Beyond the Cusp

May 26, 2019

The Problem with the Peace Process and Beyond

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:53 AM
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Some of you may be asking, what peace process, and you would probably be closer to reality than those who know immediately to what we refer. For those asking, the peace process we are referring to is the Arab Israeli peace process. Currently it involves a number of main players, so allow us list them. There is the Palestinian Authority which also represents the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization). The PLO is determined to liberate all of Palestine from the river to the sea leaving no Israel and as many as seven million dead Jews and other non-Muslims. Then there are Islamic Jihad and Hamas which rule in Gaza. Islamic Jihad is under the command of their superiors in the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) under direction from Iran. Hamas is aligned with Iran as well as the Muslim Brotherhood and has as its goal the eradication of Jews, that means within the boundaries of Israel followed by the rest of the Jews living on planet Earth. North of Israel in Lebanon there is Hezballah which is another group directed by the IRGC and who have around one-hundred-fifty-thousand rockets and missiles which they can launch at Israel with over half of them able to strike anywhere within Israel and beyond. In the middle of these forces is Israel, the one democratic nation which actually has real elections and where all are treated as equals with shared rights. Most of the developed world believes that the problems in the Middle East lie with Israel and the refusal of the Jewish State in giving the Arabs what they demand in order to make peace. This is the raw data with which people are required to find a solution.


Now, if you were paying attention, the Arab forces all demand one thing in order to have a viable solution, Israel destroyed and whatever is left, after all the Jews have been eradicated, to be ruled by Islamic forces under Arab rule. The main choice is whether the Arab rulers are fascist nationalists or religious fanatics ruling under Sharia. Either one will rule over all the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea with absolutely not a single Jew remaining. Just in case the other side is of any interest to the world, which thus far has appeared to be an insignificant point which has been ignored by the United Nations, European Union and many within the United States starting with the State Department, is the Jewish State which simply would love to live in peace. Israel has made sacrifice after sacrifice for peace and in return has been attacked having well over a thousand of her citizens slaughtered presumably in the name of peace. What makes everything all the more insane is that every single piece of law starting with the end of World War I defines Israel as some measure of the British Mandate with the minimal definition being, wait for it, from the River to the Sea. You may have noticed the use of the same phrase, once to define the Arab desires and the other to define what has been promised to the Jews to be their homelands. If so, give yourself a gold star for the day and let us see if you can earn a few more.


Before the Six Day War and after 1964 the PLO came into being, designed by the KGB and assistance from the Arab League with its headquarters within the Jordanian occupied regions of Judea and Samaria, also called the Shomron, headed by Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, trained agents of the KGB. Arafat was an Egyptian citizen who became the leader of the Arab forces for the destruction of Israel. The PLO claimed they were going to liberate Palestine which was defined as all of the lands which belonged to Israel. There were two regions which the PLO made no claim to and insisted that they were the Shomron which was held by Jordan and Gaza which was held by Egypt. Then came the Six Day War and after this attempt by the Arabs to erase Israel once again and failing, the PLO adjusted their stated demands. Their actual demands were still to replace Israel with Arab rule and no Jews, but their stated desire was the Shomron region previously held by Jordan and Gaza previously held by Egypt. Anyone realizing that the PLO went from excluding two regions to making them the two regions they desired for their new country, give yourself a gold star. Their rationales for demanding the Shomron and Gaza was since Arab forces had illegally held these regions after the 1948 War to annihilate the Jews and erase Israel from the map of the world, their claim to these regions would be easily swallowed by the world. This was assumed as valid as they relied on the inherent hatred for the Jews which permeated much of the world even if it was left unspoken, this undercurrent of hatred was still evident especially to the Arabs who judged the world by the actions in Europe.


The Arab, and thus the Palestinian, position has always been and continues to be the complete eradication of Israel. Their intent is to turn the lands over to whichever side would win the ensuing civil war between Hamas and the PLO. Hint, Hamas would win as they would have the assistance of Hezballah if they required such. What is preventing the region surrounding Israel from becoming another Syrian civil war? The Jews are in the way and their little nation of Israel prevents a war between the two Islamic terror groups and their allies from fighting one another to control the region. This is so guaranteed that should Israel simply have every last one of her citizens take a six-week vacation in the Bahamas, they could return and there would be almost nothing left of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the PLO as they would have engaged in a civil war and decimated both sides. Then the returning Israelis would have their land all but unopposed. Such an event is never going to occur, but what would ensue is exactly what would follow any destruction of Israel. There might even be the intervention of the armies of the surrounding nations which have all attacked Israel unsuccessfully in the past. The one thing which the world would not get if the Jews vacated Israel is peace. The level of violence would greatly increase as the national forces and terrorist armies vied for control of the region which formerly was Israel. The violence might even reach a point that even the European Union would request that the Jews return just to end the violence. Right, that is probably asking too much of the Europeans, they would simply watch as the different Arab forces killed one another.


Fortunately, for all involved, the Jews are going nowhere and will eventually claim all the lands that were promised to them. That, of course, does not include another Arab nation cut from her tiny borders. All one need do to see that the Arabs do not require any of the regions promised to the Jews for their homeland is to simply look at a map of the Arab world and Israel. This map also proves that Israel is not threatening the Arab world. The invention of the Palestinians was in an attempt to make them a separate group from the rest of the Arab world in order to make Israel appear as the stronger force picking on the poor Palestinians. The reality is that the majority of the Arabs residing in Gaza are of Egyptian origins and the vast majority of the Arabs in the Shomron are Jordanians with a few from Syria and Iraq. Within Israeli areas, the majority of the population has been Jewish for much of the last few thousands of years. Some of the Jews living in Israel, specifically those in Jerusalem, have resided in the region and can trace their family roots back to before the fall of Rome with some tracing their roots back to the time of King David or King Solomon. Jewish history in the lands predates this era going back to when they first appeared in the land led by Joshua when the Israelites entered the lands at the close of the exodus and their forty years wandering in the desert. Below is a map of the routes Joshua and the Israelites took in their conquest of the lands and the twelve tribes at the end of their settling the land.


Israel Through the Ages Joshua Enters to the Twelve Tribes

Israel Through the Ages Joshua Enters to the Twelve Tribes


There is an effort which is gaining momentum despite it being completely futile. It involves a number of United Nations agencies but is mostly centered in UNESCO. The reason for the escalation is the appointment of Mahmoud Abbas to head the Group of 77, a one-hundred-thirty-four nation block which basically makes up the majority in every United Nations institution even extending to the Security Council. The sole reason that this alliance cannot control the Security Council is due to the United States veto, something which very likely will disappear when the Democrat Party wins the White House. This group, under the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas, is going to introduce motion after motion initially to have UNESCO recognize areas within Israel of historic significance be declared to be Palestinian historic locations which had significance in their history in the region. This has already been claimed concerning the Temple Mount and the burial cave of Abraham, Isaak and Jacob and their wives. They are doing exactly what Islam has claimed from Jewish history with their claim that Abraham was a Muslim and that Moses was a Muslim and even gone to people who predate Judaism and thus are not even claimed by Jews to have been Jewish when Islam also claimed that Noah was a Muslim as were Adam and Eve. According to Islamic claims, every person ever born was born a follower of Islam and then they strayed under the influence of parents, society or the devil away from the only true faith and require being returned to their origins and the only holy path, Islam. This is how they claim that the founders of the United States relied on Islamic law when crafting the United States. This claim is somewhat odd when one listens to the leadership of CAIR and other Islamic institutions and Imams who claim that the United States needs to have their Constitution replaced with Sharia. If the United States was crafted under Islamic influences and guidance, how is it that the United States Constitution requires replacing with Sharia? Something here does not make sense, but that is nothing new when considering Islamic claims such as that Moses was Islamic.


The world needs to awaken to the threat which Islam poses to the rest of the world not currently under their control as Islam is making another push to conquer the world. This time they are using the Western World’s democratic institutions to elect people into the governments such that when they have a plurality and can persuade others and then discard the founding documents and principles of these nations installing Sharia in their place. They also will begin to impose their preferred form of rule based on a dictatorial regime led by Imams as in Iran or under the strict guidance of Imams as presumably is the case in Saudi Arabia. Then they will start to impose restrictions on the Dhimmis, all those who are not Muslims, which eventually will make their lives so miserable that they convert simply to be left alone. They will also attach the Jizya, a tax placed upon non-Muslims to cover the cost of protecting them. This tax can become so onerous as to impoverish even the wealthiest of people. Once the profits of the Jizya become less and less as they tax wealth which quickly impoverishes those it is levied upon, they then make their demands of convert or die. This has been their modus operandi since they broke out of the Arabian Peninsula in the Seventh Century and spread across the Middle East, Northern Africa, the Far East and the Balkans. This has been the fate they wish for Israel with one minor adjustment, they would immediately slaughter the Jews of Israel given even the slightest opportunity and simply take their wealth. Jews, unsurprisingly, are the one group of people who are not automatically given the chance to convert and may be murdered simply because they are Jews. They will claim that Islam holds that they are a protected people as they are People of the Book, but that ruling as far as applying it to Jews was overturned by abrogation replacing it with verses which demand that the Jews be exterminated. Christians presumably are protected as People of the Book, but one need look no further than what is happening to the Coptic Christians in Egypt and the numbers of Christians fleeing the regions ruled by the Palestinian Authority such as Bethlehem to realize that such protection does not prevent Christians from persecution by Muslims when they come under their rule. In conclusion, one can look at rulings by UNESCO over the last decade and realize that they have already made much of Jerusalem Islamic and under Palestinian ownership as well as holy sites in Hevron and throughout the areas of Judea and Samaria. All these sites are holy in Judaism and predate Islam often by over a thousand years but as is the case with Noah, Adam and Eve, Islam apparently can trace itself back to the dawn of humanity if not the Big Bang itself. One will someday, when the human race colonizes other solar systems, face the claim that the Big Bang was an Islamic event and everything it spawned belongs to Islam. One can only wonder about the multiverse and beyond.


Beyond the Cusp


April 17, 2019

Apparently Very Few Know the Actual Laws

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:56 AM
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We just read a fantastic article from Israeli National News Editorial Page titled “The myth of ‘land for peace’” written by Eli E. Hertz. Of course, we loved what he had to say as it mirrored much of what we state on a regular basis. He made one point which we would like to expound even further upon, namely, why does the world consistently use the Arabist terminology all the while ignoring the reality of international laws and much research which is readily available. Mr. Hertz specifically called out the world for their use of the phrase, “Occupied Palestinian Territories,” which he correctly identifies as a disingenuous term that misleads the international and every other community finding and worming its way into the lexicon used by all too many NGOs who rant against Israel. Mr. Hertz went through the actual documents from which international law is based, and as we have stated any number of times, all the lands between the Jordan River west to the Mediterranean Sea belong to the Jewish State of Israel. The sole means by which this can be altered is by having the Israeli government actually submit paperwork quitting claim to lands and gifting them to another legal governance. This is the reason that the Europeans, the NGOs, the United Nations, the Arab League, Mahmoud Abbas and all the rest of those opposed to the existence of the Jewish State press the Israeli government to formally recognize statehood of an Arab state carved out of parts of Israel. Some of their logic is breathtaking in its audacity and its unbelievably loose attachment to reality.


The first test of Arab claims comes from the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The General Assembly voted urging of the Palestinian Authority observer to request from the International Court of Justice a ruling on the legality of the Israeli terror wall, the wall which reduced suicide bombings to none within three years, with the hope of gaining a ruling which would lead to its dismantling such that the terrorist operations would not be hindered by the barrier. The barrier was cleared as being perfectly legal and within the rights of Israel as the sovereign over the region, but that was just the initial good news for Israel. In addition to being cleared of any wrongdoing, there was an advisory opinion issued as a cautionary warning by Egyptian Judge, Justice El Araby, from the ICJ and who sat in judgement as part of the panel which heard the case from the United Nations General Assembly in 2003 on the legality of the security barrier erected by Israel. The Honorable Justice El Araby warned the UNGA and others that filing further challenges of the legal claims to these lands ran some risks, as he stated,


“The international legal status of the Palestinian Territory (paras. 70-71 of the Advisory Opinion), in my view, merits more comprehensive treatment. A historical survey is relevant to the question posed by the General Assembly, for it serves as the background to understanding the legal status of the Palestinian Territory on the one hand and underlines the special and continuing responsibility of the General Assembly on the other. This may appear as academic, without relevance to the present events. The present is however determined by the accumulation of past events and no reasonable and fair concern for the future can possibly disregard a firm grasp of past events. In particular, when on more than one occasion, the rule of law was consistently side-stepped. The point of departure, or one can say in legal jargon, the critical date, is the League of Nations Mandate which was entrusted to Great Britain.” 


The straight forward wording of the Honorable Justice El Araby is refreshing in that it plainly lays out as a warning that the Arab arguments against Israel do not have a leg to stand on and if brought before the world courts, Israel is going to win every time. As he so succinctly put it, no judgment for the future can be reached without coming from a solid legal background set by precedent and the stated applicable laws, which when it comes to the Israeli claim to the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, all the cards are held by Israel based on the League of Nations, the Mandate System and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter which all taken together give Israel claim to the lands in question. His advisory basically warned the Arabs not to come knocking on the court’s door expecting to waltz in and leave with being granted whatever they present as their demands, but those do not carry any legal weight. His warnings are specific and make a demonstrative statement and warning against any future of such actions.


The insistence by the world in adopting the Arabist terminology that there exists “Occupied Palestinian Territories” only serves to muddy the waters of the debate and do so in a misleading and erroneous manner. The truth of the situation would be more accurately conveyed by terms along the line that these are “Territories Occupied by the Palestinians” of legally Israeli lands. But then, the world has currently adopted almost every Arabist position in their discussions of virtually every subject where the Arab World conflicts with the remainder of the world. Another example of this misuse and twisting of realities is found in claims that Islamophobia is a greater problem than anti-Semitism. This can be proven very easily simply by researching the actual reported cases of these two forms of hatred. The table below shows the actual hate crimes statistics between anti-Semitism and Islamophobic rates over a five-year period from 2012 through 2016 clearly showing that anti-Semitic hate crimes outnumber Islamophobic hate crimes by a factor anywhere from two-to-one to as high as over five-to-one. By repeating the false data as if it were gospel does not serve either population but simply further feeds the mischaracterizing of the Muslims being targeted with greater frequency than Jews are targeted. But apparently the Arabs have adopted the methodology of Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, who postulated, “the principle and which is quite true in itself and that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily,” often misquoted or paraphrased as: “The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed.” But there are other claims made which also fit this paradigm.


Religiously Biased Hate Crimes 2012-2016 Anti-Semitism and Anti-Islamic


Next, we would like to draw attention to the next misstatement. This is the claim that Israel is threatening to take over the Arab World. That is what they claim, that little old Israel is threatening the entirety of the Arab World. The complete insanity of this claim is immediately and easily recognized by simply looking at a map of the Arab World and Israel. In that map below, Israel is the tiny little red strip of land along the eastern edge of the Mediterranean. The reason why this fabrication is believed by so many is due to ignorance and an inflated view of the size of Israel. Many people believe that Israel is a fairly good-sized nation. When people are told that Israel is approximately the size of New Jersey, the usual and often immediate reply is something along the lines of, “No way.” Such disbelief comes from their view of Israel as one of the world’s great powers and as such it must be large. Well, some good things actually do come in small packages. People read about the inventions coming from Israel, the applications for their phones and computers coming from Israel, agricultural developments coming from Israel, medical advancements coming from Israel and the latest being Beresheet, the little spacecraft which made it all the way to the Moon only to suffer the catastrophic failure to fire its main thruster and slow its decent resulting in it striking the Moon far harder than she was designed to absorb. Still Israel became the seventh nations to orbit the Moon and the forth to actually hit the Moon. Then there is the fact that Israel is often the first nation to set up a field hospital anywhere in the world when there is any large disaster be it a storm, hurricane, earthquake or manmade disaster. These are all things one expects from the United States and thus, as Israel appears to be a match for the mighty America, people mistake Israel for being far larger than she is. There is one advantage to Israel’s diminutive size, one can reach anywhere in Israel from any other point in Israel in under one day driving.


Israel and the Arab World

Israel and the Arab World


The readiness with which the Western World has taken to adopting the Arabist and Islamic references and points of view only serves to assist advancing their narrative giving it preference over all traditional Western beliefs. The willingness, eagerness would possibly be a more accurate term, with which the Western World has come to throw out all of the Judeo-Christian ethos upon which much of the basis for the superiority attained by the Western World has been nothing short of appalling. Despite reluctance shown at times by the Church, the Judeo-Christian ethic is still the basis of common law, the basis for the English and American legal systems, the Enlightenment, the Renaissance and virtually all the advances made by the Western World over the past millennium. One of the reasons given by the progressives for the abandonment of the root of their culture is because of the dogmatic views of sexuality, marriage and numerous other items which largely fall under the classification of morality. Their decision to instead adopt the Islamic agenda is two-fold, first Islam allies with them in their attempts to rid the culture of all things Judeo-Christian and second they are accepting sight-unseen the Islamic Sharia taking the presentation they have been provided by the advance guard of an Islamic infiltration which will eventually become an invasion, just ask Belgium.


What will happen when Islamic forces, allied by the far left and other progressives, takes a strong enough foothold that the honest presentation will be made of exactly how Islamic jurisprudence treats such things as homosexuality, marriage, religious freedom and so many other items. When that day arrives, the sad and sorry state that their discarded Judeo-Christian basis for the society with a far more accepting and universal structure cannot be retrieved as once Sharia has been implemented, any attempt at restoring what once was the basis for Western society will now carry a death sentence as once one adopts Islam, there can be no leaving Islam. Anyone leaving Islam after once accepting Islam into their lives becomes an apostate, possibly the only thing more detestable by Islam than being a Jew. There are a number of other minor infractions which carry a death sentence of a variety under Islam. Homosexuals are treated by either being thrown from a tall building, having a wall brought down upon them or hanging, all of which are designed to end with the accused person’s death. Adultery also is punishable by death. The easiest way of putting this is that Islam is not the warm and fuzzy lovable faith which is accepting of all kinds of behavior and aligning perfectly with the leftist progressive agenda, it is as close as in total and complete opposition with the leftist and progressive principles. While we understand that the same can be stated about Judeo-Christianity, at least with Judeo-Christianity we are not being ruled by the Church. When Islam takes hold, there will be only Islam in its most rigid and strict form one can imagine. Everything you may have come to believe about Islam will come crashing down with a finality which will become the most frightening action the Western World will have ever experienced.


Take anywhere from two to four hours or so, depending on your reading speed, and read a copy of the Quran. Try and find one which lists the Hadiths in chronological order. To make life easier, we have an introductory piece on the Quran and in the comments are numerous links including some to such copies of the Quran. There is a rule of thumb when it comes to the Quran as some of the verses contradict or even state the opposite of other verses. The later verses supersede the earlier verses which usually means the verses written in Medina supersede the verse written in Mecca where Muhammad originally began his journey. The reasoning for this is called abrogation. Just for your information, the idea of abrogation came after the death of Muhammad, well after his passing, and was in response to a crisis in Islam and is the Islamic version of their reformation. Islam had suffered setbacks and defeats and sought out where they had gone wrong. This was at the end of the “Golden Age of Islam” when the West began to assert themselves. They went back and studied the life of Muhammad and realized that he was rejected and scorned in Mecca but flourished once established in Medina. This mean that the Quranic verse from Medina were superior to the weakness shown in Mecca. The Meccan verses still have their place, they are utilized whenever the Muslims are in the minority as they are currently throughout the West, though this is changing. The calming and acceptance oriented verses of the Mecca Quran are used to quiet any reluctance or pushback against Islam in the early stages of their conquest when they are not powerful enough to force their Sharia upon an unsuspecting public. There is an actual series of steps which the Islamic forces utilize in their takeover of any new lands. We have it in diagram form below. Currently the United States is largely in the first opening stage while European nations span anywhere from the first to as far as the third with some teetering on the forth stage. Once any society reaches the forth stage, their chances at regaining their society and the best hope is to flee or convert now.


Five Stages of Islamic Conquest

Five Stages of Islamic Conquest


There are some leftist progressives who are familiar with Sharia and the entire methodology of Islam. But they have a plan of their own, and it actually includes utilizing Islam for their own ends. Their belief is that once they have rid themselves and the Western World of what they consider a disease, Judeo-Christianity, then they will simply redefine Islam to match their secular-humanist and eco-friendly leftist progressive politics. They will supplant the Quran with the Democrat Party platform, or at least the one Bernie will be running on as well as many of their other Presidential hopefuls. This is the level of their contempt for even Islam that they believe they can simply alter the precepts of Islam replacing Quranic verses with leftist-progressive polity. This is how much they have disdain for Islam and are simply planning on using Islam and then discarding it once they have their desired death of Judeo-Christianity. There is only one small problem with their plans, Islam is not that easily overthrown. Once Islam reaches the point where they are ready to challenge everything the people thought was the basis for their society, there will be no alterations made to the Quran as the Islamic plan brings in Imams who will decide what Islam means and what good Muslims are called upon to perform. Just for your information, the top of the list is to perform Jihad followed by assisting those who are Jihadists and next are those who finance the Jihadists and on down the line to the lower ranks such as providing shelter for the Jihadists both before and after their attacks have been executed. There is no room in Islam for a competing set of principles and those attempting such an alteration to Islam would be accused of heresy and potentially be considered to be apostates, neither is a desirable end. But the West in now too comfortable in their belief of their superiority, especially the progressives as was proven by their continued disbelief that Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump. Imagine their absolute unraveling should President Trump be reelected beating, choose your favorite Democrat here. But not to fret, President Trump cannot remain in the White House beyond either two or six years depending on the 2020 elections. Eventually the leftist Progressive wing of the Democrat Party will win the White House and very possibly both houses of Congress along with it. Then the real leftist-progressive policies will get their chance to prove that the Democrats really are the people who know how to implement socialism and make it work. If they are able to do so, they will be the first and we do not hold out high hopes that they will succeed. Do not get us wrong, they will attempt to implement socialism and may even go the full route and decide that their superior knowledge and political beliefs are reason enough for them remaining in power until they get that socialist thing perfected. That is providing that Islam has not taken control of the United States, as they will also bring on a socialist form of governance. Their form of socialism is that the elite get everything and the rest get next to nothing, picture Gaza or Iran, Syria, Libya, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and all of the Islamic run nations which have little if any oil wealth. Under Islam it is difficult to tell if it is Islam or socialism which drives their levels of poverty and the great disparity in wealth between those connected to the power and everyone else. We can imagine a day when Americans remember fondly the days when President Trump sat in the White House, but this claim will raise the ire of most leftists who strayed in their journey and landed here. Perhaps this might serve as a warning for them, though we highly doubt such would be the case. But be warned, as forewarned is forearmed.


Beyond the Cusp


December 28, 2018

And the West Sleeps in Ignorance


We have had two Defense Ministers/Secretaries resign within a week or so of one another. The first being the Israeli Defense Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, who protested the lack of response by the Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu, to the firing of almost five-hundred rockets into Israel on and above the incendiary Balloons and Kites which destroyed wilderness preserves, forests and acre upon acre of farm lands which were almost ready for harvest bring months of toil and hard work by the farmers to naught. The second was the United States Secretary of Defense General James ‘mad dog’ Mattis who stated that his disagreement over pulling of American troops from the Middle East left him little choice and stated to the President was, “Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down.” In both cases, the holder of the Defense Portfolio felt that their service was no longer required simply because they had a diametrically opposing view to how the nation should address Islamic aggressions and towards terrorism in particular. This is actually representative of the reaction of the entirety of the Western World when it comes to their addressing Islam and its attempts to infiltrate and subsume Western civilization through a stealthy abduction through the ballot box.


Many on the left end of the political scale claim that any suspicions over the attempts by Islamic forces and interests to take over the Western nations through subtle use of the ballot box and hijacking of political parties is simple paranoia. Sometimes paranoia is based in real fears which demand attention even if most of the public are completely oblivious to the threat. We have a simple and now obvious example from the mid to late 1930’s. During this period a Jewish leader of bringing Jews to their ancient homelands in the Middle East, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, made numerous trips to Eastern Europe to speak with the Jews warning them that they were going to be killed and needed to move to Israel. He was met with derision and was even banned by numerous Rabbis from speaking to their congregants. Many a town would threaten him with violence and he was chased out of the area. Well, the few who did listen to him survived the Nazi takeover of most of Europe exterminating as many Jews as possible in every one of those very same communities which Ze’ev had visited. In too many cases there are no survivors to tell what their Rabbis had to say once they were in the Concentration Camps and realized what was about to occur. Europe has been inviting the waves of Islamic men largely of military age without women or families into their bosom. Germany’s Chancellor Merkel led this wave of inviting unrestrained Islamic immigrants with her announcing that Germany was open before them and welcoming their immigration, or should we call it what it really is, infiltration.


France has been an example of the results of this influx of Islamic population with increases of 50% and 60% in acts of overt anti-Semitism in the last few years. The increase in Islamic population cannot account for the entirety of these increases such that it has become obvious that the increases in anti-Semitism while triggered by the influx of Muslims with anti-Semitic beliefs brought over from their former homes has made the expression of anti-Semitic feeling more acceptable and thus brought out the formerly subverted anti-Semitism into the open. These results can be seen throughout Western and Northern Europe (Old Europe) but has been less represented in the former Warsaw Pact nations who have mostly closed their borders to the Islamic immigration waves. Europe is witnessing in the affected countries the rise of political parties catering to the Islamic ideas or even completely new Islamic parties both of which have given the newcomers an increased voice in governance. This will eventually subsume the normative parties simply by using the leftist ideas of multiculturalism and that all cultures are just as valid as any other along with their secular humanistic hatred for Judeo-Christianity and the ethics which come with these beliefs. Add to this their claim that any selective rejection of Islam, even should it be entirely valid, is still a sign of blatant discrimination and Islamophobia. The term Islamophobia is wielded with the same efficiency as a barbarian axe was wielded bringing the fall of the Roman Empire. This charge of Islamophobia and the alliance of the left with the Islamic influx will eventually succeed in their quest to remove any and all of the Judeo-Christian influences throughout much of Europe. The surprise will come when once they have eradicated all Judeo-Christian influence and instead of their secular humanistic ethos, they are facing Sharia and a strict Islamic influence. The Gay community will quickly return to the closet or be murdered for their lifestyle. Women will find themselves encased in the burkas with only their eyes showing and just enough so they can see where they walk. Of course, they will not need to see where they are going, as they will be required to have a male relative escorting them wherever it is they need to travel. Women not dressed in burkas or traveling by themselves will be subject to anything from taunts to being raped, as they are obviously loose women. Further, any women reporting being raped will be stoned to death as a harlot, only making such a reaction to women walking around unescorted or dressed improperly all the more common.


We know, we are being ridiculous, this would never happen in such cosmopolitan places as Paris, Vienna, Rome and the rest of the major European cities. Sorry to report, but this is already the case in parts of many European cities such as Paris, Amsterdam, London, Manchester and all too many more. Women traveling through on buses or trains require protective escorts just to travel through some of these zones. Anybody caught drinking alcoholic beverages face harassment or attack with an extreme beating resulting if they do so within an Islamic area of these cities and towns. The face of Europe is changing and from appearances, the Muslims are not even waiting to have a majority in any of these cities before demanding that the laws and institutions be altered to comply with their Sharia and the Quran. There are already Sharia Courts in numerous European countries which operate on a completely separate set of laws than the nation is accustomed. How much longer until the Islamic influence erases the Judeo-Christian ethics and how will the people respond when facing Sharia as the new law in town.


Imagine Paris without its theaters, without dance halls or discotheques, without bars or bistros, without alcohol, without movie theaters and without chorus lines. Imagine London without pubs. Imagine Germany without beer halls. Imagine Amsterdam without gay clubs. Imagine Europe looking more like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran or Algeria. Imagine Europe bereft not only of anything Christian, but devoid of Jews and completely under Islamic influence and Sharia as the law of the land. Imagine Europe without even the slightest remnant of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of thought. Imagine Europe as an extension of the Middle East and Northern Africa. That is the logical extension of many of the current political philosophies. The concept that all political visions are the same, all philosophical systems are equal, all religions produce identical societies and that Islam is no different than is Christianity. All of these thought processes are completely bereft of facts. If these concepts were true, then there would be little difference between Iran today and Germany today. This is an obviously absurd idea as they are very different with Germany still remaining a free society while in Iran one can be arrested for thought crime or for being an adversary of the state. In Germany, the government is elected from a ballot which includes anyone who desires to run while in Iran the Mullahs and Supreme Council choose which candidates they know will support their continued ruling of the nation and will rubber stamp their demands and these are the only people permitted to run for office. That is not a free or open election system; it is simply the glossy cover of oppressive governance. That is what is coming to Europe if the people do not awaken to the threats on their doorsteps which currently most of them are welcoming into the bosom of their countries. There is a difference between the separate philosophies and there is a huge difference between those systems based on the Judeo-Christian ethos and those based on Sharia and Islam. From the first the world derived freedom of thought, the integrity of the individual, freedom of religion and the general freedoms which made the Western World the leaders of the modern world while the other produces stagnation, no free thought, only Islam as the accepted religion, everyone must obey Islam which means surrender or submission. Islam can be compared to the pre-Reformation Church where the Pope was the one who laid out the law and none were free to believe otherwise. The best example of such was Galileo who was restricted to house arrest for much of the end of his life for reporting what he saw in his telescope. Had it not been for England having a despotic ruler who believed in freedom of thought and that science was of a benefit to the kingdom, much of modern science would have remained in the darkness. In the Islamic world, after their “Golden Age” that is exactly what occurred.


After the loss of the Ottoman Empire during World War I and the subsequent occupation and fairly quick exit of Europe from the divided up Ottoman Empire (see map below) the Islamic world came to the conclusion that in order to regain their preeminence which they held in their former times, they should return to the age of conquest that they enjoyed under Muhammad and immediately thereafter. Under this interpretation of their best way to regain their proper place in the world, they began to turn to military reactions to anything they saw as contrary to their best interests. The initial and still number one item which they take exception to is the very existence of Israel. The fact that the “accursed Jew” has taken control of a piece of the Islamic Waqf, permanent Islamic lands which must never be permitted to fall into other hands, is by far the greatest insult that Islam could ever suffer. Had it been anybody but the Jews who ruled Israel, Islam might have eventually come to grips with it and set out to simply make life difficult and wait for the interlopers to leave. This was what they did with the Crusaders, Napoleon and the Europeans who had colonies or mandates in the Islamic lands of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). They claim that they will also do this with the Jew because, like their propaganda, Israel is just a white European occupation. That is interesting as half of the population of the Jews in Israel came from the MENA nations who dispossessed themselves of their Jewish populations by and large in the 1950’s when they made almost one million Jews exiles after stripping them of any wealth including taking their money and bank accounts, taking their jewelry and taking anything else of value plus their inspectors often took pieces of clothing they found attractive when checking their bags to assure they were not stealing anything of value. According to their governments, anything a Jew had which was of any real value must have been stolen from one of the members of the true faith of Islam; no Jew could have ever earned such things of wealth. Still, the Muslims think that the Jews will simply disappear and return to Europe, Russia and wherever else. The problem is that even should most of the Israeli Jews wish to go elsewhere, no nation would accept them, this we know from the Shoah when Jewish refugees, such as those on the MS St. Louis who were refused entry by Cuba, the United States, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, England except for a few who had British citizenship papers, and ended up back in Germany. Israelis are home and will not be going anywhere, even if the world had open arms for us, which it does not.


Dates that the MENA nations received their independence after colonial rule many since the times of the Persians or even earlier

Dates that the MENA nations received their independence after colonial rule many since the times of the Persians or even earlier


Back to the two Defense Ministers/Secretaries who resigned because of differing opinions with their respective Prime Minister/President and what it has to do with the spreading of Islam. Both resignations were made due to what they interpreted as weakness in the face of terrorist activity. Lieberman resigned over the lack of action against the Hamas rocket barrage and Mattis resigned over President Trump pulling the American forces from Syria and much of the remainder of the Middle East. Without deciding if their actions were wrong, we can still discuss their reasoning. Lieberman deeply lobbied for a strong and even decisive assault on Gaza which may or may not have preempted the ability for the IDF to operate in the north where it has found a number of Hezballah tunnels stretching into Israel which could have been used in the future for infiltration and attacks. There are many in Israel who question the statements made by some of the General Staff that Israel would be stretch to the breaking point or beyond if she ever was required to fight both Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza and Hezballah out of Lebanon. Lieberman believed that the IDF was fully capable of doing an insertion operation to defang Hamas and Islamic Jihad while handling the operation in the North. The Prime Minister thought otherwise and likely had the support of the General Staff who likely claimed that to do both would require calling up most of the reserves and putting the nation on a total war footing which would severely hamper the economic health of Israel. We have noticed the propensity of the Israeli General Staff to make everything sound like a near impossibility, something the IDF has proven that, with the proper time and intelligent planning, they are capable of conquering virtually every challenge put before them and often with minimal numbers of reservists if any being required to be called up. Another item is that reservists need to understand that they can be called up with minimal notice and be prepared to take on any challenge at a moment’s notice.


Mattis, on the other hand, resigned as he felt that the United States required some forces to remain in the Middle East to combat terrorism which has shown a definitive propensity to grow from nothing into a major threat in a short period of time. President Trump, on the other hand, was making good on his promise to neuter the Islamic State and then have the United States leave much if not all of the Middle East. While the leaving of the United States presence in Syria leaves both Israel and the Kurds facing imminent threats, the Kurds have definitively the greater threat. President Trump has stated that he was given assurances from Turkish President Erdoğan that his forces would not sweep through killing the Kurds in northern Syria and Iraq. We hope that President Trump did not actually believe that promise as we can assure him that within a month of the American pullout, the Turkish troops will continue their eradication of any Kurdish population of note in northern Syria and may even sweep into Iraq where Iraqi and IRGC forces are already attacking Kurdish forces and endangering Kurdish civilians in Mosul. Between the two Defense Secretaries/Ministers, Mattis was by far the more correct in his reasoning and reason for leaving. Lieberman can claim what he wishes to claim, the real reason he left the government was to make himself and his party appear to be more right wing and more nationalistic and having a stronger anti-terror position than it has proven to have. He was seeking gains in the polls and hoping to increase his party’s number of ministers in the elections coming at the end of next year at the latest. His was just as much a political move as it was one of principle, and of course, political moves often are aligned with moves on principle or the appearance thereof. Mattis, on the other hand, is retiring to his home and private life and likely has no political ambitions, thus his was a true resignation over opinions. Both still had the same message, take the Islamic threat to Western civilization seriously before it overruns the West.


As we have already noted, there has been a number of Islamist and even more anti-Israel and anti-Judeo-Christian ethos candidates elected to office with many of them being elected to the United States House of Representatives. These individuals were all members of either the Democrat Party or the Social Democrat Party, a more left-leaning wing of the party. What these also were was an indicator of what is in the future for the Democrat Party, a leftward swing with a strong Islamist flavor. This also means that the new Democrats who are their future will not be supporting Israel, as was traditionally a bipartisan support. The Democrat Party is going to increasingly oppose any and all support of Israel including refusing to veto anti-Israel resolutions in the Security Council. This will lead to numerous condemnations of Israel and possibly even to United Nations imposed sanctions and trade embargoes on the Jewish State. Once the newer Democrats take control of the Democrat Party and even take the White House, and we are talking about a Democrat President who would make President Obama appear to have been a Zionist, Israel will find herself without any aid from the United States, no spare parts for her American fighter jets and weapons systems and bereft of any protectional umbrellas which the United States had previously provided. This reality is something that Israel would be smart to anticipate as it may be coming sooner than anyone realizes, outside of our readers. Supporting Israel may have been another of Mattis’s reasons for resigning as the removal of the United States from Syria means that Israel is now more vulnerable to Iranian build-up of forces in Syria now that they will have a direct land route to Damascus from Tehran through Iraq. Further, it means that the United States will have little leverage against Hezballah in Lebanon and the main force from outside the Middle East in the region will be Putin and Russia. Fortunately, Israel does have decent relations with Putin and Russia but still will be facing renewed and new threats from Iran across the Golan Heights and from Lebanon as well as Iran now being able to easily transport the add-on guidance packages allowing Hezballah to install them on their larger rockets making them into accurate guided missiles capable of accuracy within a few meters or less. This is an existential threat to Israel which has been used to draw a red line, one which is probably of greater consequence than that of President Obama. Things are slowly but surely getting, as Alice might have said at her tea party, Things are getting “curiouser and curiouser.” Here’s hoping they do not get any more curiouser.


Beyond the Cusp


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