Beyond the Cusp

April 27, 2016

Terror War Still Going Strong While Media Whistles


The media around the world tends to become complacent and simply accept that in Israel Arabs kill Israelis given even the slightest of reasons. A good example is if somebody is driving to a meeting and are using their GPS for directions they could end up dead. The directions might take them too close to an Arab town or village where there has been recent instigations leaving a dangerous situation. It could be something as simple as a sermon from an Imam stressing how all of Israel was stolen and the only way to take it back is to kill the Jews. This could be an Arab town in the Judea or Samaria (West Bank) or even inside the green line as the radicalization had spread within what the world considers Israel proper. The location is insignificant, what is significant is that should a Jew follow directions, even on a highway, they could end up dead and the media would shrug it off as normal. That is the reality in Israel. Arabs murder Jews who drove to close; well, sucks to have been them. Arab is yelled at by a Jew and there is a media firestorm. It is as simple as dog bites man, who cares, especially if it is a postal delivery person. Man bites dog, especially if it is a postal delivery person, stay tuned for pictures of wounded dog on the eleven o’clock news! Since when is a person being murdered so common a possibility that it does not warrant coverage. The answer is when it is a Jew killed by an Arab in Israel where there is no reciprocal action.


A prime example are the rockets fired out of Gaza into Israel aimed at civilian targets including schools, day care, shopping centers, hospitals, wherever they think it has the highest chance to kill people. Of course Israel had that almost magical iron dome which prevents the rockets from hitting anything more often than not, what was its efficiency, over 90% wasn’t it. With that system the Jews are safe, it does not matter the number of rockets. The very first tank fire or return fire by Israel and troops mass and the world is brought to a quick attention and the news starts to flow. A Gaza child was struck when an Israeli tank fired into Gaza today the news starts at six. The story tells for five, ten possibly fifteen minutes where the boy went to schools, his mother is interviewed, he was an honor student who had never hurt a fly and cared for a sick bird last summer. After a long introspective into the innocence and the wrongness of his death it is finally stated that rockets had been fired into Israel before the return fire. What was left out of these stories and will not be mentioned unless the shooting goes into overdrive and Israel sends in the troops. Well, now it’s an important story of the year and it finally comes out, Hamas and friends had been firing rockets in increasing numbers daily into Israel for six weeks and for the past week before the Israeli tank shot and hit the unfortunate youth had reached over a hundred rockets daily and Israeli life had been completely disrupted by Code Red alerts where the Israelis drop everything and head for their closest shelters. Add the Iron Dome which fires a twenty thousand dollar interceptor when it determines it necessary just to intercept a five hundred dollar or less rocket, often their average price is under one hundred dollars because even a twenty dollar rocket with five pound warhead can ruin a number of people’s lives if it strikes near them so it gets intercepted by that same price, twenty thousand dollar, interceptor.


The news about the rockets fired into Israel is not news as it starts small and slowly builds such that it appears normal and there is no definitive demarcations between one every two days and one a day, then nine per week, then twelve, then three a day, and five a day, then a dozen a day but only one fired towards Tel Aviv where the reporters stay, and finally there are fifty then a hundred a day, and Israel responds; Israel firing into Gaza is news as it happens rarely. The Israeli response is the unusual event. If Israel caves and releases a thousand terrorists from prisons to get Hamas and friends from firing the rockets that is a line on page fifty of the newspaper and possibly a mention for one news broadcast covering the release of prisoners in some amorphous agreement. The rockets may or may not even enter that story and then they stop and are never mentioned until Israel returns fire. Then the first day there is always one innocent killed even if it is from a misfired rocket. The new leads with Israel fired into Gaza today and a Gazan was killed in the ensuing violence. Whether Israeli fire killed them or Hamas rocket misfired, it happens far more often than everybody is led to think. It matters not how they died as the reporters in Gaza are fed whatever story Hamas wants released and verification is often not forthcoming or even required. There was a famous incident which we would bet you remember. The initial story was that Israel fired and struck a Gazan Hospital killing many patients etcetera. Well, the resulting investigation led to a different news story which came out quickly like the next day where it was found that a battery of four rockets fired from a truck in Gaza by Hamas and friends went astray. Some of the reports on the hospital also mentioned another shot striking a refugee camp near the hospital. Well, that was where two of the misfired Hamas rockets struck with a third going out into the Mediterranean and one fell harmlessly in Israel. The trajectories had been tracked by an Iron Dome system and the picture below was released with the follow-up story which corrected the initial Israel struck a hospital and refugee camp. Most probably never heard or read the follow-up story which we covered here and the story was read but we are not CNN and they probably gave the follow-up coverage at noon in Addis Abbaba which is also noon in Siberia and the middle of the night in the United States and late evening in Western Europe. The Israel misleading story was prime time news for two days and that original story is still quoted today as if it was valid and never corrected. What was your memory, had you heard the corrected news or just wondered why the original story just fell off the radar, something odd in and of itself if Israel really had struck the hospital. The story was repeated during the United Nations Human Rights Commission’s hearings on the Gaza War and was not challenged and allowed to be reported about as part of the coverage of their investigation which condemned Israel for responding to such mild a provocation of a few rockets shot into Israel, a mere thirteen hundred in the six weeks leading up to the Israeli response is the world’s idea of a few rockets fired into Israel. Just wonderful, and if Libya was firing ten rockets a day into Rome and southern Italy would that be just a minor inconvenience or film at eleven?


Radar Trajectory of barrage launched from within Gaza depicting strike points including the short round strike on the Shifa Hospital which Israel blamed by Hamas and Media accepted Hamas talking point unchecked

Radar Trajectory of barrage launched from within Gaza depicting strike points including the short round strike on the Shifa Hospital which Israel blamed by Hamas and Media accepted Hamas talking point unchecked


This came as something worth taking this look back as yesterday an Israeli was following their GPS and it took them through the outskirts of Gush Etzion where they escaped but had come under attack. Their vehicle sustained significant damage when numerous Arab terrorists hurled rocks, firebombs and other projectiles at it, but thankfully the occupants emerged uninjured. We are betting this was not covered in your newscasts yesterday and we only hear about it due to living in Israel and listening to other than regular news and reading news releases that are not coming from Haaretz and other leftist Israeli news coverage which may as well be Al Jazeera or CNN, CBS, MSNBC, BBC, France Channel 2 or a million other newscasts and coverage mediums throughout the world. Had this occurred just outside an Islamic neighborhood in Hamtramck near Detroit you can bet the news would have been all over this and had it happened where Arabs or Muslims were attacked as such anywhere in the world, especially if in Israel, it could have been the story of the month, as we stated, especially if it was to happen in Israel. We know what you are thinking, such would never happen. We would not bet on that being the case as there have been times things have gotten very tense between the two groups here in areas where Jewish and Arab villages abut one another or in evenly mixed towns. Things are clamped down on hard when there is an even possibility that the violence could run opposite what is considered normal even here in Israel. Israeli authorities take a very dim view of Israeli, especially Jewish, violence against even provocations as it is expected for Jews to behave like civilized people and accept certain levels of violence and provocations before acting, and then the action should be call authorities and watch the situation get locked down starting with the Jews. And as stated, Jewish violence would be covered world-wide and repeatedly referred to as the instigation that led to any return violence for weeks on end. Eventually the level of animosity being thrown into Israeli faces will lead to an event, and that is what it will be termed, an event which sparked a violent response as should be expected after such a provocation. Man bites dog and gets attacked by pack of dogs, what did he expect? Below is a video of interviews with some choice individuals who are not in circulation for reasons that are explained in the video. It is worth watching as their views are not unusual and are accepted as the norm in many areas, watch for as long as you are able and try and understand where it will eventually lead, it can only lead to one conclusion and that will be covered endlessly as the United Nations, European Union and all too many NGOs and news bureaus will endlessly churn out stories about the unfairness of it all and question endlessly what could have caused what is the inevitable end to this story and act all surprised when they have known how it will end for a very long time. They just expect that the end which is inevitable will have the opposite result than is also the inevitable result, just not what they expect or desire. The video is in four sections which automatically load after the first part. It is worth taking in all four parts as it covers a range of interviews and circumstances which get described and laid out for a deeper understanding of what is what, plain and simple.



Beyond the Cusp


January 23, 2016

Refugee Lack of Civility Breaking the Silence


Angela Merkel and the rest of the European and Western leaders, including President Obama if his hopes for bringing hundreds of thousands if not millions of these so-called refugees to the United States unvetted, was an egg which sitting on only made the reality strike their home-front all the harder when their criminality rose to heights insuppressible. That threshold was surpassed when all-told in Germany alone there were well over a thousand women who filed police reports over sexual criminality from manhandling to rape and virtually every indiscretion and criminal act inbetween in just the first week of the new year. Now that this dirty little secret has been exposed and reporting the criminal and anti-social behavior has lost its protective labeling of being racist or worse, we can expect the police to soon be so inundated with complaints that actions, and fairly drastic action at that, will have to be implemented before a general revolt of the citizenry explodes and vigilante justice begins to me meted out by the people. The gamble that the refugees could be allowed to enter into a society for which their life experiences had not prepared them sufficiently for fitting in and that those allowed in without any certification of need or appropriate qualification of actual refugee status was an open invitation for the worst of the worst to rush in under the guise of being in dire need of saving and even remotely thankful for the generosity being given.


The initial signs that there was an obvious problem with the influx of presumed refugees was the higher than expected numbers of total refugee population and within that a far higher number and percentage of what has been termed military aged unattached males. The severe imbalance should have been the first signal that something was amiss and the hoped for relief effort was not actually providing relief for families suffering from the civil war tragedies in Syria but rather a planned invasion designed to inundate Europe with an army of disruptors whose presence would prove unmanageable and would tear apart the fabric of European life. The worst part is this first wave is just a precursor for the tsunami waiting in the deep ocean of potential refugees and planted terror functionaries and cell leaders which will come in successive waves already set-up and planned. This entire operation conceived in some back room where the deciders of the fate of millions of Europeans checked their obligations to their nation’s people aside and undertook an ill-advised plunge at the direction of those with the sole intent of bringing the next major conflagration down on Europe. What has become evident is this was a means of forcing Europe to either act in a manner which none have a stomach for, a war of civilized world against the abrasive assault of barbarism or surrender of the society to the ravages of the undeterred hooliganism. The difference is these hooligans do not settle for painting graffiti or other minor criminality, these hooligans are more the ilk of those from European history of a time of Musketeers but without any fear or gentrification even possible. These are marauders who know no limits and are not deterred or cowed by words or threat of arrest as they do not plan on being deterred, arrested or stopped anyway short of in response to overwhelming force. The measures which we now need be unleashed will in and of itself be of such a shocking level, many Europeans would rather suffer the slow long death of their civilization and culture than fight to retain them. That is the entire bet lain out before Europe and her people, do what must or surrender their fate. This is where creeping Sharia takes off the restrictions and demands Europe surrender to what the Islamic world claims is their inevitable future.



All Refugees Are Equal with Some More Equal than Others With the Men First in Line to Receive Aid While the Women are not Seen Except for Photo Shoots As the Women are Totally Dependent on their Male Provider

All Refugees Are Equal
with Some More Equal than Others
With the Men First in Line to Receive Aid
While the Women are not Seen Except for Photo Shoots
As the Women are Totally Dependent on their Male Provider



That leads us to the question, will Europe survive or simply be the next civilized society to succumb to barbarians who have breached the gates. The real sadness is that the gates were not breached but rather opened wide in a sign that the leaders have no stomach to defend the realm. Now we will witness whether the liberal progressive there is no difference between our culture and their culture can realize the truth and then actually act. Demonstrations and demands that the political class do what they are tasked to do will be of no consequence as your political class had already surrendered you and your children’s and grandchildren’s fate and future to the Islamic demand for their surrender. They have reflected and completely acquiesced to the liberal progressive mantra that there are no real rights or wrongs, all customs and rules of conduct by one group cannot be weighed as better or even more favorable than any other and there is no difference in the transformational societal ethic of European Judeo-Christian based civil rule of law society which is a full two centuries of hard-fought development which led to democratic rule, the rule of law over the rule of men, libertarian rights of the individual, respectful norms of expectations and rise from serfdom through a long, arduous and sometimes excessively violent reforms. The Islamic world had yet to have its Reformation, its Renaissance, its Revolutions taking them out of serfdom, out of authoritarian rule, out of the darkness of a class based existence where might is the only right and suppression by force the only civilizing reality. The leaders of Europe have invited in en-masse a devolutionary force which if left unchecked will return Europe to the stage where one’s right to a civil life was subject to their ability and willingness to use force to establish that right or surrender to a protector.


That takes us to delving into the reasoning which can be the sole reasoning for allowing this invasion to such an influence, shock-truth. Shock-truth can be defined as the introduction of an influence or threat so severe that people are forced to make an uncomforting choice between dire actions or complete surrender to a protective enslavement. This could be the final scream of the progressive dreamers of a society ruled by the will and influence of those more noble and knowledgeable than the commoner and who sit atop a power structure which assures them of compliant subjects who have no recourse, or at least none that they are willing to allow. The people of Europe have a simple choice to make, do they wish to return to the days of lords and ladies, kings and queens, barons and baronesses or do they desire the rule of law where all are subject voluntarily to the laws of the lands, government is of, for and by the people and society is ruled through self-control over brute force. The thing which many in western society have forgotten or possibly, with the education system so dumbed-down that history has never been taught, never known is that the polite and law abiding society in which they used to live was accomplished by a series of conflicts, demands, revolutions, and a level of self-imposed, self-control and the agreement that nothing less was ever to be expected or permitted in the societal structure. The secret to modern Western society is that the self has an investment in the society, the self is permitted certain rights which are closely linked to certain responsibilities and for these rights these responsibilities must also be observed. The majority of the people which charged through the open gates and into the most gentrified climes of Western civilization, namely Europe and potentially coming to the United States and a sizeable number already allowed into Canada, have not had their society take the intermediate steps in which the rule of men is slowly and step-by-step introduced and made the way things are done. The Western society is based on contracts between individuals and government where the people demand to be completely in control of their lives and to live respectfully with regard to one’s neighbors. Knowing that each individual cannot be permitted complete autonomy, we will use driving a vehicle as our example, thus ignoring center-line marking which restrict their movement from swerving down the road on whichever side of the marking demarking direction of travel as they please deciding their first half of their trips to drive on the right side and after noon drive on the left side. Instead we have agreed to surrender that small freedom to make driving less perilous. With the progression of time the cities grew and there were more vehicles so a new idea was discovered, roads wise enough to allow for multiple vehicles to share the road side-by-side going in the same direction in addition to the aforementioned centerline agreement. This worked kind-of well but it did increase collisions as people had no restrictions and simply stayed on their side of the centerline but otherwise used the widened road as they pleased. This led to another agreement and we surrendered the freedom of swerving on our side of the centerline to restricting ourselves to lane markers and life became that much more ordered. Then came speed limits, turn signals, seatbelts, gasoline tax and in the not too distant future once electric cars rule the roads, mileage taxes as the government is going to take their slice of your driving freedom no matter what we wish individually. If we were to gather and as a group demand there never be a mileage tax, then that as the will of the people would win out.


The new influx of people do not understand that concept and instead believe that one is to do as they please until forced to restrain themselves and as soon as those restraints are not present returning to taking all they can by individual right of force. They have not developed the limiting constraints of total freedom. Initially, when introduced to a society where self-restraint is the rule of interactions, those raised with the concept of take what you can, when you can, wherever you can and do not allow anybody to tell you different for that if they do not back their demand up with overwhelming force and you believe you are the stronger, then ignore them and rebuke them with force if they do not understand your rights over their rights. These differently civilized believe in what we call the rule of the jungle, there are predators, then, and there is prey, how they view the people of Europe. The next step is easy, as long as the predator is of sufficient strength and power they feed on the prey but if the prey possesses massively superior numbers or size on their side the predator might decide to seek lesser prey on which to feed. Simple example is even a lion will choose to take down and eat a gazelle or antelope but hesitated when facing a herd of Cape Buffalo or a bull elephant. At the other extreme a lion will not challenge or even attempt to resist giving up their kill if a troop of hundreds of baboons challenge them over who gets the prize, the kill and who goes away still hungry. The leaders of Europe have allowed in a large and extremely aggressive troop of baboons, actually a number of troops of baboons and even our appointed lions, the police, are cowed and afraid to approach and restrain the troops as they run marauding and destroying the savannah where buildings grow as grasses and European lives are being destroyed. The lions can and will protect the sheeple but only if the sheeple can become more like cape Buffalos than sheeple. Up until now the standing rule in Europe was endeavor to persevere and otherwise to ignore the “little” inconveniences of the refugees as they became more acclimated to European society and the rules of the playground. Well, surprise, surprise; these refugees, or at least a large segment of those who came with them, have decided that the entirety of the playground is their game and they are the alpha-predators and Europeans simply do not matter as they are the Dhimmi, the kafir, they are those who Allah does not protect and thus if they do not protect themselves, then Allah’s will is for them to be subjugated by the true recipients of Allah’s will. Read their societal guidebook, we know it as the Quran but for all intents and purposes their guidebook may as well be the recently republished Mein Kampf which apparently had been purchased in unprecedented numbers such that it makes one wonder who are purchasing Mein Kampf and what are their plans for utilizing it.



Cape Buffalo Giving Male Lion Their Message of No Surrender

Cape Buffalo Giving Male Lion Their Message of No Surrender



Mein Kampf, the Quran, for those who are not of the defined chosen ones have no rights, no recourse, no hope unless they find a champion who will save them. Often these champions prove to be a bigger problem and bring greater ruination in the society when the results are measured. Simply look through history and it is replete with stories of the ruination brought by saviors. The French Revolution brought disorder and mass slaughters and the French needed a savior. Enter Napoleon Bonaparte and the disorder was ordered and then came the fall of France. The Romans needed somebody to repair their aging and slowly sinking society and enter the Caesars as a god-like status and absolute ruler banishing the Senate and any pretenses and Rome’s fate was thus sealed. The Czars had become too demanding and the Russian economy was negligent if not completely absent so they needed a savior. They attempted a form of democracy which was not given the necessary time and enter Lenin with “The Plan” and we know where that led for millions and millions of people and the ramifications’ ripples are still bouncing within the walls of Russia. Sure there have been saviors whose plan appears to have worked, the Founding Fathers of the United States, but they were a committee of as unlikely saviors as one could imagine, a group of gentrified aristocrats intent on forming a government of the people, of the masses for they know that the people as a whole have more ability to rule themselves given the correct tools.



Quran and Mein Kampf

Quran and Mein Kampf



But even the “Great Experiment in self-rule” which was, and for the time being still is, the United States still survives though many of its basic principles have been and are under assaulted and when any one branch of their governance breaks, the end will be in sight even if the visibility is clouded by the smoke and mirrors which will be used. There will come those who offer the promises of great changes and deepest hopes though both will be undefined, and in that lack of clarity lays the greatest lie of them all, the lies we tell ourselves that everything is fine, there is no threat, no problem, no reason to get all flustered and heated over, it will work itself out. Will it this time? Is this imported and continuing importation of this other which is not us, does not understand us, does not assimilate and become another part of us, will we prevail or will this be the blow that takes the timbers out from beneath us? These are your question Europe and as you decide, so likely will the rest of the Western World and the few who hold out will either be the sole hope for the future or eventually sink into the mire as it is being permitted to subsume all we hold dear, whether we know what it is or where we are guaranteed such. There is no surrender so pitiful as the one given without a fight for that is the voluntary subjugation. Is that the point that the Western World has sunk. Perhaps the only way to end this editorial, this excuse for commentary is to quote a giant amongst men who was treasured and reviled by his peers but he will always be respected no matter one’s loving embrace of his council or hateful spite begrudging him any credit he may be due, Samuel Adams will forever be the patriot for it was he who laid out so clearly the choice of his time, and it has now come to be our choice in our time. We know here where our feet will make that final stand when this is the time of decision. Samuel Adams explained it as such,



“If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”


Beyond the Cusp


August 11, 2015

What Makes a Couple of Normal Days in Israel?

Filed under: 24/7 News Reporting,Act of War,AFP,Agency France Press,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,AP,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arabist,Arabs,Arutz Sheva,Associated Press,Barbarian Forces,BBC,Beyond the Cusp,Bloggers,Blood Libel,Civilization,CNN,Condemning Israel,Coverup,Domestic NGOs,Europe,European Council,European Historic Anti Semitism,European Media,European Union,Facebook,Fatah,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Fox,France 24,France Channel 2,Galilee,Government Controlled Media,Haaretz,Hamas,Hate,Hevron,History,IDF,IDF,Intifada,Islam,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Media,Jerusalem,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jewish Temple,Jews,Jordan,Jordanian Pressure,Judea,Judean Hills,Knesset,Knife Attack,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Mainstream Media,Media,Media Bias,Media Censorship,Middle East,Moshe Dayan,Muslims,New York Times,NGO,Old City,Omission,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Media,Peace Process,Police,Political Talk Shows,Politicized Findings,Politics,Promised Land,Recognize Israel,Response to Terrorism,Reuters,Riots,Rock Throwing,Samaria,Separation Barrier,Shoah,Social Networking,Stabbing,Sunday Times,Support Israel,Talking Heads,Tel Aviv,Television News,Temple Mount,Temple Mount,Terror,Time,Twitter,United Nations Presures,Vehicle Attack,Victims,Waqf,Washington Post,Washington Times,World Media,World Opinion,World Pressures,Yahoo News — qwertster @ 2:52 AM
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These are simply a few randomly chosen acts of hate filled violence spread across two days, five stories with three telling of attacks in Israel including one on the Temple Mount from an unexpected source; one story from Wellington, Florida in the United States; and then lastly the reality that Israelis make remarkable recoveries and the situation that was arranged probably from Above that all from the horrific scene and terror attack were together again and shared the joy for one family nearly a year later. All of these stories likely would never even reach the average Israeli, especially if they get all of their news from the standard mainstream media even here in Israel; so we obviously cannot fault the world for not reporting that which is ignored by much of our own media. Partly the blame goes to the fact that one could pick any day or so and find these same examples to choose from a number of other events as these were not by far the sole attacks.


There exist stretches of roadways and even secondary highways where those traveling know full well they need to be on guard to look for ambushes where rocks and bricks will be thrown at their vehicle and thus they must prepare to hit the gas and speed to safety on the other end once the rocks stop striking the vehicle and they can return to normal speed, breathe a sigh of relief that they survived the gauntlet once again and bless Hashem for their successful passage and surviving in relative safety only He can provide. The stories of woe are those which catch a motorist by surprise as they did not normally drive this heightened area full of perilous threats along this stretch of road and they mistakenly try to turn and escape and are set upon mercilessly and become sitting ducks stuck on the roadway. Then we have a tragedy which may or may not make the news depending on the news volume that day and maybe the next. This is especially true if there was no loss of life and either they escaped on their own with a valuable lesson learned or they were saved and the lesson imparted and hopefully heeded.


The unfortunate reality in Israel is that the daily onslaught has certain levels which have become so commonplace as to be considered acceptable as long as it remains within certain limits. It is as if we in Israel, at least as far as reporting on terrorist events, have adopted what then Senator John Kerry as the Democrat candidate running against George W. Bush for the Presidency where Kerry claimed, “We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives, but they’re a nuisance.” President Bush criticized Senator Kerry stating, “Just this weekend, Senator Kerry talked of reducing terrorism to, quote – ‘nuisance’ – end quote, and compared it to prostitution and illegal gambling.” We could add to this point, Gentlemen, welcome to our reality, our world.


Our first story was related by twenty-six-year-old Yehuda who survived his attack and related his experience as he lie recovering in a hospital. These events occurred Monday morning and took place at the gas station on Highway 443 located northwest of Jerusalem. There exist points of travel along Highway 443 where attacks occur regularly and are usually barrages of rocks upon the passing cars. These attacks usually occur when traffic is lightest and thus the attackers consider themselves safe as they would easily outnumber the occupants of a single vehicle or even two vehicles. This event was different and far more dangerous as Yehuda was stabbed in the back and shoulder while filling up his car at the gas station. Yehuda related his harrowing terrorist assault which easily could have resulted in worse wounds or even have murdered him as, according to the recounting on Army Radio:

“I was on the way to Jerusalem from my home, and he (the terrorist) took advantage of the opportunity when I got out of the car and he stabbed me. He came at me from behind, I felt suddenly that I was stabbed, and I ran, I fled from him. I ran, I fell, and got up and ran again, and again I fell. He of course chased after me, and stabbed me again at every opportunity.” Yehuda recounted how he fled and the reaction of the few onlookers who were probably there to assist the terrorist in making an escape. Yehuda continued, “I shouted ‘help me, help me.’ I ran to my car while still bleeding and just drove off. They watched (a group of Arabs standing and viewing the events from a short distance obviously amused) and chuckled and didn’t come to help. Even after I was stabbed. He just didn’t stop until I managed to escape with the car.”


The terrorist was eventually neutralized, according to reports and whatever neutralized may mean. Was he arrested or killed as he continued his attacks possibly turning and attempting to strike the police? While the threat was still looming another almost victim managed to escape injury and took refuge in his vehicle locking the doors and then had the presence of mind to video-record the terrorist attacker lurking outside while brandishing the knife. You can play the Video while below is picture from the video clearly showing the knife in his hand.



Knife wielding terrorist was outside vehicle at petrol station threatening driver with a knife, circled. Terrorist had already stabbed one motorist multiple times before the victim was able to escape. This is getting to be a daily news event from somewhere, either in Judea or Samaria, often Jerusalem and has even struck in Tel Aviv and the Galilee.

Knife wielding terrorist was outside vehicle at petrol station threatening driver with a knife, circled. Terrorist had already stabbed one motorist multiple times before the victim was able to escape. This is getting to be a daily news event from somewhere, either in Judea or Samaria, often Jerusalem and has even struck in Tel Aviv and the Galilee.



Our next report concerns a married couple from the southern Mount Hevron area who were attacked Monday morning while out jogging by a large group of Arabs and European anarchists. The presence of European anarchists is not uncommon where there are possibilities that Israelis might actually defend themselves which will provide them with filmed shots of Israeli aggression and the futile attempt by the unfortunate wretch unable to ward off the unprovoked assault by the Israelis. The Europeans shot their film and got nothing to sell to media, usually television and cable news networks who pay handsomely for such films, especially if they have been edited to emphasize the desired line of out of control Israelis and poor defenseless Arabs trying in vain to escape unscathed from the incident. Never mind that this couple was set upon by the mob with rock throwing and beatings with long and sturdy sticks.


Miri Madan told news services of their ordeal stating, “We went on a morning jog toward the neighboring community of Maon. Before Maon, I felt bad. It was hot. We wanted to cut toward the main road.” This required the couple take a dirt road that bypasses a small Arab village. Once the couple was spotted by one villager he whistled and others relayed the call and before you knew it there was a small hoard ready to attack. Roughly twenty Arabs escorted by a group of European anarchists who were armed with cameras as the hoard encircled the couple. Miri Madan continued the recounting stating, “They approached us. I wanted to go back but they called an Arab vehicle that threatened us from behind, so that we couldn’t escape from them. We tried to talk to them and to explain that we are just on a morning jog, that we only want to reach the road, that we do not mean to pass through [their village] and that I don’t feel good, but it didn’t help and they continued to threaten us that they’d kill us and slaughter us and threw rocks at us. When we saw that we had nothing to do, we went in the direction of the rocks and luckily we emerged with injuries that are not serious. They did hit us though, and they kept throwing rocks and sticks at us from behind as we emerged.”


These types of attacks often are brought upon joggers as well as hikers. The story seldom changes much as it is often around twenty actual attackers setting upon two and rarely even three victims who are blocked from turning back or are set upon so quickly and ferociously that there is not opportunity to flee. Initially the only times Israelis ran into such ambushes was when the attackers were accompanied by Europeans to film the events looking for an Israeli defending themselves which allows them to turn the story around. After a while these attacks became more commonplace with an Arab filming the events with the same goal, getting a video or single pictures depicting Israeli on Arab violence to sell to the media. Now these ambushes occur almost daily somewhere where a gang of Arab youths can catch an unsuspecting Israeli or two and assault them. After the victim has escaped the attackers disperse before the police arrive, the timing of such they have down to a science in order to escape arrest. A report such as this one can be viewed daily on many of the small district news which covers such news events as they have proven so common as to no longer be newsworthy. There will be no reporting live at five with our intrepid a reporter standing with security and possibly IDF soldiers off camera telling of the dangers joggers and hikers face at this specific spot which the assault took place that morning. Now such reports are buried inside deep in the local news section or if there was somebody clinging doggedly to life, it might get bumped to lead the local news or, dare we say it, make it into section A. This couple barely made the news, which is another way of relaying that they will be just fine and survived their ordeal. That only leaves us with questions; Who will be next? Where will the next attack occur? Will it merit coverage? Where can we find actual video? And what made this attack coverable? Most of the answers to the questions will likely be in the negative as they gave no promises.


Our next story made the news as it was noteworthy to make a record of an official WAQF officer who assaulted Israeli Border Police and was arrested for his efforts. Here is the video of the events and the arrest of the perpetrator WAQF monitor being subdued. There were apparently a number of people who received a measure of the pepper-spray utilized by the security officers making the arrest. This was a form of man bites dog and the Islamic WAQF officials are assigned to enforce the rule of law for the Jordanian force left in place as an offer of friendship and tolerance which has backfired greatly. I doubt General Moshe Dayan would have done as he did in June of 1967 and permitted Jordan to continue their control over the Temple Mount knowing what that would bring in the future. Perhaps this event could be the perfect time to extradite the members of the WAQF who actually work for the Jordanian leadership as agents of a foreign power who have out-lived their usefulness and Israel will now take over providing security and order to the Temple Mount and assume responsibility for the holy sites upon the Temple Mount. Such a move is long overdue and the time is ripe for such a move. A member of the WAQF acting in such an unholy manner brings down shame on them, the WAQF and the Jordanian who are responsible for all the actions committed by these guardians. Recalling the WAQF to Jordan in order to save face is an offer that should be made and made now in response to this irreconcilable behavior. Access for all peoples and permission for all people of all faiths the freedom to pray as they please thus opening the Temple Mount a place holy to three major faiths and respected by many people of all faiths.


The fourth story comes from Wellington, Florida in the United States where we have mentioned a number of times have started to see increasing anti-Semitism. The attacks have mostly been random events of hatred committed by sole individuals but the undercurrent makes it appear to have more interconnectivity. We have suggested that when one has been arrested for an offense against a Jewish target or any hate crime, their computers should be searched and see what such material they have and check their activity logs and any videos linked to in their computers. A warrant should not be overtly difficult if the person has been arrested for actions which raise the suspicions for the basis of hate crimes having been perpetrated. The actions of the person caught on camera leave little doubt as to the hate-filled anger. The question is against whom as the perpetrator in addition to vandalizing Temple Beth Torah also vandalized seventeen vehicles on nearby streets which might tend to make one believe that perhaps the entire criminal action was truly random. Below are the captured video and a news report from Wellington.




Our final story is one of recovery and joy. First though we need go back to October 22 of last year and recall the terror attack on the Jerusalem light rail by a terrorist where he rammed his vehicle through the Givat Hatachmoshet (Ammunition Hill) Light Rail stop injuring eight people and murdering Chaya Zisel Braun who was merely three months old, far too short a life for her. Ziyad Dawiat, a veteran Magen David Adom paramedic and ambulance driver, remembered having transported little Chaya Zisel Braun that fateful night. That was then and this is now. Ziyad Dawiat, our intrepid veteran Magen David Adom paramedic and ambulance driver, received a call to assist a woman in labor and giving birth at home. He thought nothing about it and headed off to perform whatever duties were required. He had been on a number of such calls and was probably happy for bringing a life into the world which has to be the favorite call they need make as too often they meet people leaving this domain, not entering it. Shmuel Braun met Ziyad Dawiat, our fated veteran Magen David Adom paramedic and ambulance driver, and was immediately overcome with excitement and was exuberantly happy at seeing the number twelve Ambulance and began jumping and waving and pointing and repeating “twelve, number twelve” and continued his zealous happy dance.


According to Ziyad Dawiat, our fated, bemused veteran Magen David Adom paramedic and ambulance driver, described the event, “He was very emotional and I didn’t know why. Meanwhile I could see a woman who was about to give birth. I went into the house and helped her, and after helping her to recover, the story came out.” The Brauns recounted the account of the night of October 22, 2014 and how Ziyad Dawiat, our fated, bemused, astounded veteran Magen David Adom paramedic and ambulance driver, had been the one who had attempted to treat initially and transported little Chaya Zisel Braun to the hospital and they thanked him for all he had done then and now. After the retelling, Ziyad Dawiat, our fated, bemused, astounded, at a loss for words, veteran Magen David Adom paramedic and ambulance driver, recounted, “After the parents, with great emotion, told me the story, I remembered who they were. Shmuel told me that whenever he sees the number 12, he remembers his daughter, and prays that he will be spared further suffering. I didn’t know how to respond, to congratulate him on his new baby or commiserate with him for his loss.” After transporting mother and her baby daughter to the hospital for a quick routine checkup Ziyad Dawiat, our fated, bemused, astounded, at a loss for words, exhilarated thanking Hashem for completion of a hole now closed making him whole again, veteran Magen David Adom paramedic and ambulance driver, exclaimed, “I never dreamed that I would be able to close a circle in this manner with the Brauns. But it’s a small world. I intend to keep in touch with them.” So the Braun’s now have their new baby daughter. May she bring them much joy and, as it did for Ziyad Dawiat, by now simply our friend and ambulance driving hero, may it close much of the hole and make their family whole again; Baruch Hashem.


Beyond the Cusp


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