Beyond the Cusp

February 1, 2016

Blessings We Have Found in Israel

Filed under: 24/7 News Reporting,Absolutism,AFP,Al-Jazeera,Amalekites,Anti-Capitalists,AP,Appeasement,Arab League,Arab World,Assimilation,BBC,Bible Study,Blood Libel,Cellphones,Chapter Seven Security Council Resolution,Christians,Civilization,CNN,Complete stupidity,Conflict Avoidnce,Corruption,Coverup,Democracy,Dictator,Disaster Response Teams,Emergency Aid,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Media,European Pressure,European Union,Field Hospitsl,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Fox,France 24,France Channel 2,General Assembly,Haaretz,Halacha,Hate,History,Human Rights,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Intifada,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Interests,Judaism,League of Nations,Leftist Pressures,Licenses,Mainstream Media,Media,Media Bias,Media Intimidation,Muslim Expansionism,Muslim Invade Europe from the East,Muslim Invasoin of Europe from the West,Myth,Natural Disasters Releif,Nepal,New York Times,NGO,Nuclear Option,Old Testament,Omission,Permanenet Members,Philippines,Political Talk Shows,Politically Correct,Politicized Findings,Politics,Promised Land,Religion,Save a Child's Heart,Search and Rescue Teams,Security Council,Submission,Talking Heads,Television News,Torah,Torah Study,Tradition,Two Millennia of Exile,United Nations,United States,UNSC Res 242,Washington Post,World Media,World Opinion — qwertster @ 3:14 AM
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Israel gets some bad public relations if one depends on the news, editorials, talk radio and just about any mass media, even movies and other entertainment. Living in Israel very quickly dispels all the lies. Are there a few choice people who might make one take a less than superb view, but such are rare and even they warm with time. Needless to say, not knowing or speaking the language causes some difficulties but there is almost always somebody there to lend a translating hand. There was the time we were at a McDonalds and the woman at the counter spoke no English and two what had to be young High School age girls came in and realizing the communication problem immediately became our translators without being asked. Generally there are those who willingly offer to give directions to whatever place you need to find in ten minutes to make the appointment and it is your first time in the city and you got off the bus where you thought was the closest stop. That time we only missed by one or two stops and had to walk about a mile or so, you get used to walking in Israel because so much living is city center style European life, an initial system shock after life in the outer suburbs in the United States.


Our friends, acquaintances and relatives are quite surprised when we relate the ease and general atmosphere in Israel. When we tell them that we have found Israel more accommodating and generally having a softer and more easy and comforting nature they tend to express great surprise. One might expect that in Israel life would have an edge on it with the constant threats from virtually any direction and the added unpleasant surprise with the Iranian nuclear threat and President Obama and his team’s animosities and threats thrown at Israel but they would be quite wrong. Probably the best description we could give as a true barometer of Israel and Israelis would be to take everything ever attributed to Israel and her people by the United Nations General Assembly and the United Nations Human Rights Commission or virtually any other United Nations agency etcetera and take it all and place the initials of the United Nations in front of them but in small letters and then read the entirety as one word. An easy example would be if some United Nations commission claimed Israelis harbored a genocidal hatred then all one need do is take the two words and place the letter un in front giving you ungenocidal and unhatred and you would produce an honest appraisal. Sure it would take ignoring your spellcheck and do some translations where ungenocidal would become accepting of others people who are different and unhatred would become lovers making the entire accusation translate into accepting and caring for peoples who differ from Jews and accepting, caring and considerate of people who are of any other stereotypical, racial, religious or nationality different from Israeli or Jewish. A closer inspection of Israeli actions around the world will better exemplify this example.


When Haiti was struck by that devastating earthquake, the Israelis were amongst the first to have responders on the ground evaluating any special needs. Israel had the first field hospital which was equipped with X-ray equipment, a gynecological unit, a neonatal unit, burn center, surgical rooms, prosthetics and physical therapy, emergency room, and virtually every department and specialists which was on the ground and set up within six days of the earthquake. This hospital remained on the ground even after the search and rescue units had stood down. Israel also opened clinics in areas where urgent care not requiring the abilities of a full hospital were present and when the Israelis left Haiti a number of these clinics remained completely equipped with diagnostic, monitoring and other equipment and Israel had trained people in the area such as orphanage, school or other personnel who would be capable of offering care after the Israelis had left.


When Typhoon Haiyan spread destruction throughout much of the Philippines, Israel arrived with an one-hundred-forty-eight person team, including search, rescue and medical services and a fully functioning field hospital with one-hundred tons of aid. Making rescue and aid assistance even more difficult was when the typhoon struck, the region was still reeling from the Bohol earthquake in October before. One of the more interesting reports on the Israeli presence at the time was on television news where an on the scenes reporter had been directed to a small village not on one of the main Islands by the Philippine government when she requested assistance in reaching the “most remote village” to report on how they were coping with the aftermath of the storm. Imagine her surprise to find a clinic operated by Israelis already set up and operating while training the local villagers on how to treat people for emergency aid and familiarizing them with the equipment which the Israelis would leave behind as well as the clinic itself with one Israeli aid worker to remain behind and work for the next six months or so with the villagers to assure that they have received whatever training might arise.


When Nepal recently had their massive earthquake, once again Israel was amongst the first to respond and the operation was much like the one in Haiti with one exception which was remarkable; Israel took care to the most remote of places, some of which had rarely if ever seen support even from the Nepalese government where Israel set up satellite care units often referred to as clinic in a backpack, though we would hate to have to carry such a backpack, they are quite heavy (pictured below). These remote aid clinics provided urgent and critical care close to the, and often on the, mountain slopes treating climbers and vacation goers as well as native Nepalese citizens. They also operated as a remote triage for when victims were stabilized and given what treatment was available at the clinic and once the patients were stabilized for transport having them taken to the main Israeli or other field hospital.



The Israeli and Nepalese medical staff who operated the IsraAID mobile clinic in the village of Tar, ten hours northeast of Kathmandu. (Photo credit: Melanie Lidman/Times of Israel)

The Israeli and Nepalese medical staff who operated the IsraAID mobile clinic in the village of Tar, ten hours northeast of Kathmandu. (Photo credit: Melanie Lidman/Times of Israel)



Israel has sent aid groups to other areas struck by natural calamities with teams having gone to Japan after their earthquake and tsunami disaster, Myanmar after the tsunami, Turkey after they suffered an earthquake and offered assistance to the United States after hurricane Katrina swamped New Orleans and destroyed entire fishing towns along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and reportedly one of a very remote few to offer assistance to the United States. When one considers the Save a Child’s Heart program and how it saves children of all ages who have debilitating if not life-threatening heart problems as well as setting up entire departments in hospitals around the world and training their staff and physicians on how to diagnose and treat these children including training the heart surgeons on how to perform these sensitive and vital surgeries, Israel leaves all the equipment the staff was trained on with the hospital.


And the Israelis you meet, see, work with and just generally run across are some of the most patient people and really do try to help in their own manner. They may sometimes have difficulty in expressing things in English but many are actually happy and anxious to use their English and respond well when one states the words in the correct syntax as that is important to them. Sentence structure in Hebrew is different than in English and thus literal word for word translations quite often makes for what at first one takes as Yoda speak from Star Wars, perhaps it was direct translation of Hebrew to English that was the basic transference used to make Yoda syntax. Our Hebrew is embarrassingly inadequate to even make a scheduled appointment and get the day of the week correct not to mention the time as some places use a twenty-four hour clock which reminds all of military times.


Then there is a tight knit group of what are referred to as Anglos, basically English speakers, and we have events, trips, sightseeing, Torah, Talmud and Bible classes for men and women and we have found our level of social activities is vastly more active and on a level of friendliness equal to our best of times and friends back in the United States. Another thing which leads to such is that Israel is a rather small nation, approximately the size of New Jersey, though that is misleading as the southern two-fifths, or forty-percent, of Israel is made up of the Negev Desert which is rather sparsely populated. Where New Jersey has a population of nine-million, Israel’s population is just over eight-million. Of course there are some groups who pretty much stick to their own group of like-minded and religious viewpoints such as the Haredi. In much of Israel where there is a mix of Arab and Jewish populations there is no evident difference in the treatment and the interactions are natural and as normal as humanly possible. In the area we reside there are Arab and Muslim stores and employees in larger stores or other places of employment are seamless as to their fitting into the society as a whole. At the regional hospital there are Muslim and Arab nurses, physicians, technicians and all positions and everything functions, as we said, seamlessly. The street signs are all written in Hebrew, Arabic, and English with some towns sporting French or Spanish or Russian, though we have yet to see one which had more than four languages and usually just the three required languages. What is always amusing is when a store has its name actually an English name but the letters on their sign is in Hebrew. What gets confusing is that when you read some of these signs you try to think what the prefixes and suffixes are as Hebrew has many words result only in a letter prefix or suffix. Some examples of prefixes are the ‘v’ which means ‘and’ along with an ‘h’ which means ‘the’ while the suffixes often give one the gender of the word as well as if it is singular or plural or includes the speaker or listener in the plural group and so on. Over half of learning Hebrew are the prefixes and the gender and singular versus plural of the words. Someday we will get a reliable translation program for our phones, or should we call them what the phones have become, life assistants and general applications from pictures to recordings, getting e-mail, surf the Web, record our every move and change of mood on Facebook, well, not quite, and most important movie or still camera and recorder.


Basically, virtually everything UNcomplimentary about Israel are UNtrue. Contrary to popular belief they are not contrarians. Israelis are like all peoples, there are the great, the good and the we wish they were nicer types. Many fall all over themselves attempting to make our lives as stress free as possible which had to be stressing on them. Of course it might be that as the ancient Hebrew scholars made a point of hammering into our stories and writings, people will only treat you as well as you treat them and life can be like a mirror to one’s soul which is revealed by ones actions when it appears nobody is watching, because, as we are taught in Judaism and is likely taught though with a slight difference, there is always somebody watching us from on High and nothing escapes that view as our innermost thoughts to our most expressed emotions. We can also count that such observations tell whether we’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. Still, there is something else which permeates through the society at large. There is an air of optimism and hopefulness. You feel a vigor for living life and finding meanings where other places simply ignore and accept things as is. In Israel there is this striving to be better as a people and as individuals. There is also a level of acceptance which makes one more comfortable simply being themselves as all will be just fine in the end. There are more young children than we were used to in the United States. This too adds to the optimism as a society with declining populations is what is destroying Europe right before our eyes. They are dancing their last dance in Europe and if things continue as has been the scenario we in Israel will become all the more isolated and an Island of freedom and democracy in a sea of misfortune. There is still hope for Europe but only if they turn their ship of state around and rediscover what gave them the impetus to live life to the fullest and explore the world, that spark of life which made passing their ideas and ideals on to the next generation, something difficult to do when there are so few children born to the indigenous Europeans. Israel will only grow stronger as the Jews of Europe make their final decision and that plague may soon prove to be a prophesy for the United States though that need not be their future written in stone. The United States has a far better opportunity to reverse the slipping trend before the slope becomes too steep and wet for any traction and down becomes the only direction. We are both glad we have come to Israel and Israel has proven to be a wellspring of optimism and life, a future of light and enlightenment, more than a completion as it is an opportunity to grow with such splendor and a kaleidoscope of choices each colored so vividly and vibrant. It is really hope eternal or as close as we have seen on Earth. It is great to be at home, the home which was destined and a good, no, great home it is and will grow from there. Needless to say, but we do not expect the United Nations to understand as they are the people of ‘UN’ and that sums them up in total.


Beyond the Cusp


January 23, 2016

Refugee Lack of Civility Breaking the Silence


Angela Merkel and the rest of the European and Western leaders, including President Obama if his hopes for bringing hundreds of thousands if not millions of these so-called refugees to the United States unvetted, was an egg which sitting on only made the reality strike their home-front all the harder when their criminality rose to heights insuppressible. That threshold was surpassed when all-told in Germany alone there were well over a thousand women who filed police reports over sexual criminality from manhandling to rape and virtually every indiscretion and criminal act inbetween in just the first week of the new year. Now that this dirty little secret has been exposed and reporting the criminal and anti-social behavior has lost its protective labeling of being racist or worse, we can expect the police to soon be so inundated with complaints that actions, and fairly drastic action at that, will have to be implemented before a general revolt of the citizenry explodes and vigilante justice begins to me meted out by the people. The gamble that the refugees could be allowed to enter into a society for which their life experiences had not prepared them sufficiently for fitting in and that those allowed in without any certification of need or appropriate qualification of actual refugee status was an open invitation for the worst of the worst to rush in under the guise of being in dire need of saving and even remotely thankful for the generosity being given.


The initial signs that there was an obvious problem with the influx of presumed refugees was the higher than expected numbers of total refugee population and within that a far higher number and percentage of what has been termed military aged unattached males. The severe imbalance should have been the first signal that something was amiss and the hoped for relief effort was not actually providing relief for families suffering from the civil war tragedies in Syria but rather a planned invasion designed to inundate Europe with an army of disruptors whose presence would prove unmanageable and would tear apart the fabric of European life. The worst part is this first wave is just a precursor for the tsunami waiting in the deep ocean of potential refugees and planted terror functionaries and cell leaders which will come in successive waves already set-up and planned. This entire operation conceived in some back room where the deciders of the fate of millions of Europeans checked their obligations to their nation’s people aside and undertook an ill-advised plunge at the direction of those with the sole intent of bringing the next major conflagration down on Europe. What has become evident is this was a means of forcing Europe to either act in a manner which none have a stomach for, a war of civilized world against the abrasive assault of barbarism or surrender of the society to the ravages of the undeterred hooliganism. The difference is these hooligans do not settle for painting graffiti or other minor criminality, these hooligans are more the ilk of those from European history of a time of Musketeers but without any fear or gentrification even possible. These are marauders who know no limits and are not deterred or cowed by words or threat of arrest as they do not plan on being deterred, arrested or stopped anyway short of in response to overwhelming force. The measures which we now need be unleashed will in and of itself be of such a shocking level, many Europeans would rather suffer the slow long death of their civilization and culture than fight to retain them. That is the entire bet lain out before Europe and her people, do what must or surrender their fate. This is where creeping Sharia takes off the restrictions and demands Europe surrender to what the Islamic world claims is their inevitable future.



All Refugees Are Equal with Some More Equal than Others With the Men First in Line to Receive Aid While the Women are not Seen Except for Photo Shoots As the Women are Totally Dependent on their Male Provider

All Refugees Are Equal
with Some More Equal than Others
With the Men First in Line to Receive Aid
While the Women are not Seen Except for Photo Shoots
As the Women are Totally Dependent on their Male Provider



That leads us to the question, will Europe survive or simply be the next civilized society to succumb to barbarians who have breached the gates. The real sadness is that the gates were not breached but rather opened wide in a sign that the leaders have no stomach to defend the realm. Now we will witness whether the liberal progressive there is no difference between our culture and their culture can realize the truth and then actually act. Demonstrations and demands that the political class do what they are tasked to do will be of no consequence as your political class had already surrendered you and your children’s and grandchildren’s fate and future to the Islamic demand for their surrender. They have reflected and completely acquiesced to the liberal progressive mantra that there are no real rights or wrongs, all customs and rules of conduct by one group cannot be weighed as better or even more favorable than any other and there is no difference in the transformational societal ethic of European Judeo-Christian based civil rule of law society which is a full two centuries of hard-fought development which led to democratic rule, the rule of law over the rule of men, libertarian rights of the individual, respectful norms of expectations and rise from serfdom through a long, arduous and sometimes excessively violent reforms. The Islamic world had yet to have its Reformation, its Renaissance, its Revolutions taking them out of serfdom, out of authoritarian rule, out of the darkness of a class based existence where might is the only right and suppression by force the only civilizing reality. The leaders of Europe have invited in en-masse a devolutionary force which if left unchecked will return Europe to the stage where one’s right to a civil life was subject to their ability and willingness to use force to establish that right or surrender to a protector.


That takes us to delving into the reasoning which can be the sole reasoning for allowing this invasion to such an influence, shock-truth. Shock-truth can be defined as the introduction of an influence or threat so severe that people are forced to make an uncomforting choice between dire actions or complete surrender to a protective enslavement. This could be the final scream of the progressive dreamers of a society ruled by the will and influence of those more noble and knowledgeable than the commoner and who sit atop a power structure which assures them of compliant subjects who have no recourse, or at least none that they are willing to allow. The people of Europe have a simple choice to make, do they wish to return to the days of lords and ladies, kings and queens, barons and baronesses or do they desire the rule of law where all are subject voluntarily to the laws of the lands, government is of, for and by the people and society is ruled through self-control over brute force. The thing which many in western society have forgotten or possibly, with the education system so dumbed-down that history has never been taught, never known is that the polite and law abiding society in which they used to live was accomplished by a series of conflicts, demands, revolutions, and a level of self-imposed, self-control and the agreement that nothing less was ever to be expected or permitted in the societal structure. The secret to modern Western society is that the self has an investment in the society, the self is permitted certain rights which are closely linked to certain responsibilities and for these rights these responsibilities must also be observed. The majority of the people which charged through the open gates and into the most gentrified climes of Western civilization, namely Europe and potentially coming to the United States and a sizeable number already allowed into Canada, have not had their society take the intermediate steps in which the rule of men is slowly and step-by-step introduced and made the way things are done. The Western society is based on contracts between individuals and government where the people demand to be completely in control of their lives and to live respectfully with regard to one’s neighbors. Knowing that each individual cannot be permitted complete autonomy, we will use driving a vehicle as our example, thus ignoring center-line marking which restrict their movement from swerving down the road on whichever side of the marking demarking direction of travel as they please deciding their first half of their trips to drive on the right side and after noon drive on the left side. Instead we have agreed to surrender that small freedom to make driving less perilous. With the progression of time the cities grew and there were more vehicles so a new idea was discovered, roads wise enough to allow for multiple vehicles to share the road side-by-side going in the same direction in addition to the aforementioned centerline agreement. This worked kind-of well but it did increase collisions as people had no restrictions and simply stayed on their side of the centerline but otherwise used the widened road as they pleased. This led to another agreement and we surrendered the freedom of swerving on our side of the centerline to restricting ourselves to lane markers and life became that much more ordered. Then came speed limits, turn signals, seatbelts, gasoline tax and in the not too distant future once electric cars rule the roads, mileage taxes as the government is going to take their slice of your driving freedom no matter what we wish individually. If we were to gather and as a group demand there never be a mileage tax, then that as the will of the people would win out.


The new influx of people do not understand that concept and instead believe that one is to do as they please until forced to restrain themselves and as soon as those restraints are not present returning to taking all they can by individual right of force. They have not developed the limiting constraints of total freedom. Initially, when introduced to a society where self-restraint is the rule of interactions, those raised with the concept of take what you can, when you can, wherever you can and do not allow anybody to tell you different for that if they do not back their demand up with overwhelming force and you believe you are the stronger, then ignore them and rebuke them with force if they do not understand your rights over their rights. These differently civilized believe in what we call the rule of the jungle, there are predators, then, and there is prey, how they view the people of Europe. The next step is easy, as long as the predator is of sufficient strength and power they feed on the prey but if the prey possesses massively superior numbers or size on their side the predator might decide to seek lesser prey on which to feed. Simple example is even a lion will choose to take down and eat a gazelle or antelope but hesitated when facing a herd of Cape Buffalo or a bull elephant. At the other extreme a lion will not challenge or even attempt to resist giving up their kill if a troop of hundreds of baboons challenge them over who gets the prize, the kill and who goes away still hungry. The leaders of Europe have allowed in a large and extremely aggressive troop of baboons, actually a number of troops of baboons and even our appointed lions, the police, are cowed and afraid to approach and restrain the troops as they run marauding and destroying the savannah where buildings grow as grasses and European lives are being destroyed. The lions can and will protect the sheeple but only if the sheeple can become more like cape Buffalos than sheeple. Up until now the standing rule in Europe was endeavor to persevere and otherwise to ignore the “little” inconveniences of the refugees as they became more acclimated to European society and the rules of the playground. Well, surprise, surprise; these refugees, or at least a large segment of those who came with them, have decided that the entirety of the playground is their game and they are the alpha-predators and Europeans simply do not matter as they are the Dhimmi, the kafir, they are those who Allah does not protect and thus if they do not protect themselves, then Allah’s will is for them to be subjugated by the true recipients of Allah’s will. Read their societal guidebook, we know it as the Quran but for all intents and purposes their guidebook may as well be the recently republished Mein Kampf which apparently had been purchased in unprecedented numbers such that it makes one wonder who are purchasing Mein Kampf and what are their plans for utilizing it.



Cape Buffalo Giving Male Lion Their Message of No Surrender

Cape Buffalo Giving Male Lion Their Message of No Surrender



Mein Kampf, the Quran, for those who are not of the defined chosen ones have no rights, no recourse, no hope unless they find a champion who will save them. Often these champions prove to be a bigger problem and bring greater ruination in the society when the results are measured. Simply look through history and it is replete with stories of the ruination brought by saviors. The French Revolution brought disorder and mass slaughters and the French needed a savior. Enter Napoleon Bonaparte and the disorder was ordered and then came the fall of France. The Romans needed somebody to repair their aging and slowly sinking society and enter the Caesars as a god-like status and absolute ruler banishing the Senate and any pretenses and Rome’s fate was thus sealed. The Czars had become too demanding and the Russian economy was negligent if not completely absent so they needed a savior. They attempted a form of democracy which was not given the necessary time and enter Lenin with “The Plan” and we know where that led for millions and millions of people and the ramifications’ ripples are still bouncing within the walls of Russia. Sure there have been saviors whose plan appears to have worked, the Founding Fathers of the United States, but they were a committee of as unlikely saviors as one could imagine, a group of gentrified aristocrats intent on forming a government of the people, of the masses for they know that the people as a whole have more ability to rule themselves given the correct tools.



Quran and Mein Kampf

Quran and Mein Kampf



But even the “Great Experiment in self-rule” which was, and for the time being still is, the United States still survives though many of its basic principles have been and are under assaulted and when any one branch of their governance breaks, the end will be in sight even if the visibility is clouded by the smoke and mirrors which will be used. There will come those who offer the promises of great changes and deepest hopes though both will be undefined, and in that lack of clarity lays the greatest lie of them all, the lies we tell ourselves that everything is fine, there is no threat, no problem, no reason to get all flustered and heated over, it will work itself out. Will it this time? Is this imported and continuing importation of this other which is not us, does not understand us, does not assimilate and become another part of us, will we prevail or will this be the blow that takes the timbers out from beneath us? These are your question Europe and as you decide, so likely will the rest of the Western World and the few who hold out will either be the sole hope for the future or eventually sink into the mire as it is being permitted to subsume all we hold dear, whether we know what it is or where we are guaranteed such. There is no surrender so pitiful as the one given without a fight for that is the voluntary subjugation. Is that the point that the Western World has sunk. Perhaps the only way to end this editorial, this excuse for commentary is to quote a giant amongst men who was treasured and reviled by his peers but he will always be respected no matter one’s loving embrace of his council or hateful spite begrudging him any credit he may be due, Samuel Adams will forever be the patriot for it was he who laid out so clearly the choice of his time, and it has now come to be our choice in our time. We know here where our feet will make that final stand when this is the time of decision. Samuel Adams explained it as such,



“If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”


Beyond the Cusp


December 25, 2015

Red Flags Facing Israel in Every Direction


With Mahmoud Abbas one week threatening to quit and hand Netanyahu the keys and the next week announcing that the Palestinian Authority (PA) will be issuing Palestine Passports in six months, what is Israel to expect and react without appearing ridiculous? Perhaps that is the entire objective of Abbas’s schizophrenic actions. Then there is the situation with the European Union with their two pronged assault on Israel, one economic and the other territorial. The economic assault has been prevalent in the news with their vote demanding separate labeling of all products coming from east of the Green Line. This will next morph into a demand that any product with X percent, eventually becoming any amount even having a single item from east of the Green Line. The inevitable end result will be a complete embargo of all Israeli goods as a precaution of any part having come from the ‘Zone Which Must be Free of all Jews’ as the Great and Powerful European Union has so decreed.


The territorial assault has even been ruled illegal by courts but when you are ‘The Great and Powerful European Union’ such trivialities hold no power over their edicts of what must be as they said so. This territorial assault has been the European Union’s building of Arabs from within the PA areas homes and other structures and land from within Area C which the Oslo Accords reserved to be completely under Israeli control. The Oslo Accords stipulated three zones which the parties agreed to their stipulations. Area A was given to complete PA control, both security and administrative; Area B was given to joint security jurisdiction with PA having administrative control and Area C under complete security and administrative control. The intent of the Oslo Accords was for Area A to result as an Arab state, Area C was to be annexed into Israel upon settlement and Area B was to be negotiated between the two parties, the PA and Israel. The whole idea of the Green Line which was actually the armistice line drawn when the combined seven Arab nations’ armies were unsuccessful in their efforts to completely eradicate the nascent Jewish State during the hostilities during 1948 and 1949. During this war which Israel euphemistically calls its War of Independence, the war was initiated by the aforementioned Arab armies which were perched on the Israeli borders, the current borders with Lebanon and Egypt, all of the Gaza Strip, and along the eastern shores of the Jordan River as these were the determined borders from the British Mandate and reconfirmed by the United Nations. The so-called occupied territories or disputed territories were according to all treaties including those signed by the Arab League by King Farouk recognizing the Jordan River as the legal and internationally recognized eastern border of Israel. So that raises the question of exactly who is occupying whose lands?


Should there be any moves by the PA to declare a state in any parts of Judea and Samaria, the actual given name throughout history of the so-called West Bank, other than in Area A, and especially and expressly in Area C, that would be tantamount to a declaration of war as that would entail taking lands which are considered to still be contested. This was what their rioting and forced occupying of almost all of Hevron as well as every desecration of Jewish holy sites and structures such as the ancient synagogues which they claim will destroy the al-Aksa Mosque despite there being miles from the Temple Mount and some not even located within Jerusalem. These accusations of Israeli or Jewish attempts or even intentions to destroy Islamic holy sites is one of the best and most egregious examples of projection as this has been their modus operandi exampled by their numerous desecrations of Kever Yoseph (Joseph’s Tomb) and destructive excavations on the Temple Mount destroying antiquities from the last three thousand plus years of Jewish artifacts. This has been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt by the finds made in Operation Sifting which is an attempt to salvage even the smallest of antiquities out of the rubble piles where the crushed remains dug from beneath the Temple Mount by PA excavations.


Then there are the constant terror attacks which are either not given any coverage by the world’s media or is given such a slanted and misleading coverage as to be beyond credulity. An example comes from a stabbing attack near the Old City’s Yafo Gate from yesterday where the Arab attackers murdered one Israeli, severely injured a second Israeli and one Israeli was accidently shot and killed when Border Police officers were attempting to end the attack in which one of the attackers was killed and the other injured and taken into custody. The coverage was so slanted that Israeli officials have felt it necessary to register complaints over the network slanting of the news. CNN reported the attack reporting there were four dead without differentiating between attackers and victims with a banner stating “four dead in violent stabbing at Jaffa Gate” but CBS was not to be outdone in this false implications when their screen titles with two strangely amorphous or simply misleading as with the initial title. CBS began coverage with the title “2 Palestinians killed after stabbing attack in Jerusalem” and later changed to read “2 Israelis dead after stabbing attack in Jerusalem; 2 Palestinian Assailants Killed” which was slightly less ambiguous or misleading but there is no excusing the initial reporting title. These are far from the first of the litany of misleading titles and reports with one of the more famous the Jerusalem reporter on a split screen reporting that the Arab ‘Palestinian’ shot dead was running unarmed and definitely did not have a knife which he reported repeatedly even after being told that the video was in the split screen and it showed the Arab charging baring a knife over his head in his raised hand and still the on the scene reporter refused to change his slanted reporting. This was so telling of who and how reports from Israel and especially reports from areas where terrorism is a definite threat and the average Western, especially European, reporters feed their feelings of trepidation hiring local reporters willing to report from these ‘dangerous’ locations which more often than not are Arabs and too often they have a slanted view which taints their reports. This sits just fine as the reporters themselves find such reporting believable and in tune with their line of reporting, thus much of Europe and the world, especially those relying on the BBC, AFP, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and even at times and becoming more prevalent with FOX, are receiving slanted news on which they then base their feeling on the conflicts in Israel. They are all guilty of slanted reporting which is far more often than not against Israel and supporting the ‘under dogs’ Arabs despite their being supported by the entirety of the Arab world, much of the Muslim world, and by many from Europe and other Western nations and solidly by the European Union. Even the leftist media in Israel is just as guilty as any in the international arena.



Slanted and Biased News Headline Ignoring the Jewish Israeli Victims Appearing to Claim the Palestinians Were Killed Randomly and Not Because of Their Stabbing Terror Attack on Israelis Near the Jaffa Gate And the Revised Presumably More Realistic Title

Slanted and Biased News Headline
Ignoring the Jewish Israeli Victims
Appearing to Claim the Palestinians
Were Killed Randomly and Not Because
of Their Stabbing Terror Attack on
Israelis Near the Jaffa Gate
And the Revised Presumably
More Realistic Title Below

Slanted and Biased News Headline Ignoring the Jewish Israeli Victims Appearing to Claim the Palestinians Were Killed Randomly and Not Because of Their Stabbing Terror Attack on Israelis Near the Jaffa Gate And the Revised Presumably More Realistic Title II


Since the Duma arson attack and the following detention and rumored mistreatment of even some minors in efforts to force confessions and fortunately there will be a trial which will hopefully bring into public review exactly what techniques were used to gain any confessions or not get a confession from many who still might be called to attest to the methods used. If the rumors which have circulated turn out to be true, then waterboarding would have been hazing compared to the techniques used here which came closer to the methods of Tomás de Torquemada. Where we would prefer to keep my faith and belief that the state is honorable and would not act in any way dishonorably which is something the recent reviews by a select board of former and active commanders and select officers who are responsible for similar review of troops in combat who reviewed the past war in Gaza which presented a report which lauded the IDF actions and gave special note to the review internal to the IDF and their review procedures in cases of accusations or internal reporting of misuse of power or other abuses. We will need to wait and see what develops but an open and transparent review would go a long way to belay our doubts and fears.


There is one thing that we feel great embarrassment and sorrow when we hear about acts of violence by fellow Jews against other Jews especially as well as when such violence is directed at Arabs who are innocent of any aggressions against Jews as such actions work against any possibility of settling our differences peaceably. If it proves out that Jews were behind the Duma arson attack which murdered an entire family, we support the prosecution to the highest charges and highest sentencing upon a conviction for each offender. Equally important, if it proves that no Jews were found to be guilty and that evidence points elsewhere that Israel not permit the PA to whitewash an investigation and do whatever is within their abilities to find and bring the actual perpetrators to justice just as they would prosecute any Jew responsible for such a horrendous crime. Any crime of such viciousness must be researched and investigated to the utmost depth and chase down every potential lead until every last detail is known and all involved are persecuted. There is no reason for murdering an infant and an entire family no matter what the reasons and those involved must be brought to justice. The same needs to go for these terrorists who have been attacking Israelis need to be brought to justice and made to serve their entire term ending these releases just to have Abbas and friends kick us in the face for yielding to his demands. We, meaning all of Israel are fed up with the world always demanding Israel make concessions until we have no concessions left, period. How about instead of asking Abbas for some promise he never plans to keep or honor, we simply demand that he state explicitly exactly what terms would he be willing to accept for an end to all hostilities and borders such solution would demand to satisfy all the Arab demands.


Perhaps having Abbas advertise exactly what terms would be acceptable to him would finally present the real reason there has been no peace and there can never be peace as long as Abbas or any of his minions are involved with the peace process as they refuse the process and demand all or nothing. It is time they were told either they compromise or they will receive nothing and be removed from power along with all the rest of the people behind thus intransigence allowing calmer and more reasoned and rational minds to come to the fore who can reach a compromise. If they also prove unable to make peace, they too can face the same answer as above and continue the willowing until somebody is found willing to reach a fair peace. The only solution to the Arab Israeli situation will require honesty from the Arabs, their speaking honestly, and finally the settlement of the Arab Israeli conflict which will require a desire from the Arabs and reasonable demands from the Arabs otherwise Israel will be left with little choice but to reclaim all the presumably contested lands which were recognized at the time of her birth with her eastern border being the Jordan River and not the Armistice lines reached with the Arab world after the six plus national armed forces stood ready to do battle the morning of her independence where Israel managed to survive losing much of Judea and all of Samaria to Jordan who occupied these lands from May 1948 through June 1967 when Israel regained these lost lands and has been attempting to manage a peace treaty with the Arabs who remain intransigent, refusing to compromise on their maximalist demands. Until the Arabs compromise, they should be made to lose land and eventually their continuing to refuse to compromise from their demand to replace Israel choosing to fund a terrorist state over a normative functioning state, then they will destroy any hope of there having a functioning state, there will only be the functioning state of Israel.


Beyond the Cusp


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