Beyond the Cusp

July 4, 2015

Who Will Pope Francis Blame When ISIS Slaughters in Jerusalem?

Filed under: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,Act of War,Administration,al-Qaeda,al-Qaeda,al-Qaeda in Gaza,Allah,Amalekites,American People Voice Opinion,Amman,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Winter,Arab World,Arabist,Arabs,Attack,Barbarian Forces,Beheading,Black September,Blood Libel,Boko Haram,Border Patrol,Calaphate,Caliphate,Caliphate,Catholic,Catholic Churh,Catholic Institutions,Children Murdered,Chosen People,Church,Civilization,Commandments,Conflict Avoidnce,Consequences,Covenant,Covert Actions,Coverup,Cult,Defend Israel,Divided Jerusalem,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,European Media,European Pressure,Fatah,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Hamas,Hate,History,HUMINT,Inteligence Report,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Intifada,ISIS,ISIS in Judea and Samaria,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jihad,Jordan,Judea,Kidnap Children,Kidnapped Israeli,Leftist Pressures,Libya,Mainstream Media,Meaning of Peace,Media,Middle East,Military Intervention,Military Option,Mohammed,Munich Olympics,Murder Israelis,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Muslims,Naqba,Nationalist Pressures,Old City,Palestinian Pressures,Pogroms,Politically Correct,Politically Incorrect,Politicized Findings,Politics,Pope,Promised Land,Promised Land,Quran,Rebel Forces,Religion,Response to Muslim Takeover,Response to Terrorism,Salafists,Samaria,Secular Interests,Security,Security Detail,Separation Barrier,Sharia Law,Shooting,Sinai,Statehood,Submission,Suicide Bomber,Sunni,Syria,Temple Mount,Terror,Third Intifada,Victims,West Bank,World Media,World Opinion,World Pressures,Yonatan Netanyahu,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:57 AM
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Pope Francis, during his visitation to the Holy Lands, was sure to make a very public statement over the plight of the Palestinian Arabs as he made a highly publicized stop at the exact section of the security barrier where Pope Francis claimed to make a prayer for a unified Arab Palestinian State emphasizing the proposed relationship to, as scrawled on that very section of the barrier, the similarity of the Warsaw Ghetto’s walls and the Israeli built security barrier, a separation object that is largely a fence but along certain stretches is required to be an actual wall such as within heavily built up areas so that it also keeps bullets and explosives from being easily launched into Israeli areas safeguarding both Arabs and Jews of all religions and all others from terrorist assaults on their lives and which has resulted in a highly effective tool in preventing homicide/suicide bombers, homicidal vehicle attacks and sniper attacks of various varieties bringing such attacks down to becoming a rarity compared to previous attacks before the barrier was constructed. Further, Pope Francis made it publically emphasized that his trip began with meetings with Mahmoud Abbas and the Arab Palestinians which he made sure to enter from Jordan flying initially into the Jordanian capital city of Amman specifically to avoid any possible meeting with Israeli officials. The Pope went further as he make a long procession, almost a victory parade, accompanied by numerous Arab Palestinian leadership from Bethlehem to Jerusalem emphasizing in his remarks the plight and flight from Bethlehem of its once predominant Christian population making heavy implications that such a sorry state of affairs had everything to do with Israeli ‘occupation’ and the hardships caused by the Israeli government, meaning the Jewish People, completely absolving the Arab Palestinians and their history of antagonism and persecution of the Christians causing the massive flight in fear for their lives from threats and actual terrorist aggressions.


This was followed by a visit to Israel where Pope Francis had a totally different persona becoming somewhat aggressive and antagonistic demanding the Catholic Church be granted their inalienable rights to ownership of large areas of Jerusalem with special emphasis on newly made claims to the building which houses the gravesite of King David claiming the room above King David’s tomb was a possible Christian Holy Site where the Last Supper had recently been claimed to have taken place moving it from the previous traditional spot where there were no contentious claims to this aggressively contentious place where it placed this Christian site above and over a highly Jewish site and further the Pope demanded rights to offer prayer services, a privilege granted and almost immediately abused by attempting to hold such prayers specifically on days where Jews had particularly offered up prayers from the site and taking assurances to hold these prayer before the scheduled Jewish services thus intentionally making the site void for Jewish prayer. The Pope was far from done with his assault on Judaism as well as launching additional assaults on Israel and Israeli claims within the Holy Lands in general at times appearing to insinuate obliquely that the Jews were without any religious claims as they were no longer recognized as having any religious rights having been supplanted and superseded making void any Jewish religiously made claims having been replaced by Christianity.


This particular claim made by the Pontiff has ramifications beyond the replacement theology where it is postulated that the Jews have become damned as replaced as the chosen people by the Christians, the Pope would claim the Catholic Church, and no longer favored by the L0rd and cast forth from Jerusalem specifically and without claims throughout the Holy Lands. Pope Francis has, by renewing the replacement theology of the past, set the precedent that Hashem can and has broken vows and promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David and others which identified the Jewish People as those chosen to carry His Message to the rest of the world has been abrogated and transferred to the Catholic Church which makes the supersessions claimed by Islam claiming that the Christians have themselves been cast off as were the Jews making the Muslims not only the replacement in eyes of Hashem but also the final chosen peoples to carry forth the messages of Hashem and, going one step further, the ones chosen to rule all of humanity going even further afield of a similar claim indigenous to the Christian faith as Judaism never held that the world would be their inheritance, they claimed only a rather insignificant measure of land strategic only in its central location to Europe, Africa and Asia being the region where the three continents converge and having ports which can connect the two main trade routes which have since been serviced by the Suez Canal.


The reassertion of the policy of the Catholic Church having replaced the Jews as those having a covenant with Hashem has left the Catholic Church also subjected to being replaced as the chosen of Hashem which is exactly the claim made by Islam. Carrying the replacement and the sole holy religion has also seen both Catholicism, in the more native guise of Christianity, and Islam to thus interpret such to authorize their sovereignty over the entire planet in order for them to properly prepare for the return of Jesus which had been carried one step further by the Islamic extremists claim that their religion being the sole religion Divinely inspired as the replacement, the final replacement of both Judaism and Christianity not only should rule over all of Earth but also be the sole religion practiced by all mankind. This has been carried out to the letter by ISIS as well as being the stated end goal by Iran, Hamas, Hezballah and various other claimants to being the sole pure remaining practitioners of Islam as defined by Muhammad and is behind a very real threat being made by ISIS and a number of their adherents. The agents for ISIS in Judea and Samaria (West Bank), why that redundancy is required by all that is politically correct makes me really desire to cease the practice, and I shall endeavor to do so going forth, are requesting for a list of all the Christians residing in (East) Jerusalem and their addresses to be given to those ISIS representatives by the faithful of Muhammad, note that not all are claiming faithful to ISIS following the practice of deference when outnumbered and until gaining sufficient numbers, somewhere around twenty percent, before becoming more forceful and soon thereafter, around thirty-five percent, taking rule by force and demanding total and complete allegiance followed by choice of becoming part of the faithful as defined by ISIS to the sword, otherwise death. They want these lists as soon as possible such that they can make the necessary plans and make sure they have the necessary power and people to carry out an ethnic cleansing of the Christians residing in Eastern Jerusalem. They have not requested such a list of the Jews residing within the area as they likely believe that those entire neighborhoods are easily known and identifiable.


This list will necessarily be assembled with an assault plan in mind by which the vast majority of the Christians residing in Eastern Jerusalem will be forced from the area implied by the sword and not by choice but such will probably be a logistics driven decision. The ISIS planners will take the precaution of having sufficient deployment of forces such that each unit will have a flanking unit on either side or at a close proximity allowing the massing of forces should any resistance be mounted such that they can quickly and without sacrificing their intended missions gather sufficient force to swarm any resistance counting on numbers to turn the tide of battle. Such has been the tactic used by ISIS as well as preparing the area for their assault before-hand. Not possessing sufficient artillery ISIS instead uses vehicle bombs and homicide/suicide bombers to soften their intended targets instilling confusion and disorganization amongst their intended target before they follow-up with swarming the target neutralizing any recovery minimizing their target any time to regroup and form a coordinated counterattacks or even an organized defense with overlapping fields of fire and the other considerations usually carried out well in advance and practiced including tactics of the enemy being interjected at unannounced times to test procedures for just such scenarios. The target in this instance is basically a cleansing operation intended to either clear an area of any opposition or make clear that certain types residing within an area should necessarily depart before they too face the determined business end of an ISIS representative’s weapon. Their announced target date for this cleansing of the population for Allah is the final day of Ramadan which falls in July 16, 2015.


The first determination which must be realized by Israeli police and military forces is whether to act as an intervention in force early on and prevent the organization of ISIS forces, wait until they have gathered so as to maximize arrests, intervene as soon as the assembled ISIS forces pose a threat or to simply ignore the threat and only respond to calls in an usual manner leaving the Arab Palestinians pretty much to their own ability. The final option is actually an option not supported by Torah and Jewish Law as we are directed to protect human life as even the lowest amongst us, the beggar, the infirm, the stranger and others we might normally divert our attentions from are still lives we are commanded to care for and keep safe. The concept that each life is potentially an entire nation thus if one saves one life it is as if one has saved a world. That basically means that Israeli defense and law enforcement forces must be prepared for and the one which is most feasible resulting in there being no loss of life be the ones sent for further considerations. Another consideration should be by which of the tactics that prevents any innocent casualties would allow for the most ruinous of setbacks for ISIS and at the same time making their claims of bringing the reincarnation of the Caliphate into question. There needs to be one more principled consideration, the threat to Israeli personnel and citizens, not to claim that any one life is of greater importance than another as that is beyond our ability to reason and is best left to the Creator who knows all things, Hashem. There is one consideration which must be made initially; which is whether or not this threat posed is valid and thus worthy of making and practicing for such an eventuality. Most ISIS threats issued have proven to be real and worthy of notice, but that does not necessarily mean that this attack threat must automatically be considered valid. This threat might be being presented to gauge the level of Israeli response to threats in order to more closely study the anatomy of such a response. Whatever the reasoning behind such a threat, Israeli leadership can be assured they will be held totally responsible for any casualties outside Israeli personnel. Any other nation would be the recipient of sympathy and offers of assistance with the aftermath with support in repairing any damage, aid money to augment responses training in preparation as if there is a singular attack response which would be universally applied to every attack and resolve all problems and serious planning for special situations such as a visit and speech by another head of state.


The importance of responding both effectively and forcefully against any initial attack while not going to an overboard approach cannot be overestimated in this instance. Should Israel present an overly cautious and overt response to this particular threat, then ISIS planners would have an effective but simple approach to fomenting fear within Israel by simply pretending to plan an attack and allow the overt, heavy-handed Israeli ramping-up of security measures. Fortunately, for actual events such as parades, speeches and other events or places where people congregate such as train and bus stations and malls; Israel does a fabulous and renowned level of successful security to meet the requirement necessary for each location and expected crowd. Since all ISIS would need to do to estimate the Israeli response to any situation would be to go study any previous similar situation and view the control of the threat level caused and they would have their answer. Pushing a threat against Israel on her own soil and thus giving her home field advantage will simply make everything that much more difficult for ISIS. In this instance Israel will be required to bring to the table an actual threat assessment and response plan as should ISIS actually follow through on a mission to slaughter as many civilian innocents, almost especially any of the numerous minority populations, as Israel is held to the highest expectation of levels possible in the world. Israel is the only nation expected to be capable of providing on a consistent and near universal level security superior to any European nation, any Western nation and even particularly the United States. Israeli security is expected to match when provided for the most insignificant of those amongst us a level of public security roughly the equivalent of that provided the Queen of England, and Israel has thus far throughout her brief but situation filled history met that challenge almost universally; Baruch Hashem. Anybody wishing an actual example of similar situations and the difference between Israeli response and another nation with proper expectations of being capable in a security situation such as a hostage crisis, simply compare the handling of the 1972 Olympic Games abduction of the Israeli team in Munich where most of the Israeli team consisting of six Israeli coaches and five Israeli athletes were taken hostage and ended up murdered along with one German police officer while five Black September members were eliminated in the regrettable failed rescue attempt where the plans for the rescue operation were poorly executed and all of the requested aid did not arrive on scene until two hours after the stand-off and siege began leading to the conflagration that murdered most of the Israelis tied up in the helicopter which was detonated with a grenade thrown by one of the terrorists compared to the Entebbe raid by an elite IDF unit responding to the hijacking of an Air France flight and the holding of Israeli and Jewish passengers and crew numbering over one hundred victims at Entebbe International Airport in Uganda, a distance of over 2,500 miles (4,000 km) in Operation Entebbe, as it came to be known, on July 4, 1976 (giving Israelis a reason to celebrate on as high a level as the people in the United States could on that nation’s bicentennial celebrations) where all but four of the one-hundred-six hostages were rescued with the IDF team suffering five injured and a sole fatality of one of the team commanders and older brother to a future Israeli Prime Minister, Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, and all of the terrorists either killed or injured along with almost half of the approximately one hundred Ugandan military troops providing security for the terrorists. Israel had offered assistance and even to handle a rescue attempt with the German government who not only refused the Israeli offer but informed Israeli government officials that any Israelis sent to Germany would be refused entry at the airport and returned to Israel as this was a German operation and Israel had no right to interfere. Perhaps the Germans should have turned it over to the Israelis and thus make Israel responsible for the results.


But what is it they say about history, it is what it is and physics has not yet figured out how to alter history, only politicians and the media have such power. That is why when the history is written about the July 16, 2015 ISIS Ramadan assault intending to murder every Christian possible throughout Eastern Jerusalem the only credit or blame for this intended catastrophe in the manner of the cleansing of Mosul, the destruction of the two-thousand-eight-hundred-year-old capital of the Assyrian empire, Khorsabad, including its seven gates and the city with its most highly regarded sixty-four foot wall erected around 713 BCE by King Sargon II during his reign and nearly completely demolished in the beginning of the twenty-first century (or the fifteenth century on the Islamic calendar), parts of which have been preserved in museums in Baghdad, Paris, London and Chicago; destroyed thousands of books in libraries across the lands they have savagely rampaged with some of the books such as the rare books in Mosul are irreplaceable and singular remnants of wisdom and writings from ancient to the modern times; reintroduced slavery on a massive scale and especially the selling of woman as sexual slaves to the highest bidder, some women have been returned for receipt of a percentage of her resale price; burned, drowned, prisoners alive; shot, and beheaded people sentenced to death for even minor offences or taken prisoner; crucified Christians; blown apart prisoners shoved into a car with anti-tank missile; taken sledge hammers to ancient sculptures, vases, pottery destroying ancient displays in museums; and promised to bring this parade of horrors to every corner of the globe should they be allowed that possibility. This is the assembly of monsters across continents with fellow travelers identifying and subjugating their will all in a similar vein such as Boko Haram in Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad; and other equally offensive and revolting acts all threatening to replace the comfortable lives of the decadent Western world should they be given that chance. That is their promise and where is the response from the supposed civilized world? They are either leading from behind or covering the back of the leader leading from behind all in all leaving Israel to fight the world’s war and stop the advance of those who desire a return to the tenth century, a backwards jolt on either calendar, especially the Jewish calendar which is in the fifty-eighth century.


Beyond the Cusp


June 10, 2015

World Forcing Worst Possible Arab Israeli Final Solution

Filed under: 1967 Borders,24/7 News Reporting,Administration,Al Nusra Front,Alexander the Great,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab World,Arabs,Assembly of Experts,Ayatollah Khamenei,B'tselem,Ba'al,Babylon,Bible,Bible Study,Blood Libel,Boycott,British Mandate,Bulgaria,Burgas,Cabinet,Catholic,Catholic Church,Catholic Churh,Catholic Institutions,Catholics,Cellphones,Children of G0d,Chosen People,Christians,Civilization,Colonial Possession,Commandments,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Court Order,Covenant,Crusades,Czarist Russia,Debt,Default on Debt,Defend Israel,Dhimmi,Divestment,Dome of the Rock,Domestic NGOs,Drone Strikes,Enlightenment,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,Equality of Mankind,Eugenics,Euro,Europe,European Governments,European Historic Anti Semitism,European Media,European Pressure,European Union,Exodus,Fast Day,First Temple,Forced Solution,Foreign Aid,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Framework,Gaza,Genesis,Great Britain,Green Line,Haaretz,Halacha,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,Hezballah,History,Holy Cities,Holy Temple,Hudna,Inquisition,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Intifada,Iran,Iraq,ISIS,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Israeli Media,J Street,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Judea,Judean Hills,King David,King Solomon,Kotel,Lebanon,Leftist Pressures,Light unto the Nations,Limits Kings' Power,London,Mainstream Media,Media,Ministers,Ministership,Missile Research,Mohammed,Moses,Muslim World,Muslims,Naqba,Nationalist Pressures,New Israel Fund,NGO,Night of Broken Glass,Noahic Covenant,Non Governmental Organization,Office of Foreign Assets Control,Old Testament,OneVoice,Open Society Institute,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Parliament,Parliamentary Government,Partition Plan,Peace Now,Peace Process,PFLP,PLO,Pogroms,Politicized Findings,Politics,Pope,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Promised Land,Prophets,Psalms,Quran,Recognize Israel,Religion,Response to Muslim Takeover,Sacrifice,Sanctions (BDS),Saudi Arabian Pressure,Second Temple,Secular Interests,Security,Song of Babylon,Support Israel,Syria,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Temple Mount,Terror,The Twelve Spies,Third Intifada,Tisha B'Av,Torah,Tradition,Treasury Department,Tribe,Two Millennia of Exile,United Nations,United States,United States Pressure,UNRWA,Victims,Wander Forty Years,Warhead Development,Western Wall,World Media,World Opinion,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:32 AM
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The United States Supreme Court finalized the Obama Policy referring to Israel by refusing to recognize that a Jew born in West Jerusalem was born within Israel. Does the United States government truly wish to be one of the early members of that extremist European solution to the Arab Israeli conflict where inch by inch they grant more and more lands which are within the Green Line to the Palestinian statehood claims simply because they are attached in some manner to lands the Palestinians already are recognized as securing in their ever growing two state solution, Palestine A and Palestine B without any Israel? There have been some extremist views expressed thus far in hushed tones that claim all of Jerusalem must be made the Palestinian capital and Israel forced to use Tel Aviv as their capital for as long as it remains left from the forming of Palestine. There have been hints towards including numerous purely Arab and majority Arab towns close to Jerusalem and in the Galilee into the declared Palestinian state. And lastly there is the Palestinian claim that all of the lands, and not one inch less, or millimeter for the Europeans, be returned to Arab rule and the Jews removed by any means which is most easily achieved. Pushing this inch by inch incrementalism can only end with one solution, and that is not a pretty or desirable solution by anybody’s standards. The original idea of granting an Arab self-rule in the lands lost by Jordanian aggressions when the Oslo Accords were foisted upon an unsuspecting Israel by a group of American and Europeans working with self-defeatist Jews seeking to make amends for defending their nation successfully from genocidal attacks by her neighbors, the original claims were deceitfully put forth as a small area in Judea and Samaria combined with Gaza having autonomy but without any military and reliant on Israel guarantees allowing for their protection from outside forces. Who or from where these outside forces might have been was ludicrous to even imagine but with ISIS running amuck that threat may finally have presented itself.


The problem with the stated goal of Oslo was that it was never intended to become the slow dissolution of the Jewish state by the Israeli apologists but was the concept of the Europeans, Arabs and some from the United States as the means for the destruction of Israel simply through ever more serious and threatening gestures of intent and faith in peace forced out of Israel gesturing her into her grave. Omar Barghouti defined the end goal when he spoke claiming that the entirety of the Palestinian and BDS forces had nothing to do with 1967 but was all about the occupation resulting from 1948. There were a number of difficulties for pulling such an incremental destruction to its finality which were overlooked but we will simply investigate a small but vital part. The initial problem was the expansive nature of one particular form of Zionism, religious Zionism which believed that the basic claim of the Jewish People to the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea were the Biblical promise from Hashem that these were the lands by covenant and that we were the people Hashem chose to reside here in peace and security. This was presented by Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely who raised more than a few eyebrows when she spoke forcefully and emphatically when stating that the Jewish claims to these lands originates in Torah. That, if one reads history and is an honest representative of those events, the main impetus behind the world’s acceptance for the renewed existence of the Jewish State was the ancient and Biblical claims to these lands by the ancient Hebrews, the Jews of Judea. Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely was correct as quotations going back to the middle of the nineteenth century from Europe to the United States the idea was rising after the pogroms against Jews in Russia shocked the world and the call began to be made for the reestablishing of the Jewish State in its ancient Biblically defined lands. This eventually led to the Balfour Declaration which was internationalized word for word by the San Remo Conference which in turn was also approved letter for letter unanimously by the League of Nations and further transferred for enforcement by the United Nations in Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. History is now being channeled by some powerful and influential individuals who operate behind the scenes often using their wealth more than position to influence the results they desire; and one of the foremost of these results is the death of Israel and the end of Judaism as a religion of any merit or note in their vision of a perfect world.


I have often been inquired to answer why and what reasoning could lead this seemingly overt and near unstoppable pressure to destroy Israel and diminish the presence of the Jewish People in the world and potentially leading to the eradication of the Jews. My initial inward urge is to simply blurt out, “Why are you asking me?” But I stifle such an easy route and begin to try and figure out an easy manner which is understandable and still brief enough not to take up the rest of my life. The questioner more often than not tires of the litany and history necessary to grasp the enormity and depth of this conspiracy to end all conspiracies. The initial and most prevalent theories surround the Supersessionism as practiced by both the Christian Church, particularly the Catholic Church during the Inquisitions and Purifications and was also adopted by most of the Protestant Churches when they rose into prevalence, and the Islamic faith. Both religions preached fierce Replacement Theological Dogmas which in the case of Islam also targeted the Christian Churches, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant, while both Christian Clergy and Islamic Imams preached their having replaced the Jews in the eyes of Heaven and in doctrine and covenant. These lessons often taught that the Jews being dispersed and placed at the mercies of Christianity and Islam was Hashem punishing the Jews for their grievous sins, in the case of Christianity it was for not following Jesus while in Islam it was for rejecting Mohammad. The ludicrousness of these complaints is obvious as, by definition, being a Jew automatically meant that one was not a follower of Christianity or Islam or they would already be Christians or Muslims and thus not Jews. For there to be a root religion now scorned of Heaven then there must be those who remain faithful to that root faith otherwise there would be no proof of the origins of these more recent faiths. But the initial hatred of the Jews was far more simple. The other tribes which the Hebrews passes on their journey out from Egypt in the Exodus were fearful as they had heard of the vanquishing of the Egyptians and the parting of the Red Sea and the Ten Plagues as well as numerous other miracles and successful engagements against those who had attacked them during their journey, thus the Hebrews approaching was something to be feared. For the Canaanites the threat was far more direct as they were the target peoples who lived on the lands the Hebrews believed was theirs by Divine right.


Such claims today would be interpreted as clearly aggressive behavior and a warlike disposition which would likely garner adverse reactions by the nations surrounding your intended conquest out of rightful fears. Back over three-thousand-years and the natural order of things was radically different, you kept what you conquered, plain and simple. Did the Canaanite Kings have a right to the lands they lived upon, yes, for as long as they were capable of defending said lands. History paints a different picture as they were unable to defend their possessing the lands and they were vanquished from the tribes of the earth. Were the Hebrews, and later the Jews, entitled to these same lands? Yes, providing they were capable of defending them. This proved problematic but somehow the Jews even after defeat would return and retake their lands and return to rule as written in Torah. The final blow, or should we say start of the most severe blow, was the conquest of the lands by the Greeks under Alexander. He, in turn granted rule of the lands which today are Israel to the Polemic rulers out of Egypt who in turn lost the lands to the Cyrenaic Greeks who in turn were conquered by the Romans. Interestingly, the Jews did manage to throw off Roman rule, even if only briefly until massed Roman Legions returned and attempted to teach the Jews a lesson. The second rendition of this lesson resulted in the dispersing of the Jews to the far corners of the Roman Empire as well as many being placed into slavery. This had been the Roman method for destroying a pesky and irritating people who simply did not conform and behave as expected under Roman Rule. The Jews had a secret by which they remained a viable people for almost two-thousand-years spent in the Diaspora spread across the globe, Torah. The Jews had a covenant with the Land because they had a Covenant with Hashem, and it was that Covenant which provided the nourishment serving as their religion, society, relations with others and Jews throughout the world and their life’s blood and center of their lives wherever they resided.


What is astonishing is that the Prophets had foreseen the periods and lengths of the three exiles from the Jews living in their own lands. Abraham knew of the four-hundred-year exile which was to be in Egypt while Abraham and Jeremiah who foretold of the Babylonian exile which was to last but a mere seventy-years. The final exile was warned about by numerous Prophets starting with Moses and was predicted the new nation of the Jews would be formed in a single day and that from that time until a final reckoning would be a period of miracles, and return of importance of Torah to all the remainder of the Jews and through Torah the Jews would survive until the coming of the Messiah which would be in its appointed time. The formation of Israel in a single day, as astonishing as it seemed throughout the ages as nobody could figure out how a nation could come into being almost as if by decree. Such was an impossibility until the modern era where such was possible and was exactly how the Jews were returned to Israel. What was another prediction by many Rabbis and learned individuals was that the Jews would find their way back to living a life defined and dedicated to Torah. I had expected that when I made Aliyah that Israel would have a much more importance to the study and understanding of Torah but I was not expecting such to fall into my lap as if made possible by Hashem, Baruch Hashem. Within two months of our arrival I had been invited to join a Torah class given in a really wonderful young man’s home and instructed by a Rabbi who had a great presence and forceful gentleness wrapped in a cloak of authority. I only was able to study with this learned and upright scholar for a short period as Hashem sent for him in what we here believed to be premature time but who are we to understand, let alone judge. We have a new Rabbi teaching our group, a man of humor and wisdom with many insights and stories of great Rabbis and Jews and their contributions to Jewish knowledge and life. He is warm and generous soul that we are blessed to be able to learn with him. He must have thought me irreverent when we first began our classes mostly because I am irreverent but in a disarming and amusement and not intended as disrespect and he has realized that this is my way of personalizing what I am attempting to learn. The extent of religiousness was surprising and I feel that it was also a blessing and that the use of Torah as the first and foremost reason for our right to these lands is the exact manner and direction our leaders should assume, though getting them on board will take great amounts of effort, a good deal of time and perhaps a miracle or two Hashem willing.


In the meantime we have European nations granting billions, and possibly combined, trillions of Euros to NGOs which in turn finance NGOs around the world and worst of all, internal to Israel. The Europeans have centuries of experience finding those Jews who are self-loathing and willing to work against their brethren just to be accepted in the ‘cultured’ world. These are the worst and most dangerous of Israel’s enemies. One cannot fathom why they remain living here if they hate everything about the people and the society as much as they must. If they find that European style society is so great and its allure so irresistible then move to Europe and allow the rest of the Israelis to live and love Israel as she is. Israel needs no alterations as Israel is the beloved of the vast majority of her peoples. We know you stay because from Israel you can be stroked by those who wish you and the rest of us dead and you believe they are your friends. May you never realize their true feelings for you as all you have achieved is getting to be murdered last. Stalin had a name for people such as you and, just as in his case; many of the useful idiots are the Jews themselves who work for the destroyers of Judaism simply to be permitted to catch a glimpse of their greatness. They are not great and the bright lights you have been blinded by lead only to misery and devastation. Their money does not equal love or even appreciation, only contempt for you beyond their hatred for all of us for they see you as the traitor to his own kind which makes you untrustworthy for what would prevent you from taking their enemies payments to undercut them were they to allow you into their midst. They recognize you for exactly what you are the destroyer of whatever society in which you reside.


Why do the European nations continue to spend trillions of Euros in their efforts to eradicate Israel and with it every Jews on Earth? Why, because that is what Europe has done since the Greeks banned circumcisions and forbade the study of Torah while desecrating the Holy Temple with pig entrails and other putridity. That is what Europeans do since the decrees of Rome sent many to be crucified, burned alive, and treatments such as was handed down on Rabbi Akiva which was torture so severe as to be unthinkable. The Europeans under Rome dispersed the Jews such that they would each die in their solitude, separated from one another and from any links to their homelands, but that was not a truth as each Jews still had Torah and with Torah, great hope. That is what the Europeans did on their way to the Crusades to assure that each Christian soldier had drawn blood and killed a man; they attacked and butchered Jews in their ghettoes where they were made to live apart from the rest of society, undesired except for their being practiced in the trades. Then the Inquisitions and the purifications arrived where Catholic fought Protestant and the separate Protestants had even fought against one another but all agreed that fighting the Jew was an act approved in Heaven for the Jew was the forgotten and cursed of all creations. The Christians were not to hold a monopoly on murder and denigrating the Jews as the followers of Islam also had their persecution of the Jews. They made them an inferior through dhimmitude and brought him low with the Jizya, a tax on the unbelievers of Mohammad. There were the wars between the Sunni and the Shiite which resembled the Catholic versus Protestant warfare as both Sunni and Shiite could agree that they might as well kill the Jews while they were cleansing their societies. There were the wars between the followers of Islam and the Christian Crusaders which traded rule over Jerusalem numerous times with each time the celebration brought the murdering of the other side which somehow also included the Jews residing near their holiest of cities, and this celebration of victory was not limited to Jerusalem but included every other city which had changed hands regularly.


Be their reasons religious or simply out of desire to steal riches or blame a calamity on the outsider, there was the Jew universally laid low whenever the situation called for a suitable victim on whom to heap scorn. It started even earlier with the idolaters who saw the Jews as being different and a threat. These Jews had a different way, an unseen deity an omniscient deity, a deity which scorned their ways of human sacrifice and the celebration of death mixed with their fear of death while the Jews took their own eventual death in stride and the rest of their days celebrated only life. They saw these Jews who claimed to be carriers of the light as competitors offering a new way which might catch on and threaten their hold on power. The Jews had strange mannerisms when it came to finding their kings and their kings were often outshone by a prophet, this idea that a ruler is not a deity in their own right was a threat to all kings. There was only one way to prevent these Jews from contaminating the thoughts of their kingdoms, so they would attempt to conquer the Jews and make his ways punishable by death and surely they will cower and be a threat no longer. That eventually led to the how dare these Jews persist and not die off like all other peoples.


The hatred of the Jews started early and has simply been enhanced and sculpted for the age in which it lives. Originally it was that the Jew brought ideas which threatened the idolaters’ way of life and their polytheism was also threatened by the Jewish deistic beliefs in a singular deity. Later and continuing even into modernity is the view of the holiness and sanctity of human life and how the human life is placed above all else in nature. That belief is a direct threat to the Earth Firsters and many of the eco-firsters who claim man is nothing more than a hair challenged simian. The seeming passivity due to their abhorrence to violence, especially the needless loss of life thrown into the battle as human shields, angers those who hold life and other human beings as precious and not as a lesser group to be sacrificed in battle just in case their presence in the confrontation will prevent their enemies from engaging. This tactic throughout history has seemingly had a greater validity when used against only two groups, the British and the nations produced by their colonies who would eventually decide to just kill everybody, and the Jews who continue to shrink from attacking where civilians will be needlessly killed.


This has been proven in many of the Gaza confrontations where a bombing mission has been called for a vital Hamas building and the warnings a full thirty minutes before the strike have been issued to all in Gaza, including Hamas, informing them of the time and building to be stuck. When the Israeli pilots arrive on their bombing run they see the roof of the building filled by women and children and thus abort the mission waiting to possibly strike it later. Unfortunately for the Gazans who are placed into such a compromised position where their lives may easily be forfeit simply relying on the Jews to be more humane than their enemy and believing that no target is worth that kind of killing of innocents as such tactics are not a guarantee as the mission may have been given to an artillery or armor division whose line of sight would not detect the innocents on the roof. Hamas, and also Fatah, PLO, Islamic Jihad and the rest of the Arab Palestinians, feel that even an indirect fire mission by the Israelis will often send a drone over the target right before firing on the position and if it reveals the innocent people in the target area, they are correct that Israel would not fire upon the target. This is the opposite of Hamas and the rest who target civilians as their first and foremost preferred targets.


But why do so many throughout history despise the Jews to such an extent? Well, probably out of a strange form of jealously combined with a perception that the Jews represent the ultimate other while murdering Jews has been historically acceptable probably partly because the Jews tend to stick together and are the permanent outsiders who only marry within their community which probably is another example of their feelings of superiority which anybody can witness after all that is what we have been taught as were our fathers and their fathers and their fathers before them back as far as one can remember so it must be a truism and, well, forget all the reasoning, the real reason is they almost never fight back. The fact that Israel represents Jews who not only fight back but prove victorious, well that is the one thing the perennial and historic enemies of the Jews cannot couch, a Jews defending themselves, that’s just not right. A small piece of free advice from a Jew who has fought back since day one, you’re damn right we fight back and plan to do so for the rest of time, so please just give us that which is ours and leave us alone. If the Arab Palestinian incrementalism continues to be pushed even if by the entire Arab and Muslim worlds and the Europeans and American and throw in the Asians and every other nation who is chomping for a fight, the Jews in Israel will fight back. All we desire is to be permitted to live in peace with the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and we will be content and will share any discoveries or innovations we uncover, invent, program or whatever else, that is the limit of what we require and given that morsel, tidbit, and area smaller than New Jersey and smaller than almost every nation in the European Union and definitely smaller than the twenty-plus nations in the Arab League, it is really a small price which will pay huge dividends, possibly the greatest being peace. Then the world can work to repair Syria and address ISIS and find ways to contain nuclear armed North Korea and soon Iran followed by who knows who else, but the future has sufficient challenges so there is no reason to look for one more by targeting Israel for any reason, period.


Beyond the Cusp


May 26, 2015

West Ignoring Fatah Naqba Day Message

Filed under: Act of War,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab World,Arabs,Asia,Blood Libel,Calaphate,Chemical Weapons,Chlorine Gas,Civilization,Clan,Conflict Avoidnce,Consequences,Coverup,Defend Israel,Domestic NGOs,EMP Device,End of Days,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Family Farm,Farming,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Government,Hate,History,Indutrial Farming,International Politics,Islam,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jehrico,Jerusalem,Jewish Home,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jordan River,Judea,Judean Hills,King David,King David's Tomb,King Solomon,Leftist Pressures,Mahmoud Abbas,Mainstream Media,Media,Mediterranean Sea,Middle East,Moses,Moses,Muslim World,Muslims,Naqba,Nationalist Pressures,Neglection of Duty,Nuclear Weapons,Obama,Old Testament,Oppression,Ottoman Empire,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,PLO,Politically Correct,Politically Incorrect,Politicized Findings,Politics,Promised Land,Red Lines,Response to Muslim Takeover,Saeb Erekat,Samaria,Sarin Gas,Secular Interests,Society,Statehood,Submission,Tahadiya,Taqiyya,Temple Mount,Third Intifada,Threat of War,Torah,Tribe,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Weapon Systems,Weapons of Mass Destruction,Western World,WMD,World Government,World Opinion,World Pressures,World War III,Yasser Arafat,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:06 AM
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As has become customary in this new age, the messages by Mahmoud Abbas headed Fatah Party including its militant wing the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades and the Arab Palestinians from within and outside the governing Palestinian Authority were united in their message during their fulfillment of their most cherished and important ideals this recently passed Naqba Day observances, the destruction of all of Israel by violent actions presumably conquering by force that which was stolen by force. Probably the most efficient way to convey their intended message would be to quote a direct translation made on the Fatah ‘official’ Facebook pages for May 14, 2015, which is Naqba Day (Day of the Catastrophe) where it was translated by PMW (Palestinian Media Watch) where the entry read, “What was taken by force can only be regained by force, the 67th anniversary of the Nakba.” This post was accompanied by a poster remembering that this was presumably the 67th anniversary of Naqba Day seen below. It should be noted that one of the numerical figures has been constructed using a AK-47 assault rifle attached as the blade of an ornate and old key presumably to the home lost in 1948 during the formation of Israel and the ensuing Arab war to destroy Israel at birth and map showing all of Israel including all of the areas within the Green Line, the boundaries marking the frontline positions at the end of hostilities in 1949 which were the results of the two years of assault by seven Arab armies to destroy the nascent nations of Israel immediately after it was established on May 14, 1947, and all of Judea and Samaria, renamed West Bank by Jordan while they held those lands under occupation which were finally liberated after Jordan joined the forces of Syria and Egypt, then jointly referred to as the UAR (United Arab Republic) on the second day of the Six Day War in June of 1967, which matches the popular chant even repeated on the campuses of colleges and universities throughout the Western World which states, “From the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea, Palestine must be free.”



PMW Naqba Day 67 Anniversary poster for the conquest of all of Israel by force replacing Israel with Palestine after removal of the Jews by any means necessary, an old and resurgent theme in Arab-Palestinian society directly resulting from government efforts through the media, schools and celebratory remembrances of the martyrs of the revolution naming streets, parks, schools, sporting events among other events and area after these martyrs.

PMW Naqba Day 67 Anniversary poster for the conquest of all of Israel by force replacing Israel with Palestine after removal of the Jews by any means necessary, an old and resurgent theme in Arab-Palestinian society directly resulting from government efforts through the media, schools and celebratory remembrances of the martyrs of the revolution naming streets, parks, schools, sporting events among other events and area after these martyrs.



The representation on the post puts to lie the claims made by Arab-Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in English when speaking to the Western leaders and media that all he seeks is the return of the lands liberated from Jordanian occupation resulting from the June 1967 Six Day War. Abbas often uses an obscure and easily misinterpreted claim to only desiring the 22% of the lands for the state of Palestine without defining what exactly he means by the 22% of the lands. Often this is interpreted by the Western media and political leaders to mean the areas of Gaza and Judea and Samaria (West Bank) which makes up just short of 23% of the total lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea which is quite close to the mentioned and implied 22% of the lands. There is another reference for 22% of the lands and that is the division of the British Mandate Lands dividing them along the Jordan River establishing what today is Jordan on the lands east of the Jordan River and bordering Iraq in the eastern border which constitutes exactly 78% of the lands of the British Mandate which the lands west of the Jordan River were promised to be totally used for the establishment of the Jewish State and never to be divided by guarantee of the British and allied powers at the time of the forming of Jordan after World War I, lands which equal exactly 22% of the British Mandate lands and the actual 22% Mahmoud Abbas claims for the making of Palestine. This demand that the 22% actually is meant to describe 22% of the British Mandate and equates exactly to the claims and decrees issued by Mahmoud Abbas, the Fatah Party he heads, the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) which he cofounded in 1964 with Yasser Arafat for the purpose of destroying Israel replacing it with an Arab state freed of all Jewish presence three years before there was any occupation as the Western leaders define such meaning Gaza and Judea and Samaria, and the borders Abbas has demanded even before the United Nations, the lands constituting all of Israel both within the Green Line and the disputed and mislabeled occupied territories.


Another post was presumably made by the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades in commemoration of Naqba Day stated, “When the al-Asifa (the storm) roars and the nation applauds the eternal Fatah, the world’s dwarfs should remain in their burrows.” The mention of “world’s dwarfs” in a reference which has two meanings in this declaration, the Israelis and particularly the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) and on a more general level to mean all the Western nations, their militaries and their peoples and is, obviously, meant in a very derogatory and demeaning reference implying their fear and submission before the all-powerful forces of Islam in general and the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades specifically. See depiction of the posting made by the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades depicting one of their terrorist members with his AK-47 holding a decorative headdress pointing towards the Fatah logo with two rifles clenched in fists placed over a map depicting the entirety of Israel, the actual target for the establishment of Palestine replacing Israel, not living side by side in peace as is often the claim allowed to stand by the silence of Abbas to its mention. His silence does not mean agreement as it is oft taken to mean, it merely means he prefers to allow you your mistaken beliefs as there is no need to correct a fool who is deaf to the words spoken by Abbas to the Arab-Palestinians in Arabic as to the Western media and leadership Arabic is a language which cannot, or must not, be translated into any Western language as then those words would need to be explained away, much easier to pretend the fool.



The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades commemoratory poster depicting one of their terrorist members with his AK-47 holding a decorative headdress in his hand and pointing towards the Fatah logo which bears two rifles clenched in fists and arms decorated in the declared colors representing the Arab-Palestinians all placed over a map depicting the entirety of Israel.

The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades commemoratory poster depicting one of their terrorist members with his AK-47 holding a decorative headdress in his hand and pointing towards the Fatah logo which bears two rifles clenched in fists and arms decorated in the declared colors representing the Arab-Palestinians all placed over a map depicting the entirety of Israel.



The theme of this year’s Naqba Day also is a complete farcical redefinition of the connotation for the term Naqba which means ‘catastrophe’ but originated long before there were Arab-Palestinians or the PLO or Palestinian Authority. ‘The Naqba’ was the term applied to the formation of the Mandates over the province of Greater Syria by the Allied Powers after World War I. In the Mandates the area of Greater Syrian Province was divided into two parts, the northern Mandate which was assigned to France and the southern Mandate which was assigned to the British. It was this division and the new requirement for those Arab Muslims residing under the British Mandate in the south to get permission from both the British and the French to travel to Damascus which had become the new destination for the Arab Muslims of the areas of Greater Syria to perform a version of making of the Hajj. The formal definition for the Hajj required travel to Mecca except during the times when Mecca was under separate Islamic rulers than the Muslims in the area of Greater Syria, such as under the Ottoman Empire, there was a ban on travel between Greater Syria and the Arabian Peninsula and thus their being cut-off from Mecca and making the actual required Hajj at least once in their lifetime so the powers ruling over Greater Syria invented reasons to turn Damascus into the objected destination for the Hajj standing in, so to speak, for Mecca. The new requirement, though most likely a formality in order to retain assigned populations and prevent excessive travel which might lead to the fomenting of an uprising, thus the regulating of such travel caused great distress for the residents of British Mandate lands as they feared being cut-off from Damascus and that was a great hardship, a catastrophe even, and thus was called the Great Naqba all the way back in 1922 thus far preceding the adopted, or should we say stolen, use for Naqba Day. Of course this too was stolen by the Arab-Palestinian movement just as they have stolen the entire historical legacy of the Jewish People and with some changes adopted it to establish their claims to all of Israel as it was presumably their ancestral lands from, if one is to believe even the most absurd of claims, over nine-thousand years ago when they first settled in the area now making up Israel. The small fly in the ointment, about a ten ton fly in five ounces of ointment, is that they have no historic leaders’ names. They claim Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon and many of the other names of leaders from the Jewish Bible and writings. It is interesting that they claim Noah as the Jews do not claim Noah as having been Jewish as Abraham, the first Jew, followed years after Noah and the ark and great flood and thus the Jews define Noah as one who had a relationship with G0d and was a righteous man amongst barbarians of the most uncouth and perverted nature who had invoked the wrath of G0d and were to be destroyed to the last individual with the exception of those taken aboard the ark. As they stole the Jewish history they stole from their own history and redefined Naqba not to mean difficulty in travel to Damascus but instead to the formation of a state for the Jewish People in their ancestral lands which even the Quran states that the lands are to belong to the Jews rightfully and be observed and permitted by Islam, but why bother with any truths at this late stage.


The declaration by virtually every side this marking of the founding of Israel as per the Western calendar, Israelis use the traditional Jewish Calendar thus the date is different on the Western Calendar every year which is good as it permits the Israeli celebrations to be less disturbed by the Arab-Palestinians with it not coinciding with their Naqba Day. One wonders why the Arab-Palestinians use the Western Calendar and not the Islamic Calendar. The reason is obvious, they wish to remind the Western world of the calamity which presumably beset them by the founding of Israel on almost a whole one percent of land in the midst of the sea of Muslim lands stretching from the Pacific Ocean in the southern Philippines all the way across Asia, the Central and Middle East and along northern Africa to Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean and it is that less than one percent which must be destroyed for the formation of a new and never before heard of state called Palestine. Some of the lands under Islamic rule have open spaces where nary an individual treads each year, let alone resides in, and these Arabs insist on taking the most populated space for the establishment of their state and demand the removal of any residing there who are in any way different than they.


This is interesting as how does one define the Arab-Palestinians who mostly arrived in the areas now under Israeli control within the past four or at most five generations, that equates to under a century. At the beginning and before the times the final decade and a half before the Twentieth Century saw the rebirth of the lands coinciding with the return of many Jews, the earliest Zionists returning to reclaim their homelands. These lands were mostly a collection of rocks, desert, swamps and ancient ruins with a few small pockets of barely populated cities with the greatest being Jericho, Akko, Tiberius, Jerusalem and a few other names familiar from the Old Testament. Probably one of the most famous descriptions of the lands of Israel, the Holy Lands, is the description from Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) writings across these lands in his worldly travels described in his writings titled, “Innocents Abroad” and specifically the parts described as “Mark Twain in the Holy Land.” Perhaps a few excerpts will give a flavor of his reports starting with his most astonishing comment on Jerusalem compared to the city as it stands today he wrote, “A fast walker could go outside the walls of Jerusalem and walk entirely around the city in an hour. I do not know how else to make one understand how small it is.” Describing the trip from at the Sea of Galilee in Chapter XLVII Twain wrote the following:

We traversed some miles of desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds — a silent, mournful expanse, wherein we saw only three persons — Arabs, with nothing on but a long coarse shirt like the “tow-linen” shirts which used to form the only summer garment of little negro boys on Southern plantations. Shepherds they were, and they charmed their flocks with the traditional shepherd’s pipe — a reed instrument that made music as exquisitely infernal as these same Arabs create when they sing.
In their pipes lingered no echo of the wonderful music the shepherd forefathers heard in the Plains of Bethlehem what time the angels sang “Peace on earth, good will to men.”
Part of the ground we came over was not ground at all, but rocks — cream-colored rocks, worn smooth, as if by water; with seldom an edge or a corner on them, but scooped out, honey-combed, bored out with eye-holes, and thus wrought into all manner of quaint shapes, among which the uncouth imitation of skulls was frequent. Over this part of the route were occasional remains of an old Roman road like the Appian Way, whose paving-stones still clung to their places with Roman tenacity.
Gray lizards, those heirs of ruin, of sepulchres and desolation, glided in and out among the rocks or lay still and sunned themselves. Where prosperity has reigned, and fallen; where glory has flamed, and gone out; where beauty has dwelt, and passed away; where gladness was, and sorrow is; where the pomp of life has been, and silence and death brood in its high places, there this reptile makes his home, and mocks at human vanity. His coat is the color of ashes: and ashes are the symbol of hopes that have perished, of aspirations that came to nought, of loves that are buried. If he could speak, he would say, Build temples: I will lord it in their ruins; build palaces: I will inhabit them; erect empires: I will inherit them; bury your beautiful: I will watch the worms at their work; and you, who stand here and moralize over me: I will crawl over your corpse at the last.


Such as that was the lands which today lie between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and produce a richness of life, agriculture, invention, production and vibrancy returning the lands to their exalted state of preeminence and stature in the world. No longer are these lands ignored by the world and actually have become an unfortunate obsession beyond description. Often there appears to be a driving impetus to force these lands back to their quiet ruin described so aptly by Mark Twain who traveled and wrote in an age before political correctness ruled the tongues and pens of even the mightiest of men and the agencies of their minds and hands. The scorn once reserved for the Jew and often only the Jew has now turned their nation out claiming it to be a pariah amongst nations deserving of scorn and denounced in the harshest of terms whether they actually apply or not. There are groups formed around the idea that the multi-cultural state where women have equal rights and every religion is practiced freely with free and open elections should be deemed a practice of Apartheid while the neighboring nations it is forbidden for a Jew to tread and selling lands to a Jew is punishable by death, where ISIS beheads Christians and Muslims alike for failing to answer questions in their peculiar way, where women are not permitted to drive a vehicle and may only leave the house accompanied by a male relative, places where courts will convict a woman victim of rape to a sentence of death by stoning for having sexual relations with her rapist, where barbarity rules and civility a sign of weakness and forgiveness as much a sin as the sin being forgiven, but Israel is the oppressive nation. This is the state of the world and if the leaders of Israel and the world do not awaken and view the horrors that are fast approaching then once again, and potentially for the final time for many millennia, mankind will gather their swords and shields, their bows and arrows, their aligns and spears and prepare to do battle. The problem is the new weapons do not require even facing one’s enemies to destroy them. Now one pressed the red button, flips a plastic switch, launches a deadly missile and an entire city is consumed in the blast leaving nothing standing, nothing breathing and a band of pain and eventual death at the edges of what was. Armies of steel beast shoot flames pushing projectiles with great speed and greater accuracy and the steel beasts from both sides burst into flames and roast their crews alive. Silver and black birds grace the skies dropping fiery eggs which streak to their target leaving twisted wreckage in its wake. These birds fire streaking spears aimed at the other’s signature locked by computers removing most chances for failure guaranteeing a defrocked bird falling, crashing in flames to the earth below. This war will not require the gathering of great armies for the new armies are automated destruction on scales never before imagined unless those who claim we were once greater than today and we destroyed it all and began again are correct and we are repeating an ancient calamity from which a few may restart and soon forget the higher math and nuclear physics and start by planting seeds and tending herds avoiding areas which nobody dares to tread as only death rules these desolate skeleton of once great metropolises. There will be a great forgetting as the necessity of assuring food will replace the need for education, especially education which produced the destruction because mankind has never invented weapons so powerful that he refused to use it and thermo-nuclear tipped missiles will be no exception. Especially as the next nuclear race will arm those who are largely oblivious to the horrors the use of such weapons are and will have little compunction towards utilizing such weapons as their preferred first-strike equalizer. The abhorrence will come far too late to save civilization from the least civil amongst us. Perhaps this is why mankind will never develop much past tribal affiliations ruled by clannish patriarchs whose minds are fueled by testosterone, not refined postulations and cost analysis, they desire only victory no matter how hollow so they may inherit the world, but this world will be the result of an End of Days scenario turning all into a world made largely of ashes.


Beyond the Cusp


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