Beyond the Cusp

August 22, 2016

State Department and Their Moment of Clarity


The United States Department of State released annual Report to Congress on International Religious Freedom – the International Religious Freedom Report – describing the status of religious freedom in every country. This year the report had a remarkable citation which had previously been explained away by blaming the victim and excusing the oppressive doctrinarian persecutor which practiced religious and societal supremacy despite their societal dysfunctionality. The hiccup, if you’ll admit the slang, was a report that the Palestinian Authority (PA) was indeed committing anti-Semitism and broadcasting it on their television and radio broadcasts. There were also criticisms of Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and Indonesia Wednesday for having laws that infringe upon religious freedom citing blasphemy, apostasy and anti-conversion laws. The report succinctly stated, “Such laws conflict with and undermine universally recognized human rights,” referring directly at one state’s actions the report went on to state, “Saudi Arabia penalizes blasphemy with lengthy prison sentences and lashings, often after detention without trial, or so-called protective custody, according to legal experts.” Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken stated at an event announcing the report, “In far too many countries, 2015 witnessed appalling patterns of significant restrictions on religious practice, as well as societal intolerance of, restrictions on and even violence against members of religious minority groups. Bigotry and intolerance can be found in every part of the world, including the United States, but every country has an obligation to respect religious liberty and freedom of conscience.”


But in the area of Israel, where we will concentrate our commentary, the report brought some needed fresh air. The State Department, and especially under President Obama, criticizing the PA for their open and blatant anti-Semitism is as surprising as it was welcome. As far as any actual actions or further recognition, that remains to be seen though we expect very little to come of this. Reports are, after all, written to please, aggravate, motivate or mitigate situations while having minimal effect or amelioration before being filed on a shelf next to the report from previous years which had also made new or original bold statement only to settle on the shelf awaiting the next year’s report to brace it from the open end. This report shall be no different and likely be even of less consequence as the elections in the United States will soon suck all the oxygen from the media rooms across the world, be it the United States elections or the German elections by five of sixteen states in the build-up to the next year’s federal vote where it is fully expected to replace Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from a decade of dominance due to the refugee crisis. Changes are coming in Europe and perhaps in the United States as well. All of this we will watch and see and then wait for any changes both local and internationally. Despite belief by President Obama that he controls the fate of the world, this report was likely about the upcoming elections while ignoring their boss, the man holding the world currently.


Obama World and he can hold the whole thing like a basketball but just like a basketball he is clueless what to do with it

Obama World and he can hold the whole thing like a basketball but just like a basketball he is clueless what to do with it


Closer to home at our small corner, and we emphasize small, of the Mediterranean the State Department report will be accepted as a breath of fresh air as a known reality has finally been recognized in writing by what has been and likely remains an adversarial United States Department of State. This report may simply be the State Department setting a note in their records just in case there may be coming a drastic change in the Executive Brach of the United States governance. Despite the hyperventilating over the great lead Hillary Clinton has theoretically built up in the past month according to the United States media, even FOX, in the most respected and neutral polling this past week she held less than a five percent lead, less than a single point in one, over Donald Trump, a lead within the margin of errors. This probably has the great minds at the State Department fearing that the light they see down the tunnel is not the opening to the broad outdoors but the headlamp of an onrushing train and they figure better to be safe than left out on a limb with little support as a new President starts sawing their branch off before they can scamper back saving themselves and their appointed positions. Moving to the center is done by places beyond candidates who have been forced away from the center during a primary challenge. This may be nothing more than centering the State Department ship before it lists so far over they capsize.


Then again, perhaps there is another reason for the state department report stating in blatant terms that the PA broadcasts and other activities are peddling anti-Semitism. There is also the possibility that the extremes reached have finally crossed a previously uncrossed level which placed their actions beyond even the State Department’s ability to excuse with their normal euphemisms. The previous State Department reports had blamed the Israeli “occupation” and Israeli “oppressions” and “treatment of the Arab Palestinian” as the reasons for which any hatreds originating from the PA and their society as understandable and even excusable. The fact is official members of the PA governance are making statements over the broadcast channels to instigate further attacks on Israelis anywhere and everywhere including blatantly calling for violence within Israel inside the Green Line in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beersheba, Jerusalem, Ashdod as well as Hevron and other areas in Judea and Samaria. Further calls were broadcast calling for Israeli Arabs to attack and murder Israelis and some calls to violence was more general demanding the attacks and terrorism to murder Jews. There were also the calls for rioting on the Temple Mount where there was no difference drawn between Israelis and tourists whether Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or even Shinto. What will remain to be seen is the follow through, should there be one. But will the policies demand of Israeli sacrifices and concessions while forgiving any and every crime committed by the Arabs both under PA rule and Hamas rule in Gaza. One need remember that Hamas was overwhelmingly elected in honest elections over a decade ago by both the Arabs in Gaza and in Judea and Samaria and no elections have been permitted by the ruling Hamas or Fatah, both terror parties, ever since. The Arab Palestinians have what can be laughingly referred to as third world democracy, one person, one vote, one time.


Reports recognizing the near universal anti-Semitism and religious hatreds which permeate the Arab world where even minority sects of Islam are denigrated and subjugated to similar treatments as the Christians, Yazidis, Baha’i, Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians and other minority religions spread across the Islamic world as well as the Arab world have previously been rare and oft ignored. Reports and even speeches may bring attention to these problems but there needs be actions backing up the words. This will be what needs be watched and see if policies are altered to reflect this report. All of this will depend heavily on the next elections throughout Europe after the first installment of reaching towards three million and possibly as much as five million “refugees” have inundated the continent from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) with over one million taking up refuge in Germany alone. The fact that approaching eighty to ninety percent, depending on locations and reports, of these “refugees” being males between the ages of thirteen to forty without women or children accompanying these military age males paints an ominous picture for military planners and security forces alike. Then there were the New Year’s Eve sex crime wave which struck central celebration areas in cities all across Germany and in spotty locations in Scandinavia and other European hot spots, the terrorism increase and a general increase in crime. While what the level of assimilation to which these mostly Muslim immigrants will accomplish with their adopting a more European outlook cannot yet be ascertained but initial data leaves one with an uneasy feeling about the grim prospects of there being any degree of assimilation. Some are blaming the BREXIT on the immigrant crisis where the reason the British voted to leave the European Union was so they could place blockades against further infiltrations. As the “refugees” have yet to penetrate into Scotland and Northern Ireland or the Irish Isles has been stated by those who voted in large sectors from England as the reason these areas are considering rejoining the European Union independently. If these nations from the British group expect that they might be voted from Britain with the English possibly deciding to go it alone relying on the English to act as a cork on the European bottle protecting these nations after they reapply to the European Union from direct infiltrations by MENA refugees halting them at the Chunnel blocking any crossings of the English Channel, they are hoping that the English will be responsible for them while they continue the jolly life as members of the European Union protected from the decisions in Brussels by England, the adults on the islands. The English would be hard pressed to allow the “refugees” to pass through to the northern lands as that would place their presence on both borders making their infiltration a greater danger by far.


Meanwhile, Israel likely is going to have this paper, this report by the State Department, touted by the government with every party claiming either their contribution to forcing the admitting of the problem or claiming they will patiently await actions which speak louder than worlds. Those who take credit for the report by the State Department are making grand claims with likely little real or hard evidence of their complicity in the formation of this report. This admission of the sins committed by the PA was and will continue to be just a centering of State Department positions in anticipation of a possible shift in White House positions after the election and thus the adoption of a more nuanced position from which the department can slide whichever direction the President will lean upon arrival. The State Department simply has noted that whichever candidate wins the election, be it Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, there will be little if anything that the State Department will be capable of performing which will alter either candidate’s preferred and preset position vis-à-vis Israel. As for determining the position either candidate will take may appear easy, it also may be less well known or predictable as one might suspect.


Our talks with actual Israelis, Sabras (native born Israelis) who have never visited the United States, they are confused as to which candidate will win the election. Many feel that Hillary has this as her election to lose as if she cannot beat Donald Trump then she was not cut out to beat anybody. Many fear Trump as much as they do Clinton. The one thing we have seen as a constant is their asking us what we think will happen and pleading that we grant them good news and reinforce what they already hope for from the elections. One item these Israelis have been made aware of comes through a quote, we like quotes as we cannot be fully blamed for their content, the quote we turn to was reputedly from Joseph Stalin where it was stated in Boris Bazhanov’s Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary, published in 1992 and only available, so far as we know, in Russian where it stated, “You know, comrades that I think in regard to this: I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this, who will count the votes, and how.” When we receive puzzled looks we point to the claims that in certain districts there were more votes tallied than there were registered voters and some have claimed that entire voting districts had absolutely no votes recorded for any candidate other than those for one of the two main parties. This often does not clear their puzzled look as much as add a degree of obvious fear or ominous foreboding to their puzzlement.


Beyond the Cusp


July 11, 2016

Yesterday’s Panic Leads to Today’s Rant


We ended yesterday’s article with a word stretched out as it is sung in a song we love and that word will be the determining factor on whether the Western World had a future, A-m-e-r-i-c-a. Tuesday, November 8, 2016, will determine who will be the leader of the developed world or just another wilted, limp, ineffectual sack of flesh making noise and no ability to lead anybody anywhere, and the world needs a leader and fast. The next American President faces a world in deep crisis and most of the people do not even realize there is a world outside their daily routine. That has been the problem in the last two elections where novelty and personality outweighed abilities and solid knowledge of the world and an idea of the weighty problems which have even worsened drastically in the past months and it continues to gain momentum making the job of slowing the direction to be a sufficient challenge, but turning it around into a positive direction will require dedication and a monumental effort. Within a year and a half by mid-2018 Iran will have announced and tested a nuclear weapon. That might be the turning point in the Middle East and soon spread through North Africa as the Arab Muslim World in MENA will have possibly made the greatest alteration in the history of Islam and the vast majority of Sunnis will decide that the strong horse is Iran and they will overthrow leaders who refuse to fall into the sphere with Iran as their leader. Should such a transformation take place, then we will definitely be facing a terrible war coming. Western Europe may have already surrendered without firing a shot and Eastern Europe will face the hardest years of turmoil as Islamic infiltrators will try to raise a fifth column working through subduction rather than over use of force of arms. Once Iran has demonstrated their nuclear weapons capability, their terror forces will be unrestrained with a nuclear umbrella always hanging over the free world’s leaders making their choices all the more difficult and action appear twice as challenging. Fighting a war on your own lands using only police forces is frighteningly inefficient. The people quake fearing the terrorism and bristling as each new restriction is applied in attempts to alter the field of play in the police’s favor. Police salaries have more than doubled and still finding recruits is becoming more difficult. The Eastern Europeans start to fear that they might need to seek shelter under the heavy arm of Putin’s Russia. What had been a dreaded threat looming for years after a resurgent Russia awoke, now appears as a shining knight, a potential savior. Why would anybody want to lead America with a world this messed up, but the candidates hardly know anything outside the two coasts and maybe Chicago, St Louis, Cleveland and Dallas/Fort Worth; but beyond the borders, they think they have enough problems at home, they are not seeking any new ones from the world.


Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton


That is the problem, which of the two realistic candidates, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, is at all likely to even realize there is a wider world outside of the economy and holding the line on the southern border, which may be the smartest thing they do except the terrorists are being brought into America as fast as President Obama and his silent team can land them in the deep still of the night as well as in broad daylight. Sometimes a media too lax to dig for the truth and who wait for orders from editors and happily grasping any morsel they are sold by White House story tellers like Ben Rhodes, no wonder the American public has no idea the world is burning. The candidates will mostly snipe about the other and all we will hear is about every sour deal Trump has ever had a part in and they are likely plenty to choose from and in return we will hear about the meaning of is, is and Benghazi, e-mails, Whitewater, the Clinton Foundation and every smarmy thing the Clintons have ever had their blood-soaked hands on. Get ready for a roller-coaster ride where only half the track actually exists and the pitfalls are in every strut and brace with an operator who’s an untrained person with little if anything that qualifies them to be leader of the free world. Hillary Clinton knows something about foreign affairs but is a total incompetent as she proved while pretending to be Secretary of State and as President she would simply be playing at the office enjoying the payoff for her supporting Bill through thick and thin and sometimes so sheer as to be threadbare. Donald Trump knows how to deliver an opening ceremony speech and glad-hand and walk with others nodding knowingly while knowing nothing but still insisting he is the smartest man in the room. Where his ability to delegate is admirable, but people who have worked on things with ‘The Donald’ claim he likes to micromanage things and often makes things far more complicated and difficult. Neither candidate is anywhere near the best their party had to offer but they are what the Americans backed and that is what we are stuck with throughout the rest of the world. If you are feeling that you have been through years and Presidential terms of office where the President seemed to be working against the better interests and fear it is about to happen again, well, feel better as that is unlikely. The worst case scenario is there will be an incompetent in the White House whose husband attempts to help and guide her on foreign policy decisions, that would be an improvement, but she is unlikely to take anyone’s advice as she believes she is all-knowing. The other choice, ‘The Donald,’ might actually choose competent advisors and place good people in the cabinet and if he should actually allow them to lead and follow their prescriptions, that would be a hopeful scenario and if his position adjustments on the Middle East, Israel particularly, after choosing Jason Greenblatt and David Friedman as his Israel and Middle East Advisors is any sign, then Donald Trump has shown signs of sufficient maturity to take advice on things he is clueless. Now we just need to hope he believes himself to be clueless about almost everything it takes at being a great President as that will allow him to listen and reason things out from the different opinions he receives from people who are actually knowledgeable. We are not endorsing either candidate as we may still write in for Allen West and we would gladly endorse Lt. Col. West.


Jason Greenblatt and David Friedman Trump’s Israel and Middle East Advisors

Jason Greenblatt and David Friedman
Trump’s Israel and Middle East Advisors


Shall we move on to the rest of the world? As we have discussed the European Union (EU) appears to be planning on merging with the greater Muslim world and according to their own releases which we discussed in our article referencing the release titled The European Union Actually Planning Empire the EU not only plans on expanding its borders and control, or at least sharing the control in some manner, with the nations of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and on to central Asia and Central Africa so as to include all of the main body of Islam, spreading and advancing the joint economic conditions sharing technologies and using resources jointly while sharing in religious practices and cultural activities and celebrations. From the way it is weakly worded one could deduce that the EU would facilitate Islamic takeover of Europe religiously but with the proviso that there be no forcing Islam on those worshiping other faiths or none at all. This proviso is not likely to last more than a few moments before the pressures start to appear and then build and eventually we all know how this will end, we just cannot be sure as to how long. Our guess is eighteen months, but we have been known to be a bit optimistic. The culture would also tend not to remain very European for long and the only defense the Europeans would be able to hide behind would be limiting the movement of peoples from MENA into Europe and vice-versa. Still, the EU is based on free movement and it would not take very long before the MENA populations began moving into EU central nations for the benefits. The employment, benefits, healthcare, free schooling, minimum income and the plethora of other benefits which are largely financial and would offer these people wealth beyond their wildest dreams in exchange for nothing would attract tens to hundreds of thousands. The opportunities for disaster in the EU plan, well, let us just say it is fraught with opportunities for disasters for the current heart of the EU. It is not like the EU is not experiencing any difficulties such as the entire British Isles voting in favor of the Brexit referendum recently ending the near stranglehold the EU had on almost every major producing nation in Europe. Now the second greatest economic engine after Germany has started the required steps for exiting the EU. What makes the Brexit all the easier was the fact that the British retained their currency, the Pound Sterling. Britain is the only nation of the EU intelligent enough not to surrender their own currency and rely solely on the Euro. So far the worst predictions for Britain are coming true and we would, if we knew anything about investments, advise our investor, if we had one, to invest heavily in the pound waiting another eighteen days and then buy Pounds and wait for their recovery which should be scary great. Remember, we are not investment counselors and thus this is not investment advice unless it works, then we would like 5% thank you.


Meanwhile, the EU is very likely moving towards their destruction which will be realized when Islam finally decides that any agreement made really does not apply to limit the spread of Islam as that is demanded by Allah and that trumps the EU. This if backed by a Shiite thermos-nuclear stockpile of warheads and the ballistic and ICBMs (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile), whose range is anywhere on planet Earth, with which to deliver said warheads as was demonstrated with the EMP attack on North America presented to a joint committee of Congress in a simulation, easily displaying how the grid would be destroyed with almost all the main and secondary transformers in the United States and Canada obliterated. They would not even need to do something that drastic as the Iranians could simply launch an ICBM which flies across the lands of the North American continent landing in the opposite ocean with a three ton dummy warhead which the Iranians permitted the United States to recover and also set off a thermonuclear device about the same size making delivery of such no longer a debatable issue and instead into solid fact. Add the productive capacity of the EU to the Mullahs of Iran’s dream of world conquest and Islam’s drive to defeat the Sunni Islamic world and place Shiite Islam as the new master of Islam and the leading candidate for the new Caliph and the leaders of Islam taking over the Saudi and Kuwaiti oil fields solidifying the world’s oil supply, or at least 65% of the world’s oil, under Shia control meaning that there will very likely be another oil embargo making gas a luxury once again in the United States as they require more than can be domestically produced even after adding the rest of the still free world’s oil supplies.


Should the EU try anything drastic before the new President, then it little matters who wins the election for President. As such is next to impossible for them to affect the United States election but the the EU will heavily depend on who wins the United States Presidential elections. Hillary Clinton claims she will continue the President Obama disastrous withdrawal from the world. She will likely initially do exactly what President Obama would pursue leaving the EU to its own devices as Hillary Clinton simply walks away from anything allowing for the world to continue degenerating even before Iran manufactures their broad front terror war. These wars initially and by themselves will not appear to be anything, but in reality they will be nation after nation being subsumed inexorably by the Iranian leadership leaving the surrender of the EU to be the final nail in that coffin. Donald Trump might not surrender as readily but he too will be also sacrificing one nation after another as well. This will be the aftermath of the calculus performed by Iran in arranging for them to develop nuclear weapons in secret right under a blind world’s eyes which by treaty will be seeking to change the very nature of war. Needless to point out that warfare will remain a contest between ideologies for dominance of one over the other in the realm of ideas and principles. This will be the war being fought by alternative means of which the surrender of the EU gifting all of Europe with the exception of Britain to Islam while the United States honors its commitment to trust and not even bother to verify that Iran is obeying their side of the treaty. It will become obvious that Iran is not living within the treaty confines and is instead gearing up for a long war of attrition. Once again the war will appear as have the past two world wars with Britain holding the line at the English Channel and Russia double-crossed holding the eastern front against Iran who will hold much of the world’s oil reserves, the one weakness which finished off Hitler will not be even an inconvenience for the Mad Mullahs and the Aryan march to impose the perfect society will pick right up where it rested at its apex holding the continent of Europe but this time allied with the nations of MENA making for an even stronger and more dangerous front against the world order.


All of this will be happening because of and under the nuclear umbrella of Iran made possible, and even inevitable, by the Iran Deal whose consequences we attempted to approach in our article What is Already Resulting From the Iran Deal? Further, one can read one of the versions of the Iran Deal as each nation apparently had their own translation under which they were operating, and we found the Russia interpretation likely to be the closest to the Iranian interpretation which has never been released. The Russian version of the Iran Nuclear Agreement 7/14/2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is worth suffering through as it is how Iran likely sees the agreement. If we had to point to the greatest failing of the whole idea behind President Obama and his administration it would be the understanding that words have meaning and that meaning gives words the power to move mountains as if they were mole hills and turn mole hills into mountains. We are not speaking of rhetoric as that was one place President Obama soared, he could paint such pictures using hundreds of words that when subsequently parsed were found to have said absolutely nothing but they sure excited the useful idiots to whom sounding great is being great, no accomplishments necessary. This was most evident when President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because of his rhetoric during the first campaign and the immediate aftermath. Shakespeare defined President Obama to a fine point with his phrase found in Macbeth Act 5, scene 5, 19–28 with which we shall close today’s article.


To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


Beyond the Cusp


July 10, 2016

Panic! Panic! Revealed Terror Tunnel Entrances Are Under Mosques!


The actual title of the Townhall editorial article was Some Of Hamas’ Terror Tunnel Entrances Are Under Mosques in bold block print extra, extra large. We were surprised it was not blinking red with audio warning that they were about to reveal the Big Secret and then went on to quote directly “according to Israel National News (Arutz Sheva).” Much of the rest of the article was the Arutz Sheva article which to the best of our collective memories never made top billing on Arutz Sheva for the reason is it is ancient news, we have known all of this for ages, and the main point of the article had nothing to do with the tunnels which were additional news used to flesh out the article. The main point was a Shin Bet caught “Faiz Attar (65) of Beit Lahia, and Itallah Sarhan of Jabalia. Both towns are in the Gaza Strip” These gentlemen were smuggling tens to hundreds of thousands of Euros from Hamas in Gaza where they run the government as much as it can be referred to as such and were taking the shoe money, as they had special built shoes with an area to contain the cash, to finance Hamas in Judea and Samaria. This too is not exactly earth-shaking news either, just the names are new and really of little importance as these were couriers from families known to be Hamas related.


There was another well-known item here in Israel that we would hope gets some additional circulation throughout the West that there exist numerous tunnels which have entrances placed inside of homes of Gazans who have thusfar refused to join up with Hamas and are simply trying to get by day-to-day. Of course when these tunnels are detonated the two terminal points receive the brunt of the relayed force and destroy anything around those deadend termination points of the tunnel. The other end is often in Israel and also gets destroyed. The problem is when the tunnel is destroyed, whenever that blessed event may occur, these unfortunate innocent people end up the victims in Gaza and the Western media will be quoting these people’s life stories in great detail covering every detail of what they lost when their house exploded being targeted by those IDF forces who have no pity on the innocent. The media never places the blame with Hamas. Why, you might inquire. Let us explain.


The media desire to tell the stories of human tragedy, which these innocent people are a perfect example and their neighbors and all the other homes with tunnel entrances and those innocents and somewhere is the most devastating and touching story about poor grandpa who being old was too slow and is in hospital in very serious injuries and requiring surgeries which the hospital in Gaza could not provide and they now miss grandpa because he is gone. What is not explained is that gone means he is beyond their reach temporarily as he was transferred, during whatever else may have been in progress, to a hospital in Israel where he will receive some of the greatest medical care the world has to offer and they will be reunited with grandpa all staying free of charge while grandpa recovers free of charge and then they will all be returned to Gaza. The saddest part in our minds for these people is they need to return to Gaza. But if you are not willing to possibly sacrifice one of your children for the cause and refuse to shoot rockets at innocent Israelis, then Hamas uses your home for their tunnel entrance and tell you what an honor has been bestowed on you. One is assured that none of the tunnels end in Hamas family homes and especially not their leaders’ homes or neighborhoods or other high price locations and those places the in-people live and play (see montage below).


A Taste of the Gaza Never Used to Mount Attack,
Fire Rockets, or as a Tunnel Entrance


A Taste of the Gaza Never Used to Mount Attack, Fire Rockets, or as a Tunnel Entrance A Taste of the Gaza Never Used to Mount Attack, Fire Rockets, or as a Tunnel Entrance
A Taste of the Gaza Never Used to Mount Attack, Fire Rockets, or as a Tunnel Entrance
A Taste of the Gaza Never Used to Mount Attack, Fire Rockets, or as a Tunnel Entrance A Taste of the Gaza Never Used to Mount Attack, Fire Rockets, or as a Tunnel Entrance
A Taste of the Gaza Never Used to Mount Attack, Fire Rockets, or as a Tunnel Entrance


These are the poor and struggling Gazans scraping out their living as many of the poorer people in Israel also work hard to get by. These are the stories that are told repeatedly every conflict for the same reasons which are ignored, Hamas sets these people up by placing tunnels in their bedroom or living room or place rocket launchers next to their homes or on their roofs and then they are attacked to destroy the rocket launcher. The Israelis have nothing against these people as has been proven dozens of times over always with the same ending, failure due to Hamas. Hamas knows that if these tunnels or rocket launchers are not destroyed they have a victory and can continue trying to murder Israelis 24/7. If the rocket launchers or tunnels are destroyed possibly killing these intended victims of Hamas actions, then Hamas wins as they parade these victims by the Western media who eat it up loving every innuendo and scintillating detail of what those monstrous Israelis have caused. Hamas is innocent of any blame because if you write the truth about Hamas your privileges for reporting from Gaza are revoked if you are lucky and you simply vanish if you wrote something which caused that news to amplify and others quoted your report. Thus reporters with rights to tell the right stories about suffering Gazans who are victim of the Israelis and Hamas has done all it could for the family, which is true, they built them an underground cellar which reaches all the way into Israel onto their homes or placed a rocket launcher on their roof, who wouldn’t desire such favors.


That is the Modus Operandi of all the terror groups when fighting in their own lands amongst their powerbase and they all use their populations to their complete advantage, dead or alive. The victims, slowly and inevitably become permanent victims with which to flog the Israelis to gain concessions. These had been the reason that there are Arabs living in the midst of some of the largest cities of the Middle East but are not permitted to work except at the most menial and revolting jobs the local population would not perform at a minimal salary, thus they double as political refugees and slaves. These camps even exist in Gaza and in the Palestinian Authority (PA) controlled and ruled areas of Judea and Samaria. How one has refugees for going on three-quarters of a century fenced off from, in some cases family members who have not been deemed refugees, at least not yet, is beyond all rational thought except for one item, it is big business and people are gaining millions of Euros and Dollars. The most disgusting and revolting use of innocents has been the placing them on rooftops of buildings used as bases for operations, near rocket launchers or carried on one’s chest as if the child was body armor which is exactly what they have become (see videos below).


Another abuse which is fed directly by the United States, United Nations and almost all of Europe both individually or as a member of the European Union, is the dispensation of the cement and building supplies. Under extreme foreign pressures, Israel reluctantly permitted the importation of cement, concrete, and other building supplies including rebar, doors, utilities such as refrigerators and similar items. What could be utilized for building or replacing tunnels were taken right off the top thus far averaging close to ninety percent of the supplies have been stolen and appropriated by Hamas to build tunnels, bunkers and whatever else they desired leaving many Gazans still without a roof over their heads. It has been estimated that upwards of a thousand units could have been built or repaired with what has been permitted into Gaza but there has been negligible progress as the supplies simple are taken before they can be used for the intended purpose. Of course the world is still demanding that Israel provide or at least allow for provisions be permitted into Gaza until all the people have had their homes rebuilt. With close to ninety percent of the provisions going for military use, the world is once again demanding Israel cut her own throat and smile claiming to the end that we like it.


Europe had best figure out their coming Islamic problems as terror is far from being solely an Israel thing and has spread to the European Union and beyond. If they have thought the past year was awful, it will only get better. And be glad that when a police war breaks out and a large swath of apartments which ring the main cities where many Muslim reside are burnt to the ground, will the plan be to provide them with cement and concrete to permit their building ground floor bunkers and reinforced rooftops as set up for snipers? Just asking. Life does have this way of slowly engulfing everyone in the advanced world when the barbarians gather inside the gates. We cannot complain as we all allowed them in and gave them the idea that we would serve them in whatever fashion they desired. Now is the time to repair the breach before it becomes too late. It is always best to stand against a problem while it is small than to allow growth and further organizing might become the platform for changing the entire system into something we would hardly recognize, it goes by the name ‘Shriya’. There is no law or war or other descriptor placed after it as Sharia is a set of rules religiously motivated. Most of the terrorist have taken the most militant quotations from the Quran and verse by verse such that the Medina Quran superseded anything in the Mecca Quran which was far more open and accepting. If only the Muslims would utilize the original texts from the Quran which were written in Mecca as the story goes and as those writings were along the lines of Judeo-Christian writings of that era. The later Quran was more violent and the Shiites and Sunni have been using a separate idea as for the lineage one should follow. Unfortunately both sides believe that violence is the only way of proving who was correct all along, so they war as they are providing the proof in spades across Syria and much of Iraq.


That fight as well will find its place in Europe and when either population, the Sunni or the Shiites reaches twenty to twenty-five percent of the population they will then move to take command, implement Sharia, a religious framework build in conjunction with a political structure placing Muslims at the top and Arabs are considered better Muslims by the Sunni while the Shiites are split on that currently though they appear to be taking more to their Persian, their Aryan viewpoint of the world. This makes the Shiites far more dangerous than the Sunni, and the Sunni always install a chosen leader and they hold all power and can make law on a whim. They can also always be replaced by religious and secular means as their position places them atop both structures as well as commander of the military. This combination of holy man, ruling dictator, head of the police, both regular and religious including the dreaded morality corps, head of the Military and responsible for directing trade within and outside the nation and it can get messy very fast. Perhaps the Western World had best awaken, drink some coffee, smell a rose or two, put away the rose colored glasses you purchased in the 60s or 70s in a head shop in Greenwich Village (The Village) or the head supplies store two blocks from the epic Lombard Street brick paved winding tourist trap (see below). You guessed it, when visiting San Fran (San Francisco) you got to drive the section of Lombard Street just because it is there. It is almost as important as Muir Woods (see below) with the tall version of the sequoia trees.


Muir Woods
Muir Woods
Muir Woods
Muir Woods

Lombard Street
Lombard Street
Lombard Street
Lombard Street


The glasses would soon break as under Sharia one will comply or one will die as Islam is spread by the sword once again and these gentlemen have not gotten past knives hardly capable of the chore at hand. Then there is Islamic State who attempts to be ever more disturbing with every execution video. Europe, United States, Canada and even the new to be liberated Britain, we hope you are stepping forward with eyes wide open because it has appeared you are groping in the sunlight refusing to open your eyes to what it is you are doing and it will result in many people needlessly dying because of the coming blunders as your minds are completely shut to add on top of the blunders already committed. As our favorite song calls out, “America, where are you now, Don’t you know your sons and daughters need you now, A-m-e-r-i-c-a!


Beyond the Cusp


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