Beyond the Cusp

June 30, 2016

Different Visions and Angles on Terror


Whether attacks by a group on another people is definitely terrorism depends upon if they include attacks upon innocents as defined by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the United Nations (UN) as well as numerous other entities, governments, international bodies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). The most agreed upon definition of innocents are noncombatants, especially women, children and the elderly who are clearly not military and are unarmed thus relatively defenseless. The Palestinians claim that every child and Jew is potentially an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) member and thus legitimate targets and no Israeli is to be considered an illegal target. Courts and the United Nations have defined a number of Israelis to be innocent noncombatants and as such out of bounds and whose murder is a crime against humanity and the perpetrator of such crimes to be terrorists. A further definition of a terrorist act is any illegal action taken on a population with the intent of affecting the political realities existing in a nation changing them in order to meet a political desire. Where things get fuzzier are the attacks upon military and political leadership especially of an occupying force and only enforcing troops and leadership and not other people from the occupying power such as businessman, members of the family of soldiers or family members of the political leadership who have no part in the presence beyond being relatives of those serving in the occupying power’s ruling and enforcement arms. The final difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter has a very subjective answer where the side which wins, especially in Biblical times when any challenge or war, whether your side was the victor or vanquished, very often the vanquished were forced into slavery or their entire existence destroyed bringing their existence to a formal and often complete end. This is very often a matter which is decided by those who write the history and thus depict their enemies as utilizing whatever horrific tactics in order to justify what some might describe as horrors as an afterthought despite the many famous individuals who often referred to warfare as a destructive and messy affair, especially in wars where asymmetric fighting was used by the presumed weaker forces.


The recent stabbings, rock assaults, and suicide bombings all used by Islamic State and Hamas in Turkey, Israel, Syria, Iraq and beyond all qualify as terror acts as they murdered randomly and largely targeted civilians and were not targeting things which were of any military significance. These attacks were also planned to be executed in such a manner as to attain the highest numbers of casualties in areas known to be frequented by in large civilians and very low probability of these attacks destroying anything of military value. Both Islamic State and Hamas are proud of their targeting of civilians and even more-so murdering children as noticed in the video below where the woman terrorist, who is in Israeli prison when the interview was recorded, was asked if she knew how many children were killed (murdered) in the suicide bombing of the restaurant. Her response is, “Three children were killed in the operation, I think.” When she is informed that there were eight children murdered her reaction is one of pride and great joy and amusement. Many Arab nations and terror groups objected to the airing of this clip claiming it was doctored to make the Arabs appear to be blood-thirsty murderers. We will allow our erudite and perceptive readers watch and figure out who had what motivations and whether revealing the pride this woman, a mother, took at the death of eight children, five more than she had estimated and she is filled with pride and exudes a celebratory emotional reaction. Of course this video was never shown on any European or American news media as it does not match their intent in their coverage of the Middle East, especially under the current administration.


The reaction to acts of terror presumably performed in your name has brought signs of shame and remorse from others who the terrorists claim to be representing. One such reaction was the reactions of the Zionist Congress to the terror acts of the Stern Gangs and others who while fighting against the British presence in the holy land and their anti-Jewish actions often indiscriminately struck areas frequented by British troops, their political class and the families of the British which were caught in the crossfire of an assault on the restaurant during the lunch time rush killing numerous innocents and drawing a sharp rebuke from the leader of the Haganah and the Zionist Congress. That was one thing about resisting the British that the Israelis are split over with many believing that there were actions which did loose harm upon innocents and that was not to be condoned. Too often there are some from Europe, the United States, the Arab Palestinians and other anti-Israeli groups and individuals who have pointed their finger at Israel claiming the Jews were just as evil and terroristic in their efforts to be rid of the British occupation going so far as to point to the Stern Gang and a couple of other extreme groups. The difference is the main body of the Jewish people and governance were against these acts and that Israel did not name streets after these people nor did Israelis lionize these terrorists as have the Arab Palestinians. The Jews, no matter what, immediately mourned and sympathized with the American people and offered condolences as individuals while at the same time as the twin towers of the World Trade Center were struck and felled, candies and sweets were passed out in the streets in the Arab Palestinian neighborhoods both in Gaza as well as Judea and Samaria. There is the stark difference between the Israelis and the Palestinian Arabs, the Jews love life while the Arabs idolize the nineteen hijackers and the almost three-thousand deaths they caused.


As mentioned, attacks made against military targets or command and control facilities, even if they are manned by civilian personnel, are warranted and defined as military targets as they are used as the central controlling function and thus mostly effecting the military and its operations. The reasons that most of the terrorist functions used against Israel are terror is due to their targeting of civilians and this is often the stated goal and not simply a side effect. Additionally, these terrorist murderers are lionized and portrayed as heroes to be emulated and the anniversary of their deaths, often at their own hands in order to produce a new set of rules which need be followed which will assure that any actions made by Israelis be seen as provocative in any manner. Israelis are reminded almost daily that they are residing, working and building their own national homelands upon the graves of the Palestinian people. First, jumbled up are names which appeared in the Biblical era so the Jews often felt a strong attachment to these places. Then there are many which have changed names yet the Jewish People will be tasked in recalling them before they are gifted away. The heart and soul of Israel lies in the hills and valleys surrounding Jerusalem and such places as Shechem, Bethlehem and other places holy to both Christians and Jews. These places have been written into the history of Islam with Abbas telling lies once again about the history where he reveals that the Palestinian people have resided in Judea and Samaria for nine-thousand years they invented the Palestinian-Canaanite language. This is all part of the claim that Jesus was the first martyred Palestinian when the Jews left him to be crucified. Never mind that crucifixion was a Roman form of execution and had little if anything to do with the Jewish scribes or most of the Jews of the time as they were all celebrating Pesach, or should we say commemorating Pesach further proven as Jesus held a Seder which became known as the Last Supper. The violence the Palestinian Arabs perpetrate against the Jews and the Christians within their areas of control are horrific when compared to the treatment worldwide by Jews and Christians have reached. The Arab Palestinians who throw rocks into car windscreens in the hopes of smashing through the glass and killing the driver or otherwise cause them to lose control of the vehicle smashing it into a building or a tree as was the case in which Asher Palmer and his infant son Yonatan both died when a rock crashed through the windshield likely killing Asher resulting in the car careening off the road smashing into large rocks and a tree killing little Yonatan Palmer. That is terrorism.


Yonatan & Asher Palmer rock attack victims

Yonatan & Asher Palmer rock attack victims


Yonatan & Asher Palmer's Wrecked vehicle after rock attack Arab terrorists


Terrorism does not need to kill directly as it can be economic in nature such as the BDS Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel which was started by Yasser Arafat as an Arab boycott of Israel and was expanded through the instructions of Mahmoud Abbas and handled by the brother of terror mastermind Marwan Barghouti, Omar Barghouti. This form of terrorism is also extremely anti-Semitic as the sole nation singled out for this has been Israel, the sole democracy and nation with human rights and equality for all no matter their religious faith, race, gender, social class or any other item which are often used as a means of subjugating or singling out for blame in her neighbors in the Middle East and Northern Africa. The aim of the BDS is to economically starve Israel forcing her to survive solely on what she produces domestically. This is done as it is known that Israel does not produce sufficient food in either quantity or variety to feed its population. The problem is by starving Israel the boycotters will also be starving Arabs who also reside in Israel and this includes a number of Muslims. Further, the storied basis for the BDS movement is that Israel is an Apartheid State, another lie which is never refuted by the media and who repeat the claims and accusations while ignoring the truth as should they refute the claims their reporters would no longer be trusted by the Arabs and they would lose a major source of anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic tropes and malapropisms with which to fill the pages of their editorial to prove their mettle and maybe win a Pulitzer Prize along the way. What more can we add beyond the picture below.


BDS Was Never Meant To Free an Inch of Palestine It Was Always Meant To Destroy Every Inch of Israel

BDS Was Never Meant To Free
an Inch of Palestine
It Was Always Meant
To Destroy Every Inch of Israel


And the story has only just begun as Israel is not even seventy years old and has only liberated the occupied Judea and Samaria from Jordanian control in the last forty-nine years. And how is that for a surprise that the only time the lands of Judea and Samaria, which Jordan renamed West Bank to remove the obvious Jewish links to the land, especially Judea, are used in reference to these lands by Zionists speaking truth to the lies as that is where the word Jew originated as the people were referred to as Judeans and over the years Judean became simply Jew. The occupiers were the Jordanians and are now calling themselves Palestinians using the Roman renaming of Judea to Syria Palaestina in order to infuriate the Jews, well Romans, you may have passed into history and we Jews remain and your curse of the name Syria Palaestina has most certainly infuriated us and it is still a curse. The real problem is most people have little if any knowledge of history past breakfast yesterday morning, if they can remember that far back. The old proverb which has many claims but no actual known author states a truism just the same and it really applied to the way the world is headed currently. It goes, “You cannot know where you are going if you do not know where you have been.” And that is a thought on which to end this rant.


Beyond the Cusp


July 8, 2015

Should ISIS Replace Hamas in Gaza; So What?

Filed under: 24/7 News Reporting,Absolutism,Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,Act of War,Administration,Africa,Agency France Press,Air Support,Alawite,Alexandria,Amalekites,AP,Appeasement,Arab Winter,Arab World,Arabist,Associated Press,BBC,Beheading,Blood Libel,Boko Haram,Border violence,Cairo,Cairo Speech,Calaphate,Caliphate,Chemical Weapons,Children Murdered,Civilization,CNN,Colonial Possession,Corruption,Coverup,Czarist Russia,Ditherer in Chief,Egypt,Egyptian Border Guards,Egyptian Military,Europe,European Governments,European Historic Anti Semitism,European Media,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Federica Mogherini,Fox,France 24,France Channel 2,Gaza,Government,Government Controlled Media,Graft,Haaretz,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Haniyeh of Hamas,Hate,History,Illegal Immigration,International Politics,Intifada,Iran,Iranian Military,Iranian Pressure,Iraq,Iraqi Military,IRGC,IRGC,ISIS,ISIS in Gaza,ISIS in Judea and Samaria,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jordanian Pressure,Khaled Mashaal,Kidnap Children,Kidnap Soldier,Kurdish Militias,Leftist Pressures,Libya,Mainstream Media,Media,Media Bias,Media Censorship,Media Intimidation,Middle East,Military,Military Council,Military on Borders,Military Option,Misreporting,Missile Attacks,Mohammed,Murder Israelis,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Myth,New York Times,Nuclear Option,Nuclear Weapons,Obama,Omission,Palestinian,Palestinian Media,Palestinian Pressures,Peshmerga Militias,Political Talk Shows,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,President Sisi,Quran,Rebel Forces,Response to Terrorism,Rocket Attacks,Secular Interests,Sharia Law,Shiite,Suez Canal,Sunni,Syria,Talking Heads,Terminal War,Terror,Third Intifada,Threat of War,Threat of War,Threat to Israel,United Nations Presures,United States Pressure,Victims,War,Washington Post,Washington Times,Weapons of Mass Destruction,World Media,World Opinion,World Pressures,World Without Zionism or America,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:09 AM
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There has been a news story running around loose that ISIS is causing ripples of violence and is intending to replace Hamas as the governing body in Gaza. Should this actually come to pass, what difference it would make has not been explained in the stories I have seen and I am pretty sure I know why, the truth would be too revealing. The other reason this story has had the emphasis given it is so that the world will see such an event as something horrific and of causing a sea of change probably for the worse. This is true only if your name happens to be Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashal of Hamas or Ramadan Shalah and Abd Al Aziz Awda of Islamic Jihad and potentially some of the other top echelon commanders such as Hamas Military Commander Muhammad Deif. The terrorist members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad have been complimented by the lead members of ISIS in Gaza as far back as last summer’s Operation Protective Edge though you would be hard pressed to find many, if any, news stories mentioning such, especially outside of Israel. Even within the Israeli media the subject was barely ever breached for reasons that escape me for their logic. The most news that mentioned Hamas and ISIS in the same breath was those quoting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and a few other Israeli politicians and top security officers in the IDF and Shin Bet who were making the point publically that there was really no discernible difference between Hamas and ISIS despite what the world media cared to report. The actual discernible difference should both Hamas and Islamic Jihad along with the remaining Fatah and Palestinian Authority individuals all be supplanted by ISIS would be that Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashal of Hamas as well as Ramadan Shalah and Abd Al Aziz Awda of Islamic Jihad and perhaps some of the secondary commanders who were seen as not sufficiently bold in their efforts against Israel as that would be the level of the majority of the change. I am fairly sure that the topmost leaders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, al-Qaeda of Gaza and any other top commanders who have been getting excessively wealthy usurping funds off the top for personal gain, better known as greed, then you have something to fear as such activities are not pure and will deserve punishment by the leaders of ISIS. The top people with the most profit from their positions such as the billionaires of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashal who are both worth many billions of dollars, will simply be spending a lot more time at their mansions in Qatar and as time passes less and less time anywhere near Gaza, Mashal has not visited Gaza except for that occasional photo-op just to validate his credentials and to raise morale amongst the troops. The main loss to these leaders is that the gravy train will stop running and they will just have to suffer a serious financial setback and need to spend very carefully such that they do not spend through their billions of dollars too quickly.


In Gaza the difference will be minimal until ISIS has attained what they consider a critical mass such that they have the troops and equipment in place and everything ready for their assault on Israel. They will tell their forces that the day when the Zionist entity will pay dearly and no longer be in possession of the stolen Muslim lands and their fellow Muslims who are pure in their practice and intentions will finally celebrate their victory over the much hated enemies of Allah. Needless to point out but if you happen to be an Arab, Muslim or not, resident in Israel and ISIS were to even temporarily for some few hours gain control of your area of residence then you would be best served to be elsewhere during that period as any Israel Arab, especially the Muslims, will be treated according to Quranic texts and their most violent and strictest of interpretations. This means that those who are followers of Islam will have to explain to deaf ears why they had not risen up and destroyed Israel from the inside and were instead living so peaceably with the Jews. After said testimony, which will be interpreted to be more of a confession of guilt, these Muslims will be declared apostate and appropriately murdered, most likely burned alive as has been the lot for the Shia captured by ISIS. The best off will be the Arab Christians who will be permitted to live after paying the Jiyza, the tax especially levied against Christians and other non-Muslims under which their Muslim leadership will protect them until the next payment comes due, but be warned that sooner rather than later you will either not have the funds to pay the Jiyza or will be given the final choice between adopting Islam or death, and conversion will not necessarily save you as your forced conversion may be determined not to have been spiritually uplifting and you would then meet the fate of an apostate, burned alive.


After Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the rest of the terrorist forces in Gaza would necessarily come under the control of ISIS the sea change would barely be more noticeable than a ripple added to the surf pounding the coast; simply put it would produce negligible change. The changes would mostly be cosmetic as while the production of rockets would be increased with the rockets being stored for intense use in support of the eventual ISIS assault to eliminate Israel and liberate the stolen lands which they as the next Caliphate should rule over all the lands that were ever under Islamic rule and that includes all of Israel. The reality would likely be very different as ISIS has a much larger and more important foe than Israel which has been under attack for some time using Gaza as a safe haven and supply depot. The other dirty little secret that the news media have not reported about is that ISIS presence in Gaza is mostly to operate as their liaison with Hamas who manage the supplies and provisions so as to have ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula provided with the appropriate weaponry and ammunition for their attacks on Egyptian forces as their intent is to be able to take possession of sufficient amounts, all or the vast majority, of the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula and have successfully pushed all Egyptian forces from the field of battle and be capable of announcing their great victory and spread into the Sinai Peninsula and declared it as a part of the Islamic State being founded by ISIS. Such an accomplishment would necessarily demand an Egyptian counter-offensive to retake control over the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula using solely Egyptian forces so as not to need Israeli assistance of any note as such would arm ISIS with a propaganda battering-ram with which to unseat President Sisi and the Egyptian government and replace such rule over all of Egypt claiming it for the Islamic State’s Caliphate, just another jewel in their turban and another loss for the Arab Muslims desiring peace under which they can continue their lives.


Once ISIS has managed to wrest the Sinai Peninsula from Egyptian control, then ISIS would turn their attention on capturing Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt and then annex the remainder of the country setting to purify the Egyptian population by testing the people on their levels of devotion and knowledge of the Quran and Muslim Law, the Sharia. Should ISIS have the capability of defeating the Egyptian military, not only would such a victory be impressive adding greatly to their reputation, it would serve as another reason proving they are in fact and deed the Caliphate they have declared themselves to be and thus would attract even larger numbers of disenfranchised youth from Western nations as well as across the Muslim world. Such a victory would make any plans to defeat ISIS close to impossible, especially utilizing solely the Iranian forces, even were there to be provided airstrikes as required in support of ground operations to defeat ISIS or seemingly to stop their incremental advances creeping across the landscape. Such a gain would also connect ISIS forces in Libya to the rest of ISIS as well as placing ISIS that much closer to uniting with Boko Haram in western Africa and based in Nigeria. Adding the weapons systems and fighter aircraft to the ISIS arsenals would also be augmented by providing safe zones in which ISIS could train their own pilots providing them with a force multiplier, air support and bombing targets in order to soften them for the ensuing ground assault, something carried out currently by suicide bombers. Such gains made by ISIS would pose a direct threat to the entirety of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and place increased fears in Europe, particularly the southern nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea. One might suspect that such gains and the accompanying threats would provide sufficient threats that the United States would act in a more forceful manner beyond limited airstrikes, but it is our conjecture that until, at the earliest, mid-January 2017 the world can pretty much rule out any increase in their commitment than to provide minimal air support of a few sorties on an active day. One reason that President Obama would not escalate the situation with ISIS would be due to any expansion westwards across northern Africa poses no imminent threat to Iran. In such a case, western movement would take the focus off Iran allowing them to better prepare for their inevitable conflict with ISIS for as long as ISIS exists, the Shia Muslims will not be safe anymore than Jews, Christians and others who do not bow to Allah.


The current efforts by ISIS are bringing more forces to bear in the Sinai Peninsula and it appears they will simply be cementing their gains in Iraq for the time being while continuing their efforts in Syria while striking in the Sinai in an effort to overwhelm the Egyptian forces currently holding the area. This is a natural fit for ISIS to open its next expansion as they already have a resupply base where they are able to keep supplies safely and a place they can hide away from the warfront retreating and enjoying relative peace in which to lick their wounds and plan for their next strike. The ISIS strategy is to strike hard with as many forces across as many fronts of the area of operations causing confusion and high casualty counts on their enemy attempting to overrun their checkpoints and other positions. This is the first time ISIS is fighting a national armed forces as until now they were fighting the remnants of a the Syrian Army and militias such as the Kurdish Peshmerga forces and the Sunni and Shia militias in Iraq and some of Iranian IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) forces which have continued to hold Baghdad and stymying further advances. This has forced ISIS to open a new front from which to make headway and continue to project their strong horse imagery and their invincible forces. Their raid this week assaulted multiple targets striking checkpoints and guard positions across the Sinai Peninsula. These strikes met with varying levels of defense but by the end of the day the Egyptian army had regrouped and pushed ISIS from all the positions they had taken earlier in the day. This was accomplished using assets wisely. The coordinated fight was conducted using forces including the Egyptian Air Force, armored units and those ground forces already deployed in the Sinai Peninsula. ISIS actually brought supplies out of Gaza prompting one Egyptian military leader to breach the subject of Gaza claiming that Egypt held the option of their forces going into Gaza and striking hard at any opposition units that may be; including Hamas, Islamic Jihad or other terror forces they find in Gaza. Initial results have shown that ISIS can push the Egyptian forces from their positions but they have thus far been unable to retain the grounds gained and are forced back into hiding. This may prove to be a war of attrition which would favor ISIS as they are gaining strength as the Western Powers, particularly the United States, appear reticent as they refuse to commit ground troops and actually fight against ISIS. Their anxiousness might be due to their having a plan for one great rout of the United States forces reminiscent of the Tet Offensive in Viet Nam. What that taught the leaders who have studied the History of the United States, particularly their innovative abilities to adapt to their situation and implement strategic options changing their tactics and adopting new and innovative tactics to fit that situation but that as long as the enemy can claim a victory and have produced large numbers of casualties that the media will reside with the isolationist reporting the offensive as have created a new and perilous situation where the forces fighting the United States are described as valiant while the United States military are cast as murderous and treacherous and any other derogatory terms and cast as losing the war or at best not winning. Once the American public has been bombarded with such news reports they demand the troops be brought home and from that point forward the United States has lost and their enemies need only keep up a modicum of effort as a constant reminder and to continue the nightly body count at the opening of every newscast. This was what defeated the United States in Viet Nan, in Afghanistan, and in Iraq once already and the one strength the terror forces have is they have nowhere to run to so they will fight to the last man, woman and child. That sort of determination takes an amount of steady and constant levels of ruthlessness in order to not only defeat them in every battle but to break their spirit and prove to them beyond any doubt that their cause is useless and, in this case, Allah does not favor them being deserving of victory and has handed victory to their sworn enemies. The only question is once the coming war begins, will the American people have the stamina and stomach for completing the fight or will they simply first surrender to the coming propaganda and then inevitably face the final surrender, surrendering to Allah and becoming Muslim and all that does entail.


Beyond the Cusp


July 4, 2015

Who Will Pope Francis Blame When ISIS Slaughters in Jerusalem?

Filed under: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,Act of War,Administration,al-Qaeda,al-Qaeda,al-Qaeda in Gaza,Allah,Amalekites,American People Voice Opinion,Amman,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Winter,Arab World,Arabist,Arabs,Attack,Barbarian Forces,Beheading,Black September,Blood Libel,Boko Haram,Border Patrol,Calaphate,Caliphate,Caliphate,Catholic,Catholic Churh,Catholic Institutions,Children Murdered,Chosen People,Church,Civilization,Commandments,Conflict Avoidnce,Consequences,Covenant,Covert Actions,Coverup,Cult,Defend Israel,Divided Jerusalem,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,European Media,European Pressure,Fatah,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Hamas,Hate,History,HUMINT,Inteligence Report,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Intifada,ISIS,ISIS in Judea and Samaria,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jihad,Jordan,Judea,Kidnap Children,Kidnapped Israeli,Leftist Pressures,Libya,Mainstream Media,Meaning of Peace,Media,Middle East,Military Intervention,Military Option,Mohammed,Munich Olympics,Murder Israelis,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Muslims,Naqba,Nationalist Pressures,Old City,Palestinian Pressures,Pogroms,Politically Correct,Politically Incorrect,Politicized Findings,Politics,Pope,Promised Land,Promised Land,Quran,Rebel Forces,Religion,Response to Muslim Takeover,Response to Terrorism,Salafists,Samaria,Secular Interests,Security,Security Detail,Separation Barrier,Sharia Law,Shooting,Sinai,Statehood,Submission,Suicide Bomber,Sunni,Syria,Temple Mount,Terror,Third Intifada,Victims,West Bank,World Media,World Opinion,World Pressures,Yonatan Netanyahu,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:57 AM
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Pope Francis, during his visitation to the Holy Lands, was sure to make a very public statement over the plight of the Palestinian Arabs as he made a highly publicized stop at the exact section of the security barrier where Pope Francis claimed to make a prayer for a unified Arab Palestinian State emphasizing the proposed relationship to, as scrawled on that very section of the barrier, the similarity of the Warsaw Ghetto’s walls and the Israeli built security barrier, a separation object that is largely a fence but along certain stretches is required to be an actual wall such as within heavily built up areas so that it also keeps bullets and explosives from being easily launched into Israeli areas safeguarding both Arabs and Jews of all religions and all others from terrorist assaults on their lives and which has resulted in a highly effective tool in preventing homicide/suicide bombers, homicidal vehicle attacks and sniper attacks of various varieties bringing such attacks down to becoming a rarity compared to previous attacks before the barrier was constructed. Further, Pope Francis made it publically emphasized that his trip began with meetings with Mahmoud Abbas and the Arab Palestinians which he made sure to enter from Jordan flying initially into the Jordanian capital city of Amman specifically to avoid any possible meeting with Israeli officials. The Pope went further as he make a long procession, almost a victory parade, accompanied by numerous Arab Palestinian leadership from Bethlehem to Jerusalem emphasizing in his remarks the plight and flight from Bethlehem of its once predominant Christian population making heavy implications that such a sorry state of affairs had everything to do with Israeli ‘occupation’ and the hardships caused by the Israeli government, meaning the Jewish People, completely absolving the Arab Palestinians and their history of antagonism and persecution of the Christians causing the massive flight in fear for their lives from threats and actual terrorist aggressions.


This was followed by a visit to Israel where Pope Francis had a totally different persona becoming somewhat aggressive and antagonistic demanding the Catholic Church be granted their inalienable rights to ownership of large areas of Jerusalem with special emphasis on newly made claims to the building which houses the gravesite of King David claiming the room above King David’s tomb was a possible Christian Holy Site where the Last Supper had recently been claimed to have taken place moving it from the previous traditional spot where there were no contentious claims to this aggressively contentious place where it placed this Christian site above and over a highly Jewish site and further the Pope demanded rights to offer prayer services, a privilege granted and almost immediately abused by attempting to hold such prayers specifically on days where Jews had particularly offered up prayers from the site and taking assurances to hold these prayer before the scheduled Jewish services thus intentionally making the site void for Jewish prayer. The Pope was far from done with his assault on Judaism as well as launching additional assaults on Israel and Israeli claims within the Holy Lands in general at times appearing to insinuate obliquely that the Jews were without any religious claims as they were no longer recognized as having any religious rights having been supplanted and superseded making void any Jewish religiously made claims having been replaced by Christianity.


This particular claim made by the Pontiff has ramifications beyond the replacement theology where it is postulated that the Jews have become damned as replaced as the chosen people by the Christians, the Pope would claim the Catholic Church, and no longer favored by the L0rd and cast forth from Jerusalem specifically and without claims throughout the Holy Lands. Pope Francis has, by renewing the replacement theology of the past, set the precedent that Hashem can and has broken vows and promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David and others which identified the Jewish People as those chosen to carry His Message to the rest of the world has been abrogated and transferred to the Catholic Church which makes the supersessions claimed by Islam claiming that the Christians have themselves been cast off as were the Jews making the Muslims not only the replacement in eyes of Hashem but also the final chosen peoples to carry forth the messages of Hashem and, going one step further, the ones chosen to rule all of humanity going even further afield of a similar claim indigenous to the Christian faith as Judaism never held that the world would be their inheritance, they claimed only a rather insignificant measure of land strategic only in its central location to Europe, Africa and Asia being the region where the three continents converge and having ports which can connect the two main trade routes which have since been serviced by the Suez Canal.


The reassertion of the policy of the Catholic Church having replaced the Jews as those having a covenant with Hashem has left the Catholic Church also subjected to being replaced as the chosen of Hashem which is exactly the claim made by Islam. Carrying the replacement and the sole holy religion has also seen both Catholicism, in the more native guise of Christianity, and Islam to thus interpret such to authorize their sovereignty over the entire planet in order for them to properly prepare for the return of Jesus which had been carried one step further by the Islamic extremists claim that their religion being the sole religion Divinely inspired as the replacement, the final replacement of both Judaism and Christianity not only should rule over all of Earth but also be the sole religion practiced by all mankind. This has been carried out to the letter by ISIS as well as being the stated end goal by Iran, Hamas, Hezballah and various other claimants to being the sole pure remaining practitioners of Islam as defined by Muhammad and is behind a very real threat being made by ISIS and a number of their adherents. The agents for ISIS in Judea and Samaria (West Bank), why that redundancy is required by all that is politically correct makes me really desire to cease the practice, and I shall endeavor to do so going forth, are requesting for a list of all the Christians residing in (East) Jerusalem and their addresses to be given to those ISIS representatives by the faithful of Muhammad, note that not all are claiming faithful to ISIS following the practice of deference when outnumbered and until gaining sufficient numbers, somewhere around twenty percent, before becoming more forceful and soon thereafter, around thirty-five percent, taking rule by force and demanding total and complete allegiance followed by choice of becoming part of the faithful as defined by ISIS to the sword, otherwise death. They want these lists as soon as possible such that they can make the necessary plans and make sure they have the necessary power and people to carry out an ethnic cleansing of the Christians residing in Eastern Jerusalem. They have not requested such a list of the Jews residing within the area as they likely believe that those entire neighborhoods are easily known and identifiable.


This list will necessarily be assembled with an assault plan in mind by which the vast majority of the Christians residing in Eastern Jerusalem will be forced from the area implied by the sword and not by choice but such will probably be a logistics driven decision. The ISIS planners will take the precaution of having sufficient deployment of forces such that each unit will have a flanking unit on either side or at a close proximity allowing the massing of forces should any resistance be mounted such that they can quickly and without sacrificing their intended missions gather sufficient force to swarm any resistance counting on numbers to turn the tide of battle. Such has been the tactic used by ISIS as well as preparing the area for their assault before-hand. Not possessing sufficient artillery ISIS instead uses vehicle bombs and homicide/suicide bombers to soften their intended targets instilling confusion and disorganization amongst their intended target before they follow-up with swarming the target neutralizing any recovery minimizing their target any time to regroup and form a coordinated counterattacks or even an organized defense with overlapping fields of fire and the other considerations usually carried out well in advance and practiced including tactics of the enemy being interjected at unannounced times to test procedures for just such scenarios. The target in this instance is basically a cleansing operation intended to either clear an area of any opposition or make clear that certain types residing within an area should necessarily depart before they too face the determined business end of an ISIS representative’s weapon. Their announced target date for this cleansing of the population for Allah is the final day of Ramadan which falls in July 16, 2015.


The first determination which must be realized by Israeli police and military forces is whether to act as an intervention in force early on and prevent the organization of ISIS forces, wait until they have gathered so as to maximize arrests, intervene as soon as the assembled ISIS forces pose a threat or to simply ignore the threat and only respond to calls in an usual manner leaving the Arab Palestinians pretty much to their own ability. The final option is actually an option not supported by Torah and Jewish Law as we are directed to protect human life as even the lowest amongst us, the beggar, the infirm, the stranger and others we might normally divert our attentions from are still lives we are commanded to care for and keep safe. The concept that each life is potentially an entire nation thus if one saves one life it is as if one has saved a world. That basically means that Israeli defense and law enforcement forces must be prepared for and the one which is most feasible resulting in there being no loss of life be the ones sent for further considerations. Another consideration should be by which of the tactics that prevents any innocent casualties would allow for the most ruinous of setbacks for ISIS and at the same time making their claims of bringing the reincarnation of the Caliphate into question. There needs to be one more principled consideration, the threat to Israeli personnel and citizens, not to claim that any one life is of greater importance than another as that is beyond our ability to reason and is best left to the Creator who knows all things, Hashem. There is one consideration which must be made initially; which is whether or not this threat posed is valid and thus worthy of making and practicing for such an eventuality. Most ISIS threats issued have proven to be real and worthy of notice, but that does not necessarily mean that this attack threat must automatically be considered valid. This threat might be being presented to gauge the level of Israeli response to threats in order to more closely study the anatomy of such a response. Whatever the reasoning behind such a threat, Israeli leadership can be assured they will be held totally responsible for any casualties outside Israeli personnel. Any other nation would be the recipient of sympathy and offers of assistance with the aftermath with support in repairing any damage, aid money to augment responses training in preparation as if there is a singular attack response which would be universally applied to every attack and resolve all problems and serious planning for special situations such as a visit and speech by another head of state.


The importance of responding both effectively and forcefully against any initial attack while not going to an overboard approach cannot be overestimated in this instance. Should Israel present an overly cautious and overt response to this particular threat, then ISIS planners would have an effective but simple approach to fomenting fear within Israel by simply pretending to plan an attack and allow the overt, heavy-handed Israeli ramping-up of security measures. Fortunately, for actual events such as parades, speeches and other events or places where people congregate such as train and bus stations and malls; Israel does a fabulous and renowned level of successful security to meet the requirement necessary for each location and expected crowd. Since all ISIS would need to do to estimate the Israeli response to any situation would be to go study any previous similar situation and view the control of the threat level caused and they would have their answer. Pushing a threat against Israel on her own soil and thus giving her home field advantage will simply make everything that much more difficult for ISIS. In this instance Israel will be required to bring to the table an actual threat assessment and response plan as should ISIS actually follow through on a mission to slaughter as many civilian innocents, almost especially any of the numerous minority populations, as Israel is held to the highest expectation of levels possible in the world. Israel is the only nation expected to be capable of providing on a consistent and near universal level security superior to any European nation, any Western nation and even particularly the United States. Israeli security is expected to match when provided for the most insignificant of those amongst us a level of public security roughly the equivalent of that provided the Queen of England, and Israel has thus far throughout her brief but situation filled history met that challenge almost universally; Baruch Hashem. Anybody wishing an actual example of similar situations and the difference between Israeli response and another nation with proper expectations of being capable in a security situation such as a hostage crisis, simply compare the handling of the 1972 Olympic Games abduction of the Israeli team in Munich where most of the Israeli team consisting of six Israeli coaches and five Israeli athletes were taken hostage and ended up murdered along with one German police officer while five Black September members were eliminated in the regrettable failed rescue attempt where the plans for the rescue operation were poorly executed and all of the requested aid did not arrive on scene until two hours after the stand-off and siege began leading to the conflagration that murdered most of the Israelis tied up in the helicopter which was detonated with a grenade thrown by one of the terrorists compared to the Entebbe raid by an elite IDF unit responding to the hijacking of an Air France flight and the holding of Israeli and Jewish passengers and crew numbering over one hundred victims at Entebbe International Airport in Uganda, a distance of over 2,500 miles (4,000 km) in Operation Entebbe, as it came to be known, on July 4, 1976 (giving Israelis a reason to celebrate on as high a level as the people in the United States could on that nation’s bicentennial celebrations) where all but four of the one-hundred-six hostages were rescued with the IDF team suffering five injured and a sole fatality of one of the team commanders and older brother to a future Israeli Prime Minister, Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, and all of the terrorists either killed or injured along with almost half of the approximately one hundred Ugandan military troops providing security for the terrorists. Israel had offered assistance and even to handle a rescue attempt with the German government who not only refused the Israeli offer but informed Israeli government officials that any Israelis sent to Germany would be refused entry at the airport and returned to Israel as this was a German operation and Israel had no right to interfere. Perhaps the Germans should have turned it over to the Israelis and thus make Israel responsible for the results.


But what is it they say about history, it is what it is and physics has not yet figured out how to alter history, only politicians and the media have such power. That is why when the history is written about the July 16, 2015 ISIS Ramadan assault intending to murder every Christian possible throughout Eastern Jerusalem the only credit or blame for this intended catastrophe in the manner of the cleansing of Mosul, the destruction of the two-thousand-eight-hundred-year-old capital of the Assyrian empire, Khorsabad, including its seven gates and the city with its most highly regarded sixty-four foot wall erected around 713 BCE by King Sargon II during his reign and nearly completely demolished in the beginning of the twenty-first century (or the fifteenth century on the Islamic calendar), parts of which have been preserved in museums in Baghdad, Paris, London and Chicago; destroyed thousands of books in libraries across the lands they have savagely rampaged with some of the books such as the rare books in Mosul are irreplaceable and singular remnants of wisdom and writings from ancient to the modern times; reintroduced slavery on a massive scale and especially the selling of woman as sexual slaves to the highest bidder, some women have been returned for receipt of a percentage of her resale price; burned, drowned, prisoners alive; shot, and beheaded people sentenced to death for even minor offences or taken prisoner; crucified Christians; blown apart prisoners shoved into a car with anti-tank missile; taken sledge hammers to ancient sculptures, vases, pottery destroying ancient displays in museums; and promised to bring this parade of horrors to every corner of the globe should they be allowed that possibility. This is the assembly of monsters across continents with fellow travelers identifying and subjugating their will all in a similar vein such as Boko Haram in Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad; and other equally offensive and revolting acts all threatening to replace the comfortable lives of the decadent Western world should they be given that chance. That is their promise and where is the response from the supposed civilized world? They are either leading from behind or covering the back of the leader leading from behind all in all leaving Israel to fight the world’s war and stop the advance of those who desire a return to the tenth century, a backwards jolt on either calendar, especially the Jewish calendar which is in the fifty-eighth century.


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