Beyond the Cusp

April 3, 2018

As Goes France Go Europe then America


Over the past decade, France has witnessed just over one grisly slaughtering of a Jew each year.* Mireille Knoll, an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor, was stabbed multiple times and then left in her burning Paris apartment to bleed and burn to death simultaneously. The first was Ilan Halimi who was befriended by a woman and when she asked him to meet her for a drink, little did he know he was to become a sacrificial lamb in nearly a month of torture.** The other people residing in the apartment block had to have heard the blood curdling screams the young man released begging for help and eventually for death. After almost a month of pure hell, he was finally released as told in the article, “On February 13, at five o’clock in the morning, Ilan was first shaven, like six million other Jews, and flung into the forest by his torturers. He managed to take the mask off his eyes, and as Fofana later reported, look them straight in the eye. I am a human being, his eyes told them. He received a few knife stabs for that. Then, like many of the six million before him he was set on fire and burned alive, having been sprayed with a flammable substance. Then his tormentors left.” One of his tormentors, Fofana, upon sentence being passed stated proudly, even defiantly, “I killed a Jew, and for that I will go to Paradise.” There was no remorse or even the ability to identify with their victim as human because he was a Jew after all. These murders over the past ten years have taken everyone from children as young as three, six and ten shot in the Toulouse Jewish school shootings which also took the life of one of the school’s Rabbis and father to the youngest victims.# These were the murders just in France where the greatest numbers of European Jews reside. France’s Jewish population at last count was approximately four-hundred-fifty-thousand people. Next greatest reside in the United Kingdom with an approximate numbers of Jews of two-hundred-ninety-thousand and next is Germany with a Jewish population of approximately one-hundred-fifteen-thousand and the remainder of Europe having far less. The total European Jewish population is approximately one and one-half-million which is a mere fifteen-hundredths of one percent of Europe’s total population. That is next to nothing and yet the continent apparently finds even that few to be far too many.


The remainder of Europe has fewer violent acts of anti-Semitism simply due to lack of available options, available Jews of whom to victimize. As per the article “Anti-Semitism is still alive in Germany as Jews face ‘disturbing’ discrimination,” the combination of Islamic immigrant anti-Semitism and resurgent ‘right-wing’ anti-Semitism has led to problematic situations. Displaying the rise of publicly expressed anti-Semitism was most obvious when in Berlin demonstrations celebrated the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the death of leading Nazi figure Rudolf Hess, on Aug. 19, 2017 (see image below). As is most usual, there is very little reporting of ‘left-wing’ anti-Semitism. Where this is a relatively new situation, the rise of anti-Semitism on the left exists and must not be given a free pass, as it is just as dangerous and real as the other forms of anti-Semitism. Alternative for Germany Party (AfD), is currently the third-largest party in the Bundestag (German Parliament) a mere four years after it was founded. The AfD drums up support with nationalist and anti-Semitic rhetoric as well as anti-immigrant chants. Some AfD members have expressed desires to have Nazi soldiers remembered as patriots. As stated, anti-Semitism is rising, one might claim rampant, across Europe as reported by the BBC in their article Fans protest during Holocaust tribute at Serie A matches where it was reported, “On Sunday at Rome’s Olympic Stadium a section of Lazio fans known as the “ultras” – known for their racist chants and often violent behaviour – left stickers of Holocaust victim Frank in a Roma jersey alongside anti-Semitic slogans such as ‘Roma fans are Jews’.


Berlin demonstrations celebrated the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the death of leading Nazi figure Rudolf Hess

Berlin demonstrations celebrated the commemoration of
the 30th anniversary of the death of leading Nazi figure Rudolf Hess


Anti-Semitism is on the rise across Europe with some places having become almost impossible for Jews to remain in their homes and even their synagogues have been firebombed. The worst of these attacks have come in Sweden with the town of Malmo amongst the most prevalent in violent acts of anti-Semitism. Malmo Mayor Ilmar Reepalu had advised Jews who want to be safe in Malmo to reject Zionism. Though he has condemned anti-Semitism, Reepalu has called Zionism a form of ‘extremism’ comparable with anti-Semitism, said the Jewish community had been ‘infiltrated’ by anti-Muslim agents and denied that Muslims perpetrated the attacks on Malmo Jews. In an article written for the Huffingtonpost titled, “Rising Anti-Semitism in Europe: History Repeating Once Again,” goes into some depth about the rising levels of anti-Semitism across Europe. European anti-Semitism is a dire threat rising once more, but then again, European anti-Semitism and its counterpart across all of the Arab and almost all the Muslim world, particularly the MENA## States. The Jews, originally the Israelites, were conquered by Babylon when the Northern Kingdom fell in 722 BCE leading to the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. The remainder, Judah, the southern kingdom, was subsequently conquered by Babylon in around 610 to 605 BCE. The Judeans were eventually to be known as simply the Jews. After Babylon, the Jews were conquered and subjugated by the Persians, Greeks and Romans. The Romans dispersed the Jews as they had the Carthaginians in an effort to destroy those two peoples as well as others who the Romans destroyed. The Jews survived their dispersion and continued to be subjugated by Europeans and after the conquest by Islam in 636 CE and the subjugation of the MENA states followed soon thereafter right up to the current day. Torah and traditions and practices in the Oral Law written in the Talmud, which is a living document of Judaism where every idea and practice is discussed and argued from all sides. Some arguments are posed simply to force clarification of a concept or action being discussed and does not necessarily, or in some cases even in the wildest interpretation, actually convey Jewish thought and are used for argument only. Often it is these arguments which are cherry-picked and made public with the intent of shaming Jews and disgracing Judaism. Such practices are known false representations but still crop up in use by the anti-Semites. The MENA States (which were also the Caliphates and then the Ottoman Empire through to World War I) along with Europe often treated their Jewish populations as victim populations upon who all ills were blamed often leading to pogroms, murderous rages, burning of their Jews and other atrocities often beyond imagination. Jews would be forced from one city or nation to another over and over never really finding their real home. The vast majority of Jews have been forced from their lives and homes across the MENA States so the remaining anti-Semitism is more often targeted at Israel. Europe still has a Jewish population but it is slipping away, or should we be honest and call it what it is, fleeing.


There is a remaining problem, America. What makes this problem so easy to ignore is that American Jews appear oblivious to the problem. Even the New York Times has written about the lack of reaction by American Jews in their article titled “Anti-Semitism Is Rising. Why Aren’t American Jews Speaking Up? The reason is easy and even obvious to any neutral observer with even a modicum of intelligence. The answer is there are Jews who have noted the rising anti-Semitism, but their voices do not matter, as they currently are the minority. These are the Orthodox Jews who reside largely in close, long established communities in major metropolitan areas such as Cleveland, Boston, Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Greeley and, of course, New York. They are also largely conservative and vote predominantly Republican and while vocal within their community, they otherwise appear rather silent, well, that is when compared to their brethren who are far more political and rather less religious.


The Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist and non-conventional Jews are vocally political and some congregations have adopted the leftist political agenda as the structure around which they build their Judaism. They run numerous NGOs which support left leaning ideas such as gun control, open borders, free abortions, free tuition, urban renewal, nuke free world and the entire plethora of similar pie in the sky, pipe dream and utopian agenda. They are blind to any kind of problems, shortcomings or other complications which make the left just as possible to make mistakes and errors in judgement as the right wing which is constantly scurrilously attacked by the left and their media allies. These politically active Jews are far more boisterous and make themselves heard and often fill the argument drowning out all else. Because they are so enamored with the left and leftist causes, they also are blind to any deficiencies and even when they do see such problems, they will find some means of explaining them away. A glaring example was the known relationship between President Obama and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the mutual relationship they held with Minister Louis Farrakhan, a known and severe anti-Semite. The same is true of most of the anti-Semitism prevalent on the left with such people as Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers of the Women’s March who emphatically made a statement when they stated that the Women’s Movement has no room for Zionism. Even after this statement made in order to exclude feminists if they were pro-Israel because being a Jew who believes in the right of your people to have what is granted almost all other peoples, their own nation to call home, then you cannot be a feminist. Truth is, the left is slowly but inexorably moving towards a place where in order to truly be accepted, one must first declare their hatred for the State of Israel. Now for the saddest and most distressing item, many leftist Jews see no problem with this and blindly jump onboard with defaming and attempting to destroy the Jewish State. Israel is the Jews Second Amendment, the place where Jews will be protected from all threats no matter their origins. We can only ask such Jews a simple question. When the left finally reaches the unavoidable end of their slide into anti-Zionism, anti-Israelism and their anti-religion, especially Judaism, and decides that the world must once again exterminate its Jews, where will they run?


Beyond the Cusp


* 11 Jews massacred in France, just as ISIS did in Syria by Giulio Meotti.

** The Shocking Murder of Ilan Halimi by Deborah Freund.

# France shooting: Toulouse Jewish school attack kills four

MENA = Middle East and North Africa

August 31, 2017

Abbas Issues Demands so Israel Must Demand Abbas Go


We would love to say the story has shown definitive signs of change, but alas, they have this ugly persistence to remain the same. There is a standing reason why things have not and will not change, that reason is Mahmoud Abbas. The United States under President Trump originally demanded that the Palestinian Authority (PA) cease all payment to terrorists as well as their families for their murder of Israelis, especially Jews. This was an appalling demand for Abbas who treated it as an anathema to his continued role as President. Abbas threatened to dissolve the PA and resign from the twelfth year of his four-year term forcing Israel to deal with the problems of providing for the PA residents, the PA’s Arabs. Israel, according to Abbas, would be incapable of providing services for the Arabs currently presumably provided for by the PA. What makes his threat a joke is that Israel already provides much of the electricity, water, sewage, roads, gas and other utilities and services, not all, but most and currently for free. Should Israel be forced by the dissolution of the PA to care for the Arabs, it would likely work out as a boon to both the utility companies and the Arabs as well. Their economy would no longer be subjected to the harsh regulations, taxes and bullying by Abbas and the PA henchmen they call their Security Forces. They are more like enforcers for the mafia which runs the territory. The IDF already provides the security for Abbas and his cabal, so keeping the peace will not be much of an additional demand. The individual towns and cities could return to being ruled by the dominant family of their area and under this hold, semiautonomous rule.


That is the reason that Abbas would never go through with the threat to dissolve the PA. He knows that the people over whom he presumes to rule would soon celebrate the freedom they would gain once he dissolved the PA and Israel removed Abbas, his officers, the security forces and the remainder of the PA power structure and turned the Arabs over to their true family leadership, each town to its family and each family responsible for the peace in their area. These families would actually work to prevent terrorism from emanating from amongst their people, their Arab friends and neighbors, as they would prefer not to have the IDF interfering with their authority and rule. Their only demand is for their people to reside in peace and have security and for them to flourish and live a full and healthy life. Israel using the IDF would provide the security from outside interference in exchange for the Arab lead families to secure their towns and prevent terrorists from originating there. The families would collect taxes and with those funds pay for the utilities and other services provided by Israeli companies and the government and be responsible for whatever tax agreement was made with Israel. The relationship would be mutually beneficial, as the Israelis would prevent inter-familial fighting and other threats to the leaders of each town.


Abbas realizes that he would no longer be receiving the millions upon millions of Euros and Dollars from all the fools in the world. Abbas and his coterie are never going to give up their little fraud suckling at the teat of the United Nations, UNRWA, European Union, United States, European nations and the other nations of the world fool enough to contribute to the PA racket. They have all become millionaires with them each having stuffed away hundreds of millions of Dollars and Euros into their Swiss accounts. Add the fact that Abbas and his closest cadre get to travel the world freely and be treated by the leadership of Europe, the United States, the United Nations and other organizations as royalty given the respect with dinners and banquets. And then there is the coup de grace, all the time they get to plan and execute terror attacks against Israel and murder all the Jews they can and the world gives them cover and a complete pass and the more Jews they murder, the greater the honors they receive, especially in Europe and the United Nations.


For a terror master there is no sweeter gig than the one Yasser Arafat set up with the assistance of the United States State department and a cadre of leftist Israelis who saw the opportunity to get their names down in history as the great peacemakers. Abbas inherited this PA from Arafat and, playing Yasser in a suit and tie, has played the part to the hilt and raped the world for his blood money. The real sadness is the great eagerness with which the world praises this murderous bloodsucker and Jew killer. And the game is starting anew with President Trump and his administration. President Trump need be given a degree of credit for his appointment of United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and he displayed true anger over the lies told by Abbas at the White House press conference once he was shown the reality. But now, it appears, President Trump has fallen into the regimen proposed most likely by the State Department, and likely endorsed fully by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, of sending emissaries proposing peace and begging at the feet of Mahmoud Abbas waiting to be told what the United States must squeeze from Israel so that there can be a photo op at the White House with Abbas, President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu before Abbas betrays his word and walks away from any and all promises blaming Israel for existing as the reason for his betrayal. Then the Europeans, European Union, United Nations and the State Department all condemn Israel for missing another opportunity to surrender completely before the PA. We have witnessed this same song and dance ever since Oslo in September of 1993 and it will continue until something changes, and we have an idea what it will take.


Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas

Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas


There is one dirty little secret about this charade and that is that those who started this fiasco are the only ones who can end it. Abbas sure will never end this fools errand as he gains wealth, power, respect, legitimacy and most of all, an unending flow of money. That leaves only Israel who can bring this debacle to an end, but it will take somebody with great self-assurance and a brave heart. It will take a Prime Minister of Israel ready to stand up to the world and say loudly and clearly, “Never Again!” This Prime Minister will not crave the power or the prestige of the office and will have pursued the position mainly to use it to an end which will place their name in history and legends. They seek these neither but know they will be their legacy though they will be scorned most the days of their remaining life. This Prime Minister who we cannot name for they may not yet be born, probably has not even dreamed of the office or their place in history and we know not if they will be a man or woman, we just know they will live with a singleness of purpose once they realize their singular dream. They will win the office by doing something unusual, pure honesty, as they will promise that they finally end the peace which has eluded all their predecessors. They will promise a peace which will make all Israelis happy in time and will make the main settlements and all of Jerusalem all part of Israel proper and end the wars with the Arabs. Their coalition will be solid but depending upon the support of at least on rival party which joined the coalition conditional on peace being reached as expected.


This Prime Minister will do the United States, United Nations, European Union, European nations and the world the favor of allowing one attempt at making peace with the leader of the PA. When the PA does as usual and demands the release of two-thousand prisoners and another freeze on settlement building in order to meet, this Prime Minister does the unexpected and releases the prisoners and agrees to the freeze, but only if their meeting produces progress. The meeting with the sitting President of the United States and his emissaries and the President of the PA will go exactly as the Prime Minister expected as the PA will demand the 67 borders, half of Jerusalem, all the Jewish Holy Places in Hevron, Old City of Jerusalem, and the heartlands of historic Eretz Yisroel as described in Torah and the remainder of the prisoners released. The Prime Minister claimed that such concessions would require more deliberations and waited for the right and perfect moment, the photo op on the White House lawns where the Prime Minister was expected to make nice, pledge their support for the ‘two state solution’ and shake the hand of the PA leader. When the time comes for the Israeli Prime Minister to speak, they speak from their heart knowing that they will likely not be Prime Minister by morning. They speak truth and state that the Oslo Accords are dead and have been since the early twenty-first century. He will explain that Israel will give each and ever PA Arab the opportunity to emigrate after selling their lands and assets at a fair price and a special relocation allowance or they can remain as a legal resident alien with full rights accorded such. They will have religious rights, land rights, legal rights but will not have political rights except in local elections in the towns which will be designated as Arab ruled.


Upon a stormy return to Israel where some thousands of leftist demonstrators meet this Prime Minister at the airport, holding signs claiming their leader has murdered any hope for peace for all eternity. The Prime Minister kept to the announcement and immediately sought any nation willing to take the PA leadership and the commanders of their security forces. Within a few weeks these PA officials have all be relocated to the nations who voluntarily gave them refuge, some amongst the Arab world with others went to Europe and even a few were accepted by the United States. All these arrangements were negotiated and conducted with assistance from the United States, European Union and United Nations.


There was a suit brought before the International Criminal Court by the PA, but they were distraught as the verdict was that Israel had the legal rights to the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. It later became known that the United States Secretary of State had visited the PA leadership before they left Washington and advised them against attempting taking their claims before any of the World Courts, as they would most definitely lose. They were warned that all their predecessors knew that the only means of gaining any of the lands set aside by the League of Nations for the formation of the Jewish State was through the same means as was used to form the Arab states of Jordan and Gaza, through the agreements of the Jews, the Zionists themselves. As long as the Zionists, the Jews did not release their claims to the land, then the lands of the British Mandate Lands would remain an aside for the Jewish State. The sole reason Jordan was permitted to be formed was because the Zionist Congress signed an agreement, the Churchill White Paper in which they released the lands east of the Jordan to the British to use to absolve their promise to the Hashemites and the Arabs. Gaza was wrenched from the Jews and Israel through the perfidy of the works of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and President George W. Bush who knew they were telling deceits to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon but he was ill and seeking immortality as the one who made peace, and instead he placed Hamas forever on the southern border of Israel. That is how those lands were torn from the grasp of Israel. For the meantime, let us pray that no more Prime Ministers will seek to be the one who makes peace at the cost of more of our holy lands before a real Prime Minister will exercise the right of a sovereign state to defend and protect all within their rightful borders.


Beyond the Cusp


February 19, 2017

Hamas Appointments Signal Coming Conflict


The appointment by Hamas of 55 year old Yehya al-Sinwar, released from Israeli prisons after serving a mere twenty-two years of his four lifetime sentence as part of the Gilad Shalit exchange, as the new political leader of Hamas with his deputy Khalil Alhia, both coming out of the Izz a-Din al-Kassam terror group with links to the extreme Islamic Salafist movement promises future conflict. Yehya al-Sinwar gained fame for killing of Palestinians who he called “collaborators” including one senior Hamas commander without the bother of a trial because he perceived him to be a potential rival and thus he just had to be a traitor. Sinwar is well known by Israeli intelligence agencies who reveal that his dreams are for the founding of the two state solution as he knows full well that Hamas will take control of the Palestinian entity from Fatah and the Palestinian Authority and Mahmoud Abbas “either through the ballot box” if elections are held “or by the bullet,” Sinwar’s actual phrasing, and “have Israel subject to rockets from all directions.” He dreams of a final glorious battle where he will scatter the Jews back to the far corners of the world as predicted by the Quran from the Seventh Century. He fully believes in Jihad exactly as laid out in the Quran. He intends to force the world through the BDS Movement to estrange Israel from the body of nations. If need be he will implement plans to buy the necessary political, media and academic leaders in crucial position to attain this end. He intends to first separate Jerusalem completely from Israel having the world proclaim Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine and have Hamas force Israel completely from the entirety of the city believing that Israel cannot survive once Jerusalem has been taken. History actually backs this prediction which makes him all the more dangerous. Yehya al-Sinwar and Khalil Alhia being placed at the top of Hamas portends a coming war likely starting this spring and continuing into the summer. The question is of when, not if, the violence will begin. The recent launching of four rockets at Eilat may be the signal of the start of rocket launches ever couple of weeks eventually becoming more common building into a full assault with hundreds of rockets each day or more just as the last two wars. We can also expect that the world media will wait until Israel responds to report anything and then to lead their reporting with Israel attacked Gaza, or Gaza City, and only later in the article mention that the Israeli actions was in response to weeks of rocket attacks by Hamas, if they even admit that Hamas initiated the attacks.


This situation signals that Hamas has decided that total war and perpetual Jihad is the path they need to implement going forward. There are certain things which Israel has available to perform in reaction to these obvious moves by Hamas towards a more violent path. Israel currently provides Gaza much of their electricity, water, natural gas and other petroleum products. These take a deal of effort to keep operating, especially when the difficulty is within sniper range from Gaza as Hamas and Islamic Jihad will often shoot the repair personnel who are working to repair and return electric power to Gaza. Hamas and the residents of Gaza do not pay for the provided power and the United Nations, European Union and many nations demand that Israel not deduct the costs from funding for Gaza as that is collective punishment. These entities and nation do not care that the nonpayment for services is a collective lack of payment and there is no concern for the collective punishment of Israelis who pay additional rates to cover the costs of power and water and other provisions which Israel provides both Gaza and the Palestinian Authority, both entities which refuse to pay their power and water bills. This is collective punishment on Israel and the world shrugs and claims that Israelis can afford to pay for the very people’s power and water who are attempting to kill them on a regular basis. Where else is such a situation forced on a people, nowhere. Only Israel is subjected to being forced to provide power, fuel, water and even medical provisions and even often provide medical treatment all for people who support the murder of Israelis, many often giving active support. There are numerous stories of Palestinian Arabs attempting to bomb the very hospital or clinical care facility which has treated them and often saved their lives. So, let’s talk common sense and what Israel ought to do in order to persuade Hamas that attacking Israel will not be in their better interest and that if they expect to live in a modern society with nice homes and facilities and shopping centers, then they need to act civilly with Israel, recognize Israel’s right to exist, and recognize Israel in every way if they expect Israel to continue to provide them with essentials.


The first promise Israel should make the leadership of Hamas, both political and military, that Israel knows the location of their homes and if a new war is waged, their homes will be amongst the initial targets which will be destroyed. Israel should promise the most prominent people in Gaza that their homes will be targeted one house at random for every rocket position which has to be destroyed which is placed on apartment buildings in the less well-off neighborhoods. No longer will only the poor lose their homes and have their lives destroyed by Hamas violence, the wealthy will now also be targeted and pay a similar price. The wealthy who hold the money and thus influence and power are going to be targeted and more. The malls and fine restaurants and theaters and other pleasure palaces the wealthy enjoy will be destroyed at night when they are empty to decrease the loss of life but not the loss of property and convenience. When violence breaks out there will be a similar cutting off of water, electricity, gas and less gasoline and diesel fuel provided. The higher the violence the lower the provided fuels, electricity, water, gas and other provisions which Israel provides. Perhaps Hamas had better make deals with Egypt to provide these essentials before they start a war with Israel and have to go without. But Egyptian President Sisi is not exactly enamored with Hamas so that too may prove difficult. Another war from Hamas and Islamic Jihad will have ramification on the nice lives lived by the leadership of these terror groups and continued violence will result in ramifications for the leadership and wealthy of the whole of Gaza and not just the poor people, the unfortunates which the wealthy are more than willing to sacrifice and whose homes do not matter to the wealthy, well, that should change and the leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and their wealthy friends should be made to know this.


Israel has to get serious about demanding the right of a nation to peace and secure borders and this should start with making a deal with Jordan and Jordan Opposition Coalition (JOC الائتلاف الاردني للمعارضة) who have offered a solution to the Arab Palestinian situation and desire peaceful coexistence and cooperation with Israel to their mutual benefit. They desire to build a democratic style governance in Jordan for all the Palestinian Arab population and recognize the Israeli right to the lands west of the Jordan River as defined by the British Mandate, San Remo Conference, Treaty of Sèvres and backed by Article 80 of the United Nations Charter and all of International Law. Such a deal would finally bring the Arab-Israeli conflict to a sustainable resolution which also would recognize the agreements made after World War I and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire which happened in parallel with the dissolution of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in Eastern Europe. Israel has every bit as much legitimacy as Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Algeria, Jordan and the rest of the nations defined by the series of treaties reached settling the disagreements and other considerations at the end of World War I and affecting all the nations and empires which fought in that war even including Japan and the United States which both were members or observers to every agreement, conference and treaty. It is finally time for the world to make good on their promises to the Zionist Congress and other interests which finally resulted in the formation of the State of Israel on May 15, 1948 with the borders as pictured below which were immediately invaded on all sides at the first light of dawn. Israel survived but did not come out as the victor in any means other than survival. Instead Israel lost the Gaza Strip to Egypt and Judea and Samaria lands and Eastern Jerusalem (West Bank) to Jordan. In the Six Day War of June 1967 Israel liberated these lost lands and took the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, which has since been returned, the Golan Heights from Syria, which has been annexed to prevent the return of Syrian snipers shooting Israeli farmers and others and provide a more stable and defendable border which has been a blessing with the current situation in Syria. Gaza will remain with Hamas as Israel released those lands in a treaty though a revolution all but immediately replaced the Palestinian Authority government.


Definitive Map of Israel May 15, 1948 As the Sun Rose Immediately Before Half a Dozen Arab Armies Invade Assisted by Militias from Several Entities

Definitive Map of Israel May 15, 1948
As the Sun Rose Immediately Before
Half a Dozen Arab Armies Invade
Assisted by Militias from Several Entities


The time and situation have reached a critical mass where Israel must exercise her rights to her full border promised, the border which the world is fully aware includes everything west of the Jordan River including all of Judea and Samaria and Eastern Jerusalem. The Palestinian Arab, those are the non-Israeli Arabs, may have Jordanian citizenship where the group mentioned above desire forming a self-rule governance, either without their current King or with the King having a ceremonial position at his preference as he spends much of his time away from Jordan and not particularly ruling, has promised to accept them as citizens even arranging with Israel to allow those desiring to remain in their current location to have voting rights in Jordan and resident alien status with Israel as long as they remain law abiding, and make a deal, where Israel would provide those who would desire moving to Jordan a generous buyout of their homes and business as well as a relocation bonus all for a limited time. The Palestinian Arab leadership would likely relocate somewhere in Europe or the Arab world as the Jordanians remember the revolution attempted by Yasser Arafat and would probably not be willing to risk their presence again. There would need be a limit to the time in which the new Jordanian Arabs could receive the buyout and relocation bonus of maybe as much as three years and perhaps even an offer to Israeli Arabs who have relatives living in Jordan and other cases on a case by case basis all considering the benefit to Jordan as well as Israel. It would be unlikely that the Palestinian Arabs would be offered Israeli citizenship, especially when they were being offered citizenship by the Arab nations of Jordan which was originally intended to be the Arab state formed from the British Mandate. The idea of the Hashemite Kingship was a British idea to satisfy their World War I promise to the Hashemites who lost their lands which included Mecca and Medina when the Saudis took the lands by force around World War I and the Hashemites also aided the British against the Turkish Ottomans during World War I. None of these complications in Jordan should ever have had any influence on Israel other than the Jordanian illegal occupation of Judea and Samaria and Eastern Jerusalem for nineteen years. Just because Jordan occupied the lands of Judea and Samaria and Eastern Jerusalem does not translate into any rights for them to give it as a present to the Arabs which resided there or were transferred there by Jordan against International Law, especially when their claims to have given the areas to Yasser Arafat’s PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) terrorist group came in July 1988, twenty-one-years and one month after the loss of the lands in June of 1967. First, one cannot give away land which was occupied and not legally theirs to begin with and most definitely cannot give those lands away over twenty-one-years after the rightful owner liberates them.


The reason there need be a solution to the problem in Judea and Samaria, which includes Eastern Jerusalem, such that Israel retains full rights over the lands with the Arabs only permitted, at most, self-rule in either a semiautonomous region or as resident aliens with Jordanian citizenship granted self-rule potentially in selected cities is so the IDF retaining full operational rights throughout the areas prevents any opportunity for Hamas to establish an operational base from which to attack Israel. Simply stated, the two state solution already exists with Gaza and Israel and a three state solution must be put to rest and buried never to resurface even in a horror film. It is hoped that this was stressed with President Trump and needs be discussed with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping (习近平) and whichever other international leaders who might be sympathetic or require being informed for other considerations. Israel must start making the process that she will retain all the lands other than Gaza and that there is no such thing as another Arab nation being carved from the body, the legal body, of Israel and that Israel will be retaining control over all the lands which were and still are promised her under all of international law, United Nations Security Council Chapter Six Resolution 2334 included as that particular resolution must be voided by the United Nations due to it breaking Article 80 of the United Nations Charter and thus cannot stand if the United Nations desires to continue to have relevancy and any degree of credibility. If this resolution stands then the United Nations Charter is invalidated and thus the entire credibility of the United Nations is sunk and nothing the United Nations ever does can be considered as permanent if it is unable to observe its own charter. Stating it in easy to understand English, “No Charter, No Credibility.” As for the European Union and the other NGO’s and countries which decide they really desire to back carving up Israel further, we all know what is driving that desire and such hatred will be at best ignored and if too persistent should be acted against with Israeli sanctions enforced and even joined by other nations who side with Israel. The time has come for Israel to stand definitively and take an active stand stating with strong enforcement that Israel will retain all the lands promised by the world, the League of Nations, the United Nations and every nation which recognized Israel in the United Nations vote in November 1947. Any nation wishing to renege on their promise can decide to risk Israeli sanction if they so choose and with so many applications for computers, cell phones and so many other developments, discoveries and inventions, how many nations really wish to do without Israeli discoveries or goods, that is the risk they are entitled to take. Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions can work both ways, something to remember and consider going forward, think hard.


Beyond the Cusp 


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