Beyond the Cusp

June 16, 2016

Political War in Aftermath of Pulse Nightclub, Orlando


The horrors and the toll in human life and limb makes anyone come to definitive conclusions on how to insure that such horrors never again darken our morning news. Reading the reactions in the news and online and each individual was adamant in their solution not only being the obvious solution but also inarguably the only possible conclusion any rational person could reach. What’s the problem then BTC? The main problem is people had fallen into two camps as distinctive as the day is long and nobody remarkably suggested what we see as a third solution just as possible of solving the problem as the others. There was one camp in which we find President Obama and Candidate Hillary Clinton. They agree that the real problem is the private ownership of guns and that if nobody had access to firearms then such crimes would never happen. The other camp which we find candidate Donald Trump where they claim the problem is radicalized Muslims. The former camp would accuse the second camp of Islamophobia. The second camp called the first on being unrealistic and ignoring a little impediment called the Second Amendment. What both sides missed was an easier solution to the problem, make reporting such news illegal. I know, we would be ignoring Amendment I, but since rights and the code of laws did not constrain the other two groups, why not throw in an easier if not more legal approach. Of course there would be another consequence of a law allowing only positive news stories; it would destroy news reporting until somebody discovered the work-around.


News reports could always take a positive slant on negative news such as we can all celebrate we were not crossing the street when two cars collided flying out of control and destroying a mailbox, isn’t it just wonderful there were no pedestrians who found themselves in the location in question. OK, sure we need some polish, but with time there would be formulae which could be implemented for virtually any evil being reported with a positive slant and avoiding any mention of the negatives. They could even point out how it was a fortunate circumstance that somebody called and an ambulance responded to transport the people for necessary treatment once again proving the great healthcare provided in the country. Well, maybe we should just leave the media free and not challenge Amendment I. As for the other two finger pointing claiming that either Islamists or firearms are to blame? Perhaps we should take them each in turn.


The claim that firearms were the problem and that, if only people were not permitted to own firearms, and all guns were removed from the world, then shootings like the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando would become impossible. Of course there is no mention that the removal of all firearms from the world is impossible as long as nations insist on keeping their militaries armed with, you guessed it, firearms. Making matters even worse, militaries use real fully automatic fire weapons as well as explosives and rocket firing weapons which some are capable or taking out entire rooms and small buildings as well as armored vehicles and downing aircraft, all a whole lot more destructive than anything generally out in the public currently. As long as there are weapons anywhere, there will be weapons everywhere, just the more illegal they are made the more sinister the people who will deal in them and the far higher the prices of firearms for which they will be sold. Further, as long as only military weaponry will be manufactured, the firearms which do make their way into the hands of the most determined of criminals will have far more destructive capabilities and possibly by leagues is likely as only slightly. Further, a determined killer or a mentally unbalanced one would still be capable of committing a crime of similar or potentially more devastating result in a similar scenario. Since it appeared that escape was not easily available for the victims in the club, a person armed with a sword of the quality and ability of those used in warfare since time immemorial, the resulting slaughter may have been even greater and the injuries far more horrific and the victims still just as incapable of defending themselves. This would be even more true had the perpetrator in such scenario would have armed themselves with leather armor, studded and spiked, chain linked helm and other items making them just as dangerous as any attacker in a closed room (see below). The main difference is a firearm is a ranged weapon but one could arm themselves with ranged weapons with a small version equally deadly crossbow which fires four inch darts. There are no limits to how deadly and devious to weapons beyond that of imagination, and human imagination has proved to be virtually limitless or at least not bound by laws of man.


Sword Alternative to Firearms Real and Imagined

Sword Alternative to Firearms Real and Imagined


So restricting weaponry would be just as futile as it would impossible; so what about the other side, limiting those believed to have dangerous beliefs or practices? This too has been tried in the past when science was young and religion was king. Their attempts to limit science proved only temporary and ineffectual as well. Discoveries came and science spread almost as far and as fast as the imagination could perceive new ideas and experiments to prove or disprove each postulation. It mattered little whether it proved or disproved as long as it produced answers which would simply generate more questions. There was no locking the box which is the human mind and it eventually proves preposterous to even try. The King of Spain sent an Armada to bring Protestant England back under the control of Rome and approved Christianity. At that time there was only the Church of Rome and the Church of England and the second was the young upstart. So initially religion attempted in Europe to regulate religion within defined boundaries and failed. Some claim that the spread of Protestantism indirectly led to the scientific revolution which spawned from the Protestant Reformation to the Reawakening, the Renaissance, then followed political revolution, industrial revolution, and then the greatest invention of mankind, for the first time since the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai the world gave people time to themselves, the weekend and private time. Jewish Law, Torah had conceived of the necessity for human beings to have time where work was put aside for a day and the Sabbath was observed where people could pursue private endeavors and learn which originally meant the study of Torah. Even the time spent in study of Torah allowed for time with family and relaxation from the daily burdens of toil and labor which even applied to the servant and the slave, which were more like one’s employees. The salary was clothing, housing, food and protection from facing the world alone with nothing and if one worked for a successful person, they might even have a small salary on top of everything else; otherwise, one would need to request their employer if they desired something beyond the basics.


That piece of history should serve to prove that the desires of the mind and the soul cannot be strapped and tied down by laws, edicts or any oppressive acts from an establishment or even the counterculture. The mind, the individual, the soul if you will, cannot be prevented from going wherever it is destined by the chain of experiences, influences and, yes, often the temptations of the forbidden. If “radical Islam” as a belief system were to be regarded as something forbidden, that would simply serve to make it all the more enticing and often to the most vulnerable and Islamic State gives a perfect example of the result of attempting such a ban. That is the problem with Donald Trump’s idea to ban Muslims for a period from entering the United States as that would just make those who did find their way over the border placed with such difficulties that radicalization would be made far easier as the concept that they were being beaten down and forced into the shadows. The best path has been proven time and again throughout history though more often societies have gone from the best to the worst method of facing differences in cultures. The tried and proven method is limited accommodation with reward for incorporation of the existing societal model while allowing for variance as long as it remains within legal standards. Acceptance goes a long way towards modifying behavior towards cooperation rather than conflict. That is not to say that all behavior is to me accommodated as there are, by necessity, limitations to acceptable behavior. An example would be the Aztecs could be permitted to dress as they wish but their practice of cutting out the beating heart as part of an annual ceremony would need to be prevented from the start. Human sacrifice is not an acceptable form of worship and some other means would have to be found. The same would be for animal ritual sacrifice. Sacrifice of an animal for a celebratory feast would also need to be regulated in some manner such that the animal does not suffer. Simply placing the live animal in a cage and rotating it over the fire would be unacceptable as would many cruel means for killing the animal, but if an accepted and humane death be performed and then the animal roasted and consumed, it might be extreme to many but it is not that far removed from taking a side of beef and roasting it on a spit at a huge celebratory feast where the meat is to be consumed. Granted, the majority would prefer smaller servings but how many have been to an all you can eat buffet where roast beef is carves off the bone for those who desire roast beef over say meatloaf.


Donald Trump’s seeming well timed but probably ill-advised suggestion that all Middle East immigration be ceased for a period of six months, where it could be done, would prove ineffectual as anybody wishing to reach the United States from the Middle East need only reach Turkey with whom there exist laws allowing for their immigration to the United States and even if not Turkey, the news informs us how easily any Middle East refugee can reach most of Europe and from there the United States again would be legal and relatively easy. There is no way to prevent a determined person from reaching the shores of the United States legally and most definitely illegally. Donald Trump’s claim that by making this ban it would prevent any terrorists from the Middle East from reaching America is utterly false as the terrorists are exactly those who would have the funds to defeat any regulation one could enact as their “blanket fix” for the problem. The solution is a full background check and with records as lax as they are and the turmoil making most people all but without any identifiable or especially documented history and once again it is the terrorist who would most likely be capable of meeting even those requirements. There is no absolute means of preventing terrorists from gaining entry to any nation as has been proven by the recent attack in Tel Aviv, as Israel has likely the most effective screening and tracking for terrorist and terror likely individuals; but still there are attacks and in great numbers as it is impossible to prevent those attacks committed by what are termed “lone wolves” as they have no traceable history of interaction with terror institutions or even other terrorists.


The best way to protect and prevent such horrific criminal carnage comes down to a select few things. Have a society which commits to equality, extends egalitarianism in all things, and provides opportunity. Further the people themselves need be welcoming, accepting of various cultures for as long as they remain within societal codes, enjoys respect of every individual and remembers from where they came as it sets where they will proceed. The laws must be equally applied and respected by all members of the society. The last thing is to remember that every person is a gem to be enjoyed and allowed to shine with their own special brilliance and every day offers equal opportunity for all to achieve. Beyond that is the government’s responsibility in making all safe and respecting of the laws and rights of one another. None of this is easily accomplished and no society has provided such a high standard for more than half a millennium. Some very select groups have managed to maintain such expectations of standard of their peoples and their identity we will leave for each reader to research and discover the identities for themselves as they may be quite surprised and the greatest surprise is amongst the select groups.


Beyond the Cusp


February 18, 2016

Republicans Need a Real, Honest and True Blue Candidate


The Republican establishment is obviously and understandably troubled about the primaries thus far and the results. There is the obvious problem when Donald Trump, not even a true moderate conservative, takes about the thirty to thirty-five percent or potentially more in the primaries thus far. Then there is Ted Cruz who grabbed second at the Iowa Caucus and will present a problem in many southern and mid-western states even into western states and past the Rocky Mountains. Ted Cruz is also not of their favorite centrist mediocracy. That leaves them bouncing around with their earliest choice of Jeb Bush failing in the early primaries needing to have a large showing in the upcoming South Carolina primary or his candidacy will be in dire straits. The next two hopes for the party elite are John Kasich and Marco Rubio and one had best excite the people sufficiently to become the sole opponent who can take on Trump and press the rest into the background if not out of the race. Ben Carson was a dream which honestly had next to no chance as we discovered with my House of Representatives campaign, the parties make sure that no outsider can break into the top tier as they keep the media concentrating where they desire and never ever will light fall on those not already in the game or wealthy enough to demand a place as that is the sorry case of politics the world over.


Now, making such even more obvious is that only those of the game or of great wealth may play in the political arena thus making all others unacceptable. Carly Fiorina has more management experience than all the candidates with the exception of “The Donald” and did something almost unheard of; she mastered the first debate winning herself a place in the top tier for debate number two. They likely believed that in with tougher competition she would wilt and they would be done with her challenge of the real politicians and actual worthies of high office. Carly Fiorina did not wilt but rather rose to the occasion in the second debate and received some recognition. The opening came in the third debate where her one slightest miscue and the combined accusations repeated and repeated and then came the silence, the dreaded silence from which her candidacy could never return, she was locked out. Now the Republicans are reaping what they sewed. They are stuck with a choice of political mediocracy versus, one fanatical religious moralist and one wealthy, boorish, unhinged faux-conservative and an unexcited base. Donald Trump has cornered approximately one third of the electorate with a fair number being new voters who would simply lose interest as soon as Trump leaves the candidate field. Ted Cruz has another third in the most religious conservatives who also might remain at home come the election if their demanding concerns are not met. The remaining third divided amongst the “mainstream candidates” will only matter if they are whittled down to a single challenger. As long as there is no singular candidate the division changing from one primary to the next leaves the Republican elite in an uncomfortable quandary about whom to promote above the others. That is their problem going forward with their hopes pinned on somebody breaking that stalemate and doing so as soon as possible.



Republican Candidates into South Carolina

Republican Candidates into South Carolina



There is a malady, a malaise if you will, and there are dark forces not the least of which is Iran once again and American hostages and the propaganda showing the United States as bent and broken by the masters of Iran. These Iranian leaders now believe their time to rule all has come. The United States has been humbled before the world once again just as they were in 1979 as United States President Jimmy Carter was stymied and unable to liberate the fifty-two hostages (the names of the hostages can be read here) of the original sixty-six who were captured United States Embassy in Tehran on Nov. 4, 1979, and including three who were at the Iranian Foreign Ministry, the last of which were finally released on Jan. 20, 1981 as the inauguration of Ronald Reagan was scheduled for later that day. At least the most recent incident with the capture of ten Navy seamen and woman did not devolve into an extended hostage crisis leading to months of captivity as the Iranians await the election before deciding whether to continue the crisis or not as in 1979-81 ordeal. Instead the Iranians exploited their time while holding the American Naval service personnel starting with the released pictures and videos of the Americans with their shoes removed, kneeling and hands raised behind their heads with armed Iranian IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) intimidating and despairing them including one video of one sailor in tears. It was later learned that the Iranians had paraded their Hostage Navy personnel through the streets further humiliating them and making a spectacle of their detainment. We could label this President Obama’s hostage crisis which he resolved much faster than had President Carter, but at what price?


The Republican Party elite may be consoling themselves feeling confident whichever candidate comes out the far end of the primary election will very likely be capable of defeating Hillary Clinton as they perceive her to be an easy candidate to defeat and the chosen one of the Democrat Party. They could be wrong on both counts. First off, if his early success in the Democrat primaries is any indication, Bernie Sanders could easily become the Democrat Presidential Candidate as he has drawn the youth vote out in massive numbers, much the same as elected Barack Hussein Obama twice. I am still having difficulty wrapping my arms around twice as if they did not learn. But then again the heirs of Obama’s policies will be out voting for his philosophical cousin, Bernie Sanders, making it appear to be a lack of worldly experience. So, a Bernie Sanders candidate facing the Republican with the same devotion of those too young to be trusted with the office voting for him in droves along with the normative thirty-to-forty percent Democrat voters makes for an impressive obstacle. Truthfully, Hillary (at this point, what difference does it make) Clinton would be a far easier candidate against which the base would come out and vote if for no other reason other than to keep her: abortion at any date even to include ten minutes after giving birth to as much as three weeks afterwards, guns only for the privileged and government, public schools including colleges for all except the elite, and taxes on all but the very poor but never to raise and probably lower capital gains taxes so the rich can remain untouched, kept out of ever walking in the White House other than a guided tour, and strictly checked for stealing more silverware, with the rest of the unwashed. The republicans have to face reality that should anybody other than Trump get the nomination two-thirds of his supporters will remain home disgusted with the process and if Ted Cruz does not get the nomination almost all of his supporters will remain home, and that holds true even for Marco Rubio. If you need proof of what we claim simply walk amongst the denizens of Oklahoma, the second most conservative state and ask the people in Tulsa or Oklahoma City to name the Republicans vying for their support and should it be Trump or Cruz then ask who it is they desire to win and finally ask them which one of Kasich, Rubio or Bush they might support and you will receive your answer.


So, the dilemma simply put. The Trump base will not support any other of those still considered viable and the Cruz base likewise will not support any others and what you have is a wholesale defeat against Clinton who Democrats will vote for even if they must close their eyes and hold their noses making sure not to breath for thirty seconds before pulling that lever and a full minute after. There will be special schools in freediving booked by Democrats simply to master holding their breath. So, your base and best candidates are poison to one third of your base and without them we get four and likely eight years of Clinton or worse, six years and a month of Bernie Sanders as he serves a term and a half after reelection, Socialist with that capital ‘S’ with Hillary as his Vice President and then just the slimmest margin less than a decade of Hillary as President of what is left of the United States. What is it that the Republican base is really seeking? Here is your question Republican elites, what will be the force which can galvanize the party and to be fully and completely supportive and actively campaigning for the candidate and include those Trump supporters as well as the Cruz supporter even if neither end up their choice for Vice President and who if even they pick Chris Christie as their running mate they lose not a single vote or supporter? So, what would such a candidate look like and what qualities should he possess?


Let us build that perfect candidate. First and foremost he has to have a background of some form of personal motivation and business savvy unto which Trump would bow with respect. He would need to be a true through and through conservative whose sweat of their brow would dissolve Roe vs Wade and to whom Cruz would move aside graciously. He would need to be one who in that pivotal moment where he cast all he had ever dreamed of aside for the merit of what Hashem would hold as noble came almost naturally. This person would only not be faulted if he was incapable of walking on water yet many would believe he not only could but has whenever he chose. A military man (and it could also be a woman), as all recognize the need for such as is necessary in these times of great challenge and unbelievable provocations could stand easily in the breach. A candidate whose mere presence on the stage would coerce any moderator to act deferentially and silence even the shrew that is Hillary and make Bernie Sanders be as a cartoonish character on the stage of debate. What it would take is a candidate with an impeccable character, a near perfect past, the respect of people across the political spectrum and an unparalleled grasp of the current impasse which threatens our world and the ability to explain it such that even the slowest of wits could grasp. We have mentioned our choice which is Lieutenant Colonel Allen West. Unfortunately for the Republican Party their elites hate this man so much that they agreed when reapportionment meant Florida lost one Congressional district to divide his district such that it would lose in both districts to Democrats so as to be rid of him and turned down the other plan which still cost them a seat to the Democrats but preferred to retain a solid lead in a seat where the current candidate was retiring but also did not include Allen West’s neighborhood making him ineligible. He ran in the contest in which he resided and necessarily lost just as the elites desired. Morality is a thing not only not revered but accursed to politics. Should a man have honor he will not be controllable and will do as he sees as honorable and correct while the rest will follow directions. Allen west will not follow direction as his life story has proven and his early retirement from the military, though disgraceful for the military, bears out. They claim he broke their rules but he claimed guilt as he did what he did to protect the lives of the men under his charge. Following the ROE (rules of engagement) and ROI (rules of interrogations), he put the lives of his men before his career which was pitch perfect and proper to that one fateful day when he made the career ending choice (read about it here). We are open to others and may one be found acceptable to the Republicans should they reach a brokered convention, something none of the political class desire as it leads to unpredictable results.



Men of Great Stature Reagan, Eisenhower, Allen West



Meanwhile, the Republican Party is adrift with not only no one who knows the path to relevance nor anyone who will unite the many strands of its base but only with candidates who will, out of their actions past and present, alienate one third of their base of support. We have covered this numerous times but why not; once more into the breach we go. Contrary to that which Republican Party elite tell us time and time again, we cannot win unless we get the vote of the enormous middle. The Democrats talk this line up but deny it by the candidates they present which do not chase the middle vote and only ply their wares to grasp their base, as fractured as it may be. As long as a Democrat candidate is accepted by three or so of the many disparate groups, the rest will fall in line as such is what is required so when their candidates run they too are supported. This means that any Democrat needs to hold true to a fair number of beliefs to reap a wide consensus of their base and cruise on to victory. Republicans need one who can light the imagination and gracefully support the mainstays of the Party and be sufficiently conservative that they satisfy the purists that the entirety of the base comes out and supports them. Thus was the now immortalized Ronald Reagan, though he began his life as a Democrat and Unionist, and before him the man responsible for winning the War in Europe, General Dwight David Eisenhower. Both were men of courage and ideas and there are but a few born to every decade and it is up to the public to find such men and follow their lead. For the record, the “Reagan” Democrats were actually the extremes of the Conservative base which underpins the Republican Party. The extreme conservatives who voted that year along with the more socially moderates who voted that year were still largely not normative leftist Democrat Party supporters. They may have been had the Republican placed Pat Buchanan or other paleo-conservative on the ballot on the top spot as they would be unable to couch such a person as President. Such a choice would scare that end of the party and they would likely remain home. Still, there is not a single candidate left in the contest rigged by the party elites who could gather the entirety of the Republicans across their span and have them appear at the polls and without the base you lose, something the Democrats understand and the Republicans constantly claim is beyond their ability as they always for the most squishy of conservatives attempting to grab that middle and least left Democrats, two targets where the first does not exist and the other is too well trained to stray from their posts in supporting their party, period. Again the Republican elites have decided to field a candidate they are comfortable in having and ignoring the desires of most of the base in exchange for the chimera of the soft middle voters, a phantasm which exists only in the minds of the foolish and the delusional and through who elections have been lost for generations past and to come as they will never learn that which they refuse to believe actually exists. These New England conservatives, people who would be leftist outcasts in Oklahoma or Wyoming, cannot begin to fathom the depth of voters so conservative as to be beyond their understanding which is why they lose election after election for the Presidency which actually includes the flyover states, imagine that.


Beyond the Cusp


November 14, 2015

The Dreaded Escalation Has Come


Our Prayers and emotions reach out to the victims of terror everywhere in the world and especially at this time to Paris and all of France. May the people and their leaders restore order and care for those injured both physically and emotionally. Our caring thoughts and prayers for a recovery from the horrendous acts being perpetrated in the name of submitting the innocent through brutality, may the peace and goodness win out these days.



Eiffel Tower Symbol for Peace Restored to All France and the World

Eiffel Tower Symbol for Peace Restored
to All France and the World



Here in our pre-Shabbat preparations, we were interrupted by the news which brought everything crashing to a halt as minds reeled trying to get our thoughts to grasp how life has just changed and everything took on a whole new level of danger. Stone and boulder throwing, stabbing and hacking, muggings and other forms of physical attacks are serious and deadly enough and scare you into awareness of your surroundings even inside your home. Today it started in a home in the Negev South near the Gaza fence in the Nativ Haasara Kibbutz where 7.62 millimeter bullets, the kind that are fired by the ever so infamous Kalashnikov rifle, found inside lodged in the side of a house. People in this area have good reason for checking their houses for bullets. This sensitivity was the result of a smaller caliber round was fired into a Gaza Belt home hitting a television just feet away from the two children who were watching it at the time. These were just the leading news to the real tragedy and escalation as the occasional bullet being shot into Israel from Gaza is a fact of life and a constant threat despite Israel having pulled completely from the Gaza area handing it over to the Arabs completely. For this granting of complete self-rule where they choose the government and receive tons of international aid every single day which the Hamas government, possibly incorporating officers from Islamic Jihad, al-Qaeda, Islamic State and who knows what other groups in their planning and distribution of the aid foods, medical supplies, building materials, clothing and other material aid, rules absolutely since they routed Mahmoud Abbas and his United States trained security force in a brief but fierce six day war from June 10–15, 2007 routing the former government. But this was simply the early morning and there was so much more day left.


Half way through the afternoon the news struck with the ferocity of a thunderstorm with a huge bolt from the sky followed by the booming thunder, two Israelis shot dead on a highway under an overlooking Arab village. The news continued telling of four children in deep and paralyzing shock and a teen injured. The specifics were telling. The two murdered were a forty year old man, an eighteen year old young man both of whom suffered multiple gunshot wounds to their torsos and the sixteen year old injured had received multiple bullet wounds to his extremities presumably his arms and was taken to Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba for treatment. The four younger children were also taken to Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba for treatment for shock.


The scene was described by Magen David Adom emergency personnel stating, “When we arrived at the scene we saw seven people outside the car; two of them – a man around 40 years old and a young man aged 18 lying unresponsive (on the ground) with gunshot wounds to their upper bodies. They had no signs of life and we declared their death at the scene. We also provided first aid treatment and evacuated to hospital a 16-year-old boy, with gunshot wounds to his limbs, and four trauma victims.”


Israeli Defense Forces are searching for the perpetrators and have released a description of what they were told of the attack as, according to an initial investigation, the Arab terrorists overtook an Israeli family traveling in their car and raked it with bullets. When the car ground to a halt the terrorists continued firing at it, before driving off.



Van Belonging to Family Caught in Ambush by Arab Terrorists Who Committed Drive-by Shooting Stopping to Shoot Additional Rounds After Van Crashed to a Halt

Van Belonging to Family Caught in Ambush
by Arab Terrorists Who Committed Drive-by
Shooting Stopping to Shoot Additional Rounds
After Van Crashed to a Halt



This was an obvious attack with murderous intent and only luck and the blessings of Hashem that it was not even worse. The ramifications of this attack cannot be initially determined as an escalation and the beginning of an all-out terror war with shootings and bombings being the new stage of the Arab Intifada but such an evaluation will be possible in the near time rather than a more distant future. The Second Intifada also called the Oslo War after the agreement that put terror masters in as the leaders of the Arabs and sealed the fate of both peoples, started with stabbings and eventually claimed over a thousand Israeli lives. The Terror Wall in Judea and Samaria and across Jerusalem, though it is more fence than wall, but the news distortions have left it with the misnomer of Apartheid Wall despite it actually performing its purpose, as it almost completely ended the terrorist bombings and brought a calm from the stormy days of the Oslo War. There is a strong likelihood that Israel is about to face another onslaught of fatal attacks using automatic rifles, bombs, grenades and homicidal suicide bombers which will bring horrific responses at whatever level required on the Arabs living near any hub of terrorist activities. This may very well include much of eastern areas of Jerusalem, much of Hevron, Nazareth and other areas in what many refer to as the Arab Triangle in the central southern Galilee. The unrest might be joined by Hamas not only in Judea and Samaria but out of Gaza and potentially attacks from Hamas allied with forces from Islamic State out of the Sinai Peninsula where mostly until now they had been causing troubling difficulties largely for the Egyptian government of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and the Egyptian military and security personnel. There have been a few sporadic and tense moments from attacks out of the Sinai Peninsula including the necessity for the IDF to engage and destroy a couple of stolen Egyptian armored vehicles taken after an assault on the checkpoint at the Gaza entrance in Rafah who made their escape, temporary and fateful as it may have been, into southern regions of the Negev Desert in Israel. There has also been some sniper fire, the most major incident involving shooting up a bus and its passengers causing the closure of the southernmost highway into Eilat.


Tactically, this would be one of the worst times for Abbas to start such a war with Israel. The world will not care and anything if such a conflict were to erupt, well, that is until the first Arab was shot and then there would be a chorus of condemnations in four part harmony from the European Union, the United Nations, the Arab League and the Obama Administration. Speaking of the Obama Administration, former US special envoy and aid in establishing new peace talks Martin Indyk decided the world needed more humor as he declared that Mahmoud Abbas “could become a partner tomorrow for the deal you’d like to make if there was a settlement freeze. Why not freeze the settlements? Does it affect your security?” Somebody should allow Mr. Indyk to buy a clue as there has been a settlement freeze since 2009 when President Obama demanded it of Prime Minister Netanyahu the first week after his being sworn in for a second term. Abbas knows this but demands that the Israeli Prime Minister officially state it all but personally to every last person on the planet before he will even considers accepting the fact; and even then he would then demand the underworld freeze over first.


Right now in Israel there is the beginnings of a meeting of ideals over peace talks, giving murderers the lands to arm themselves to the teeth in order kill us better is being rejected across the political spectrum. Yes, there are those still enamored with the concept that brought the world the condemnable and erroneous Oslo Accords. Those of the likes of Simon Peres, as brilliant a man as he may be, are completely out so far into left field they have vacated the stadium, the parking lot, the city and possibly even further than that. There is no reasoning with such as they whose eyes are too fogged and hindered by self-imposed blinders believing that talk and only talk is the civil and sole path to peace; but that only works if your opposite number is civil, and Abbas and the particular Arabs he honestly leads are not civil. What makes the whole ordeal so much more troubling? There are quite a few Arab Palestinians, as they wish to be known or at least are stuck with the label, who simply wants to live in peace, make a decent wage, have a functional government and even have elections and choose new leadership. Mahmoud Abbas is fully aware that if there were free and open elections without armed terrorists watching every ballot and Abbas not having been schooled by the KGB where he learned that it is unimportant who and how many cast ballots, it only matters who counts those ballots, and Abbas and his terror army and the bureaucracy he had built around him all of whom depend on his staying in power to be paid; even with all that in his corner, Abbas is too frightened to hold elections which is why he is about to enter what has to be his eleventh year of a four year term as President of whatever he is calling his personal fiefdom this week.


And then there is the biannual four act play where the desperation is all scripted and well-rehearsed down to the new releases which cover the entirety as if it was new news all started by the rumors that Abbas is tired and may soon be stepping down. Abbas is not the Chairman, though that is one of his titles, not is he the President, not is he any of the other titles he claims because his true aspirations are for his epitaph to read “Here rests the Royal Highness the Grand Vizier and Sultan Mahmoud Abbas. The truth is in the palatial residence, office complex, troops’ barracks and probably Force 17 luxury billets right down the hall on either side of Abbas’s residence which are described as spacious, luxurious, palatial and almost any other over the top adjective one might care to add as is evidenced by the picture below. The description of the planned estate says it better than any description could without the accompanying picture as the numbers tell the tale and yet the thirteen million dollars estimated price tag, it will end up costing three times that after the Abbas Swiss retirement fund gets its cut.



Mamoud Abbas planned masion estimated cosr of thirteen million dollars but will end up costing far more after required kickbacks



There are Arabs fed up with the tyranny and inefficiency of the kleptocracy which steals the funds for public improvements, repair of infrastructure and other actual governing functions and Israelis across the board realizing that there can be no peace as long as the terror structure runs the show and that those who attended the terror indoctrination centers called laughably schools, the combat training summer camps, watch the incitement filled media even to include children’s shows for ages down to the youngest toddlers over the past twenty plus years either must have the greatest parents to instill independent thinking and rationality to not fall victim to the hatreds and violence taught as preparation for Jihad and the seventy-two perpetual virgins and family fame and honor after they are killed while they attempt to kill as many Israelis when their opportunity to die for Allah comes up. And kudos to that child who is capable of yelling the required calls when marching and echo the indoctrination and resist being effected erasing any morals taught at home. Except for those few, the rest will need to be normalized or they will continue to be ticking time-bombs which could explode at any moment. Below find some choice videos as examples of what it is that passes for education and parenting.



Interview with mother of recent “martyred”
son threatens Israelis with hidden knife



Hamas version of children’s mouse witnessed
death of grandfather who gives him key to his
original house in Tel Aviv that has been in
family for generations and then mouse
is killed presumably by Israelis.



Bee replacing recently killed mouse
takes part in lesson for killing Jews



Islamic Jihad run military training
summer camp for young boys, you can’t
start training and indoctrination too young.



Summer Camp for children run by UNRWA
(United Nations Relief and Works Agency for
Palestine Refugees in the Near East) Investigated
and witnessed the lessons and games and how
every activity is used to indoctrinate the children
with emphasis on their assigned Israeli city from
which they were expelled and that they will
liberate from the Jews who steal land.


Beyond the Cusp


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