Beyond the Cusp

February 3, 2017

False Flag Refugees, Deceits and Protests


Palestine, what is in a name? In that name is the greatest deceit in modern history, if not all history. What makes this deceit all the more malicious is the simple fact that everybody using or referencing this deceit are complicit in perpetuating the deceit. There may be a select ignorant few making up less than a single percentage point of the protesters throughout the world. Even the hordes of college youth caught up in the anti-Israel falsely identified pro-Palestinian demonstrations across the campuses of the developed world; certainly they are not all aware of the deceit. Well, actually, except for that single percent that are likely too simple to understand the difference between lies and truths, these protesters are also familiar with the deceit. They know that every time they chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free,” they are not calling for any compromise; they are calling for the annihilation of Israel and her Jewish People. They support the PA as well as Hamas and their demand that the lands they hold be completely cleansed of any Jews and that their end promise is to rid the entire world of any Jewish trace. They will claim that this is not the case and claim that Hamas and the Arab Palestinians do not desire every Jew on Earth be executed, but they also know that in saying this they are simply repeating the big lie. The one rule they all stand by is that the Arabs are the aggrieved party who have no homelands and the Jews are invaders who have never resided in the Holy Lands. For them to believe that this is true they would need have grown up without having any knowledge of the Bible, both Old Testament and the New Testament. Further, they would have to be completely ignorant of the person referred to as Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth and pretend they did not know he was a Jew who lived in Nazareth, was born in Bethlehem or preached in Jerusalem. Anyone raised in the Western World making such a claim is, pardon our bluntness, a lying piece of work beyond rescue or salvation.


But today being anti-Israel, and further, anti-Zionist while chanting support for the wretched and oppressed Arab Palestinians even if it demands no small amount of additional anti-Semitism is all part of an active social acceptance and the avenue to future opportunities including entry into many of the most elite political groups including but not limited to Black Lives Matter (BLM), the 99%, Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Friends of Sabeel-North America (FOSNA), If Americans Knew (IAK), International Solidarity Movement (ISM), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Muslim American Society (MAS), Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (USCEIO), Electronic Intifada, US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) and the Boycott Divestment and Sanction Movement (BDS). The leadership of many of these organizations are located in the Middle East or even originated in the Middle East such as the BDS Movement which began as the Arab countries boycotts of Israel and that was taken global under direct administration by the Palestinian Authority which also initially funded the BDS Movement just as they work and fund the ISM movement which has collaborated with Hamas in efforts to counter Israeli actions even to the point of transferring weapons and terrorist fighters in their vehicles which carried neutrality markings to prevent their being targeted by the Israelis. The side-effect of these often concerted efforts to vilify Israel and work for her destruction has been the targeting of Jews on some of the most active campuses. Some of the activities carried out by these groups actually intentionally target the Jewish students with one type of harassment being fake eviction notices meant to force the Jewish students feel the same panic and threat felt by the families of convicted terrorist murderers whose homes are destroyed. Then the Jewish students are often targeted with the false checkpoint protests and false arrest protests where the aim is to make the Jewish students’ lives feel as if they are now the terrorists or presumably Arab Israelis.


Anti-Israel Protests

Anti-Israel Protests


The problem is that Arab Israelis face exactly the same type of security protocols and inconveniences as any other Israeli including the Israeli Jews and the vast majority of Arab Palestinians never need cross a checkpoint as their lives are lived entirely within the areas governed by the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian Arabs residing in Gaza only face a checkpoint when entering Israel. The fact that Arab Palestinians face checkpoints actually is normal for any person crossing from one nation into another in the Middle East and most other places worldwide with the exception of within the European Union providing one has a European Union or other European recognized identity card. The Arab Palestinian resides either in Gaza under Hamas or within the Palestinian Authority regions and only when crossing into Israel or Israeli areas are they subjected to checkpoints and in many locations Arab Palestinians are able to cross into Israel without facing any checkpoint which is what should be seen as the exceptional instance, not having to cross through a checkpoint when leaving the semi-autonomous regions of the Palestinian Authority governance into Israel or to cross from Hamas ruled Gaza into Israel. What is next, protests that the fighters in Syria are met at the border by the IDF when they are taken by Israel and treated for their injuries with no questions asked. Then I guess we should not tell you that once these injured “Syrians” are stabilized, they are returned to Syria and not granted an apartment in Tel Aviv and Israeli citizenship. Israel even has checkpoints for Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese and even Americans flying into Ben Gurion International Airport. Imagine that.


Palestinian Refugees are another false flag as they are dissimilar from every other recognized refugee group recognized by the United Nations. While all other refugees are handled through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) which works to resettle refugees in neighboring nations or throughout the world in rare instances such as the current Syria crisis where the neighboring countries and related Arab nations are refusing or claiming inability to absorb refugees. Some claim that this refusal is being coordinated in order to infiltrate the western world with an inundation of Islamic refugees and possibly mixing in a select set of terror organizers and other terror facilitators and collaborators. But even with over half a century the Arab Palestinian refugees have not only never been resettled, but have grown from under three-quarters of a million to somewhere over five million with some claiming over six million. This is due to their agency, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is coordinated and structured in such a manner as to propagate the refugee situation and purposely invigorate and aggravate it. In this end they pass the refugee status from one generation to the next thus far ad infinitum. No other similar situation exists or ever has existed throughout history. This situation can only be performed in this manner in order to exacerbate an existing problem making it worse over time. The only reason for such treatment, more mistreatment, of these refugees is to use as a weapon to berate and eventually inundate Israel with these refugees destroying its Jewish majority and destroying the Jewish State by refugee. This mistreatment and denigration of the human spirit in a people is nothing short of inhuman and the real sorrow is that these refugees are being held in camps by their own people, fellow Arabs. These refugee camps even exist within areas under Palestinian Arab control as well as in Gaza under Hamas rule. In Syria they became double refugees and Bashir al-Assad dropped barrel bombs and used chemical agents on the two largest refugee camps fearful that they would rise against him. These camps contain entire families most with numerous children but the Syrians simply wanted them dead instead of continuing to feed and care for them. That is the attitude of many other nations who have these camps and if not for their threat to Israel, these people would be treated better by their own people.


There never was any nation called Palestine. There have never been a Palestinian people throughout history. The Arabs claiming to be Palestinians simply needed to have resided in the British Mandate for two years, or claim to have been there for two years, in 1948 to be granted status as a Palestinian as the British were doing everything in their power to increase the numbers of Arabs, including shipping them in themselves, while refusing to allow the Jews from Europe entry into the state of Israel. Then there are the forgotten refugees. These were the over eight-hundred-thousand Jews directly evicted or driven from their Arab homelands where many the family had been residing there for over a thousand years, two thousand for some in Egypt, and were sent packing mostly to Israel as European nations, Canada, Australia and the United States refused to accept any of these Jewish refugees unless they had relatives willing to prove they could support them. This sent the vast majority of the Jews to Israel where today they make up approximately half the population. There are also Jewish refugees taken in from Ethiopia as well as India and anywhere in the world where Jews face a hostile environment. The true refugees from the Arab world, the only refugees who would never be permitted to return to their former homes, the Jews from the Arab world of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have been completely accepted into Israeli society and as time passes and the European and MENA Jews as well as all others intermarry, there will be no distinguishing them one from the other. How do I know, because my mother’s family was from Iraq and my father’s was from England; I am one of those Jews with a foot in each continent and it showed in my upbringing.


Beyond the Cusp


December 11, 2016

From Israel for Your Information


Just as the world’s media downplayed or simply ignored not only the massive forest and other fires where many were proved to be arson, there are some other stories which might not have reached the rest of the world we thought you might desire hearing all about. We will start out with lighter fare and work our way through to wherever it leads us. One factoid which became known this week has supposedly struck some in the Arab world as distressful, that there has been a steady increase of Israeli Arabs joining the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Another was the breaking up of a terror cell of eight Hamas backed Arab residents from the Sur Baher and Sheikh Jarrah neighborhoods of East Jerusalem. The cell was preparing to carry out shooting attacks in the Israeli Capital of Jerusalem and surrounding areas, including against an IDF base and targets on Mount Scopus, home to the Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital. The cell had reconnoitered some of their targets and were about to attack the IDF base in North Jerusalem on Mount Scopus. The cell was apparently started by Hamas back in 2015 after many of its members were released from serving their sentences for previous “nationalistic” crimes, a euphemism for terrorist attacks. A statement released by Shin Bet reported, “The disruption of the [terror] network preventing a number of serious terror attacks in Jerusalem and its discovery again highlights the danger posed by terrorists with Israeli ID cards, who benefit from the freedom of movement and access to firearms, making it relatively easy for such individuals to carry out terror attacks.”


In plain English the point was that the instigating tactics and inflaming of anti-Israel and anti-Semitism exists and has been growing amongst Israeli Arab, especially those who received citizenship when East Jerusalem was formally annexed and the residents granted Israeli identification cards. Many of these who have taken to terrorism were initially educated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and never were honestly integrated into Israeli society and still dreamed of the destruction of the Jewish State. This was also a further warning of some of the problems which now exist after so many decades of Arab incitement throughout their society and particularly in their education indoctrination schools and camps. The silence from the world’s media on these two stories stem from the same inadequacy, or better put, were filtered from the news by the same principle, no news which backs the Israel or Jewish side of this conflict must be permitted. On the other hand, every time an Arab is harmed even through a verbal slighting, no matter what the reasoning this must be blown out of proportion and be used to show the racism in Israeli reporting by the European and leftist world media. The simple fact of breaking up a terrorist squad one would think could be a good news story but only if it takes place in Paris, Rome, Berlin, London or any other Western metropolis as preventing terror in these parts is part of the “War on Terror” while the same events in Israel is part of “other news” and not the slightest degree of equal importance. The media would have you believe that terrorism in Israel is separate and totally different and unrelated to terror outside of Israel. According to too many media news editors, Israeli terrorist attacks are deserved while all terror outside Israel is horrific and actually Israel’s fault in the first place and thus can be reported and even blamed upon Israel if even the most tenuous connection is possible.


This brings us to our last story before more opinion comes your way. The United Nations, that great arbiter of beneficial actions has decided to vote next week in the General Assembly to fund a blacklisting of Israeli and international companies operating in Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and in Judea and Samaria. There will be no distinction as to whether these companies employ Palestinian Arabs or that by boycotting them they are acting in a hurtful manner as we can assure you that in virtually every company which had facilities outside the Green Line is employing both Israeli settlers and Palestinian Arabs. Why, you may ask, would the international community boycott or otherwise target Israeli companies who employ Palestinian Arabs with equal rights and salaries as Israeli citizens possibly causing these Palestinian Arabs who this is done to support their good paying jobs. The reason is as sick as it is disgusting. These Arabs, who work alongside Jewish workers, hold management and supervisory position in equal percentages as Jewish workers with some supervising Jewish workers, despite what you may have been told, are not helping the cause of proving Israel to be an Apartheid state which segregates against Arabs. All Palestinian Arabs must be dependent on Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah, UNRWA, and be providing ample fodder for the terror mills. Israeli employed Palestinian Arabs make often half again higher wages that even the PA security forces are paid and this makes for bad news. These Palestinian Arabs are considered by the world media to be collaborators and that can only be an evil Zionist plot to employ these Palestinian Arabs and provide them jobs and equal treatment and what would happen should the world find this out. When SodaStream was boycotted and maligned sufficiently that they closed their Judea plant and this cost nearly a thousand Palestinian Arab jobs but this was heralded as a good thing as it presumably cost the Jew settlers their jobs, but it did not because they have Israeli Identification Cards and thus just had a farther distance to drive to work and kept their jobs. The Palestinian Arabs would need to receive special work permit identification cards which would also have required clearance from the PA as well as Israel and these papers were slow if ever coming at all thus all that was accomplished by the boycott of SodaStream was the loss of Palestinian Arabs’ jobs making for another group of PA Arabs that Israel would not permit to work. Now there is a story they did report but did so making it seem like SodaStream had simply fired their Arab workers at their Judea plant and never noting it was the media that hounded them in closing that plant.


Many of these to be blacklisted Israeli companies will either move their companies within Israel or simply go bust and close up all together. Palestinian Arabs will lose good jobs and Jews residing now near their work will need to take transportation or drive further to reach their work. This blacklisting makes for some added stress for the Jews working in Judea and Samaria for these companies but it denies the PA Arabs of jobs which serves the propaganda campaign against Israel. If PA Arabs must suffer so Israel will look bad, well then to help these PA Arabs we must first destroy their jobs and lives. They are destroying workplaces where Jew and Arab work together in peace and with mutual respect in the name of helping the Arabs who without this help would have nowhere to turn, but it is more like because of this help they lose it all and then have nowhere to turn. These lost jobs are then trumpeted in the media of a wickedly evil within Israeli society refusing to hire Arabs despite the reality that it was the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction) Movement which stole the existing livelihood from these PA Arabs who they now lament lost their jobs. It is one of the worst cases of it works so let’s fix it which leads to destroying a better life for PA Arabs because the story line must read Israel denies PA Arabs the opportunity to work. How can these NGOs demonize Israel if Israeli companies are treating PA Arabs as equals in their factories in Judea and Samaria, those “settler” companies? That is a question the media refuses to admit to facilitating.


The reality that the world is not being told about is that it has been the PA leadership which has refused to make any deal with Israel as they still adhere to the Khartoum Conference’s Three No’s which are, No Peace with Israel, No Negotiations with Israel, No Recognition of Israel. This was the agreement reached in an emergency session of the Arab League. It was his going against these agreements for which the Muslim Brotherhood, potentially but unproven assists from the Arab League or other Arab nations, arranged the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat after he Negotiated with Israel, made Peace with Israel and thus Recognized Israel. Anwar Sadat was a brave soul who knew he was tempting fate when he initiated talks with Israel meeting in Jerusalem with Menachem Begin. For reaching an agreement with Israel, Egypt was returned the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula with its small but profitable oil fields, its Sharm El Sheikh Resort community and with the destruction of twenty-plus Israeli settlement communities being removed and the Israelis taken back within Israel. That last bit is proof positive that the “settlements” are not an impediment for peace. If a true and real peace required their destruction, then such would become a definitive possibility, but the world does not want a peace or any settlement of the Palestinian Arab situation, the world wants it to fester and to become ever more dire with the Palestinian Arabs without jobs such that the destruction of Israel becomes the cry of the day. Mahmoud Abbas has flat stated that he will only accept a peace which destroys Israel as a Jewish State and is perfectly fine with an Israel ruled by Arabs. The fact that the Arabs he desired be moved to Israel include every Arab in any refugee camp including the camp in Jenin and the camp outside Nablus and even the camp attached to Gaza City. Yes, there are three massive refugee camps for Palestinian Arabs with their being held prisoners within lands under Palestinian Arab autonomy, complete rule when speaking of Gaza under Hamas. These Palestinian Arabs are guarded by Arab security forces and some even meet with family through the barbed wire topped fences. One need understand that these Arabs must be kept separate from their brethren because they are the political hammer and crowbar with which Israel is to be destroyed and as such they are only useful if they are kept as refugees in their own lands. And yes, the media, the Western governments, and the United Nations all know about these refugees left in these camps for the purpose solely of bringing about the destruction of Israel and they all agree that this is the end to be desired even if it leads to every Israeli Jew and Christian being slaughtered along with many Arab Muslims who are deemed to be traitors to the cause for being Israeli citizens and having a good life with all the benefits of being an Israel over being a Palestinian Arab inside the fences of Jenin, Nablus and Gaza City. Oh, and one last thing, there are no Arab refugee camps within Israel and Israel took in the same numbers if not more refugees of Jews forced to flee their homelands in Arab countries across the Middle East and North Africa. None were placed in refugee camps and left to languish in misery just to make a political point, they were taken in as brothers and sisters as they are just as much family as the Ethiopian Jews who were airlifted to Israel when their homelands turned on them and they needed a new home. These are all realities you will never hear from the media hype of mean horrible Israelis victimizing Palestinian Arabs with genocidal rage and hatred.


Israel being the good guys is rarely covered and when it is it has often been Israelis rushing to some of the world’s worst disaster places to assist in helping in any way possible. Israel has civilian corps and military units which are trained to provide assistance, do search and rescue, set up and man a complete field hospital including OBGYN, delivery rooms and a nursery as well as fully capable operating rooms and clinics which can treat people where they live and are injured plus perform triage of a sort for the main field hospital. One of the best examples was Haiti after their devastating earthquake and the Philippines after a horrific typhoon. Israel was at Japan after the earthquake and tsunami which destroyed the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant meltdown and destruction. Israel assisted in New Orleans after Katrina and in New York City and all its affected surrounding areas after Superstorm Sandy. Israel has assisted in Turkey, Nepal and just about every nation willing to accept Israeli help.


Top left Haiti Earthquake Top right Philippine Typhoon 2014 Bottom left Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant explodes Bottom right remains of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant

Top left Haiti Earthquake Top right Philippine Typhoon 2014
Bottom left Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant explodes
Bottom right remains of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Israel has a group of heart specialists who assist with special cases where children require specialized help. The group is known as Save A Child’s Heart (SACH) and will go to any length including flying children and parents to a third country or even a fourth in order to bring them to Israel to receive the medical care not available to them at home. SACH also trains pediatric heart doctors the world over, especially the developing world, sets them up with entire treatment facilities and thus spreads their good work to many more children the world over. For any wishing to enjoy a benefit symphony to benefit SACH being held Sunday, January 29, 2017, in the Los Angeles area, please find information and link at the very bottom of this article and please visit the SACH link above if you are at all curious of their entire range of assistances provided.


Symphony to benefit SACH being held Sunday, January 29, 2017, in the Los Angeles area


Beyond the Cusp 


October 17, 2016

The Hillary Clinton Harrowed Conundrum

Filed under: Abortion,Afordable Healthcare Act,al-Aqsa Mosque,Alawite,Amalekites,Amnesty,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab Spring,Arab Winter,Arab World,Bashir al-Assad,Battery Power Tech,Blood Libel,Borders,Boycott,Building Freeze,CAFE Standards,Calaphate,Cap and Trade,Carbon Credits,China,Chinese Pressure,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Covert Surveillance,Coverup,Debt,Default on Debt,Disarm People,Divestment,Drones,East Jerusalem,Ecology,Ecology Lobby,Economy,Equal Outcome,Eugenics,Euro,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Facial Recognition Software,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Gaza,Gender Issues Lobby,Global Climate Change,Government,Government Health Care,Green Economy,Green Energy,Green Line,Gun Ban,Gun Control,Hamas,Hate,Health Care,Higher Prices,Hyper-Inflation,Illegal Immigration,Interest on Debt,Iranian Pressure,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Jihad,Jihad,Keynesian Economics,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Livable Wage,Mahmoud Abbas,Maniacal Fear,Mediterranean Sea,Middle East,Minimum Wage,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,National Debt,North Korean Pressure,Obama Care,Old City,Organization of the Islamic Conference,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Political Identity,Pre-Conditions,President Morsi,Quantitative Easing,Regulations,Right of Return,Rioters Pressure,Sanctions (BDS),Secular Interests,Single Payer Plan,Socialism,Syria,Taxes,Temple Mount,Terror,Unemployment,Union Interests,United Nations Presures,United States State Department,Waqf,Warrantless Searches,World Government,World Opinion — qwertster @ 2:35 AM
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There has been near constant accusations and bloviating all about Donald Trump’s presumed short fuse. These attacks have come furious and provokingly and these are being used as chum in the water for the mainstream media to feast on; and believe us they have been coordinating and laying aside above the fold for every leading news-story; or should we say political editorial. These salacious assaults on Donald Trump would be far more convincing and less conniving if they were to include even a hint on Hillary Clinton’s short fuse and ill-tempered side which were a driving force behind much of what has displayed her being ill-fit to be the President of the most powerful nation on the planet. When Donald Trump has an emotional outburst, his response is verbal and short-lived. Hillary Clinton is known to carry forth for the remainder of life, hers or her newly acquired target. When Bill Clinton lost his reelection election she famously called the Christian Campaign Manager a “F—-g Jew B——d.” She became the wounded warrior and claimed that a “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” was behind the accusations of sexual misconduct of her husband. Beyond that, Hillary took charge of the intimidation, belittling, slandering, character assassination, media control, story massaging and sundry miscellaneous attacks targeting any and all allegations and accusations against Bill Clinton thus assuring that no more women, or bimbos as the White House labeled those coming forward, would be coming up with any additional accusations or verifications against the President. This was a well-coordinated assault just as well planned and executed as was the campaign to get out the vote except this was a suppress the evidence effort.


Hillary Clinton on the Prowl for Voters

Hillary Clinton on the Prowl for Voters


If this was the extent of Hillary Clinton perfidy, there would be little evidence of her unsuitability for the office of President of the United States. Hillary claims how she has always been so transparent in all her actions that the public can trust that all her actions will be entirely open and able to be monitored by all who are interested. Apparently Hillary Clinton has completely forgotten her efforts at designing her own version of a healthcare system. Her committee contained some of the best minds in the progressive movement plus the fly in the ointment, Hillary Clinton. The public was left in the dark. Congress was left in the dark. The media, including the leftist media, was left guessing, being fed tempting morsels but actually only gristle and no red meat. The universe was led on the merry path of flowers and unicorns with all the wonderful reports of total free coverage with almost no additional costs. Perhaps the promises of everything for nothing proved to be the straw that broke the healthcare back. When Hillary Clinton and companies’ plan was presented to Congress, even the democrat faithful headed for the hills escaping as fast as they could. Her produced healthcare plan was such a monstrous and unwieldly conglomeration of regulations, legal demands, meticulous record keeping and required filings with the Federal Government that all who read the plan were flabbergasted. Commentary from numerous sources inside and outside, but close to the manners in which the plan was hatched, told of Hillary Clinton riding roughshod over all contrary opinions doing exactly as she thought best. This kind of leadership, totalitarian leadership, had actually driven a number of leading surgeons and physicians from participating or even signing the plan sent to Congress. They told of fiery outbreaks replete with profanity at some of the mildest of suggestions or alternative proposals where Hillary Clinton appeared to have lost all sense of reason.


Finally, there were numerous reports and even complaints filed against Hillary Clinton for abusive language, abusive treatment, violent outbursts and some workers fearing for their safety. These complaints and requests for transfer or alternate position from people who had nearly a lifetime of service climbing to reach a White House assignment and to then risk never making it back to their former privileged position was an acceptable sacrifice to be rid of Hillary Clinton. All of these point to Hillary Clinton not only having an explosive temper but also a short fuse with a vengefully long memory. Such was a temperament of throwing items, oft of value, for periods as long lasting as an entire day and even lasting through the next day or beyond as well. Some who have been found to get on the wrong side of Hillary Clinton have related that despite attempts to settle their differences or even apologize have failed dashed on the craggy cliffs which make up the beach at shoreline Clinton. Hillary Clinton has proven herself to be a person with a malleable core where beliefs come to die especially after receiving poor poll ratings. Taking the sum of these parts produces a picture of an unbalanced individual whose coworkers fear working anywhere near her spheres of influence.


Many have spoken similarly of Donald Trump, but from most appearances his tantrums have been largely bluster with little threat of physical violence, at least before the October Surprise of crass claims of sexual violence. Given the claims of violent actions, we would feel safer with a Donald Trump Presidency than a Hillary Clinton Presidency. Unfortunately, elections remain out by three weeks and it is still anybody’s election to win or lose. Donald Trump will be facing sexual harassment charges most of which are likely people coming forth for their moment of fame. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is facing a truly deep character fault which will have a direct effect on her Presidency. As to which one is most likely to get the United States embroiled into a war, it would be Hillary Clinton with her establishment of a “No Fly Zone” probably on Aleppo could escalate with the downing of a Russian fighter jet leading to a direct confrontation. That is but a single potential point of contention where a single miscalculation could lead to great problems soon thereafter. That alone is food for thought.


Beyond the Cusp


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