Beyond the Cusp

October 29, 2019

Democrat Party Opposes Israel Again


There were more statements by Democrat Party Presidential hopefuls stating that aid to Israel should be used to force Israel to surrender more lands to the Arabs. They are falsely claiming that “official United States policy” supports the two-state solution. The actual official position for the United States is fully defined under the The Anglo American Treaty of 1924 in which the United States joined the rest of the allies of World War I in support for the Mandate System and the Balfour Declaration including the provisions from the San Remo Conference. All of these paint a very simple picture, under international law, Israel has the rightful possession and ownership of all the lands west of the Jordan River stretching to the Mediterranean Sea. That includes the regions of Judea and Samaria or the Shomron or West Bank, no matter what you choose to call these regions, it all still belongs to Israel and that is the official United States policy under treaty. But why should we expect any historic knowledge to have any influence when the popular leftist belief is Israel is pure evil and should be punished simply for attempting to exist and have relative safety. We have spoken of this before and expect the position on Israel with the Democrat Party to simply continue to slide to an ever harder and rash position as time progresses.


Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren

Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren


There are those who have proclaimed that supporting Israel has become a partisan issue with the Democrat Party taking a strict line supporting the Arab Palestinian demands and insist that Israel is the obstacle to peace while the Republican Party has pledged to support Israel completely without regard for the propriety of their actions. Knowledgeable Zionists paying attention would probably give a less optimistic view of the United States. They would likely agree on the view given describing the positions of the Democrat Party but partially missed the reality about the Republican Party. Many of the old guard elite and the alt-right are completely opposed to even the idea of a Jewish State believing the founding of Israel was a grievous mistake of judgement and point to all the difficulties as their proof. What is true is that, despite the accusations of his being anti-Semitic, President Trump is a strong supporter of Israel which has been proven by his actions including recognizing Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel and Israeli ownership of the Golan Heights. President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” has still to be released and that will be the final exam on how far he will back Israel. The rumors have run the gauntlet from it all belongs to Israel to some form of the two-state solution. Of course, anything short of it all belongs to Israel falls short of international law and obligations as written in existing treaties. This reality will become completely evident when the problem is adjudicated on the stage of the World Courts in Geneva. Just to place a cherry on top, Article 80 of the United Nations Charter also places the power of the United Nations in support of the Mandate Systems as defined by the League of Nations.


All of this is not something which should come as much of a surprise to most people. All one need do is read just a little about the atmosphere at virtually any of the top and largest colleges and universities and their progressive articulation of every problem in the world. The propensity of these campuses is to hold BDS conventions, Palestinian Solidarity Weeks and a plethora of other anti-Israel demonstrations and events. Add to this that their teachers often hold hard leftist positions which leads to their lessons slanting against Israel seeking to meet the demands of heavy Islamic pressures which come with their donations and founding of Middle East departments with the professors all meeting the criteria set by the donors. AOC along with Tlaib and Omar are the new Democrat norm along with Sarsour and almost all, if not all, of the Democrat hopefuls for President in the upcoming 2020 elections in America. This slides towards ending the good relations between the United States and Israel. The State Department has opposed Israel since her inception. The Defense Department has supported Israel as their testing grounds of their equipment in actual combat. This has led to some crucial adjustments to military hardware which were overlooked during their design. Fortunately, as pointed out in the article linked above, Israel is no longer dependent upon aid from the United States which now does more for providing sales for the American defense industries. If necessary, Israel could resume producing their own aircraft, the first since the Lavi fighter which was the initiating factor to the Israel-American military cooperation.


Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Dependent upon which party takes control of the White House and Congress in the 2020 elections will be whether the United States will continue their friendly relations with the Jewish State of Israel. The reality is that politics is heading away from Israel and eventually rejecting everything related to the Judeo-Christian ethics. This shift in the politics of the entirety of the Western World will inevitably lead to their complete break with Israel blaming Israel for being the originating force behind the Judeo-Christian ethics and continuing to believe in the core beliefs which would become the eventual basis for Western society. The newest view is that Western civilization spawned all the world’s evils despite being the driving force which has eradicated the vast majority of slavery and numerous other evils. But the new view of the social sciences is behind much of this as it rejects any goodness resulting from Western civilization. Should everything reach what is the obvious end of these teachings and philosophy, Israel may end up as the last bastion of Western Judeo-Christian ethics. What will be unfortunate of such an eventuality is that Israel may not find any allies to stand with her and, if fortunate, will find at least a few nations who will not stand against her. Europe may already be on the verge of becoming lost as far as Western and Judeo-Christian society being at its core and replacing it with Sharia and the United States along with the remainder of the Western world might not be all that far behind. The Democrat Presidential hopefuls, some of the new members of Congress and the long-standing anti-Israel position taken by the Congressional Black Caucus all indicate the continuing movement which will lead to Israel being rejected by United States political leadership. Currently, such would be largely a part of the Democrat Party, but this does not excuse Republican Party which will probably follow along behind the current trends. Prophesy expected there to come a time when Israel would be forced to stand alone. This has never looked more possible than when watching the current political rhetoric.


Beyond the Cusp


September 2, 2018

Solution to Arab-Israeli Conflict is 3000 Years Old


The real initial step to a proper and equitable solution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict is to first admit that, and let us be honest, the Arab world focused their intent for destruction of Israel to this invented group of Arabs they agreed to call Palestinians. Even their name was stolen from the term used by empires to name the Jews in the Holy Lands from the Roman Empire straight through to the British Empire, when they were given the Mandate. The British even solved the Arab-Israeli problem by giving 78% of the Mandate to the Arab nation we now call Jordan and promised the remaining 22%, the lands west of the Jordan River, were guaranteed as indivisible for the Jewish nation (see map below). Did anyone catch the important words ‘guaranteed as indivisible’ just as the British backed their word presumably with the British Crown? So, we will work from there and then seek a plausible and equitable solution. This decision was justified as conforming to the lands promised the Israelites in the Bible which were the lands west of the Jordan River.


British Mandate with its division between an Arab State of Jordan and Palestine denoted to be the Jewish State later named Israel

British Mandate with its division between an Arab State of Jordan and
Palestine denoted to be the Jewish State later named Israel


Israel should simply inform the leadership and security forces in the Shomron and Gaza that in exactly number of days, let us start with one week, to gather their moveable property and bankbooks and leave going to whatever nation which will accept them. Should they find that time limit is impossible to meet, they should be informed that the IDF will be tasked with assisting them in whatever means they choose. Should their choice be that they are not going without a fight, the IDF should be instructed to use whatever amount of force leaves their soldiers at the least risk. Should resistance be attempted, the rest of the world should be informed that such resistance could lead to casualties. The freeing of the Arabs residing currently under vindictive dictatorships in both Gaza and the PA regions of the Shomron should be something cheered throughout the world. We realize that because Israel will be involved, the world will grow a huge chip on their shoulders and gather all their rage into stern stares before claiming that Israel is destroying Palestinian democracy. We have a little secret for people who wish to know the reality; the only Arabs living under a free democracy between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea reside as citizens of Israel and are not part of the Palestinian Arab population. Once the regions have been cleared of those whose interests are based on continued and permanent conflict with Israel thusly pacified, we can proceed to find that equitable solution.


The promise we will provide is that each Arab currently residing in these areas will be given the same choices with those living in the refugee camps and will be treated with some degree of equality with those not in the camps. More on this as we proceed. There is an equitable means for giving the Arabs in question freedom. First, they will be granted a choice, and they will be required to choose one of these choices within a set period, likely four months. The first choice is to remain living where they are and being treated as an alien resident just as many workers from around the world who take jobs within Israel. These Arabs will be required to sign a nonaggression pledge which if violated will result in deportation. Anyone remaining with the design of committing some terrorist action, they should know that any conviction of attempted or acted terrorism will result in deportation with no right to ever return. Once someone had been so deported, should they reenter Israel, it will be on pain of life in prison. Those remaining will be allowed to work where they find employment and will pay the same taxes as other resident aliens. As far as their ever being permitted to become citizens of Israel will be something which would be determined in the future. The second choice is to leave Israel permanently only permitted to return for visits with a Visa stating the length of such a visit. Those leaving will not be sent away without compensations. First, they will be given high market value for their property for which they can produce a deed. Further, each person leaving will be granted a relocation bonus. The bonus will be a one-time offer which will end at the end of the stated period. The people in the refugee camps will receive compensation equal to the average property value if they decide to leave Israel. For those who remain there may be a set amount they will be permitted towards purchasing a residence. The camps will be leveled at the end of the period and new apartments or other housing built in their place.


When the world explodes claiming that Israel is being inhumane, they will be justly ignored. One reason is that these Arabs will be permitted to elect their own leadership locally but will not be permitted to vote in national elections. These regions where they will be granted this added right will only apply to the region where they currently reside. Those outside of these locations will be given a set period in which to relocate to one of the named areas receiving a fair price for their present deeded property. The main part of this solution is that the Arabs may have a choice for how they desire to spend their future. All Israel desires is to be at peace and that is the result of this plan. Any Arab choosing to commit violence against Israel, they should understand that such will be met with whatever violence is required to permanently end such attacks. The IDF will be told to act in whatever manner places their soldiers in the least amount of threat. They should take a direct and immediate response to any violence seeking to remove the source of the violence. This would include targeting those who were responsible for the violence including the planners, the ones who produced or provided the weaponry such as rockets, bombs, mortars and launchers, and those who ordered the violence no matter where they may be located. Israel will no longer accept any forms of violence to be used targeting her citizens and will consider the Arab-Israeli conflict ended. Israel will also be open to exchanging ambassadors with any Arab nation desiring such plus this exchange will be a sign of peace ending any belligerence between Israel and that nation. This would be a face saving method of ending the state of war still existing between Israel and numerous nations of the Arab League. Israel will also open trade with these nations which will hopefully enhance relations.


Once the lives of those Arabs who remain within Israel improves, and their happiness becomes obvious and terrorism is no longer a problem, a situation which will become evident within a year or possibly as long as two years, then perhaps the world will finally calm down and realize that Israel is not going away and had made peace with the Arabs, even if the Arabs have not all made peace with Israel. This is a formula for peace, permanent and steady peace in which all will benefit. Will it cost Israel a lot of money to enact such a solution? Probably, but that cost will be returned in the properties and people saved by the ending of terrorism and having peace. Once this plan has been enacted and the time has passed for the Arabs to choose, after that peace will be all but around the corner. The final problem will be those Arabs who refuse to take either choice is the final problem. These Arabs will be deported with no remuneration and their method of removal will have the identical form as was the initial removal of the leadership and known people who were participating in terror in any form. The IDF will be instructed to take all measures to keep their soldiers as safe as possible. Then the Arabs who remain will have signed a nonaggression pledge which will mean that peace will finally be possible and even likely. Those who refuse to accept this peace will be addressed with sufficient force to terminate such threats if from outside of Israel and by deportation to any from within Israel. The world will need to understand that Israel will no longer tolerate any violence perpetrated against any of her citizens and all violence will be addressed without regard to borders if the neighboring nations are unwilling to prevent the violence against Israeli citizens and property.


Israel will probably continue to see resolution after resolution from all parts of the United Nations, European Union and collective nations, the Arab League and collective nations, and others from all around the globe. For those nations, actively condemning Israel will find that Israel will return the favor by limiting trade with these nations. These limitations will not be in the form of limiting Israel goods being sold but in informing the Israeli people about who these nations are and the Israeli people will choose whether or not to buy products from that nations and Israeli companies can choose whether or not to deal with these nations. There will not be a need for actual trade wars or tariffs or any normative form of limit on trade, it will be simply the choices made by the Israeli people. Some will possibly decide to seek to buy the effected products while others will avoid buying these products. Israel will add one requirement to commercials for product that their nation of origin be included in a standard disclaimer at the end of the commercial. Informed consumers are happy consumers.


Lastly, there will be an adjustment period where there will be a near constant cacophonic din of chaotic disdain for what Israel will be doing. The main claim will be that Israel has no claim to these lands. We advise they check the entirety of conferences, conventions and treaties resulting from World War I and then settle down. What would actually be doing Israel a great favor would be to take Israel before any of the various World Courts or at The Hague, as this would settle the entire uproar rather quickly. Just so we can save the world’s time, International Law is on the side of Israel and that was plain to see in the map at the beginning of this article. Israel legally owns all the lands in question with the exception of Gaza. That would not be much of a problem as Hamas and Islamic Jihad are both terrorist organizations which means that Gaza is no longer a nation or recognized governance as terrorist groups are not actual governments and are to be addressed in any necessary action to end their occupation of lands. The Shomron belongs to Israel as the Palestinian Authority actually has run past its limited time within which it was to make a lasting peace. By refusing to make peace, they are no longer relevant and as such, they are no longer legal governance. This is a just settlement of the problem which will work to the benefit of the Arabs involved and free them from the oppressive whims of their dictatorial leadership which enforces its power through violent suppression of choice, freedom, and liberty and stifles free enterprise and strangles the regional economies. This would be a liberation process and those who feel they desire oppressive governance can choose to relocate virtually anywhere else in the region. Israel will take any complaints about her treatment of the Arabs who remain from the Palestinian Arabs for their actual worth and ignore them six months after this process has been applied. When Israel finds a terrorist which nations complain will be improperly deported, Israel will gladly offer to deport them to the complaining nations at random. We can hardly wait to see who wins the first raffling for the location for the first deportee. Who will be the lucky nation, France, Sweden, Canada, Venezuela or where?


Beyond the Cusp


June 4, 2017

The World of Misconceptions About Israel


The first and most grievous misconception which persists no matter how many times it has been debunked is that Israel initiated the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. In order to address this there are a few facts which need discussion. At the end of the 1948-9 Arab War of Annihilation of the nascent Zionist Entity, Israel, where over a half dozen nations sent large military contingents in order to crush the life out of the Jewish State the morning of her birth, the world using either the refused division of the land or using the Peel Commission plan, they claimed Israel had conquered territory in a war the Jew started. The reality is that after the Arab League refused UN General Assembly Res. 181, it became defunct and left Israel with the Jordan River and Mediterranean as her borders that fateful May 15, 1948 morning. This means that Israel lost the areas illegally held by Jordan, Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and the Egyptians, the Gaza Strip. Unbelievably, Israel initially only held about one third of the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea militarily at the outset of the conflict. Making matters even more perilous, many Arab villages which were behind the lines held by the Israeli three elements of military power, the Haganah, the Irgun and the Sternists; the three were eventually combined with a mutually mostly recognized hierarchy of officers into the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), and these villages were well armed Arab units which attacked supply lines and often engaged Israeli fighters from behind their defensive positions thus making their defense facing frontal and rear attacks simultaneously. The result of this problem was the main reason that any village allowing such armed fighters were forced into the Arab side of the lines of battle as leaving them in the rear was suicidal and would have proved fatal for the nascent nation of Israel. These villagers make up the vast majority of what are claimed to be Arabs thrown off their lands and denied their return. The reality is they were ununiformed combatants, which under the rules of war could have been shot summarily as spies or as terrorists due to being behind the lines of battle and ununiformed. When the armistice was signed, one of the conditions stated in simple terminology was that the closure of the Strait of Tiran to Israeli shipping, thus closing passage through the Aqaba Gulf, is a violation and thus a legitimate casus belli. In 1956 Egypt closed the Strait of Tiran to Israeli shipping as well as the Suez Canal to western passage leading to a state of war between Israel, Britain and France, among potentially others, against Egypt. The three mentioned allied and at the agreed time for initiating actions to relieve these sieges, Britain and France began negotiations while Israel took the Sinai Peninsula and captured an entire Egyptian army. Under extreme threat from President Eisenhower and grumblings from the Soviet Union, Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula and released the trapped Egyptian Army. The armistice from 1956 also stated that closure of the Strait of Tiran to Israeli shipping, thus closing passage through the Aqaba Gulf, is a violation and thus a legitimate casus belli. Further, the Sinai Peninsula was declared to be a demilitarized zone enforced by the United Nations. Egypt placing troops into the Sinai Peninsula was also made a casus belli.


That brings us to May of 1967 where Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, responding to a Soviet Union report that Israel was massing troops near the Syrian border, ordered the United Nations peacekeepers out of the Sinai Peninsula, sent Egyptian troops including armored divisions into the Sinai Peninsula, closed the Strait of Tiran and placed the Egyptian army on highest alert. This was in reality three declarations of war against Israel under treaty and International Law. These three were, one, dismissing the United Nations troops, two, placing troops into the Sinai which was double compounded as they included armored troops, three, the closure of the Strait of Tiran. Israel was free to respond to these as if they were actual attacks upon Israeli cities by Egyptian forces. Egypt had already found that the report of Israeli troops massing, or even moving, towards the Syrian border was mere Soviet Union propaganda and the IDF was in a completely passive normal standing doing nothing special. Nasser had started something that he now could not stop or tune down without losing face, something he was loathe to do, thus war was coming no matter what. Nasser, despite gaining treaties of mutual defense with Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia and having had Iraq and Saudi troops already sent into Jordan to await the coming war, was worried about one potential consequence to openly declaring war, the United States intervening. Egypt sent an envoy to Washington D.C. to disarm any American response and informed the waiting allied troops that he would force Israel to strike first which the Egyptians could absorb and still destroy Israel easily. Egypt had figured they would lose at most fifteen percent of their air power and be able to deliver a knockout to the far smaller Israeli Air Force. Nasser added more troops into the Sinai Peninsula and moved them closer to the Israeli border until some reached within sight of the Israeli border. Add in the rhetoric about driving the Jews into the sea and holding the war in Tel Aviv and boasting that Egypt could be in Beersheva within three hours of any Israeli attack, Nasser had boldly stated, “Our path to Palestine will not be covered with a red carpet or with yellow sand. Our path to Palestine will be covered with blood.” Egyptian media released quotes made by Nasser addressing Egyptian pilots after the Egyptian closure of the Strait of Tiran at the southern mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli and Israel-bound shipping stating, “The Gulf of Aqaba constitutes our Egyptian territorial waters. Under no circumstances will we allow the Israeli flag to pass through the Aqaba Gulf.” These were not the words of a leader seeking a peaceful resolution to the situation that he had initiated and now could not stop, and he did not desire even trying to prevent his inevitable war. This was definitely going to be Gamal Abdel Nasser’s great war upon which he would launch his claim to the rightful leadership of the Pan-Arab unified national super-state.


Pre-1967 War Arab Army Advances and Positions

Pre-1967 War Arab Army Advances and Positions


Those of us who have studied recent history or the most stunning victories in warfare, know Israel did finally attack and within three hours they had all but eliminated the Egyptian Air Force and had complete superiority of the air. In an armor war in a dessert, controlling the air is one main definition of victory, and Israel won the air war. Second, Israel attacked the Egyptians where they were not, sending one column of naval commandos down the south side of the Sinai Peninsula to the Strait of Tiran and an amphibious unopposed landing at Sharm el-Sheikh. This combined with armored and fast assault infantry in Armored Personnel Carriers as well as in trucks are all displayed in the map below. The assaults came across every pass through the central mountain spine and was so fast that the Egyptian troops were either struck so violently that they became inoperable or bypassed and cut-off completely and forced to surrender. These Egyptian troops were returned after the end of hostilities, as Israel had no desire to house so many troops. The war was quick and over almost before the world had media there to comment and cover the entire war. Israeli casualties and losses were in total against all fronts which include Syria, Jordan and Egypt, were 776-983 killed, 4,517 wounded, 15 captured, 400 tanks destroyed and 46 aircraft destroyed. Egyptian losses were 10,000-15,000 killed or missing depending on sources, and 4,338 captured. Jordanian losses were 6,000 killed or missing and 533 captured. Syrian losses were 2,500 killed and 591 captured while Iraqi losses were 10 killed and 30 wounded. The losses in armor and aircraft are only able to be estimated with aircraft lost by all Arab forces was approaching five hundred and the total armor lost simply stated as hundreds, many hundreds. Needless to point out, the war was just as one-sided as Gamal Abdel Nasser had predicted the war would be, just not for the side he thought would win in a couple of days, maybe a week.


Six Day War Battle Assault Advances of Israelis in Sinai Peninsula

Six Day War Battle Assault Advances of Israelis in Sinai Peninsula


After the war, there was discussion as to who initiated the war. The United States and Soviet Union actually agreed that it was Israel which had initiated the war. They ignored every single one of Egyptian transgressions which each were a breach of treaties and were each a legitimate casus belli, or in regular English, a legal declaration of war by Egypt upon Israel. These transgressions made any response by Israel to be legal and in defense of her rights under our favorite subject, International Law. What becomes the most malleable item when discussing anything with reference to Israel and her Arabs Neighbors? The answer is International Law. This has been true with dealing with any Arabs, including the Palestinians who have gotten in on the act since 1964 when their declaration was to replace Israel and made no claims on Judea and Samaria (West Bank) or the Gaza Strip as the first was being illegally occupied by Jordan and the other illegally occupied by Egypt. They, as now, only wanted the lands which the Jews were living in, and all of that land just as now. Why does International Law become so difficult to understand and become applied in ways that it would never be applied in any other conflict? Part of the reason is the Arabs and oil plus their ability to almost control the discussion as they can invest hundreds of millions of dollars into the information war which has taken a new front on western college and university campuses. Thus it was little surprise that initially the entire world was screaming that Israel started it, Israel started it! After things quieted down and a more reasoned examination was able to be performed, it became evident that Israel did not start the war. Egypt initiated the conflict. After Israel responded to the Egyptian closure of the Strait of Tiran, ordering the United Nations peacekeepers from the Sinai Peninsula and then the final move of placing troops and then armor into the Sinai Peninsula; these were each the equivalent of a declaration of war. Then Syria leveled artillery from the Golan Heights to which Israel responded taking the Golan Heights in three days of heavy fighting. Jordan did not enter the war until day two and Israel pleaded with Jordan not to join the war explaining that the Egyptian and Syrian broadcasts of their advancing on Tel Aviv were propaganda and the truth was that Israel was advancing on all fronts. Jordan took the Israeli pleading as a sign of weakness and that they truly had to be losing badly and Jordan wanted in on the kill and to take extra lands. This led to their being pushed back across the Jordan River and the change in the PLO and their now claiming they would liberate Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and then the remainder of Israel. Israel responded to the Jordanian attack from their higher placements on the Temple Mount and along the higher ridges overlooking Jerusalem. The Saudi and Iraqi troops attacked, either with Jordan or were left standing with the Egyptians depending on which front they had joined the war. Lebanon played a minor part in the war with their losses existing as a single aircraft, yes, that’s right, a single aircraft. The oddities in the implementation of International Law after the Six Day War making the victim into the aggressor and excusing any and all violations by the Arab nations as excusable while Israel defending herself judged to be illegal gives one a true vision when explaining the same practice of twisting International Law into a corkscrew and worse in order to place all blame away from the Arab states when it comes to matters concerning Israel. You could call the game the blame Israel debacle. But that will be for another day.


Beyond the Cusp


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