Beyond the Cusp

August 15, 2016

As Long as They All Hate


We have always held that if you are going to be denounced, sanctioned, held as a diabolical daemon in the United Nations General Assembly, receive threats from the European Union and member states and bludgeoned with words of war from the Arab world and generally made a pariah; then you may as well do whatever serves your needs and to hell with everyone else. We have seen the guaranteed death of the two state solution in any number of ways. The Palestinian education, or should we say indoctrination, system has set their belief structure that the only peaceful solution left to them is the complete destruction of Israel and the death of every Jew. Just for clarification, they teach the death of every Jew, not Israeli and not just Israeli Jews but all Jews everywhere which is possible only should they conquer the world. The PLO Charter has fairly similar wordings, goals and aims as does the Hamas Charter which also calls for their conquest of the world. People laugh when they are told these things and claim that nobody is so delusional as to believe they are going to conquer the world, that’s just plain crazy. Well, yes, it is crazy but that does not mean they do not believe they will actually conquer the world. It does not matter if the leaders know that world conquest is a pipe dream, as long as the people are sold on that idea, they will fight until their dying day, which their fighting may advance by years through another senseless death in a war that cannot be won and also will not end until totally and utterly defeated. Keep in mind that the Islamic State also expects to conquer the world, Iran’s leadership sells the people on their conquering the world; the Imams in Saudi Arabia believe they will conquer the world under Wahhabism; the Imams teaching at Al-Azhar University in Cairo (pictured below), Egypt, the leading center for Islamic knowledge in the world, also sells their Imams on the fact that Islam is destined to conquer the world and it will be their version of Sunni Islam which will accomplish this; and the Ottoman Turks also set out to conquer the world and succeeded in conquering the Islamic world, or at least a good part of it. In Islam, world conquest is one of the main tenets after the Five Pillars of Islam which are Shahadah which means belief that there is only one god, Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s messenger; Salah which means prayers are to be given Allah five times a day; Zakat which means giving alms, charity, of 2.5% of income; Hajj which is making the pilgrimage to the house of Allah in Mecca at least once during your life; and Fasting which is the fast from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan. So, why not just add another pillar and admit that Islam demands that Muslims not rest until the entire world has fallen before them and all have either converted or been put to the sword. The Jizya tax for unbelievers to pay as protection under Islam is a temporary fix which in time is presumed to pass and the other two alternatives are to be implemented, convert or die. So, what does one do knowing that their problem with the Arab Palestinians can only be resolved to their satisfaction with your death and the conquest of your country by whatever means are necessary and that no rest can be afforded Israel as the land has been declared a Waqf which means that “every grain of sand is a holy piece of Islam” according to the definition of Waqf being a religious endowment of an area, in this case all of Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea according to the Palestinian leadership.


Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt

Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt


So, the enemy refuses any compromise and is willing, as we have already witnessed, to send all ages of youth starting with ten year old children armed with knives who are sworn to jihad and will attack as long as they have life left in them even if mortally wounded they will still attempt to kill whomever comes close including aid personnel who are attempting to treat their wounds. That is the level of fanaticism faced currently in Israel and coming rapidly to Europe and possibly beyond into the United States, Canada and anywhere else taking in the “Syrian refugees” who have numbers of males between the ages of fourteen and forty and who are unaccompanied by a wife, girlfriend or children. These are not refugees people, this is a fighting force, an advance column which will be learned in quick order, ask the French as they are entering the first phase of the Islamic war for the conquest of France. Israel has been dealing with this war from day one when on May 15, 1948, when Israel was first declared a nation with her borders defined as being from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, sounds familiar doesn’t it, and six nations’ armies invaded from every border with the genocidal intent of slaughtering every Jew and taking their wealth and possibly enslaving many of the women to be used to propagate more Muslim children. They promised wealth, herds of sheep, free land and houses, all the belongings of the Jew and all other spoils of war as defined in the Quran, which includes the enslavement of their defeated opponents women and the taking of children too young to be educated and have a strong attachment to any religion and might make good Muslims after being indoctrinated. That definition of the rewards for jihad against Israel and the Jews has not changed and if you die while performing jihad you go instantly to Islamic heaven where there are lush fields of grass, waterfalls, rivers, wines, and seventy-two permanent virgins who regain their virginity after you take them such that they are always fresh young, virgin, raven haired and beautiful. You cannot make this stuff up, well, apparently you can but your name would need to be Muhammad as such is beyond our imagination. Our imagination is so poor that we can only find one answer to this situation and it will not make even many of the Israeli politicians happy as they are mired in a false promise which was made at Oslo in the accursed Oslo Accords. There was the invention of two states for two peoples living side-by-side in peace and security. There was only one problem with that agreement, one side lied. The actions of Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian indoctrinated generations since 1993 and even before have proven that the Arab Palestinians will not accept two states for two peoples living side-by-side in peace and security, they want it all and they want it now or whenever as long as it takes to force the Jews from their lands or murder them where they stand and take the lands which Oslo defined as to be shared; they have decided they do not wish to share or play well with others. This is the reality from which Israel has to decide what she wishes to do.


So, what are the choices and how can we rate them for viability? Well, we can continue to offer new and slightly different proposals for establishing the two state solution as we have been doing since 1993 in September. It was a sunny Monday afternoon on the White House Lawns in Washington D.C., the thirteenth of September to be exact, and the negotiations have continued ever since. Since that time the Israelis have been systematically driven back one concession at a time while the Palestinians refused to even ratify their acceptance of the Oslo Accords, everybody has simply assumed their accepting it formally and never checked, or cared to check. Their one necessary concession was to change their Charter so it would no longer call for the destruction of Israel and they were only pressed once where the United States State Department joined a session of the Palestinian Parliament to witness their vote to change the Charter and they took a vote and passed a measure calling for a committee to be appointed to assess a proper and acceptable alteration to comply with the agreement to change the Charter. They never appointed the committee and never changed a word of their Charter which remains calling for the complete destruction of Israel. Since then Israel had gone from the original plan where Israel retained Area C, the Arab Palestinians retained Area A and the sides were to negotiate where to divide Area B to now where there are demands for Israel to return to the borders from before the 1967 Six Day War and surrender the entirety of the Old City of Jerusalem which has numerous Jewish holy sites and all of Area C which also holds valuable and precious Jewish holy sites and historic locations and there have been hints that Israel should also surrender a path to Gaza straight across the midlands of Israel cutting the Jewish State into halves and even calls for surrender of much of the Galilee and most of the Negev Desert. The aim is obvious, make Israel completely indefensible and then destroy it in quick order after every inch which could be negotiated had been taken through combination of threats and twisting world opinion, and that world opinion had been very generous to the Arab Palestinians as they are willing to sacrifice all of Israel as long as doing so comes with a promise to end all Islamic violence in the Western world and they are willing to take their word for that. The catch is they need Israel to agree and that point has yet to be reached, but give the world and the masters at giving concessions, also called the Knesset, time and we might get there. The Knesset actually approved the gifting of Gaza to the Palestinian Authority who within a short period lost it to Hamas who has since used it as a launching area of rockets into civilian areas of Israel and for tunneling into Israel with the intent of accomplishing raids resulting in kidnapped IDF or civilian Israelis. That was how the Gilad Shalit abduction and ransom was conducted. The world also seems to be fixated on Israel controlling their border with Hamas and Gaza despite tons of goods, food, medicine and other non-military goods transferred through the operative crossing daily where any government or NGO can have non-military goods transferred to Gaza simply by shipping their goods through the Ashdod, Israel port as Israel has legitimate need to assure that no military use goods are given over to Hamas, a recognized internationally as a terror origination. What is curious is these same nations have no problem with the complete closure of Gaza’s border with Egypt where nothing passes through in either direction legally for months and even years at a time. Israel has treated Gazans in Israeli hospitals including Hamas leader Haniyeh’s daughter treated in Israel. At another time, if you trust Israeli new reports, Hamas leader Haniyeh’s mother-in-law was also treated in an Israeli hospital. And according to Reuters in their last line almost as an excuse our mention of this but, one of Haniyeh’s granddaughters was treated in an Israeli hospital. But Israel is accused of committing genocide in Gaza. They keep using that word and I do not think it means what they think it means.


So, we have an intransigent enemy which will only be satisfied when they are walking on our graves as they would have long ago been destroyed as who needs a Jewish cemetery in the middle of an Arab Muslim Palestinian entity, which also happens to be dysfunctional and a failed entity incapable of supporting itself and completely dependent on foreign funding just to feed its people. And we have Israel, the only Jewish State in a sea of Arab and Muslim states despite the Arab Palestinian argument that there are no Muslim nations, which is true because their claim is there is not one such nation and they are correct, there are twenty-one Arab Muslim States and they desire to be the twenty-second. The world is willing to grant the Arabs Palestinians their demands as long as these demands are couched in polite terms and do not completely eradicate Israel, at least this is quite true in the United Nations General Assembly but thus far has not survived and passed in the Security Council where a veto threat always seems to succeed in preventing such a measure of passing and has even prevented such from being presented as their voting it down would set a bad precedent, or at least that has been the reason given by the Arab Palestinian leadership. Recent developments have shown that the veto protection has become something which some have decided can be used as a bludgeon to force Israeli leadership to toe a line drawn outside of Israel. This threat has been intimated but has yet to actually been publicly deployed though the possibility that it was threatened in private discussions between high officials in both nations has been breached as having been a possibility in many an editorial. Still, the fact that one of the candidates for the highest office did spend close to or possible more than a half hour berating the Prime Minister of Israel because he had the audacity to present the Israeli position regarding the Iranian nuclear negotiations between the P5+1 (the permanent members of the Security Council which are the United States, Russia, China, Great Britain and France and the plus one was Germany and, of course, Iran) which are claimed to permit Iran to continue parts of their nuclear research and increasingly over a decade be permitted greater range of research and development with their potentially producing nuclear weapon as soon as eight years according to some and definitively after the decade when all restrictions would end (the entire deal can be read here in a translation of the Russian copy into English and reformatted for easier reading). Another little tip of something not well known, Iran had been arming Hamas in Gaza and has also been trying to find inroads to arm and aid thus bringing into their influence the Palestinian Authority and the PLO.


So, what can be done about this untenable situation? How about a one state solution and the Arab Palestinians will be permitted to vote in their own local elections within Areas A and B while both Palestinians and Israelis will be permitted to reside in Area C but Arab Palestinians will not have voting rights as they will be considered resident aliens within Israel. Israel gets what was promised as their minimum border according to the original intents and promises under the Oslo Accords, as that at the very least should be recognized and granted. By the way, nobody other than Israel gets a vote on that decision. Arab Palestinians will have free travel throughout Israel with checkpoints initially and as the violence ends, the checkpoints will correspondingly end. Any Arab Palestinian desiring to take advantage of an opportunity to reside outside of Israeli influences can take a buyout offer which will include a generous price for their assets such as property, business and other recognized assets plus a flight to a neutral nation and then the flight to their chosen destination, they will need proof their destination will accept them, and an additional sum as determined as a resettlement assistance. Such an offer will be available for a set period, perhaps one year, and afterwards the remaining Arab Palestinians will be considered to be resident aliens with semiautonomous rights in Areas A and B. Any act of terrorism such as attacking people with no cause other than jihad or other terrorist acts will result in deportation either immediately or after serving any prison sentence handed down by the courts. Eventually, it may become possible to allow Arab Palestinians to apply for Israeli citizenship, but that will take time and the terrorist violence will need to have ceased before such can even be considered. The Arab Palestinians will retain the right to own property and to practice their religion freely. Initially the Madrassas will be monitored to assure they are not teaching jihad or Muslim supremacy doctrines and those crossing these lines will be warned once and if their transgressing the set limits continues they will be closed. The UNRWA schools and other public education will come under Israeli control and will retain any Arab Palestinian teachers and staff but will now teach an approved version of the Israeli basic education, especially when it comes to history, the sciences and Hebrew will be a required course so that when the time arrives that incorporating them if they choose into Israeli society as full citizens they will speak Hebrew which is an aim of the education system in Israel as well as the absorption programs for Jews making Aliyah. The Arab Palestinian leadership, especially the upper levels of Fatah and the PLO will necessarily be deported as there is no path which appears possible to incorporate them peaceably into this solution. They will not be granted any remuneration as they have stolen sufficient monies over the years to cover any relocation they choose even if it be a mansion along the Riviera. This may not be a perfect plan but what exists now is far worse for both the Arab Palestinians and the Israelis. Israel cannot be expected to continue this charade where their citizens are but targets which the Arab Palestinian school system teaches do not deserve to live and are a mortal enemy and are going to murder the Arab Palestinians unless they kill all the Israelis first. That has to end as it has ruined the lives of two generations of Arab Palestinians by filling them with hatred and nothing else to base their future upon. They are taught that as long as Israel exists their lives will be worthless and the Jews have stolen all opportunities and the only path to retrieve opportunity is to destroy Israel. That is not an acceptable situation and there is but one way to resolve that, end the Arab occupation and indoctrination on what is legally under all international laws Israeli soil. Publish the Levy Report and act on it as this situation is untenable for all involved and is destroying the Arab Palestinians’ futures by selling them destruction as their only option.


Beyond the Cusp 


July 25, 2016

Replacing the Two State Paradigm


The death of the whole concept of a two states living side-by-side in peace, security and viability is finally fading as the realism that the Arab Palestinians can never be placated. Their demand that they get all or the war continues until the Jews run away or are annihilated has finally begun to wear even the two state supporters into a state of exhaustion from attempting to twist and ignore the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) leadership’s constant demands for more. The chanting by their supporters of the line they were fed calling out, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine must be free,” leaving no Israel simply made support more and more problematic. Sure, the young, the foolish and of course the anti-Semites thought that chant was a great idea as it either never occurred to them or they invited the mass slaughter of another six-million plus Jews at the altar of the inexorable march of Islam across the face of the earth. The fact is that the eventual chant would become, “From One Sea to Another Shore, We Want the World and a Little More,” and would be their referring to the United States and Canada on their way to conquering South America last. The old adage that, “What Starts with the Jews, Never Ends with the Jews,” implying that once any power decides to exert energies seeking a final solution to the “Jewish Problem,” these efforts soon widen to include far more than just the Jews, nor will it end with the Roma or the Evangelical Christians or any other opposing people until all have been cleansed. For proof of this just visit the original home of Islam, Saudi Arabia, and check out the laws concerning any religion or philosophy other than that proscribed by Islam, particularly Sunni Islam and then the Medina Quran over the Mecca Quran (Explained here) which strictly protect Islam as the only religion by which a nation can be ruled, period. There you might be introduced to the concept of the Islamic Waqf which defines any lands ever conquered by Islamic forces must forever remain under Islamic rule or face continuous efforts by force of arms or political pressures to be surrendered once more to Islam and held as such for all time.


Surrender is a term used to define Islam as their prayers are a sign that they have surrendered their will, their spirit, their body and mind to Allah and have no will independent from the traditions and interpretations of the Quran. This renders the Imams as the deciders of Islamic life and which verses of the Quran are to be applied. Sometime early in Islam, some say by Mohammad on his death bed but most scholars relent on that claim and tend to agree that this particular Surah 2:106: which is called the Abrogation Surah which makes the Medina verses of the Quran superior and replacing those Meccan verses that contradict or alter (see Arabic and translation below).


Surah Al-Baqarah [2:106]

Quran Surah Al-Baqarah [2-106]


None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?


The disbelievers, pagans, Christians and especially Jews must be forced to surrender to the Islamic forces and to Allah after their defeat or put to the sword, which is a simple euphemism for murdered or put to death. Believers need to have already surrendered to Allah and thus to Islam which in the end becomes surrender and obey their Imam. This is one reason that Western nations need monitor what the lessons, sermons, preaching, beliefs and interpretations of the Quran are as it is in the final end the Imams who define Islam. This was the reason the Egyptian President Sisi stood before the Imams of Al-Azhar University (pictured below).


Al-Azhar University

Al-Azhar University


The final nail in the coffin, which lowered and all threw dirt as their sign that there could be no compromise, was a few weeks, maybe a month ago, when the Fatah, PLO and even PA all, without a single word of correction from Mahmoud Abbas, the ruling potentate over all things out of Ramallah declared all of their claimed Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea as an Islamic Waqf which meant literally that even a Jew taking sand from the beach in Nehariya, Israel, or anywhere else in Israel, onto a plane and leaving would technically require their being hunted down so those few grains of sand could complete their Islamic Waqf. Abbas has permitted and thus accepted what they had claimed amongst themselves and finally it has been translated by one of the major sources of such translations, Palestinian Media Watch, who recorded and translated a Ramadan Broadcast of PA State Television Broadcast. The presenter, Najeh Bakirat, is listed as the director of this PA TV program and also appears on the show as one of the presenters and was once amongst the officers in Fatah and was assigned his current posting as a director of PA-TV. As defined above, PMW also stated that a Waqf is an inalienable religious endowment in Islamic law which may not be permitted to be transgressed, especially by an infidel and even more offensively, by Jews who are seen as descendants of apes and pigs.


PA TV Ramadan lesson teaches that Islam prohibits Israel’s right to exist: “Holy Palestine is a waqf… It is forbidden to relinquish a single grain of its soil”
Head of the Waqf’s Al-Aqsa Academy of Heritage and Antiquities Najeh Bakirat: “Every grain of soil in Palestine (i.e., including all of Israel) is ours. The status of Hebron is part of the status of Palestine, as it is an integral part of the Palestinian land, like the status of Nazareth in our eyes, and Acre, Haifa, and Jaffa (i.e., all are cities in Israel). Every grain of soil in Palestine is part of the blessed Palestine, the holy Palestine which is a waqf. Therefore it is forbidden to relinquish a single grain of its soil.”



This marks the absolute end to any chance for a compromise as this announcement has ended all room for there to be but one state and all that is left to determine is whether the state will be another Islamic State or remain the Jewish State, as was the original plan when the British Mandate was adopted and the Zionist Congress agreed to the partition with lands east of the Jordan belonging to the Arab State of Transjordan (later renamed simply Jordan) and the lands west of the Jordan River for the Jewish State. This was the original plans as set forth under the League of Nations and enforceable under Article 80 in the United Nations Charter and as such inviolable even by the Security Council and definitively by the General assembly. This makes all recognition of any Arab or “Palestinian” state an inconceivable notion. Every attempted recognition of such a state when challenged in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) would unquestionably and close to immediately be refuted and rescinded as there is but one state approved by world recognition and that would be Israel as the State for the Jews.


So, what is a viable, logical, actionable and workable solution, the bi-national state incorporated over time with an incentive plan for Arabs, particularly those prescribing to Islamic supremacy, to leave to reside outside of the Jewish State, outside their loathed Zionist Entity. The first reality would be the changing of the current school systems run by UNRWA or the PA to Israeli run schools under the same administration as are the schools within Israel. Further, the controlling administration of the schools would come under review and if the current system of teachers and administrators once reviewed are found to be incapable of teaching the provided syllabus provided every school, those found to be inadequate would necessarily be replaced. The administrating would be exactly the same as currently exists within Israel. Religious academies, which would include Madrassas, would all be held to including a core set of programs and this would end the argument that religious schools need not teach secular programs or other required and necessary lessons which all public schools are required to teach for graduation. The universities and colleges would also be regulated and their curriculum monitored to assure that they were not teaching courses which included subversive or anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli, Anti-Zionist, Anti-Christian, Anti-Muslim or any other negative education villainizing or disparaging any religion, race, ethnicity, physically challenged, mentally challenged, sexual orientation, gender or age group. This does not require one to ignore, omit, alter or otherwise curtail the teaching of a religion’s holy books in any manner or to change the wordings or definitions even when such appears to go against the previous restrictions though it would be prudent to teach to hate the act, the sin and to love the person; and that it is one’s responsibility not to change but to enlighten them of the words in scripture without belittling or threatening them in any way. These areas must be handled with tact and often if one is unsure they should take an approach of caution. It is important for a multicultural and multi-ethnic society with peoples from varied origins and numerous religions, even if Judaism remains the dominant religion of influence on the laws and mood of the majority of the society and the religion given greater though not undue influence on the society.


It would also be necessary to enact a law which would deport all members of a family who included any members involved in terrorism. This would include those planning, financing, producing weapons, explosives, rockets, munitions or storing same and anyone caught performing an attack of a terrorist nature despite their religion. This would include Jews, Muslims, Christians or any other or no religion as when it comes to the law there can be no exceptions. Even government employees and even Minister of the Knesset would not be exempt if they partook in terrorist activities. The current residents of the PA and all PA citizens would initially be granted resident alien status and would be required to apply and go through an approved set of courses and prove proficiency in knowledge deemed required of any citizen which should be equivalent to the knowledge of government and Israeli and Jewish history to give them a fundamental understanding of the Jews attachment to these lands and their difficulties both in Christian, Islamic and other societies.


Finally, there would be an incentive program to buy at over market price any properties, business assets not taken with those availing themselves of the buy-out and an added incentive plus arranged transportation to any nation to which any resident of the PA or even Israelis regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or other considerations. The added incentive will be proportional to expected costs of resettlement and weighed within reason and would have a set price which would be considered higher than the mean or average of resettlement costs. Needless to mention is this would make moving to a nation where prices are more reasonable would make the bonus go much further than say moving to Germany or the United States, especially the state of Hawaii. This program would last a defined amount of time, perhaps a decade and after that you make out the best you are able. There would necessarily be other requirements and restrictions likely prove required as deficiencies become apparent but this would be a start, hopefully a good start.


Beyond the Cusp



May 28, 2016

Brexit, Obama, Cameron and the EU Elites


What do Brexit’s opposition, President Obama, Prime Minister Cameron and the European Union Elite have in common along with the British Treasury, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development? They all are using hyperbolic, exaggerated paranoid economic forecasts of doom and gloom pitched with great arm waving and volume. Those supporting the British Isles leaving the European Union are equally voluminous and strident. There are entire lists of arguments favoring each side as well as dire predictions of horrific disasters with which to attack each side. So, where is the reality which a sane and measured approach of scientific study would support? The sad truth is that no such rational and unemotional report has actually been released and for good reason, leaving the European Union is a completely unprecedented occurrence. The best thing we can do in approaching Brexit is to simply add another opinion which in reality is not that different from every other opinion out there, the best we can reason out and then we will wait and see what happens should the vote go the way we would advise, but we so not expect to influence too many Brits as the other thing that has been polled is that the populace is divided mostly by age and everybody has chosen and are unlikely to compromise on their assumptions. The older generations, possibly because they remember the pre-European Union Britain, favor Brexit while those who have lived entirely as members of the European Union do not support rocking the boat. Perhaps it does break down to whether you lived in a period when Britain was not just another national entity lost within the folds and bureaucracy known as the European Union.


The one thing which the British have done which would facilitate their leaving the European Union much more easily than most other European Union nations is the British kept the Pound Sterling as well as accepted the Euro. This may prove to be one of the smartest decisions the British have ever made as eventually, whether it is next month or not all that far into the future of humankind when the European Union finally tears itself apart as the economic strains of retaining Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Poland and Germany as a single economic union while continuing to allow each of the aforementioned nations to rule themselves and make their own economic decisions within some unenforced presumed limitations which would have made minimal difference anyway. So, there will come a time when Britain will be leaving the European Union or the European Union will be leaving Britain along with every other member nation as it melts down from economic hemorrhage. The one thing which is easy to predict is what will happen if Brexit is voted down next month, nothing, absolutely nothing as the entire world will continue with possibly a slight amount of sighs in Brussels and a few perplexed looks from some of the financial wizards across Europe and in the United States as all their studies and predictions of the perils that Brexit will entail.


Pound Sterling

Pound Sterling


The question which needs examination is what will happen should Brexit pass. The only honest answer is that we have no idea, none at all. President Obama has predicted that should Brexit pass that Britain will lose out in every manner especially in trade with other nations. President Obama threatened that Brexit passing will necessarily place the British at the back of the line in trade with the United States. The President did not explain why this condition would come to pass; he just claimed that would be the result. Perhaps somebody should inform President Obama that first he cannot place anybody at the back of a line which does not exist and unless he was going to place trade sanctions on the British, there was nothing preventing their trade continuing with the United States without suffering any change as membership with the European Union has little effect on United States trade with Britain. The trade between the two nations would simply revert to the same manner as before Britain joined the European Union. Sure there would likely be some legislation passing through the Congress and being sent to the President reverting some of the trade regulations clarifying trade relations but even that would likely be more a reassurance than any drastic alteration such as what President Obama threatened. Even should President Obama veto such legislation, it could be readdressed come January 21 immediately after the new President is sworn in and it is doubtful that whomever should be in the White House would make any difference as such legislation is fairly innocuous and there would be little reason outside obstinacy for a veto.


That will not prevent us from offering our point of view. The immediate advantage the British would gain is they would no longer be constrained by the monetary policies of the European Union and the Euro. The British have had the advantage in setting some form of monetary policy free of European Union regulations as they did maintain their old currency, the Pound (we love the old term of Pound Sterling as it sounds so provincial and proud). The British also have their natural relations with the Anglosphere nations of New Zealand, Australia, Canada, United States and a few other more minor English speaking nations. Such a natural set of trading partners being made simpler by a common language grants Britain an easier transition should Brexit pass and they be free to trade under their own desires free of European Union constraints. Further, the British economy would no longer be having some of their resources diverted to support those nations which are in financial meltdown which is causing an ever more serious crisis one after another. Despite the economic restructuring and presumed limitations placed on spending pressed upon those nations suffering economic difficulties ranging from slow economic growth after the 2008 worldwide financial meltdown which began with market collapse in real estate and mortgage collapse due to lax lending standards which were dependent upon rising real estate prices to complete financial freefall such as the collapse in Greece, these nations often ignored these limitations regarding them as impinging on their national pride and being so draconian that they prevent their addressing the economic needs to climb out of their difficulties. Whatever the reasoning, the strain these failing economies place on the productive nations is slowly strangling their monetary gains, threatening to drag them down the same drain with the financially crippled nations. This could be the main reason for the appeal to many British and the reason that establishment supporters of the European Union desire to persuade the defeat of Brexit as they fear an even faster decline of the European Union should the British economy be removed from the sum total of the European Union economy.


What those who have as their desire the continued existence of the European Union fear most is Brexit passing as they are completely aware that Brexit would be the first and far from the last nation to exit the European Union. The reality is well known, once Britain leaves the European Union the writing is on the walls in Brussels, the end is nigh. How much longer would France or Germany remain should the British economy become positive and surging forward with a bright future becoming apparent? The answer is not long, weeks, months, but definitely not years. As the European Union is seen as the best stalwart against another ruinous European war and the only manner where the continent of Europe can fairly compete with the United States, China, Brazil, India and any other up and coming economic powers; the European Union core believers are of the mind that only as a unit does the European nations have any hope of competing with any form of equality with the far larger economies and simply larger nations which have the advantage that size brings. The European Union members see their union as the enabler of trade advantages and refuse to see that they are simply another layer of regulatory strangulation and further taxation depriving the nations and some companies from greater profits. They claim that without the European Union such companies as Airbus could never have been created and survived as it was the European Union which allowed the separate nations to work as if a single unit. The reality is that the nations would cooperate as doing so increases their financial strength and in this world of information technology the old differences and impediments which often strangled trade with tariffs and protectionism would not return as the new reality so obviously rewards cooperation between nations and so many of the corporations are now international in nature that nations no longer benefit from such measures. That is the reality and the British remember the freedom of pre-European Union Britain and with any luck, they will be able to reason and influence those without such experience and Brexit will pass and strike a mortal blow to the European Union.


Counter to what numerous economists claim, and luckily this is not a universal opinion, the European Union is not the answer to the problems faced by the troubled economies such as Greece, Italy and Spain but rather the result of the Economic Union and its common currency, the Euro. Whether Brexit passes inflicting a mortal wound to the European Union or if we need wait for the European Union to reach its inevitable implosion, the individual nations reverting to their natural independent currencies will initially cause some difficulties but will soon be able to alter their currencies in relation to one another and thus permit the struggling nations to have a devalued currency permitting them to have economic advantages of lower manufacturing costs and thus an economic advantage that accompanies such. That will bring a new vitality which is impossible when they must share an equal cost rate against Germany as the two nations are as different as night and day. Greece and the other struggling nations are closer to an agrarian or light industrial base while Germany is a heavily industrialized and entered the information age and has robotic manufacturing in many industries making a similar currency preposterous in the max. Brexit may just be the key to freeing Europe from Brussels and the self-appointed crowned aristocracy which has placed themselves over a continent for far too long and have reached well past the point where they have gone from a unifying and strengthening of the continent to a detractor which now regulates Europe slowly into a stagnation which was unavoidable as the simple fact that the European Union was an unelected oligarchy which thought itself above the people and not for or of the people and saw the people and individual governments and the nations as merely pawns in their social and economic games and misadventures. There may never be a study done which will find exactly when the European Union went from a path for greater economic growth and strength to a drag upon the continent and a guarantee of a slow but inevitable decline as the bureaucracy grew to the point that it became a ponderous beached whale no longer capable of reacting to financial needs and instead squelching any vibrancy making responding to changing economic forecasts next to impossible. The European Union has gone from a force for European economic cooperation to a farce siphoning off an ever increasing price dampening economic activity.


Beyond the Cusp


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