Beyond the Cusp

December 27, 2015

Terror as Just a Daily Occurrence


Throughout most of the world people have no idea that Israelis are still suffering at least four or five active terror attacks each day and that does not include throwing boulder sized rocks and firebombs at passing vehicles hoping to put the huge rocks or the firebomb through the windshield or side window thus hitting the driver causing a crash and potentially fatalities. Many of these ambushed are even done from moving trucks going the opposite direction as the cars they target doubling the speed of their deadly projectiles and these ambushes can go on for hours before they are ended as they move and are planned to evade the IDF and police. Further, the Shin Bet has a more important task than Arab terror as Arab terror is a nuisance as there are bigger fish to fry, what are euphemistically called Jewish terrorism and is largely overstated but has occurred on occasions but nowhere near as prevalent as the Arab terror and more often it is more protest than threat to life. The Duma fire was an exception but has yet to be proven to be an act by Jews but the PA assures the Shin Bet that as there was Hebrew writing claiming it was a price-tag crime that no Arab could have possible written that in Hebrew, there is no way in the world such could be the case. Meanwhile the Shin Bet is rounding up the usual suspects and locking them away for deep interrogation until somebody breaks. Yet daily threats continue as the latest round-up claimed numerous right wing extremists, as always those on the right are extremists while the most egregious and violent leftist might be referred to as left-leaning but otherwise they are mainly left-center or normal as the writers of much of our daily read mainstream media are closer to leftist extremists than they are to centrist observers without any slant or leanings that might taint their reporting. Perhaps that is why we feel free to do the same except from the right and we try to be fair when reporting facts.


The world media might wish to get their news and actually report the daily assaults on Jews especially in and around Jerusalem and other places where Arabs and Jews are in close proximity. But if they wish not to report that their favorites are attempting daily to murder as many Jews as possible, then maybe they would do a feel-good story and arrange a tour of one of those miserable factories which some ‘evil’ Jew owns across the Green Line in Judea and Samaria and take a camera crew and do a live and unrehearsed feed to the morning news shows, maybe even on the View, and show Arab and Jews working together and both treating each other as equals and show what can be if the world could get off their kill the ‘evil’ Jewish State angle. There are many stories like this daily both within the Green Line and across the Green Line. They might want to explain that the entirety of the Green Line problem is also a manufactured attempt to destroy the Jewish State of Israel but then they would need to point out their active supporting role of ignoring terrorism against Jews and reporting immediately breaking into news casts to report the slimmest of rumored crimes by Jews such as defending themselves from terror attacks.



Rock as Found in Car of Fatal Rock and Boulder Throwing Attack on Vehicle Simply Because it Had Israeli License Plates

Rock as Found in Car of Fatal Rock and Boulder Throwing Attack on Vehicle Simply Because it Had Israeli License Plates



We have seen and heard news reports where a BBC, CNN, FOX or other news station reporting the unequal numbers of killed in the recent terror wave or reporting that in Israel many Arabs have received non-judicial sentencing as Jews are murdering, or the slightly less offensive killing, of Palestinians largely in the Jerusalem area where terror has often struck. What is a listener or viewer to believe is causing the terror with such reporting? They certainly are not going to believe that there is Arab on Jew violent terror attacks and the Jews and law enforcement is often forced to use deadly force as the perpetrator of the terrorism wants to continue to stab even responding armed police and IDF personnel. But in Israel the blame the victim especially if they are IDF or Israeli police or Jews defending themselves is nothing new as the news out of Israel to the rest of the world often takes the hands-up don’t shoot attitude casting the Arab as the victim who had absolutely no other choice but to attack Jews with large knives and hatchets. The Jews were asking to be assaulted as they exist in Jerusalem astoundingly enough. Could the reporting be any more slanted than the few we pointed out just the other day in our article Red Flags Facing Israel in Every Direction complete with screen shots and images of such reporting.


As we write this article there is more than likely an act of terror with intent to murder Jews being committed somewhere in Israel or the disputed areas. Also, do you in the media think you could ever cover that the ‘disputed areas’ were originally at the dawn of Israel’s existence all part of Israel as was Gaza and they were taken by the Arab forces attempting to eradicate the Jewish State on Day 1 and that the disputed West Bank was then called Judea and Samaria but was occupied, actual occupation, and the Jews forced from the areas of Judea and Samaria, by Jordan who conquered the area in an offensive war initiated by the Arabs and that in the six Day War Israel liberated, yes, liberated these lands and under all International Codes of Law the entirety of the ‘West Bank’ Judea and Samaria belong to Israel and the Arabs have no legitimate claim. Oh no, that cannot be reported as it might confuse our viewers in the Western World and give them the idea that the Jews are more the victims of erroneous reporting of the news and the disfiguring the reality beyond recognition. Why baffle your viewers and readers with actual facts when you can play demigods and cast the Jews into the fiery pit. People should, if they know of somebody who had visited Israel and not said much about their trip other than listing the interesting places they visited, ask them about how the Jews treat the Arabs and the majority of the Arabs interact with the Jews and what areas they felt completely safe visiting and where they were either too frightened or took a tour which brought its own security with them for their safety. Their answers might completely turn what you have been led to believe right over and on its head. Don’t be afraid as the truth may give one a jolt in the brain box, it otherwise results in a warm feeling of realization. We wish you to ask somebody you know what their visit to our little, very little, corner of the world because once you have gathered a few testimonies the things we write will become clearer and less extreme and possibly quite believable, as the truth often becomes once one has been freed from the confines of the misleaders, also known as the mainstream media.



Arab Palestinian Sets Self on Fire Attempting to Throw Molotov Cocktail

Arab Palestinian Sets Self on Fire Attempting to Throw Molotov Cocktail



It is truly sad that Arabs using large rocks as projectiles against vehicles with Israeli license plates, which could strike any Israelis be they Jew, Arab, Muslim, Christian, Druze, Bedouin, or tourist from anywhere in a rented vehicle because even if it sends the entire carload of a family, business people carpooling, or just about any other scenario, to a hospital or worse, a morgue; it is not news. There are also numerous firebombs thrown at cars with Israeli license plates and homes in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods and the occasional user of a firebomb who gets things entirely wrong as pictured above. The young man survived and this is known because if he had been seriously wounded or died the media would have been fed a story that the Jews threw a firebomb at this youth almost killing him or worse and the media would have spread that far and wide. The boulder throwing, car rammings, rioting, stabbings using everything from screwdrivers to knives to hatchets, mugging murders of young women even by taxi drivers from which they were being driven to a job interview and then there are the rockets from Hamas and the threats out of Lebanon where Hezballah has amassed thousands of rockets and missiles provided by Iran and snuck past Israel’s attempts to stop such shipments. The threats even have come from the Mediterranean of which one was avenged and it is starting to appear that Samir Kuntar was eliminated by Hezballah due to fears that he was about to return to his Druze roots and assist in the formation of a Druze autonomous zone which Bashir al-Assad cannot allow as the Druze are the last faithful holding Islamic State as bay.


Even with the events on the Temple Mount the blame is laid at the wrong door as the news reports blame the Jews for attempting to desecrate the al-Aqsa Mosque simply because Mahmoud Abbas has said so on numerous occasions and we all know for the media his words are truth and any evidence to the contrary be damned. This has been at the root of the rioting and is the exact same call for Jihad on demand used by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini back as early as 1920s as he called for the Muslims first in Hevron to rise up and protect al-Aqsa from the Jewish attempts to desecrate it with their demonic services and then a while later he repeated the same message to the Muslims of Jerusalem for another pogrom against the Jews. This was the rallying cry used during the second intifada to much glorious effect causing rioting, suicide bombings and other assaults murdering over a thousand Jews and spawning the separation barrier which in some locations necessitated concrete to prevent shooting from Arab neighborhoods into the houses and at children playing outside (which made many a Jewish child into a shut in and home schooled as allowing them to walk to school was far too risky) and there were court cases and many reroutings done to make the lives of those at the demarcation line for the fence easier. Much of the fence is just that, fence with cameras and sensors but in built up areas there was the need for something to stop high powered rifle bullets, thus concrete which has been shown across the world making it into an apartheid wall in the media when it was simply a defensive necessity so Israelis could go out in public and not be blown to pieces. The rioting on the Temple Mount is not about the al-Aqsa Mosque but about closing the Temple Mount to Jewish visitors and Christian visitors as well. The riots are a means of making the Temple Mount a Muslim only zone and it will never work even if Jews are going to need to enter the Temple Mount from another unapproved entrance, say the Lion’s Gate and the small number of Jews entering coming in at around five thousand, that would be a sight and if occurring during Muslim rioting we would bet that would end any riots and the Temple Mount would be Jewish and Christian and whomever else desired to come peaceably and enjoy the blessings of this holy place. Below there are a few pictures of the al-Aqsa Mosque and one picture which is not the al-Aqsa Mosque despite being shown all too often on the news and elsewhere depicting the Dome of the Rock as the al-Aqsa Mosque. The first is a montage of al-Aqsa from within as it is being utilized as a munitions depot with rocks and other essentials for rioting.



Armory al-Aqsa Mosque Desecrated by making it a fortified base from which to launch rioting



Dome of the Rock is on the Left al-Aqsa Mosque is on the Right One is Nice and Very Eye Catching The Other is Less Eye Catching thus al-Aqsa is Abused as an Armory and Used to Whip Up the Riots against Jews



Beyond the Cusp


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