Beyond the Cusp

May 3, 2016

Snapshot of Leftist Europe and Israel


The British Labour Party has been experiencing a rare and revealing problem, some of their members have broken the golden rule and have been speaking honestly expressing thoughts which most prefer not be made public. In an effort to subjugate their remaining members who might be tempted to join the chorus singing the songs revealing their honest beliefs and allowing their beliefs normally kept tight to the chest and under wraps displayed out on their public clothesline for all to bear witness. The leader of the unbelievable revolt and leader in making this spectacle has been the duo of former London mayor and Labour activist Ken Livingstone and Labour MP Naz Shah who were suspended for anti-Semitic comments. Their crime was honesty as they were simply stating what so many leftists the worldwide believe when it comes to the Jewish People, Israeli Jews and Jews in general. One of their tropes calls for all Israeli Jews be forced to relocate into the United States and leave the entirety of the Middle East including the Israelite homeland for the Arab Palestinian Muslim invaders who poured out of the Arabian Peninsula dislocating, destroying or slaughtering every Jewish community they met forcing the remaining Jews from their ancestral home, the lands the Europeans wish to reward the conquerors with and punish the indigenous peoples who are returning to their homeland making it productive for the first time in centuries.


One easily identifies their racism which runs ramped in their desires as they are not demanding the Jews be permitted to return to their former homelands as that would include numerous Arab nations who had forced their Jewish citizens to flee often with merely one suitcase and the clothes on their backs. Often the suitcases were inspected and any items of worth, anything from treasure to even slightly valuable, such as but not limited to Torah Scrolls, Tefillin, jewelry, artworks, heirlooms, objects of silver, anything with gold, platinum items as well as coins or other monies were removed and stolen by the inspectors. They also are apparently refusing to permit the Jews from Europe to return to their homes from which they were driven or from returning to their former homes or anywhere else in Europe. Their demand is for all Jews to be relocated into the United States starting with the Israeli Jews. Does any of this sound familiar? Europeans demanding that the Jews be relocated away from their homes starting with those from the Middle East, especially from Jerusalem and the remainder of the Jewish State. At least they are not starting with the Jews residing in Europe, though we would bet they would be next shipped off to the United States. After the World War II experience with the S.S. St. Louis, what makes them believe the United States would accept the world’s Jews saving them from a fate of suffering and death? We would bet there are sufficient in the United States who would be extremely averse to such a plan and would do whatever it takes to resist such from occurring likely allying with the State Department working to drown such an idea from fruition through endless paperwork.


What is truly frightening is that the idea, the concept, the plotting, the whatever you desire to call it, the shipping Israeli Jews wholesale off to the United States to be settled where and under what conditions with what future intents is actually one of the least prejudicially insulting thoughts emerging from Britain and around the entirety of the European Union (EU) and fellow governments. Salim Mulla, who currently serves as a Labour councilor for the city of Blackburn, made a number of anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic comments in the summer of 2015 including amongst them, “Zionist Jews are a disgrace to humanity.” What is an even more frightening reality is that there are a number of predominantly leftist Jews in Europe, the United States and around the world even to include Israel who would agree with that statement. But hating Jews whether Zionist or new wave progressives who could not tell you what the inside of a Synagogue looks like not having seen one since they were thirteen, are not anything new in the world and definitely not new to Europe. What is truly frightening is the depth and expanse of such hatred within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) where anti-Semitic beliefs run rampant and are off-scale compared to the rest of the planet. For an in-depth global study’s result, one can peruse the conclusions of the ADL Global 100, An Index of Anti-Semitism. The results in the different categories and especially regarding the Shoah, the Holocaust, are absolutely frightening and prove that its remembrance will have fallen through the cracks and exited our common memories within another two or at most three generations. If one does not remember or know from whence they came, they cannot have any idea where they are heading as they have no reference points or knowledge to compare now with then.


That aside, the rapid rise of anti-Semitism and particularly anti-Israelism and anti-Zionism in Europe and lagging but rising in the United States and the remainder of the Anglosphere is purely frightening. It is these statistics and general mistrust by those in positions of power, especially those in appointed positions such as ministers and others in the EU, that reveals the extent of the problem. Though absolutely appalling after the atrocities committed in the names of the European people during World War II, the return and rampant rise of anti-Semitism is simply beyond reason. That the Foreign Minister of Sweden not only made directly false anti-Semitic tropes assigning their worst attributes to the Prime Minister of Israel, his Cabinet, the Ministers of the Knesset, “Settlers” and Israelis generally; then along came the former mayor of Malmo, Sweden with comments when in power advising the Jews of Malmo, and community with tens of centuries of history in the town, that there was nothing which could be done to protect the Jews and if they felt unsafe they should move to somewhere far less threatening in their opinions and then dismissed the issue. Then there are the near riots and even riots by the new immigrants against allowing the Jews any representation in government, positions of power or respect, teaching, professorship in the universities and other positions much as the Nazis denied such to Jews. It is also how the Arab governments limit the Arab Palestinians under their stewardship in the numerous refugee camps where Arabs have languished for decades not permitted to hold jobs much more respectful than street sweeper and who are forbidden a normal education, instead having their children taught anti-Semitic hatreds and poisoning their minds leading to the terrorism coming from these camps. These camps even exist in Nablus, Gaza City and other areas under Arab Palestinian rule where their own rulers treat them as lepers who must only be released to infect Israeli society and are separate from the Arab Palestinian society surrounding their camps. Europe blames Israel for the sad treatment of these Arab refugees who are far beyond Israeli influence.


European politicians largely believe that Israel is an easy target on which to pin all of societal ills. Still, looking through the opinions of Jews and particularly Israelis, one finds the nations who are most favorable are those which have had an unforeseen or other horrific natural or manmade disaster and found the Israelis not only the first there with the most and a system in place where it is as if they are trained for just the events they address from typhoons, earthquakes, tornados, flooding, disease or any other natural or manmade disaster. In Haiti, Israel had the first functioning and fully operating hospital with X-Ray, MRI and every modern diagnostic department including neonatal long before any other such as the United States was a close second almost matching Israel’s hospital but over a week later. Israel also had dogs, robots and every conceivable search and rescue assistance on the ground within thirty-six hours. In the Philippines after their worst and most horrific storm in history, Israel was amongst the first on the scene; it was difficult beating the United States as they have bases already there. Nepal, Japan, Philippines and the other nations where Israel has come to aide, even setting up Israeli clinics in villages so remote they had previously never been visited by outside assistance even from their own government, have lower statistic of anti-Semitism then even the developed nations. Often in these instances one Israeli remains behind for a year training the people of the village and surrounding area first aid, use of diagnostic equipment, upkeep and calibration, and other areas of medicine leaving the clinic and equipment behind and restocking these clinics until the government of that nation can take over the operations. Israel had the most broad search and rescue teams as well as field hospital in Nepal, something nations with ten times as many of their citizens lost in the earthquake did not do. Israel remained ten days longer than scheduled as they refused to depart without finding their last citizen. These nations have the least anti-Semitism of the world as they have seen the truth that is Israel. Israel is one of the few nations to offer the United States their assistance after Katrina and Sandy and other natural disasters. Often Israeli assistance is refused as in Sandy and Katrina as well as 9/11, but Israeli expertise assisted after the Boston Marathon bombing. Israel has been accused by some of never stepping up and assisting the United States after a disaster and labeled as ingrates for such lack of actions. The truth is Israeli assistance after every disaster in the United States has not only been refused but banned from assisting even through Jewish agencies.


Still, Europe rates less anti-Semitic than anywhere outside of the United States and Israel. The most negative feelings towards Israel and Jews come from the Arab Palestinian areas where they are fed a continuous sixty hour a day stream of anti-Semitic lies and misrepresentations even including misrepresenting actual news stories, using proven libels such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and religious instruction which demands their hatred of Israel and the Jews. The area with the highest anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism was MENA followed by Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa with North America and the United States and Canada along with Czech Republic having the lowest such numbers. MENA led the world with number of people never having met a Jew in their lifetime, but that did not prevent their hatred for them. Next in the never having met a Jew was Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Europe rates very high on having met a Jew yet still held many negative feelings and beliefs about Jews. The study linked above is an eye-opening read and is in largely graph or simple percentages making comparisons and such very easy and the coverage is truly universal and extensive.


Despite many attributes one might think their civility would prevent Europeans from being heavily anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist or anti-Israeli. They managed to reach high levels in many areas which should be cause for concern and even panic and reassessment of their societal outlooks. One of the more amusing sets of numbers was the percentages which believed that the Jewish Population of the planet was above 2%, above 5%, 10% and even 20%. The truth is the Jews number below 0.2% of the world’s population. Europe still had a higher rate of hatreds and belief in stereotypes and blood libels even compared to areas of the world with almost no Jewish population. The frightening numbers in Europe and beyond were the percentages of those who had never met a Jew to having highly anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist and anti-Israeli rating as well as believing some of the most horrific and terrible blood libels about Jews such as the Holocaust was made up by the Jews as well as believing that the Jews controlled media, retail, politics, the United States, and other businesses which even the most casual observer could see was false. Despite the seeming propensity of Europeans, and an even higher percentage of European politicians, dislike to hatred for the Jewish People and everything that is seen as Jewish such as Israel, Zionism, and presumably the Governments, Israeli leaders still seek European approval. If Jews were even marginally as influential and controlled so many nations, political parties and think tanks and other political entities; we would not be so despised. We really would rule the world and control everybody’s life from birth to death just as far too many Europeans believe.


With such spewing of hatred and poison from the European halls of power and hierarchy against Israel, Zionism and Jews in general, one would think that the Israeli government would be done with Europe and anywhere else that holds such negative tropes as truisms. Instead the Israeli leadership spends far too much energy and effort attempting to favor friendship with these European leaders who would just as soon demolish Israel and eradicate what they see as a scourge on the planet which is the Jews. The manner in which Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ya’alon have acted echoing almost word for word the New York Times (American newspaper that thinks it is European), the French, British and other parliaments, far too many Foreign Ministers and virtually every other anti-Semite sitting in a position of power in Europe; one would think they are running for election in Europe. They feign glory to the point that it becomes an obsession serving the European Parliaments and their respective ministers. Though some Israeli politicians have seen fit to denounce Salim Mulla, Jeremy Corbyn, Ken Livingstone, conspiracy theorist Michael Harris, Ilyas Aziz and a few others, the majority appear to believe that if the Europeans or Americans disapprove of an action that Israel should be forbidden doing such. Had such an attitude existed in 1947-8, there would likely be no Israel as either Israel would have declared itself a state or forever remained in limbo as the Europeans and United States State Department believe now as they did then. This seeming insistence that every move taken by the government of Israel must first have the approval of the United States and Europe and that if too many amongst these anti-Israel haters disapprove then obviously Israel should reassess their standards and the manner in which things are observed bringing them in-line with the Europeans and Americans. That is no way to effectively run a country, especially one as alienated as Israel.


The Israeli politicians apparently get into a society where emulating the Europeans and certain Americans (you know, the politically correct Americans and not those Tea Party, Sarah Palin supporting, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz supporting, Michael Savage listening, Glen Beck following Neanderthal throw-back, retro-genetic, devolved morons) becomes required. Things in Israel must be conditioned and approved to be socially acceptable at the finest of European art houses and cafés no matter the effect or results and destructions such policies might have on Israeli society and the survival of the Jewish People. This dependence on European and leftist approval had become most evident in the treatment of the soldier Elor Azariya in the shooting death of a Palestinian terrorist who had just been neutralized from attempting to stab IDF soldiers at a checkpoint but had yet to be inspected for explosives or even other weapons. The soldier stated he believed that the terrorist was reaching for a detonator, a story upheld by virtually all others including MDA medics who were at the scene and some unable to even approach the terrorist as he was not completely rendered safe and explosives free among other security checks. The soldiers who had not done so were busy tending an injured soldier with multiple stabbing wounds. There had been a second terrorist who had received fatal wounds when soldier fired in self-defense. Before even the initial statements were gathered from those at the scene, the Prime Minister and Defense Minister were already declaring the soldier to be a horrible monster expressing rumors of things he might have said in the barracks where fish stories abound, just not about fishing. They and other Knesset Ministers along with the leftist media had tried and convicted the soldier before nightfall and were all but calling for his head on a pike outside the Damascus Gate of the Temple Mount. Their knee jerk reaction spouting exactly what would be the European reaction the next day was pathetic and showed a cowardice for backing a protector of the people, an IDF soldier. Is it any wonder why the Religious Zionists in the society feel they have no trusted friends except for a small core of fellow travelers amongst those in the halls of power. This is even more true when one considers the robes of justice would be too leftist even in some European nations and would be considered a travesty in many states of the United States. The fear to be nationalistic amongst Israeli elite is a disease which needs curing if Israel is to survive. The good news is that the majority and growing numbers of the people support the soldier and are realizing that Judaism and Zionism are the two anchors necessary if Israel is to survive. Now Israelis need to face the most impossible challenge they may ever face as a nation, finding those who believe as they believe and placing them in ever larger numbers into the Knesset and into taking position within the various government agencies, especially law enforcement and national security. The most difficult will be weeding out those holding high positions in the IDF and other enforcement agencies, most especially those dedicated to security and intelligence, as well as making greater inroads into the media and entertainment. We realize the last areas are not normally areas of expertise or even interest for those more dedicated to building the nation, its economy and religious institutions and following Torah; but if the foundations of culture are not swayed over to Torah and the land, then all else will be a struggle and forever an uphill battle. We cannot be like Sisyphus and push the bolder to the top of the hill every day only to have it roll back to the valley below every night. We must not even be like the great King Leonidas who led his three-hundred Spartans and five thousand supporting Greek soldiers who held the pass at Thermopylae for three days before falling to the Persian masses of troops.


This is a battle that the religious Zionists must win decisively and permanently which means that like we learn Torah and attempt to live Torah, we must also live for Israel and make her survival on all the land Hashem promised starting with the area between the river and the sea which we must make all under Israeli rule and yet continue the democratic governance. Perhaps the time is coming where a Constitution is crafted and a new bicameral parliament or legislature established while using such to preserve the Jewishness of the nation of Israel. We need to marry all the various tribal-like customs and blur the differentiations between Eastern European and Western European as well as MENA communities and the other various tribes we are discovering as they are beginning to make the trip home, the Ingathering. Making the rabbinate to have but a single Chief Rabbi would be a step in the right direction and our children have already taken giant stride towards unifying the differing factions through intermarriage, a beautiful and fitting step in the right direction. Finally, Israeli governance must be first, foremost and almost exclusively about Israel and the rest of the world be permitted their screaming as long as we acknowledge their defamations and are able to repeat them and still refuse to establish policies based on the demands placed upon Israel by a hostile outside world. We have Torah and need little else. Torah allows our choosing our governance as long as that governance serves the people and does nothing to lessen the influence and applications of Torah to our daily lives. The time is now to claim all of Judea and Samaria and begin to allow its peoples to become Israeli citizens or emigrate with our assistance if we feel such is required. We must take control of their education system and teach their students that which is necessary to live and be productive in a modern society. We need to bring services and establish economic inclusion as well as political, cultural and societal inclusion. By inclusion we will not mean Jewish but Israeli. Those who are Israeli must include having a respect for the Jewishness of the state of Israel. If any choose to violently refuse and combat against this Jewishness, they must be forced from amongst us. This includes those who instigate, plan bombings or disruptions, actively attempt to subjugate parts of the nation or any other treasonous acts. This is no different than any other nation which is a free democratic nation. Then our nations can become one and the world will recognize our singular right as the Jewish State. Servitude is no path to equality, respectful nationalism and the exercise of the right to make one’s own way as a nation that is the path to equality. What is beautiful about this path is that each nation can walk with pride in their differences while respecting others that right and then weaving the fabric which includes all the nations of the world. None can be a part of this fabric of nations if they bare swords against their neighbors as swords will tend to cut and then shred the fabric and thus undo all efforts of mutual beneficial actions. Those baring swords need be exorcised from the community of nations and disregarded in all acts between nations until they prove they prefer inclusion to supremacy. Israel needs to show a stronger self-confidence and belief in our rightness of actions and place out before us our beloved Torah in all actions and all that it includes, as it is a rarity amongst such laws as it allows for others to live as they choose providing they allow the Jews the same.



Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah

Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and the Jewish civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah


These rights are self-evident and must apply equally to all nations, end of story (and article).


Beyond the Cusp


December 15, 2015

Israeli Settlements a False Issue


Concentrating on half-a-million Jews and ignoring a situation of ten times the numbers which are the five-million refugees presumably all from 1948, with just a smattering from 1967, forced within Israel proper to force Israel to become an Arab state, the twenty-third Arab State, and removing the sole Jewish State conceals the reality of the situation, that the Arabs are insisting not on their own state but to have both states to become Arab states with the names of Palestine and al-Israelabi. But the reasoning behind the concern all about the “Jewish problem” while ignoring the facts that the Arabs are demanding the death of Israel, demanding to be permitted to swamp the only Jewish State with sufficient Arabs “refugees” who have never for one second been within Israeli borders, demanding the Jews accept any deal as temporary until the next temporary deal, and demanding the world assist in murdering the six-million plus Jews residing in Israel by refusing them exit when the Arabs takeover is simply because the Israelis are civilized and will talk and are willing to resolve problems in a civilized manner while the Arabs are living under a seventh century code of accept surrender and then plunder, ravage, pillage and murder the former inhabitants or change the order around and put murder the former inhabitants ahead of accept surrender and then plunder, ravage, pillage and murder the remainder of former inhabitants. Meanwhile Europe and the United States and the remainder of Western Civilization is hoping against hope that the Arabs will be sated for a period of time with having Israel sacrificed for a momentary peace except that has absolutely no possibility of working, and here is why.


The world needs to wake to the nightmare that is facing them. The leftists in order to rid the world of those they find distasteful from those amongst them, the ones insisting on preserving the Judeo-Christian value system, are siding with a primeval force which is tribal and fiercely demanding of those it rules that they surrender completely and totally to their societal structure which leads to destroying all else and making it all a part of their Islamic society. The difficulty with accepting such a deal will not satisfy these Islamists because their definition of Islam does not accept the convert as having made the choice freely thus not being of a pure Islamic soul and therefore they will be amongst the first sacrificed for the purity of Islam. A warning to the half a billion Muslims who think they are following Islam correctly, you have made one horrific choice as only a Sunni or Shiite can be a true and good Muslim, whichever ends up with the largest camp of believers once the world has been subjugated and all other beliefs have been eradicated. Once the entirety of Islam has been whittled to the pure Sunni or Shiite state, we will simply refer to this as Islam as it matters little which one becomes the prevalent and thus the only form of Islam practiced because this does not end the purification as there will then be those Muslims who are slightly different than the rest of the followers of Islam so they must be impure. This purification could continue until, as in Highlander, there will be only one, and we do mean only one, and thus the end of Islam, Human kind and finally a real intelligent life-form can develop and hopefully make a whole new and different set of mistakes as the most intelligent species on the planet.


That problem of an uncivilized force living within a civil society played out again on the streets of Israel yesterday. As of this writing an infant who suffered horrific wounds including the near loss of one of its tiny legs had gone into emergency surgery at Ein Kerem Hospital with the hopes of saving the one and a half year old’s leg through microsurgical techniques and also saving the infant’s life. Dr. Ofer Merin, head of the trauma unit at Shaare Tzedek Hospital, said “the infant aged around a year-and-a-half has a serious wound to his leg. We decided to transfer him to Hadassah Ein Kerem to save his leg in an attempt at micro-surgery treatment.” The attack which caused this dire and tragic situation was the result of yet another assault on a crowded sidewalk in Jerusalem by ramming into the crowd with a vehicle. The attack might have turned out for the worse had the vehicle not struck a fire hydrant bringing it to a stop. After ramming and destroying the hydrant, the driver emerged from the vehicle armed with a hand axe and started moving towards the injured with the obvious intent to finish off as many of the injured who could not run from him and then probably slashing at whomever they were capable of striking. Fortunately, when the driver, a twenty-one-year-old Arab terrorist from Jerusalem’s Beit Hanina neighborhood, emerged still intent on even more carnage that bystanders ended his rampage of carnage dispatching the terrorist with a few shots eliminating any further realizations of this terrorist and potentially still qualifying as a murderous intent almost qualifying as human. Below is a video of the scene soon after the incident had been dramatically brought to a close and the treatment started. There were fourteen people injured with an older woman in her sixties and the young infant the most serious amongst those injured which does include the infant’s mother being treated at the same hospital as her child, Ein Kerem Hospital. More images can be seen on an article covering the initial assault on Arutz Sheva.





Additionally, yesterday three people received light wounds from a rock attack on their vehicle. As they related, their vehicle was assaulted by a barrage of various sized rocks as they were ambushed by a number of youths hurling rocks including some of considerable size one of which penetrated the vehicle window and is pictured below. The three injured individuals received treatment from Magen David Adom (MDA) medical teams and were taken to hospital for additional treatment. Such attacks have become a daily event with numerous such attacks each day. As many Israeli drivers whose travel takes them into areas both within and outside the Green Line where such attacks regularly occur have had the windows of their vehicles replaced with tougher and more resilient and impervious to rock attacks installed and thus have escaped such attacks with minor dents to their vehicles but with the passengers unhurt and capable of taking such attacks more in stride. This does not lessen the severity of the problem but has played to make such attacks not as newsworthy despite there not being any decrease in the number of vehicles under such attacks daily. The only such attacks which are reported are thus those with injuries of sufficient severity as to require a visit and treatment at a hospital; as if the first responders at such an attack are capable of treating people at the scene and their not requiring transport to a hospital, that by the time a reporter and cameraman can appear on the scene of a rock attack the only thing left to see is the police report which even that would require a request for information as even that report has been filed by the police. It is a sad commentary to be capable of saying such attacks which would be considered front page newsworthy in Paris or New York, London or Los Angeles, Berlin or Chicago, the Hague or Boston or even Brussels or Washington D.C. does not make the news cycle even if it were to take place in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv as without a picture there are not the thousand words to replace such and thus the story remains untold. What the world must remember that the attacks on Israelis, be they rock assaults on Israeli vehicles on her roadways, knifings with anything from a kitchen knife to a screwdriver or even including hand axes or rammings with a vehicle where the vehicle is towed away and the people treated on scene, again, no dramatic video and accompanying pictures, then no article and it is dismissed as just another such assault. The positive is by giving such attacks virtually no coverage or mention in the news beyond a blurb before going to commercial, almost a filler if necessary, just does not give the terrorist any “fame” or credit, so to speak, and thus makes the entire idea of such an attack less appealing or glamorous, and the perpetrator being eliminated without being referred to except by the most general of terms, no glamour, no fame, not even any decent notice and possibly thus no virgins in Muslim paradise, what could be worse.



Rock Which Pierced Windshield of Victims Car Injuring Three

Rock Which Pierced Windshield of Victims Car Injuring Three



Still, if anyone from the White House or State Department wishes to be front page news, all they need do is one more time condemn Israel for building homes for Jews on land which is liberated Israeli lands taken in an offensive war in 1948-9 by the seven Arab nation’s armies in an attempt to drive the Jews into the sea and annihilate them. The so-called “West Bank” is actually Judea and Samaria which were part of Israel on the morning of May 15, 1948 and the evening before when David ben Gurion pronounce Israeli independence from British rule ending the British Mandate and the next morning seven national armies swarmed over Israeli borders intent on murdering every soul they met, Arab or Israeli. The Mufti of Jerusalem, though during World War II he could have more easily been declared the Mufti of Berlin, has instructed all the Arabs living within Israel to leave and get behind the front lines of the assailing and soon to be tasting victory Arab armies. The imminent slaughter of everybody within Israel did not quite come about as planned as something unheard of until that fateful day, which means very simply, the Jews fought back and did not just wait to be slaughtered as had been the case in Europe. A new day was coming.


Next time you hear somebody claim it is the Jews and the settlements which are to blame for there being no peace settlement; please correct their uninformed opinion with some reality. The Arabs could have had half of all the land but they would not settle for anything less than all of the lands and the better half at that. While Jordan held the “West Bank” they could have had their state but they formed the PLO in order to use terrorism to take all the lands. Anytime since the 1967 Six Day War Israel would have traded the “West Bank” all of Judea and Samaria back to Jordan for peace. When Jordan, after Sadat and Egypt boldly went where no Arab had gone before and made peace with the Jewish State (he paid for this brave and fateful move with his life as members of a reviewing troop broke ranks and assaulted the stands and slaughtered him for making peace) Jordan made peace and forfeited Judea and Samaria which Jordan had occupied since 1948-9 up until the lands were liberated in the Six Day War. A few years later the Jordanian monarch bent to pressures from the Muslim Brotherhood and the eighty percent of Jordanian population which also call themselves Palestinians, and forfeited the Jordanian claim (the same claim forfeited to Israel at the peace talks) to the PLO such that their struggle would now be treated as a struggle for their homelands and not just wanton terrorism when they murdered families having lunch at Sbarro Pizza Parlor or a Passover Seder for Holocaust Survivors and their families in the Park Hotel in Netanya, a northern suburb of Tel Aviv which were both blown to pieces by bombs in terror attacks which are taught in Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas schools as brave acts of martyrs to be honored and emulated. Please read these last links as they will open a new vision into these acts and their places in the two different societies, one barbarous in nature the other the civilized one who is blamed as that is the safer target.


When you hear anybody claim that Israel is the impediment to peace, please tell them we would give back the presumed desired lands except the Arabs want all of the lands and have refused numerous offers including one granted only because President Clinton claimed that Yasser Arafat had agreed to the terms thus Ehud Barak agreed to those same exact terms and Arafat stalked from the next morning’s meeting rejecting the very offer he made the night before without even a counter and within six weeks began the second intifada which claimed over a thousand Israeli lives and is what led to the construction of the wall and fence which ended the stream of suicide bombings as it took going through a checkpoint to enter Israel thus no more bombings. Ever since that went into effect the PA has pressed the United States Presidents to demand Israel open the passage into Israel and remove the racist checkpoints as they are demeaning. I have to go through a checkpoint to take a train, a checkpoint to enter a mall, a checkpoint to watch the Purim Parade in my town, a checkpoint to listen to candidates speak, a checkpoint to enter the municipal building to pay my water bill, a checkpoint to enter the post office where many other transactions other than packages and stamps take place, a checkpoint to enter the department store downtown and a checkpoint to visit my father in the hotel when he visits. Israelis have to go through checkpoints because of Palestinian terror attacks because one can never be too careful. Just to put this into perspective, with the entirety of Israeli public on alert and all who are licensed for weapons carry taking their firearm with them as added safety for all; the totals for the past three Jewish calendar months, that is exactly one-hundred-eighty days (three thirty-day months) are twenty-two dead, two-hundred-fifty-two injured which does not count for the numbers of people suffering from rock assaults whose cars were damaged but the passengers were unharmed and often these are unreported, and unsuccessful stabbing attacks where the terrorist was unsuccessful and upon meeting determined or armed opposition fled and thus going unreported, yet in each such case there is still the mental strains and stresses unimaginable by those never facing combat or similar situations and may they continue to be spared such horrors.


Tell them that just because the media does not cover the terror and violence launched and perpetrated upon Israelis, all Israelis including Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Bahá’í, Buddhists and of course Jews has not abated, it has simply returned to the whatever is the latest ‘norm,’ that is all. Currently that is as many as three stabbings per day, up to three cars used as an assault vehicle rammed into bus stops and other such gathering places, as many as seven rockets out of Gaza each month, and various other inconveniences perpetrated on Israelis dressed too Jewish such as spitting, slamming shoulder as passing, curses, tripping and other insults and degradations as what would be considered a major incident if it were to happen to a Muslim in almost any European or other western nation and the entire world would cease rotating until the dog who perpetrated such an insult was brought to shame, such being perpetrated on predominately Jews in Israel (or most of the rest of the world) is nothing to get excited about as it is no big deal. The only reason the last Gaza War did not produce thousands of dead Israelis was the Iran Dome and its over ninety percent interception rate. Even then there would have been thousands potentially killed in one single attack except for the hand of Hashem, praised be, as the Iron dome had missed three times and it was a puff of the wind between total calms which pushed the rocket into the sea instead of striking the central business center of Tel Aviv where likely thousands would have died and at least one if not as many as five towering skyscrapers could have been felled causing untold carnage. Read about this miracle here. Israel is not an impediment to peace and had been an impediment to an outright military attack by Islam on Europe, but that is no longer a worry as Europe invited the invasion in upon itself and that is beyond Israeli abilities as wonderful as they are. One cannot save those not wishing to be saved, but at least let those who choose sanity to retain that sanity and do not impose your insanity upon them. If Europe desires fifty-million Islamic “refugees,” we will not prevent them taking all that they desire; we just desire to miss out on that deal which only leaves more for Europe to take, a mere drop in the bucket as the tap in Europe for Islamic immigration unchecked and without any restrictions, just walk right in. May they tread lightly upon your culture.


Beyond the Cusp


July 21, 2015

Remaining American Jews and Israel

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There was a time when being an American Jew also meant being supportive of Israel. Now such feelings are almost exclusively held by Jews well above fifty. For the millennials and later the best Israel can hope for is neutrality based on complete apathy with their concerns being for relatives who they more often than not make offers to assist them moving to the United States even arranging for employment and housing and then being confused when their parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents and occasionally brothers and sisters refuse. Yes, there are still remnants of Zionists, mostly religious Zionists, who are making their plans currently to make Aliyah and others who are caring for elderly parents or grandparents and will make Aliyah when their care is no longer required. The vast majority of Synagogues have little if any pro-Israel programs and one is far more likely to find Evangelical Christians having events supportive of Israel than the average synagogue. In some Reform Synagogues and leftist liberal Jewish organizations one is far more likely to find programs petitioning against Israel, support for the BDS movement and actual Jewish organizations such as Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) that largely favor complete boycotts of everything Israeli and support the ‘Right of Return’ for five million Arabs who claim to be refugees from 1948 war of annihilation started by at least a half dozen Arab armies the morning that Israel became a nation. They see no need for Israel to remain Jewish and believe that Israel as a multicultural nation just like the United States would be preferable to the continuation of what they view as a fascist and oppressive Jewish supremacist state. There was an Israel Channel 2 News in-depth report this past weekend featuring anchorman and reporter Danny Kushmaro examining the Jews from JVP and their animosities and reasons for turning against Israel with such feelings vilifying the Jewish State and my summation was they see Israel as being too Jewish and not sufficiently politically correct and fully supportive of leftist causes. Embedded below is this report which lasts about fifteen minutes and is filled with interviews and information revealing their feelings and what they view as Israel’s shortcomings and failures.
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Having made my Aliyah after a long discussion with aged parents who assured me they preferred I make Aliyah while I was ‘still young enough’ to enjoy Israel and as such I may hold some insights which I can share from my life often spent in a transient nature constantly moving across the width and breadth of the United States and meeting Jews either in or from virtually every state at some point and having spent time with numerous and varied synagogues. The following are my experiences and should not be taken as typical without also asking other Olim from the United States as most of my life was spent in towns and small cities with limited Jewish population, some where I was the first Jew to reside in certain really small places. The odd thing is even in these places I found there were, what I like to refer to as, stealth Jews who approached me privately and pleaded I keep their confidence. In their assessments, which were accurate, they figured that I would not be remaining very long as I seemed to be a restless spirit. They were correct and the reason was as simple as it was accurate; I seemed to be seeking a place where the Jewish community was of a similar attitude as myself. The truth I can refer to is that such did not exist in my travels as, almost to a ‘T,’ the congregations all had their few who were pro-Israel amongst a sea of at best apathy and at the worst animosity, placed Israel as one of their most dear and important issues, and who still remembered and strongly believed the lamentations of Psalm 137, also called the “Song of Babylon”, in particular the more benign but heartfelt first six lines which read:


137:1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.

137:2 Upon the willows in the midst thereof we hanged up our harps.

137:3 For there they that led us captive asked of us words of song, and our tormentors asked of us mirth: ‘Sing us one of the songs of Zion.’

137:4 How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land?

137:5 If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.

137:6 Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not; if I set not Jerusalem above my chiefest joy.


I usually had to look far and wide to find fellow Jews who believed in being capable of taking responsibility of their own defense and not relying on the state, enlightened Jews who knew about Ze’ev Jabotinsky and had learned the lesson that no matter how egalitarian, how initially accepting, how incorporated into the various professions throughout the society, how assimilated the Jews had become, and how much they believed that, “It can’t happen here,” such was the large mistake the German Jews and the other Jews of Europe in the mid-1930s made and their refusal to believe things were heading south when the lists of registered firearms from the Weimar Republic were referenced by the Nazis for early use by the government to confiscate weapons, initially from Jews and other minorities and political groups they opposed and finding out far too late that those who had warned of the coming eclipse of life, as they had known was a definitive signal that the end was approaching. Even amongst the small minority of Jews who would seek me out at functions or services and confess their conservative views and even their membership in the Republican Party, a faux pas extraordinaire in virtually every non-Orthodox Synagogue which are all one can find in all too many locations outside the major cities, east and west coast states, as well as Ohio and Illinois. In the majority of congregations which I either joined or visited for a period of time before the differences became too uncomfortable for all, had there been Jews who wished to have the Rabbi perform a same-sex marriage there would have been little if any problems and such would be viewed as acceptable to hold such in the Synagogue using the same main hall where services were held on those occasions when sufficient numbers were expected such as weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvah services and the High Holidays as the congregation was accommodating and would be shocked should anybody find such use of the synagogue to be beyond acceptable accommodations. Where I have absolutely no problem with somebody with such proclivities as long as they remained Torah observant and did not act on their sexual urges, just as all Jews must guard against overindulgences and other forbidden sexual territories, but a same-sex marriage was taking acceptance too far though I held my tongue and simply skipped any services held that day.


The standing mitzvah which was the highest observance was their interpretation of Tikkun Olam which largely was interpreted as fighting global warming, fighting perceived persistent racial discrimination, healing society from and wiping out all vestiges of white privilege, amending social class differences, and above all else, voting for Democrats with blind and dedicated obedience. Nothing has brought their disregard not only for Israel, but also for the United States and perhaps the entirety of the free world with their inability to watch the unfolding events in the world or even in their own nation. The problem actually goes beyond any description or understanding. It almost appears as when it comes to voting many in the population vote for their party no matter whom the candidate is or who the opposing candidate is and when it comes to other than either of the two main parties it is as if the others do not even exist. Much of the blame goes to the media and particularly to the mainstream media as they are totally in the box for the Democrats and if not the Democrats, then for the Republicans. It is understandable how and why the United States breaks down to a two party system which is a direct result of their choosing the President basically in a direct vote and the requirement that they gain greater than fifty percent of the electorate rather than simply a plurality. This has worked just as much due to the requirement that the winner must attain fifty percent plus one of the Electoral College votes and not just a plurality of the electoral votes. This problem was brought to the fore when Ross Perot took a fairly large percentage of the voting and still had minimal impact on the Electoral College though Perot may have influenced the result in some states causing them to go from one of the major parties to the other party. There will be debates for another decade when this subject is discussed by the relative few who are informed and knowledgeable but when compared to the entirety of the eligible voters, but then barely over half even bother to vote, these so informed are but a small and impotent of voters due to their lacking numbers but that may be changing. George Washington, the United States first President and second elder spokesperson after Benjamin Franklin, warned about the evils and machinations of political parties in his farewell address (which can be read here)which was delivered to the media and leaders of the day on September 19, 1796. The most quoted of lines from this dissertation are, “The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissention, which in different ages & countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders & miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security & repose in the absolute power of an Individual: and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction more able or more fortunate than his competitors turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty.”


There was a time before the great world wars and possibly even after where the public was not only knowledgeable on the every discussions and issues of their day and now the average voter honestly, whether they are aware of it or not, vote exclusively along party lines and in many cases are voting for the values the party might have arguable held decades before and had long since moved on in their trip to whichever end they favor as long as it is to an ever increasingly invasive governing of our daily lives with slightly different results and endgame. In Europe, despite there being dozens upon dozens of parties, the differences from the two extremes would not even test the bounds of one of the American political parties, both extremes in Europe are just reminders to Americans of where their party has transgressed on its inevitable end vision of government and their role in serving and controlling, an emphasis on controlling as both parties support any legislation which places ever greater control and monitoring of individual’s actions and approved views. Truth is you can harbor any thoughts you desire as long as you never act upon them.


Try to challenge the status quo and see how fast the government inspectors are snooping around your property and giving you ten days’ notice to have this repaired, painted, replaced, cleaned or whatever they can dream up. Before long you start to desire moving someplace where your name is far more anonymous. Successfully gain ballot access for Federal United States House of Representatives and win a number of points in meet the candidates functions in Churches, Synagogues, recreation centers and any other rally where an informal debate is held and you end up being refused place on the televised debates ten days before the election and when you get a hearing in court you walk in and the judge rules that your chosen representative may not address the hearing and the panels siting at the other tables, one for each major party, there are seated a representation of the State’s Attorney General’s office lawyers to bring witness against you and you get a real sinking feeling that if you had gained more traction they would have buried you, quite literally. With the onslaught of inspectors one has basically two choices, one is accept every summons stating you have anywhere from ten working days to as much as a month to rectify the problem the inspector claims to have found, and some of the “repairs” would require hiring a contractor to make actual physical changes to one’s residence, which gets even trickier if you are renting, or one can actually face them down by first walking them back off of your property and onto the sidewalk or street which demarks your property line and then require that they show you the exact particular problem and as they take that first authoritative, now I have the initiative back, step onto your property you stop them dead with an immediate verbal demand that they, “Please remove yourself from my property.” Should they ignore your request repeat it and ask if this will require the State Sheriff’s Office or will they comply with your demand to vacate your property immediately. Once they are back on the sidewalk or wherever you then repeat that they show you the problem and no matter how obvious the situation you just continue to not see what it is they are complaining about. When they try to gain entry to your property again you politely ask if they have a warrant. They will not have such so you simply hold to your Constitutional rights to keep your property inviolate without proper warrant. Any signed piece of paper other than a warrant is simply a useless piece of paper and warrants are most often accompanied by a police officer to enforce compliance. After the elections, unless you are a real glutton for punishment or have a real drive to buck the system and prove you’re actually the answer to the two party system, and especially if there is a family crisis requiring you to be elsewhere, moving is definitely the easiest solution to stop the inspectors because once they have your address they will never lose it and be back right on que every year, especially if a large puddle of water follows every rainstorm in your front yard, they will be right there to threaten to write you up for a potential wetlands hearing. Fortunately the parade of the heartache ends soon after the election either way, if you lose they go back to ignoring you unless they get a real hard dislike to you and if you win, they desire keeping their job and you have such power to affect that status when you win.


Running for Federal office can and will give you insights to the political system and the first item you will learn, if you present a solid and appealing presentation of ideas, is that the two parties are actually so cooperative and often same sides of a coin and may even take up both sides of that coin such that the election is mostly meaningless. The only way the system will change is if more people run as third party, meaning no party which is best if you can manage that plus was the desire of George Washington who warned of the inherent evils of political parties, and the electorate begins to take notice and the political landscape returns to having an attentive and informed electorate which turns out to vote in numbers approaching or exceeding seventy-five to eighty percent in off-year elections and the public knows, understands and have debates amongst themselves and vote their minds, their hearts if necessary, and never settle for a candidate who does not agree with at the least sixty percent of the issues and completely on your three or four most important and meaningful particulars at the very least. Unfortunately such an electorate will require forty-years-wandering-the-dessert until all of the offending generation, with a few notable exceptions such as the two spies, Caleb and Joshua, who brought back optimistic and supportive reports out of the twelve spies, one from each tribe, went and gave witness to the Promised Land while the other ten told about a land full and bountiful but also included cities with towering walls manned by giant men of formidable strength who would be unbeatable by the Hebrews. They ignored the promise that Hashem would give them the lands if only they made the effort. For the sin of not believing and for allowing the rumors and timorous reports of the few to sap their will and faith in Hashem to fulfill His promises, they spent forty-years wandering the desert until only the next generation born outside of slavery was ready to take possession of the Promised Lands.


Meanwhile, the approximately three-quarters of Jews who voted for President Obama twice, both in 2008 and again in 2012, have either no knowledge of or are completely comfortable with a President who refuses to be seen with the leader of Israel in front of the media, insists the Prime Minister of Israel enter the White House for their first meeting by a side delivery entrance, and who goes to every extreme to place Israel in a compromised position, makes a statement which he knows is a lie to AIPAC and then within eighteen hours makes a retraction calling an impromptu press conference just to make completely sure that everybody knows he “misspoke” and did not mean what he said in his speech about Jerusalem and who has taken the Arab Palestinian side in-toto as his position on negotiations over disputed lands claiming Israel has no claim to these lands. President Obama’s statement and complete backing in heart even if not in vote as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations after vetoing a resolution against Israel and recognizing the Palestinian undisputed right to all of Judea and Samaria and sixty-percent of Jerusalem held a press conference where she announced that she, and implying the administration, actually agreed completely with the resolution but political pressures prevented their supporting it in the Security Council as a Chapter Seven binding resolution but would work towards the stated end in that resolution through actions taken in the Middle East. It could reasonably be believed that well over fifty-five percent of Jews would vote for President Obama again if he could legally run. The Jews in the United States as a whole care little to nothing for Israel and believe Israel should become a multicultural haven just like the United States and when informed that such would result in it becoming an Arab run state where the Jews would be persecuted, forced to leave, or murdered; they claim that would be a better result than allowing Israel to remain a, and I quote from the video above, “A Jewish supremacist State.” This is completely the opposite of the views of the Jews in 1967 when Jews dropped everything and watched the unfolding of the Six Day War in amazement and with pride that this was their people, this was Eretz Yisroel, their promised lands. I guess I was amongst the last of those Jews who I did finally find; they were all here in Israel.


Beyond the Cusp


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