Beyond the Cusp

August 15, 2016

As Long as They All Hate


We have always held that if you are going to be denounced, sanctioned, held as a diabolical daemon in the United Nations General Assembly, receive threats from the European Union and member states and bludgeoned with words of war from the Arab world and generally made a pariah; then you may as well do whatever serves your needs and to hell with everyone else. We have seen the guaranteed death of the two state solution in any number of ways. The Palestinian education, or should we say indoctrination, system has set their belief structure that the only peaceful solution left to them is the complete destruction of Israel and the death of every Jew. Just for clarification, they teach the death of every Jew, not Israeli and not just Israeli Jews but all Jews everywhere which is possible only should they conquer the world. The PLO Charter has fairly similar wordings, goals and aims as does the Hamas Charter which also calls for their conquest of the world. People laugh when they are told these things and claim that nobody is so delusional as to believe they are going to conquer the world, that’s just plain crazy. Well, yes, it is crazy but that does not mean they do not believe they will actually conquer the world. It does not matter if the leaders know that world conquest is a pipe dream, as long as the people are sold on that idea, they will fight until their dying day, which their fighting may advance by years through another senseless death in a war that cannot be won and also will not end until totally and utterly defeated. Keep in mind that the Islamic State also expects to conquer the world, Iran’s leadership sells the people on their conquering the world; the Imams in Saudi Arabia believe they will conquer the world under Wahhabism; the Imams teaching at Al-Azhar University in Cairo (pictured below), Egypt, the leading center for Islamic knowledge in the world, also sells their Imams on the fact that Islam is destined to conquer the world and it will be their version of Sunni Islam which will accomplish this; and the Ottoman Turks also set out to conquer the world and succeeded in conquering the Islamic world, or at least a good part of it. In Islam, world conquest is one of the main tenets after the Five Pillars of Islam which are Shahadah which means belief that there is only one god, Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s messenger; Salah which means prayers are to be given Allah five times a day; Zakat which means giving alms, charity, of 2.5% of income; Hajj which is making the pilgrimage to the house of Allah in Mecca at least once during your life; and Fasting which is the fast from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan. So, why not just add another pillar and admit that Islam demands that Muslims not rest until the entire world has fallen before them and all have either converted or been put to the sword. The Jizya tax for unbelievers to pay as protection under Islam is a temporary fix which in time is presumed to pass and the other two alternatives are to be implemented, convert or die. So, what does one do knowing that their problem with the Arab Palestinians can only be resolved to their satisfaction with your death and the conquest of your country by whatever means are necessary and that no rest can be afforded Israel as the land has been declared a Waqf which means that “every grain of sand is a holy piece of Islam” according to the definition of Waqf being a religious endowment of an area, in this case all of Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea according to the Palestinian leadership.


Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt

Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt


So, the enemy refuses any compromise and is willing, as we have already witnessed, to send all ages of youth starting with ten year old children armed with knives who are sworn to jihad and will attack as long as they have life left in them even if mortally wounded they will still attempt to kill whomever comes close including aid personnel who are attempting to treat their wounds. That is the level of fanaticism faced currently in Israel and coming rapidly to Europe and possibly beyond into the United States, Canada and anywhere else taking in the “Syrian refugees” who have numbers of males between the ages of fourteen and forty and who are unaccompanied by a wife, girlfriend or children. These are not refugees people, this is a fighting force, an advance column which will be learned in quick order, ask the French as they are entering the first phase of the Islamic war for the conquest of France. Israel has been dealing with this war from day one when on May 15, 1948, when Israel was first declared a nation with her borders defined as being from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, sounds familiar doesn’t it, and six nations’ armies invaded from every border with the genocidal intent of slaughtering every Jew and taking their wealth and possibly enslaving many of the women to be used to propagate more Muslim children. They promised wealth, herds of sheep, free land and houses, all the belongings of the Jew and all other spoils of war as defined in the Quran, which includes the enslavement of their defeated opponents women and the taking of children too young to be educated and have a strong attachment to any religion and might make good Muslims after being indoctrinated. That definition of the rewards for jihad against Israel and the Jews has not changed and if you die while performing jihad you go instantly to Islamic heaven where there are lush fields of grass, waterfalls, rivers, wines, and seventy-two permanent virgins who regain their virginity after you take them such that they are always fresh young, virgin, raven haired and beautiful. You cannot make this stuff up, well, apparently you can but your name would need to be Muhammad as such is beyond our imagination. Our imagination is so poor that we can only find one answer to this situation and it will not make even many of the Israeli politicians happy as they are mired in a false promise which was made at Oslo in the accursed Oslo Accords. There was the invention of two states for two peoples living side-by-side in peace and security. There was only one problem with that agreement, one side lied. The actions of Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian indoctrinated generations since 1993 and even before have proven that the Arab Palestinians will not accept two states for two peoples living side-by-side in peace and security, they want it all and they want it now or whenever as long as it takes to force the Jews from their lands or murder them where they stand and take the lands which Oslo defined as to be shared; they have decided they do not wish to share or play well with others. This is the reality from which Israel has to decide what she wishes to do.


So, what are the choices and how can we rate them for viability? Well, we can continue to offer new and slightly different proposals for establishing the two state solution as we have been doing since 1993 in September. It was a sunny Monday afternoon on the White House Lawns in Washington D.C., the thirteenth of September to be exact, and the negotiations have continued ever since. Since that time the Israelis have been systematically driven back one concession at a time while the Palestinians refused to even ratify their acceptance of the Oslo Accords, everybody has simply assumed their accepting it formally and never checked, or cared to check. Their one necessary concession was to change their Charter so it would no longer call for the destruction of Israel and they were only pressed once where the United States State Department joined a session of the Palestinian Parliament to witness their vote to change the Charter and they took a vote and passed a measure calling for a committee to be appointed to assess a proper and acceptable alteration to comply with the agreement to change the Charter. They never appointed the committee and never changed a word of their Charter which remains calling for the complete destruction of Israel. Since then Israel had gone from the original plan where Israel retained Area C, the Arab Palestinians retained Area A and the sides were to negotiate where to divide Area B to now where there are demands for Israel to return to the borders from before the 1967 Six Day War and surrender the entirety of the Old City of Jerusalem which has numerous Jewish holy sites and all of Area C which also holds valuable and precious Jewish holy sites and historic locations and there have been hints that Israel should also surrender a path to Gaza straight across the midlands of Israel cutting the Jewish State into halves and even calls for surrender of much of the Galilee and most of the Negev Desert. The aim is obvious, make Israel completely indefensible and then destroy it in quick order after every inch which could be negotiated had been taken through combination of threats and twisting world opinion, and that world opinion had been very generous to the Arab Palestinians as they are willing to sacrifice all of Israel as long as doing so comes with a promise to end all Islamic violence in the Western world and they are willing to take their word for that. The catch is they need Israel to agree and that point has yet to be reached, but give the world and the masters at giving concessions, also called the Knesset, time and we might get there. The Knesset actually approved the gifting of Gaza to the Palestinian Authority who within a short period lost it to Hamas who has since used it as a launching area of rockets into civilian areas of Israel and for tunneling into Israel with the intent of accomplishing raids resulting in kidnapped IDF or civilian Israelis. That was how the Gilad Shalit abduction and ransom was conducted. The world also seems to be fixated on Israel controlling their border with Hamas and Gaza despite tons of goods, food, medicine and other non-military goods transferred through the operative crossing daily where any government or NGO can have non-military goods transferred to Gaza simply by shipping their goods through the Ashdod, Israel port as Israel has legitimate need to assure that no military use goods are given over to Hamas, a recognized internationally as a terror origination. What is curious is these same nations have no problem with the complete closure of Gaza’s border with Egypt where nothing passes through in either direction legally for months and even years at a time. Israel has treated Gazans in Israeli hospitals including Hamas leader Haniyeh’s daughter treated in Israel. At another time, if you trust Israeli new reports, Hamas leader Haniyeh’s mother-in-law was also treated in an Israeli hospital. And according to Reuters in their last line almost as an excuse our mention of this but, one of Haniyeh’s granddaughters was treated in an Israeli hospital. But Israel is accused of committing genocide in Gaza. They keep using that word and I do not think it means what they think it means.


So, we have an intransigent enemy which will only be satisfied when they are walking on our graves as they would have long ago been destroyed as who needs a Jewish cemetery in the middle of an Arab Muslim Palestinian entity, which also happens to be dysfunctional and a failed entity incapable of supporting itself and completely dependent on foreign funding just to feed its people. And we have Israel, the only Jewish State in a sea of Arab and Muslim states despite the Arab Palestinian argument that there are no Muslim nations, which is true because their claim is there is not one such nation and they are correct, there are twenty-one Arab Muslim States and they desire to be the twenty-second. The world is willing to grant the Arabs Palestinians their demands as long as these demands are couched in polite terms and do not completely eradicate Israel, at least this is quite true in the United Nations General Assembly but thus far has not survived and passed in the Security Council where a veto threat always seems to succeed in preventing such a measure of passing and has even prevented such from being presented as their voting it down would set a bad precedent, or at least that has been the reason given by the Arab Palestinian leadership. Recent developments have shown that the veto protection has become something which some have decided can be used as a bludgeon to force Israeli leadership to toe a line drawn outside of Israel. This threat has been intimated but has yet to actually been publicly deployed though the possibility that it was threatened in private discussions between high officials in both nations has been breached as having been a possibility in many an editorial. Still, the fact that one of the candidates for the highest office did spend close to or possible more than a half hour berating the Prime Minister of Israel because he had the audacity to present the Israeli position regarding the Iranian nuclear negotiations between the P5+1 (the permanent members of the Security Council which are the United States, Russia, China, Great Britain and France and the plus one was Germany and, of course, Iran) which are claimed to permit Iran to continue parts of their nuclear research and increasingly over a decade be permitted greater range of research and development with their potentially producing nuclear weapon as soon as eight years according to some and definitively after the decade when all restrictions would end (the entire deal can be read here in a translation of the Russian copy into English and reformatted for easier reading). Another little tip of something not well known, Iran had been arming Hamas in Gaza and has also been trying to find inroads to arm and aid thus bringing into their influence the Palestinian Authority and the PLO.


So, what can be done about this untenable situation? How about a one state solution and the Arab Palestinians will be permitted to vote in their own local elections within Areas A and B while both Palestinians and Israelis will be permitted to reside in Area C but Arab Palestinians will not have voting rights as they will be considered resident aliens within Israel. Israel gets what was promised as their minimum border according to the original intents and promises under the Oslo Accords, as that at the very least should be recognized and granted. By the way, nobody other than Israel gets a vote on that decision. Arab Palestinians will have free travel throughout Israel with checkpoints initially and as the violence ends, the checkpoints will correspondingly end. Any Arab Palestinian desiring to take advantage of an opportunity to reside outside of Israeli influences can take a buyout offer which will include a generous price for their assets such as property, business and other recognized assets plus a flight to a neutral nation and then the flight to their chosen destination, they will need proof their destination will accept them, and an additional sum as determined as a resettlement assistance. Such an offer will be available for a set period, perhaps one year, and afterwards the remaining Arab Palestinians will be considered to be resident aliens with semiautonomous rights in Areas A and B. Any act of terrorism such as attacking people with no cause other than jihad or other terrorist acts will result in deportation either immediately or after serving any prison sentence handed down by the courts. Eventually, it may become possible to allow Arab Palestinians to apply for Israeli citizenship, but that will take time and the terrorist violence will need to have ceased before such can even be considered. The Arab Palestinians will retain the right to own property and to practice their religion freely. Initially the Madrassas will be monitored to assure they are not teaching jihad or Muslim supremacy doctrines and those crossing these lines will be warned once and if their transgressing the set limits continues they will be closed. The UNRWA schools and other public education will come under Israeli control and will retain any Arab Palestinian teachers and staff but will now teach an approved version of the Israeli basic education, especially when it comes to history, the sciences and Hebrew will be a required course so that when the time arrives that incorporating them if they choose into Israeli society as full citizens they will speak Hebrew which is an aim of the education system in Israel as well as the absorption programs for Jews making Aliyah. The Arab Palestinian leadership, especially the upper levels of Fatah and the PLO will necessarily be deported as there is no path which appears possible to incorporate them peaceably into this solution. They will not be granted any remuneration as they have stolen sufficient monies over the years to cover any relocation they choose even if it be a mansion along the Riviera. This may not be a perfect plan but what exists now is far worse for both the Arab Palestinians and the Israelis. Israel cannot be expected to continue this charade where their citizens are but targets which the Arab Palestinian school system teaches do not deserve to live and are a mortal enemy and are going to murder the Arab Palestinians unless they kill all the Israelis first. That has to end as it has ruined the lives of two generations of Arab Palestinians by filling them with hatred and nothing else to base their future upon. They are taught that as long as Israel exists their lives will be worthless and the Jews have stolen all opportunities and the only path to retrieve opportunity is to destroy Israel. That is not an acceptable situation and there is but one way to resolve that, end the Arab occupation and indoctrination on what is legally under all international laws Israeli soil. Publish the Levy Report and act on it as this situation is untenable for all involved and is destroying the Arab Palestinians’ futures by selling them destruction as their only option.


Beyond the Cusp 


May 3, 2016

Snapshot of Leftist Europe and Israel


The British Labour Party has been experiencing a rare and revealing problem, some of their members have broken the golden rule and have been speaking honestly expressing thoughts which most prefer not be made public. In an effort to subjugate their remaining members who might be tempted to join the chorus singing the songs revealing their honest beliefs and allowing their beliefs normally kept tight to the chest and under wraps displayed out on their public clothesline for all to bear witness. The leader of the unbelievable revolt and leader in making this spectacle has been the duo of former London mayor and Labour activist Ken Livingstone and Labour MP Naz Shah who were suspended for anti-Semitic comments. Their crime was honesty as they were simply stating what so many leftists the worldwide believe when it comes to the Jewish People, Israeli Jews and Jews in general. One of their tropes calls for all Israeli Jews be forced to relocate into the United States and leave the entirety of the Middle East including the Israelite homeland for the Arab Palestinian Muslim invaders who poured out of the Arabian Peninsula dislocating, destroying or slaughtering every Jewish community they met forcing the remaining Jews from their ancestral home, the lands the Europeans wish to reward the conquerors with and punish the indigenous peoples who are returning to their homeland making it productive for the first time in centuries.


One easily identifies their racism which runs ramped in their desires as they are not demanding the Jews be permitted to return to their former homelands as that would include numerous Arab nations who had forced their Jewish citizens to flee often with merely one suitcase and the clothes on their backs. Often the suitcases were inspected and any items of worth, anything from treasure to even slightly valuable, such as but not limited to Torah Scrolls, Tefillin, jewelry, artworks, heirlooms, objects of silver, anything with gold, platinum items as well as coins or other monies were removed and stolen by the inspectors. They also are apparently refusing to permit the Jews from Europe to return to their homes from which they were driven or from returning to their former homes or anywhere else in Europe. Their demand is for all Jews to be relocated into the United States starting with the Israeli Jews. Does any of this sound familiar? Europeans demanding that the Jews be relocated away from their homes starting with those from the Middle East, especially from Jerusalem and the remainder of the Jewish State. At least they are not starting with the Jews residing in Europe, though we would bet they would be next shipped off to the United States. After the World War II experience with the S.S. St. Louis, what makes them believe the United States would accept the world’s Jews saving them from a fate of suffering and death? We would bet there are sufficient in the United States who would be extremely averse to such a plan and would do whatever it takes to resist such from occurring likely allying with the State Department working to drown such an idea from fruition through endless paperwork.


What is truly frightening is that the idea, the concept, the plotting, the whatever you desire to call it, the shipping Israeli Jews wholesale off to the United States to be settled where and under what conditions with what future intents is actually one of the least prejudicially insulting thoughts emerging from Britain and around the entirety of the European Union (EU) and fellow governments. Salim Mulla, who currently serves as a Labour councilor for the city of Blackburn, made a number of anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic comments in the summer of 2015 including amongst them, “Zionist Jews are a disgrace to humanity.” What is an even more frightening reality is that there are a number of predominantly leftist Jews in Europe, the United States and around the world even to include Israel who would agree with that statement. But hating Jews whether Zionist or new wave progressives who could not tell you what the inside of a Synagogue looks like not having seen one since they were thirteen, are not anything new in the world and definitely not new to Europe. What is truly frightening is the depth and expanse of such hatred within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) where anti-Semitic beliefs run rampant and are off-scale compared to the rest of the planet. For an in-depth global study’s result, one can peruse the conclusions of the ADL Global 100, An Index of Anti-Semitism. The results in the different categories and especially regarding the Shoah, the Holocaust, are absolutely frightening and prove that its remembrance will have fallen through the cracks and exited our common memories within another two or at most three generations. If one does not remember or know from whence they came, they cannot have any idea where they are heading as they have no reference points or knowledge to compare now with then.


That aside, the rapid rise of anti-Semitism and particularly anti-Israelism and anti-Zionism in Europe and lagging but rising in the United States and the remainder of the Anglosphere is purely frightening. It is these statistics and general mistrust by those in positions of power, especially those in appointed positions such as ministers and others in the EU, that reveals the extent of the problem. Though absolutely appalling after the atrocities committed in the names of the European people during World War II, the return and rampant rise of anti-Semitism is simply beyond reason. That the Foreign Minister of Sweden not only made directly false anti-Semitic tropes assigning their worst attributes to the Prime Minister of Israel, his Cabinet, the Ministers of the Knesset, “Settlers” and Israelis generally; then along came the former mayor of Malmo, Sweden with comments when in power advising the Jews of Malmo, and community with tens of centuries of history in the town, that there was nothing which could be done to protect the Jews and if they felt unsafe they should move to somewhere far less threatening in their opinions and then dismissed the issue. Then there are the near riots and even riots by the new immigrants against allowing the Jews any representation in government, positions of power or respect, teaching, professorship in the universities and other positions much as the Nazis denied such to Jews. It is also how the Arab governments limit the Arab Palestinians under their stewardship in the numerous refugee camps where Arabs have languished for decades not permitted to hold jobs much more respectful than street sweeper and who are forbidden a normal education, instead having their children taught anti-Semitic hatreds and poisoning their minds leading to the terrorism coming from these camps. These camps even exist in Nablus, Gaza City and other areas under Arab Palestinian rule where their own rulers treat them as lepers who must only be released to infect Israeli society and are separate from the Arab Palestinian society surrounding their camps. Europe blames Israel for the sad treatment of these Arab refugees who are far beyond Israeli influence.


European politicians largely believe that Israel is an easy target on which to pin all of societal ills. Still, looking through the opinions of Jews and particularly Israelis, one finds the nations who are most favorable are those which have had an unforeseen or other horrific natural or manmade disaster and found the Israelis not only the first there with the most and a system in place where it is as if they are trained for just the events they address from typhoons, earthquakes, tornados, flooding, disease or any other natural or manmade disaster. In Haiti, Israel had the first functioning and fully operating hospital with X-Ray, MRI and every modern diagnostic department including neonatal long before any other such as the United States was a close second almost matching Israel’s hospital but over a week later. Israel also had dogs, robots and every conceivable search and rescue assistance on the ground within thirty-six hours. In the Philippines after their worst and most horrific storm in history, Israel was amongst the first on the scene; it was difficult beating the United States as they have bases already there. Nepal, Japan, Philippines and the other nations where Israel has come to aide, even setting up Israeli clinics in villages so remote they had previously never been visited by outside assistance even from their own government, have lower statistic of anti-Semitism then even the developed nations. Often in these instances one Israeli remains behind for a year training the people of the village and surrounding area first aid, use of diagnostic equipment, upkeep and calibration, and other areas of medicine leaving the clinic and equipment behind and restocking these clinics until the government of that nation can take over the operations. Israel had the most broad search and rescue teams as well as field hospital in Nepal, something nations with ten times as many of their citizens lost in the earthquake did not do. Israel remained ten days longer than scheduled as they refused to depart without finding their last citizen. These nations have the least anti-Semitism of the world as they have seen the truth that is Israel. Israel is one of the few nations to offer the United States their assistance after Katrina and Sandy and other natural disasters. Often Israeli assistance is refused as in Sandy and Katrina as well as 9/11, but Israeli expertise assisted after the Boston Marathon bombing. Israel has been accused by some of never stepping up and assisting the United States after a disaster and labeled as ingrates for such lack of actions. The truth is Israeli assistance after every disaster in the United States has not only been refused but banned from assisting even through Jewish agencies.


Still, Europe rates less anti-Semitic than anywhere outside of the United States and Israel. The most negative feelings towards Israel and Jews come from the Arab Palestinian areas where they are fed a continuous sixty hour a day stream of anti-Semitic lies and misrepresentations even including misrepresenting actual news stories, using proven libels such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and religious instruction which demands their hatred of Israel and the Jews. The area with the highest anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism was MENA followed by Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa with North America and the United States and Canada along with Czech Republic having the lowest such numbers. MENA led the world with number of people never having met a Jew in their lifetime, but that did not prevent their hatred for them. Next in the never having met a Jew was Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Europe rates very high on having met a Jew yet still held many negative feelings and beliefs about Jews. The study linked above is an eye-opening read and is in largely graph or simple percentages making comparisons and such very easy and the coverage is truly universal and extensive.


Despite many attributes one might think their civility would prevent Europeans from being heavily anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist or anti-Israeli. They managed to reach high levels in many areas which should be cause for concern and even panic and reassessment of their societal outlooks. One of the more amusing sets of numbers was the percentages which believed that the Jewish Population of the planet was above 2%, above 5%, 10% and even 20%. The truth is the Jews number below 0.2% of the world’s population. Europe still had a higher rate of hatreds and belief in stereotypes and blood libels even compared to areas of the world with almost no Jewish population. The frightening numbers in Europe and beyond were the percentages of those who had never met a Jew to having highly anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist and anti-Israeli rating as well as believing some of the most horrific and terrible blood libels about Jews such as the Holocaust was made up by the Jews as well as believing that the Jews controlled media, retail, politics, the United States, and other businesses which even the most casual observer could see was false. Despite the seeming propensity of Europeans, and an even higher percentage of European politicians, dislike to hatred for the Jewish People and everything that is seen as Jewish such as Israel, Zionism, and presumably the Governments, Israeli leaders still seek European approval. If Jews were even marginally as influential and controlled so many nations, political parties and think tanks and other political entities; we would not be so despised. We really would rule the world and control everybody’s life from birth to death just as far too many Europeans believe.


With such spewing of hatred and poison from the European halls of power and hierarchy against Israel, Zionism and Jews in general, one would think that the Israeli government would be done with Europe and anywhere else that holds such negative tropes as truisms. Instead the Israeli leadership spends far too much energy and effort attempting to favor friendship with these European leaders who would just as soon demolish Israel and eradicate what they see as a scourge on the planet which is the Jews. The manner in which Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ya’alon have acted echoing almost word for word the New York Times (American newspaper that thinks it is European), the French, British and other parliaments, far too many Foreign Ministers and virtually every other anti-Semite sitting in a position of power in Europe; one would think they are running for election in Europe. They feign glory to the point that it becomes an obsession serving the European Parliaments and their respective ministers. Though some Israeli politicians have seen fit to denounce Salim Mulla, Jeremy Corbyn, Ken Livingstone, conspiracy theorist Michael Harris, Ilyas Aziz and a few others, the majority appear to believe that if the Europeans or Americans disapprove of an action that Israel should be forbidden doing such. Had such an attitude existed in 1947-8, there would likely be no Israel as either Israel would have declared itself a state or forever remained in limbo as the Europeans and United States State Department believe now as they did then. This seeming insistence that every move taken by the government of Israel must first have the approval of the United States and Europe and that if too many amongst these anti-Israel haters disapprove then obviously Israel should reassess their standards and the manner in which things are observed bringing them in-line with the Europeans and Americans. That is no way to effectively run a country, especially one as alienated as Israel.


The Israeli politicians apparently get into a society where emulating the Europeans and certain Americans (you know, the politically correct Americans and not those Tea Party, Sarah Palin supporting, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz supporting, Michael Savage listening, Glen Beck following Neanderthal throw-back, retro-genetic, devolved morons) becomes required. Things in Israel must be conditioned and approved to be socially acceptable at the finest of European art houses and cafés no matter the effect or results and destructions such policies might have on Israeli society and the survival of the Jewish People. This dependence on European and leftist approval had become most evident in the treatment of the soldier Elor Azariya in the shooting death of a Palestinian terrorist who had just been neutralized from attempting to stab IDF soldiers at a checkpoint but had yet to be inspected for explosives or even other weapons. The soldier stated he believed that the terrorist was reaching for a detonator, a story upheld by virtually all others including MDA medics who were at the scene and some unable to even approach the terrorist as he was not completely rendered safe and explosives free among other security checks. The soldiers who had not done so were busy tending an injured soldier with multiple stabbing wounds. There had been a second terrorist who had received fatal wounds when soldier fired in self-defense. Before even the initial statements were gathered from those at the scene, the Prime Minister and Defense Minister were already declaring the soldier to be a horrible monster expressing rumors of things he might have said in the barracks where fish stories abound, just not about fishing. They and other Knesset Ministers along with the leftist media had tried and convicted the soldier before nightfall and were all but calling for his head on a pike outside the Damascus Gate of the Temple Mount. Their knee jerk reaction spouting exactly what would be the European reaction the next day was pathetic and showed a cowardice for backing a protector of the people, an IDF soldier. Is it any wonder why the Religious Zionists in the society feel they have no trusted friends except for a small core of fellow travelers amongst those in the halls of power. This is even more true when one considers the robes of justice would be too leftist even in some European nations and would be considered a travesty in many states of the United States. The fear to be nationalistic amongst Israeli elite is a disease which needs curing if Israel is to survive. The good news is that the majority and growing numbers of the people support the soldier and are realizing that Judaism and Zionism are the two anchors necessary if Israel is to survive. Now Israelis need to face the most impossible challenge they may ever face as a nation, finding those who believe as they believe and placing them in ever larger numbers into the Knesset and into taking position within the various government agencies, especially law enforcement and national security. The most difficult will be weeding out those holding high positions in the IDF and other enforcement agencies, most especially those dedicated to security and intelligence, as well as making greater inroads into the media and entertainment. We realize the last areas are not normally areas of expertise or even interest for those more dedicated to building the nation, its economy and religious institutions and following Torah; but if the foundations of culture are not swayed over to Torah and the land, then all else will be a struggle and forever an uphill battle. We cannot be like Sisyphus and push the bolder to the top of the hill every day only to have it roll back to the valley below every night. We must not even be like the great King Leonidas who led his three-hundred Spartans and five thousand supporting Greek soldiers who held the pass at Thermopylae for three days before falling to the Persian masses of troops.


This is a battle that the religious Zionists must win decisively and permanently which means that like we learn Torah and attempt to live Torah, we must also live for Israel and make her survival on all the land Hashem promised starting with the area between the river and the sea which we must make all under Israeli rule and yet continue the democratic governance. Perhaps the time is coming where a Constitution is crafted and a new bicameral parliament or legislature established while using such to preserve the Jewishness of the nation of Israel. We need to marry all the various tribal-like customs and blur the differentiations between Eastern European and Western European as well as MENA communities and the other various tribes we are discovering as they are beginning to make the trip home, the Ingathering. Making the rabbinate to have but a single Chief Rabbi would be a step in the right direction and our children have already taken giant stride towards unifying the differing factions through intermarriage, a beautiful and fitting step in the right direction. Finally, Israeli governance must be first, foremost and almost exclusively about Israel and the rest of the world be permitted their screaming as long as we acknowledge their defamations and are able to repeat them and still refuse to establish policies based on the demands placed upon Israel by a hostile outside world. We have Torah and need little else. Torah allows our choosing our governance as long as that governance serves the people and does nothing to lessen the influence and applications of Torah to our daily lives. The time is now to claim all of Judea and Samaria and begin to allow its peoples to become Israeli citizens or emigrate with our assistance if we feel such is required. We must take control of their education system and teach their students that which is necessary to live and be productive in a modern society. We need to bring services and establish economic inclusion as well as political, cultural and societal inclusion. By inclusion we will not mean Jewish but Israeli. Those who are Israeli must include having a respect for the Jewishness of the state of Israel. If any choose to violently refuse and combat against this Jewishness, they must be forced from amongst us. This includes those who instigate, plan bombings or disruptions, actively attempt to subjugate parts of the nation or any other treasonous acts. This is no different than any other nation which is a free democratic nation. Then our nations can become one and the world will recognize our singular right as the Jewish State. Servitude is no path to equality, respectful nationalism and the exercise of the right to make one’s own way as a nation that is the path to equality. What is beautiful about this path is that each nation can walk with pride in their differences while respecting others that right and then weaving the fabric which includes all the nations of the world. None can be a part of this fabric of nations if they bare swords against their neighbors as swords will tend to cut and then shred the fabric and thus undo all efforts of mutual beneficial actions. Those baring swords need be exorcised from the community of nations and disregarded in all acts between nations until they prove they prefer inclusion to supremacy. Israel needs to show a stronger self-confidence and belief in our rightness of actions and place out before us our beloved Torah in all actions and all that it includes, as it is a rarity amongst such laws as it allows for others to live as they choose providing they allow the Jews the same.



Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah

Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and the Jewish civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah


These rights are self-evident and must apply equally to all nations, end of story (and article).


Beyond the Cusp


May 2, 2016

European Anti-Semitism Could Destroy the IDF


One can tell much from the way a society regards, honors and protects the remains of those passed away. Often it is the first heartbreak for Jewish communities and a sign that their welcome has worn thin and the end is coming and coming fast if steps are not taken to turn the malodorous intents of hatred growing more vehement or even violent against their Jewish neighbors. The stench of Jew hatred is currently running rampant across Europe to such an extent that even the United States State Department, not exactly the best friend of Jews worldwide, especially those in Israel, has assigned additional staffers to assist United States Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Ira Forman in her efforts to combat and bring attention to the growing problem. This recognition has been made most evident with the destruction and defacing of Jewish graves and entire cemeteries. When repair or restoration of these cemeteries is ignored, or worse, refused, then the reality needs be addressed by the world. When these same hatreds which wreak havoc and destruction of memorials to those souls who have passed is transferred to the living with demands for judgement before facts are even investigated by the world’s stage, then it is an entirely different matter. That places actual lives not only of the accused in danger and under threat but extends to the entire public should such cause pause in acting in difficult and potentially deadly situations where a simply hesitation can result in deaths and permanent injury. But Israel as the Jewish State is held to such a different set of standards that a soldier’s future freedom is of less value than the use the leaders can derive from grandstanding on this soldier’s freedom and life just for some public relations seeking approval from the Europeans who engineered the entire set of events to get just that result. The reality that the Europeans just desire turning Jew against Jew and are willing to pour millions upon millions of Euros just to turn the government loose grinding a soldier for a momentary reaction within the gears greased by a European funded NGO and its video manipulation following an organized provocation filmed start to finish in the hope the video can be edited to destroy the reputation of the IDF, its soldiers and the government overseeing them. The destruction of cemeteries is insufficient when they can destroy living Jews, especially Israeli Jews and even more so its protectors, the IDF. Let us first establish the destruction perpetrated in European nations against Jews long dead and buried simply because they were Jews no matter how distantly in the past they committed the sin of being Jewish. Their rest must be marred by violence against which they are not about to rise up and protest and soon there may be no Jews left in Europe to protect and protest such defamations. Below are visuals of two separate but equally insulting desecrations against Jews past after which we will discuss a case of destruction of a Jew in the present using Jews and the Jewish State’s leadership, a sad situation where the government and people are on vastly different tracks. The people think less of European praise and could not care less about European scorn, deserved or not. The world has done all it could and as we have returned home we are done with walking with heads hung low refusing to look those who claimed to be our betters eye to eye, Simply put, Never Again!



Jewish Section of European Cemetery Emblazoned with Swastikas Painted on Every Last Jewish Gravestone

Jewish Section of European Cemetery
Emblazoned with Swastikas Painted
on Every Last Jewish Gravestone



Destroyed Jewish Cemetery in Poland, Europe

Destroyed Jewish Cemetery in Poland, Europe



Elor Azariya is the soldier who has been turned into a media circus and the latest sacrifice by those who care less about this young man or the truth. One item ignored was the entire event was a provocation be the NGO named B’Tselem. B’Tselem is registered as Israeli NGO due to vulnerability in Israeli law which allows for foreign financed organizations to register as domestic in origin. This is something not permitted by any other democratic government or nation anywhere on the planet. When similar laws are introduced in Israel, the uproar would make one believe this was an unimaginable offense to have NGOs who are predominantly foreign financed register as such. The caterwauling from mostly European hypocrites claiming that making foreign funded NGOs register as foreign financed or reveal such financing will destroy democracy in Israel. What they are protesting is losing their fifth front implanted within Israel by European government and the European Union in order to destroy Israel and her credibility through pretending that these are native NGOs and not foreign entities financing the miniscule extreme leftist minority making them giants through largess from Europe. B’Tselem is one such NGO and has been at the center of this entire fiasco which may destroy one soldier’s life who, at worst, may have made a judgement which might at worst be judged as a mistake but not a conspiracy or heinous miscarriage of justice and prejudicial killing of an innocent. Perhaps we should cover the entirety of the story from the very beginning, the beginning ignored by virtually every news service as proving racist attitudes in Israel is just too juicy a morsel to allow for honest reporting free of prejudging the case and sacrificing a young soldier simply to skewer Israel and press her political class against true justice and the will of the people. So, who are the real murderers of Israeli democracy now?


The event took place in and around Hevron where terror attacks including shootings, stabbings, firebombing, rock throwing often utilizing slings and even suicide bombings of patrols and checkpoints. This day a checkpoint was assaulted by a pair of Palestinians under the direction of instigators from B’Tselem with it not having been determined if the team from the foreign funded NGO which specialized in provocations claiming that their use of Palestinians to attack, harass, and press soldiers in whatever manner might produce what could be filmed and edited to give an appearance of wrongdoing. Then once the video taken from these confrontations have been carefully edited, they are placed on the internet where they receive reposting, likes and whatever any other push it may require to force it into a viral rating thus initiating an inflated viewing using chains of fellow travelers using numerous accounts. B’Tselem claims to be a human rights organization whose aim is to improve IDF human rights training but as they have never taken a single instance to assist training IDF soldiers but instead use provocations to paint the IDF as fierce and unprincipled murderers. Their acts do nothing to improve human rights, better training or even assisting in improving conditions and relations between the IDF forces and the Palestinians. The biggest successes of B’Tselem and their fellow extreme leftist European NGOs which are still registered as Israeli has been getting two combat unit commanders removed from their commands and one even forced into early retirement. One such command officer reacted to having his hand grabbed and at least one finger bent back to the point of breaking the digit and then was pushed and spat upon numerous times. When he attempted to step between leftist Europeans who were intent on blocking a major roadway and his beleaguered soldiers he was again struck and lost his temper and struck the lead European instigator and soon after another assault by the European group leader again struck the officer who defended himself. Needless to point out the video showed little of the provocation but placed the officer’s reactions in full and glorious coverage. About the only thing left out was a slow motion replay of the officer attacking the European instigator. These events which placed Elor Azariya (pictured below) at the center of this firestorm of political correctness was manufactured to fit compliance with European dictats. Another item which requires consideration is there exists a state of war between the Palestinian Authority and Israel as far as their government and society are concerned. This war is an anything for the cause being part and parcel of this conflict.



Elor Azariya

Elor Azariya



This day brought the B’Tselem team replete with photographers who filmed most of the entire instigation from several different angles so as to miss little if any actions. They were escorting two Arabs armed with knives who at a sign set upon the soldiers with knives in an attempt to murder them. After they relatively seriously wounded one of the soldiers and were continuing their assault on the remaining soldiers as well as, the injured soldier who was possibly unable to defend himself adequately led the remaining soldiers to open fire. They struck both terrorist assailants killing one outright and disabling the other as their action had removed his knife. The terrorist was wearing a heavy coat on a very warm day making such an obvious danger of the terrorist attacker having a bomb belt strapped to his body. To this point the soldier under investigation and being tried for manslaughter (he was originally charged with murder but that was quickly realized not prosecutable) had not arrived on scene. Once Elor Azariya did arrive on scene it was known that the terrorist had yet to be searched and nobody had checked or knew what was, if anything, concealed under the heavy coat which was very loose fitting. The MDA (Magen David Adom) medics were standing off waiting for the terrorist to be searched and the heavy coat to be at least opened and confirmed not to be concealing a bomb belt or other explosives. MDA rules do not allow their medics to treat or even approach any terrorist who has yet to be searched due to concerns and the potential for their personnel’s health and safety. Elor Azariya reached this scene and quickly realized that the terrorist and the other dead terrorist, had both been injured with the one having died of his wounds and the other injured and presumably pacified. What is important is pacified does not mean rendered completely threat free as he had yet to be searched as the other soldiers were busy attending to their injured brother in arms. This was the initial scene from which the series of events would proceed.


The remainder we will describe here is the best scenario we are able to piece together with a few commentaries to put everything into prospective. At some point soon after the arrival by Elor Azariya the terrorist moved his hands from over his head and appeared to start to reach inside or under his coat which caused Elor Azariya to fire one shot striking the terrorist in the head killing him instantly. The fact the shot was to the terrorist’s head is important as IDF soldiers spend a great amount of time training to shoot terrorists in places which will render them unable to continue any attack while not necessarily fatally wounding them unless they are a direct threat to life and that is the only effective choice. Obviously when firing to end a confrontation the likelihood that a terrorist will receive fatal injuries is far higher. The IDF soldiers are particularly good at aiming their weapons and striking exactly what and where they aimed which has left many a terrorist alive and able to eventually be released in some exchange of a thousand terrorists for a single soldier or as a bribe to allow Abbas to shake the Israeli Prime Minister’s hand at a photo op often with an American President or his representative. There is one time when the IDF soldiers are trained to take a head shot which is when any injury which allows the terrorist even a few seconds of life before passing from their wounds could result in the death or injury of others including soldiers by the terrorist’s next action. Pressing a detonator on a bomb belt is very high on said list of times a soldier is permitted to take a head shot. The terrorist had not been approached or checked for explosives as every testimony has proven. Perhaps soldiers’ ranking officer had decided to wait for trained bomb disposal experts so as to limit vulnerability of his men. Whatever the reason, the terrorist had not been checked and very well may have possessed explosives and have been reaching for the detonation button which would have killed or wounded most soldiers, medics and potentially civilians watching; this soldier had good, solid reason to take that fateful head shot. He also deserves support, not a circus to amuse and please the Europeans who will never accept Israel or her leaders. This all backs Elor Azariya and the story given by the MDA medics, other soldiers and commander of the units at the checkpoint that the terrorist appeared to be reaching for a detonator under his coat. Even the military investigator backed the story line that all actions appeared to have coincided with the scenario of a terrorist wearing a bomb belt. This has weakened what has been an establishment lynching of an IDF soldier on the altar of European political correctness. All else is hearsay and barracks braggadocio is worthless as actual evidence. The main evidence which will be ignored is the soldier took a head shot as per his training when facing a potential bombing is imminent.


Another attack last week occurred in Aleppo, Syria where the hospital was struck along with the living quarters next door used as a dormitory for personnel, particularly those from Doctors Without Borders, killed the sole existing pediatric physician for hundreds of miles as well as other physicians and nurses. There has been no call for those responsible to be brought up on charges. The numerous bombings and mistaken shootings in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and elsewhere in the modern post-World War II world have resulted in extraordinary little prosecutions. Then there was the entirety of World War II and the bombings of cities into rubble and then bombed the rubble until a firestorm was ignited and which claimed millions of lives in European theater alone. The loss of life in Japan was horrific in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and even greater carnage was committed by the firebombing of Tokyo and in all of these there were no trials for these bombings. There have been seldom and far between prosecutions even if mistaken identities resulting in noncombatant deaths. In Israel this past week one security patrol member shot dead a terrorist who acted in a suspicious manner causing the security officer to suspect the existence and imminent detonation of a bomb belt so they shot the terrorist dead and this individual may be receiving a medal for their quick actions which may have saved lives. We could continue and the list would grow longer and reading more tedious so let us just agree that mistakes are made and nobody is brought up on charges of murder or manslaughter as during times of war violence often goes too far. Yes, we realize this is Israel where one side is held to an impossibly high set of expectations while the other side can shove children in front of a speeding train and claim the conductor intentionally ran the child down and an investigation would be launched and politicians would be apologizing from the outset before the investigation could be organized while seeking somebody to try on charges to prove how noble they are.


That is exactly what happened in the case involving Elor Azariya and his shooting of the terrorist. Another item we need remember is this individual terrorist had also attempted and may have assisted in the stabbing of an IDF soldier and had to be shot and bleeding before he was prevented from continuing his stabbing spree. His cohort was shot and killed to end his killing spree. This terrorist had already proven he would do anything he could to kill IDF soldiers and that is the starting point in this fiasco. Defense Minister Ya’alon from the get-go had tried this young soldier and was prepared to throw him to the alligators in the swamp. Recent surveys have shown the Israeli public supporting the soldier from the low end two-to-one to the higher end of three-to-one and likely to grow even higher as more information is leaks out to the public. The Prime Minister was equally hurried in joining in condemning the soldier demanding the investigation be hurriedly put together and the politically correct verdict be found and the facts subsequently arranged in support. Everywhere there were politicians from presumably both sides of the aisle attempting to condemn this soldier and sacrifice him on the alter of political correctness for the purpose of placating the Europeans who will refuse to be placated for as long as Jews are permitted their own nation. Perhaps the best would be to quote a presumed random sample of individuals from this editorial here.

From a young soldier: “In our unit we are all completely ashamed of how this soldier is being treated. Of course he should have shot the terrorist dead. If this is the way he is treated why are we in the army at all?”

From a mother: “I do not want my children to go into the army if that is how one soldier is being treated.”

From a grandmother: “It is all the Supreme Court’s fault. They set the tone. They are pro-Arab and do not care what happens to us. It has always been like that.”

From a male voter: The rule of law is important. What will the world think if we don’t appear to be just?

From his wife: When you are dealing with such an enemy you can’t afford to pander to world opinion. Do you really think that they cared that we were moral during the Holocaust or any of the wars against us?

From a bank manager: The media are partly responsible for fanning flames on behalf of the terrorists which enables further murders. Where are our censors in this time of actual war?


There very well could be a cleansing of the Knesset and a huge turn around against Bibi Netanyahu to the point that the Likud Party may best be served by his stepping aside and allowing one of the more nationalistic members such as Moshe Feiglin or Danny Danon to step up and lead the party onward . If Bibi refuses to step aside while the people of Israel are this upset and agitated, then he is far more tone deaf when it comes to ruling than many believed and perhaps all he really cared about was remaining the leader of the country. From the limited number of people we have interacted with, support for Elor Azariya is very strong with those who follow events and these are the people in our community who are the leadership. The next elections may be coming far sooner than most believe and another sacrificing of one of our brave young men before the idol of Ba’al. Elections may come immediately as we want nothing to do with idolaters, especially those making sacrifices in the hopes of placating the Europeans who want nothing less than every Israeli shipped to America or dead and nothing in between as that would place some Jews in Europe. They have made their fateful choice which has ended any hopes of Jews being accepted back. Europe is gone and we in Israel would be wise to remember that reality.


Beyond the Cusp


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