Beyond the Cusp

October 28, 2015

World Watching Poised to Pounce Upon Israel Over Violence


This past week who did United States Secretary of State John Kerry decry as responsible for the violence which has been claiming victims across Israel? He blamed the ruthless stabbings, vehicular assaults, rock throwing, firebombing and other violence on the fact that, according to Secretary Kerry, Israeli construction beyond the Green Line in what the world deems to be settlements. There was one miniscule flaw in Secretary Kerry’s reasoning in that Israel has succumbed to the demands from the administration of President Obama and has not constructed even a patio, deck, garage or balcony since March 31, 2009, when Prime Minister Netanyahu was elected and was met upon taking office by an in place building freeze and demands by United States President Obama to continue with the building freeze indefinitely. The presumption made by the United States Secretary of State was the increased population which he assumed had to be solely due to more residences and people moving into the contested areas and it never occurred to him that the growth was due to families growing and children marrying and starting their families and all done within the houses and apartments existing and no new construction despite the inconveniences such restrictions have caused. What many may find surprising just as the State Department of the United States, many of the nations in Europe and the European Union especially the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini as well as the United Nations is that there has been no building allowed outside the Green Line though companies have been permitted to make bids for tenders should such construction ever be resumed and given the go ahead by the Prime Minister’s Office which has stood astride the path to new construction impeding every opportunity.


Secretary Kerry should not have been judged too harshly as United Nations Secretary General also could not pass up an opportunity to lay the blame for the current Third Intifada on Israel equally if not more so than the Arab Palestinians of their governing bodies. The instigations from Arab Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stoking the fires of violence by relying on the same rallying cry used by the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin Al-Husseini claiming that the Jews were desecrating the al-Aqsa Mosque, endangering the structure of the al-Aqsa Mosque with destruction and one semi-original claim of Jews trampling the al-Aqsa Mosque with their “filthy feet” as depicted in the video below. It should be noted by Christians that Mahmoud Abbas also claims that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in addition to the al-Aqsa Mosque belong to the Arabs of the PA which was formed from the political party Fatah which was the political identity formed to take the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) from its roots as an Islamic terrorist organization and launder it clean in order to allow for the Oslo Accords to be received by the world as respectable and free of its Islamic terrorist history and to represent Yasser Arafat as the political leader of a national liberation movement separating his new role from his historic past as the father of airplane hijacking, terrorist extraordinaire and leader of a terrorist groups which had under his direct authority and often direct orders murdered numerous Israelis, Americans and Europeans and with the able assistance and facilitation by his second in command Mahmoud Abbas planned, armed, financed and executed the facilitation of Black September special operations subgroup of the PLO in conducting the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics Games hostage taking and murders of the Israeli Olympic Team in which most of the Israeli Olympic Team including coaches and athletes were murdered. (Pictures below video)






Munich Olympics Israeli Team Massacred

Munich Olympics Israeli Team Massacred



The story seldom changes when it comes to Israel and the Middle East. During the First Intifada which was largely facilitated by one of the early release of terrorists from Israeli jails as a humanitarian gesture. What a humanitarian gesture which cost an undetermined number of lives between the First Intifada, the terrorism which making peace and establishing an Arab state, the twenty-second such state, would alleviate the frustration and thus the Oslo Accords were born. Then came more prisoner releases in order to facilitate peace and to give Yasser Arafat reasons he could present to the Arab Muslim world making his agreement to speak peace with the Israelis more palatable which would bring the peace Israel had been promised was right around the corner if only this sacrifice was made. That led to other facilitating moves demanded from Israel while the terror continued to rise but still Israel was arm-twisted into granting more prisoner releases which led to Yasser Arafat walking from the Paris talks which soon led to the Second Intifada, which was named appropriately the Oslo War, where Israelis were murdered from shootings, stabbings, rock throwing and homicidal suicide bombers numbering well over one-thousand Israelis murdered and many times that injured. The Second Intifada did not come to a close until Israel was forced to assault the entirety of Judea and Samaria in order to quell the continuous violence. It was during this intervention that the Jenin slaughter and destruction of the entire town presumably took place. The truth of this presumed slaughter was such a far cry from what the story told by the media was that it was hard to understand how the media could have gotten the story that wrong. The media could not help but to use the wildest casualty and reports of destruction at the Jenin refugee camps and surrounding areas. Even after the United Nations inspection and research backed virtually every statistic and description of events as stated by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) own report on the confrontations and the resultant damage, destruction and casualty counts, the media preferred to stick with the Palestinian lie of a massacre and that trope has been referred to far too often as proof of Israeli wrongdoing that the Massacre at Jenin Refugee Camp has joined the other Blood Libels against the Jews right next to their threats to harm or destroy the al-Aqsa Mosque. The al-Aqsa Mosque libel is easy to understand its origins, it is exactly how the Arab Palestinians would act towards Jewish holy sites and have in the past thus the Jews must be as bloodthirsty, murderous and destructive to everything which does not compliment Judaism or poses a perceived threat to Judaism, whether real or imagined and it is how Jewish holy sites were treated when half of Jerusalem was under Jordanian control and every Synagogue was desecrated and then destroyed during those seventeen years before June of 1967 when Israel retook all of Jerusalem.


Currently the violence had been initiated by the Arabs, both those from the contested areas and others who hold Israeli identification cards and are considered Israelis. The attacks by Arab citizen of Israel against Jews of Israel are as close as Israel comes to instigating the violence. But again we are hearing that other blood libel and false logic that more of the attackers have been killed than Israelis as if any confrontation is supposed to have equal numbers dead on each side regardless of all other conditions and thus not enough Jews have died. My supposition is that if the numbers were reversed and five times or even fifty times the number of Arabs killed Jews the media would still list every act as if Israel was to blame but the casualty disparity would be shrugged off as just one of those events which happen in war. But since the Jews protecting themselves and the propensity to charge law enforcement or IDF personnel when they have been neutralized as a threat of violence against civilians and then rush with their knife bared to fulfill their bloodlust the world is surprised that they were often shot before they could do any further harm, but this is evil as their desire is only to murder as many Jews as possible until killed, they make this claim boldly and then Israel is blamed for their death wish. This is the reality Israel faces on the world’s stage, the impossibility to satisfy the hatred which has as its roots the origins of the conflict between monotheism and poly-theism and idolatry.


The introduction of a singular Deity, Hashem, turned the priesthood on its head compared to the rest of society where the population was kept under control by their fear of being identified as the one the gods demanded for sacrifice and this empowerment of the priestly class was difficult for them to surrender. Instead they placed greater impositions and tortures upon their societies and blamed all their perversions on the Jews and incited against them. Eventually the pagan threat subsided leading to yet another next challenge which came to be known as replacement theology by which the Jews are cast into perpetual deals with the devil and perverting the truth of the Bible, which explained partially the need to rewrite all of the Old Testament such that it fit the New Testament which was itself supplanted by Islam. Islam has also become a tool in the hands of their clerics who have cherry-picked the verses in the Quran and claimed them superior to the more peaceful and accommodating verses in the Quran. There will be those who will trace the bloodlust being implemented against the Jews is deserved as they had forsaken G0d which is why miseries after miseries were heaped upon the Jews through the millennia. First it was those who were threatened by the introduction of Hashem, a loving and nurturing Deity which meant mankind nothing but progress and a life filled with kindness and culpability for your actions, almost a direct opposite to the world vision of fatalism where your every act was planned and set in motion at the moment of birth and this the original sin which while lain on every man, it was heaped in immeasurable quantities on the Jews.


The worst crime the Jewish People could ever commit to society is for their exile to have an ending date which could be used to have the Jewish People to return to being the apple in Hashem’s eyes and their covenant still valid and the predictions of the early clerics was of a horrifically long period spent wandering the globe belonging only to their Torah and each other. The Jews returning to Eretz Yisroel and making Jerusalem as a whole their capital city is simply too much of prophecy being realized for other religious people to take so instead they attempt to murder the messengers as Hashem is beyond their reach and cannot be harmed by mere mortal man. It is the attempt to drive the Jews back into the Diaspora once again making them helpless and living at the kindnesses of their presumed betters. This explains the fierce anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Israel actions behind much of the world who have grown accustom to blaming the Jew and not receiving any resistance. Well, resistance is here and its name is Israel and you had best get used to their existence as it is the final time such will be required of mankind. The proud and self-sufficient Jews scares any of those whose entire career has been spent promoting or believing the Jew had to be scorned as it was apparent to those so willfully blind that the Jew suffered and had no homeland of their own was a result of their manifested sins effecting their plight in the world. The founding and survival of Israel, especially those acts which appear to be miraculous, of which there have been plenty, as this upsets their entire theories which made their religion ascendant and superseding Judaism as the Jews and thus their religion had been rejected by Hashem. The return to Israel made those assumptions into the lies they have always been, but now the drive is to destroy Israel even if by doing so the rest of the world will be destroyed in the process. Fighting Israel is like fighting against Hashem and will prove completely useless waste of human energy and endeavor. The Jews know there will be no success in undoing a miracle in progress as Hashem has infinite power and total control over the effects in this world just as in the next. Mankind need realized that the Jews cannot be controlled or overthrown as they have returned to their place in the lands of Hashem. But fighting the Jew is the closest many who oppose Israel do so out of their desire to bring Hashem into their definition as to what is right and correct. This is the reality Israel faces and just as these forces and the men powering them are determined to wipe the Chosen of Hashem from their place in Jerusalem and thus by inference have also proven Hashem to be a liar and thus the need for others in the oath to call for Hashem, in Judaism the person themselves can reach a point and converse with Hashem though answers are often difficult in coming and often require mankind take his proper assigned place and be content with such conditions. Lastly, pay attention to removing the tree sized splinter in your eye before attempting to place blame on the Jews just as history has recorded. Some things almost never change, nor does their evil inclination, with their minds enslaved and placing structure which places others, the officials with titles to justify their obstructions, placed between the people and Hashem, simply because where would the churches be without their minions to unleash upon an unjustified victims who are the people themselves, and yet the people have grown comfortable with this as well as the inherent evils. When will the people rebel against these deceivers is unknown to mere mortals, we just keep faith that each and every day brings us closer to that reward but only if we are reaching it for the correct reason.


Beyond the Cusp


June 26, 2015

How Does Europe Define NGO in Israel and More?

Filed under: 24/7 News Reporting,Absolutism,Act of War,al-Qaeda in Gaza,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab World,Arabs,Ashkelon,Balkans,Ben Bernake,Blood Libel,Boko Haram,Border violence,Borders,Boycott,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Defend Israel,Deportation,Dhimmi,Disengagement,Divestment,Domestic NGOs,Emergency Aid,Enforcement,Euro,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Historic Anti Semitism,European Media,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Executive Order,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,France,Gaza,Gaza Blockade,Germany,Government,Great Britain,Haiti,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,History,Hostages,IAF,IDF,IHH,Illegal Immigration,Immigration,Infiltration Tunnels,Inquisition,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Intifada,Intifada,ISIS,ISIS in Gaza,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Israeli Media,Janet Yellen,Japan,Jerusalem,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Kidnap Children,Kidnap Soldier,Kidnapped Israeli,Knesset,Leftist Pressures,Legal Blockade,Light unto the Nations,Mainstream Media,Mavi Marmara,Media,Media Bias,Middle East,Military,Military Option,Misreporting,Murder Israelis,Muslim World,Muslims,Natural Disasters Releif,Nepal,Omission,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Palestinian Security Force,Peace Process,Politicized Findings,Politics,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Promised Land,Quran,Recognize Israel,Repatriation,Response to Terrorism,Russian Pressure,San Remo Conference,Sanctions (BDS),Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Security,Sharia,Shiite,Smuggling Tunnels,Statehood,Sunni,Support Israel,Taqiyya,Tel Aviv,Terror,Third Intifada,Threat of War,Three No's,Torah,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Western World,World Opinion,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:15 AM
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Most people read news about some NGO making some claims or making accusations and their ears perk up and they assign extra special veracity to the words that follow the announcement that such-n-such groups, an NGO, claims that… No matter what nation the NGO calls home, the NGO is considered to be independent of any political bend and especially free of the foreign policy interests of any government because NGO stands for Non-Governmental-Organization. But perhaps this is not as pure as we have been led to believe as there are numerous NGOs which it turns out are paid agents for European nations and are used as the new twenty-first-century pirates who are sent on NGO raids of other nations seeking to find or provoke a situation which can be utilized to slander another nation, and if they can hit NGO pirating gold, perhaps even something presentable to an international court or be brought for one of those oh-so political lynching before the United Nations General Assembly where condemnations are all but automatic on any charges against certain “always guilty nations” or perhaps the United Nations Human Rights Council or, even better for elevating the paying nation’s international prestige, the charges can be filed by their NGO in their highest tribunal which has already applied to and received by the United Nations to hear and adjudicate human rights and war crimes charges and the whole cycle has come home and returned on their investment.


The obvious target of all the available culprits where presumed human rights are abused and there is no real, fair, just and uncorrupted judiciary where minorities are regularly seized out of their homes and executed after the briefest of trials and religious apartheid exists with factions in open warfare and every other conceivable injustice occurs daily deserving the targeting of the vast resources of the European governments both individually and through their combined financial resources funneled through the European Union in the Middle East, Africa or any other political hot spot is not Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, not North Korea and not even al-Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS, Hezballah, Boko Haram, Islamic Jihad or other terrorist entity; it is, let’s all say this together, Israel. The hot issue this week whose organizers deserved receiving roughly half a million euros from French government aid was Plateforme des ONG Françaises pour la Palestine (Platform of French NGOs for Palestine) efforts to break the internationally sanctioned and legal naval blockade of Gaza under the ever so original name of ‘Freedom Flotilla III’ which is expected to arrive any time this week. Never mind that Gaza receives every ounce of legal aid and even is permitted dual use building material of which it has been estimated that possibly a significant amount well exceeding half of the cements and other materials are confiscated by Hamas for their use in building infiltration tunnels with which to attack and murder Israelis and kidnap others to hold for ransom crossing a legally recognized border committing breaches and activities aimed at civilians all of which are acts of war. If the real reason of the ‘Freedom Flotilla III’ was to get desperately needed supplies to the people in Gaza, who admittedly could use building materials which would actually go to rebuilding their homes, stores and other damaged infrastructure resulting from repeated acts of war on the part of their existing governance of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist entities firing rockets, missiles and mortars upon Israeli civilians even to include striking Israel’s two largest metropolitan areas of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv requiring a military response to prevent further breaches of the peace, all that is required is for the aid to be delivered to any Israeli sea port where it would be inspected and all nonmilitary aid would be delivered within the following two to three days overland on any of the several tons of food, medical supplies, building materials and other approved aid withholding only those items deemed to be of a military nature and legally removed from any shipment.


It is almost needless to point out that these flotillas are not about getting supplies to the people of Gaza as was proven by the infamous Mavi Marmara flotilla where the lead ship attempted to run the blockade in order to ambush any IDF units used to intercept them and then be able to take film and still pictures with which to smear Israeli efforts requiring excessive violence on ‘innocent aid workers and human rights activists’ and then file them to be plastered on page one of every newspaper and film at the beginning of every news broadcast across the Western World thus presenting what the desire to claim are the brutalities committed by the Israeli military in the name of the government. These attempts by terrorists to instigate a fight and have the IDF inflict what would be presented as unnecessary violence went awry when the Israelis also arrived with cameras and shot the entire interdiction to show the world the edited out assaults initiating the actions which landed a number of both IDF and instigators in the hospital and resulted in nine terrorists who had assaulted the IDF soldiers using knives, pipes, bats and eventually small arms fire which immediately escalated the incident into an international incident where eventually the evidence from all sides was aired and the world was left to judge for themselves. Every single internationally sanctioned and recognized neutral investigations found fault on both sides but laid the blame for initiating the violence fell on the terrorist elements eventually identified as belong to IHH who boarded the ship at an unofficial stop subsequent to the filmed set-off in Turkey.


This newest effort is sailing the Mediterranean Sea and is anticipated to reach Israel once these participants have soaked up sufficient sun, fun and news cycles to fully show off the representatives of Human Rights NGOs, dignitaries, recognized public figures and the seemingly required member of the Israeli Knesset for that extra pinch of presumed righteousness, then they will head for Gaza to present their ‘aid for the starving masses and for rebuilding the destruction from last year’s conflict with Israel. Most of the ships making up the ‘Freedom Flotilla III’ will obey the instructions by the Israeli patrol boats and divert to drop off aid goods at Ashod, Haifa, Tel Aviv or whichever port has been prepared to receive and process the goods as rapidly as humanly possible. If form holds true, the aid packages will include food that has not been properly refrigerated or kept dry making it almost entirely unusable and medical supplies past their usable date but Israel will transfer it into Gaza where Hamas and the governing entities will simply leave it until it has to be disposed of before these useless supplies become a health hazard. That is exactly what became of the aid from the previous ‘Freedom Flotillas’ and their showcase deliveries. To be honest, most Israelis do not wish for a fight and would be more than happy if the aid actually was received by the Gazan people and any useful provisions are a benefit to them and Israel has even liberalized their permissible aid to include the very cement, rebar, wood, sheets of aluminum and other building supplies with which Hamas, Islamic Jihad et al are rebuilding the destroyed infiltration tunnels making improvements and enlarging them as well as digging new, deeper and longer ones which will have added rails for electric rail carts to get the raiding parties to the far end ready and still rested for their assaults in southern Israel and potentially beyond, just as the captured plans described when the tunnels were found and destroyed during Operation Protective Edge last summer.


The assault the Israelis spoiled when they found the tunnels during the ground operations included and had in place awaiting implementation of the plans during the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur were motorcycles, manufactured IDF uniforms complete with patches and all identifying insignia, maps, weapons, ammunition, handcuffs, rope, drugs, syringes and supplies to outfit hundreds if not over a thousand infiltrators who could have committed mass murders and mass kidnappings mostly, as the plans indicated, from the neighboring towns and kibbutzim and even raid into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem which were to be carried out in much the same manner as the Mumbai, India assault where ten Pakistani terrorists landed near the Gateway to India Monument equipped with plastic explosives, grenades, hand guns, machine guns and other tools carrying out the worst and most lethal terrorist action in Indian history. The viciousness of the assault was exemplified by the horrific attack in the Chabad ‘Nariman House’ and the raid on the two of the main train stations and the international hotels as the terrorists continued murdering everybody they could on route to their eventual targets. The November 26, 2008 attack lasted four horrific and trying days before all the terrorists were killed with one, Ajmal Kasab, being captured and questioned by the Indian authorities seeking information on why one-hundred-seventy-nine people were killed and more than three-hundred were wounded . The estimated numbers who could have been murdered in a similar assault on Israel during the High Holidays with assaults planned to begin across the entirety of Israel coordinated for simultaneous explosions followed by the other operations including plans to assault numerous local synagogues and the main and largest synagogues in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and elsewhere included numbers so shocking as to be beyond belief and the confusion which could be entered into the equations with terrorists dressed as IDF soldiers giving spurious orders to a frightened public funneling them to set up terrorist locations where the people were likely to be murdered or taken hostage to be used in later negotiations which were unlikely to end with any acceptable results.


The ‘Freedom Flotilla III’ will most likely be using a similar modus operandi of the previous ‘Freedom Flotillas’ where a single selected ship staffed with instigators and terrorists who will be attempting to force a confrontation which can be filmed to be edited later to show the violence perpetrated on innocent individuals by presumed sadistic IDF Jews against simply human rights advocates which included women and other identifiable representatives of peace organizations who have volunteered to stand on the periphery in the hopes of being mistaken for one of those attacking the IDF and receive rough treatment. What these Flotilla planners are counting on is that the Israelis will attempt to use the minimalist amount of force required to divert the ship or ships attempting to break through the naval blockade which, may we remind all, has been investigated by the United Nations and the International Criminal Court (ICC) and passed muster as being a legal and properly applied blockade meeting or exceeding all the requirements of such an operation. These reviews noted that all legal aid is delivered in a timely manner and in as pristine a condition as it arrived after an efficient and speedy inspection for contraband such as arms as certain dual use materials such as those used for the production of explosives, weapons, ammunition, other munitions, rockets and the fuel to launch them and other recognized illegal substances. The rules under international law on enforcement of a recognized blockade is to attempt to intercede with the least necessary force to persuade the ship’s captain to divert and dock at an assigned port for inspection and offloading of aid which will be delivered afterwards and the use of force may escalate as the orders are ignored and efforts continue to cross the blockade line. There is no actual requirement for the enforcing forces, be they ships, aircraft or other units to actually attempt to board the offending ship to take control and sail it to an approved port. Should a ship persist in attempts to cross a blockaded port and pose a threat of breaking the enforcement it becomes legal to simply shoot the ship out of the water by any and all means as the enforcing fleet and military power at the scene, if that is perceived as the least dangerous alternative for their personnel. The enforcement rules under international law allow for the sinking of the offending vessel and do not require less destructive measures. A good example of the amount of force permissible by a legally blockading nation would be a study of the Cuban Missile Crisis where United States President Kennedy had given orders for any Russian vessel crossing the blockading ships were to be fired upon and sunk. The United States blockading forces included numerous destroyers, cruisers, aircraft and the vessels which came the closest to actually firing on the Russian lead ship had she not turned away with little room left before action was taken, a nice way as saying actions were imminent, were two attack submarines which already had entered their firing sequence into the ships attack computers and I believe one had even loaded and flooded their tubes in preparation to fire. It may have been the sonar reporting of such act which convinced the Russian captain to divert his ship and not continue his confrontation. That was amongst the closest the Cold War adversaries faced off which could have had dire and vastly different consequences. The ‘Freedom Flotilla III’ personnel, planners and ship captains have probably studied the previous attempts to break the blockade and are counting on Israel to interdict by placing her troops in harm’s way if that is what becomes necessary to prevent the blockade from being transgressed. There is also the option to demand a cursory check of the goods and if found not to contain anything banned to allow the ship to proceed to a port in Gaza. The difficulty there is the requirement for boarding once again, always a dangerous process where the boarding party are the force most vulnerable which was made exceedingly evident during the Mavi Marmara confrontation.


The backing of the ‘Freedom Flotilla III’ by the French government using one of their nationally supported and funded NGOs is indicative of a problem which Israel had some serious problems and is where any discussion about this situation of European governments, amongst others, directly or indirectly through NGOs whose main purpose is a form of money laundering where they receive funding directly from governments who may even have requested the funding be funneled directly to another NGO where the initial recipient of the funds uses a percentage or set handling fee to pay for their services and then they pass the funds along wither through another middle NGO or directly to the intended NGO all pending the amount of separation desired by the donating government where they pay for each level of separation. Where this system is sufficiently deceitful and underhanded manner for a government to mount subversive efforts to undermine the independence or functioning of another government they wish to target through using NGOs which are officially registered with the originating government, in Israel there is a second and far more sinister route being used, the support and funding, largely through the NGO the New Israel Fund (NIF) which in turn doles the funds for different activities and functioning of other NGOs operating within Israel. The devious part is that these majority or even completely foreign funded NGOs, some by outside individuals and others by the European Union or European governments as well as Arab and Muslim governments are registered as Israeli NGOs despite their almost entirely foreign funding sources. The Israel Parliament, the Knesset, has passed a series of bills to attempt to address this situation. These legislations have included such requirements that any NGO receiving a majority of their funding from outside Israel be required to register as a foreign NGO which would eliminate some of the tax exemptions, the requirement for all NGOs to report all foreign funding including funds from other NGOs which receive the majority of their funding from outside Israel, an attempt to make foreign funds granted to NGOs to taxation and a number of other requirements many of which the very nations funding these ‘Israeli’ NGOs themselves have enacted which would even go so far as to exile any NGO from their registry forcing them to register under the nation or one of the nations paying their funding requirements which, needless to point to, prevents Israel from returning the favor in kind by subverting NGOs operating in Europe under European registry. Every one of these legislations have been denounced by people on the left of the political scale as the NGOs most likely to be affected are the most liberal and often anti-Israel NGOs that operate as Israeli NGOs. These protestations have caused each of these laws to be nullified by the Israeli Supreme Court often claiming that they are discriminatory despite their being applicable to all NGOs operating in Israel and specifically to those registering as being Israeli NGOs operating licensed by the Israeli governing body which oversees NGOs, an overseeing body which has been hampered from taking any actions against these anti-Israel, anti-Zionist NGOs who perform the bidding of their paymasters from outside Israel still enjoying the apparent approval of the Israeli government. The actions of the Israel Supreme Court are not surprising as they have performed the actions of a blocking stone placed around the neck of every piece of legislation passed by the Knesset which the Supreme Court has set themselves up as an override proof veto machine and nowhere have they been more active than against nationalist and Zionist interests such as the problem with the foreign funded anti-Israel NGOs and also another major problem, the repatriation of illegal immigrants to their home nation even to include those that the United Nations and European Union have registered as facing no oppressions or even arrest and trial should they be returned to their nation of origin. The infiltrator problem, what the illegal immigrants have been named, has caused widespread lawlessness for many neighborhoods in southern Tel Aviv and other less well-off neighborhoods. When efforts have been made to expand the territory being invaded and potentially inflicted with this problem the wealthier neighborhoods have no difficulty in receiving law enforcement fast and expediently.


There was one effort which many found amusing as a member of the Knesset brought a number of these illegal immigrant families to enjoy some recreation at one of the public swimming pools in a wealthier Tel Aviv neighborhood. The people monitoring who were allowed to enter this ‘public swimming pool and recreation area’ made every effort to prevent the entry of these ‘other outsiders’ but were eventually forced to permit their entry. Within minutes of their entering this public area the most affluent found the atmosphere so threatened that they made a hasty retreat before being put in a position of sharing their environs with those such as these people who had been unfairly thrust into their formerly perceived protected public area. Such grandstanding only succeeded in making some ripples in the news over the ensuing week and then everything returned to normal and the criminal elements were still ignored and the residents of the afflicted neighborhoods almost require escort just to do their grocery shopping and going out after sunset is unthinkable, such is the reality the Supreme Court is forcing on these unfortunate people who have sufficient problems just making ends meet and who deserve better security in their neighborhoods but even law enforcement has been timid in imposing the law in such neighborhoods as they cannot be on every street corner, or so we have been informed.


Reform is going to be required on many fronts but Israel is a young nation still ironing out some of her deficiencies and rough spots. Israel is still on their first republic unlike some in Europe who have worked their way through five republics within their last two to three centuries or had coups which led to consequences for the entirety of Europe and beyond. For a relative newcomer to the world’s stage and facing probably one of the roughest of neighborhoods to make their debut and against all odds she remains standing and not about to throw in the towel no matter how many NGOs of foreign funding antagonize her soldiers and protest her duly elected government attempting to use bullying tactics as described in such playbooks as Rules for Radicals, the Communist Manifesto, Che Guevara’s A Revolutionary Life and many others. Books not read or not considered enlightened enough include the worldviews from Hobbes, John Locke, Adam Smith, David Hume, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Denis Diderot, Immanuel Kant, George Berkeley, John Stuart Mill, Jeremy Bentham, Montesquieu with his separation of powers concept, and even Gulliver’s Travels author Jonathan Swift. The ‘Age of Reason’ which was also known as the Enlightenment brought a whole new manner of government where the common man was respected and was a capable individual who had learned much from the greatest of all teachers, the hardships and challenges of everyday survival from which we get this well-known phrase thanks to Friedrich Nietzsche (and an aside to Conan for making it known by the masses), “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Let us hope that the ‘Freedom Flotilla III’ and all the incidents she may cause in the coming days only make us, all of us, stronger.


That is the one thing which I believe makes much of the world angered by Israel and turned to scorn and ridicule her is that as the Jewish State, Israel attempts to be better in their treatment and assistance to others, to honestly make a difference where it counts in the world and make it a better place by the actions of each and every individual Israeli. If Israel is capable of lifting up souls one at a time, then that is what she will endeavor to accomplish. Israel has a soul and a heart and these fill her with hope over fate, light over darkness, helping over pitying. This is evident in Israeli assistance to those suffering from a natural disaster such as was in Haiti, the Philippines, Japan and recently Nepal. Many Nepalese were perplexed by the Israeli response both to their needs and to locating every single Israeli known to be in Nepal. They noted we sent search and rescue along with medical teams to places even the Nepalese government does not visit. Israel continued the search even when there was but one Israeli not yet accounted for and then refused to leave after hearing of his death but instead mounted an expedition to locate, retrieve and bring his body home to be interred where his loved ones could know he rested, his mortality rested. It did not escape the Nepalese people that there were nations with hundreds and even thousands of people in Nepal who sent nobody to assist their own people, let alone the people of Nepal yet Israel tracked down and located every Israeli including the retrieval of the one fatality’s body and aided the people of Nepal remaining even after every Israeli had been accounted for; remaining plus sending a second team to relieve the initial assistance sent in order to provide until the emergency had ended and Nepal was as healthy and back on her feet as possible after such a disaster. Israel had the first operating fully equipped and staffed hospital in Haiti, built and equipped a clinic in a remote village where no such care was available and trained the villagers how to use the most useful equipment and eventually left the clinic and equipment in place and had even interested some medical personnel including some physicians to set up practices in the clinic. Israel had the most wonderful and beautiful of programs I have ever encountered anywhere with their Save a Child’s Heart (SACH) which is a non-profit organization based in Israel but reaching out to the world wherever there is a need leading to their being known worldwide for their commitment to saving lives by improving the quality of cardiac care for children from developing countries and creating centers of medical competence in these countries. They not only help finance and build departments in hospitals and entire hospitals where none exist and train the physicians in cardiac care for children leaving behind a self-sufficient group who is fully capable of providing the care to the people locally. Until such care is available locally they fly children from all nations, and they mean all nations even if to have that child cared for in Israel but the government does not recognize or particularly like Israel, they fly the family to a neutral nation and then to Israel without stamping their passport, provide the cardiac care and recovery and return them through the same neutral nation all because life is precious. You want a one phrase for Israel, try every single life matters. That is the basis for so much Israel does even in ways that are difficult to explain, but rest assured that all life is precious is still included in what Israel does and it shows quietly in her actions.


Beyond the Cusp


November 28, 2014

This Will Likely be the Final Extension With Iran

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,Administration,Al-Quds Force,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Apocalypse,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Appointment,Assembly of Experts,Ayatollah,Ayatollah Khamenei,Ayatollahs,Blood Libel,Breakout Point,Britain,Cabinet,Catherine Ashton,China,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Domestic NGOs,Ease Sanctions,Economic Sanctions,Egypt,EMP Attack,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equality,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Fadjr,Federica Mogherini,Fordo,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,France,German Pressure,Germany,Government,Green Line,Hamas,Hassan Rowhani,Hate,Hezballah,History,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Iran,Iranian Pressure,IRGC,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Interests,Jihad,Lebanon,Leftist Pressures,Libya,Meaning of Peace,Missile Research,Missile Test Launch,Mohammad Javad Zarif,Muslim World,Myth,Netanyahu,North Korea,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Research,Nuclear Scientist,Nuclear Sites,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons Test,Oppression,P5+1,Parchin,Persians,Plutonium Production,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,Politics,Qom,Quran,Remove Sanctions,Russia,Russian Pressure,Sanctions,Saudi Arabia,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Scientific Research,Secular Interests,Sharia,Shiite,Sunni,Supreme Leader,Syria,Taqiyya,Terror,Threat of War,Turkey,United Arab Emirates,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Uranium Enrichment,Uranium Enrichment,War Threat,Warhead Development,Weapons of Mass Destruction,WMD,World Opinion,World Pressures,World War III,World Without Zionism or America — qwertster @ 3:19 AM
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The last set of negotiation between the P5+1 (United States, Britain, China, Russia, France and Germany) with Iran ended on Monday without them reaching any agreement and the setting of another deadline for seven months hence. That deadline is meaningless as was very probably the past deadline which just expired as Iran has been holding joint developmental programs on their rocket and missile technology as well as nuclear weapons technology over the last two decades. The bad news is there will probably not be any meaningful future negotiations as before the seven month deadline is reached the Iranians will not only have established a nuclear weapons program but have already produced a number of weapons making them a bonafide nuclear weapons power and quite possibly capable and producing miniature warheads just as has become acknowledged fact for the North Koreans. This will allow the Iranians to mount their nuclear weaponry atop their ballistic missiles which already are capable of reaching much of Europe and most of the United States if permitted to stage their nuclear missiles in Venezuela, Nicaragua or Cuba, the first two of which have already signed agreements with Iran permitting their doing exactly that staging. Even more frightening is that Iran has practiced and proven to have the ability to launch ballistic missiles with close to a two-thousand mile range from onboard merchant ships similar to the North Korean flagged ship which was found to contain just such a missile while traversing the Panama Canal. Where once it becomes known that the Iranians have developed and been producing nuclear warheads there will be many who will rush to accuse President Obama and his administration of falling down on the job and failing utterly in preventing the Iranians from reaching breakout point and actually begin producing nuclear weapons., the reality is that there is more than sufficient blame to go around as these negotiations have been progressing for almost twenty years and none of the American Presidents showed any capability at understanding the facts that they all had been played by the Iranians from the very beginning.


Blame is not going to be of any help and will be a simple waste of time and energy. The problem facing the world now is that since the clock cannot be wound back and the ability of Iran to produce deployable nuclear warheads be undone, then steps need to be taken to assure that the ability of Iran for utilizing those warheads is diminished to the point of being made negligible before the Middle East is launched into a nuclear arms race with every nation racing their neighbors trying to maintain sufficient weapons which will presumably attain some strange balance and a very tricky MADD system where Shiite and Sunni nations balance against each other and even intra-Shiite and intra-Sunni nations also balance with each one claiming to have developed sufficient deterrence against all the other new nuclear weapons powers. It can be assumed that Saudi Arabia will receive not only nuclear technology and designs from Pakistan but also an initial set of nuclear warheads potentially already atop ballistic missiles as a repayment for their bankrolling the Pakistani nuclear program after India detonated their first nuclear warhead. Turkey and Egypt likely have sufficient technological expertise to develop their own rudimentary nuclear weapons program with it being simply a matter of time before they also join the nuclear weapons club. Then there are the rest of the oil rich nations who would be capable of investing sufficient funding to attain nuclear weapons technology and build their own arsenals. Then there is the further complication that many of these nations also have ties with nations and terrorist groups who all would be pressuring to be granted a nuclear device with which to resolve some problem or to use to threaten a neighbor such as Syria might want to threaten Turkey or the Sudan might desire a warhead with which to destroy South Sudan and take back any or all of the oilfields which they lost control over. Then there might be desires to threaten Europe or Israel or the Chechens might want to strike Russia and claim innocence as they were not known to have any nuclear devices or the Uyghurs might desire to strike China in much the same manner. Then there is the small matter of Israel and take your pick of who might desire to strike Israel with a nuclear device, especially if they thought they could deflect suspicions onto somebody else. Then there is the idea that Iran has often made known where they desire a world without America or Zionism and as their chant is most often, “Death to America, Death to Israel.” And the small fact that they refer to the United States as the great Satan and Israel as the little Satan, it is obvious that Iran desires to strike the United States as much if not more so that they do Israel. The Iranians also must realize that they would have an easier time striking Israel if the United States had been delivered a decapitating attack first.


The only thing more complicated than getting a straight answer from anybody in the Obama White House as to how they were unable to prevent the Iranians from developing and being ready and able to deploy nuclear warheads would be to be able to figure out the resulting rush and development of nuclear weapons and building of arsenals across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) while also predicting whose weapon would be the first actually delivered, at whom it would be targeted, and through which proxy might that strike take place utilizing. The easy prediction is that within eighteen months of Iran testing or declaring their possession of a nuclear device that Saudi Arabia will also be well armed with multiple warheads and it may even take less than a few weeks before they had received their initial shipment of warheads from Pakistan unless Iran is capable of preventing such a transfer from Sunni Pakistan to Sunni Saudi Arabia and the cash cow that Pakistan owes a great debt to Saudi Arabia for underwriting the Pakistani drive to nuclear capabilities and the purchasing of the tools required for the production of the Pakistani nuclear arsenal. The other problem is that once the cat is out of the bag and the Middle East enters into an arms race, the long-standing idea of nuclear nonproliferation will be fatally struck through its heart and die so quickly that there will be insufficient time for the United Nations to call for an emergency meeting, or even for the United Nations to blame Israel, and that is fast. Then there is the one other constant we can expect, and that is when the United Nations does call its meeting to place the blame for the arms race that murdered the nonproliferation treaty, the entire blame will initially be placed on Israel, and after any further investigations are complete, Israel and then the United States will be blamed with the tie breaker going to Israel simply because Prime Minister Netanyahu has been the leader in demanding that force would be required and required earlier rather than later to prevent the Iranians reaching nuclear breakout and actually producing an arsenal. The only question which will not be answered by the end of the next deadline in seven months will be if Iran will have developed, and admitted to having done so, a nuclear weapon. There should be no question that Iran will have attained nuclear breakout and already started to stock a nuclear weapons arsenal before the next deadline and something they have probably been busy building during the time they have been negotiating for the past year or longer. But do not expect anybody from the negotiations let out the truth as the Iranians know they benefit by extending the negotiations for as long as they are able while packing away nuclear warheads and developing intercontinental ballistic missiles and increasing their accuracy and President Obama has placed his legacy on reaching an agreement so that he can claim that he reached the agreement which brought us peace in our times. Let us all hope that peace in our time has far less drastic results as the last time a world leaders exclaimed those words on his return to Britain from Munich. This time the declaration will be made after deplaning from Geneva or Vienna rather than Munich, but does that difference really make a difference? Probably not one iota.


Beyond the Cusp


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