pharos was the first to be credited with such falsehoods. The Jews of that era were to be known as the Israelites even before there was an Israel as the Torah was written with the promise that all the lands which Avraham could survey from the tall hilltop would eventually belong to his bloodline from generation to generation. The modern version of anti-Semites paint a picture of Israel as the greatest oppressor and hater of all outside of herself and then smear Jews in general using the presumably proven evils of Israel and claiming that all Jews are Israel and Israel is all Jews. This is circular reasoning, a form of reason considered to be false and the worst place to be should your side be caught in such a supportive argument in any debate. Unfortunately, the anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semites do not permit debate and will intimidate, shout down and use the campus codes and ban on Hate Speech to silence any pro-Israel argument. The ever-present threat of violence should any opposition be permitted against the anti-Israel-Zionist-Semites attempt to express their side almost always intimidates the University or College officials into closing off any counter arguments as hate speech thus silencing one side allowing the other to claim there is no opposition because the other side has no legitimate argument. Who’s practicing Apartheid techniques now?


The eventual desire of these anti-Israel-Zionist-Semites is to prove that the Jew is the real threat and that the Jew is the enemy of all good people and the Jew is the ruination of the nation and as such the Jews must be eradicated. All of their arguments are by their nature intrinsically anti-Semitic as they deny Israel the right to exist thus denying the Jews their own nation as every other peoples have with the exception of the Kurds who have been denied self-determination by Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Their attempt to define Israel as the sole nation to have ever committed any hate ignoring equal or more often worse such actions is again singling out the Jew amongst nations for special judgements. Setting a different bar by which to judge Israel and then only judging Israel is again anti-Semitism by selective judging of Israeli society. Singling Israel from all the nations on the planet and setting it aside for special considerations is another form of Israel victimization and when all counter arguments are summarily dismissed out of hand is refusing Israel a defense or defender and thus anti-Semitism. Finally, when supporting a Palestinian State, those supporting such always mean replacement of Israel with another Arab state and not two states side-by-side as is almost always claimed when these anti-Semites are put upon and this can be proven by their favorite chant, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine must be free.” Where is there any allowance for the Jewish State in that argument? The final nail in their coffins is their oft repeated chant straight from the streets of Tehran which demand, “Kill, kill Israel, kill, kill every Jew.” Another of their stock and trade is the chant, “Death to the Jews.” That last one need not be given any argument beyond the pointing to the quote and allowing it to stand for itself.


Beyond the Cusp


May 16, 2016

Anti-Semitism and America


When people speak of anti-Semitism they normally talk about the Middle East, Europe or the Islamic lands of North Africa. If you were to claim that the anti-Semitism in the United States is actually worse you would likely be laughed out of the conversation if not the room. The problem is that you would be right in many senses of the word. The anti-Semitism in the Arab and Islamic worlds is obvious and has so few Jews on which to load such hatreds they simply aim at Israel, the new anti-Semitism which is also known as anti-Zionism or anti-Israelism. In Europe you are speaking of a similar case as most European nations outside France and Britain have negligible Jewish population on which to target their hatred so they too place their hatreds on Israel. But in the United States there are almost six-million Jews, only Israel possesses more Jews. The truth is that the vast majority of these Jews live in the ten to twenty largest cities and thus in much of the United States Jew hatred is also fixated on Israel. Where there are Jews to target they have temporarily taken a back seat to hatred of Israel but that will not last forever. Ask any Jewish student who is pro-Israel and attends one of the main liberal bastions of higher education such as the Ivy Leagues Universities, the California University System, CUNY, and any university where the BDS groups have sway and are supported by a sizeable number of professors or entertain Israel Apartheid Week or Naqba Day celebrations (which would have taken place last week and the coming week as yesterday was Israeli Independence Day outside of Israel where the Gregorian calendar is used and thus also Naqba Day. Do not accept this falsehood as the real Naqba was when the French and British Mandates divided greater Syria and those Muslim Arabs in the British Mandate feared they would be prevented from visiting Damascus which was where they were to make their Haj instead of to Mecca, a leftover from times when Mecca was blocked from the Muslims who resided in what are today Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey and surrounding areas as they were ruled by the wrong type of Muslim, a Umayyad Dynasties before they conquered Medina and Mecca.


If you are a pro-Israel or religious Jew studying on an American university campus where they had Naqba Day un-celebrations, as how can one celebrate a catastrophe, then you likely already understand anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism are simply other faces of anti-Semitism as you have probably faced the fallout from these events and hate-fests. The sticking point in all of these organizations and groups who arrange these fiascos, where truth has no bearing and lies flow as truths, is their funding comes almost directly, if not directly, from the PLO or Hamas which both get the lion’s share of their monies from European nations and the United States as well as the United Nations which is largely funded by European nations and the United States. The main funnel through which these funds flow comes directly from the United States State Department which is almost always first in line in efforts to destroy the Jewish State. Such should not surprise anybody as the State Department took the lead in advising President Truman not to vote in favor of the partition plan in the General Assembly and then pressed harder along with the Pentagon to immediately invoke an arms embargo on the new Jewish State. It was fairly well known that the Arab League was going to refuse any partition plan as they were preparing for an all-out war to destroy the Jewish State and murder the Jews as soon as the British retreated from their remaining Mandate lands leaving them to the Jewish state and the Arabs to determine what would be what. The ensuing war which is often misnamed Israel’s War of Independence when in all truth it was Israel’s War of Survival which she won but in which she lost lands of Gaza, now in the hands of Hamas and its terrorist compadres, and Judea and Samaria which Jordan annexed illegally and renamed West Bank. These are the lands which in 1967 were liberated from Egypt and Jordan and in August 2005 Gaza was relented to the Arab Palestinian Authority (PA) which soon thereafter lost it to Hamas. The rest of the claims by the Arabs under the auspices of the PA which is the de-terrorized entity which replaced the PLO which was founded in 1964 by Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas with the assistance of the Soviet Union through the KGB which had as its charter the destruction of Israel as in 1964 there was no occupied lands other than Israel inside the pre-1967 borders, also called the Green Line. These are just a few of the lies portrayed as Israeli Apartheid and war crimes despite the fact that no criminal acts have ever been adjudicated in the appropriate world courts such as the International Criminal Court as those who claim that Israel has committed such crimes also know that they have no credible case to bring before an actual judicial board of international adjudicators. If any of these anti-Semites believed for even an instant that they had a valid case they would be before the world court system in a heartbeat and the fact they rely on propaganda rather than presenting factual charges is further proof they have no substance behind their claims.



Burning Israel Star of David



But this has not prevented their subverting young minds with the willing assistance from professors of Middle Eastern Affairs which are almost universally funded by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf oil states placing their own chosen professor in these departments. These departments support every other liberal cause even if they are revolted by these acts. They support women’s rights despite the misogyny practiced in their homelands. They support same sex marriage and the rest of the LGBT agenda despite the fact that such practices are punished by death in their home nations. They support every leftist cause for the same reason others support every leftist cause, if you support me we will support you. Through such actions they are perceived as being tolerant and open minded thus making Israel the enemy of all these groups. Never mind that Israel is the only nation in the Middle East which has an open LGBT community, is the only nation where women have equal rights, are allowed to drive, go out on their own, vote and every other right enjoyed by men and the only truly open and equal society under the law and in practice. Still, the leftist true to their operations manual support those who support them thus support the Arabists. But these concepts rise and run far deeper than simply protesting Israel or condemning Zionism. These actions lead where they must lead if logically followed to their conclusive end, the result of hating Jews.


By hating or opposing the rights of Israel to exist or for there to be a Jewish State and holding Israel to a separate and equally impossible standard of actions while expecting nothing from those who wish to destroy Israel, one is attempting to deny the Jews their right to self-determination and to having their own state. When one claims that Israel must use methods of fighting against Hamas, a declared terrorist organization by the European Union and the United States as well as many individual governments throughout the world even in some Arab and Muslim nations, and that Israel must suffer equal numbers of casualties and deaths otherwise they are fighting unfairly are acting from a base of anti-Semitism. They are demanding of Israel what has never been demanded of any military or nation previously in the history of the world, namely suffering equal casualties and deaths in a war. By this standard the British and Americans are just as bad or worse with their treatment of the Nazis and the Japanese. The entire object in the use of a nation’s military is to maximize casualties on their enemy while suffering as few casualties as possible. The leftist and anti-Israel groups are demanding that Israel be punished for taking care and spending resources to defend their people while Hamas does everything in their effort to maximize the numbers of their own citizens suffer and become casualties as they possibly are capable. Israel works to minimize Arab Gazan’s casualties and deaths while Hamas uses civilians as human shields while targeting civilians, a double war crime.


Still there is a trending amongst the college educated youths to loathe Israel, Zionism and whether they will admit it or not, loathe Jews as well. These are the next leaders of the United States. President Obama is just the tip of the spear, and the first spear at that. Should Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders win the election this fall, there are two things we can guarantee will prove true, Israel will be vilified and reviled while Jewish students and those who support Israel will be treated as pariahs. Even Jews supporting the BDS groups will find themselves treated with suspicion and wild accusations. If the youth attend a college which supports BDS, especially if it is supported by professors, then they are going to be bludgeoned and set upon as murderers and baby killers. Eventually these individuals are to be our new leaders who will have taken the positions of power and control the ballot box electing those who are like-minded. There will be the temptation to use the same canards taught them during their years in university protesting Israel and sloganeering about the evil Israelis and use this to apply the same labels to the Jews in their midst. Their hatreds learned protesting the presumed evils of an Apartheid Israel which victimized Arabs and Muslims will become societal truths and when they turn on Israel in foreign policies their will be the temptation to victimize the Jews found in their nation making them equally responsible for any perceived hatreds and inequalities in their lands. The term Israel will become synonymous with the Jew and Israeli with Jewish and by this equality which was part and parcel of their BDS schooling and their hate for Israel will bring a society which holds the Jews responsible for all that is wrong in their lives. Should the economy hurt, the Jews are to blame. This story has been played out before in our history. As soon as we appear to assimilate there comes a hatred to remind us that we are different somehow. It will matter not that the Jews were contributing members who gave great advances to their society; the Jew must be separated from the society. Jews were amongst the leaders of the Civil Rights movement and are today blamed for much of the economic inequality in much between the races. How much worse will it become throughout the society when the aim will be to separate the Jew from the society as the Jew will have become the ills that are present in that same society. Any act will become the next reason that the Jews were to blame and just as in university where they desired to destroy Israel this will translate for most to destroy the Jews as doing so will equate to destroying Israel herself.


When the United States does turn on her Jews, it will be built quietly and befall them suddenly with a ferocity and immediacy far beyond that which is witnessed today in Europe and this will seem to the Jews to have happened in an instant as they still believed they were accepted as in their circles they were treated well. The sword will fall seemingly from outside their cocooned lives but it will have built up even in those close who were simply keeping their suspicions and eventual hated silently inside as their resentment mirrored the greater societal disdain and even hate for the Jew. Perhaps not their Jew but they will still turn on them along with the rest of the Jews as some eggs must break when making this omelet.


Beyond the Cusp


December 27, 2015

Terror as Just a Daily Occurrence


Throughout most of the world people have no idea that Israelis are still suffering at least four or five active terror attacks each day and that does not include throwing boulder sized rocks and firebombs at passing vehicles hoping to put the huge rocks or the firebomb through the windshield or side window thus hitting the driver causing a crash and potentially fatalities. Many of these ambushed are even done from moving trucks going the opposite direction as the cars they target doubling the speed of their deadly projectiles and these ambushes can go on for hours before they are ended as they move and are planned to evade the IDF and police. Further, the Shin Bet has a more important task than Arab terror as Arab terror is a nuisance as there are bigger fish to fry, what are euphemistically called Jewish terrorism and is largely overstated but has occurred on occasions but nowhere near as prevalent as the Arab terror and more often it is more protest than threat to life. The Duma fire was an exception but has yet to be proven to be an act by Jews but the PA assures the Shin Bet that as there was Hebrew writing claiming it was a price-tag crime that no Arab could have possible written that in Hebrew, there is no way in the world such could be the case. Meanwhile the Shin Bet is rounding up the usual suspects and locking them away for deep interrogation until somebody breaks. Yet daily threats continue as the latest round-up claimed numerous right wing extremists, as always those on the right are extremists while the most egregious and violent leftist might be referred to as left-leaning but otherwise they are mainly left-center or normal as the writers of much of our daily read mainstream media are closer to leftist extremists than they are to centrist observers without any slant or leanings that might taint their reporting. Perhaps that is why we feel free to do the same except from the right and we try to be fair when reporting facts.


The world media might wish to get their news and actually report the daily assaults on Jews especially in and around Jerusalem and other places where Arabs and Jews are in close proximity. But if they wish not to report that their favorites are attempting daily to murder as many Jews as possible, then maybe they would do a feel-good story and arrange a tour of one of those miserable factories which some ‘evil’ Jew owns across the Green Line in Judea and Samaria and take a camera crew and do a live and unrehearsed feed to the morning news shows, maybe even on the View, and show Arab and Jews working together and both treating each other as equals and show what can be if the world could get off their kill the ‘evil’ Jewish State angle. There are many stories like this daily both within the Green Line and across the Green Line. They might want to explain that the entirety of the Green Line problem is also a manufactured attempt to destroy the Jewish State of Israel but then they would need to point out their active supporting role of ignoring terrorism against Jews and reporting immediately breaking into news casts to report the slimmest of rumored crimes by Jews such as defending themselves from terror attacks.



Rock as Found in Car of Fatal Rock and Boulder Throwing Attack on Vehicle Simply Because it Had Israeli License Plates

Rock as Found in Car of Fatal Rock and Boulder Throwing Attack on Vehicle Simply Because it Had Israeli License Plates



We have seen and heard news reports where a BBC, CNN, FOX or other news station reporting the unequal numbers of killed in the recent terror wave or reporting that in Israel many Arabs have received non-judicial sentencing as Jews are murdering, or the slightly less offensive killing, of Palestinians largely in the Jerusalem area where terror has often struck. What is a listener or viewer to believe is causing the terror with such reporting? They certainly are not going to believe that there is Arab on Jew violent terror attacks and the Jews and law enforcement is often forced to use deadly force as the perpetrator of the terrorism wants to continue to stab even responding armed police and IDF personnel. But in Israel the blame the victim especially if they are IDF or Israeli police or Jews defending themselves is nothing new as the news out of Israel to the rest of the world often takes the hands-up don’t shoot attitude casting the Arab as the victim who had absolutely no other choice but to attack Jews with large knives and hatchets. The Jews were asking to be assaulted as they exist in Jerusalem astoundingly enough. Could the reporting be any more slanted than the few we pointed out just the other day in our article Red Flags Facing Israel in Every Direction complete with screen shots and images of such reporting.


As we write this article there is more than likely an act of terror with intent to murder Jews being committed somewhere in Israel or the disputed areas. Also, do you in the media think you could ever cover that the ‘disputed areas’ were originally at the dawn of Israel’s existence all part of Israel as was Gaza and they were taken by the Arab forces attempting to eradicate the Jewish State on Day 1 and that the disputed West Bank was then called Judea and Samaria but was occupied, actual occupation, and the Jews forced from the areas of Judea and Samaria, by Jordan who conquered the area in an offensive war initiated by the Arabs and that in the six Day War Israel liberated, yes, liberated these lands and under all International Codes of Law the entirety of the ‘West Bank’ Judea and Samaria belong to Israel and the Arabs have no legitimate claim. Oh no, that cannot be reported as it might confuse our viewers in the Western World and give them the idea that the Jews are more the victims of erroneous reporting of the news and the disfiguring the reality beyond recognition. Why baffle your viewers and readers with actual facts when you can play demigods and cast the Jews into the fiery pit. People should, if they know of somebody who had visited Israel and not said much about their trip other than listing the interesting places they visited, ask them about how the Jews treat the Arabs and the majority of the Arabs interact with the Jews and what areas they felt completely safe visiting and where they were either too frightened or took a tour which brought its own security with them for their safety. Their answers might completely turn what you have been led to believe right over and on its head. Don’t be afraid as the truth may give one a jolt in the brain box, it otherwise results in a warm feeling of realization. We wish you to ask somebody you know what their visit to our little, very little, corner of the world because once you have gathered a few testimonies the things we write will become clearer and less extreme and possibly quite believable, as the truth often becomes once one has been freed from the confines of the misleaders, also known as the mainstream media.



Arab Palestinian Sets Self on Fire Attempting to Throw Molotov Cocktail

Arab Palestinian Sets Self on Fire Attempting to Throw Molotov Cocktail



It is truly sad that Arabs using large rocks as projectiles against vehicles with Israeli license plates, which could strike any Israelis be they Jew, Arab, Muslim, Christian, Druze, Bedouin, or tourist from anywhere in a rented vehicle because even if it sends the entire carload of a family, business people carpooling, or just about any other scenario, to a hospital or worse, a morgue; it is not news. There are also numerous firebombs thrown at cars with Israeli license plates and homes in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods and the occasional user of a firebomb who gets things entirely wrong as pictured above. The young man survived and this is known because if he had been seriously wounded or died the media would have been fed a story that the Jews threw a firebomb at this youth almost killing him or worse and the media would have spread that far and wide. The boulder throwing, car rammings, rioting, stabbings using everything from screwdrivers to knives to hatchets, mugging murders of young women even by taxi drivers from which they were being driven to a job interview and then there are the rockets from Hamas and the threats out of Lebanon where Hezballah has amassed thousands of rockets and missiles provided by Iran and snuck past Israel’s attempts to stop such shipments. The threats even have come from the Mediterranean of which one was avenged and it is starting to appear that Samir Kuntar was eliminated by Hezballah due to fears that he was about to return to his Druze roots and assist in the formation of a Druze autonomous zone which Bashir al-Assad cannot allow as the Druze are the last faithful holding Islamic State as bay.


Even with the events on the Temple Mount the blame is laid at the wrong door as the news reports blame the Jews for attempting to desecrate the al-Aqsa Mosque simply because Mahmoud Abbas has said so on numerous occasions and we all know for the media his words are truth and any evidence to the contrary be damned. This has been at the root of the rioting and is the exact same call for Jihad on demand used by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini back as early as 1920s as he called for the Muslims first in Hevron to rise up and protect al-Aqsa from the Jewish attempts to desecrate it with their demonic services and then a while later he repeated the same message to the Muslims of Jerusalem for another pogrom against the Jews. This was the rallying cry used during the second intifada to much glorious effect causing rioting, suicide bombings and other assaults murdering over a thousand Jews and spawning the separation barrier which in some locations necessitated concrete to prevent shooting from Arab neighborhoods into the houses and at children playing outside (which made many a Jewish child into a shut in and home schooled as allowing them to walk to school was far too risky) and there were court cases and many reroutings done to make the lives of those at the demarcation line for the fence easier. Much of the fence is just that, fence with cameras and sensors but in built up areas there was the need for something to stop high powered rifle bullets, thus concrete which has been shown across the world making it into an apartheid wall in the media when it was simply a defensive necessity so Israelis could go out in public and not be blown to pieces. The rioting on the Temple Mount is not about the al-Aqsa Mosque but about closing the Temple Mount to Jewish visitors and Christian visitors as well. The riots are a means of making the Temple Mount a Muslim only zone and it will never work even if Jews are going to need to enter the Temple Mount from another unapproved entrance, say the Lion’s Gate and the small number of Jews entering coming in at around five thousand, that would be a sight and if occurring during Muslim rioting we would bet that would end any riots and the Temple Mount would be Jewish and Christian and whomever else desired to come peaceably and enjoy the blessings of this holy place. Below there are a few pictures of the al-Aqsa Mosque and one picture which is not the al-Aqsa Mosque despite being shown all too often on the news and elsewhere depicting the Dome of the Rock as the al-Aqsa Mosque. The first is a montage of al-Aqsa from within as it is being utilized as a munitions depot with rocks and other essentials for rioting.



Armory al-Aqsa Mosque Desecrated by making it a fortified base from which to launch rioting



Dome of the Rock is on the Left al-Aqsa Mosque is on the Right One is Nice and Very Eye Catching The Other is Less Eye Catching thus al-Aqsa is Abused as an Armory and Used to Whip Up the Riots against Jews



Beyond the Cusp


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