Beyond the Cusp

August 4, 2019

Israel Should Just Claim All of Her Lands


We have noted an unfortunate new means by which the elites fresh from university interpret the past. Anything which occurred more than a few decades past is ignored as history is just so boring and unnecessary. The new elites believe they have all the answers whether they have the necessary information or not. This becomes astonishingly easy to see whenever the discussion comes around to Israel. Our new elites, who within a decade will be running the United States Congress, are already in control of the European Union (EU). Because of their belief that whatever they feel is the truth and there is little if any requirement that historical references be included in their decision-making process; they can draw any conclusion and demand that it is valid. There is a simple means of debunking and revealing the ignorance of these new elites. Simply ask them if they are familiar with the San Remo Conference or the borders decided upon under the British Mandate. Another two questions will complete any display of their gross ignorance. First, ask them how the majority of Arabs came to live within what was reserved for the Jewish State. Second, ask them how the majority of Arabs became refugees in the separate refugee camps which have grown as new generations are born and granted refugee status because they were born in the refugee camps. Just for fun, ask these wunderkinds if there are any other refugees anywhere in the world where their children and their children’s children henceforth and forever into the future with no end are also considered to be refugees. Small hint, the answer is no. If you have any knowledge about the history behind the formation of the Jewish State going back to shortly before World War I and specifically the treaties and agreements made after World War I, then the answers from these coming leaders of America, Europe and the rest of the Western World will be quite amusing in the depth of their ignorance. History is no longer taught honestly but instead the facts are modified to fit the concepts and political beliefs of the professors who teach these classes. This leads to extremely slanted presentation of facts omitting those facts which run counter to the new, anti-Western, anti-white-male and anti-Judeo-Christian ethos where the majority of their professors actually also believe, their concept which they believe to be fact, that White-Privilege has a sub set which is the most despised of all those with White-Privilege. That special qualification for scorn belongs to what they call the Super-Whites which they define as the Jewish People. This was made blatantly obvious with the Anti-Semitic Flier used on Campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago to advertise a protest with speakers condemning White-Privilege and specifically Jewish domination of the economic top positions (see flyer below). This has also been behind the riotous protests shouting down any pro-Israel speaker or any conservative attempting to present their information. Their information must be prevented from being introduced simply because their positions are not in line with the leftist-elites who control who is permitted to present their information and who is prevented from speaking. There is no longer any room for debate, either you agree with the far left or you are not to be permitted to present your side as you might present facts which run counter to the political slant taught by the professors from the ivory towers of academia.


Anti-Semitic Flier used on Campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago

Anti-Semitic Flier used on Campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago


The modern claim is that the Jews invaded the Middle East after World War II and the Europeans backed them as an apology for the Holocaust and because if the Jew established a homeland outside of Europe, then the Europe would have somewhere for their Jews to escape from their rising anti-Semitism, which is just fine with the Europeans as they wish to be rid of their Jews. The Jews presumably built Israel over the top of the country of Palestine. Presumably, there were no Jews residing in what was historic Israel until after World War II and all the Jews arrived miraculously in 1948 where they went from being completely alien to the region to the evicting force depriving Arabs of their own lands. There are a few glaring and important problems with this new history. First, the new history has absolutely no anchor in the real history and is simply pasted together from what has been taught, especially in colleges and universities which have a Middle East department financed by Arab nations or Iran. The new history begins around the year 725 AD and anything and everything which came before is irrelevant and has no applicable influence on the modern world. According to the new history there never was a Jewish State, no Israelites, no Exodus, no King David or Solomon and further, the Jews never ever had their own country and do not deserve to have one today, specifically not in the Middle East. This is history taught from the Islamic view of the world. According to the Islamic history, history only begins in any region once they come under rule by Muslims and Sharia. Rule under any other system, such as democracies, republics, parliamentary governance or anything where the people are free to worship as they please and people are considered equal must be replaced. Under Sharia, those who are not Islamic are second class citizens permitted to live because of the protections provided by their Islamic superiors. For this privilege, non-Muslims pay a tax called the Jizya which is often utilized to extract all the wealth possible from the non-Muslims and used to promote Islam. Holy buildings and monuments which are not Islamic are not permitted to be repaired nor are new structures permitted except in rare instances where the Islamic leaders permit such building to take place, a very rare occurrence. More often than not, the Islamic rulers will take ownership of the churches, synagogues, temples and other religious places and transform them into Mosques or community centers reserved for Muslims and the disseminating of Islamic supremacy over all other religions. Muslims believe that Islam is the sole true religion which was guaranteed by Allah to rule the world and become the only religion on the face of the planet. These Middle East departments are steeped in such propaganda and this is what they disseminate with a heavy amount of assistance by the leftist professors who have a deep-seated hatred for Judeo-Christianity and the history of the Western World which they believe was deeply flawed and have accepted the Islamic view of their history as being peaceful and far more advanced than Western civilization where people are granted greater respect. The truth of the history is it is actually filled with wars, violence, assassination of leaders and all the same violence and hatred as was ever found within Western society.


Islamic history is all about conquest. Their history began approximately in the early seventh century around 622 in the Arabic Peninsula, where almost every Arab and Muslim resided. By the year 750 they had conquered all of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) spreading into Spain, India, Afghanistan and what today is Turkey. There is a mainstay concept within Islam where the world is divided into two camps, Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam, also referred to by Muslims as the World of War and the World of Peace. Dar al-Islam is the world of peace as these are the lands where Islam rules without challenge while Dar al-Harb is the world of war as these are the lands which have yet to fall under the sway of Islam. The Muslims believe that any and all lands which have ever come under Islamic rule must remain under Islam rule into perpetuity. Islam continues to refer to Spain and Portugal as Andalusia, the name these lands were given when Islamic forces crossed Gibraltar and conquered much of the Iberian Peninsula reaching as far as Tours, France where they were defeated by Charles the Hammer Martel. This is also the root of the problem when it comes to Israel as the Arab Muslims had conquered the Holy Lands eventually defeating the Crusaders from Europe holding these lands until the defeat of the Austria-Hungarian Empire, German Empire and Ottoman Empire by Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Japan and the United States in World War I.


Expansion of Islam Across MENA and into Europe before Ottoman Rule

Expansion of Islam Across MENA and into Europe before Ottoman Rule


After World War I, the maps of the world changed drastically with the fall of the largest empires around the Mediterranean Sea. We often hear that only the Middle East was forced to have new borders and nations forced upon them by Europeans. Well, that is what happens when one is on the losing side of a war. The reality is Europe was also completely redrawn (see map below). With the redrawing of the map of Europe we had the birth of Poland amongst a few other new nations. The move after World War I was to return lands to their indigenous peoples which is why Poland, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Yugoslavia were brought forth onto the map of Europe. The Middle East and Northern Africa went from being unified under the Ottoman Turks into numerous separate nations. The Europeans drew the new borders with little regard for existing tribal regions. If anything, the Europeans drew the maps of the MENA region more with the intent of permanent instability as they mixed tribes, many who had strong animosity for one another, into a single nation where unrest could only be contained under strong leadership. This was why these nations were all led by dictators who used brutality to suppress any divisions. Then there is Israel which is a whole different story.


German Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire Before WWI and After WWI

German Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire Before WWI and After WWI


Israel was first brought onto the map during the San Remo Conference which addressed the claim of the Jewish People to their ancient homelands. Originally, the Jewish State was proposed to be the entirety of the British Mandate. After San Remo there were a number of treaties which tied the allies from World War I behind the formation of a Jewish State. The frightening truth is within a couple of years, the Europeans in general and the British in particular, after the San Remo Conference much of Europe was seeking some means of preventing the Jewish State. The British, who were tasked with assisting in getting the Jewish State off the ground, took the first swipe, and it was huge. The British approached the Zionist Congress, a group with no military and in the weakest of positions, and proposed that they permit the British to use part of the Mandate Lands for an Arab State such that they could complete their promise to King Faisal granting his other son with a nation. The British formed an Arab State under Hashemite rule using the Jordan River as the dividing line between the Arab State and the Jewish State. This meant that 78% of the British Mandate was now the Arab State of Transjordan, later renamed simply Jordan, leaving a mere 22% of the Mandate lands for the Jewish State. Then, in order to prevent the Jews gaining the high ground, the British gifted the Golan Heights to the French under the French Mandate with the intent and eventual expectation of giving the Golan Heights to the Syrians and taking it from the Jews. But this was far from the end of British perfidy. The British worked with the Arab League to relocate Arabs from Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and elsewhere throughout the Arab world from their homes in these countries moving them to Israel preventing the Jews ever becoming a majority. The British continued this travesty until mere months before they finally left the region leaving it up to the world to untangle.


The United Nations (UN) presented General Assembly Resolution 181 as their suggestion as to how to peaceably end the growing conflict between the Jews and the Arabs which had been initiated and stoked by the British for decades. The UN Resolution divided the area west of the Jordan River, 22% of the British Mandate lands, in half with 11% of the Mandate lands for each side, the Jews and the Arabs. Despite much of the land set aside as for the Jews being the Negev Desert and the prime farmlands being granted to the Arabs, the Jews led by the Zionist Congress accepted this solution but the Arab League refused to accept the offer instead planning to eradicate Israel as soon as it was to be born. The British prepared to depart as their Mandate was to be terminated at midnight of May14, 1948. Israel declared her independence the evening before and rightfully became a nation at the moment the British left. Before leaving, the British searched numerous Jewish communities confiscating any and all weapons they found and gave them to Arab militias they knew were planning on attacking the Jews the next morning. The morning of May 15, 1948, the Jewish state of Israel was born and immediately came under attack by several Arab nations and forces including Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen along with forces under the Mufti of Jerusalem. Further, Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini had been returned from Berlin where he spent most of World War II, when he was not reviewing the Islamic Nazi units in the Balkans, so that he could unite the Arabs. The British and Arab League, as well as the economic conditions of the Jewish State being better than their surrounding countries, had spread Arabs throughout the Jewish State into a force which could attack the Jewish forces from behind their lines and break supply lines. It was these actions which forced Israel to force a number of Arab communities across the lines to the Arab side as when any community permitted ambushes of Jewish forces, they were deported. These Arabs were a minority, a small minority, of the Arabs who had left Israel and taken refuge behind the Arab armies as the vast majority of these Arabs came in response to the pledges by Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini that the Jews would be defeated and exterminated within a couple of weeks at most and then they could share in the spoils of the Jews.


When the fighting finally ended in 1949, the Arabs had not completely defeated the Jewish State and the Jews still held to most of their lands. The Egyptians ended up occupying Gaza and Jordan was occupying the Shomron, parts of Judea and Samaria which they renamed West Bank including half of Jerusalem while the remainder of the Israeli borders remained unchanged. What need be remembered is that the borders of Israel as per the final agreements and treaties were the border called the Blue Line in the north with Lebanon, the Golan Heights with Syria, the Negev-Sinai border with Egypt and the Jordan River with Jordan. But after the initial war between the Arabs and Israel, Gaza and Shomron were left under Arab occupation. Jordan annexed their occupied lands and forced many thousands of Jordanians to relocate into these occupied regions. This condition remained unchanged until the Six Day War in June of 1967, which was initiated by Egypt when they closed the Strait of Tiran to Israeli shipping, a casus belli for war which was part of the agreement reached after the Suez Crisis of 1956. During the Six Day War, Israel liberated both Gaza from Egypt and the Shomron from Jordan as well as occupying the Sinai Peninsula. Then in October 1973, the Arabs once again attempted to destroy Israel and after some initial success, the Arabs were then forced back and were losing even more lands. IDF troops were closing on Damascus, Cairo and Alexandria when the United States joined Russia and the United Nations and most of Europe demanding that Israel return to the lines where the Six Day War had ended and not enter Damascus, Cairo or Alexandria. Israel, realizing she had little hope of opposing the combined demands by so many that the IDF was ordered to return to the Israel side of the Suez Canal and return to the Golan Heights leaving Jordan.


That should be sufficient history. The question comes to exactly who are the occupying people in Israel. There have been Jews residing in Israel since the Exodus mostly in and around Jerusalem, the Galilee, Hevron, Shechem and numerous other Biblical cities and settlements. There have also been some Arabs who have resided within what became Israel as well before 1850. Why did we say 1850? That is approximately the date when the Zionist returning to Israel was initiated and the first Jews returning to their ancestral lands. These Jews drained swamps ridding the region of the problem of malaria, cleared fields of boulders, built the waterworks and irrigation systems for the farmlands. This caused an economic boon which attracted some Arabs from neighboring lands seeking employment. After World War I and the San Remo Conference, the British took responsibility for aiding the formation of the Jewish State. The British had the strangest means of assisting the Jews forming their state as almost every move was designed to undermine the Jews from becoming a majority by forcefully bringing Arabs into the lands to the point that it almost crashed the economy which was unable of employing all of the incoming Arabs. Then, after World War II, the British did all they could from the start of the war until they left on May 15, 1948, of restricting and all but ending Jewish emigration to Israel.


But it was the decade after Israel was founded that the Jews became a comfortable majority. It was over this period that most of the Arab and Islamic world in the MENA region expelled almost all if not all of their Jews. Just as the world refused to allow Jews to escape the Nazis by closing their borders, they did exactly the same unless Jews had passports, thus virtually all of these Jews had but one location willing to take them in and do so gladly and with open arms, Israel. This was not because Israel was so economically well off that they could absorb what became more than half of the Jewish population of the nascent state of Israel. These Jews from the Arab and Islamic Worlds became almost half of the total population of Israel numbering over 800,000 Jews. Incorporating this influx of people strained the Israeli economy almost to its breaking-point, but things eventually worked out and the economy in Israel began to take off in the early 1970’s never looking back. This brings us to the question, who are the occupiers and whose lands does the region west of the Jordan River actually legally belong. The honest answer is that these lands all belong to Israel. In almost every other situation where after a war, borders change and part of another nationality finds themselves on the wrong side of the new border, these people are moved back within their former country’s lands. This would have meant the Arab population of Gaza would have had to move into the Sinai Peninsula under Egyptian rule and the Arabs in the Shomron would have been relocated into Jordan. This would have required the Arab World to absorb almost the same numbers of Arabs as Israel had taken in Jews from the Arab and Islamic Worlds. When the borders of Poland were formed after World War I, thousands of German citizens were relocated into Germany as they were unwelcomed by the Polish authorities and people. When India and Pakistan were formed, one for the Hindus and Buddhists with the other for the Muslims, hundreds of millions of people moved in mass migrations from one nation to the other. There was much violence during this transfer of people marring the hopes for a peaceful transfer of populations. This transfer of Arabs to their original homelands would not be accompanied by the same violence seen between India and Pakistani populations during their relocation.


This resettling has even been approached where the Arabs desiring to leave would be given a relocation stipend assisting their settling in their new home and also making these Arabs more desirable for other nations to invite them to settle within their borders. Such an offer would be presented to the Arabs residing on Gaza and the Shomron and could even be offered to those Arabs within Israel with Israeli citizenship, thus freeing every Arab within the borders assigned Israel in the 1920’s under San Remo and the agreement with the divide of the British Mandate along the Jordan River. This idea has gained some credibility with rumors that President Trump’s Deal of the Century might offer Arabs funds allowing them to relocate anywhere in the world where they can start a new life. This has caused the Palestinian Authority (PA) to make a law forbidding any Arab from leaving and relocating in another country. Hamas has already closed their borders refusing to permit their population from seeking a new life elsewhere. This means that both Arab governing bodies, Hamas in Gaza and the PA in the Shomron, have taken steps to prevent resettlement as being permitted to be used as a settlement of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. The reality is the Arab leadership does not desire any peace settlement with Israel. By their own word they do not desire their own state, they simply desire the destruction of Israel and the Jews exterminated from what they insist is their land. This is the driving sentiment behind the Gaza border riots where incendiary devices have been launched into Israel burning down fields of crops, forests, wildlife preserves and some homes and businesses. This is the driving concept behind the PA and their “pay to slay” policy where terrorists and their families are guaranteed payments for perpetuity, and these payments are far above the average salary of PA Arabs (see table below). These payments are derived from the numbers of Israelis murdered and injured as well as other considerations. With rampant unemployment, this “pay to slay” system has enticed many a young Arab to choose terrorist acts in place of seeking all but impossible job opportunities. Mahmoud Abbas has also made clear that if funds are short and after the elites take their cut of any funds, the first payments will go to the terrorists and their families before they pay the PA employees. The PA employees have already had their salaries cut claiming that funds are less than past times. The blame for this supposed lack of funds is, of course, President Donald Trump as he cut funds to the PA and completely ended payments to UNRWA. The reality is the EU and many European countries along with the UN and Arab World have supposedly made up for the difference caused by President Trump and his actions.


Palestinian Authority Remunerations for Terrorists

Palestinian Authority Remunerations for Terrorists


The final solution of the Arab Israeli Conflict will not come from payments for relocating the Arab populations as their leadership would rather shoot their own people rather than allow them to relocate. The Arab leadership is literally holding their populations as virtual prisoners of the conflict and eventual ammunition with which to destroy Israel. When the only solution one side insists and demands is the eradication of the other side, there can be no peaceful resolution to such a conflict other than the eradication of one side or the other. The best-case solution which could be imposed to seek peace would be to remove the terror leadership of Gaza and the Shomron and then offer a relocation renumerations which includes payment for any properties owned and additional funding to make their relocation as easy and even enriching as is comfortably possible. With the promise of the world kicking in $50 billion to assist economic development of the Palestinian areas, which will fail just as gloriously as every previous attempt to kick-start the Palestinian economy which is hampered by rampant and constant embezzlement of funds, might best be used to build a mega-city where the Arabs could be relocated with jobs waiting and housing available which was part of one of the rumors of what President Trump would be working towards. Such a plan would only face one problem, that the leadership will go to any extreme to block anybody being relocated as without their people, they would have no more millions of dollars coming their way month after month. This is unfortunate as with Iran backing Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezballah, while seeking to also take over the PA, and Iran seeking a conflict with Israel where they claim they will eradicate the Jewish State, a war may be inevitable. The Ayatollahs often refer to Israel as a one bomb state, something which is only valid if one has nuclear weapons, something we suspect Iran had a fair number as part of their weapons stores. Iran may start the final Arab-Israeli war while also attacking American interests in the Middle East which could start a war that escalates into the final world war. It would be so much in the interests of the world to resettle the Arabs and finally recognize the promises the world made to Israel of her eastern border being the Golan Heights and Jordan River. Remove the terror masters and solutions would become available, but how to remove the terror masters. When Israel targets the terror masters, the one thing we can guarantee is that the EU and UN would lead the chorus deploring the horrible acts the Israelis are resorting to by targeting the terror masters. Even nations who have used targeted assassination against terrorism themselves still denounce Israel having the right to using the same tactic. Another case of do what we say, not what we do where Israel is singled out for treatment never considered for any other nation. Israel, according to the overly pompous denouncers of everything Israel, must fight with her hands tied behind her back and never be permitted that which any other nation would consider appropriate actions to solve problems because Israel is the Jewish State which means it is held to a completely unique and unprecedented set of restrictions. We remember the last Gaza war where one of the reporters actually asked an Israeli Knesset Minister why there were so few dead Jews, then she quickly said, I mean Israelis. The truth had slipped her mouth giving a perfect view of what too many think when they say Israel, that what they mean is that state of the Jews. Without the world obsessing over everything Israel, the Arab Israeli Conflict would likely have already been resolved as the funds required for the terror operations would have dried up and there would be no cash flowing in to be stolen by the leadership before permitting a pathetic amount to dribble down to the normal people. That would be the fastest way to resolve this conflict, stop funding terrorists just because they are targeting Jews, or the Jewish State for those who desire a more polite means for saying the same thing.


Beyond the Cusp


April 23, 2019

Why the World is Always Attacking Israel


The easy answer is that it is because Israel has far more nations which have developed a bifurcated set of relations with Israel; one condemnatory taking the Arabist view that Israel causes conflict as they attempt to incorporate more land and the other taking any and all the advances which the world is benefiting from as Israel writes new Apps, compiles programs upon which computers are run and for protecting computer systems from malware and attack as well as discoveries and inventions too numerous to list. Israel and her people have no problem with the world gaining from her efforts in more areas than people realize. Without Israeli inventions and programs, the cellphone you rely upon so heavily might not even exist and if it did, it would be bulkier and more problematic. Almost all malware and virus protection software were developed in Israel. Add to this list drip irrigation, hybrid plants which grow in arid climates, stents used to open arteries which also deliver medicine and anti-clogging drugs for months after their insertion, procedures for treating heart problems in infants, and being one of the first nations to arrive providing assistance after a disaster. We could add much more to this list making an article in and of itself, but those interested can find most of this information with a basic search. But in this article, we are more interested in the reasons nations utilize to denigrate, belittle and attack Israel and the reality which the world appears to have completely forgotten.


The best place to start is with the period towards the end of World War I and the ensuing decade after peace was established. To believe that anti-Israel screed, one does need to ignore this period as well as numerous other promises made to the Zionist Jews. The initial document which eventually established Israel was the Balfour Declaration of 1917. This was subsequently followed by the San Remo Conference which was officially published on April 25, 1920. From this conference there were numerous treaties including but not limited to the Treaty of Sèvres, the Treaty of Lausanne and the Treaty of Versailles which set up the original rules and powers of the League of Nations. The results from all these many treaties, conferences and other legal papers became the Mandate System for control of the various regions of the defeated Ottoman Empire and rearranged, to include forming new nations for indigenous peoples in the Balkans and other regions which had been ruled by the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Greater Germany. This already puts to a lie the claims made that it was only the Ottoman Empire which was made into several countries by the Europeans after World War I. The map of Eastern Europe was also drastically altered in much the same fashion as was the Ottoman Empire as shown in the two maps below which compare the before the war and after the war carving of Eastern Europe into several new nations for indigenous peoples.


German Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire Before WWI and After WWI

German Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire Before WWI and After WWI


So, the truth was that the two empires which lost along with the Ottoman Empire were also chopped up creating Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, an enlarged Romania and a far smaller and separate Austria and Hungary with Germany also forgiving large sections of lands. This is easily found as it is basic history regarding the ending of The War to End All Wars, also renamed later as World War I (as we had another one soon thereafter). But the propaganda being sold is that only the Ottoman Empire, and specifically the poor Arabs, were cheated out of their rightful Caliphate. They decry that after the war in which the Ottoman Turks were roundly defeated with numerous Arabs assisting in that struggle that they were not given all the Ottoman lands in one chunk such that they would have their empire back despite losing. Basically, their complaint is that they did not get a do over after losing the war because they cannot lose any war as the Quran states that they will always be the victors, thus they have to get everything back as it was before they lost.


This should sound familiar to some people out there as it is the same argument they are using against Israel. The Arabs started the wars in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973. After their loss in 1956 Suez War, Egypt demanded Israel return the Sinai Peninsula. As both Russia and the United States insisted Israel return the Suez Canal as Egypt has promised to never attack Israel or close the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping (this cuts off Israel’s only port leading to Asia and as such its closure is a casus belli as an act of war). When Egypt again closed the Straights of Tiran to Israeli shipping, itself an act of war, and, along with their ally Syria, massed troops and armor along the Negev-Sinai border and along the Golan Heights overlooking the Galilee with Gamal Abdel Nasser threatening to utterly destroy Israel in 1967, once the dust settled Israel had taken the Sinai again as well as the Golan Heights from Syria, and as Jordan also joined the war on Israel, Israel liberated Judea and Samaria, the Shomron which Jordan calls the West Bank. Notice that when it came to the lands which Jordan had occupied for nineteen years illegally with only Pakistan and Great Britain recognizing their annexation of lands which were promised to Israel, we rightfully refer to that as liberating these lands as that is actually the reality. For this we refer back to all the events after World War I when the lands for Israel were set aside. After the war of 1973 Israel was wrestled back across the Suez Canal as threats from the United States Department of State of dire consequences should Israel not retreat from their advances on Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt and Damascus in Syria back to the lines of the 1967 armistice such that the Arab nations did not lose additional territories to Israel including both national capital cities.


The original agreed upon division of the British Mandate lands was so simple that it is hard to understand why the world cannot grasp exactly what was laid out. The League of Nations approved it unanimously, the Zionist Congress agree to the plan, and the British claimed that they would back this division with the British Crown. The division of the British Mandate made two states for two peoples before that was even a buzz phrase most often deployed against Israel when it should be the Israeli defense against the packages of lies she must contend with. There would be a Jewish state referenced as Palestine (at this time a Palestinian was a Jew residing in the holy lands and Arabs were called, well, Arabs) and an Arab state which became Jordan and the Hashemite tribe was granted to rule so as to allow the British to keep their promise to grant the sons of King Faisal lands over which to rule (his other son became the King of Iraq). The lands were divided fairly, or at least that is what the Arab League agreed upon at the time of the decision, with the Arabs receiving 78% of the lands, those which lie east of the Jordan River and the Jews got 22% of the lands, those which lie west of the Jordan River. This is really crucial as this is exactly what international law and any decision from the World Court, the Court of the Hague, the International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court and presumably at the United Nations which is bound to enforce the Mandate System according to Article 80 of their charter. Just because it is so easy, we figured we would include a map below which depicts the British division of their Mandate lands using the Jordan River as the border between the two nations. These are the pertinent facts about Israel and her intended and internationally agreed upon borders. Even the Arab League originally signed on to this division made by the British. Their agreement might have been due to the Jews getting the short end of the stick or the tiniest of the lands except for the French nation which was supposed to be Christian, that being Lebanon which is currently all but ruled by the Iranian terror arm, Hezballah.


British Mandate with its division between an Arab State of Jordan and Palestine denoted to be the Jewish State later named Israel

British Mandate with its division between an Arab State of Jordan and
Palestine denoted to be the Jewish State later named Israel


With all the preliminaries and history out of the way, please allow us to move to recent events since Israeli independence was announced on May 15, 1948 (actually the evening of the 14th as Jewish days begin at sundown thus the declaration of independence bringing the state of Israel officially into the world was made on the evening of May 14 and officially regarded by the rest of the world to have been the 15th, confused yet?), and then the violence began. The first and biggest lie is that Israel has never lost a war with the Arabs. Israel could be said to not have won but have survived the war which started the morning of May 15, 1948, the first morning that Israel came into existence. Six Arab armies invaded Israel that morning. They were Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq (map of their invasion routes included below). The United Nations had made an attempt to prevent the war by offering a solution which would have divided Israel into two nations, another Arab nation within what had been the British Mandate and a Jewish nation. Most of the Jewish lands were in the Negev Desert (see lower map with patrician on left and original intent on the right). The Arab League refused the compromise as they had their own plan to deal with the Jewish State, an invasion which was intended to wipe the Jewish state from the map of the world. The invasion was described by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League at that time who stated, “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.” When the Arab League refused the United Nations General Assembly suggested compromise, that nullified that proposed solution permanently. That meant that Israel on the morning of May 15, 1948, had as her eastern border the Jordan River and her southern border at the line between the Sinai Peninsula and the Negev Desert, this was an approximation of the River of Egypt also called the Wadi of Egypt. After this war, Israel had lost Gaza to Egypt and most of Judea and Samaria to Jordan. When you lose lands in a war, that is not a victory. But because Israel staved off utter destruction, the claim is Israel won because she still existed. Had the war played out as the Arabs expected it would, then there would be no Israel and a second Holocaust would have come to pass and the prediction of Azzam Pasha would have also come to pass. The main item to remember is that Gaza and what would be renamed West Bank were lands lost by Israel from an invasion by the Arab world leaving these lands as illegally occupied. This was the real and only occupation.


Initial Invasion Routes by Arab Armies on May 15, 1948

Initial Invasion Routes by Arab Armies on May 15, 1948



Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid

Left UN Partition Plan Resolution 181 Rejected by Arabs
Making Original British Partition Arab and Jewish Lands
as Only Standing Agreement Supported in 1921 Arab League
and Zionist Congress Backed by British Crown as Valid


After the 1948 war, Jordan claimed to have annexed the parts of Judea and Samaria they had taken and, more importantly, extended citizenship to the majority of the Arabs residing in these lands. Jordan also forcibly relocated tens of thousands of her own citizens into these lands so as to prevent their being liberated by or returned to Israel. Egypt simply extended military control and rule over Gaza. In 1956 was the Suez Canal crisis when Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal and cut off its use to European nations while closing the Straights of Tiran to Israeli shipping. This causes France, Britain and Israel to ally setting a time which if there were no resolution, then the three nations were to attack Egypt. That hour came and Israel did what she was assigned, take the Sinai and the eastern side of the Suez Canal. The British and the French opened up negotiations with Egypt. Egypt set the return of the Sinai as their demand before they would agree to open up the Suez Canal to all shipping. Well, you can guess what came next, universal demands that Israel, in order for there to be peace, must return the Sinai Peninsula. Another case of an Arab loss of lands and their main concern is the return of those lands such that they get a do over. Then came the 1967 Six Day War and Israel once again took the Sinai from Egypt and took control of the Golan Heights from Syria and liberated the West Bank returning the rest of Judea and Samaria back to Israel after nineteen years of its Jordanian occupation. Then in 1973 the Syrian and Egyptians attempted once more to erase Israel from the map. This time Israel initially was losing and things appeared desperate. Eventually the Israelis turned the tide and by the time the world reacted, Israeli troops were almost at Damascus in Syria and well on their way to Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt. Can you guess what the world demanded and was all upset appearing on the verge of busting blood vessels. That’s correct, they demanded that Israel return to the lines left from the Six Day War and return every inch of Arab lands Israel stood to gain. Israel eventually returned the Sinai to Egypt in exchange for peace and Egypt surrendered any claims to Gaza. When Israel reached an agreement with Jordan, Jordan released her illegal claims to the West Bank and they returned to being Judea and Samaria.


There is one very large item which needs to be mentioned. Nowhere in all these wars and the ongoing conflict was there ever any nation called Palestine and the one main reference to Palestine was it being the Jewish State. In 1964 the Arab League in conjunction with the KGB initiated the greatest hoax in all of history, we think even greater than the Trojan Horse, and founded the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization, a terrorist group which would bring such things into the world as plane hijacking, suicide bombing and almost every other terrorist act in use today. The concept was for the Arabs to now claim that they are the Palestinians and use that to claim all of Jewish history since the Romans renamed the region after the second (or third depending on your sources) Jewish uprising against Rome. The Palestinian Arabs have also claimed to have been the Canaanites, to have resided in the region for nine-thousand years, have invented the Palestinian-Canaanite Language including writing five-thousand years ago (a good two thousand years before cuneiform, the first written language according to anthropologists) and that the Jews invaded Palestine which was entirely Arab with not a Jew residing there before their May 1948 Jewish invasion. There are so many holes in each of these and numerous other arguments made by the Palestinian Arabs but the world just gobbles them up and claims they are delicious, do you have anything else we can blame on Israel, the Jewish state. There are those who ask why Israel does not fight back against the multi-billion dollar a year Arab propaganda war. The answer is easy, Israel spends an inordinate amount of her budget on defensive weapons such as the Iron Dome, offensive weaponry such as the Merkava tank, and training their service members in the various arms of the IDF. Israel does not have oil and is not being funded by any of the oil producing states in the region, imagine that. Israel has and does attempt to discredit the lies but apparently the media does not care as they have taken the Palestinian Arab side in this disagreement. The United Nations only knows one item, Israel is to blame for any and everything. The Human Rights Commission passes a resolution condemning Israel at the start of every meeting. The General Assembly celebrated the rights and future of the Palestinian Arabs several times each year. They seldom have a nice word for Israel. There was that one time where the United Nations named the IDF emergency response teams as the best in the world, imagine that.


The reality is that Israel’s eastern border is the Jordan River, period. Her borders are set by international conferences, treaties and agreements. This will remain her border until and unless Israel signs an agreement where her borders are altered. This has been true even when Jordan held lands west of the Jordan River as that was the illegal occupation as was Egypt holding Gaza. There are some who believe that Israel signed off on Gaza, but that agreement was that this was to be a trial to see if the Palestinian Authority was capable of ruling itself. The obvious answer was a resounding no. Israel could enter Gaza and force out every person whether terrorist or civilian and it would technically be legal. Yes, we realize it would never be allowed to stand and the world would then demand Israel make a nation out of Gaza with Hamas terrorists as their governance. The same applies to the regions currently under semiautonomous rule of the Palestinian Authority. The Arabs residing in Gaza and the Shomron are not Israeli citizens as they were on the other side of the armistice lines which took effect in 1949. Technically, these Arabs became citizens of whatever nation they were in when the war ended, be it Egypt, Jordan, Syria or Lebanon. The original Arab so-called refugees were less than seven-hundred-thousand, measurably less than the over eight-hundred-thousand Jewish refugees thrown out by the Arab world across the Middle East and Northern Africa. This should have been made into a swapping of citizens, Jews went to Israel and Arabs to the Arab world. This is what occurred with India and Pakistan, Germany and Poland, Germany and Czechoslovakia, Turkey and Greece in Cyprus and between numerous nations after wars or the founding of a new state for a displaced group such as was the case with Pakistan where they hoped was to separate Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists so as to lessen tensions. But these unfortunate Arabs have been locked away in camps for generations solely to be used as a weapon with which to threaten Israel. Everyone knows that these Arabs will never be resettled in Israel as that would be suicidal for Israel (which is why so many are behind this idea). The only legal and proper means of settling the Arab Israeli conflict is to apply the assigned borders to Israel and relocate those Arabs who do not wish to live under Jewish rule. Those who remain will be treated as a legal foreign alien who could be granted the right to elect local leaders but would not have full citizen style rights which means they could not vote in Israeli elections and numerous other details. They would not be permitted an armed police force. Their law enforcement would necessarily be provided by Israel and according to international law, this would be required to be a military enforced law. It would even be wise to provide those Arabs who decide to leave not only fair market price for their properties, but a relocation stipend making their relocation go easier. The one thing which is becoming obvious, this situation cannot be permitted to continue to exist. Israel needs to set an ultimatum that either they accept an offer cobbled together by the Knesset in conjunction with whatever foreign powers would need be included, and that if refused, then negotiations have failed and any act of terrorism will be responded to with extreme responses and the entire family of a terrorist will be forced to leave Israel permanently. Their return would be considered a capital offence which could see them receiving a life sentence or even the death penalty. Repeated attempts to return or any future terrorist act by a deported family member would require either aforementioned sentencing. Yes, that is unfriendly, but the terrorism against Israelis is not exactly friendly even if you wish Israel would disappear, a stance being taken by even some political representatives in Europe and the Americas. Israel should not have to live with such hatred sitting within her borders. Nations have rights on what they can do with uninvited individuals and it is past time for Israel to ignore the Europeans and their constant whining about how evil Israel is and just do that which is necessary. No other nation would have tolerated such within their borders for one tenth of the time. Proof, look at how Britain handled the IRA, France the Yellow Vests, China handled Tienanmen Square or any number of uprisings or extended protests and you will see that Israel has put up with enough and time has come to bring these problems to the point they will eventually reach, the point where Israelis have had more than they can take and demand action from the government, and if they do not get their desired results, then expect the next government to understand the ultimatum the people are making. There will be an end and it will come suddenly probably in response to a terror wave or prolonged rocket firing into Israel. This end will be applied to Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PLO, Palestinian Authority, Hezballah and any other entity wishing to destroy Israel or murder all the Jews on the planet. We hope the Arabs see it coming and leave peaceably, but for some reason we just cannot see such ever evolving from the situation. That is so very unfortunate as there are many Arab Palestinians who would rather just live in peace and under honest leadership and not kleptomaniacs such as they have now. The problem has only gotten worse because of the concerted effort to use the schools, sports, entertainment and everything they can twist to produce new generations who hate Israel and Jews more than the previous generation, and they are succeeding. This will force the issue all the faster, and it will not be good for anyone when the end comes.


Beyond the Cusp


August 26, 2018

Trump States, Israel to Pay a ‘High Price’ for Peace


President Trump addressed supporters at a rally in West Virginia making the following statement, “I also recognized the capital of Israel and opened the American embassy in Jerusalem. And I understand now what happened, because every president – many, many presidents, said ‘We’re going to do it. We’re going to move our embassy to Jerusalem. It’s going to be the capital of Israel. We’re going to do it – and then they don’t do it. Politicians – they don’t do it.’” Trump added that the Palestinian Authority (PA) will “get something very good” in return for the embassy move “because it’s their turn next.” President Trump said that since Jerusalem is now “off the table,” Israel will have to give something in return to the Palestinian Arabs. Additionally, “If there’s ever going to be peace with the Palestinians, then this was a good thing to have done,” Trump said in reference to the embassy move. “We took it off the table. In past negotiations, they never got past Jerusalem. Now Israel will have to pay a higher price, because it’s off the table. The Palestinians will get something very good, ’cause it’s their turn next.”


But the attention is, as it always ends up, in the details, which get described by those around the President whose job is to make even the worst position appear as the best of all the potential opportunities. So, here is a sampling of their messaging of the President’s speech in West Virginia. Who would ever have thought a speech in West Virginia would have international complications. Security Adviser John Bolton played down the statement, saying it did not indicate a change in US policy.


President Trump and National Security Advisor Bolton

President Trump and National Security Adviser Bolton


“I don’t think there’s any change in policy. I think the president looked at the recognition of Jerusalem as being Israel’s capital and the inevitable consequence of that – that the US embassy ought to be in the capital city of the country which its accredited as the right and natural thing to do, and it’s not an issue of quid pro quo. He’s made the point, I think, several times that this issue has been a hang up in negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. And as he said last night as well, he’s taken that issue off the table. As a deal-maker… he would expect that the Palestinians would say, ‘Okay, great – we didn’t get that one, now we want something else.’ We’ll see how it goes. But the fundamental point is that this is something that the parties are going to have to agree on.” Citing former Secretary of State James Baker, Bolton said the US “can’t want peace more than the parties themselves.” Additionally, the NSA added that a peace deal was not something “the US is prepared to force on anybody.”


Two weeks ago, a source said that the U.S. National Security Council has published a tender to hire experts for a steering committee to be established for the plan. The committee would allegedly be chaired by Middle East special envoy Jason Greenblatt, who is working on the peace plan along with Trump’s senior adviser, Jared Kushner. Responding to the above comment, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert also rejected reports that the Trump administration’s peace plan has been delayed, saying that when it is ready to be unveiled, it will be unveiled by Kushner and Greenblatt. We still believe what we suspected may be coming true, that the “Deal of the Century” was not so much an actual agreement to be presented as a reason to keep hope rising while wasting as little resources as necessary. But the problems are in the particulars which divide the two sides which there are no halfway points which can be implemented to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. That will be the rest of our commentary.


The reality is that the problem could have been resolved immediately after the Yom Kippur War when the Arab forces succeeded in a surprise attack which Israel was unprepared to repulse and they still lost and only the world demanding, in particular United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger demanded that Israel cease their advances on Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt and Damascus in Syria and return to the original lines where the Six Day War was halted. Mr. Kissinger was not exactly Israel’s greatest friend, if he was a friend at all. Had at this point President Nixon agreed to call the borders of Israel to be the Golan Heights, the Jordan River and the Suez Canal and insisted that each of the nations who were the aggressors from the Six Day War take in the peoples who resided within the territories which now formed parts of Israel the conflict would have been over. This was the solution which International Law had enforced in every defensive war where the attacked nation gained territory as a result of their defensive efforts. But apparently, International Law only applies to every nation except Israel, where there are an entirely different set of concepts and demands always to the detriment of the Jewish State. The reason that declaring this conflict finalized with Israel in possession of these gained territories in 1973 is that it would have been more likely to have been accepted as the Arab forces realized that they were far weaker than Israel and feared the Israeli military abilities. But that opportunity passed and left us with the imbroglio we face today.


Since then Egypt made a cold peace with Israel and received back every last millimeter of lands they desired. They refused to resume authority over Gaza, as they were unable to rule the area and establish order. Then a cold peace was achieved with Jordan who also refused to regain control over the area they had illegally occupied since 1948 until the Six Day War which was all part of an Arab League plan to use the Arabs left in Gaza and the Shomron, called West Bank by Jordan as that sounds less Jewish, as a hammer with which to destroy Israel. In the ensuing years, there has been great improvements to the military abilities of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia where each has attained a relative parity to the armaments of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). This has led them to feel impervious to any Israeli military might and thus have become more aggressive in their demands. Further, Islam in general is feeling the surge of power over a sleeping and degenerating European society which is ill equipped to resist an Islamic takeover. There are those such as Iran who feel little if any fear of the United States power. A recent threat made by an Iranian Imam Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Khatami, a member of the Islamic Republic’s religious governing body known as the Assembly of Experts, told worshippers at an Eid al-Ahda event in Tehran Wednesday morning, “Americans say you should accept what we say in the talks. So this is not negotiation, but dictatorship. The Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation would stand up against dictatorship.” That is nice to know, coming from one of the most repressive dictatorships on the planet. The Imam further warned, “The price of a war with Iran is very high for America. They know if they harm this country and this state in the slightest way, the United States and its main ally in the region, the Zionist regime would be targeted.” Just lovely, Israel is to be their target if the United States does even the slightest of perceived aggressions against Iran, an already hypersensitive and easily perturbed group of overly delicate, nettlesome and hyper-aggrieved group if ever there was one. But Israel’s problem is with the Arab League and its member states, particularly Saudi Arabia and Egypt, through their petulant protagonists, the Palestinian Arabs.


President Trump made a huge (Yuge in Trumpese) mistake claiming that he was the one who could bring peace between the Palestinian Arabs and the Israelis. His “Deal of the Century” will be refused out of hand because it does not satisfy the single most important demand of the Arab world, the removal of Israel from the map. Iran has stated this as their goal, Turkey has alluded to this desire, Syria and Egypt tried thrice to bring it about, the first time in 1948-9 along with at least four other nations, again in 1967 with assists from Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq and again going as a solo pair in 1973. The Arab world met in Khartoum in September 1967, and released a resolution which included the “Three No’s” which were, “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” The entire resolution is available at the above link. The first and sole demand which the Palestinians, the Jordanians, the Egyptians, the Saudi Arabian Royals, the Arab League and all too many other nations around the world potentially including some of the people in leadership positions throughout Europe is that for there to be peace, Arab Israeli peace or, as some put it, world peace is that Israel must be abolished, destroyed, eradicated and a host of other items which leaves no middle ground. There can be only one of two ends to the Arab Israeli conflict, and to realize what they are, we need to start calling this what it is in reality, the Islamic-Judaic war for ultimate superiority. When it is viewed under the true lamp of the reality at the root of the conflict, the answer becomes far clearer, one side must win absolutely and completely and the other lose absolutely and completely.


There are more truths behind this conflict because it is really just a small part of a much larger conflict, the conflict for Islamic superiority and absolute rule over the entirety of Earth. This is a conflict which when viewed with full knowledge of the Quran and the rules of abrogation, which we scratched the surface in explaining in an article from all the way back near the start of Beyond the Cusp, from August 10, 2007, titled “Which Quran, Mecca or Medina?.” This has been a war with a very long history dating back to the year 622 when Muhammad set out after destroying the Jewish communities around Medina to take his revenge against the people of Mecca who had rejected his claim to be a prophet. From that conquest, Muhammad continued to conquer the rest of the Arabian Peninsula with following conquests under the next Caliphates (see map below). These conquests were finally halted at the Battle of Tours where the forces of Charles, the Hammer, Martel defeated the Moorish Islamic forces forcing their retreat back to Andalusia (Spain) and saving France. Islamic campaigns into India were spread over a long period and took numerous forms which are covered by this Wikipedia article. The opposition to the Islamic advance into Eastern Europe was stymied by the massive walls of Constantinople until Sultan Mehmed II finally brought down those walls with massive siege cannons in 1453. Subsequent attempts to conquer Eastern Europe were halted twice at the city gates to Vienna though a strong Islamic influence did reach well into the Balkans. There is also the history and many legends about the Islamic wars in Romania and Vlad the Impaler who won by being even more brutal than the Muslims.


Islamic Conquests Under the Caliphs

Islamic Conquests Under the Caliphs


The United States has not been immune to fighting wars against the Muslims long before the current events in the Balkans, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. The United States Navy and Marines were involved in two wars with the Islamic forces out of northern Africa, specifically Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli in the First Barbary War and later fought Algiers once again in the Second Barbary War. These wars were ended in what the United States likes to call a peace treaty, which Islam does not recognize as an existing concept as the best they offer is a Hudna. A Hudna allows there to be peace for at most one decade, after which hostilities can be resumed. The Islamic forces are also free to reengage in hostilities as soon as they believe they have sufficient strength to defeat their enemy. Taqiyya is another Islamic principle by which a Muslim may even lie about their faith or assume a different faith or any lie which will work to further Islamic goals of conquest. Expect much of this if comments are posted quoting Quranic verses about peace, love, acceptance and so forth as those would be Meccan verses which were very likely abrogated by the subsequent more militant Medina Quranic verses. Using the Meccan verses to portray Islam as a passive and normative religion and to silence those who recognize that Islam is a political doctrine of conquest and submission of all populations under their rule disguised as a religion is one of the foremost used of Taqiyya and is often employed.


Islam is not currently at peace with the United States or any of the Western World or any other part of the world such as South America, much of Asia and Africa as well as possibly Antarctica simply for the reason that Islam and Sharia are not the ruling forces in these places. The Islamic concept of the world is that it is divided into two spheres, Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harab, the world of Islam which lives in peace as it has been perfected and the world of war which has yet to have been forced to submit to the superiority of Islam and requires being conquered and thus perfected and having peace. If you are not subject to Sharia and are living under any other legal system, then your nation is at war with Islam by definition. The sole reason that you are not living under Sharia is because Islam has yet to conquer your region and that is merely because they do not have the military might to do so. The Arab-Israeli conflict is but one small part of a far greater war which the Arabs insist can only be concluded by the total destruction and subjugation not only of Israel, but of every Jew. In Islam, Jews are considered to be lesser beings and not quite human and thus the mere fact that Israel exists as the Jewish State is an anathema to all followers of Islam who adhere to the Quran. The remainder of the world is not faring much better in this reality under Islam. Christians are considered Dhimmi who may be required to pay a special fee called the Jizya which is a tax which may be imposed on all Dhimmi. For the remainder of the world, atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, Shinto followers, Taoists and any other religious or ethnic belief other than the descendants of Abraham, you are considered apostates who are to be slaughtered should they refuse to submit to Islam and surrender their beliefs and accept only Allah. The Quran tells the believers that they will gain the spoils of those they conquer and that they will be the rulers of all the lands of the world with every person submitting to Islam and surrendering to Allah. This is a holy promise and many, the vast majority of Muslims believe that this is the destiny of the planet and all of its inhabitants.


Back to Israel and the Arabs beliefs. Ask almost any Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian or Arab generally and they will tell you that they defeated Israel in every war between them and Israel. They defeated Israel in 1948-9 in their declared genocidal war in which the Arab intentions were declared by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League, who stated, “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.” They actually teach in their schools that in this war they had a glorious victory over the inferior Jews. They teach they won the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War which were wars where the Jews were to be driven into the sea. It boggles the mind that they can teach that they have defeated Israel three times and each of those wars were to end with Israel obliterated, let alone wiped from the map, and still there is the Jewish State of Israel. Somehow, these two facts do not appear to cause any dysfunction in their logic. Their religion makes it that should they make any “peace” with Israel, the Arabs will retain their right to make war at the first opportunity where they believe they can win and finally eradicate Israel. The only true peace the Arabs can accept has to include either the destruction or the subjugation of Israel to Arab rule, nothing less is acceptable. This is the reason that there will not be any peace between the Arabs and Israel, yet the world will continue to claim that Israel is the problem. Partly they are correct, Israel insists on its right to remain the Jewish State and not submit themselves to whatever the Islamic Arabs decide is best for the Jews, which we know full well what they have in mind. The final thought we wish to impart is simple, what starts with the Jews never ends with the Jews, and this has never been more true in all of human history.


Beyond the Cusp


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